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Rambler mail how to increase the volume of mail. Setting up Rambler mail - version for PC and smartphone

Do you have a lot of emails in your email that you desperately need and you shouldn't delete them? But at the same time, you understand that someday the time will come, and your e-mail will not be able to save the entire amount of information received and sent. Do not worry about this: if necessary, the box can be "stretched".


Bottomless Email can not be. There is a reasonable limit to everything. However, it is possible to "pump up" the box a little. As a rule, after registering in e-mail, the user receives mail with a specified volume. Each e-mail has its own the size, usually from one hundred megabytes to ten gigabytes.

The function of increasing the volume of mail box is present on almost all resources. The procedure for "swapping" mail is almost identical. Although there are also differences.

For example, on Rambler, the user is immediately provided with a box with a volume of 200 megabytes. But it is impossible to increase it immediately. The fact is that the size of mail can be added only after the mailbox, along with received, sent, basket, drafts and spam, is 90 percent full. When only ten percent of free space remains in the mail, the mailbox can be increased by clicking on the corresponding button in the "Settings" menu. On the left in the list of possible functions, select "Box size", then go to the "Enlarge" option.

A truly dimensionless box can be created on the Yandex. Initially, Yandex provides the user with 10 gigabytes of mail. Subsequently, when less than two hundred megabytes remain free in the box, it will increase its volume. In this case, the user does not need to make any effort. As needed, the box will grow automatically by one gigabyte. The user only needs to regularly log in and enter the web interface of this mail service.

There is no bottomless box on the server either. But you can also increase it. Go to the "Settings" menu. It opens when you click on the "More" item. Then select the section "Volume mailbox". Follow the link and click the "Enlarge" button. Please note that you can only "swap" the size if you have reached the limit and you have less than 100 megabytes of free space. After that, it will be possible to increase the volume by another two gigabytes.

Other electronic servers provide similar opportunities to increase. User actions practically do not differ from the increase procedure for the services described in this article.

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Media portal enjoys immense popularity both in Russia and in other CIS countries. Due to the fact that here on one page all sorts of sections and services are combined, using Rambler is absolutely simple and quite accessible even to people who are not versed in the world computer technology and the IT industry. Today we will talk about such a simple procedure as Rambler mail setup, namely, how to create a mailbox on the service, how to work with it, how to create letters and reply to emails, etc.

The Rambler portal is located at Here you can find both news and the latest developments in the field of finance, real estate or travel. In addition, on Rambler, you can view thematic videos in a streaming service, a horoscope, a weather forecast, an online radio, a TV program, a TOP-100 directory of web resources, where you can familiarize yourself with the best sites on any topic, and a lot of other stuff. All this is available right on the portal home page. But we will only touch upon the work with mail, since each of the sections of the portal requires special attention and time.

To enter the postal service, go to home page Rambler and click on the "Mail" menu button, or go to this link.

We are presented with a login form for the Rambler mail service. Right here, by entering the appropriate values ​​for the mailbox name and password, you can enter the mail and start working with it right there. If you do not have a mailbox, we suggest registering first.

Registration on Rambler

On the mail login form, click the "Register" button below. This will start the process of creating a new rambler mailbox on the service.

You can get access to any of Rambler services either through any account social network(VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki,, Google, Twitter, etc.), or through the Rambler account. When you enter the service through a social network account, you thereby bind the social account login to the Rambler & Co service. The login procedure is a little faster, but there are doubts about the safety of this procedure. After all, the login data to Rambler will be stored on the server of the social network, and if the authentication means fall into third-party hands, the security of the login data to Rambler will also be a big question. Therefore, in the old fashioned way, we will resort to the method of creating the usual account Rambler & Co, specifying the username and password to enter the mail. By the way, after completing the registration procedure, using the same credentials, you can easily access any other Rambler service, which is very convenient, since it will save you from the need for multiple registrations. So, we register. To do this, enter the required data in the appropriate fields, namely: name, surname, login, preferred domain, password, date of birth, gender and mobile phone... You will have to enter the correct phone number, because when registering for specified number an SMS message comes with confirmation of registration.

