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How to make a paragraph equal to 1 25. This is interesting: How to make a paragraph indent

How to make the same in Word paragraph indent... When writing reports, abstracts, reports and others text documents in "Word", the creation of a paragraph is one of the prerequisites for correct formatting.

In addition, the red line makes the text look nice and also makes it easier to read.

This question is most often faced by office workers and students.

In this article, we will show you how to make paragraph indentation in Word.

Method one: the Ruler tool

This method is considered the most common for creating paragraph indentation and the easiest.

In this case, the length of the red line is determined approximately.

It happens that by default this tool removed and must be turned on. This is done as follows:

  1. Find and click on the "View" tab, which is right below the name of the document;
  2. Find the tab area called "Show";
  3. Click on the box next to the "Ruler" line.

Pay attention to the top ruler, as this is where the paragraph line adjusts.

The text will be bounded by clear boundaries, on which you will see four "sliders": the bottom two, the middle and the top one.

To create paragraph indentation, you need to pay attention to the "sliders" on the left side.

  • When you move the bottom "slider", an indent will be created for all text in the paragraph;
  • When you move the middle "slider", all text will be indented except for the first line;
  • When you move the top "slider", a red line will be created.

Remember that the scale on the ruler is 0.25 centimeters.

Method two: the "Tab" key

This method is also called tabulation.

It, like the first method, does not give full accuracy, but it is also in demand.

By applying it, you can indent the first line from the left margin.

Tabulation is done using the key on the keyboard - "Tab".

When you press it, one large space is set, which will be your paragraph.

The only drawback of this method is its methodical placement in each paragraph.

Therefore, it is easier to use the ruler and the third way of putting down the red line.

Method three: menu "Paragraph"

The third way to put down a paragraph will help you most accurately put a red line throughout the text.

Under the name of the document, click on the "Home" tab. It opens by default when you open a document.

In the lower right corner of the area, click on the small square icon.

In the pop-up window, pay attention to the field called "Indent". In it, you can fully customize the setting of paragraph indentation.

First of all, pay attention to the list below the "first line" label. Among the dropped options, choose the one that suits you:

  • No (nothing will happen when pressed);
  • Indent (when pressed, a red line is created);
  • Tab (pressing will move all lines of text except the first).

The bottom-most box in the box titled "Sample" will show how the text will look after all the changes.

These methods will help you to indent a paragraph in your document. Remember that nice and correct text design makes it easier to read.

The question of how to make a red line in Word, or, more simply, a paragraph, interests many, especially inexperienced users of this software product... The first thing that comes to mind is to press the spacebar several times until the indent looks good by eye. This decision is fundamentally wrong, so below we will talk about how to make paragraph indentation in a text editor from Microsoft, having considered in detail all possible and acceptable options.

Before proceeding with the consideration of the topic, it is worth noting that the instructions described below will be applicable to all versions office application... Using our recommendations, you can make a red line in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as in the most recent Microsoft packages Office 365 and 2019. Certain items may differ visually, have slightly different names, but in general, everything is about the same and will be clear to everyone.

Important note: In office work, there is a standard for indentation from the red line - its indicator is 1.27 cm.

Method 1: Tabs

Having eliminated pressing the spacebar several times, as a suitable option for creating a paragraph, we can safely use another key on the keyboard - "Tab"... Actually, this is precisely why it is needed in the first place, at least when it comes to working with programs like Word.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the piece of text that should be written from the red line, and just press the key "Tab"... This will indent the first line. True, have this method disadvantage, and it lies in the fact that the paragraph indentation is not set according to accepted standards, but according to the settings used by Microsoft Office Word, which can be both correct and incorrect, especially if you are not the only one using this product on a particular computer.

To avoid possible mistakes in creating a red line by tabulation, it is necessary to correctly determine the parameters of this function, which we wrote about earlier in a separate article.

Method 2: Paragraph parameters

As we said above, how the key will behave "Tab" when you click it, you can define it in the tab parameters, but in the context of our today's topic, this can and should be considered as a separate method.

Method 3: Ruler

In the Word there is such useful tool like a ruler. It is used to mark up text documents, align them and more. With its help, you can put a red line. By default, this tool can be disabled, and to activate it, go to the control panel in the tab "View" and put a tick in front of the corresponding item - "Ruler".

The same ruler will appear above and to the left of the sheet. Using the sliders (triangles) located on it, you can change the page layout, including setting the required distance for the red line. To do this, just position the cursor in front of the desired text fragment and drag the top pointer of the horizontal ruler. Above is a normal version of indentation, below is an exaggerated demonstration of how this tool works.

