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Landing page design. Examples of selling landing pages (landing page)

To create a successful one-page website for selling your own product, it is a smart decision to first study working examples of a landing page. Is it easy to create such a page yourself? Let's take a look at what makes beautiful and actively selling landing page websites different.

Landing page - what is it? This is the name of a one-page site where customers are offered some kind of benefit: a discount, a promotion, unique products. Landing pages do not always aim to sell products. Sometimes such pages contain an application form, by filling out which the client enters the database or orders himself an information call from the company's manager.

Most companies have already appreciated how much landing sites help in marketing. One page solves one problem. Landing pages cannot be overloaded additional information... Their main goal is to motivate customers to respond to a call to action.

The advantage of a one-page site over full-fledged online stores is the specificity of the proposal. A clear statement of benefits helps to successfully communicate the benefits of cooperation (purchases, applications) to customers.

Of course, all Internet users have seen such pages. Practice shows that this is a really effective marketing tool. In conditions of general information overload landing page They pleasantly delight customers with minimalism, style and clarity of wording, the absence of unnecessary advertising and spam.

A beautiful landing page is an essential internet marketing tool

Examples of the most beautiful landing page

What makes a landing page beautiful? At first it may seem that there is no definite answer to this question, because each user understands beauty in his own way. But in reality, a landing page is a tool for which there are quality standards. To see good examples visit the following sites:

  • Designed to;

The best landing pages are similar in structure and features. People like different website design options, but the success of a landing page is not in beautiful pictures. Key features of attractive one-page sites:

  • minimalistic yet stylish design;
  • clear wording, no vague phrases, a lot of specifics;
  • a list of benefits (the client immediately understands what he will receive if he responds to the offer);
  • convenient application form, without unnecessary information (the best solution is only the buyer's name and contacts);
  • the presence of a call to action, an incentive to respond ("call", "find out the details", "order a call");
  • honesty (the landing page should contain only relevant and relevant information);
  • optimization for search engines(the presence of popular queries in the text of the site raises it in the ranking of search engines).

The article presents examples of sites with a good landing page. Explore them and design your own one-page sites for products and services. Some general recommendations... The page should be harmonious and attractive to the eye. Do not use acidic or irritating shades. It is advisable to limit yourself to 2-3 primary colors and stick to pleasant contrasting tones. All images on the landing page must be of high quality.

Harmonious color combinations, clearly described benefits and comfortable placement on the screen are the hallmarks of a successful landing page.

Examples of actively selling landing pages

Selling landing page is the goal of most internet marketers. It is important to make a one-page site not only beautiful, but also attract traffic from buyers. What features will help turn a regular landing page into an active-selling one?

The key feature is the obvious benefit. The sooner the buyer realizes that he is being offered really profitable and honest terms of cooperation, the faster he will make a purchase. Therefore, in the offer of the page, you need to indicate the cost of the product or service. If possible, you need to compare it with competitors' prices and be sure to focus on the difference (for example, “5000 rubles cheaper than competitors”).

A good option would be to use question-and-answer formulation. Users often search the Internet for information in the form of a question. For example, "how to choose a dress for prom." Use popular wording in your landing page title and you will get good traffic(if, of course, the site really offers a solution to the issue).

All important information should be placed on the first screen: the faster the user grasps the essence of the offer, the faster he will respond

A selling landing page most often works without scrolling - that is, without scrolling down the page. All favorable conditions and the application form are placed on the first screen. It may sound strange, but some users really don't like scrolling and want to grasp the essence of the sentence at a glance. Why not give them that opportunity?


Landing page creation is a complex process that combines monotonous technical work with creativity. There are certainly many examples of successful one page sites and general useful recommendations... But don't blindly imitate and use repetitive patterns. The main thing in the landing page is not the appearance, but a clearly formulated proposal.

Design development landing page according to the principle “I want like his” remained back in 2014, when the effectiveness of the selling page was revealed to the maximum, and companies realized that using a landing page you can not only quickly sell a product / service, but also reveal yourself from a creative point of view. Modern landing page is not only a selling structure, but also an excellent opportunity to cause a WOW effect in a visitor, admire the idea of ​​the page and its implementation.

