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Charging the phone from one battery. Charging a mobile phone from finger batteries

Unfortunately, even modern technologies Do not allow you to "save life" your favorite gadget without recharging for too long, so it is important to treat the battery carefully. To do this, you need to know how to properly charge the battery immediately after purchasing the device, as well as during its operation.

How to charge a new phone correctly?

The question of how to charge a new mobile phone correctly, worries very many smartphone owners. But not everyone knows that the way of charging the phone and the need for "acceleration" of the battery depends on the battery itself. To date, three of them are used:

Lithium-ion and lithium polymer

Such batteries are the most common in modern devices. This is due to the simplicity of their use, as well as greater energy efficiency. They do not require full discharge and charging at the beginning of operation, but still some rules in their use must be followed by:

  • When buying a new phone with lithium battery No need to immediately connect it to the network. It is worth waiting until the battery level decreases to 10-12% and only then connect it into the outlet.
  • Such a cycle must be repeated 2-3 times.

As a rule, the charge indicator after 2-3 hours will show that the phone is charged 100%, but it is not. In fact, the battery charged only 70-80%, so the phone should be left in a rosette for another couple of hours.

Nickel-metal hydride

Nickel-metal hydride battery meet today quite rarely. If you have become the owner of a smartphone with such a battery, remember that it requires a more neat and careful attitude towards himself. You can highlight 3 basic rules for their operation:

  • Do not overheat.
  • Do not recharge.
  • Do not overgrow.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries, in contrast to lithium, must be "to drive" after purchasing the device. For this, there will be enough 3-4 cycles of complete charge and discharge. It is worth remembering that the charging process before the indicator shows 100%, it is better not to interrupt. This can reduce the effectiveness of the operation of the AKB and its energy container.

How to charge the phone in the process of its operation?

So, the first bar of the battery is already passed, and you go to the operating mode of operation of your smartphone. What the rules for his charging exist on this stage? Consider them further:

  • Regularly recharge the device. Studies have shown that AKB, which regularly discharges more than half, begins to lose its energy efficiency after 1500 charging cycles, with a discharge indicator of 25% after 2400 cycles. So try to recharge your phone as often as possible. Most effectively keep its charges ranging from 60% and higher.
  • Once a month spend a discharge-charging by 100%. It would seem that such a procedure can be transferred to the above-described rules. In fact, it is not carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the battery, and in order to calibrate the charge indicator. As the phone is used, it can give some errors and withdraw unreliable information. After complete charge-discharge, this problem is eliminated.
  • Try to eliminate the overheating of the phone. A large number of running "complex" applications, direct exposure to high temperatures, etc. - All this negatively affects the performance of the battery. The various covers made of foamed materials are perfectly saved from overheating. Also watch quantity open applications And do not leave the device in the sun.

On the rules charging Li-Ion Battery You will also recognize from the following video:

As it would be careful, you did not relate to the phone, its battery will eventually lose its effectiveness, therefore it is recommended to replace it with a periodicity in 1-2 years.

Current parameters for charging mobile battery

Any USB connectors are designed to transmit current with a voltage of 5 volts, so they can be connected to any devices via USB cable without any concerns. The second, but more important question is the current of the current that the charging unit provides. It is measured in amperes and the charge rate depends on this indicator. Standard charging blocks Usually configured to provide the necessary current strength at which the battery refilling will occur most efficiently.

In order for this question more clear, consider a small example. As a rule, the required current for the tablets on the Android system is 2a, for smartphones - 1a. If you connect the leptop to charging from the phone, it will be charged slower than with the native block. In the case of a smartphone, on the contrary, the charging speed will increasingly increase. At the same time, this does not affect the quality of work of the battery.

If we talk about charging the phone from a laptop, then here also has its own features. As a rule, the standard USB-nest is calculated for the current in 0.5a, despite the fact that even the most simple smartphones Today requires from 0.8a. It will not affect the accumulator negatively, but the charging will occur much slower.