When a valid phone number is entered, click the "Send code" button on the right and wait for an SMS with a password.

The message will contain a confirmation number.

Enter it in the "SMS confirmation code" field and click the "Register" button.

If everything is done correctly, a small green text field appears on the screen with the inscription: "The user is registered", after which you will immediately be taken to your personal profile page.

Now you can go to your mailbox and work with e-mail. By the way, after registration, your first confirmation letter should be sent to the e-mail. You can read it directly on the server. Let's open the mailbox by clicking on the "Mail" button in top menu, or by selecting the "Mail" button in the left part of the workspace.

We get to the Rambler Mail server. By default, the Inbox folder opens. As you can see, there is one unread letter in it. Open it by selecting a message from the list.

The message opens literally instantly. Let's get acquainted with its content. Initial setup Rambler mail is completed.

How to write a new letter in Rambler mail?

So, let's get down to working with the service itself. The first question that arises among the vast majority of users is how to create a new letter? The answer is simple - for this, use the "Write" button in the upper left corner of the main form of the Rambler mail service. Click on it.

Before us there is a standard form for creating a new e-mail... In the "To" field, enter the name of the recipient's email address. In the "Subject" field, set the message context, i.e. subject, which our letter is devoted to. Finally, in the central text block, we enter the body of the letter, write the very essence of our message.

How do I add an attachment to an email?

As we all know, you can add attachments to a letter: pictures, videos, music and any other interactive content. To make an attachment, click the "Attach File" button located under the "Subject" field.

After that, you just need to specify the path to the attached file and click the "Open" button, which will serve as confirmation of your choice.

After completing all the specified steps to set up Rambler mail, the attachment will be added.

To remove an attachment, click the Remove button to the right of the attached file name.

How to issue a letter in Rambler mail?

To design messages in Rambler, there is a whole panel with which you can change the font, set its size, highlight a fragment in italics or bold, align or add a numbered / unnumbered list or emoticon. It should be said that such panels are present in all email services without exception, but in Rambler it is especially convenient and practical.

All actions performed using the design panel are intuitive and incredibly simple. With it, you can add grace and creativity to your writing.

How do I reply to a letter?

If you received email, there is a logical desire to write a response (unless the letter was sent by one of the robots, and such a letter does not require a response). It's easy to reply to a message. We scroll with the mouse to the very bottom of the message, and find the "Reply" button under the body of the message. If you received an email from a group of respondents, you can send a response to all of them at once by selecting the "Reply to all" option.

Click on one of these buttons.

A subform appears asking you to enter the content of your response. When the response letter is written, click the "Send" graphic button with an arrow located at the top.

Nearby is the Send to All button. If there is only one recipient, it is inactive. If you have previously selected the "Reply to all" option, you can use it as an alternative.

How to forward a letter to another recipient (forward)?

How to change the password on Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the account password to a more suitable one. This can be your own decision if you become concerned about the security of your work information, or you find out that your account has been hacked and your correspondence has fallen into third-party hands. The developers themselves strongly recommend making passwords secure, including service characters, and their length must be 12-16 characters, at least. We subscribe to these recommendations. But suppose the mailbox is not hacked, and you simply want to change the password in advance to prevent potential hacking in the future. How to do it?

We log into our account, as usual, by entering the name of the Rambler account and the password to it.

If the login was successful, go to your account settings, and select the "Password" item.

To the right of it is the "Change" button - let's use it.

A standard form for changing the password opens. Here we are offered to enter a valid password, come up with a new one and confirm it, as well as enter symbols from the pattern key (captcha). Let's heed this advice. When everything is ready, click the "Save" button.

This completes the Rambler mail setup, and you can work with the mail service in normal mode again.

