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Commenting WordPress. Fine-tuning the comment form Occurring add comment comment

Hello friends and blog guests! Today I'll tell you using PHP and MySQL. And also we will talk about commenting systems for the site and choose the best one for your site from those offered by me.

The first question: via PHP and MySQL?

To do this, you and I need to first create a table in the database of your site, which will be called - comments... This created table will store comments in fields with the following designations:

id Is a unique identifier.
page_id- this field will store the identifier of the site page on which this comment is located.
name Is the name of the commentator who left the comment.
text_comment- respectively, this is the text of the current comment.

The next step, after creating a table for comments in the database, we need to inject special code for our future comments on the site. This code on the site will allow our commenters to add their comments to our articles. Here's the code:

This simple HTML form of comments for the site. You place it on your site in the place where it is convenient for leaving a comment on the post - of course, under the post itself.

query ("INSERT INTO` comments` (`name`,` page_id`, `text_comment`) VALUES (" $ name "," $ page_id "," $ text_comment ")"); // Add a comment to the table header (" Location: ". $ _ SERVER [" HTTP_REFERER "]); // Do we redirect back?>

The last step in creating a comment form for a site in PHP and MySQL is to display our comments on the site page. Here's the code for that:

query ("SELECT * FROM` comments` WHERE `page_id` =" $ page_id ""); // Fetch all comments for this page while ($ row = $ result_set-> fetch_assoc ()) (print_r ($ row); // Output comments echo "
"; } ?>

That's all! Our simple form comments for the site is created and can work on the site.

But this is certainly not for a beginner who will not dig with all this HTML, PHP and MySQL codes. Nor will he learn how to create a database. He needs everything at once, quickly and without headaches. I'm right? Of course right!

Then let's move on to the next section of my material and find out everything about ready-made commenting systems for the site and choose the most convenient, functional and acceptable for your site ...

Systems of comments for the site. Which one to choose?

How to make comments on the site- this is an important question because comments on the site play an important role not only for communication between the site owner and the visitor, but also comments are important for SEO promotion and promotion.

With the help of comments on the site, the position of the site in the search results increases, behavioral factors improve, traffic to the site grows, and as a result, your earnings increase. You see how important comments are for the site!

So let's consider how to make comments on the site and what commenting system to choose as the best option?

In general, comments on sites are displayed in many ways. These are special plugins for wordpress engines and all kinds of comments from social networks, such as for example In contact with, Facebook, Disqus... There are also independent services that offer their own commenting systems for the site, for example.

Now I will give you one plate that will immediately put everything in its place and questions will no longer arise about the choice of a comment system for the site:

Everything here is clear and clearly visible which comment system is the best and several presented, which are most often used by webmasters on their resources. I think that explanations here are superfluous and the choice is only yours!

I have already made a decision for myself and installed a comment system for my site from Cackle.

By the way, if you have already decided to choose a system for your site, then here is a link for you, which gives 5% discount to purchase the commenting system from Cackle!

And I have everything for today! Good luck and prosperity to everyone! Until next time!

Dmitry Dementiy

The convenience and functionality of the commenting system affects the engagement of the audience and the number of comments on the site. In this article, you will find reviews of the best external commenting systems to help you choose the best solution.

Why do we need external commenting systems

To discuss posting on a WordPress site with a stock commenting system and standard settings, you will have to manually enter the name and address Email... The same problem exists with standard systems for discussing other popular engines. Because of this, you lose a lot of comments as users don't want to waste authorization efforts.

Third party services commenting provides the following features:

  • Convenience of authorization to participate in the discussion. Here you need to find a balance between the user's desire to leave a comment as soon as possible and the need to obtain information about the commentator from the resource owner.
  • Engaging the audience in the discussion. Third-party services notify users when new comments appear.
  • Storing comments. Third-party systems store user comments on their servers. This saves disk space and reduces the load on the site owner's server.
  • Ability to rate comments.
  • Ability to recommend comments.
  • Expanding audience reach by automatically posting comments to user profiles on social networks.
  • Ability to insert visual content into comments.

Below you will find an overview of the features of the most convenient external commenting systems.

What alternative commenting systems can be used on the site

Free and paid commenting services are available to site owners. The mini-reviews have general information about each system, as well as instructions for installing and configuring on sites powered by WordPress.