Myths about charging phones

Among users is everyday great amount various myths and statements that are not always true and effective. Consider the most basic errors that meet today:

  • Any battery requires several discharge cycles charging. In fact, it is not true. As mentioned above, almost every modern gadget or mobile device are installed lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries. They do not depend on the cyclicalness of charging-discharge.
  • It is impossible to leave the device connected to the network for a long time.. This myth is truthful only in part. Most devices are equipped with special controllers that do not allow "Recharge" AKB, but some do not have similar functions.
  • Installation special applications able to extend battery life. In fact, the overwhelming majority third-party applicationswhich are installed by users do not have any influence on the quality of the operation of the AKB, and even more so - its duration. Increase the "survival" of the gadget can only be pre-installed - decreased brightness, shutdown mobile Internet, inclusion of the energy savings mode.

In more detail about the myths associated with charging batteries, you can see in the video:

Batteries of modern mobile phones are not so demanding, as before, but still need special care and maintenance. With the fact that the resource of their work is already relatively short, without adhering to the above-described rules, you can reduce it even more. Therefore, carefully treat the battery, and it will last you longer.

In contact with

People spent a lot of time on trips, or for other reasons forced to use a lot of communication devices, without having the ability to charge the phone battery as often as they need it, forced to look for outputs from such a situation. Many find a solution to the problem in carrying several telephone batteries with them (we are not talking about smartphones C). But all of them sooner or later are discharged and they will become useless. To charge each separately inside the gadget requires too much time, it would be much more convenient to feed one battery while the second is charging. In this regard, the question arises - how to charge the phone battery without a phone? You can make a device with your own hands, and you can buy a special device in the store for relatively small money. If a smartphone battery, a tablet is not very sorry, and the gadget is urgently needed, there are techno-handed ways to quickly charge the battery.

Box with batteries

Charge the phone battery is directly possible, by building some similarity of the currently popular charge storage for gadgets - (this is, by the way, the optimal way,).

For this, a special box is taken for installing batteries that are interconnected and have conclusions of contacts outside with wiring - it can be obtained on the radio wares or in electronics stores, it is possible that it lies somewhere in the house. There are several ordinary finger batteries there. You can display contacts and directly connect them to the battery of the phone, watching the polarity, or roll to the hole to output the connector and charge the mobile phone itself.

Using charging

How to charge the phone battery separately from it directly from charging?

Make from any old device for powering gadgets Universal device for powering AKB:

  1. Find some ripped charger in the house.
  2. Cut the connector inserting into the socket, carefully barish wires. Usually they are blue and red. Blue carries charge with a "minus" sign, and red, respectively, "plus".
  3. The metal ends of the wires are connected to the phone with a phone battery, ensuring that the polarity of contacts coincides - they must be signed on the battery, consolidate the connection with a tape or tape.
  4. Wait for about an hour until the battery is charging, then it can be inserted into the gadget and use it.

How else to check the polarity of wiring?

Some wiring charging may not have these standard colors, but some others. In this situation, it also needs to somehow define where what sign. Make it very simple. It will take only a glass with water, in which you need to dissolve a little ordinary cook salt.

  1. The bare ends of the wires must be omitted into this glass.
  2. Connect the device to the network (the main thing is not to touch the water and the wires themselves, otherwise you can get a blow to the current).
  3. To trace, about which wire water began to burst and bubble. He is negative.

Charging of metal pieces

It happens that at least a slightly charged phone battery is required somewhere in nature, where there are no old charging, no other similar devices. Is it possible to charge acb in such a situation? Quite if you find more metal objects - pipes, corners and them like.

  1. Take the found objects and stick vertically to the ground.
  2. Wire wrap, preferably from copper.
  3. The tips of this wire will derive as wires, and connect to the battery.
  4. Pour the metal part of the alkaline liquid design, which is needed as an electrolyte. As alkali, you can use salts or soda solutions, some chemical means, if it is known that alkaline compounds are included in their composition. The more metal will be in the construction, the stronger the current.