How to change your password if you cannot access your Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes hacked mail account it is not possible to log into your mailbox. This can also happen if you simply forgot your password and cannot remember it. How then to be? Let's use the password recovery procedure.

We go to the mailbox login form, write its name in the appropriate field, select the required domain, and click the "Remember password" button below.

We get to the recovery form. As a first step, we will enter the exact name of the mailbox and the security pattern key... Click "Next".

On the next form, we will enter our current phone number and a new invented password. When everything is ready, click the "Send code" button.

After a few seconds, a confirmation code for the operation you have selected should come to your phone. Paste it from SMS into the appropriate field and click the "Save" button.

Everything is now ready - the password has been changed.

Now a few words about client settings (where can we go without them). Although the number of Rambler mail settings is not striking in its variety and assortment, at worst the parameters should be enough to make working with a client more pleasant and relaxed. All settings are hidden behind a button with a gear in the lower right corner of the folder selection panel.

On the main tab, you can set a personalized name for correspondence sent from Rambler. If you use an alias, you can enter it here and the recipient will see your alias in the "From" field. You can also specify another mailbox to which you want to receive replies to outgoing messages. It can be not only a mailbox on Rambler, but also on Gmail, Yandex Mail, Outlook or any other mail server... Read below how to attach mailboxes of other services to Rambler.

In the signature field, you can also specify a message that will be automatically displayed at the end of each letter if you want to finish the text concisely and respectably.

Below you can activate or deactivate hotkeys (you can familiarize yourself with a set of prepared hotcases here). A proven fact: if you get used to working with the keyboard, then all operations will be performed much faster and more accurately. Therefore, if you work a lot with mail, hotkeys will come in handy.

On the right side of the first tab, you can change the client's color canvas to a more preferable one. You can choose from about a dozen of all kinds of colorings for every taste: from pastel colors to azure and marble.

Here you can also see how much mailbox is used and how much space is still free. By the way, the maximum volume of the Rambler mailbox is 2 GB. Before the client interface was changed in 2012, the mailbox size could be increased manually, but with the rebranding, this option disappeared, and the maximum mailbox size began to strictly correspond to 2 gigs. Now, if the volume of your correspondence is approaching the maximum, you should worry in advance about the timely cleaning of the mailbox, otherwise the mail will simply stop arriving.

On the next tab "Folders" you can manage directories, both present in the client by default, and new ones added manually. If the folders already present in the system are not enough for you, it is quite possible to add a few more just on this tab.

The next tab is responsible for adding other mailboxes to the service. In fact. you can connect the mailbox of any other service to Rambler. All you need to know is the address of the IMAP / POP3 server to receive mail, as well as the port number for it (in other words, the gateway). You can get this information on the support page of the service you want to use, you have to dig a little in the reference manual.

The next section of settings is filter tuning. Thanks to its flexibility and ease of use, you can easily add selected categories of messages to spam, mark them as read, or delete them altogether. To prevent the box from getting overcrowded, it is worth fiddling with the filter settings a little, and you will save yourself a headache in the future. Highly user-friendly interface and the filtering mechanism itself.

Another section is associated with setting up an answering machine. If you are going on vacation or want to take time off from work, compose an auto-sent email with the specified subject and content. This will not mislead your manager about your absence and will help maintain working connections and good relationships with colleagues.

The next option, located in the "Mail programs" category, gives you access to the Rambler service for other mail applications (The Bat !, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.). All are listed here required settings that need to be specified in a third-party mail client to access mail on Rambler. If you want to use one of the third party applications to access emails, check the box "I want to access" at the top.

The last section of the settings will allow you to use sound alerts for the most frequent actions in the application, namely, receiving a new letter, sending it and when a crash occurs. The sounds are all standard, you cannot change them. You can only disable or enable each individual alert on an individual basis, which in fact makes our already meager choice quite minimalistic.