As a result of the correct and accurate application of the ruler, the paragraph will be ready and will look the way you wanted it. You can find out in more detail about the features of work and the scope of use of this tool from the article presented at the link below.

Method 4: create your own style

Finally, we decided to leave the most effective solution, thanks to which you can not only create paragraphs, but also significantly simplify and speed up the whole work with documents in the Microsoft Word editor by automating this process... To solve the problem posed to us in this way, we only need to strain a little once and spend quite a bit of time, but then we don’t have to think about how to apply the required formatting and format the text. Next, we will create our own style, which will include, among other things, the desired parameters of the red line. In the future, it will be possible to bring any written text literally in one click of the mouse to the desired form.

Visual perception is an important component when working with any kind of information, including textual information. Visual memory "works" more efficiently when clearly structured text is in front of your eyes.

Most common and popular text editor- MS Word. Exactly this application is used by the lion's share of users when it is necessary to prepare any text document. One of the essential attributes of formatted text is indentation. Competently placed paragraphs will help not only improve the visual perception of information, but also highlight the semantic blocks for a better understanding of the content of the document.

How to make a paragraph in a Word: a ruler and its markers

One of the tools of the MS Word editor, which is actively used when creating paragraph indents, is the ruler. This attribute located above and to the left of the main field of the document. If you don't see the Ruler, check:

  • Is the Page Layout mode set? If not, turn it on.
  • Whether the Ruler option is enabled. To do this, go to the "View" tab and in the "Show" section check the box next to the "Ruler" field.

As for the attribute itself, it is represented by 4 markers. 3 of them are located on the left side, 1 - on the right.

  • Bottom-left marker - will indent the entire text (or a fragment of it) without highlighting the first line.
  • Middle marker - will indent (shift to the right) for the entire block except for the first line of text.
  • Top marker - to style a paragraph in the text. Will indent only the first line - the red line.
  • The lower right marker is intended for setting the amount of indent on the right (distance to the right margin).

Before starting to edit the text, decide what kind of indentation you need and what its size will be. Next, you start formatting.

How to make a paragraph in a Word: paragraph indent on the left side

There are several ways to create this indentation.


  • Place the mouse cursor in the fragment in which you need to select the red line or select the entire text (Ctrl + A).
  • Moving the bottom marker, set the required indent size.

MS Word menu

  • Select part of the text that requires indentation, or the entire document.
  • Go to the document menu: "Page Layout" - "Paragraph" and click the icon in the corner with the arrow.
  • Set the desired parameters for the left margin (the distance is measured from the set left margin).
  • Click "Ok".

How to make a paragraph in a Word: paragraph indent on the right side

In addition to the traditional left indentation, you may need to indent the right side as you format your text.

  • Select the document (pressing Ctrl keys+ A) or part of it.
  • Go to the "Paragraph" section of the "Page Layout" tab and click the arrow icon in the square (in the lower right corner).
  • Set the required number of cm in the "Right margin" field.

Another way to set the right margin is to refer to the bottom right marker on the Ruler and place it where you want it. By setting the right and left margins at the same time, you can achieve the desired location of the text fragment (in the center, with a shift to the left or right).

How to make a paragraph in a Word: red line

To highlight the next logical block of your document, it is rational to use the "red line". This term implies the formation of an indent (or ledge) exclusively for the first line of a semantic fragment.

  • If the user is working with the "Ruler" - you need to turn to the top marker and move it to the left - to create a protrusion or to the right - to create a paragraph.
  • Or go to the "Page Layout" tab and in the "Paragraph" block click on the arrow icon. In the "Red line" field, set the type of indentation (protrusion or paragraph) and its value.

How to make a paragraph in a Word: mirrored indents

This option is especially useful when printing a document in the "Book" format.

  • Select text or a fragment of it.
  • Go to "Page Layout" - "Paragraph" - "Arrow Icon".
  • In the formatting window, set the values ​​for indents (left and right) and mark the field "Mirror margins".
  • The left and right margins options will change to "Inside" and "Outside" margins.
  • Press the "OK" key to apply the specified changes to the text.

If you want your text to be interesting and understandable - make a correctly designed and competent document.

Those who often write texts in an editor such as Word have to format them later, since this editor by default does not always meet the standards that are needed. Good practice in the design of any document (if you want it to look readable) is the presence of an indent or a red line. As we learn to master Word, this will be our topic today.

