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A real Microsoft Surface Phone in working order for the first time in images. Why Microsoft Surface Phone is Doomed to Fail New Microsoft Surface Phone

Microsoft is currently working on more than just its own operating systems. She also has one rather interesting goal - the production of interesting mobile phones... And one of these products is Surface Phone, the release of which is periodically postponed.

For the second year in a row, Microsoft has been postponing the release of the phone. There can be many reasons for this:

  • Difficulties in implementing the concept;
  • The company's desire to release a sufficiently high-quality product;
  • The constant desire to give the smartphone optimal performance.

As a result, it turns out that users who have heard about the work on this device are constantly looking for news and the date of its release and are looking with interest at all the new renders of this smartphone, which periodically leak to the Web.

Estimated release date: first quarter of 2020. This is the world, and it is possible that the model will not appear in Russia at the same time. Most likely, the first model in the line will appear only in the USA, and in a few months, in the rest of the world. The possible date for the appearance of the model on sale in Russia is mid to late 2020.

This deadline is not official, and may be postponed once again due to the development features that we encountered earlier.

Microsoft Surface Phone - OS and Specifications

It is difficult to say what exactly the model will be equipped with, the output of which is still in question. We have collected basic information from foreign forums, which is likely to be as close to the truth as possible, but it is possible that there will be significant changes.

One of the key points, which is also considered quite controversial, is that this device will definitely work under control mobile version Windows. As you know, the share of this OS in the relevant market does not exceed one percent. This suggests that user confidence in this system is extremely low. Nevertheless, the developers hope that just such a device will show the whole world what they are capable of. operating system... They didn't even bother to turn to outside organizations for help. And even to some extent reduced the production of the famous Lumia.

If you try to compare this smartphone with other devices of this kind, then a sensational one may come to mind. Google pixel... But before the development of the device under consideration, running a mobile "Windows", the most advanced version was the HP Elite X3.

Microsoft Surface Phone at some point was planned to be released in two variations, which at the same time will be based on one processor. This is a pretty powerful Snapdragon 835. The differences will be in the use of different capacities random access memory... We are talking about 4 and 6 GB, respectively. It is possible that by the time the phone is released, the generation will change, and the model will no longer receive an 835 processor, but its replacement.

As for the operating system, it will be mobile windows tenth version. In both cases, we mean a 64-bit OS, but a more powerful device will be complemented by an x86 emulator called Cobalt.

As explained, such a solution will allow you to work with desktop applications that can connect the device to monitors and TVs. Talking about more powerful smartphone, then it may well be attributed to an almost full-fledged PC.

We are looking forward to the new smartphone from Microsoft. Hopefully, the Microsoft Surface Phone release date scheduled for early 2020 will not be pushed back again. And for those who cannot wait so long and focus on an unknown and inaccurate release date, we recommend.

Share with us in the comments why you are waiting for this phone and when you think it will be on sale.

A fresh product from Microsoft - the Surface Phone smartphone - will revolutionize all ideas about the capabilities of a mobile device in 2017.

In the seventeenth year, a new revolution awaits us, about which all the Bolshevik owners have been talking for so long. mobile devices... The instigator of historical events this time will be Microsoft Corporation, which is going to present a truly revolutionary product - the Surface Phone smartphone.

Surface Phone news: Microsoft's ultimatum

In an environment where Android cannot, and iOS does not want to surprise users, Surface Phone is showing a willingness to disrupt the mobile market. After all, Microsoft has prepared a virtually new type of device - a business smartphone with capabilities personal computer or laptop.

According to information from a number of insiders, Surface Phone will be taught to work with x86 applications, thereby eliminating the fine line between a mobile gadget and a personal computer. Simply put, Surface Phone will run the same programs as any laptop or system unit on Windows 10.

