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Cache in Mozile. How to Clean the Mozilla Firefox browser cache? Tips for cleaning

Cache is a data warehouse located in a computer memory that is intended for quick access To the previously downloaded files from the sites open without re-accessing these sites, which can significantly speed up the download of their pages.

All saved in cache browser Firefox. Information is kept by local disk computer and eventually starting to borrow big place On disk. So that the cache does not take excess memory recommended from time to time it. However, not all users know where the cache reset button is located in the browser. Therefore, we consider detailed guide about how to clean the cache in the browser Mozilla Firefox..

How to find out the list of files in cache and their size?

To obtain a detailed decoding on the contents of the cache is necessary in the browser line of the Mozille to enter a string without quotes about: cache? Device \u003d Memory:

How to Clean Cash in Mozile?

To cleanse it, you need to perform several uncomplicated sequential actions:

  1. First of all, you need to start the Firefox browser:

  1. Next in the top panel, in the upper right corner, you must click on the menu icon:

  1. As a result of clicking, the drop-down menu appears in which you want to click on the "Settings" button (or you can enter the following About About: Preferences in the browser row):

  1. By pressing will open new pagewhere the menu needs to click on the "Additional" item:

  1. At this step on the page that opens, you must click the "Network" tab and in the content that appears to find the "cached web content" subsection and click the "Clear Now" button:

Note! In newer versions of the browser Mozilla left menu Maybe there may be no, so the page you open should be cleared down to the "cached web content" section and click the "Clear Now" button.

  1. As a result of the actions described above, the entire cache will be purified:

Cleaning cache when leaving the browser

So that the cache is cleared every time when exiting Firefox, you need to go to the settings again, go to the "Privacy" section, in the "History" section, select the "We use your storage settings" and install the checkbox "Delete the story when closing Firefox" and click Parameters button:

By clicking on the Parameters button, a dialog box appears with the list of options that you want to delete each time when you exit the mozel. You must turn off all the options except the "cache", and click the "OK" button:

On this, the cache cleaning process in Mozile ends. If you have any questions about the problem under consideration, then you can ask them in the comments below.

Users who do not contact the subtleties of browsers cannot always determine the specific reason for their difficulties and therefore uses such mechanisms such as reset and cleaning Firefox to their risk. Today we will tell about them as detailed as possible.

Cleaning Firefox.

Immediately explain: if you have some serious problems with the browser, then the likelihood that they will solve the simple cleaning, very small. First of all, it is necessary to ensure your privacy, i.e. that another user does not know what you were viewed, loaded and so on (cleaning removes Firefox cache, browser history, cookies).

More cleaning can be useful when you need to free the place on the hard disk. Since the browser profile usually lies in the system section (even if the Firefox itself you installed, for example, to section D), then you will get a release of several hundred megabytes. Or even more if you have been actively traveled in the network before.

But the problems cleaning Firefox at best can solve only with individual sites, and not all the web browser. On the performance of the program for the better, it is also unlikely to affect. However, you can still try. Clear Mozilla Firefox is easy: Open the settings and go to the "Privacy and Protection" section.

In the appeared window, there will be a customizable list of what the browser will delete. Please note that at the top opposite the Line "Delete" stood "all", and not some time cut.

Among unpleasant surprises that may wait for you after full cleaning, we note that it will have to go in all their accounts on various sites, as well as in the post office and social networks (After all, you had to clean cookies and cache Firefox). In this case, passwords and autofill data for convenience browser should still be saved.

Your bookmarks I. open tabs The trons will not be, but be prepared that, returning to your initial mind, the page with sites of sites will clear.

Reset Firefox.

More in solving problems with Mozilla browser can help firefox. In order to find this feature, open the Main Menu and go to the "Help" section:

There you should find the item "Information for solving problems":

The click on it will open a new tab, at which the button will be located in the upper right corner, which allows you to reset Firefox. She, however, is called "Clear Firefox", which can confuse an inexperienced user. In fact, this is exactly a browser reset and nothing to do with the usual cleaning, which we considered above, it has no.

When you click on the button, this warning window will appear with a short description:

Reset will delete your extensions (it is removal, not disconnected). Settings will be returned to the initial state default. Moreover, it concerns not only the main settings: to reset will be all settings in about: config. All unnecessary buttons from the toolbars will also disappear, returning the Firefox interface to its basic form.

