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home  /  Navigators/ Mikhail Zolotukhin. Mikhail Zolotukhin, ZhKK “Comfortable Housing”: “There were reviews - a scoundrel, he built up Chelny with panel houses! Abdullin was one of the founders of the ZhIK

Mikhail Yurievich Zolotukhin. Mikhail Zolotukhin, ZhKK “Comfortable Housing”: “There were reviews - a scoundrel, he built up Chelny with panel houses! Abdullin was one of the founders of the ZhIK

Presumably, Mikhail Yuryevich Zolotukhin is the head of the companies, the list of which you see below. It is also possible that these companies are run by different people with similar first and last names. This information obtained on the basis of an analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate 152-FZ "On Personal Data" in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "O State registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs ".



Region: Tatarstan, republic

Address: 423823, Republic of TATARSTAN, NABEREZHNYE CHELNY, PR-t MIRA, 18/09

Club establishments


  • . Activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions;
  • . Activities of restaurants and cafes;
  • . Wholesale trade through agents (on a fee or contract basis);

Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia for NABEREZHNYE CHELNY RT

Housing complex "ACCESSIBLE HOUSING"


Region: Tatarstan, republic

Address: 423812, Republic of TATARSTAN, NABEREZHNYE CHELNY, PR-t MOSKOVSKY, 82, apt. 7



Region: Moscow

Address: 115230, MOSCOW, KASHIRSKOE highway, 5, bldg. 1

Intermediary services in the sale and purchase of industrial and technical products



Region: Tatarstan, republic

Address: 423812, Republic of TATARSTAN, NABEREZHNYE CHELNY, PR-t MOSKOVSKY, 82

In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Specialty: history, qualification: historian

PhD thesis topic

"Russia and the Bulgarian Crisis of 1885-1886", 1983

Doctoral dissertation topic

“The struggle of the powers in the Balkans and the Middle East in the mid 70s and 80s. XIX century ", 1995

Courses for the current academic year

Historiography of modern and recent history
Ethnocultural factor of modernization of society in modern and modern times, part 1
History of modern times
History and Philosophy of Science (module "History of Science")


Key publications 2015–2017:

  1. Zolotukhin M.Yu. Tutorial“The history of international relations and Russian foreign policy in modern times. XVI-early XIX century ", M., 2015, INFRA-M, 22 pp.
  2. Zolotukhin M.Yu. Textbook “History of international relations and foreign policy of Russia in modern times. XIX century ", M., 2015, INFRA-M, 17 pp.
  3. Zolotukhin M.Yu. Russian-Austrian negotiations on political and territorial changes in the Balkan Peninsula at the initial stage of the eastern crisis of the 1870s // Teacher XXI century. 2016. T. 2. No. 1. - S. 253-261. (VAK)
  4. Zolotukhin M.Yu. On the eve of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878: Petersburg's search for a peaceful solution to Balkan affairs // Teaching history and social studies at school, 2016, no. (VAK)


2014 - "Using LMS Moodle Power for Blended Learning." MSGU, 72 hours.

Achievements and promotions

He was awarded the medal "850th Anniversary of Moscow" (1997), as well as a number of certificates of honor from the administration.
Laureate of the competition for the best scientific work of the Moscow State Pedagogical University of the Humanities for textbooks for students of higher educational institutions " New story countries of Europe and America. XVI-XIX centuries ", 2009

Archive of training courses

Systems of international relations and foreign policy
New story
History of international relations and foreign policy (current problems)
Optional discipline: Southeast Europe in late XVIII- the beginning of the twentieth century.
History of america

»This week the CEO has been replaced. In place of Mikhail Zolotukhin, who headed the company for the last five years, a former official of the executive committee of the motor city came. Zolotukhin commented to BUSINESS Online on the circumstances of his resignation and explained how the Chelny builders after the crisis managed to double their volumes.

Rumors that the deputy of the Chelny City Council Mikhail Zolotukhin leaves post general director LLC "Housing Investment Company" appeared at the beginning of September. And last week this information was confirmed in an interview with the correspondent of the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" by a longtime partner of the company - the head of GZF Talgat Abdullin .

