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Uninstall Internet Explorer 11. From the eye, Internet Explorer! Using command line

Internet Explorer is a standard web browser that is present on each computer with Windows. However, most users have some inconvenience when working, has an incomprehensible interface for settings and loves to slow down somewhat when upgrading or opening web pages. In short, Internet Explorer is inconvenient to use and just an unnecessary browser. Therefore, almost every user, after the Windows permutation puts a different browser.

In order for Explorer to do not occupy a system space on the disk and simply did not confuse, you can completely remove it from the computer. Of course, by pressing the right mouse button on the "Internet Explorer" folder and the selection of the "Delete" command will not work. This procedure must be made by another method:

1. Press the "Start" button and go to the control panel:

2. Click "Delete Programs" in the Program Point:

3. Select "Enable or Disable windows components»Left at the top:

4. Remove the box near Internet Explorer and click "OK":

5. Confirm the following warning:

6. Wait a few minutes and everything is ready:

Now the computer will be disabled Internet Explorer and all services associated with it. It will not delete the program, and it is turned off and at any time you can restore it back, simply noting the check mark as described above in the instructions.

Nothing is difficult in this procedure and there will be no negative consequences for the OS. I.e, uninstall Internet Explorer will not affect windows work on the computer.
To fully remove Internet Explorer, you must repeat the previous procedure, just select the "View installed updates" item:

Choose internet program Explorer and click the left mouse button on "Delete":

Wait to completely delete the program and restart the computer. Now such a browser, as Internet Explorer, will be completely absent on the PC. And now you can choose another browser on our website.

Many users are interested in whether to remove Internet Explorer. An uninstall IE can, and for each operating system This process takes place slightly differently.

Specialists I. experienced users They advise not to delete the browser. If he does not like it, it is better not to use and take the labels from the desktop. In principle, nothing terrible from removing Internet Explorer will not happen, but it is worth taking care of installing a new browser before IE uninstallation.

Removing IE 11 in Windows 7

Uninnet Explorer 11 from "Seven" takes place in several steps. First of all, you need to go to the "Start" and select the "Control Panel". Then you need to go to the "Programs and Components" tab. To do this, in the View field, you must install the "Icons" item.

After that, in the list installed applications You must find Internet Explorer, select it, click PCM and click "Delete". Then pops up the window to confirm uninstallation. At the end of the process, you must restart the PC.

After rebooting you need to hide the update so that the browser is independently installed. To do this, go to "Start", then to the "Control Panel", and then "Center windows updates" Here you need to search for available updates.

At the end of the search, click on "optional updates". In the list that appears, you want to find Internet Explorer 11, click on the PCM on it and select "Hide Update". After that, you must click OK.

Due to these manipulations, the browser will remain in the operating system, but in the version below.

Full removal

To fully uninstall Internet Explorer 11, you must first carry out the manipulations described above, and only after that we are taken to final removal of the browser. If the computer is installed below 11, then you can immediately begin to uninstall.

Initially, you need to go to "Start" and select "Control Panel". Then you need to go to the "Programs and Components" section and select "View installed updates" item. In the list that appears, you must find Internet Explorer, select it and click PKM, and then "Delete".

After uninstalling and rebooting the PC, it is necessary to carry out the actions described above. It is required to disable updates so that they are not elsewhere. In general, it turns out that the uninstalling of the browser from the computer consists in removing available versions from the last to the first.

Removing IE in Windows 8 and 10

Deleting in the latest version of Windows is much easier than in the "seven". You need to go to "Start", then in the "Control Panel". Here you should choose "Programs and Components". Next you need to click on "Enable or disable Windows Components".

Then you should find in the Internet Explorer 11 list and remove the checkbox from it. After that, a warning will appear on the screen, that the disconnection can affect other components of the computer. Here you need to confirm deletion.

After that, the browser uninstall process will begin. Then you should restart the computer and all the shortcuts, as well as the browser itself will disappear from the operating system.