If you click on the "Clear Firefox" button from the screenshot above, then you will see the import wizard window:

This is a report that the program just in case has saved all your previous "wealth" in a separate folder "Old Firefox data", which at the same time appears on the desktop:

Finally, when starting the program, you will see that by default there were also. However, do not be afraid, bookmarks on the spot, and the Firefox tabs will offer to restore both everything and separately, if it is so more convenient:

That's all. You start working in Firefox with virtually clean sheet without losing at the same time saved selected sites.

P.S. If you do clean or reset It is undesirable, then pay attention to the possibility of creating a new one. it a good optionIf there are valuable data in the browser, because of which you will not want to reset anything, clean and all the more reinstall.

In the time of active work on the network, your browser saves many files on your local computer: Sites that you visited, the history of your visits, cookie, information used for authentication, etc. If you work at the computer one, there is no inconvenience. But if you work for your computer, you may want to hide this information from prying eyes. About, how to Clean Cash browser Mozilla. Firefox.And it will be discussed in our today's material.

What is cache?

Cash is user files, application parameter files, multimedia files loaded from the network and other temporary objects that accelerate access to frequently used applications. Clear computer from the cache will help the CCleaner application, the instructions for working with which we are already. Firefox has built-in cleaning tools, using which is very convenient and diligently.

What files relate to the browser cache?

The following data is related to the Firefox cache: Site settings, sessions acting in active, cookies, search log and forms, download log and visits. Clear all these objects can be cleared with the following method.

Where is Firefox cache stored?

The entire browser cache is stored in one of the folders in the user profile of the working logical section. To access this folder, you need to have administrator rights. To go to it, open the "Documents and Settings" directory and open the subdirectory with the name of the user profile you use. Further appdata folder, Local, Mozilla, Firefox, Profiles, folder with profile name, and finally Cache catalog. It is not recommended to delete from here files manually strictly recommended, since such actions can lead to your browser damage and the impossibility of its correct work.

How to Clean the Mozilla Firefox browser cache?

To start the cleaning procedure, click the Call button of the main menu shown in the form of three lines built horizontally. In the graphical menu you need to select the "Magazine" item.

IN open menu Magazine celebrate the "Delete History" sector.

The form opens with the selection of temporary file categories to delete. At the top we choose, for what period we want to delete temporary files. It may be last hour, day, week, month, etc. Just below, check out what kind of objects we would like to remove. Although the cache is just one of the elements of the list represented, the remaining objects also belong to the local user files similar purpose. When the preliminary settings on the form are finished, click the "Delete Now" button at the bottom to directly start the removal procedure.

Alternative way how to clean the Mozilla Firefox browser cache

Alternative cache deletion technique in Firefox is simpler, but using it you can only delete the cache itself (without the history of visits and data of autofill forms).

We click on the main menu call button again and select the "Settings" option.

Select the "Additional" section, and go to the "Network" tab.

In the open menu of the parameters, in the "Cacheless Content" section, click on the "Clear Now" button. After that, the cleaning operation will begin. You can close the parameter menu.

By default, Firefox itself manages cache cleaning. If you want to manually control everything, check the "Disable Auto Cache Auto Control" checkbox. In the active field "use under cache not more than<указанное число> MB on the disk "we introduce the amount of cache that should not exceed the volume of stored on internal accumulator Cache disk space. This number is strictly fixed, and you can ask it yourself.

Cleaning cache in automatic mode

If you do not want to wander each time on the menu to clear the cache, we suggest customize cleaning in full automatic mode. We go to the main menu again by selecting a button with three horizontal lines. Once again we go into the settings, but this time pay attention to the "Privacy" section.

In the "History" section, select the option "will use your storage data settings."

Mark the item "Clean the story after each closing of the browser", and on the right, click on the "Parameters" button.

On the pop-up form, check the checkbox "Cash" to the browser to know that it is the temporary files that you want to automatically delete.

Now click "OK" and close the settings form. From now on, after each closing of the Firefox web navigator, the entire cache will be cleaned fully automatically, which we achieved.

How to Clean the Mozilla Firefox browser cache with a supplement?

Another convenient way Deleting cache in Firefox is to establish one of the many additions in which this function is implemented. Such an addition is the "Empty Cache Button" plugin available on the following link. You can install it, like any other addition, opening the specified link in Firefox, and clicking the "Add to Firefox" button.

After that, you will have to confirm your intention, once again agreeing with the installation, and restarting the browser.

So, when the extension is installed, a small pretty button will appear on the top panel, by pressing which the cache will be completely cleaned. This method is very convenient because it still allows you to manage the entire manual cleaning, it does not even be necessary to access the menu. All you need to do is press the button.