Disqus commenting system

Disqus is the most popular third-party commenting system. According to the creators, with its help users write 50 million comments on websites every month.

Due to its popularity, Disqus can be considered a benchmark or starting point for evaluating other external commenting systems.

How to install Disqus on a website

On the site settings page, specify the name of the resource and select the URL on the Disqus platform. Use the dropdown menu to define the category your site belongs to. Click the Next button.

In the next step, choose a plan. The following options are available:

  • Base. Free plan for any site, ads are displayed in the commenting system. Disqus only shares ad revenue with sites that meet the platform's internal criteria.
  • Plus. The subscription price is $ 9 per month. The plan allows you to turn off ads. For non-commercial sites, personal blogs that do not display ads, the Plus plan can be activated for free. The number of views should not exceed 50,000 per day.
  • Pro. The cost is $ 89 per month, the number of page views is no more than 150,000 per day. On a professional level, there is additional functionality: advanced analytics, priority support, advanced moderation capabilities.

On the next page, the system informs that with the help of Disqus it is possible to monetize the site. The function is available for resources on English language... Press the button marked in the illustration to confirm that you are familiar with this system feature.

Select the platform your site is running on. If there is no ready-made solution, use the generic code.

The system will offer you instructions on how to install the Disqus plugin for WordPress. Proceed like this:

  • In the WP Console, select the Plugins - Add New menu.
  • In the Search Plugin box, enter Disqus.
  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • On the installed plugins page, on the Disqus Comment System line, select the Configure menu.

  • The system will offer to update the database. Accept the offer.

  • Enter your Disqus profile access credentials.
  • Select the site where you are installing the commenting system.
  • Export comments that users left before installing the system to Disqus. To do this, go to the plugin settings menu. In the Import and Export section, click the Export Comments button.

You have installed the plugin and connected the commenting system to the site. Users can now discuss your posts. And you need to pay attention to the service settings.

Disqus commenting system settings

Go to the community settings menu on the Disqus website. On the Settings tab, in the General section, specify the site URL. Make sure the checkbox next to Enable recommendations for your site is checked. Select the language for the comments interface. Save your changes.

In the Community section, in the Moderator Badge Text field, select the text that will be displayed opposite the name of users with moderator rights. Use the drop-down menu to select the principle for displaying comments. The following options are available: new top, old top and best top.

If necessary, allow anonymous users to leave comments. Please note that such commentators are not notified of discussion updates. This reduces their involvement. In addition, the ability to leave comments anonymously can attract trolls and spammers to the site.

Check the box next to the Links in Comments option. In this case, the system will automatically send any comments with links for moderation. Make sure the checkbox next to the Media Attachments option is checked. This is permission to post images and videos in comments.

Check the boxes next to the two options in the Flagged Comments section. This allows users to notify moderators about unwanted comments... Also, after the number of marks specified using the drop-down menu, the system will hide the suspicious comment until the complaint is considered by the moderator. Save your changes.

In your Disqus account, on the Community tab, you can monitor the number of comments and marks "Likes" and "Dislikes", assign moderators, import and export comments. Please note that exporting comments to Disqus allows you to create backup file with comments. This feature cannot be used to transfer user-generated content to an alternative commenting system.

Pay attention to the Word Filter function. In the corresponding menu, you can add stop words, when used, the system will send a comment to the "Spam" folder.

All comments are displayed in the Moderate Comments menu. Please note that the comments for the review are located in the Pending folder. They are not displayed on the site if they are not approved by the moderator. On the Spam and Deleted tabs, you can view spam messages and deleted comments.

Helpful Hint: You can quickly approve or delete a comment using email. To do this, it is enough to answer email with notification of a new message on the site. To approve the comment, specify Approve in the response; to delete or send to spam, specify Delete and Spam, respectively.

Disqus disadvantages

The most popular external commenting system has several disadvantages. The most important ones are:

  • According to some reports, Disqus reduces audience engagement. For example, in the summer of 2015, the WordPress CMS blog WPBeginner ditched Disqus due to reader complaints. After that, the number of comments increased by 304%.
  • Incomprehensible situation with the indexing of comments. Search engines index them intermittently. For example, comments left two months ago to one of the posts in the Texterra blog are still unique. Comments written a year ago are indexed, but the system shows the Disqus website as a source.
  • No free plan for commercial sites.