Let's make sure that all these red lines are not invented by us. In China - calligraphy, its ancient art of writing. And we have our own writing culture.


  1. Indented line in the text; paragraph.

- Please mark as many red lines as possible - it is easier to read (M. Antokolsky. Letter to V. V. Stasov, November 24, 1892).

2. A special printed line with equal indents on both sides of the page.

- I am an artist ... my surname is Botkin-Razdorsky, well-known in the provinces, - I write with the red line (A. N. Tolstoy. Gloomy morning). -

Simply put, the red line is the first line of the paragraph, which begins with an indent from the left margin of the book, notebook, etc. As taught, and still teach in elementary school, when writing from the red line, you need to put two fingers.

It is necessary to separate one part of the text from another, different in meaning. In ancient times, to highlight a new paragraph, they used not only a capital letter, but also painted it red with a special paint (cinnabar). In addition, this letter, in relation to the rest, was even a kind of whole work of art.

This is where the name red line comes from. Red is beautiful. In ancient times, they said: "the maiden is red" - that is. beautiful. Or the red corner - beautiful, and not hung with portraits of leaders. So, how to make a red line in such a popular editor as Word will be shown below with various examples.

We make a red line in the Word document automatically throughout the document

In general, there are a lot of options to make the red line. To determine the red line is the so-called "slider", which can be found at the top of the document when the ruler is on.

It is the upper part of it that serves as the indentation. With this slider, the red line is made manually. If the red line is needed for all paragraphs at once, then select all the text and drag the slider to the desired distance.

As a result, at the beginning of each paragraph, you will have a red line common to all.

If you make a red line for only one paragraph, then set only the cursor at the beginning of the line that will be indented and drag the slider. The same can be done using the TAB key. We also put the cursor at the beginning of the line and press this key.

Another way. Select the required text in the same way. Next, click with the right mouse button and in the menu that opens, we find the paragraph line. By clicking on it, we open the formatting menu.

You can call the same menu by clicking on the paragraph tab in the top panel of the editor.

Here we find the "first line" field, set the "indent" in the drop-down tab and set the desired interval (1.25 pops up by default). Press the "OK" button and get the desired result.

We make a red line 1.25 cm in Word 2007 throughout the text

The cases described above are automatic installation the indentation interval set by the program itself. But, often we need our own interval. It can be done very simply using the "Paragraph" menu in the top panel of the Word.

By clicking on the paragraph tab, a paragraph formatting window will open in front of us.

Here we need the "first line" field. We open the drop-down menu and select the first of the two options "indent" and "ledge".

Nearby, by default, a value of 1, 25 immediately pops up, i.e. what we need. Thus, nothing more needs to be changed here. Press the "OK" button and see the result.

How to make a red line 2 cm in a Word 2010 document?

And this is the case when you need to set your own indentation option. Here we proceed in the same way as described above. That is, we call the paragraph formatting window, select "indent" in the "first line" field. But in the field next to, where it stands "on:" we enter the required interval. In our case, it is 2 cm.

That's it, click "OK".

How is the red line done in a Word document 2016

When working in this version of the editor, everything is done in a standard way. You can, of course, indent by pressing the "space" key many times, but nevertheless, a specialized key - "Tab" is better suited for this. The only thing is that the indentation here has only one meaning and it may not coincide with the one you need. To do this, we will resort to the most standard method... Selecting the text. We press the right mouse button and see the menu in which we select "paragraph".

In the window that appears, open the "first line" field and select the "indent" value there. In the next cell, put the desired value. There is one more option with which you can both simplify and speed up work in the Word.

This is creating your own styles. Having created a template once, you can then use it without taking long steps to configure. So, select the desired fragment and set the red line in it in any way. After that, press the right mouse button and find the "styles" button.

In the window that opens, set some name for our style:

Everything, the style has been created. Now, when you format your text, you choose the Styles command, find your saved template there, and apply it to the text. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. So, when formatting the text, you can use the standard settings included in the program, or you can create your own corporate styles. As you wish.

This article will focus on customizing paragraphs. If you need to correctly and beautifully draw up documents, you cannot do without knowing how paragraphs are set up. The basic ways to format paragraphs will be described here.

Paragraph format

A paragraph is a structural component of text, usually connected logically and graphically, for example, in the form of indents. When you type text, each time you press the "Enter" key, you create a new paragraph. Setting the appearance of a paragraph determines its format, which is responsible for the placement of text on the page.