Surface Phone: specifications and forecasts for hardware

The computing power of the revolutionary smartphone will be provided by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, backed up by 6 GB of RAM. The amount of internal data storage is rumored to reach 512 GB. Earlier it was reported that the Microsoft smartphone will have one of Intel processors however, this company decided to leave the mobile chip market.

In addition, this device will have a 5.5-inch Quad HD display that will take up the entire face of the smartphone. In any case, Microsoft has already received a patent for the fingerprint scanner built into the AMOLED screen.

Surface Phone release date: when to wait?

Analysts cite April 2017 as the most likely release date for the Surface Phone. It is by this month that the new operating theater will be ready. Windows system 10 Mobile Redstone 3.

The most likely manufacturer of the Surface Phone will most likely be Pegatron, which, according to insiders from the Commercial Times, has begun a test assembly of the first copies of the revolutionary smartphone.

In 2017, “ ultimate mobile device"As he calls it Microsoft. General manager software corporation Satya Nadella does not get tired of repeating - yes, they really missed the "smartphone boom" and did not catch this train among the first. But this fact will not prevent them from creating something unique and in demand for the phone market.

Here's how Satya Nadella sees the situation:

“We will continue to be loyal to the smartphone market by focusing on specific customers who need an unusual set of capabilities - this is where we can do well.”

Microsoft is under great pressure from competitors in the face of Apple and Google... Modest positions mobile platform Windows 10 Mobile, closing the ruler Lumia and the end of partnership with Nokia make her act very carefully.

Surface Phone is Microsoft's only hope that has no room for error.

Microsoft hopes to succeed like the line of tablets and computers Surface Pro and Surface Book... They are an eyesore Apple its excellent performance and innovative capabilities. Will have Surface Phone a similar chance to conquer the world?

In short, what is a Surface Phone?

2. Surface Phone Features based on rumors:

5.7-inch display,

Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Chipset,

Multiple memory configurations,

Improved beyond recognition Windows 10 Mobile.

3. Microsoft Surface Phone release date approximately in the first half of 2017.

4. Surface Phone Price remains a major mystery, but it is assumed:

699 dollars (40,000 rubles) for the younger version;

1,099 dollars (65,000 rubles) for the top model.

5. It will be a smartphone, unlike the others.

What exactly is known about when the Surface Phone comes out?

The first country of sale is the USA. Further, the scheme is similar to tablets and laptops of the line Surface... As soon as the cost threshold for Western countries is named, so you can immediately begin to judge the price. Surface Phone in Russia, and the timing of its appearance in other regions of localization.

So far, no one knows for sure the release date of the Surface Phone.

It is quite possible that the developers themselves will not answer this question. But Microsoft back in January 2016 registered Domain name by starting the commercial preparation process.

In early March, there were rumors that the release date Surface Phone will never take place at all - just another unsubstantiated thought of skeptics.

Why then Microsoft spent on a crazy launch function Win32-applications in a smartphone environment Windows 10 Mobile? And to publicly promise some kind of "ultimatum mobile device" for the phone market?

Obviously, in the next couple of months, we will find out Surface Phone release date firsthand.

What's new in Surface Phone?

According to one Microsoft report Surface Phone will have three versions:

1. Consumer(Surface Phone Consumer Edition) with a low price tag for the masses;

2. Business(Surface Phone Business Edition) replaces BlackBerry;

3. For enthusiasts(Surface Phone Enthusiast Edition) to compete with Apple iPhone 8 / 7S and Samsung Galaxy S8.

Their main difference is in hardware characteristics, a set of memory (from 3 to 8 GB of RAM and from 32 to 512 GB of ROM) and modular equipment (in the older model, for example, dual camera).

All Surface Phones have:

Sophisticated futuristic design, like the notebooks of the same name series;

Metallic inclusions in the finish of the case;

5.7-inch high-resolution display;

Top 10nm Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset.

Experts are confident that in 2017 Microsoft will begin to use the long-patented 3-position hinge technology. For example, in a mobile keyboard for a smartphone. It is likely that Surface Phone there will be "covers" or even docking stations, like tablets Surface.