Popularity and functionality have made Disqus the benchmark external commenting system. Its advantages and disadvantages can be used when evaluating alternative services.

Cackle commenting service

Cackle is a paid solution. It is very likely that the developers took into account the disadvantages of Disqus and the peculiarities of Russian-language projects. Thanks to this, the system received important advantages: indexing of comments by search engines and the ability to authorize through accounts in popular networks on the Russian Internet. Other features of the system are below.

How to install Cackle on a website

After registering and confirming your account, the system will offer to create a new widget. Enter the site URL and the name of the widget and click the "Continue" button.

The system will offer a universal widget code or code for popular CMS. Select the option you want.

To use the Cackle system on a WordPress site, install the Cackle plugin. In the WordPress dashboard, select the "Comments - Cackle Settings" menu. Copy from admin panel Cackle generated API keys and site ID. Paste them into the appropriate fields in the plugin settings menu in WordPress. Activate the widget.

Export existing comments to the Cackle system. Synchronize the widget with the WordPress database.

By the way:

Cackle comment form interface is very similar to Disqus interface. For users familiar with Disqus, it will be easy to use Cackle.

Please note that the system supports cross-posting of Vkontakte messages. This feature is enabled by default. On the one hand, this can help increase your audience reach. On the other hand, users can be annoyed by posting messages on their profile without asking.

How to set up the Cackle commenting system

To use all the features of the service, pay attention to the settings. In the Cackle admin panel, select the appropriate menu. On the "General" tab, pay attention to the item "Delete comments". You can disable this feature or allow it within a few minutes after posting. also in general settings you can select the text of the moderator's icon and change the order of the icons of social services through which you can log in.

In advanced settings, pay attention to the following points:

  • Enable pre-moderation of comments containing links.
  • Uncheck the box next to Guest Comments. Anonymous comments are not conducive to user engagement and credibility.
  • Uncheck the box next to Crossposting. In this case, the system will not automatically post comments on social networks.

Change the rest of the settings to your liking or keep the default.

On the "Appearance" tab, pay attention to the "Pagination" item. Pagination impairs the usability of comments. To solve the problem, use the drop-down menu to select the "Select" item and specify a large value in the "Maximum number of comments per page" field.

On the "Captcha" tab you can connect reCAPTCHA service from Google, and on the "Spam protection" tab it is possible to connect the Akismet antispam service.

You can moderate comments in the WordPress dashboard or in the admin panel on the Cackle website. You can also install a moderation mini-widget. With its help, comments can be moderated directly on the site.

Disadvantages of the Cackle system

Cackle - paid service... This is its main disadvantage compared to Disqus. The cost of using one site is 200 rubles per month. Is it worth spending money to be able to authorize users through Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki? This is the main question, according to the results of the answer to which the owner of a particular site must make a decision.

Another drawback of the service is that it is not obvious that it is possible to participate in discussions for users who do not have profiles on social networks. If you disable the ability to leave anonymous comments, the system will prompt the reader to log in via the social network. Alternatively, the user can register on the Cackle website. But to do this, he must find the icon marked in the illustration.

HyperComments system

HyperComments is a paid commenting system that supports authorization using profiles in networks popular on the Russian Internet. Three tariffs are available to users:

  • Personal. Costs $ 24 per year, can be used on one site. Supports up to 500 thousand widget downloads per month.
  • Professional. Three sites, $ 120 per year, up to 2 million widget downloads per month.
  • Enterprise. $ 480 per year, as many sites as you like, up to 6 million widget downloads per month.

In addition to authorization through Vkontakte, HyperComments has other important advantages. This is a hypercomment feature that allows you to highlight a piece of text and discuss it. Also, commentators can share quotes with their subscribers. Learn more about the system's capabilities further.

How to install and configure HyperComments

Click "Next". The system will redirect you to the HyperComments plugin page in the WordPress directory. Install and activate the plugin. In the site console, select the "Comments - HyperComments" menu and log in with Google account... On the settings page, select the Settings tab. Import existing comments into the system.

Rest basic settings you can not change. Advanced settings are available on the Comments tab in the corresponding menu.