In order for the battery, at least a call, you can wind up its contact with a thin transparent tape or another sticky tape. When returning to place it will give a charge for a couple of minutes of work.


At a higher temperature, reactions begins to occur, which occur when the battery is charging. Therefore, you can try so to fill the small part of the charge - to attach an item to something hot or just a few minutes to lose your hands.


The most risky way, which in almost all cases leads to a further malfunction of the AKB, many have seen as a child. Some biting finger batteries so that they earn. Here the principle is the same. If you slightly throw a battery about a stone or to beat some other solid object, a small charge is accumulated, which is enough for a couple of rapid actions or short conversations.

Homemade wireless charger

To make it, you will need:

  • thin, not more than half a millimeter in diameter, metallic (ideally - copper) wire;
  • diode;
  • some knowledge in the field of physics.

What then:

  1. Make a flat coil of three dozen turns of wire.
  2. Secure it with a tape or special adhesive on the telephone battery.
  3. Take a diode and connect through it the batteries with a spiral.

Use ready-made adaptation

Of course, manufacturers of accessories for gadgets did not remain aside and took care of fans to feed the batteries separately from the technique. For such cases, there is a charging for the battery of the phone or tablet that feeds it directly, which is called in common due to the characteristic form.

It is quite simple to use it:

  1. Disable the device and remove the battery.
  2. Determine where a positive charge is on the contacts, and where is negative.
  3. Press on the edge of the frog covers to open it.
  4. Inside the device there are two terminals that have been signed polarity.
  5. Put the battery with contacts to the terminals so that the "pluses" and "minuses" coincide.
  6. Close the lid that automatically fix the position of the battery.
  7. Connect the device to the network and check whether the red light caught fire. If this did not happen, the battery was placed incorrectly, and it is necessary to correct its position.
  8. When everything is connected correctly, it remains to quit until the red color of the indicator is replaced by green - this means that the battery is charged, and the "frog" disabled the power.

There are many ways to charge a battery from any gadget, but it's better to be more prudent and have something with you, which will ensure safely fill the charge, and not to resort to extreme ways or only in emergency situations.

For mobile phone, starting with charging from the crown, ending with the voltage converter and mechanical generators. In the field, when there is no socket there, the phone can be charged with appropriate ways. Everyone even in emergency situations will have finger batteries. Today we will look at this method of charging, or rather charge the mobile phone from 4 finger batteries.

Batteries are better to use with a large capacity (Dusel, etc.), and it is best to use finger batteries with a voltage of 1.3 volts each.

Next, you need all 4 batteries to connect in a sequential way. As a result, we will have a working voltage of 5.8-6 volts. Next, you need a resistor for 2 ohms and a semiconductor diode, it is for insurance. The diode is suitable for a literally any rectifier, but a diode and a resistor can be excluded from the scheme, everything will work fine and without them. Then the voltage source (block from the batteries) connect, respectively, to the plus and minus the plug for charging your mobile phone and everything is ready! Total 4 batteries, what could be easier? Cassette for them can be purchased ready, for only $ 1.

When using finger batteries with a capacity of 1000 mA / hour, the charger charges your phone within 40 minutes, when using ordinary<<угольных>\u003e Batteries, the phone will be charged no more than 15 minutes.

Batteries are also convenient because they can be charged. The device can be placed in any comfortable housing, add the socket to charge the backup source and in a good way.

A high-quality charger for a battery car, on the market can be purchased for $ 50, and today I will tell the easiest way to manufacture such charger With minimal expenses moneyIt is simple and making even a novice radio amateur.

Lithium-ion batteries are used in modern mobile phones and smartphones, they are distinguished by increased capacity and high reliability, although energy consumption has recently increased significantly. This led to the fact that now it is necessary to charge the device even more often than before, and those who do not have for this time you have to acquire the second battery. While one uses, the second is in charge. Also learn the phone battery charging methods without a phone worthwhile, who has a broken socket or the phone simply does not turn on and why it is not clear.