Setting (formatting) a paragraph implies:

  • distance to the right or left of the paragraph;
  • line spacing of a paragraph;
  • alignment of paragraph lines relative to the left and right margins;
  • indent or protrusion of the first line of a paragraph;
  • spacing before and after a paragraph;
  • pagination of a paragraph.

First of all, when starting to set up a paragraph, you need to be able to select it. To do this, do the following:

1 way:

  • Triple-click with the left mouse button on any word in the paragraph;

2 way:

Use keyboard shortcuts:

  • - selection from the location of the text input cursor to the beginning of the paragraph;
  • - selection from the location of the text input cursor to the end of the paragraph.

Aligning the lines of a paragraph

By default, paragraph text is left-aligned. But the documents are different, and the alignment may also require different. For example, for examinations of universities, width alignment is accepted.

To ask the right way to align the lines of a paragraph, use one of the following methods:

1 way:

Click the Home tab, and then select the required paragraphs (the order does not matter).

In the Paragraph group, click one of the four available alignment buttons:

  • "Left Align" - alignment of the lines of the paragraph to the left;
  • "Center" - alignment of the lines of the paragraph in the center (proportionally equidistant from the right and left edges);
  • "Right Align" - alignment of the lines of the paragraph to the right;
  • "Fit to width" - aligns the lines of the paragraph at the same time to the left and right margins. The text will visually "stretch" (fill the space of lines), and additional space will appear between words.

2 way:

Select the paragraphs you want, and then use the keyboard shortcuts:

  • - alignment to the left;
  • - center alignment;
  • - right alignment;
  • - justified alignment.

Figure 1 - Aligning the lines of a paragraph

Indent the first line of a paragraph

The most common use for formatting paragraphs is to set the indentation of the first line. How many times have we observed how "experienced secretaries-assistants" and representatives of other professions related to the creation of electronic text documents have no idea how to set a paragraph using the Word 2010 interface. Usually they use double or triple pressing the spacebar for this purpose , or, at best, the key ... And although clicking on this key visually sets an indent of 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) and everything looks "right" on the outside - in general, this approach is irrational. There is no need to do the work for which the program for editing text documents was created. Plus, by using “correct” paragraph formatting, you can save time on many unnecessary pressing the spacebar (or ). When editing the document later, avoid the hassle of rebuilding. general view document.

Now let's look at how to set up indents, but you can do this visually (by eye) or precisely (by setting a certain value in the "Paragraph" window). Visual adjustment involves the use of a horizontal ruler, when you can quickly change the size of the indent, guided by a sense of the desired size "by eye". Fine tuning allows you to set the indent value in the units of measurement used in the document - you should use it when you know the size of the indentation value.

Visually adjust first line indentation

To indent the first line of a paragraph, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, move the cursor to the "First line indent" icon;
  3. Click and hold left button mouse, and then drag the icon along the ruler to the desired location.

2 way:

  1. Click the tab indicator button until the First Line Indent icon appears;
  2. Click on the horizontal ruler where you want the first line to be indented.

Fine-tuning the first line indentation

1 way:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Right-click on the selected fragment;
  3. V context menu(fig. 1) select the item "Paragraph" (you will go to the window "Paragraph");
  4. On the "Indents and Spacing" tab, in the "Indent" group, in the "First Line" column, set the desired indent value (by default, 1.25 cm).

2 way:

  1. In the window open document go to the "Home" tab;
  2. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  3. Next, in the "Paragraph" window, proceed in the same way as in the first case.

Figure 2 - Using the context menu to go to the "Paragraph" window

Adjusting the first line indentation

In rare cases, in addition to the usual indentation of the first line of a paragraph, a ledge is used. This technique is often used for the design of poetic prose and a number of art works, in particular, magazine articles.

To create a protrusion, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Click on the tab indicator button (Fig. 3) until the "Protrusion" icon appears;
  3. Click the horizontal ruler where you want the first line to end, and then enter the text for the first line of the paragraph. Now, starting at the second line, the text will start below the position of the tab on the horizontal ruler.

Figure 3 Tab Indicator Button

Method 2:

  1. In the document, select the necessary paragraphs, and then go to the "Home" tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Paragraph" button;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window on the "Indents and Spacing" tab in the "Indent" group in the "First line" column select the "Indent" value;
  4. Set the desired value manually or using the knobs.