In the General section, enable notifications to the administrator and moderators when a new comment is posted. If necessary, enable pre-moderation of all comments.

In the "Structure" section, if necessary, uncheck the box next to the "Allow comments from guests" field. In this case, users will be able to send a message only after authorization through the social network. If you allow aggressive ways to increase your reach, enable cross-posting.

In the "Quotes" section, enable the appropriate widget. It allows users to highlight a piece of text and share it with followers on social media.

In the HyperComments section, keep the default settings. This function allows you to annotate specific pieces of text.

In the "Stereo comments" section, you can enable the corresponding function. It combines comments into two columns: posts by the author and all users. If necessary, you can add the company logo to the author column.

Disadvantages of the HyperComments system

The main disadvantage of the system is the lack of a free plan.

The service discriminates against users who do not have social media accounts. If you turn off the anonymous commenting option, such visitors will not be able to leave a message.

Another important drawback is that the system, by default, does not inform users about new comments. This reduces audience engagement.

IntenseDebate commenting system

IntenseDebate is an external commenting system developed by Automattic Inc. One of the main projects of the company is a website hosting service Therefore, IntenseDebate integrates especially well with WordPress CMS.

IntenseDebate - free service... Its functionality is not inferior to the reference Disqus. The system provides website owners with the following features:

To take advantage of the system's capabilities, install it on the site and configure it.

How to install and configure IntenseDebate

After registering in the system, go to the commenting system installation page. Enter the URL of the resource. If you are using WordPress, install and activate the IntenseDebate plugin. Log in to the settings page in the WP console.

In your personal account on the IntenseDebate website, enable notifications about the publication of new comments. Switch the language to Russian.

In the Layout menu personal account change if necessary appearance buttons, the size of user avatars and notifications of new messages. To prevent pagination of comments, select the maximum value in the Comments per page field. If necessary, specify the text that will be displayed under the comment form.

In the Comments menu, enable the ability to log in with Facebook and Twitter. Use the system prompts to create a Facebook app and get an API key. Check the box next to the Enable "Report this comment" button. You will enable the "Report a comment" button. Select an option for displaying trackbacks. They can be posted along with custom comments or in a separate area. For most projects, the second option is suitable.

Install additional widgets on the site, if necessary. The following add-ons are available in the corresponding section of your personal account:

  • Comment Statistics - Shows the number of commentators and posts.
  • Latest comments.
  • Popular publications. This widget displays a list of the most discussed posts.
  • Active commentators. The add-on displays the ten most active users with a link to their profiles in IntenseDebate.

You can moderate posts in the WordPress dashboard under the Comments menu.

Disadvantages of the IntenseDebate system

The main disadvantage of IntenseDebate is the lack of integration with popular networks in Runet, for example, Vkontakte. To participate in discussions, users will have to log in with their Facebook, Twitter, accounts, register with IntenseDebate, or provide their name and email address.

Tolstoy comments

The developers position Tolstoy comments as a free system for building a community of site users. This is not a traditional commenting system, but a chat widget in which readers can communicate. The communication process is gamified using a system of badges and ratings.

How to install Tolstoy comments on a website

After registering on the platform, the system will offer to insert the widget code on all pages of the site.

If everything is done correctly, a comment widget will appear on the site.

In the control panel on the Tolstoy comments site, adjust the size of the widget. Choose a suitable loading time for the widget. The rest of the settings do not need to be changed.

Information about messages is available to the administrator in real time in the "Moderation" section of his personal account. Users see a widget on the pages of the site indicating the number of comments and a pop-up window with the most rated comments.

Users can rate comments. And for activity, the system assigns badges to commentators.

On each page of the site, the widget creates a separate chat. But the list of chats is available to users from any page of the site using the link "All chats".

Disadvantages of the Tolstoy comments system

The main drawback is the storage of comments on the Tolstoy comments server, and not in the site's database. Because of this, user-generated content is not indexed. The developers plan to solve this problem in the future.

In a discussion on Tolstoy comments, users say the widget slows down sites. On the test site, I did not notice such an effect.

Alternatives to universal systems

Instead of universal cross-platform solutions, some site owners establish a comment form for one social network... Usually it is Facebook or Vkontakte. Some resources have two forms of commenting at once.