Mikhail Zolotukhin confirmed to BUSINESS Online that Wednesday was the last day of his work as General Director of Housing Investment Company LLC. He also said that a week ago the new head of the ZhIK was introduced to the team. He was 34 years old Ildar Akhmetgareev- Former head of the construction department of the executive committee of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Let us remind you that Zolotukhin has been the head of ZhIK LLC since 2006, and the company itself is the largest player in the auto city housing construction market. The development structure was responsible for the implementation of housing state programs in Zakamye, and was also engaged in the construction of a commercial one.


The correspondent of the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" spoke with Zolotukhin.

- Mikhail Yuryevich, would you like to know the reason for your departure?

In general, I have been dealing with the topic of housing construction for 12 years, since 1999. Therefore, there was a desire to change direction.

- Where are you going?

- I can't voice it yet.

- Not to Petersburg?

No comments. Not clearly defined.

- Are your future activities related to construction?

No comments.

- Who is the successor?

Ildar Akhmetgareev - head of the construction department of the executive committee of Chelnov. This was officially announced a week ago.

- Can you sum up your work in the company?

- In what cities were they built?

Built in Elabuga. In Mendeleevsk, together with the GZhF, we are building a house. In September, we will hand it over with a full finishing, but the issue of networks has not yet been resolved. None of the decisions on the networks have been made. It will be rented for foreign specialists Ammonium. At the first stage, the Japanese will move in, and then the Chinese.

- Is it true that you are a co-owner of ZhIK LLC?

Already not true.

- That is, not a member of the company?

Not a member of the company. Previously owned 34 percent shares .

- According to our information, the company “ Ak Bars development Chelny»?

I will not comment. I am no longer the owner. You already know who to ask about it.

Arslan Minvaleev


Zolotukhin Mikhail Yurievich

Was born on December 28, 1976 in the city of Kazan. In 1977, the Zolotukhin family returned to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

In 1994 he graduated from gymnasium No. 76 with in-depth study of English language... In 1995-2000. headed the "Crystal" center. At the same time he studied at the vocational lyceum No. 117.

In 2000, Zolotukhin headed the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Public Organization for the Promotion of MHK and Youth Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan, which in the same year was renamed into the public organization " Association of youth construction of the Republic of Tatarstan". In 2004 he was appointed to the position of deputy chairman of the council of the association. During the period of his work as a leader from 2000-2006. under this program in the city there were

A well-known builder in Chelny, under whose supervision 150 thousand square meters were built annually. m of social housing, for three years now - in an independent business. In a frank interview with BUSINESS Online, Mikhail Zolotukhin, who became famous back in the fighting 90s by opening the first disco in Chelny, spoke about why and how he left ZhIK (now the largest construction holding Domkor), which is the reason for his disagreements with the city authorities and why he considers many realtors to be scammers.


Mikhail Yuryevich, three years ago you left the management of the ZhIK, unexpectedly left for St. Petersburg, and after a while your "Comfortable Housing" appeared on the Chelny market. What happened during that period?

I left ZhIK because the co-founders and I saw the development of the company differently. For three or four months I lived without work, I wanted something new, and a plan arose to organize implementation in St. Petersburg. wooden windows, which my friend produces in Chelny. This project is still interesting to me because of the quality of the product. At BSI in Chelny, windows are being made that compete with Finnish and Belarusian ones. While we are putting them on our houses, but we have not given up retail in St. Petersburg, I am now finishing the sales office there. There were also a few more suggestions for Peter from friends, there was also the idea of ​​moving, because I love this city no less than Chelny, and at that moment I was not sure that I wanted to do something here. When you fall out of the team, it is not always possible to formulate internal irritation, if you were not thrown, money was not taken away, but there was simply a misunderstanding in business. This is fine. But when I was returning from a trip to St. Petersburg, I suddenly realized: after all, no one is driving me out of here, why not create a new business? I called my friends: I have an idea, there is almost no money, about 120 million needs to be raised for land and construction. Whoever gives how much as a loan for a year and a half will receive such a share in the authorized capital.

- And after the refund will it remain in the charter?