The address book

It's time to tell a little about the "Contacts" function. Rambler has an address book where you can add your addressees so that you always have a database of addresses with which you often contact. To access your contacts, click the icon with a little man to the right of the button for writing a new letter.

All are collected here email addresses with whom you corresponded in Rambler. Contacts that have taken place, but which you have not entered into the address book manually, fall into the "Automatic" section. The rest of the addressees are entered into the "Your contacts" category. To add a contact to the list, click the "New contact" button.

You can also import addresses from several mail services into the Rambler address book: Yandex, and This minimizes the time spent manually adding addresses.

Spam filtering

The Rambler client has an anti-spam function. Although it does not work very efficiently, the developers periodically pull new addresses to the blacklist database, which helps the service to filter. Also, if you yourself want to mark one of the letters as spam, you can easily move it to the corresponding folder using the top menu.

In addition, you can mark the letter as unclaimed and without moving, as a result of which the sender's address will be added to the spammers list after verification.

To sort messages by a specified criterion, you need to click on the column heading and select the sort order: ascending or descending. The sorting mechanism is quite flexible, and allows you to easily handle a large volume of correspondence without any difficulties.

Rambler-mail - mobile version

Official page of the app in the store Google playlink.

Official page of the app in the store App storelink.

In fact, mobile program completely repeats the capabilities and functions of its PC counterpart. Registration is available here, and entrance through any of the presented social networks, and many other bright and necessary chips. However, the interface is a bit sparse. It would be possible to give it more liveliness and bright colors, but this is for your taste. Perhaps conservatism and a strictly businesslike approach are valued by developers more than style and a sense of novelty.

Install the program like any other mobile app(it is practically called "Mail")

Logging into the mail is carried out simply and quickly by entering your username and password in the specially designated fields and pressing the "Login" button.

As a result of the performed manipulations, we find ourselves in the Inbox folder. All messages we received are displayed here. In the upper right corner there is a search button, which will probably come in handy if you need to find something by a contextual query.

To go to another folder, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper left row of the header.

Navigating through folders is easy and completely intuitive.

To write a new letter to mobile version Rambler mail, click on the round blue pencil icon at the bottom right of the display.

Then everything is as usual: we enter the recipient's address, indicate in the “Copy” field the possible addressee whom you want to add to the list of recipients, come up with a subject and compose the text of the letter itself. By the way, in the "To" field, you can pull up the addressee from the list of contacts of your phone using the "plus sign" button - a very convenient and relevant feature. Next, we can attach attachments or send a ready-made letter by clicking the button specially designed for this.

It is not difficult to understand all the abilities of the mobile version of Rambler Mail - they are all visible at a glance. The interface in the program is very simple and unpretentious.

That's all we wanted to tell you about such an interesting topic as setting up Rambler mail. We will publish later detailed instructions how to work with Yandex mail. The possibilities are very similar there, but there are also some nuances. service
Let's start with the well-known mail service After going through a simple and straightforward registration procedure, you will receive a mailbox in any of the four domains of your choice (,,, The size of the mailbox is unlimited, initially it is equal to 10240 MB, as soon as your mailbox becomes less than 100 MB of free space, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
Maximum size the letter you send should not exceed 30 Megabytes, the number of recipients of the letter should not be more than 30.
To set up a local mail client over POP3, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming message server POP3 server -; port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  •; port 25, 587 or 2525 (no encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • , including the username, the "@" icon of the dog, and the domain (for example, [email protected]);

To the features of this service it is worth mentioning the ability to use in the settings a non-standard SMTP port 2525 (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) to bypass the prohibition of some ISPs outgoing TCP connections on port 25 and, alas, the complete lack of support IMAP protocol.
Restrictions on mass mailing the service does not declare. However, the following picture was found out experimentally:
after sending 120 letters, there were significant delays in mail delivery (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters, error 553 began to appear (the server does not want to send mail), which disappeared after a while (from 5 minutes to an hour) and appeared again after sending letters. After two days, the restrictions continued to apply. The picture has not changed much after sending replies to the initial mailing list (no more than five letters per hour). Using the free mail service, like any other free mail services, is inappropriate for any serious mailing.