To set up a Facebook comment form, use

Hello dear readers, today I would like to talk with you on the topic commenting on articles... Many, especially young blogs, have an acute problem of post commenting. How do you get the reader to write comments?

The author tries to write material, the readers do not react at all. The author has the impression that he is writing in a blank, and he ceases to like it. I have acquaintances who gave up their hobby on this occasion.

Today I will reveal to you 8 secrets that will get your readers to write a comment on the. Of course, I said highly, these are not secrets, but facts that many forget and themselves suffer from this. But before using these methods, do not forget to protect yourself from ;-).

How do I get a visitor to write a comment?

Everything is simple, you just have to try a little to follow the rules I described below, after which the number of comments on your site will slowly begin to replenish. But this does not mean that you can stupidly use these chips and everything will be fine. You need to analyze what kind of visitors you have, what exactly they want and what to catch them on. You can do this with the help of or 😉 Let's start ...

As a rule, readers do not comment out of fear: “What will they think of me? What if I write the wrong thing and everyone will laugh ... ". You, as the author of the site, must make it clear to the reader that you are the same person as everyone else, that there is nothing to be afraid of ...

To do this, you just need to create a page "" and write to yourself how you started, where you studied, where you live, and so on. The "Personal" section also works well, where from time to time you will write articles about yourself, for example, when you find yourself in a funny situation, or.

Also, plugins like this work very well - a plugin for displaying the last comments left. People will see that your site is actively commenting and nothing terrible happens 😉

2) Encourage the reader to leave a comment.

Constantly ask the reader about something, ask questions, ask for your opinion. Then the reader will feel that you are really interested in his comments and will not leave you unattended. Many bloggers use this method:

They do not fully disclose the topic of the article, this is suitable for sites that write stories for the soul, but not for my topic. Therefore, I am against this method, it is better to write in detail and disassemble the topic of the article, and at the end, hint to the readers that you can tell a little more, then the discussion will go 😉

3) Use contests and other nudges to comment.

In the past, so-called comment contests have worked very, very well where readers benefit from their comments on the site. Now this method works less efficiently, all the fault is in other FAT contests that popular bloggers organize with the help of sponsors such as Rookee, Seopult and so on ...

These contests have a budget of tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles, so a comment contest with a prize of 500 rubles will not surprise anyone. And this way you can only push those who love you and constantly read, but they lacked something to leave a comment. .

Types of comment contests:

The most popular competition is the number of comments () competition. A competition is launched, and the very-very commentator who wrote the most comments for a certain period of time is determined, and he is awarded an award, it is not uncommon for such contests to contain 3 prizes.

In addition to this competition, such competitions are often held where, for example, the most informative comment is determined, or the best question posed to the author, for this you can use the rating system for the comment. The authors of these comments are happy, while others are waiting for a new similar competition to try again to get their penny

4) Comments that create a dispute.

Try to constantly express your opinion, even if it goes against the public. Very often articles like why Android better iOs are gaining record numbers of comments because people argue. One of my articles is where I wrote why it is better and slightly humiliated other CMS systems.

I still receive messages from people who ask me to try other CMS, so that I would feel that they better than WordPress... At that time, despite the fact that the article was one of the very first, and the blog was only about a week old, the article really got a record number of comments, if my memory serves me right.

5) Always reply to every comment.

Do you not like it when you write an article and readers do not comment on it? Likewise, the author of the comment, who remained unanswered, is unlikely to write comments yet. There are only a few authors who will finish you off until you answer. Therefore, do not offend your readers ...

If possible, thank the reader for the comment (you can for the first comment) and answer his question in as much detail as possible, agitate to ask more, promise that you are always ready to answer any comments, and keep your promise. Then the readers will feel that they are interested in them and will not leave you unattended….

7) Comment on other blogs.

It may sound ridiculous, but it still works. If you leave interesting comments on other sites, moreover, it can raise your authority, the authority of the site, and even bring new visitors to the site. There are several examples where, with the help of one comment, bloggers got themselves a mountain of new visitors ...

But for this you need to write really strong, interesting and informative comments. They should hurt not only the readers of the blog on which you left comments, but also the author of this site. But if you succeed, consider that you have killed a big jackpot.