Yes, we agreed right away: we will return the loans, but we will keep the profit until 2018 in circulation. Four responded, together with me the amount was accumulated. I had no idea that friends could have that much money. There was one more condition: if the participant leaves, he is not paid the real part of the share. This ensures the safety of the enterprise, because most of our profits are transferred to customers at 6 percent per annum - after all, we offer customers an installment plan at their own expense. And the third point: in order not to quarrel, each of the participants has an interest in the end result, all have related businesses, but all the final decisions are made by me. So that there was no “let me steer” later when you take responsibility for hundreds of families.


ZhIK, which later grew into the Domkor holding, under your control, was the most prominent construction company in the city. How did you end up at the helm?

This path began to take shape even from school - my friends and I were involved in fateful processes. We were convinced pioneers, we believed that soon there would be no money in the country of victorious communism, that all that was left was to work on ourselves. But when it was our turn to join the Komsomol, it disintegrated. It was replaced by a complete lack of ideology on the one hand and criminal groups on the other. And young people need to self-actualize, they need ideals. Only one ideal has been transmitted to our generation - making money. The easiest way is to take it away from a neighbor, and all this infection was formed in just 1.5 - 2 years.

Fortunately, there were those who tried to stop this process in the 90s. Republican forums began to form, at which new images of a young man and what he should strive for were determined. After a long break, competitions began to be held to identify talented youth. I was lucky not to be in the group, but to become a participant in those processes that arose under the auspices of the future Ministry of Youth. As a result of competitions and communication at the republican forum and city events, the first team of five people was formed. As a result, Yusup Digansheevich Yakubov, then the vice-mayor and head of the Law and Order Foundation, supported our first project - the creation of a student youth disco. So, in 1995 we opened the Kristall disco.

- How long did Kristall last?

Five years, during this time he became not interesting to us at all. The business was very difficult, you collect 3 rubles, but a headache ... A man breaks away from his parents for the first time, goes to get acquainted with the girls, dilutes half a bottle of vodka in lemonade ... We, of course, were looking for alcohol at the entrance, but they so skillfully hid it that a whole museum of gadgets could be opened. There was no money without the sale of alcohol, and after six months, discos began to open privately, with alcohol. People have learned to rest. In addition, in five years, all the tasks that we set for ourselves, forming this business, have been implemented.


- After that, did the vice-mayor still look after you?

He offered me new project... In the spring of 1999, by offsetting taxes, Avtozavodstroy allocated 9 apartments for the implementation of the program of the republican Cabinet of Ministers to provide young people with housing. The most difficult thing was to convince people to take apartments under the youth program, when they received their salaries in food. The state gave them 80 percent of the price in installments for 10 years, but 20 percent had to be given as a down payment. And people had no money, no understanding - why they should pay at all for housing, which they previously received for free.

- How did you get out of the situation?

At the end of 1999, we offered to take small families as a down payment, they just cost about 20 percent of a new apartment. From a small family, people moved to a one-room apartment, from a one-room apartment to a two-room apartment and further along the chain. Thus, we managed to improve the living conditions of 27 families. By that time, the power in the city had completely changed, Rashit Saitovich Khamadeev became the mayor. For three months I waited for an appointment with Khamadeev, in the end he listened to me for three minutes and asked only one question: "Are you going to steal?" He said that we would distribute the apartments together, and gave me 5 million KAMAZ vehicles. While I was looking for buyers for these KAMAZ trucks, the car plant began to pay taxes in cash. From that moment on, the city and the republic began to allocate funds on a parity basis, and the city's construction department began to build apartments for young families with this money. From 1999 to 2005, 670 families were able to improve their living conditions under the compulsory medical insurance program, which is about 30 thousand square meters of housing.

- After that, the Housing Investment Company was created?

In 2005, my team and I won the elections to the City Council. And after the election of the deputy head of the executive committee for construction, Munir Anvarovich Gainullov, offered me to head the newly created structure of the customer-developer for the construction of housing under the youth program, social mortgage and commercial housing, loading the recently purchased DSK plant... This is how my work at the Housing Investment Company began.


- Was the Social Science Center the main focus of the ZhIK?

The fact that ZhIK, which became "Domkor", has always built housing according to the social policy is not a dogma, everyone is just accustomed to this role. Strictly speaking, Talgat Midkhatovich Abdullin is holding a tender in the state housing fund, the only question is how to get into it. And you can get caught, but only at a loss for yourself. The loss is recouped due to the volumes of parallel commercial construction. How much to give apartments to social services is determined by the economic feasibility for the developer. When it became clear that there is a corruption component in this contractual mechanism between business and government, the board of trustees created a scheme in which municipalities form land plots entirely for social security.