If you don't want to bother, you can download a prototype of the "perfect landing page" and create a page based on the rules, write a headline, offer, advantages and benefits, insert a trust block and a button with a call to action and fall asleep with the thought that the work was done on " top five ". But if you want to exceed the expectations of the target audience, and what to hide, and your expectations too, then use the examples of the landing page, which we considered the best.

Everything 9 examples collected from the Internet, we thought it was cool. Simplicity corresponding to the principle of a landing page, convenience and consideration of the basic requirements inherent in a landing page make examples of selling Landing pages highly converting.

Example of a selling site number 1

The first landing we will look at has an incredibly attractive and stylish design, but poorly thought out marketing and copywriting. On the first screen, we see a bright banner without any unique selling proposition, the emphasis is on a bright photo. When visiting a one-page site, it is initially not clear whether it is dedicated to one unique product or a whole series, which at the initial stage confuses the client.

Each person has a specific goal, why he needs a product or service. In this block, we observe dry selection criteria, but not the final need. At the same time, the indicators "from and to" can confuse the client. In this case, it is better to focus on maximum performance. Description of the product in the style "brevity is the sister of talent" raises a certain question of competence.

The essence of the block should be to obtain advice from a professional who knows everything about the product and is ready to give proper advice about the product, depending on the conditions of the client's operation.

It's hard to imagine how the simplest landing page block can be made so complex and incomprehensible. In addition, the texts should be written in the style of addressing the client. Not "leave a request", but "leave a request".

Landing page example # 2

The cool landing page structure, branding design, and amazing marketing work made this landing page our favorite. It can be seen that the client responsibly approached the selection of videos and photos for the development studio. On the first screen, we see a unique selling proposition, several needs and criteria are closed. The most powerful and beautiful element is a video instead of a background, which reveals the essence of training and the equipment of the gym.

Interest is fueled by criteria.

Professional and bright photos and video materials further inflame the interest in the service.

We "squeeze" the visitor with a number of advantages and close the needs, arouse the "desire".

The logical end of the AIDA structure is the "action" block.

Example landing page number 3

The unique picture, stylish insert with USP, navigation menu, striking design of the first block and the title in the style of the call in general combination make you want to sign up for a trial workout. The placed call-to-action button also contributes to this. The navigation arrow is missing, which should indicate that there is also new information at the bottom. The next block is the advantages in the form of criteria. Made in the form of icons with a short description.

A great solution was to place a call to action block with a discount offer and a time limit. Photos inspire the visitor's trust, motivate, and are also an unusual and stylish addition to the design.

An excellent block with motivation for the first lesson. A big minus is a character of a different nationality.

An example of a landing page demonstrates the style and conciseness of the design, but, at the same time, motivates the reader to take the main action due to the absence of distracting details and the minimization of colors.

Example of a landing page number 4

A good landing page developed by our web studio that can be a role model and inspiration for other developers and clients. One-page and reveals the problem of the target audience (in our case, these are women with large breasts), and immediately solves it through a high-quality offer.

Each block is an accurate hit in the pain of the target consumer. Immediately after it - the correct and competent solution to the experiences of customers based on their discomfort.

A bonus for both the visitor and the landing page in terms of its lead generation is a block of benefits and advantages, supplemented with real photographs that clearly demonstrate the result.

A great way to communicate benefits not only verbally, but visually as well. Thus, all information is perceived better.

Two powerful marketing elements are used as social proof. A video that once again puts pressure on the problem and talks about the benefits of properly selected underwear.

And a photo of the director of the company with his address to the client.

The large amount of negative white space, due to which the attention is concentrated on the content, as well as the rather simple design of the content, creates the impression of a stylish and modern design. Landing page grabs with its concept and converts visitors into customers thanks to competent marketing.

Landing page example # 5

Stylish example landing page focused on the sale of services - design and construction of luxury private houses and cottages. The landing page was developed according to the AIDA marketing strategy - a classic that tirelessly demonstrates its effectiveness.

Each block demonstrates the complex approach of the marketer, copywriter and designer. Powerful and motivating calls to action, original and stylistic graphic images and the selling text does not leave the visitor a single chance but to cause him to take the action that is expected of him.

The main goal of the one-page page is to form a positive impression of the company, its reputation, which becomes the main motivator for the target audience, which is wealthy consumers. Such a target audience is less interested in the issue of price, more - in the image, capabilities of the executing company. Therefore, the landing page aims to unleash the benefits of the construction company.