8) Leave a comment with the same name and with the same avatar.

It is very important! Whether it is if you leave comments on your site, or on someone else's, always do it only with the same nickname and avatar. I wrote here how to use the same avatar. Why do you need to do this?

See you soon, your humble servant Albert and blog ...

Recently, one of our readers asked if it is possible to enable anonymous commenting in WordPress. By default, users cannot leave comments in WordPress without specifying their name and email address in the comment form. In this article, we will show you how to allow users to post comments anonymously in WordPress. We will also show you how to hide the name and email fields from the comment form.

Alias: Perfect Solution

Most The best way Allow Anonymous Comments in WordPress - Encourage users to use aliases or nicknames instead of their real name.

This will allow you to build a community while at the same time allowing users to remain anonymous. Commentators will still have to leave their email address however, most people who wish to remain anonymous will use the extra boxes.

You can write such options in the comment policy and provide a cross-reference to them above the comment form.

While this solution is ideal and the only one we recommend, there are other solutions for author anonymity. But remember, the more anonymity a site has, the more spam there is.

Making the Name and Email fields optional

The next layer of anonymity you can add is to make the Name and Email fields completely optional. If the user only submits a comment, no name and no mail, it will go through. Let's take a look at how to make the Name and Email fields optional.

First of all, you need to go to the section Options »Discussion the administrative panel of the site and uncheck the box "The author of the comment must specify a name and e-mail." Now you need to save the changes and your site will accept comments without a name and mail.

Simply removing this checkbox will not inform users that they can now leave comments without specifying a name or email. You can notify them of this by marking the appropriate fields as optional. We also recommend removing the Site field to reduce the amount of spam. To do this, you need to modify your comment form. Just copy and paste the following code into your theme's functions.php file or into:

Function wpb_alter_comment_form_fields ($ fields) (// Modify the Name field and display it optional $ fields ["author"] = "

" . "". ($ req?" *" : "") . "

"; // Modify the Email field and display it optional $ fields [" email "] =" "; // This line removes the Site field from the comment form. $ Fields [" url "] =" "; return $ fields;) add_filter (" comment_form_default_fields "," wpb_alter_comment_form_fields ");

This code just adds (Not necessary) to the Name and Email fields in your comment form. It also removes the Site field from it. If you want to keep the "Site", then just delete the corresponding lines of code. This is how your comment form will look like:

How to completely remove the Name and Email fields from the comment form

For those users who want to completely remove the Name and Email fields from the comment form, here is a small piece of code that needs to be inserted into your theme's functions.php file or into:

Function wpb_alter_comment_form_fields ($ fields) (unset ($ fields ["author"]); unset ($ fields ["email"]); unset ($ fields ["url"]); return $ fields;) add_filter ("comment_form_default_fields" , "wpb_alter_comment_form_fields");

If your form displays text Your email address will not be published(Your email won't be published), you can hide it by editing the theme's comments.php file. Find the tag and replace it with the following code:


". __ (" Name and email address are not required. "). ($ Req? $ Required_text:" ")."

")); ?>

If you cannot find comment_form, then you can simply hide this text by adding the following CSS code to your theme, or to a child theme, to a file style.css:

Comment-notes (display: none;)

This is how your comment form will look without the name, email, and website fields:

Anonymous comments warning

Please note that without the required email name fields, your form will attract great amount spam. Even though Akismet and Sucuri can block some bad IPs, we highly recommend adding a captcha to reduce spam.

We hope this article helped you allow users to comment anonymously in WordPress. We have shown many styles for comment forms, so if you want to know more on this topic, read our article.

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about how to get the readers of your blog to leave comments on your own blog. Of course, I do not want to say that my blog is literally "teeming" with comments, but still, there is still something.

A little bit about yourself.

Having created the first blog, the second (this one) I suffered from a lack of comments on them. Let's take a look at this blog. In my opinion, he wrote well, it is useful, but there are still no comments. I remember, after I finished writing, I thought that there would be all sorts of thanks, etc., they say that a lot of new blogs have been created, but there were still no comments ...

Several weeks passed, but still very few people responded, there were only a few who created blogs based on my lessons. But I stubbornly moved on, continued and continue to write, because I like it, I love my blogs, my readers, write new lessons and just communicate with them on Twitter, VKontakte, on icq, on facebook, by mail, on skype and etc.