All associations will disappear for hTML files and other formats. In the Windows operating system 8, all components that need to connect to the Internet will work correctly. Windows 7 will also work normally.

Microsoft boasts huge number Software that is in demand among windows users. However, Internet Explorer browser was obviously not proud of this corporation. In the whole 20 years, he was trying to bring to mind, but, in the end, decided to replace the Internet Observer Microsoft Edge.. Nevertheless, the predecessor continues to "delight" us with his presence on all versions of Windows. In this article we will tell you how to remove Internet Explorer browser from a computer.

Why delete this browser?

In comparison with other popular browsers, the Explorer lags behind in many points, ranging from slow work and ending with a difficult settings system. Whatever it is, this product still continues to remain the default browser in many users.

The question of removing this browser is usually worth it incorrect workWhat happens because of the incorrectly installed updates. Much less often removal is necessary due to the emerging conflict with another software. Problems with Explorer and other products from Microsoft may occur if you use third-party Windows Assembly. And sometimes the user simply does not like that the unnecessary program constantly flashes. In any case, you have the right to evaluate the need to delete a program. By the way, here is a useful video on the topic:

Does Internet Explorer on Windows 10?

This browser is by default on Windows 7 and Windows 8. On Windows 10, its role is performed by the most discerning EDGE. However, going into standard programs, you can see the good old Explorer, which is obviously there as a "museum exhibit".

Why not everything is so easy to remove?

The trouble is that standard method remove the exploitor will not work, because it is an important component windows systems. But any such component can be completely disconnected so that it never let me know anymore.

In this article you will find statistics on the most used browsers in the world -

Disable updates

Before you delete Internet Explorer, it is recommended to disable it automatic update. Without this, after a while he can show him again. So, in the browser window, click on the settings icon and select the item "On the Program".

In the window that appears, remove a tick with automatic update And click the Close button.

Close the program.

From the eye, Internet Explorer!

To fully stop the explorator on the computer, it is enough to perform a few simple steps. For a start, go into the control panel.

Click on the item "Programs"

In the window that opens, we find the inscription "Enabling or disabling Windows components" and go through it.

We are waiting for a list of Windows components, after which you can easily find our browser.

Take a tick. The system will warn you about possible consequences and ask you to confirm the action. It is worth noting that turning off the browser, you will not hurt the system, but risk calling problems in the work of programs that use this browser to download web pages. If you are sure that you do not have such programs, then we boldly press "yes."

Finally click "OK". Perhaps you have to wait a bit until Explorer turns off.

Now this is inactively on your computer. You can make sure that you can try to open the browser shortcut (if it is preserved).

As you can see, the label does not find Explorer. It also happens after normal removal of the program.

If necessary, the program can always be turned on by putting a tick back.

In addition to the proceedings to disconnect the browser, you can also delete its updates. As a result, your computer will be an explorer version that was initially in the system. To do this, in the control panel, go to the inscription "Delete Program".

Now select "View installed updates".

We have a huge list of all updates that have ever been installed on your computer. To quickly find our browser, enter the "Inter" search string. As a result, it should remain only with regard to the explorar.

To start removing language packageAnd then the update itself.

It will only stay to restart the computer.

Read our tips about the right google update Chrome -


Advanced users questioned the need to remove the Internet Explorer. He, as appendix, who seems to be not needed, does not interfere, but still present, affects the body and can cause trouble. Internet Explorer cannot be completely removed, since it is part of the Windows OS, but if necessary, it is easy to stop its work.

Internet Explorer - Browser Recommended Microsoft and default in computers running on different versions Systems from developers. Some users appreciated the positive qualities of the program, especially updated options. Others prefer to use other Internet observers, and are wondering how to get rid of Internet Explorer.

Uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows XP

Frankly, completely remove the browser from the computer is unlikely to succeed, so you can simply. Yes, and not always this action is actually necessary. After all, even if you want to use another Internet browser, you can use it and easily use it, and I take it in case any problems arise in it. However, some computer owners are interested in how to uninstall Internet Explorer, because software can conflict S. new version Applications. In fact, this is not as difficult as it seems. Moreover, it is also available to users who have small experience with a computer.