In sum, with the help of this selling one-page, the consumer is provided with a solution to his problem in finding a reliable and professional contractor. Landing page fully reveals everything strengths companies that become a motivator for cooperation.

Example of a successful landing page number 6

Here is a great example of a beautiful and functional landing page. Modern design with thematic pictures, developed in a combination of dark tones with light tones with bright accent inserts, creates a pleasant impression of nobility.

This landing page has a distinctive feature that other developers rarely use. It reveals the issue of price as much as possible, inviting the user to independently choose the price range, having considered the options that he can afford.

This is a very convenient and practical function that online visually demonstrates to the user all offers that are suitable for the cost. Another plus of a one-page page is that it is focused on all the requests of the target customer. A visitor using this landing page can get advice, place an order, navigate the cost of a kitchen set, and get an estimate for his order. Every opportunity comes with a call to action.

In general, the project inspires confidence in the company. And this is the main thing that should form a one-page offering services, potential buyer... After all, it is on the basis of trust in the performer that the client from potential becomes real.

Landing page example # 7

We chose this landing page example because it is fundamentally different from the usual traditional one-page pages.

The site is dedicated to milk delivery service. But it is made in a humorous form and is focused only on a small group of target audience.

After reading the storytelling, from which the one-page begins, it becomes clear that it targets young people who are interested in slang.

There is no selling structure and no elaboration of problems, as can be seen in the previous beautiful examples of landing pages. However, the message of the site is clear and interesting, so the Landos itself has a place to be.

A large amount of information content, which is set out "for fun" to make you smile, is complemented by an audio playback function, which also adds humor to the page. But, scrolling down a little, we see a block with a call to action, typical of "classic" selling landing pages.

There is no social proof, no block of trust, no block of advantages and benefits. But there is a recipe for cutlets :-)

It's hard to say about the effectiveness of this landing page. The only obvious thing is that the page is interesting, with excellent design and "school" humor. And despite the fact that such projects are a rare phenomenon in the field of Internet marketing, they are worthy of existence, as they will definitely find their audience.

Example of a selling website landing page number 8

An example of another of our work that deserves attention. Landing page sells a service for the sale or rental of mobile stands / photo zones. With the help of this one-page, a potential client finds all the answers to his questions.

An excellent solution for those who want to understand the service in detail. There are unique photographs for each category of service, the cost of each with the ability to immediately choose the one that interests you. For those who could not make a choice, the landing page offers an individual order service with an indication of personal requests, issued in the form of a call to action.

The block of benefits focuses on the convenience of cooperation.

The block of benefits is complemented by a block of company advantages, which together create a powerful motivation for the client to take action.

An interesting design decision that combines white and dark gray with elements of red to create a stylish aftertaste from the landing page view. Unlike other landing pages that work on the problems of the target audience, offering their solution, this project reveals all the advantages of the company's services, and also helps the client find answers to all his questions.

Landing page example # 9

This landing page, which was developed by our web studio, keeps the attention of the visitor from the first fold of the screen and motivates him to take action. Landing page, dedicated to the sale of design and construction services, opens up a lot of opportunities for the client. This is confirmed by the form feedback, allowing you to immediately order an individual project or download a free sample project.

When choosing a contractor for a potential client, the reputation and experience of the company are important. It is on this information that the consumer forms benefits for himself.

A separate bonus for the visitor is real photos of projects created by the company. Bright, beautiful and attractive photos become a plus for the visitor's trust.

Next - a block of "buns". That bun that competitors rarely offer is the opportunity for the client to see the houses built by the company with his own eyes. This service does not oblige the visitor to order the service. But with the help of the feedback form, the visitor already becomes a lead.

As a result, the client is presented with a website with an original design, well-thought-out structure and concept, competent content, which has a complex effect on page conversion, leading to high efficiency.

Parting words

The modern user, sophisticated by the countless number of selling pages that catches his eye, is already tired of the same type. Today uniqueness is in vogue, the more interesting and unusual the landing page, the higher the likelihood that it will attract the attention of the user. In addition, good and exclusive design- this is always a plus: surprise both the visitor and please yourself. And a pleasantly surprised visitor, at least + 10% to conversion. We wish you original and tasty ideas! And if you have any difficulties with this, you can always order a landing page in our web studio.