- What is the difference between social leasing and commercial development from a business point of view?

In any construction site, the most difficult thing is to guess the price that will be in a year, so as not to go into negative territory during this time. And when you build on budget money, you must clearly state the price tag, it is not adjusted. At the same time, Talgat Midkhatovich never gave a big plus even to his own people, this is a fact.

At first, ZhIK acted only as a customer-developer, and DSK plant - as a general contractor and at the same time a manufacturer of reinforced concrete. The plant was unprofitable, builders and manufacturers blamed each other for losses, and I was assigned to manage the entire structure: the order, and the contract, and the plant, and the management company. We separated the general contractor's service into a separate construction and installation trust, and with independent accounting, both of them became profitable, the problem was internal theft. But first, I had to transfer the ZhIK's profit to them. Therefore, I was entrusted with general management so that I would not be very indignant, covering the debts of the plant and the trust with the profit of ZhIK. But this had to be done, to systematically distribute the developer's money cap among all participants in the process. This is exactly what they did in the Soviet period. And all the structures made a profit. During this time, several new neighborhoods and many small houses were designed and built from scratch. Systematically ZhIK began to introduce 100 - 150 thousand square meters of housing per year.

- Was Abdullin one of the founders of the ZhIK?

His son owns the stake. A third was with me, and a third with Munir Anvarovich. Today it is no longer a secret, because now he himself is in charge of Domkor. In general, more open structure than a correct builder does not exist. Founders, profit, loss, cost of apartments - all this should be posted on the site in project declarations. We have all this in "Comfortable Housing".


- Before leaving ZhIK, you managed to go through a crisis with this team. What were 2008 and 2009 like for you?

I repeat: the processes are reflected on the builders with a delay of a year, that is, the construction cycle. 2008 was gorgeous, just like us spoke about 2014 at the recent round table "BUSINESS Online". They bought everything, the price for the year increased by 20 percent. At the beginning of 2009, the interest rate has already increased, industrial production has slowed down. Nevertheless, the feeling from the past crisis is that it was something of a rehearsal, although it carried away many developers from the market. Whoever I talked to, everyone just held back their money for fear of the future. Everyone thought: here I am going to pay, but not for me. This is such a bad chain reaction. It was worth shouting that the crisis was canceled, and how quickly everything went on!

- You haven't slowed down?

There were problems. We had two almost finished boxes in the 36th microdistrict, sales stopped, and we offered to buy them to Talgat Midkhatovich. For three months, three times a week, we went to Kazan to prove the price - the mechanism was like this. They took our houses, within 10 days after the registration of the deal they had to pay according to the agreement, but did not pay. We even asked the mayor to go and talk to the GZF, because all this affected the industry, the plant stopped. Talgat Midkhatovich says: there is no money, they are also stuck. And DSK, as well as ZYAB, almost went bankrupt... We then freed up the undersold share houses, transferred people to almost finished ones, and also offered them bonuses from above - we just had to somehow finish building them. In this situation, and had to come up with the cooperative "Affordable Housing". In fact, we took on responsibilities that the state should have assumed at that moment. People did not have available loans, and we offered a five-year installment plan for the difference between the apartment being sold and bought. The same scheme that made it possible to sell the first apartments under compulsory medical insurance in 1999, and it worked again.

And then the crisis was over. We come to Talgat Midkhatovich with a request to return unpaid objects, and he told me: so you sold! And what about money? .. In general, in fact, I often quarreled with the founders. I am tired of the feeling that I pull one for all, although I work for them. With Talgat Midkhatovich, we almost went to court, but he also got money, and he paid off almost a year after the contract. Talgat Midkhatovich has always been a "reliable" partner!


- Your departure from ZhIK became an intriguing surprise for everyone. Was there a specific reason after all?