Surface Phone will have a special Windows 10 Mobile

During the update Windows 10 for smartphones it became possible to run Win32-applications. UWP-the concept goes as far as Android and iOS did not even dream.

Of course, everyone is already accustomed to using ARM-programs and games. But have Microsoft there are plans to create a whole class of devices called "ultra mobile PC" ( Ultramobile PC). Surface Phone will present us with an improved beyond recognition Windows 10 Mobile, which will practically be in no way inferior to the desktop version.

Surface Phone is a phone from the future, Microsoft is confident. It remains only to wait for him.

Microsoft's device is rumored to be teetering on the edge. In fact, all indications are that the Redmond-based company's smartphone ambitions will end in painful failure.

Any hope of resurgence and diversity in the polarized Android-iOS environment could perish with a veiled phone that probably won't be out until next year, if at all.

However, there is always hope, and in accordance with recently published patents, Microsoft has turned its attention to smartphone displays with built-in fingerprint scanners.

What is the idea?

Most of these scanners are installed in the home buttons under the display or on back cover under the camera. Microsoft's idea of ​​embedding scanners in LCD and OLED displays will help save space and allow for thinner designs, but this can have an impact on price.

According to a patent filed with WIPO, the system consists of a waveguide and a filter, which are placed under glass. By pressing the display a sensor on the glass can detect various patterns.

Patented idea although very promising, it actually differs from the final product. Large companies they like to collect patents just in case - often with little or no use intent.

You've already heard of several different variants of the new Surface, with a high-end uninstalled Snapdragon chip and plenty of RAM. But the years go by, and no release dates have yet been announced, so it may well be that SP will never see the light of day. The prospects are rather illusory, but one cannot but pay attention to the display with a built-in sensor.

V this moment the mobile device market does not have a wide variety of operating systems. This is the well-known Android, which differs only in proprietary shells from some manufacturers, and the "apple" operating system iOS. At one time, Microsoft tried to promote devices based on the mobile version of Windows, but then this initiative did not end well. But Microsoft did not completely abandon the idea and soon there were rumors about a new device on Windows based 10 with lots of cool stuff - Surface Phone. And the other day the date of the presentation of the long-awaited smartphone became known.

Exclusive information about the upcoming Surface Phone was shared by Thurrot, citing its own sources that were not disclosed. According to the information, several codenames associated with the Surface Phone are in circulation within Microsoft at once: Libra, Carmel and Andromeda. The operating system of the novelty will really be optimized and brought to mind. Windows version 10. This version is called Andromeda, although it is possible that only temporarily. But the operating system will be far from key feature Surface Phone.

Microsoft developers are experimenting with appearance a mobile device to offer the public more than a non-standard aspect ratio and unusually positioned cameras. And the corporation is going to rely on a foldable screen that allows you to turn the device into a kind of mini-computer. To further emphasize this feature, Microsoft developers will give the ability to connect Surface Phone directly to the monitor, blurring the line between a mini-computer and a full-fledged computer.

As for the release date, the official presentation of the Surface Phone will not take place any time soon. If you believe the data obtained by Thurrot, then this is the end of next year - November or December 2019. Soon after the presentation, sales of new items will start. Naturally, the Surface Phone will not be among the budget and affordable mobile devices, and its price will easily exceed the $ 1000 mark.

As a result, despite the rumors circulating on the network about the cancellation of the Surface Phone production, Microsoft intends to bring its project to the end. And in a little more than a year, a new one will appear on the mobile device market, capable of performing the role of both a self-sufficient smartphone and a personal computer. It is worth noting that not only Microsoft is engaged in the development of devices with a foldable screen, at least two more companies are working in the same direction - Samsung and Apple. And it is possible that we will see a different implementation of Microsoft's concept much earlier, but from a different manufacturer.