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Without a strong design, online business will not "shoot" - or, it will not open up 100%. Outward appearance landing pages dedicated to the category of our blog -. But today we will look at successful examples of product landing page design.

Pay attention to the role of the “main image” or “hero image” in each example - it sets the selling potential of the landing page.

We hope these case studies will inspire you to create your own tests.


The site of the Hebe Boutique designer clothing and accessories store is an example of a harmonious, well-thought-out design. The main image immediately attracts attention, and the product photos are of high quality. The typography is also pleasing: the font thickness is more than standard, which, together with high-quality photos, gives a solid visual image.


This eCommerce site has a nice color scheme. The developers have abandoned the traditional white background, which allocated a resource from similar ones. As in the example above, Ticklers use great photos. Large, rotating images show how clothes sit and look on real people in real life.

An interesting social proof format - test it on your own.


After the transition, it is immediately clear that this is a women's clothing store. The combination of high-quality female photos with info-blocks about discounts, promotions, delivery terms and so on is noteworthy.


Online store Ada Blackjack sells bags and backpacks. The design is simple, based on good product photos. Such a layout does not distract from the main thing - the goods.


AMBSN is an eCommerce website that sells clothes. Given the high competition, the owners decided to stand out with a bright design - fortunately, the style of clothing allows it.


Another way to stand out is with custom designs. An example is the RYDER clothing and home goods store, with a very creative layout (see the menu in the screenshot). It is worth testing how this affects landing page conversion.


It is believed that on home page it is worth indicating the benefits (free shipping, promotions, sales, etc.) and posting photos of popular products. Or just a commodity showcase, as a last resort. But looking at Morepork's website, it seems like the company is selling itself, not its products.

Perhaps the tactic is justified - it is worth testing it to find out for sure.


Dick Moby sells glasses, and there are many strong design moves on the brand's landing page:

  • abstract symbols on the title banner - create a relaxed atmosphere, inviting to explore the assortment;
  • high-quality photos of goods;
  • there is no background in the photo with glasses - nothing distracts from the product.


The Horse impresses with its non-standard character. The home page design is built on square blocks. In the first - information on delivery, in the rest - an Instagram photo of the product. It's interesting because it's unusual.


The brand sells false eyelashes. They are in the center of the composition, and thanks to the enlarged photos of the product (and its packaging), the product attracts attention from the first seconds.


An important aspect of the offer is reflected in the design of Mahabis - high quality... The user can appreciate the smallest details - this inspires confidence and encourages purchase.


Poketo is an example of competent placement of color accents. While the home page has a lot of vibrant colors, the overall design is not oversaturated with them. The site is rather light, pastel, and catchy colored spots only attract attention.


Jackie Smith is another bright eCommerce site. As in the example above, the visual balance is good. Important elements are highlighted with saturated colors - product photos and blocks with promotions. Everything else is black and white.


Grovemade design bridges the gap between home page and a showcase - the site sells wooden stands, stationery and accessories. Much of the screenshot below is the brand's products. The location of the product in the photo is carefully thought out, and the non-standard - somewhat rounded - font complements the artistic concept.


In the online shoe store Muroexe, the goods are well-arranged and presented in a neat grid. There is a lot of white space in the design, which creates a light effect and improves the user experience.


On the first screen of the online store Greyrock - only a photo. It shows furniture that can be assembled easily and without tools (real USP). A girl with a book and an inscription in the title complement the composition, as if saying: "Take it easy, order furniture, quickly assemble it and rest."

By the way, this landing page is made on a very simple layout. In the gallery LPgenerator templates you can find many similar ready pages and the extensive one will allow you to adjust the selected layouts without any special knowledge:


The simplicity and beauty of Helbak ceramics are well reflected on the brand's website. The uncomplicated outlines of the products are complemented by the empty space around the images.


Another online store in the "Nothing more" style. Although the design dispenses with special "chips", it does not leave an impression of incompleteness. Everything is in place, nothing distracts from the list of goods.


A website with a simple design, without numerous product photos. At the same time, the layout is built on "pure" black and white shades that create an advantageous contrast to the photo of the jewelry.


Online store THING IND. offers non-standard household goods. The concept is reflected in the design of the landing pages. On the site, instead of black, a dark blue font has been chosen (including for navigation). The designers have created a relaxed atmosphere that is atypical in the eCommerce industry.