So, consider how to carry Internet Explorer for those who use Windows XP. For a start, we go into the system with administrator rights. Only so we can carry out the necessary manipulations. Next, go to the control panel and open a tab that is responsible for installing and deleting programs. In order to go to it enter the AppWiz.cpl to the command line. Next to the inscription show updates put a tick.

After the screen, all installed add-ons will be displayed. Among them are interested in Service Pack 3. Before removing internet Browser Explorer, you will need to get rid of this package updates. Select it and click on the Delete button. Next, we find the name of the browser itself and remove the selection next to it. Reboot the system to change the changes to enter into force. Well, if you decide to use this browser again, you can try it again or simply again.

Uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows 7

For those who use the seventh version of the operating system, the way to delete Windows Internet Explorer will be slightly different. At the beginning we go into the system of administrator rights. If there open applications, they will need to close them.

Now go to the launch and find the control panel. It is interested in the program section. Under his name, you will see the Removal Program item. Click on it with mouse. We have a section in which you can erase the programs from the computer. It is in it that we can answer the question how to remove Internet Explorer. On the left side of the screen there is an item thanks to which you can make such actions as the inclusion or disable system components.

Switch by reference. In the list that appears, we need to find the name of the browser. Remove the selection next to it and click OK. After that you will see a message. It says that such changes can affect other programs or configurations of the computer. You can not pay special attention to this warning, since nothing terrible happens. We click and wait until the program is disabled.

The listed actions relate to how to remove Internet Explorer 10 and more early versions Internet browser. There is another way to disconnect the browser. To do this, turn through the start to program and components. In the section we find a string that allows you to view the installed updates. Here we are interested in deleting the update. Go to the inscription Microsoft Windows.. With the right mouse click on the name of the browser, click Delete.

After actions, a message appears before the user, the computer must be reloaded. You can do it immediately or a little later, however, do not forget that the changes will take effect only after rebooting. After that, 10 browser version will be deleted. In this case, the previous version of the program will remain, so it will not be necessary to manually install it. Such a way is suitable for those who do not know how to return to any earlier option. Such an order of action is suitable for Windows Vista. and windows 7.

Deleting a command line

There is an option how to remove microsoft Internet Explorer with help command line. The level of complexity of such an operation is slightly higher than those actions that were previously described. First you need to remove the icon from the desktop. To do this, click on the icon and select a command that allows you to remove it from the desktop.

After that, go to the start and choose all programs. Open the standard window and run the command line. Remember that the launch should be done on behalf of the administrator. In the command line in Latin letters, enter: FRFILES / R% WINDIR% \\ Sourvicing \\ Rackages / M microsoft windws-internetexple - *. MUM / C "CMD / with Echo Uninstalling PakAge @ FnMe && Start / W RKGMGR / Up: @ FNME / NORESTART "and press the input. If the error window fell, click OK. Now on the disk with Internet Explorer, we highlight the folder with the application, click and select Unlocker in the drop-down menu.

The next step of how to delete Internet Explorer 6 or another version is in the Utility window Pressing Delete and unlock all buttons. Next reboot the computer. If necessary, the latter actions will need to repeat.

Some users are interested in how to reset Internet Explorer before previous version. It is also not too difficult even for those who only know the basics of computer literacy. To do this, you will need to disable the browser, after which you find and delete updates. Do not forget that you are unlikely to completely get rid of the Internet browser. The methods that are given above can only turn it off on the computer, while on the hard disk it will remain. At any time you can return to the Microsoft browser, for which you will need to do the same actions as when disabling, but in the reverse order.

The modern Internet user sometimes has a question how to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7 completely?

That is, finally get rid of this almost unnecessary program, leaving more functional, quick and convenient to use browsers - Mozilla, Opera, Chrome and even Yandex or Tor instead of the use of browsers.

