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Electronic wallet RBK Money. RBK Money - Why may need a wallet in RBC and what is remarkable this payment system Rupay

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I want to continue the conversation about. The queue is quite well-known Russian RBK Money payment system, which, in turnover and popularity, of course, is inferior to the giants, and but can be attractive in terms of what is in it there is practically no commission For the use of the wallet, for translations within the system, as well as input and, in some cases, for the withdrawal of funds from your account.

In general, the idealistic picture is obtained, which is spoiled only by numerous complaints on the stability of RBK payments. Some users complain of their not passing and very inert response, and still practically do not bring the results of the technical support service.

It turns out that, by adding all the best that there is an analogue of Runet, as well as becoming actually the Russian equivalent and (without problems withdrawing funds that are inherent in the Bourgeois payments in the post-Soviet space), RBC Mani, however, cannot provide sufficiently Technical and organizational resources. It is a sorry if this is exactly the case. By the way, they are also analogues of our hero, but read about them according to the links.

RBK Money - Principles of Work and Wallets

Anyway. I have not yet had to face problems when working with RBC Mania, so I will not bore this payment system too much. Historically, she appeared pretty recently, namely in the summer of 2008. But before that, she existed since 2002, but under a different brand - Rupay.

Name Rupay It turned out from the first letters of countries for which it was developed (R - Russia, U - Ukraine, well, and the remaining letters denote "payment"). Honestly I do not know how successful Rupay march on the planet (or at least on the sixth of its sushi), but in 2008 the assets of this company bought RBC, after a while she was renamed and moved to live on a new domain .

As you can see now, RBK Money has nothing to do with Ukraine, this system has nothing exclusively for Russians. All operations in it are carried out exclusively in rubles, which are tied and provided by RBC Bank rubles. Those, as a result, it turned out like such a place electronic money of one separately taken bank.

It is possible that it is because of this and the difficulties of some of their customers arise. Nevertheless, a practically missing commission in this payment system (you can see their tariffs) Attracts all new and new customers to it. The second plus can be considered ease of working with your account in RBC Mani. This will not require any special programs - All operations are carried out through an ordinary browser.

On the other hand, simplicity can turn into insufficient security, but I personally do not really believe in it, for I had the place to be in the condition that I used enough safe Program , not the simplest browser version.

In my opinion, at least some serious protection can only be given confirmation of all operations through cellular telephonewhich is implemented in the webmoney system by means of, well, or the complete neglect of the hackers to the insufficiently popular electronic monetary units (when the heater is not worth it).

In RBK Money Protection is built on using two passwords - One to enter your wallet, and the other to confirm any operations with the score. Well, plus to all, of course, the channel encryption is carried out to work with your wallet, and the data is encrypted by your payment cards that you attach to your wallet.

Also, as in Pipel, the login in RBC mania is the address of the mailbox, which you specify during registration. But in contrast to PayPal, it will not matter here, whether you have free mailbox Or it realizes the email option for the domain. Payment limit for you will depend only on what kind of wallet type you use.

In RBC you can create wallets of two species:

  1. Not identified - in fact it differs from the second type of wallet in RBK Money only by smaller amounts that you can translate at the same time (no more than 15,000 rubles), and yet you can not exchange your rubles to other currencies and you cannot use it for receiving payments on your site.
  2. Identified - here you can implement all the capabilities provided by the system. I advise you to see the comparison of the capabilities of various wallets and draw conclusions about what you need. To obtain a professional wallet, you will need to specify your passport details.

To get a standard wallet, it will be enough to pass registration in RBC Mani :

Conventional field form fields. Is it just that they should be fill in their real data, in order to avoid further problems With the confirmation of your right to possession of the wallet. Here you will be asked to come up with a password for access, and in the second step, the registration wizard will ask you to come up with another payment password, as well as choose and introduce an answer to secret Question (Well, just like when receiving a free mailbox):

Go to your mailbox and follow the link from the sending letter.

In the next step, you will be supplied before the choice: either to stagnate with a standard wallet (which has already been almost received if they switched to the letter received from RBK Money), or become a person and increase your wallet level by clicking on the corresponding button.