Not satisfied with a lot. There is such a moment: the founder is always jealous of his top management, because the director is the sole one executive agency... When Munir Anvarovich decided to return from the executive committee to business, the question arose: to what level to return? So the process of pulling the initiative began. By that time, I was tired of renting out 150 thousand squares of the same type of housing, having my own vision of the development of the company and the entire complex. In general, we ourselves did not understand why, but the conflicts began one after another. At the same time, the money was never divided, my salary was always paid very good, this is a fact, and apart from the salary I did not claim anything.

After the establishment of a structure of five enterprises, no further movement was felt, and then the idea of ​​a single center was born, in which highly qualified specialists serve all enterprises. The idea was general, but the vision was different. For some reason, these specialists took over part of the control functions with the permission of Munir Anvarovich. As my deputies, they already controlled us themselves. How can you explain to a team of 2 thousand people where we are heading if you yourself have ceased to understand? I can't say one thing and do another, and I decided not to waste my life on it. There is no material advantage in this, but a lot of energy and nerves is wasted. I want to make it clear: I am sincerely grateful to those people with whom I spoke. I am grateful to Yusup Digansheevich, Munir Anvarovich, Talgat Midkhatovich. They taught me how to build a business, how to act in life - it all started with them.

- Did you leave with a conflict?

When I left, there were rumors that I had taken a certain amount with me. I don’t know who distributed them and why, probably it should have played a disadvantage for me, but it turned out the other way around, and it helped in the establishment of "Comfortable Housing". We don't like poor people. In fact, I left with three salaries and, leaving, donated my 30 percent to the company. Such solutions allow you to remain not obligated to anyone. In general, it's hard to live with big money.

- Did the executive committee change its attitude towards you after leaving the ZhIK?

Having opened "Comfortable Housing", we secured an agreement: the company helps with orders to ZYAB, and for this the attitude of the municipality towards us remains the same. There were even talks about working as a part of KamGES, but such an enterprise is difficult to rebuild to fit your vision. "Comfortable housing" - This is, by and large, a social program, we are pulling the plant, and young families take part of the housing cheaper by 10-15 thousand per square meter... The authorities should understand and assess this situation? But it turned out that there is something in the administration - not malicious intent, but wrong traditions that need to be built anew. The legislation has changed, but the people are the same, they are accustomed to consider the land their own since the days when it was not a business, but was given by orders.

I am not offended at them, they are sincere in their perception, but if we start to comply with the legislation, it will save us from the new Maidan, which we passed in 1993. Therefore, I want to change something, and besides construction, we are conducting another useful process. We say: guys, let's learn to live by the law. If the plot is correctly formed, the bidding does not cause rejection, because it is the executive committee that must go through all the procedures before the bidding, resolve issues with the population and offer the plot ready - as the law says.


- So, in your opinion, the fight against infill development is being conducted incorrectly?

Everything works out well if you follow the law. This struggle brings a sad smile. The last couple of years, the officials, frankly, have been cunning in front of the population. There is a house, residents, an adjacent territory, and people do not want a store or offices to be built on it. At the same time, there is a law that allows you to submit an application for any free site - the executive committee is obliged to either put it up for auction, or write why this is impossible. Third, over the past three years, while shaping the land under the houses, everyone was told: tomorrow they will introduce a tax on the land, you will cry, so it is better to cut the land along the blind area. Each of us agreed with such a survey, and in the meantime there was a debate whether to tax the land under the apartment building or not?

The debate is over, but no one knows what: from January 1, 2015, it was finally decided that the land under the apartment building is not subject to taxation. So what is stopping people today, who do not want any shops under the window, to delimit the land around and take it, say, for a playground? Yes, you will have to chip in on the land surveying project, but the land will remain yours forever, you will not let anyone in there. And instead of going out to the people and saying about it, the executive committee is fighting against infill development - so, they say, some bad people got something wrong yesterday, let's take everything away from them. As a result, business does not believe in the authorities, in the people, or in the future. The only way is to get the job done and take the money out to a place where it is quieter. This is how huge capital outflows occur.

The company employs 57 employees


How has the structure of demand in the housing market changed under the influence of the crisis? Do people prefer cheap apartments in panel houses or improved ones in brick ones, like in "Comfortable Housing"?

