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Are there any analogues of Google Glass. Recon Jet from Recon Instruments

All are known google services Street View allows you to stroll almost at any corners of the world online, you can also plunge into the ocean puchins or swim on the boat on Amazon, but ... In the case of China, it is not possible. Hard sanctions, constant control and censorship, weak network Channels For foreign services - all this forced the company Google to move aside and provide the opportunity to local companies to turn around the Asian Market. On the this moment There was no special new services invented, but they can copy them quickly. We meet the analogue of Google Street View - Chinese Baidu Total View

Virtual walks in Chinese cities only under a different angle with a Chinese tint. Online panorama of the cities of Shenyang, Wuxi and Fenghuan are already available, and the rest will come up soon. To view, you must click on the camera icon in the upper right corner of the map and drag it to the street supported by Total View.

Chinese programmers work on the API and will soon be used this service On your projects, but for now you can enjoy the views on the site Baidu Maps.

The State Geodesy and Cartography of China on Tuesday launched a geographical Internet project similar to Google Maps online cards. As the first acquaintance with the new service showed, he promises to tell users a lot about geography.


Titled Map WORLD service provides "authoritative, reliable and uniform" online displaydifferent regions of the world. You can look at it at According to Xinhua, this site includes the most comprehensive geographic information About China.

As stressed at the press conferences of the Deputy Director of the Geodesy Bureau and Cartography Min Irene, Geographical data on China "especially in detail" are represented by cities and villages in the extensive rural areas of the country.

Total Map World includes 11 million geographical names., among which hotels, restaurants, retailers enterprises. Therefore, users will be able to routes of their excursions in China, measuring the distance between hotels and places they would like to visit.

The basic functional of the geographic service is completely free and has interfaces in Chinese and english. But for corporate clients, working with the site is planned on a commercial basis.

DOIN.RU I got acquainted with the work of Map World, comparing it with the already familiar Google Maps. As an example, the Moscow region was chosen. Unfortunately, the detailing of satellite images from the Chinese project was an order of magnitude lower than the AmericanAnd we failed to distinguish any terrestrial infrastructure and separate buildings. It should be noted that with objects in the territory of China, the case went much better, although the service was still not rising to the Google Maps level.

In addition, Chinese service surprised some "finds." So, in the area of \u200b\u200bKupavna, "Kamchatka" was discovered, and the Danish city of Horsens was lined up to the north of it. It remains only to hope that China's information is presented to the service more correctly.

China online in panorama view from Baidu Total View

All the well-known Google Street View services allow you to stroll through almost any corners of the world online, you can also plunge into the ocean puchins or swim on the Amazon boat, but ... In the case of China, it is all impossible. Hard sanctions, constant monitoring and censorship, weak network channels for foreign services - all this forced the company Google to step aside and provide the opportunity to local companies to turn around the Asian Market. At the moment there were no special new services, but they can copy them quickly. We meet the analogue of Google Street View - Chinese Baidu Total View

Virtual walks in Chinese cities only under a different angle with a Chinese tint. Online panorama of the cities of Shenyang, Wuxi and Fenghuan are already available, and the rest will come up soon. To view, you must click on the camera icon in the upper right corner of the map and drag it to the street supported by Total View.

Chinese programmers work on the API and soon it will be possible to use this service on their projects, and while you can enjoy the views on the site of Baidu Maps.

The functional viewing of the city streets implemented in Google cartographic applications inspired many enthusiasts to create similar systems. Our review of Russian alternatives Street View.

About existence in cartographic products Google Functions Street View, allowing without getting up because of the computer, make virtual walks through the streets of the cities of various countries, knows any fond of modern technologies user. The idea of \u200b\u200bpanoramic viewing of urban streets implemented by Google turned out to be so successful and demanded by the network audience that they began to borrow many of the company's Internet applications on the market, including Russian. In this illustrated note, it will be discussed in the domestic analogues of Google Street View, covering the streets and prospectuses are not overseas megalopolises, and the cities of Russia, which are more close to readers "KT-online".

You should begin to begin a review, of course, with the Russian Russia 360 ° "service, which is functioning within the information portal, dedicated to the real estate market. According to the developers, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an alternative to Street View was born after it became known that the emergence of pictures of Russian megalopolises in google maps Not foreseen. As a result of the fruitful work of enthusiasts, an online service appeared, storing panoramic photographs of more than sixty cities of Russia, equipped with a search function and allowing you to use Yandex or Google card to navigate the map. Being a job-oriented with the proposals in the real estate market, the service "Russia 360 °" allows you to view spherical panoramas of not only buildings that goes on the streets, but also the houses of the second and third line. The collapsed Google Street View is like this, as a rule, can not. But he, unlike the domestic counterpart, quickly works, and the distracting advertising banners in it will be smaller.

Another way to be in a virtual copy of the real world offers recently lowered service IN currently It covers forty-Russian cities (mostly in the Moscow region) and in most cases only partially: in the process of virtual travel, the system then also gives a message about absent in the database. According to the creators, the replenishment of the service with new photos is kept constantly and soon he will be able to give odds. Let not be original google application, At least many of his alternative crafts. works fast enough and among other things is equipped with an HTML-code generation function available for registered users to accommodate panoramic pictures on any web resource.

Not lagged behind the trends of modern information and technical thought and the company Yandex, in September last year, equipped his map service with the option of panoramic viewing of the city streets of Moscow. According to the Project Manager of Maria Orlova, everything is pressed 1000 kilometers of Moscow streets. These are all the logs inside the Garden Ring, almost everything is inside the third transport and main highways on the outskirts of the city. Considering the scope of Yandex cards, it is worth hoping that in the future the filling of the resource with new images will significantly accelerate, and the service will be out of MKAD.

A good reincarnation of Street View is the United Nations project CITYSCANNER.RU project, which stores panoramic images of Yekaterinburg streets and Perm (on a separate site). Judging by the Blog of developers who supported by them slowly, but improved - new photos are added, attractions, cultural and cultural lists are drawn up educational institutionsand also work on optimization software Product. The main priority of the development of the service is the address-information component.

If we talk about the most primitive implementations of the Google idea of \u200b\u200bStreet View, you can bring in an example virtual guidebooks, allowing the same as the above-mentioned services, perform "walks" in various cities of our immense country. Similar online guides in the network - Pond Pond, and some of them deserve attention. Here, for example, the beauty of the Northern Capital can be contemplated by the Site "Virtual Petersburg", to the creation of which the same company NEQ4 has put on the creation of the same company, which participated in the organization of massive shooting and treatment of Moscow streets for Yandex.Cart:

Of course, virtual guidebooks do not provide the freedom of movement, which give real analogues with cuttless, and routes in them are strictly defined, but they allow you to "erect" the world along and across, sitting in a chair in front of the monitor and without going beyond the web browser. In our opinion, it is very cool. As for foreign alternatives to Google Street View, we will talk about them in the summer, closer to the season of vacations.