Soap Co. they serve goods in such a way that they “sell themselves”. There are no advertising elements - just photos and text. A great example of minimalism in design.

22. RSVP

Rich, stylish design. There are many elements, but attention is not scattered. Even the corners are taken - they contain the abbreviation of the brand.

23. Ratio

The design conveys the essence of the offer: high-quality coffee equipment. Each product has its own landing page, with a list of functions and benefits. The design pleases with high-quality photographs, well-thought-out colors, competent play with and typography.


Frank Body online store offers modern skin care products. Since the target audience is young people, the design of the site is appropriate. The effect is achieved with a monotype typeface and pastel colors.

By the way, from now on you no longer need to open Google service Fonts for getting third-party fonts, because now fonts are connected directly from.

We have added all the fonts from the Google Fonts collection to the visual gallery, and all you need to do is select the appropriate font, click on the connect button and use it for new or already published texts on the landing page.

25. Rest.

Rest. sells handmade stationery. The design concept conveys the solidity, orderly life of wealthy people - this is achieved good photos products and small selling texts.

We have already discussed what a landing page is, why they are good and what basic principles are they based on. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your site, it is wrong to think that the development of a landing page is a template job, and a well-working page can be done in 5 minutes, just know yourself, substitute the pictures and change the texts. Of course, this is a creative process, and imagination, supported by an understanding of the behavior of your target audience, is only encouraged. Below we present ten examples of non-trivial landing pages, as well as pages that provide high conversions.

1. Nest Thermostat

A very interestingly designed landing dedicated to the sale of a room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - a few photos of the interior, as well as the animation in the middle of the page that is ingenious in design and execution, make you feel that after purchasing this device, your house will become no worse. than the pictures on the internet. Thus, the land is not selling a thermostat, but comfort in the house, which is the ultimate need of the client.

2. Boy-Coy

The site of a design studio, after which you hardly want to even look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing page is able to convince you to appeal to these guys, even if you don't read either the reviews or the list of companies that the studio has collaborated with. Most likely, you just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect and you yourself will not notice how you start to enter your data into a nice feedback form.

3. Vodka "Valenki"

Another example of a beautiful landing page with a parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to make a purchase immediately, but creates a positive image among the target audience. Note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but it can be missed when watching how beautifully ice cubes float. Nevertheless, the desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of low quality - such a subconscious conclusion will arise for every visitor of any site made with taste.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Truly interesting landing pages can attract the attention of even people who are far from the target audience. Check out the example of a store that sells huge teddy bears. The site is literally overflowing with interesting ideas and seems to be in dialogue with the visitor, which in the end, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

A beautiful landing page of a popular service for setting and achieving goals. First, go in and see how it works, and second, appreciate the design that embodies the movement towards the goal. Together with the very competent filling of the blocks, it really motivates to do everything that was planned, but was postponed indefinitely.

Examples of high converting selling landing pages

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something that you can catch on to and fill out an application. We will not argue, but some products require careful selection, and you will not get off with one or two blocks. Landing page of this manufacturer windows went according to the program as much as possible and touched on such details that we do not even think about when choosing windows. And although we think there is an information overload in a couple of blocks, this page is still a good example of a large landing page.

2. CASCO insurance

Another high converting landing page. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here, similar to the previous example - a calculator. We propose to evaluate how many parameters it is possible to enter for the selection of a policy, and how effortlessly it is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the site - it is extremely simple and understandable, while in general all the advantages that the car owner wants to get by insuring his car are described.

http: //prostokasko.rf

3. Franchise of entertaining automatic aquariums

Good example a selling landing page that provides a high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits to a potential client, but also leaves the intrigue, the desire to know the details of a business plan that promises passive income. Our special praise to the designer.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page, where a relatively large amount of text (including the area it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary looks organic and successfully describes all the advantages of a renovation organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so you shouldn't give out information beyond measure to potential customers: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires confidence.

The peculiarity of this design is that all the elements are visible, but at the same time very neatly arranged. Also, the attention is drawn to a simple but beautiful slideshow.

Simple yet cute design. The plus is that you can log into the site through Facebook without wasting time on registration.

An excellent example of a demonstration of the company's products. Every month the company updates the list of products displayed on the page.