In RBC Mani, there is no commission for the input and output of money

If you select an option to raise a level, you will first have to log in on the site, and only later you will open another three-link master, in the first step of which you will need to put a tick in the right place (even if you are not a citizen of Russia, you can still use a professional wallet In RBC, the truth will have to perform a number of actions for its verification).

If you are a citizen of Russia, then in the second step, you will need to enter your passport details, and in the third step - to specify your phone and address of the residence.

Also, for the final consolidation of a professional wallet, you will need to make a confirmation payment (the amount is chosen by chance, and if you correctly specify it, then this will serve as a confirmation) to your account in the bank or in the post office, and then to introduce the amount of this amount Payment that can be found by phone in the bank, or by receipt in the post office (similar confirmation of the ownership of the payment card is also used in Papel).

Account replenishment possible different ways, including binding to a bank card. True, as in Pipel, you will have to verify it, but it is done quite simply by transferring a small amount, the exact value of which will be the subject of verification.

For replenishment of an account in RBK Money, the Commission is not taken, but this commission can take the second party with which you enter funds. For example, when replenishing an account with Yandex money, you will be kept one and a half percent of the amount of the transaction:

The whole sense of the wallet's institution in RBC Mani is that with the help of these electronic money You can pay for many all kinds of services (cellular, housing and communal services, etc.), as well as pay in online stores that take them to pay.

In principle, you can pay in online stores and directly from a plastic card, but as in the case of a paipal here, there is no unavailable role that you can not imagine the data of your card to anyone, thereby reducing the probability of fraudulent actions.

In addition, the absence of a commission for the translation, input and output (not for all conclusions) of funds from RBK Money seems very attractive (not for all conclusions) (like the situation, by the way).

Many use this payment for the withdrawal of funds from other payment systems, the withdrawal of funds with which is directly difficult, but their exchange is possible on RBC Mania.

True, there is a reservation that only 10,000 rubles can be removed at the expense of individuals without a commission, and if this limit is exceeded, the Commission will still be charged. But these are the details. By the way, you can not only bind a plastic card to your wallet, but, on the contrary, get the RBK Money Visa card, which in the idea should provide you with a number of buns that encourage her institution.

From the security settings there will be only an IP locked available (so that any computer besides any operations with your wallet besides, which can be configured on this page.

Yes, even besides working with a wallet through a web interface, you will have the opportunity to install on your cell phone RBC Money Mobile program, but I did not do this and I can not tell about my impressions.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Rora - Overview RURU payment system

Among the most commonly used payment services of Russia, it is possible to mention RBKMoney - a progressive online platform, allowing quick money transfers. Among the services are transfers to debit and, Internet payments, mobile calculations. In addition, RBC network has thousands of terminals and divisions working in different regions of Russia. The company works closely with 40,000 online stores, and the total number of active users of the system in 2016 exceeded 6 million people. For the most functional use of RBC, a new participant will be offered to register a personal wallet.

RBK Money - Payment System

The service was registered in the format of the virtual payment platform in 2002 in Ukraine and initially wore name Rupay. In 2008, the product became a full member of the RBC Holding, as a result of which received a new name, which is used today. Currently, RBKMoney is a payment system offering extensive functional users. Among the possibilities are quick money transfers, payment of goods in online stores, Internet calculations on utility bills and mobile communications. In addition, the RBC wallet owners can freely output funds from it to bank cards.

RBK Money Wallet

Registering a personal e-wallet on the RBC-Money platform opens even more opportunities before its owner. Among the main advantages with which RBKmoney Wallet possesses is the ability to pay online purchases without overpayments, interest-free replenishment, and also free output Monetary balance on the card or bank account. Registration is also free and takes a minimum of time. The owners of the accounts-wallets in the RBC system are available services for qualified technical support operating in 24/7 mode.

Payment RBK Money

One of the main functions of the payment platform, which dozens and hundreds of thousands of users daily use every day - pay for goods and services in online stores and other outlets. The number of online stores receiving payment RBKMoney has already exceeded 40 thousand. At the same time, the buyer does not need to worry about hidden payments and commissions: when carrying out a trading operation, exceptionally selected goods or services are paid, the system's commission is 0%. In the event that, after calculations on RBC account, money remains, they can always be launched on a bank card.