I no longer build panel houses and will not build them, today there is an opportunity to sell a brick house at the same price. Panel panels were needed when nothing else was being built in the city. While working for the Housing Investment Company, we provided the city with affordable housing and were very proud of what we were doing, but when I left, I noticed the comments of the townspeople. There were also such - a scoundrel, built up the whole city with panel houses. This was the impetus for me to rethink and build other housing.

- How is the price tag for housing formed?

I will not reveal all the cards, I want to go through this crisis, but you can dance from the bank interest. Why were shared construction and housing investments allowed at all? Because the state had no money for construction at one time, and banks for the developer were never lower than 14-15 percent. The cost price plus these 15 percent - this is how the sales price is formed. These 15 percent can be given to the bank, but also to the population. I always prefer the second way, it is more pleasant for people. If a shared housing is 15 percent cheaper than a finished one, it is always bought. In fact, our entire business, in comparison with automobile and aircraft construction, is the simplest mathematics, we do not rise above the level of 5-6 grades ... At times, there is no 15 percent profitability - now, for example. If you guess the price tag correctly, then people are buying housing quickly enough - an attractive investment, because old housing stock, especially panel housing, means problems with seams and plumbing. Housing under construction is always cheaper than secondary housing, this is the law, and the market works only under this condition.

- Do you focus on competitors when determining the selling price?

We monitor the market, because the price tag is determined by its capabilities and the developer's greed. But, for example, I don’t know how much Domkor is selling now, I have my own price tag formula, know-how, I didn’t even disclose it to the founders. The prime cost of a brick house is, of course, higher, but today the difference in the selling price is largely determined only by the land. This is when I started 15 years ago, the land meant nothing, and today I know that my cost is the highest. Because three years ago, when we created Comfortable Housing, it was already clear that the country would change - taxes must be paid, any schemes would be suppressed. Therefore, we bought all the plots at the official cost, and there is not a single plot provided by the Executive Committee to Comfortable Housing, like other developers have. Hence the cost price is the highest, but it is the most transparent, and no one can show us anything. And other entrepreneurs shout all the time that they were thrown. After all, they paid for the land, for example, 15 percent of the cost, and gave the rest in cash, so it was more profitable for everyone. But now how can you prove how much you actually paid for the site?


Now about 320 - 340 thousand square meters of housing are rented per year. Until recently, the state voiced a formula about what needs to be built per year per square meter per person, that is, in Chelny - over 500 thousand. If the city builds these 500 thousand in a year, will the market eat them?

Without government incentives, no. The price tag will start to fall. If it goes below the cost price, the object will not be completed. For the buyer, these 500 thousand will be a blessing, but not for long, because the market will end there. There are other buts in the current situation. It is impossible to extend the purchase of housing with loans indefinitely, it is necessary to increase salaries. A year ago, the salary was growing due to a shortage of personnel, and today, during a crisis, with an overabundance of personnel, no one will raise it.

- What are you expecting from 2015?

If the currency does not jump sharply again, then there will be no rush demand, it is not needed. A drop in demand is possible by 25 - 30 percent, no more. Without default, we will try to keep the selling price of finished housing with an increase of 10 - 15 percent. In general, everyone wants to move to new housing, but the old one has to be sold, and this process is holding us back. The ideal formula for the price per square meter for used housing is the price of a finished new apartment minus the cost of finishing, that is, minus 4 - 5 thousand rubles per square meter on average. If the sellers of secondary housing will lower prices to this level, then sales will not stop.

A one-room apartment with an area of ​​40 square meters for 50 thousand rubles each costs 2 million. A "square" of the same apartment over 5 - 8 years old should cost 45 thousand, that is, 1.8 million. When the secondary housing falls to 1.8 million, people will again start buying old housing, and the sellers will bear the proceeds to us. In the meantime, sellers are waiting for an increase in demand, we will not have sales, but I think the mechanism will be adjusted by the fall. Then the next process will begin - price stabilization in relation to previous periods. I will reveal another secret, an analysis of 15 years of work: in fact, in Naberezhnye Chelny, a square meter of housing has always cost 1 - 1.2 thousand dollars. The dollar rises or falls, the price is still gradually being pulled up to this parameter. It’s a paradox, but it’s been like that for 15 years.

- What are the prospects for low-rise construction in Chelny today?