After all, despite the fact that the Microsoft developers persistently embed this application to work with the network to their operating systems, they do not meet the requirements for most users.

As evidenced by the practice of removing the program, it is impossible to completely get rid of it.

Everything that the user can make is to turn off the browser so that it does not open the links and is not installed as a program that runs the default image, web pages and even PDF files.

Thus, if desired (or, if all other browsers spoil the virus), the user can always return the IE back, download the new antivirus with it, return the old applications and remove again.

And you can turn it off with only two main ways, to apply that can not even be too versed in computers.

Main method

Deleting an IE application of any version in Windows 7 is much easier compared to most of the other operating systems.

Since, apparently, the system developers already in 2009 assumed that most users did not like the built-in browser.

Whereas in Windows 10, the default is already installed a more progressive Spartan application.

  • First of all, to obtain the ability to remove IE, you should enter the OS using account Administrator. Otherwise, the system simply will not give the user to make changes in system applications.
  • The second step is to close all applications that may interfere with the rapid execution of the Internet Explorer task.
  • The third step consists of several stages:
  1. Log in to the control panel through the Start menu;
  2. Opening the section of programs and components;
  3. Transition to the left upper part of the window to install and delete the operating system component.

As a result, the programs that are necessary for Windows will appear.

And, although most of them are better not to touch in order not to break the operation of applications (for example, without Net Framework. Some games created with Java will not be launched), IE can be freely removed without fear damage the system.

This list should find the name of the browser (for example, it is IE 8) and remove a tick from it that does not pay attention to the appearing inscriptions about possible changes to other programs.

After a while, which will be needed by the system to remove the browser,

All deletion actions can relate not only to the eighth version of IE, but also to earlier and late parts.

Tip! In addition, with their help, you can not only remove the browser, but also return to the earlier version, which for some reason is needed to the user (for example, to see how the site made in obsolete IE 5).

Using command line

Another option to remove an unnecessary program includes using the command line.

It will take about the same time at its execution as the first one, although the level of the complexity of the user's actions is slightly higher.

The command line starts in two ways:

  • The choice of "All Programs" Start menu and subparagraph "Standard";

  • Run first command execution window (Win + R keys), and then the CMD command set.

Now from the user you need to enter the following text in the command line window: FORFILES / R% WINDIR% \\ SERVICING / RACKAGES / M MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-INTERNETEXPLER - *. MUM / C "CMD / with Echo Uninstalling PakAge @ FNME && STAT / W PKGMGR / UP: @ FNME / NORSTART" (Observing all signs and spaces) and click "Enter".

When an error message appears on the screen, select "OK" and find on system disk IE program, highlight, click right-click and select the Unlocker utility in the menu.

When the utility starts, the "Delete" parameters and "unlock everything" are selected in its window, after which you restart the computer.

Sometimes it is repeated to secure the result of the action - at the same time, IE, in contrast to the first method, is deleted forever.

Differences in actions for other versions

The differences in the removal of Internet Explorer in Windows XP, 8 and Windows 10 are not too different. Except in recent versions Microsoft operating system make it even easier:

  • Selecting the "Programs and Components" item;

  • By clicking "Enabling or Disable Windows Components";

  • Having found in the list of IE 11 (this version will stand on new systems);

  • Remove mark;

After rebooting, no "Explorer" in the default lists or browser programs that open links you will no longer find.

And you can use any other programs to work with the network.


When removing any version of the IE browser, regardless of the reason you are going to do this, it should be noted that its complete absence can lead to some problems.

And if you do not have another application for accessing the network, and Explorer has already been completely removed completely, it may also be needed to reinstall the system or transfer of the installation files of browsers from other computers.

Therefore, destroying any reminders about this program from Microsoft, provide for the ability to install other Opera or Chrome applications (what can be done, for example, saving them setup files on a non-system disk or external carrier).

How to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7

How to completely remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7 - 2 working methods