Is it possible to charge the phone battery without a phone

Charge two or more batteries in turn after the same telephone Uncomfortable and not always have time and opportunity. Moreover, the frequent opening-closing of the device cover can lead to a breakdown of its clamps, as a result - it just stops holding over with time, and the battery will fall out.

It is more convenient to charge additional batteries separately from the phone while the main is used for its intended purpose. And it is quite possible. Make it can be done different ways. Among them, there is both a special device and handicraft methods, from more advanced to completely primitive opportunities to extend the life of the battery even a little bit.

Important! If charging additional batteries It is required regularly, it makes sense to acquire a special device. It is reliable and durable. Home methods are better to use only in emergency situations, because their use is always associated with a degree of risk.

The main thing is that your phone or smartphone would have a removable battery.

What you need to consider with a direct phone battery charging

Before using the battery charging methods separately from mobile device, you need to consider the following:

  1. The full charge of the battery can provide only a special charger, home methods in most cases will only be able to partially correct the situation.
  2. Using home methods, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the voltage, the power of the current and the resistance - with deficiency of the parameters, the battery will not be charged at all, and when redundancy, it may fail.
  3. During charging, you need to closely follow the status of the battery - if it is too heated, the process must be stopped.
  4. You should also control the current parameters using a multimer during charging.
  5. Incorrect steps during domestic ways to restore charge can lead to battery output.

Therefore, it is worth risking to those who at least able to use the multi-meter, understands what the tension means, and can distinguish positive contacts from negative.

Phone battery charging methods without phone

The most acceptable ways to charge the battery is to use universal memory, connect directly through the adapter, as well as from several ordinary or batteries.

Universal charging frog

From a universal zoom (frogs)

Universal memory, in commoner, called the "frog" due to the specific external view, Sold in various electronics stores, is used for a separate charging of acb telephones, tablets, cameras and other removable non-overall batteries. This is a convenient device for those who need to constantly.

The procedure for use:

  1. Turn off the phone and remove the battery.
  2. Find out what kind of contact is positive, and what a negative one. They are usually signed, but if not - it is possible to do this using a multimer.
  3. Open the universal charger cover. There are two terminals with a signed polarity inside it.
  4. Insert the battery in the "frog", push the "sliders" with terminals so that they coincide with the contacts of the battery. Plus - to the plus, minus - to minus.
  5. Close the cover that securely fix the battery.
  6. Turn on the device to the network. A red light should light up. If not, it means that the battery is delivered incorrectly.
  7. When the red light is replaced by green, it means that the battery is fully charged and you can get it.

The advantages of the "frog" is that it is reliable and absolutely safe. If you insert the battery is wrong, it will simply be charged, and will not fail.

Directly using the adapter

There are two options here. For the first you will need an unnecessary adapter with suitable parameters. It needs to cut off the plug and clean the wires. Using a multimer to determine polarity and connect directly to battery contacts.

The optimal will be the adapter of 5 volts, 2 amps. If the suitable was not found, you can apply the device to 9-20 volts and 4-5 amps - for example, from a laptop. But here the direct connection is fraught with the fact that the battery fails. To avoid this, it is required to insert the wires in the plus resistor of the desired resistance. The second option is suitable if the adapter is used and needed as a whole, then you will need a thin wire and tape, as well as know where the adapter plus plus, and where is minus. The first is inside the plug hole, the second is outside. Therefore, it is necessary to insert wiring with shrinkable ends accordingly and secure them with a tape or tape, and then connect to the battery contacts.

Important! The battery has a controller - a board with a control microcircuit that controls the charging process. She is not allowed reloading and not allowing the battery more than 5 volts even if the memory sends 6 or more volts. However, if the battery is strongly heated or something else will go wrong, the device should be disabled and check all the parameters again.

From finger batteries or batteries

The battery can be charged using ordinary or batteries. It will take a special device where they are inserted four pieces having conclusions. Batteries are needed by a capacity of at least 1.5 volts.
You should insert into the design of the battery, and its conclusions are connected to the contacts of the battery of the phone, observing the pole. The success of charging depends on the capacity of the battery, it is possible that the battery will not be fully charged.