But still, how do you get the reader to leave a comment?

To begin with, I analyzed my readership and I realized that, basically, my readers are newbies on the Internet, newbies to create a blog, etc. I remembered myself, my behavior when I was still completely green: honestly, I was scared write comments because I knew that my words would be seen by a lot of people, and what if I say something stupid, then everyone will laugh at me or think badly of me.

Therefore, I thought that it is better sometimes to remain silent, to “score” on my problem, although I could not find the answer to my question in Google, in Yandex. I thought that no one would answer my problems, answer my questions.

Putting myself in the reader's shoes, I realized that I need to make it clear, asking questions is not stupid, everyone was once newbies. And at the end of the articles, I asked you to leave comments on. And he made it clear that there is no need to be afraid of this.

As a result, after all my actions, I see comments, I see the activity of readers and I am glad about it. Therefore, below I will give a few points of how to increase the number blog comments.

Dear readers, if I didn’t even answer your thanks, you should know that I didn’t leave them without attention, honestly, I’m really very pleased ...

How to get the reader to leave a comment on your blog

  1. You need to understand what your audience is and delve into the credibility of it. To do this, you can create a page "About the author", post your photo, give links to your contacts in icq, skype, twitter, Vkontakte, facebook, etc., so that your readers really know that you are a real person, just like the reader himself.
  2. You can, sometimes, publish posts of a personal nature, for example, how you spent an interesting summer, etc. Such articles "bring together" the blog author and readers. But don't exaggerate. You do not need to deviate from the topic of your blog too often, thereby you will alienate the target audience.
  3. At the end of the article, ask readers to leave a comment. This is an ineffective way. It is more effective to ask a question at the end of the post.
  4. In the article itself, do not fully open the whole point. Let the feeling remain that you supposedly missed natural things, the reader will want to supplement your article himself.
  5. Collect some discussion. For example, a lot of comments are typing posts of the following nature: “Apple VS Nokia”, “WordPress or Joomla”, etc. Lovers of one side will prove their own, and the opposite side will prove the opposite.
  6. Make captcha (protection against spam for leaving comments) as easy as possible. Of course, ideally, there is no captcha, but spam bots “take out the brain and the blog” :).
    For example, I NEVER leave comments where the code in the picture is used in the form of captcha, if it is also long, then that's all, it's just the end of the world. I'm just too lazy, I don't have enough time to rewrite this set of letters.
    Therefore, to protect against spam, put plugins like those that only require you to check the box that you are not a robot, or to solve a simple math problem... By the way, I talked about the last plugin in detail in.
  7. Before commenting, instead of the standard text “Sorry, there are no comments yet” post something “compelling” to leave comments, like “Leave a comment, we care about YOUR opinion” (the first thing that came to mind 🙂). This text can be changed in the comments.php file.
  8. Leave comments on other blogs. It helps a lot at first. But then there is not enough time for this too ... You need to leave a comment meaningfully and in the subject. I immediately remembered my comment left on, thanks to which I got a lot of new readers, subscribers and a free link from the blog with 110 Titles and PR 2 (what is tit and pr and how to raise them, I will tell you soon in one of my lessons).
    Leave comments with your unique avatar (it doesn't have to be your photo). To have an avatar when leaving a comment, you need to "bind" your email (which is indicated when commenting) to the picture. To do this, you just need to register on, and then what to do, you will understand everything yourself, I'm sure.
  9. Remove the ability to leave comments only for registered users! Only a few will be registered just to leave a comment.
    To do this, go to WordPress admin -> Settings -> Discussion and uncheck the box opposite “Users must be registered and authorized to comment”:

  10. You can arrange all sorts of contests that will “force” your readers to leave comments. At one time, the competition that I held (remember, it was called "") helped me a lot. A certain "skeleton", a "skeleton" of comments has appeared. That is, readers saw that other users leave comments, so everything is fine, you can leave your bit to them. Overcome some fear.
    Of course, not everyone wants to arrange all kinds of contests: some feel sorry for money for prizes, for some contests seem like a crazy idea, but take note, they are very effective.
    In turn, I ask you to comment on just one article (I will be grateful to you), here