Cache is present in any program in Windows, be it text editor, media player or file manager. But if the procedure for removing the cache of each of the OS applications is significantly different, then how to clean the Mozilla Firefox browser cache you already know. As you can see, the algorithm is completely simple and will not cause any difficulties. On this we will probably complete the instructions. We hope that the described methods will not be useful to you, and help you contain your PC clean and order.

Many users of Mozilla Firefox eventually accumulates a rather large history of visits to various sites, respectively, cache, which in turn worsens the work of the browser. Therefore, many think about how to get rid of it. Let's give detail this question.

How to clean the cache in Firefox

Firefox Cache is in the following place - C: \\ Users \\ Your username \\ appdata \\ roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ Your Profile \\ Cache

In order to clean it, you need to perform several non-hard manipulations. Consider a case with Windows 7. In the new Firefox, the interface changed a little, so that the settings menu can be reached in several ways:

  1. Click the Alt key, after which the tabs will appear at the top of the browser, here and we are looking for the necessary - "Tools" and select the "Settings" item in it
  1. In the upper right corner click on the button context menu (Button in the form of three horizontal strips) and then click on the gear "Settings".

After you make it a window with a browser settings.

It remains the case for small, in the window that opens, go to the "Additional" item, then select the "Network" tab and here you click the Clear Now button.

That's all, the Mozilla Firefox browser cache cleaning is completed.

Sometimes to clean the cache in Firefox simply too lazy, for this you can configure its automatic removal.

Automatic cache cleaning in Firefox

In the same settings window, go to the "Privacy" item, in the drop-down list, select "To use your storage settings." After the selection of this item, you will appear. Tick \u200b\u200bthe "Delete History when closing Firefox" checkmark.

After that, the "Parameters" button will be active, press it.

In this window, you must note only the "Cash" item and click "OK". All, automatic deletion of the cache is configured.


In order to see what in this moment Located in the cache of your Firefox is enough in address line Register the following - about: Cache..

Hello everyone! From this article you will learn what cache is for what it is needed and how to clear the Mozilla Firefox browser cache if necessary. Let's deal with everything in order.

What is a Firefox browser cache

What is a browser cache and why is it necessary? Did you set this question at least once? So, during a visit to various Internet sites in the browser, you automatically save part of the data from the visited websites. Sounds are saved, flash elements, pictures. All this is necessary to speed up the download of web pages when they are re-visited, even with a slow Internet channel page will be loaded faster. Cash will save your traffic. Cacked can like the entire page and its individual fragments.

Why clean cache

Have you noticed that the Internet browser begins to start slower? On some sites does not pass authorization or do not take into force the changes made to the article on their resource? This is due to the crash cache. In addition, he also also takes place on the hard disk more and more with each new visited resource.

In any web browser there is a cache storage feature on a computer. In order not to clog hDDIt must be cleaned periodically.

Cookies-files are stored with the cache. While visiting different sites, some of the information is saved in the user log for convenience. For example, you do not have to visit each time. personal Cabinet Enter login and password, as this data is already saved in your favorite browser cookies.

So let's go to the most interesting, namely, consider how to clean the cache browser Mazila. In other web browsers, everything happens almost identical.

How to clean the cache browser Mazila

Clear the cache browser Mazila can different ways. Consider each of them.

First, the easiest way is to click hot combination Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys, then mark the necessary items to remove, besides cache, and press the button with the inscription " Delete now».

Secondly, you can click on the menu icon in the upper right corner, then select the " Magazine"And in the right submenu that appears to select" Delete history».

As a result, you will see the same window as in the first way.

Thirdly, you can click on the browser menu button, select the button with the inscription " Settings" Next, you will see the configuration of the browser itself in the new tab. Here we are interested in the item " Privacy" From the left side. Here S. right side need to find and click on the link " remove your recent history" Next in the window that opens, mark the checkmarks that clean, select the time interval and click the " Delete now»To remove cache and other data.

Why don't you clean the cache in manual mode

As mentioned above, thanks to Cash, the Internet browser significantly speeds up loading information, which makes the cache very useful. Also, do not forget that it is cleaned automatically and is periodically updated in the event of overflowing the specified volume. The next day, he will turn out again on your computer in system folder For cache storage. At the same time, it will not exceed the limit allotted for him and will not deliver trouble when surfing the network.

If you are constantly cleaning the cache from the day, then you can significantly slow down the download of information from the network in the future. Since the browser will constantly ship the same data into the cache folder, then it will load the channel and increase the page load time. All this will be spent extra system resources. See you soon!

Sincerely, Evgeny Kuzmenko.