IN this scheme A resistor is used for 2 Ohm, in order to have exactly 5 volts, and not 6, but there is no particular need for this, since with a properly running controller with the battery nothing will happen.

How to squeeze the remnants of the phone battery

There are emergency situations when there is no time or the ability to charge the phone battery completely, but you need to urgently make a call or see some information. Then emergency methods will help.

Scotch on contacts

The simplest and secure method squeeze a little bit of charging from the battery at home, it is disconnecting the phone, remove the battery, take it to the contacts with scotch and insert it back.

Oddly enough, such a primitive method gives a chance to make one or two important call, it does not harm the device as the following methods.

Heating or deformation

The following two ways also give a chance to recharge the battery so much to make an urgent quick call. However, they harm the battery, so you can use them only if this call is a matter of life and death.

The first involves the heating of the battery. To do this, it should be removed from the phone and, heating some kind of metal object, apply it to it. The main thing is to prevent overheating.

The second method is even more dangerous and assumes the deformation of the battery. Similarly, the usual batteries are biting to extend their life a little. The phone's battery needs to throw sharply on a solid floor or hit something.

How do these methods affect the life of the battery

The safest I. reliable way Charge a mobile device battery is to purchase a "frog". It will guarantee a full charge, and will not bring any harm.

The method with batteries is also quite safe, but it is not always reliable. If the batteries themselves are partially discharged, it may not work anything, or it turns out - but not to the end. In addition, it is not so simple here, first you need to mount a special device - "Box" for batteries with conclusions.

The direct connection method through the adapter has certain risks. If you do not take into account the voltage and resistance, you can spoil the battery.

As for the methods of emergency resuscitation of the AKB, then only the method with scotch is safe. Heating harms, but still not as much as the deformation. In most cases, after this, this emergency call will be the latter for the battery. And you can also overdo it with heating or impact, and take the battery immediately. Then it will not even be able to call once.

You can experiment with the wires as you like if the phone's battery is not so needed. If you don't want to lose it in case of failure, it is better to resort to reliable and safe ways. But extreme, too, you need to know everything - in case of a really critical situation. What if one call is able to save your life? ..

Have you ever since such a situation happened - you extremely needed a phone, and almost destroyed battery? Tell us in the comments how you could get out of this situation. This will help make the content of the site more complete and helpful.

Each user who has a smartphone or other modern device knows that without a charger or a USB wires to recharge the power supply will be very difficult. However, when the charging does not turn out at hand, what to do and how to charge the battery without a phone or without a charger. In the network, many video tips and instructions helping to quickly return the energy to the most diverse power sources depending on their type. But for your own security, you're better read the video lesson or an article in which it tells how to charge a telephone battery without a phone.


"Do not neglect the rules of charging. The validity period and operational qualities of the AKB depend on the faithful actions."


For an experiment on a separate charge of the battery from the phone, you will need:

  • Discharged rechargeable battery.
  • Universal charger.

The safest way to charge the battery without a phone

If you have a terrestrial battery and a universal charger, you can start experimenting. You will need the usual inexpensive Chinese charger with a device that presses the battery with moving electrodes. You will notice that the springs of the device can connect any power source regardless of the phone model. Connect the sex battery to the universal charger turned off. Do not forget to press it to the minus spring electrodes, Plus.

If contacts are not indicated on your charger, then you should not be upset, you need to press the electrodes to the terminals that are located at the edges. If the LED on the housing is not caught fire, then this means that the charging will not start, so change the position of the fixing button. The fact that the charging process began, says the blinking glow of the LED. The use of universal charger is the easiest and safe method Restore battery power separately from the phone.