It is developing at a pace that the developers of apartment buildings never dreamed of. Of course, you need to look outside the city limits, because Naberezhnye Chelny is the "regional center of the Tukaevsky district". So in the district, relatively speaking, the plan for the construction of housing is easily fulfilled in six months. But from the point of view of the Chelny developer, a low-rise building is just early, as are elite-class houses. For example, "Solnechny Park" was declared an elite microdistrict, and they built elite housing, but they still slid down to two social towers. Not from a good life, there are very few people ready to buy an "elite" at the price of their own house. This is because in Chelny in 15 - 20 minutes you can get to the cottage in Shilne or the 66th microdistrict. Why buy an elite apartment when there are no problems with parking or with neighbors in your house?

- But nevertheless Chelny is not ready for a low-rise building?

From a developer's point of view. Our people, having built summer cottages, still believe that it is cheaper to build a house with their own hands. This is not so - you will take more materials, because builders buy them in bulk. The savings come out only on infinitely cheap personal time, but if you can occupy yourself professionally, then independent construction comes out at least 1.5 times more expensive. In any case, the dynamics of land prices today is such that it covers the margin from the construction and sale of a house. That is, simply by buying and selling bare land after a period of construction, you withdraw the same money on this as if you had built and sold a house. This is exactly what I encountered in ZhIK when I built a European settlement in the 66th microdistrict.


- You sell your apartments yourself. Habit since ZhIK?

This is not a habit, from the first days at the ZhIK I was unable to work with real estate agencies. I do not understand why there is a need for an intermediary between the developer and the buyer, and I do not like the relationship of some realtors with clients. If a realtor negotiates an amount for his services, he must make every effort to make his client earn more. Some realtors try to lower the price of the product as much as possible for the seller and overcharge it for the buyer. Sometimes it turns out that the buyer and the seller meet and find out that the difference in prices is not 20 thousand rubles, in which the realtor estimated himself, but, for example, 100 thousand. Realtors believe that this is their income, earnings in mind. I believe this is a scam. Therefore, we always form our own department for the sale of secondary housing in the sales department.

- What market share do you occupy today in Chelny and Zakamye?

We do not want to take more than 10 percent of the Chelny market, but there is no point in taking less. Outside the city, we have insignificant projects, for example, in Almetyevsk this month two entrances were commissioned. I don't want to scale just for the sake of business, because any movement causes resistance. How much active time do we have in this world, how many five-year plans? Why spend another one to increase the share by 2 - 2.5 times, artificially destroying what lives without you? There are other developers, houses are being built. Even if they go into a crisis on their own, the question arises: how much of it is needed at all, this housing? At the same time, you can engage in other projects outside of construction.

- What are the company's plans for the future?

The ZhIK took 6 years for me, "Comfortable housing" for this moment- 3 years. In one or two years it will not be so interesting anymore. We have completed the task, the quality of our housing is higher than what I did yesterday. I am now mainly supported by two projects, this is the work on the bugs. For example, house 13/02. It was impossible to build such houses from the point of view of financial results. It was deliberately unprofitable, it was a different level of decoration, underground parking, an expensive place, a completely different price. I want to prove to myself that houses of this class in Chelny can be profitable with the right approach, I want to solve this problem. The second project is 20 low-rise buildings in Malaya Shilna, which we are currently completing. I mentioned a village in the 66th microdistrict - we in the ZhIK built European-style houses there, but did not find Europeans in Chelny, we got a direct loss, we heated these houses for a year and a half, until we sold them. And only years later, people appreciated this project. Taking into account previous mistakes we will implement new projects, namely: in addition to the standard complex multi-storey buildings, business-class houses and low-rise villages. Another goal of Comfortable Housing is to fight for the provision of equal opportunities to all market participants in the field of housing and land legislation.


- You have been a city council deputy for 9 years. How would you rate this path?

In short, I will not go there anymore, I officially declare. To correct the process of governing the city, it is necessary to rewrite both the charter and several republican documents. Today the deputy is treated as in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears": "Don't teach us how to live, help us financially." This is not the function of the deputy. He must accept applications from citizens, convey them to the executive branch, and monitor the implementation process. In practice, the executive branch asks you a simple and logical question: what do you answer in order to make decisions? An official receives a salary, signs a signature, and manages a staff. And the deputy is the highest legislative body in the city, which does not lose anything in case of a mistake and is essentially not responsible. It doesn't have to be that way.