Figure 4 - Indent and protrusion of the first line of a paragraph

Quickly adjust left indentation for a paragraph

Sometimes you need to quickly adjust the position of a paragraph relative to the edges of the document. In particular, when it seems to us that the indentation set for the lists is too large, or the inserted images are too far from the left margin, and this spoils the general appearance of the document. In this case, we can very quickly, "on the fly" change the value of the indent, choosing the optimal one. To set the left indent for all lines of a paragraph by a specified amount (multiple of the standard), do the following:

Method 1:

  1. Select the necessary paragraphs, and then go to the "Home" tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Decrease Indent" and "Increase Indent" buttons. All paragraph lines will indent (or move to the side) from the left margin by 1.25 cm.

Note. Note that each repeated click on these buttons moves the paragraph lines by 1.25cm. Do not get carried away, if you click too much on the indentation decrease button, you will remove it altogether, and on the contrary, by constantly increasing the indentation, you will ensure that the words completely disappear from the field of view (more precisely, they will go beyond the edges of the visible area). To remove the indentation of the first line for a paragraph, use the "Paragraph" window and select "None" in the "First line" field, or put a zero value in the "On" field. You can also use the Undo button on the panel quick access to go back a few steps.

Method 2:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, move the mouse cursor over the "Left indent" icon and, while holding the left button, move it to the desired position.

If you get confused adjusting the indents, you can easily fix it by removing them, to do this, do the following:

Method 1:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the "Home" tab, in the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Decrease Indent" button.

Method 2:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, click (and hold) the left mouse button on the "Left indent" icon;
  3. Drag it to its starting position on the ruler, to the level of the left margin.

Quickly adjust the indent to the right

It is also possible to carry out quick setup indent to the right. This is necessary when you are typing text that should look like a block, for example, when you are writing a verse, tanka or poetry prose. In these cases, alignment to the right gives the text a special look, also emphasizing its theme.

To quickly set a right margin, do the following:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, click and hold down the left mouse button on the "Indent on the right" icon;
  3. Drag it to the desired position on the ruler.

To remove indentation from the right, do the following:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, click (and hold) the left mouse button on the "Indent on the right" icon;
  3. Drag it to its starting position on the ruler, to the level of the right margin.

Fine-tuning the indentation of a paragraph

By default, paragraph lines start directly at the left margin and end at the right margin (if you fill the page with text, in one large paragraph, it will look like a text block, the size of a page). It is often necessary to specify the exact distance from the left margin, or from the end of lines to the right margin. In particular, this is necessary when you have clear requirements for the design of the work, in particular, the value of the indentation values. To do this, do the following:

Method 1:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the "Home" tab and in the "Paragraph" group click on the "Paragraph" button;
  3. On the "Indents and Spacing" tab of the "Paragraph" window in the "Indent" group, in the "Right" and "Left" items, set the desired value.

Method 2:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the "Page Layout" tab and in the "Paragraph" group in the "Left indent" and "Right indent" lines, set the desired value.

Figure 5 - Setting the indentation of the paragraph

Line spacing

Line spacing is very commonly used when formatting documents, and the most common values ​​are single and one and a half. The spacing itself is determined based on the baselines of the lines that run in the center of the letters (this takes into account their top and bottom elements, such as superscript / subscript). So, single spacing corresponds to the size of the text font, and is the default spacing in Word 2010. One and a half spacing is used in most business documents, term papers and abstracts. To set line spacing, do the following:

Method 1:

  1. Select the required paragraphs and right-click on the selected area;
  2. In the context menu, select "Paragraph";
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, the "Indents and Spacing" tabs in the "Spacing" group in the "Line Interline" column, select the desired one from the list:
  • "Single" - the spacing corresponds to the font size of the paragraph text;
  • "1.5 lines" - the spacing is equal to one and a half font size of the text of the paragraph;
  • "Double" - the spacing is equal to the double font size of the paragraph text;
  • “Minimum” - an interval not less than the size specified in points;
  • "Exactly" - the interval exactly corresponds to the size specified in points (that is, if the font is 12pt, then the interval will be exactly the same);
  • "Multiplier" - a multiplier for the spacing equal to the font size of the paragraph text (the larger the multiplier, the larger the spacing).

Method 2:

  1. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Line Spacing" button (you will go to the "Paragraph" window on the "Indents and Spacing" tab);
  2. In the "Interval" group in the value field, enter the desired value and click "OK".

Method 3:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Using the keyboard shortcuts, set the required spacing:
  • Ctrl + 1 - single interval;
  • Ctrl + 5 - one and a half interval;
  • Ctrl + 2 - double space.