Map RBK Money

Each RBC system has the opportunity to arrange a personal plastic card of the international VISA payment system. The RBKMoney card allows you to instantly withdraw cash without commissions - in all financial operationslinked to a personal wallet. At the same time, all other operations are carried out with a minimum commission, which in this case will be much lower than in the case of other credit and banks. Card holders can freely list money between their own wallet and map at any convenient time.

Commission RBK Money

In turn, the magnitude of the RBKMoney Commission depends on the type of service and the tariff plan chosen by the user. In particular, within the framework of the "Basic" tariff plan, the money transfers of individuals are carried out without additional commissions, with enrollment of translations in favor of the client, 3.9% of the total payment amount is removed. Not subject to commission costs also withdrawing money from a wallet to a bank account / plastic card and return money to the sender of the translation (payer). FROM full list tariffs acting within various tariff plans, You can get acquainted on the official website of the service.

The RBK Money payment system appeared after changing the name Rupay as a result of buying it with Media Holding "RBC Information Systems"In 2008, the Credit Organization of NPO EPS LLC becomes the new owner since 2012 operates throughout Russia. Year 2016 declared a reboot year, global rebranding. During the existence of RBK Money, there were negative reviews, and fraud facts, and now the team is going to improve the position of the payment platform.

Registration on the RBK Money platform

Make an electronic account is easy. To do this, you need to go through the link Be sure to fill the fields marked with an asterisk.

Do not allow RBK Money password to coincide with passwords from other payment platforms.

After filling out the required data, go to the account security settings page. Indicate the payment password, the answer to the secret question and enter the captcha. The specified e-mail will receive a letter with instructions for activation. The platform is available to legal entities and individuals. Registration in the RBK Money service is free.

To log in, as well as browse the balance and other account data, you must enter the login password. When making payment transactions in RBK Money, translation and exchange moneyThe system will require to enter the so-called RBK Money payment password. This is done for additional security.

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Types of wallets

After registration, the standard RBK Money account becomes active, naturally, which has certain limitations. Improve an electronic account RBC mani to the extended can be confirmed by the owner's personal data.

The owners of improved wallets have the following advantages:

  • monthly limit 300 000 r.;
  • commission for transfers 0.3%;
  • withdrawal of cash assets by the amount of up to 300 000 r.;
  • exchange for electronic money 100 000 r. per month.

You can confirm the personal data by providing the completed statement of the established form (assured by the notary and send by mail). You can also come to the passport to receiving Contact translations and send 50 p. to your account.

Account replenishment in RBK Money

Money on a wallet can be made in the following ways:

  • using online banking;
  • putting money in the payment terminal;
  • bank transaction;
  • in the salons of Euroset;
  • money transfer;

Replenishment through Internet banking happens instantly, the Commission is not charged. When paying or replenished through the terminals, Eleksnet, DeltaPay, ComePay, Rapida, select the required provider and insert bills. The commission is 0%, enrollment to RBK Money account instantly. An enrollment at the expense of bank payment is made up to 3-5 business days, while the commission is charged according to the Tariffs of the Bank.

Not more than 200 000 r., Only residents of the Russian Federation are available. In any section "Contact" in Russia, the Commission, when enrolling on RBK Money, is not charged. Using electronic Webmoney, mobile wallet, Yandex Money and others can be replenished with RBK Money wallet. The Commission is charged.

Exchange RBK Money

Naturally, the RBK Money platform is integrated with various payments. In particular, exchange for WebMoney and Yandex Money. On the website you can organize the exchange of WebMoney on RBK Money. This will require a formal formal. certificate WebMoney And extended in RBK Money. After that, you must specify the account in RBK Money in the "Bind / Card" menu. After the combination, we make an exchange.

Extensively used exchange exchanges, for example, More information about the exchange can be viewed on the following video:

Safety, Fraud Protection

RBK Money positions itself as a multi-level protected system. Previously, there was a program called "100% guarantee". According to this program, you are fully insured from theft of your money and if it happens that it is unlikely, the resource will fully reimburse your damage.