Understanding what is selling on the site is not a problem thanks to the well-structured content, beautiful slides and large print price tags.

The most successful selling product pages are sure to contain clear and easy-to-follow product examples.

The trick of this design is simplicity. A simple menu and a striking slider go well together.

The page successfully displays different sections... For more detailed information just click on the image you like.

The design is not overwhelmed unnecessary elements, you can immediately see all the characteristics and prices of the goods.

Entertainment sites

Simple and tasteful. The purpose of the page is immediately clear - viewing a documentary video.

The design of the page is very well thought out, it mesmerizes and literally hypnotizes. Excellent combination of colors and shapes.

This site is above all praise. A brilliantly thought-out design and an abundance of interactive elements will leave no one indifferent.

This Harry Potter franchise page has been designed with colors, phrases and names familiar to fans.

This page not only looks beautiful, it is also very functional: many interactive elements, integration with Google Maps, the use of tabs.

Even after the redesign, Uncrate does not change its tradition of placing all sections of the site in a convenient top navigation menu.

This site showcases the power of graphic design and web development. It is better to go to it and see for yourself.

An excellent example of a "tile" design that allows you to stylishly arrange a large number of content blocks.

The visuals on this site are amazing. Vivid imagery instantly grabs users' attention.

Jay-Z knows exactly how to have fun. On his site, articles, images, and other content are presented in the form of interactive tiles.

This design uses natural shades that fit perfectly with the main issues raised on the site.

Portfolio landing pages

On this page, images again come to the fore, and they literally come to life on mouse hover.

This example has a very interesting color combination. Moreover, all elements on the page use the same background structure, imitating a tree.

The "old school" style is very successfully used here, the design of each element is thought out to the smallest detail and unique. Thanks to the endless scrolling on this site, you can enjoy such beauty for a long time.

A clear and thoughtful design helps the page to most effectively convey the main information to the visitors. The color scheme is consistent with the brand and shows the style of the designer in action.

The page makes an excellent presentation. Each banner is dedicated to a separate project.

An example of an unusual tile design.

Typography plays a major role on this page. The use of different fonts helps in conveying ideas.

The design is concise and concise. On the page we can see everything we need: both the portfolio and links to other sections.

Icons and nothing more. A good example of minimalist design.

The portfolio page displays the most important thing - examples of work.


The page contains a lot of user photos, which can be easily flipped with the help of scrolling and hovering.

Large bright photographs of the company's products just make you want to drink a can of cold beer.

Nothing distracts the visitor from contemplating the most beautiful hours.

The highlight of this site is the slideshow at the top of the page that showcases mouth-watering culinary delights.

The typeface and graphics are perfectly combined to create a unified experience for the site. There are only three menu items, and it is impossible not to notice them.

Elegant style, quality images, great presentation. Nothing distracts from the main elements.

Toyota has made a Pinterest-style site for Camry lovers. Here you can find a lot of photos, articles, statistics.

Despite the fact that this page fits into one screen in height, it contains many interesting interactive elements and unusual details.

The design of the page fully reflects the style of the brand: colors, fonts, pictures are immediately associated with this particular company.

The design is made in soothing light colors, such a color scheme is ideal for the proposed product.

This site is like a book that grabs your attention with an unusual storyline and illustrations.

The floating red button in the middle of the screen does its job: you really want to press it.

This landing page uses parallax scrolling to delight visitors.

The design is in the color of the brand; on the main banner, the CTA button stands out perfectly, which you just want to press.

The main poster-style banner for the movie definitely grabs attention. Even if you don't know what this company is doing, you will be intrigued by Captain Dash depicted on the poster.

The unusual grid of this page allows visitors to see a lot of content at once in an easy-to-read form.

This company has chosen a very creative design for its website. By clicking on the elements of the windows with names, we can get to the corresponding section.

A high-quality page design suggests that this company can be trusted.

This is a professional photographer's page, and its design helps us see the most important thing - photography. Even the menu is hidden in the hamburger.

Bright elements make this page very attractive, at the same time, they are unobtrusive and do not distract from the main content.

This design uses a consistent background style from block to block - this creates the integrity of the page and makes the information easier to read.


We reviewed more than 50 completely different designs, but each of them is good in its own way and competently expresses the unique proposal of the company. When designing a landing page, it is very important that the page matches your brand and is interesting to your target audience.