Yandex Mail

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free postal services is Yandex mail.
Immediately after registration, the volume of the mailbox is 10 gigabytes. As soon as less than 200 megabytes of free space remains in it, the mailbox will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user regularly logs in to the Yandex mail web interface using a browser.
Of particular note that for the newly created mailbox, you must first enable the use of the POP3 and / or IMAP protocols in the Yandex mail web interface, before you start working with this mailbox in the mail client. This feature, unfortunately, is very common reason refusal to send and receive mail in an absolutely correctly configured mail client! Be careful!

So, here are the basic parameters for configuring a mail program using the POP3 protocol:

  • Incoming message server POP3 server -, port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -; port 25 or 587 (no encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is, in this case, the first part of your email address to @, for example, if you have registered a mailbox [email protected], then the username should be ‘myname’ (without ‘@’)
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

Basic parameters for

  •, port 143 (no encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

The maximum message size is 30 Megabytes.

To the features service, you should add the so-called "disposable" addresses for your e-mail, which have the form "your login + [email protected]", for example, [email protected] or [email protected] A message sent to such an address will go to your mailbox. This feature can be useful in many cases where it is not desirable to provide a real email address.
Another feature- mail aliases (aliases) of your mailbox in the domains @, @, @, @, @, @
You can enable and configure this feature in your account settings on the Yandex Mail web server. Subsequently, you will be able to receive letters to the aliases you configured. For example, you have created an alias (alias) [email protected] and [email protected] Letters sent to these addresses will arrive in your mailbox. More detailed information for these features, you should look in the appropriate section of the Yandex Mail help system.

The service also does not declare restrictions on the frequency of sending. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters, error 550 occurred, in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. Mail delivery time did not drop.
After 2 days, the restrictions also continued to operate. On the 3rd day, after the return letters were generated, the possible delivery rate to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained at least one day.

Another free mail service is provided by the search portal For registration, mailboxes are available in the domains @, @, @, @ and @ The initial volume of the mailbox is 500 Megabytes (in fact, it turned out to be equal to 512 Megabytes). It can be increased in stages up to 1500 Megabytes. An increase in the volume of the box is possible when the volume of free space is less than 10%.

The parameters for configuring the mail client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

  •, port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
  •, port 25 or 587 (no encryption or STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including the username, the "@" icon of the dog, and the domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server (IMAP server) -, port 143 (STARTTLS encryption) or 993 (SSL encryption);

Unencrypted IMAP connections are prohibited in this service. The specifics of the setting include the requirement for the content of the "From:" field of the letter: the email address you specified in the email client settings must match the username with which you are authorized on the SMTP server.
The size of files that can be attached to an email is limited to 20 megabytes.

Google mail service. The new mailbox has a size of 7659 MB. Only the domain is available for registration.
With the help of the mail service in question, you can send and receive messages up to 25 megabytes in size. The maximum number of recipients in a letter sent through the mail program is limited to 100 addresses, and through the web interface - 500 addresses.
The features of this service include only encrypted connections using the POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols (and even on port 25, a secure connection is used).
Pay special attention to the fact that, as in the case of Yandex mail, before using a mailbox on in the mail program, you must first enable the use of POP3 and / or IMAP protocols in the account settings in the web interface at !

To configure your mail client using POP3 protocols, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming mail server (Incoming mail POP3 server) -, port 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -, port 25 or 587 (STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including the username, the "@" icon of the dog, and the domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server (IMAP server) -, port 993 (with SSL encryption);

Another feature of is that certain types of files are prohibited from receiving and sending, namely files with the extensions “ade”, “adp”, “bat”, “chm”, “cmd”, “com”, “cpl”, “ exe "," hta "," ins "," isp "," jse "," lib "," mde "," msc "," msp "," mst "," pif "," scr "," sct " , "Shb", "sys", "vb", "vbe", "vbs", "vxd", "wsc", "wsf", "wsh". Moreover, such files are not accepted (and not sent) even inside archive files... However, if necessary, this limitation can be circumvented by placing such files in a password-protected archive.