In case of problems with fraudulent actions, you need to write in technical supportwhich works around the clock. When describing the security service problem, RBK Money will protect you from fraudulent schemes. However, in practice, it is often necessary to mention the cases of writing off money from electronic accounts, problems with the removal of monetary amounts are observed.

Security is provided by two separate passwords, you can also enter control over the IP address. Payment Procedures in RBK Money are used using SSL-cryptography with 128 bits key. In addition to the measures listed, there is protection against CHARJ-bets (return payments) and Frying (for example, theft of data cards on the Internet). At least, so assure us on the site.

Let's summarize

In conclusion, we note that the electronic payment system RBK Money has certain advantages, namely: replenishment without commission, instant payment, more than 250 thousand points of crediting throughout the Russian Federation, good integration with online stores, work with 120 different currencies. However, you can meet negative reviews about RBK Money. These are pretty high tariffs, difficulties in working for residents of the CIS, the lack of special programs for promoting the service. In 2016, the service pursues a policy of global changes, ranging from the design to the platform itself. This is done for additional security.

It's not very popular payment servicewhich has already existed for almost 15 years. For most business people, this is an excellent opportunity to quickly replenish your account, as well as the ability to promptly remove funds without superfluous overpayments and hassle. The diversity of the proposed ways is pleasantly pleased with customers.

So, with RBC Mani, ways are available for:

  • visa and MasterCard cards;
  • internet banking;
  • electronic payment systems;
  • mobile balance.

There is no doubt that RBK Money is a reliable platform that gives a full-fledged guarantee of protection against various charges and possible frods with any method of paying, but due to sufficiently poor opportunities not so popular as.

RBK Money output to Visa and MasterCard bank cards

The most common way to derive funds on a bank card. Here clients are offered two options, both of which are quite convenient, but are fraught with various financial costs - up to 10,000 rubles. Translation is carried out in 5 working days, but without any commission. If you are interested in a less long translation, then this is also possible, but with a commission of 2.95% and with a smaller term of conclusion - up to 3 working days. Only Russian citizens who have confirmed data possess such right. The monthly limit of the output of funds from the wallet is equal to 600,000 rubles.

Output of finance for a bank account

The conditions for the output of RBC money to the bank account are similar to the previous one, but the limit of daily removal is limited to the amount of 10,000 rubles. Financial funds come to the account within 5 days, and with the Commission - for 3 working days. The algorithm of your actions will be:

  1. in the personal account we open the subparagraph "payments";
  2. next, we select subparagraph "withdrawal";
  3. in the window that opens, choose the item of interest "to the bank account"
  4. you will need to correctly fill out the released form, as well as personal data that should fully coincide with the information about the owner of the wallet in the system, the correct bank details, then click "Next";
  5. conduct confirmation of the payment made by the Customer on the amount of financial resources you are interested in.

If you have chosen from the proposed return options without a commission, the funds will go within 5 days, but in this case the Bank's commission may be charged, in each banking organization it is its own. In case you have chosen the second option - the return of funds with a commission of 2.95% - the Bank's Commission will already be included and the funds will have to do during 3 days.

Mobile account replenishment

With the help of RBC, money is enough just to replenish the account of your mobile phone - money comes almost instantly, without any commissions. Many mobile operators Also provide the ability to cash out, but with a fairly high commission. So, in the megaphone it is approximately 7.95%. But if you are deprived of access to other ways, it will be a good way out of a difficult situation. Many prefer to replenish accounts colleagues for work, receiving some amount without tedious cash and campaigns to the terminals. To replenish your mobile account, you will need to log in to your personal account, then:

  • choose your mobile replenishment;
  • enter your phone number;
  • confirm the correct entry of your payment data using the message to your email or contact number;
  • confirm the correctness using the input of the sent code.

Conclusion of money through payment system Contact

The percentage of the withdrawal here is higher and reaches approximately 3.5%, but with the possibility of receiving money on the day of accessing data. You will be able to get your financial resources in any banking department closest to you, collaborating with RBC. For this you will need:

  • name the number of the wallet you need in the system;
  • have a passport confirming your personality.