For your own security, in no case use homemade devices to charge. Even if you watched a video or read an article with complete description All actions, it seems to you that everything is simple and you will also succeed, it is better not to risk. The results of such independent experiments can be deplorable not only for your gadget, but also for health. If necessary, then buy special devices that are designed for such a charging method. When you buy a universal charging, show your phone to the seller so that he will make sure that you will fit the charger and, if necessary, it helped choosing a spare power source (batteries for Samsung phones, Nokia and other models you can choose yourself, but if you need an additional and hatching For iPhone 4S, 5S, it is better to contact the service center).

How to charge the battery in the phone

As mentioned above, in no case do not use homemade devices. Best so that there are no such situations when you need to charge the battery without a phone, to have a spare charger at hand, external source Nutrition, or find out how much the battery is on the phone and buy a backup battery. Do not neglect charging rules. The expiration date and operational qualities of the AKB depend on the right action. Today, the largest low-ion (Li-Ion) power supplies are the most popular, as they do not have the memory to charge.

In order to correctly charge the nickel-metal hydride power source, you need to put it on charging when the capacity is almost at zero or close to it. Charge such ankb when they are not charged half to half. This type of batteries has a charge memory. Turn off the charging from the device is accounted for in terms of 100% charge.

Lithium-ion batteries are safe when proper useCompact, easy, have a greater container. It is not necessary to wait for a full discharge, so you can remove the device with charging in a completely any moment, as they put on charging. It is not recommended to wait until the battery will completely lose energy. It is better to connect it to the charger in advance.

Charge your mobile phone with a non-standard way

Is it possible to charge the phone when the charger is not available to it? The situation is such a familiar when it suddenly finds out that the battery is discharged, and the call must be made. There are cases when not only the fate of a person depends on one call, but even life. What if it happens on the road, and the charger is at home or, for example, failed - broke, fell and broke? After all, it is very fragile. Attempts to find the same colleagues may not be crowned with success. And if on the street night or not the opportunity to purchase a new device? There is an option to wait for the morning and go for new chargingBut you can try to do without it - there is at least three options for charging in non-standard conditions.

Method first - use computer

What is needed for this:

The presence of this computer is a stationary PC, a tablet or laptop as a source for connecting;

USB - connector;

This connector must correspond to the adapter.

Good, now the connectors are aligned with international standards, so everyone has standard cables. This is a macro - or mini-USB.

However, if there is no computer at hand, - refer to which it has it, and the goal will be achieved - the phone is charged.

The method is the second - time-consuming

This process of charging a mobile phone in the absence of a charger involves the sequential execution of a number of steps.

1. Step first - technical. For its implementation, any device for charging will be useful. Usually his search does not take much time - in the house of each person there are several pieces of such, already unnecessary accessories from the failed or morally obsolete phones.

2. Step second. Sut off the connector for connecting to the phone at the device found, perform an incision in a circle of the wire and delete isolation. After this action, the wires of different colors are taken off.

3. Step Three. These wires should be attached to the battery and fix them. You need to remove the battery and carefully consider its contacts - they have pointers - minus and plus.

Connection is performed as follows:

Blue wiring - to "+" contact of the charger;

Red wiring - to minus contact.

The wiring should be segged carefully and, if possible, tightly, the connection location is to secure the tape or tape by a piece.

If you cope with the task correctly, then when you turn on the device received into the electrical network, the battery will be charged.

Safety measure should not touch the wires, as you can get an electric blow, even a small force.

Method Third - Finger

Another cost of charging is as follows.

Suppose you are going on a trip - it can be a business trip or a tourist campaign. During the multi-day stay on hiking conditions, the mobile will have to be charged, it means that it should be prepared in advance - to get a second battery, reserve, or resolve the issue with an alternative option.

Creating your own charger yourself.

To do this, use batteries - conventional fingers are suitable:

The box will be required - you can buy it in the sale places of radio components or electronics;

The required connector should be soldered.

Such a device can be purchased separately or made yourself using spare parts.

It should be borne in mind that this option can be implemented only if an existing USB is a mini connector, or there is a special adapter.


It is possible to do without a charger - it is quite possible if the goal and armared by the relevant knowledge.

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