- Do you think deputies should be paid?

The corps must be reduced to such a size that the city does not feel the good salaries of the deputies - let it be 10 - 15 people who are able to professionally work out each document. Then the people can ask them. Today you can only ask the mayor and the executive committee. The deputy has neither the rights nor the powers, even the immunity was removed, even the administrative one. But common man you cannot call for discipline, and the deputy has party affiliation. I joined the party much earlier than those people who today tell me that the party "thinks not like this, but like this." And where is the document, which says that the party thinks the way the executive committee thinks? Helping the people, without having the authority and rights, nothing prevents me even without a deputy mandate.


- Have you ever used a home built by your company yourself?

I started every business for myself. I opened Kristall because I could not come to Avtozavodets. The first two-room apartment I moved into was under the compulsory medical insurance program, otherwise I would not have been able to create and keep a family.

- How do you relax and what comes first for you - leisure, family or work?

To be honest, one of the reasons I left ZhIK was that my work interfered with my personal time. During the Soviet era, leaders were taught to take pride in working 24 hours a day. It was difficult for me to work with people who went through the party school and live by such rules. I am not against them, but to drive everyone into the same framework and assume that if you work 24 hours, then your productivity is higher - this is nonsense. How can you make a director who manages a large team a cog in the system? This is the market, and the manager stops seeing what is happening around him. He performs some strange function 24 hours a day - he is at work. I've always been against it. In general, life is finite, and we work for the sake of those with whom we share the fruits of our labor - for the sake of our relatives and friends. If you don't have time for your loved ones, why do you need all this? My vacation is a family, trips by car, for example, to St. Petersburg, to the Urals. And I didn’t go to Crimea only last year - I simply didn’t take the risk with three children.

- Does your spouse work?

Teaches English. Together with their mother-in-law, they organized the English language school "Britannica". One of the oldest private English schools in Chelny, several premises. The business was launched back in the 1990s, a little later than I organized a disco.

- What three tips could you give entrepreneurs for a successful business?

To do business, you need to understand what you want to change, what your business will give in 5-10 years. Do not do what is not interesting. Whether you are making a pencil or a house, be proud of your product while you create it, and for another three to four years after. Today is a great time for entrepreneurship - just look at what is not produced in the country. A unique chance. If you, starting a business, dream only of money, nothing will work out. At least I didn't succeed.

And many more are stopped by the problem of initial capital. You have to understand that money is not the main thing. If your business is interesting and you believe in it, convey your idea to someone who has money. If you cannot convince the investor that it is worth investing in you, then you will never be able to sell your goods either.

Business card company

LLC ZhSK "Comfortable housing" created in Naberezhnye Chelny in 2012. The main activity is the construction of shared housing in the auto city. The company occupies about 10% of the Naberezhnye Chelny market.

Company owners:

  1. LLC ISK Affordable Housing - 38.5%;
  2. A.I. Gavrilov - 38.5%;
  3. Zolotukhin M.Yu. - 17.3%;
  4. Minegalev R.G. - 3.8%;
  5. Teterina T.P. - 1.9%

Annual turnover - 760 million rubles in 2013, 829 million rubles in 2014.

Annual profit - 84 million rubles in 2013, 199 million rubles in 2014.

Construction volume - 17.1 thousand sq. meters in 2013, 27.5 thousand sq. meters in 2014.

The average monthly salary for 2014 is 41,120 rubles.

The staff is 57 people.

Executive business card

Michael Zolotukhin was born on December 28, 1976 in Kazan, since 1977 lives in Naberezhnye Chelny. In 2002 he graduated by correspondence from the St. Petersburg State Technical University with a degree in organization management.

2000 - 2006 - Head of the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Association for Youth Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2006 - 2011 - General Director of Housing Investment Company LLC, Chairman of the Board of the Affordable Housing Construction Company.

Since 2012, he has been the head of LLC ZhSK "Comfortable housing", chairman of the board.

Since 2005 - Deputy of the City Council of Naberezhnye Chelny.

He is married and has three children. Sons Vladimir (12 years old) and Alexey (9 years old), daughter Tatyana (11 months).