Conclusion of money through RBK-Money bank card

The most economical way to withdraw financial funds will receive the RBK card. It will not require you to need to carry out any other manipulations, and the withdrawal of your funds will be interestful. It is important not to forget that this does not apply to third-party terminals - the Commission may be present in them, reaching for one episode approximately 5-8%!

Consider the features of RBK Money (the nature of working with it is practically no different from working with the Rupay wallet), as well as compare the tariffs and the range of services provided by the Rupay system in the old version and in its new guise - RBK Money.

The monetary unit to operates RBK Money is equivalent to the Russian ruble. Accordingly, you can replenish your account and withdraw money only on ruble bank accounts and plastic cards.

Registration in the RBK Money system

Registration in the RBK Money system is free. In order to register in the system and get an electronic wallet, you need to specify only your real name, name and patronymic (Cyrillic) and E-mail, and also come up with a password to log in. To the issue of choosing e-mail I advise you to approach with responsibility, as it will be your login in the system. In addition, in the first step of registration, you must specify the date of my birth - this information may need you in the loss (hacking, loss) password for its recovery.

The second step to ensure the security of your wallet is a secret question. You will need to come up with this question and answer to it and, of course, remember the answer. These data can also be useful to you if you need to restore a lost password.

There are two types of wallets in the system - Standard and advanced (Analogues of incredited and certified Rupay accounts). In order to increase the level of the wallet to the extended, it is necessary to provide the system with its passport details.

What advantages gives the enhanced wallet compared to the standard?

  • increase the monthly limit on the translation to other users of the system from 100,000 rubles. up to 300,000 rubles;
  • increasing the limit of replenishment of the wallet of the bank card (any bank) from 1000 to 3000 rubles. per day (5,000 and 15,000 rubles per month, respectively);
  • exchange for other electronic currencies (maximum 100 000 rub. per month).

Previously, users of standard wallets, in addition, was denied the withdrawal of funds from the system, but in April 2011 this restriction was removed.

The RBK Money system has the ability to work with an electronic wallet through mobile phone. To do this, download from the site and install special application RBK Money Mobile. Mobile app Tied to your electronic wallet in the system.

Input and output of money. Tariffs in RBK Money

Tariffs in payment systems, as you know, are three types: Commission for payments within the system and commission for the input and / or withdrawal of money.

Until May 17, 2011, the system existed a commission for money transfers within the system. She was charged with the sender of payment and accounted for 0.5% for owners of standard wallets and 0.3% for extended wallets owners (but not less than 1 rub.). Now all translations between RBK Money wallets are free.

RBK Money charges the Commission for the output of money from the wallet (refund of unused funds). (See below).

Methods of replenishment Wallet RBK Money and agent rates

The number of ways to replenish the wallet in RBK Money is replenished constantly. In addition, it seems that RBK Money is constantly conducting active negotiations with agents about the reduction of tariffs. In any case, almost every month on the system site joyfully report on the decline in one or another tariff or even the abolition of the commission of any method of replenishing the wallet. Judge on the table below - currently available the following methods for entering the system:

Methods of replenishing a wallet without commission

Agent Commission Accrual terms
Visa, MasterCard * 0% instantly
Through the terminals "Mail of Russia" and in IP of PKT "WinPost" 0% instantly
MTS communication salons and cabin terminals Mobilleelent. 0% instantly
Bank payment through Bank "Uralsib" 0% 1-2 business days
Money Transfer System "Contact" 0% up to 2 hours
Money Transfer System "Leader" 0% instantly
Money Transfer System "Golden Crown"
Internet banking bank URALSIB (Moscow) 0% 1-2 business days
Payment Terminals "Amega", "Eleknet", "X-Plat", "Multi-Cassa", "Express payment", "Skysend", "Free Cassa", "Unikassa", "Pinpay Express", " One system Urban payments "," QuickPay "," Money-Money ", Federal System" City "," Forward Mobile ", CiberPay. 0% instantly

Other ways to replenish the wallet

Through ATMs with any international bank card

VTB 24 instantly
Masterbank 1% (not less than 100 rubles) instantly
Uraltransbank 3% in 2 hours
Rapida. from 2% instantly