In contact with

Do you have a lot of emails in your email that you desperately need and you shouldn't delete them? But at the same time, you understand that someday the time will come, and your e-mail will not be able to save the entire amount of information received and sent. Do not worry about this: if necessary, the box can be "stretched".


There is no such thing as bottomless e-mail. There is a reasonable limit to everything. However, it is possible to "pump up" the box a little. As a rule, after registering in e-mail, the user receives mail with a specified volume. Each e-mail has its own the size, usually from one hundred megabytes to ten gigabytes.

The function of increasing the volume of mail box is present on almost all resources. The procedure for "swapping" mail is almost identical. Although there are also differences.

For example, on Rambler, the user is immediately provided with a box with a volume of 200 megabytes. But it is impossible to increase it immediately. The fact is that the size of mail can be added only after the mailbox, along with received, sent, basket, drafts and spam, is 90 percent full. When only ten percent of free space remains in the mail, the mailbox can be increased by clicking on the corresponding button in the "Settings" menu. On the left in the list of possible functions, select "Box size", then go to the "Enlarge" option.

A truly dimensionless box can be created on the Yandex. Initially, Yandex provides the user with 10 gigabytes of mail. Subsequently, when less than two hundred megabytes remain free in the box, it will increase its volume. In this case, the user does not need to make any effort. As needed, the box will grow automatically by one gigabyte. The user only needs to regularly log in and enter the web interface of this mail service.

There is no bottomless box on the server either. But you can also increase it. Go to the "Settings" menu. It opens when you click on the "More" item. Then select the "Mailbox volume" section in the list on the left of the page that opens. Follow the link and click the "Enlarge" button. Please note that you can only "swap" the size if you have reached the limit and you have less than 100 megabytes of free space. After that, it will be possible to increase the volume by another two gigabytes.

Other electronic servers provide similar opportunities to increase. User actions practically do not differ from the increase procedure for the services described in this article.


Let's start with the oldest mail service After going through a simple and straightforward registration procedure, you will receive a mailbox in any of the four domains of your choice (,,, The size of the mailbox is unlimited, initially it is equal to 10240 MB, as soon as your mailbox becomes less than 100 MB of free space, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
The maximum size of a letter sent by you should not exceed 30 Megabytes, the number of recipients of the letter should not exceed 30.
Use the following parameters to configure your local POP3 mail client:

  • Incoming message server POP3 server -; port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  •; port 25, 587 or 2525 (no encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • , including the username, the "@" icon of the dog, and the domain (for example, [email protected]);

The features of this service include the ability to use a non-standard SMTP port 2525 in the settings (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) to bypass the prohibition of some ISPs outgoing TCP connections on port 25 and, alas, the complete lack of support for the IMAP protocol.
The service does not declare restrictions on mass mailing. However, the following picture was found out experimentally:
after sending 120 letters, there were significant delays in mail delivery (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters, error 553 began to appear (the server does not want to send mail), which disappeared after a while (from 5 minutes to an hour) and appeared again after sending letters. After 2 days, the restrictions continued to operate. The picture has not changed much after sending replies to the initial mailing list (no more than 5 letters per hour). Using the free mail service, like any other free mail services, is inappropriate for any serious mailing.

Yandex Mail

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free mail services is Yandex.Mail.
Immediately after registration, the volume of the mailbox is 10 gigabytes. As soon as less than 200 megabytes of free space remains in it, the mailbox will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user regularly logs in to the Yandex.Mail web interface using a browser.
Of particular note that for the newly created mailbox, you must first enable the use of the POP3 and / or IMAP protocols in the Yandex.Mail web interface before you start working with this mailbox in the mail client. This feature, unfortunately, is a very common reason for refusal to send and receive mail in an absolutely correctly configured mail client! Be careful!