Adjust the spacing between paragraphs

In most cases, when special accuracy in document design is not required, the vertical distance between paragraphs (spacing) is set by pressing the key at the end of the paragraph. Moreover, this distance can visually spoil the general appearance of the document, and the more paragraphs, the more noticeable it is. In addition, it may be necessary to set the spacing, independent of the size of the fonts used. To do this, you need to do the following:

Method 1:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. In the "Paragraph" window of the "Indents and Spacing" tab in the "Spacing" group in the "Before" (above the paragraph) and "After" (after the paragraph) items, use the sliders to set the desired value. Please note that each click on them corresponds to a step multiple of 6pt (points). Use the data entry area to enter an arbitrary value.

Method 2:

  1. Select the necessary paragraphs and go to the "Page Layout" tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group in the "Spacing" column, set the desired value;

Figure 6 - Line spacing

Breaking paragraphs into pages

When working with large documents, it may be necessary to set the proportional placement of paragraphs of text on the pages. For example, you are writing a document with large paragraphs and you want each new paragraph to start with new page... To paginate paragraphs, do the following:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Click on the selected fragment with the right mouse button and in the context menu that appears, select "Paragraph";
  3. In the "Paragraph" window go to the "Position on the page" tab;
  4. In the Pagination group, select the desired items:
  • "Forbidding orphans" - prohibiting the passage of one line to the next page or the first line to the previous one;
  • "Do not tear off from the next" - prohibits the transition of the next paragraph to the next page;
  • "Do not break paragraph" - prohibits the division of a paragraph into two pages;
  • On a new page - inserts a page break before a paragraph (each next paragraph starts on a new page).

Figure 7 How to break a paragraph using the Position on Page tab tools

To quickly set the spacing at the top of a paragraph that matches the font size of a standard line (12pt), do the following:

  1. Place the cursor on the required paragraph;
  2. Press the key combination .

Note that pressing the keys again removes the spacing.

Sort paragraphs

Sometimes it is necessary to sort paragraphs, for example, when you created a bibliography (for test work or abstract) and it must be sorted alphabetically. Another example is when you are creating a selection of news and you need to select articles and comments by date. To sort, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Home" tab and select the required paragraphs;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Sort" button and in the "Text sorting" window in the "First by" column, select the "Paragraphs" value;
  3. In the "Type" column, select the value "Text", "Number" or "Date", depending on where the paragraph begins (with a number, date or text);
  4. Set the sorting direction - "Ascending" (from smallest to largest), or "Descending" (from largest to smallest);
  5. Click OK.

Figure 8 - Sorting paragraphs

Select paragraphs with the same formatting

This technique can be used when you insert fragments of text with different formatting, for example, preparing a review for a new car from "Aston Martin" and you need maximum information from various sites. In this case, you insert text fragments from sites as you download (familiarize) with the article. Sites are different and formatting there also differs, but, for example, you trust a couple of sites that specialize in automotive lighting the most. Accordingly, you need to find all the articles from these sites that you copied into your document. This can be done by setting just one paragraph as an example - all other paragraphs with similar formatting will be highlighted, and you, for example, can rebuild them into a block for subsequent actions (editing, formatting).

To highlight paragraphs with identical formatting, do the following:

  1. Select the paragraph with the desired formatting options;
  2. Right-click on the selected fragment and in the context menu, move the cursor to the "Styles" item;
  3. On the Styles pop-up menu, click Select Same Formatted Text.

Cancel formatting in a paragraph

To undo the changes you made when formatting paragraphs, do the following:

  1. Highlight the required paragraph;
  2. Press the key combination

Setting the default paragraph style

To use a specific default paragraph style other than the base (Normal) style, do the following:

  1. Click the File tab, then Word Options, Advanced;
  2. In the Editing Options group, under Default Paragraph Style, select the style you want;
  3. Click the "OK" button.

Figure 9 Setting the paragraph style

This technique is useful if you are using a paragraph style other than normal in your work.


Customizing paragraphs allows you to completely change the look of your document. By changing the line spacing values, you can visually increase or decrease the size of the document. In this case, you can set quite standard values indenting the first line, and at the same time, give the document a correct and complete look. This has a certain value for the general appearance of the document, because the lack of visual design of the paragraph impairs the "readability" of the document.

Knowing how to format paragraphs is essential for anyone who works with documents that require at least minimal formatting.