Communication salons

Euroset 2% instantly

Bank payment

VTB 24 4% (not less than 300 rubles, but not more than 3000 rubles) instantly
Federal System "City" 2,95% instantly
Rapida. from 2% instantly
OTP Bank 3% instantly
3% 1-2 business days
PrivatBank 2% (at least 20 rubles) 1-2 business days
Rus-Bank-Ural 3% 1-2 business days
Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development 2,9% 20 minutes
Socghorbank 3% in 2 hours 2,9% instantly

Replenishment via Internet banking

Ocean Bank 1% instantly
VTB 24 1.5% (at least 15 rubles) instantly
OTP Bank 1,5% instantly
Handybank. 3% instantly
Yekaterinburg Municipal Bank 3% 1-2 business days
Uraltransbank 3% In 2 hours 2,9% instantly

Through payment terminals

"Alt Telecom" 3% instantly
"Comstar" up to 5% instantly
"Single Settlement Center" up to 5% instantly
"Masterport" to 10% instantly
"KET" up to 5% instantly
"Forward Mobile" no more than 5%, taking into account the Commission of the Terminal instantly
"Orange" 7% instantly
"Mobile City Payments" 3,8% 20 minutes
"Volga-Kama Bank" / TD\u003eno more than 5% instantly
"Svyaznoy" 3% enrollment after 2 hours
"Siberian payment systems" up to 5% instantly
"REGIONPAY" up to 5% instantly
"Absolute boards" up to 5% instantly
"Ugra-Express" up to 5% instantly
"Sibput" up to 5% instantly
"REGPLAT" 1%** instantly
"ROSEXPRESS" 0,5% instantly
"E-port" 3%** enrollment after 2 hours
"Sprintnet" 3%** enrollment after 2 hours
"E-TRANSFER" 2%** instantly
"Sberkassa Global" up to 5% instantly
"Platimo" up to 5% instantly
"Instantly" up to 5% instantly
"Novoplat" 1%** instantly
"Unikassa Irkutsk" up to 7% instantly
"Express payment" up to 5% instantly
"Easy and comfortable" 5% instantly
"Express Casation" up to 5% instantly
"CASHBOX" up to 5% instantly
"Comepay" 1%** enrollment after 24 hours

Replenishment prepaid RBK Money card

According to tariffs of agents, including the cost of shipping cards.

Through money transfers

Unistream 1% * - 2%, but not less than 50 rubles. instantly (on weekdays)

Postal transfer

Post office 1.7% (excluding VAT), but not less than 25 rubles per translation 3-4 business days

Exchange of electronic currencies

Through Yandex.Money 4% instantly
Through exchange points According to the rates of the exchange office instantly
Voucher ucash 5% instantly

* Please note that not any a plastic card It is suitable for replenishing your wallet in RBK Money. These can only be Visa and MasterCard systems, and Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard and above (with Visa Electron / Mastercard Maestro, you will not be able to replenish the wallet). Cash imposed on account from a bank card can be used only to make purchases in online stores, but cannot be translated by other users of the system.

** excluding the Commission of the Terminal

Frequent question: What information should be reported to the bank transfer to make funds to the electronic wallet RBK Money? The answer is as follows. When you want to replenish the account by bank transfer, you need to go to your account (Personal Area) And go to the "Top up account" tab. There you will introduce the details of your bank and get the details of the system to replenish the wallet.

Cash withdrawals with RBK Money wallet
and tariffs for the refund of unused funds

System Commission Accrual terms
On the RBK Money MasterCard map 2% 3-5 business days
Postal transfer 3% + (1.7%, but not less than 25 rubles, excluding VAT) 2-3 business days
Without opening an account on the CONTACT system 3,5% 24 hours
On a bank account of an individual 0% 3-5 business days
On a bank card 0% 3-5 business days
On a wallet in Yandex.Money 4% instantly
Buying a voucher ucash 0% instantly
Exchange of electronic currencies (output to the wallets of other electronic payment systems) through exchange items See Conditions on Exchange Point Sites