So, here are the basic parameters for configuring a mail program using the POP3 protocol:

  • Incoming message server POP3 server -, port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -; port 25 or 587 (no encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is, in this case, the first part of your email address to @, for example, if you have registered a mailbox [email protected], then the username should be ‘myname’ (without ‘@’)
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

Basic parameters for

  •, port 143 (no encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

The maximum message size is 30 Megabytes.

To the features service, you should add the so-called "disposable" addresses for your e-mail, which have the form "your login + [email protected]", for example, [email protected] or [email protected] A message sent to such an address will go to your mailbox. This feature can be useful in many cases where it is not desirable to provide a real email address.
Another feature- mail aliases (aliases) of your mailbox in the domains @, @, @, @, @, @
You can enable and configure this feature in your account settings on the Yandex.Mail web server. Subsequently, you will be able to receive letters to the aliases you configured. For example, you have created an alias (alias) [email protected] and [email protected] Letters sent to these addresses will arrive in your mailbox. For more information on these features, see the corresponding section of the Yandex.Mail help system.

The service also does not declare restrictions on the frequency of sending. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters, error 550 occurred, in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. Mail delivery time did not drop.
After 2 days, the restrictions also continued to operate. On the 3rd day, after the return letters were generated, the possible delivery rate to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained at least one day.

Another free mail service is provided by the search portal For registration, mailboxes are available in the domains @, @, @, @ and @ The initial volume of the mailbox is 500 Megabytes (in fact, it turned out to be equal to 512 Megabytes). It can be increased in stages up to 1500 Megabytes. An increase in the volume of the box is possible when the volume of free space is less than 10%.

The parameters for configuring the mail client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

  •, port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
  •, port 25 or 587 (no encryption or STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including the username, the "@" icon of the dog, and the domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server (IMAP server) -, port 143 (STARTTLS encryption) or 993 (SSL encryption);

Unencrypted IMAP connections are prohibited in this service. The specifics of the setting include the requirement for the content of the "From:" field of the letter: the email address you specified in the email client settings must match the username with which you are authorized on the SMTP server.
The size of files that can be attached to an email is limited to 20 megabytes.


Search engine mail service GOOGLE. The new mailbox is 7659 Megabytes in size without the possibility of expanding the space (at least the author of the article could not find any information on expanding the space for mail in the help system of the service). Only the domain is available for registration.
With Gmail, you can send and receive messages up to 25 megabytes in size. The maximum number of recipients in a letter sent through the mail program is limited to 100 addresses, and through the web interface - 500 addresses.
The features of this service include only encrypted connections using the POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols (and even on port 25, a secure connection is used).
Pay special attention to the fact that, as in the case of Yandex.Mail, before using a mailbox on in the mail program, you must first enable the use of POP3 and / or IMAP protocols in the account settings in the web interface on gmail. com!

To configure your mail client using POP3 protocols, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming mail server (Incoming mail POP3 server) -, port 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -, port 25 or 587 (STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including the username, the "@" icon of the dog, and the domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server (IMAP server) -, port 993 (with SSL encryption);

Another feature of - certain types of files are prohibited from receiving and sending, namely files with the extensions “ade”, “adp”, “bat”, “chm”, “cmd”, “com”, “cpl”, “exe” , "Hta", "ins", "isp", "jse", "lib", "mde", "msc", "msp", "mst", "pif", "scr", "sct", " shb "," sys "," vb "," vbe "," vbs "," vxd "," wsc "," wsf "," wsh ". Moreover, such files are not accepted (and not sent) even inside archive files. However, if necessary, this limitation can be circumvented by placing such files in a password-protected archive.