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Which launcher is similar to yandex launcher. Yandex.Loncher with Alice

A smart application that will make your Android look beautiful and convenient. Launcher offers quick and easy access to what you need now - apps, contacts, useful information on a smartphone and on the Internet.

Yandex Launcher works quickly on devices of any generation: it does not slow down the system, the animation works smoothly, even if your device is more than a year old.
Quick access to everything
Everything that you use often is easy to find: a simple movement opens a curtain in Launcher, in which applications, sites and contacts that you often use are collected. Here - search for everything that is in the smartphone, in the store Play apps Market and generally on the Internet. On the main screen there is a large and beautiful widget that shows the time and weather.
Search by color
Yandex Launcher allows you to navigate the colorful screen of all applications using a color search. You can easily find that blue application, the name of which you have forgotten, by choosing a color at the bottom of the screen.
Yandex Launcher analyzes the applications that you collect in the folder and offers to download what you might like - useful applications and new games will no longer pass by your smartphone.
Having installed Yandex Launcher, you can visually customize the location and number of icons on the screen, as well as choose an animation for switching screens. System icons are redrawn in the same style and do not distract from what you fill your smartphone with.
Smart folders
Collect applications in folders the way you like. Make each one recognizable: you can change the background color, expand the folder to full screen and add widgets. Launcher folders recommend apps and games that you might find useful.

Download Yandex. Launcher free for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: Yandex Services AG
Platform: Android 5.0 and above
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Condition: Free
Root: Not needed

Small introduction

"Ah, you are bored, ordinary: you need a new one ... well, okay!" This is exactly the thought that struck me when I read one of the reviews for my review of a selected product from the app store - Hola Launcher. So I wanted to check again how the statements of the author of the commentary about the "similarity" of launchers to one another and the absence of some "zest" in them correspond to the truth. Well, why not go in search of new sensations and the establishment of truth.

I didn't have to think long: what I was looking for was found!

And the way was not far away, and I ... "forgot" my wallet. Well, and what store you can look into for the purpose of buying, while not having money with you - this, I suppose, is known to everyone ☺. The choice of launchers there, of course, is not poor, only ... what to choose this ... at least something that stands out from the general mass, but at the same time absolutely free☺? And, preferably, at least with a relatively sane, pleasant to hearing and eye name? Recently, I began to notice how developers "call names" the end result of their works: they often confine themselves to an incomprehensible letter abbreviation without "decoding": CM, TSF, V? O? XOS, M, etc. But I think this is the "pinnacle" of everything - KK Launcher! And how should its name be pronounced, the accent on which syllable: HOW or ... HOW ☹? Of course, it also has a full name - King of launcher - only ... it, as you can see, "did not take root" in oral speech because of this difficult-to-perceive pretext. The shell itself, perhaps, is not so bad, but installing this one ... for some reason immediately got sick of it because of the dissonant name ☹.

And then something very familiar came to mind: Yandex! Yes, I am well aware that Yandex (Yandex) is not only a search engine, but also an Internet portal with very broad capabilities. Of course, some of these opportunities have been actively demanded by me for quite a long time, and the search engine has received a permanent "registration" wherever possible. But here's how a launcher ... Yandex for some reason "flew" past my attention for some unknown reason ☺. And in order to fill this gap in the information I know on this issue, I hurried for help ... to him, to Yandex itself (by the way, the name Yandex is not translated from any language: just a set of letters. But at least , doesn't sound repulsive ☺). And I found a very interesting publication. Of course, this information is already somewhat outdated, since Yandex Launcher has now managed to quite legally "settle" on the Play Store, but all the same - I advise you to read it, it was very interesting to learn about its "difficult fate".

Immediately I would like to draw the reader's attention to the warning about the presence of advertising. Personally, as I said earlier and I can repeat it again, this fact does not bother me at all: what can you do, since such procedures are established here. For myself, I found a way out in one thing: completely ignore this very advertisement, without focusing on it. Looking for an app without ads, but for a fee? Perhaps, I will only agree if I really like the demo version of the application. Free and without ads is also not an option, since it is known that when working on such a product, the developer will save on everything wherever possible or ... even impossible. So ... who's going to outsmart whom is still unknown. In addition, the user in search of an "ad-free" version of the software creates certain difficulties for himself, since the choice becomes significantly poorer. So is it worth the nerves and frustration? In my opinion, no. But continuing to study this launcher is a completely different matter ☺.

The next thing I noticed is the date of the last update.

and size installation file... The date of the last update will "tell" about how valid the application is and whether any work has been done to eliminate possible bugs. But information about the file size (I found it quite acceptable) is needed, of course, in order to know how resource-intensive the application is - in some cases I consider this a very important aspect. Further, without finding anything suspicious, without any objections, you can proceed to the next step, which is quite traditional in such cases.

and watch the installation process:

It was interesting to watch how the logo is being modified, and if it were not for the large Y in the center, I would never have understood how this yellow-red logo has to do with the application, which in appearance reminds me of some kind of children's toy - "turntable "☺. But ... what childish amusements are already here, when the "go-ahead" to the start is given quite seriously.

But here it turned out very interesting: the setup, in fact, has not yet been completed, and the notification of the incoming SMS-message in the form of a red "bubble" has already appeared by itself and at the same time I did not have to do anything at all ☺.

The only way to find the required application ... by the color of the icon turned out to be not quite standard. For example, this is the situation. I remember that the application icon is blue (or with a predominance of this color), and then ... a memory gap: too many applications are installed on the phone. In this case, you just need to select the circle of the desired color, for example, blue, after which automatically selected application icons will appear,

and among them it will naturally be easier to find what you want. If the name of the application is known, then the task becomes quite simple:

Since the case touched on the issue of application shortcuts, one cannot fail to mention one more way of displaying - these are folders. Of course, you can create a folder yourself, by overlaying shortcuts, but does it make sense in this case, when you are offered ready-made "for use"? This means "Customizing Categories", represented by such a pretty solid list:

in it, the user only needs to mark the desired with the chip. I don’t know: maybe I have such modest requests, but apply everything ... but then how many applications should be installed on the phone? So I decided at first that eight categories are quite enough, but ... a little later I added a couple more. In total, it turned out ten: that's it, you can stop there ☺! By the way, you cannot change the name of the category yourself, but the size of the display of the contents of the folder is quite realistic: for this, you should pay attention to the three dots in the upper right corner.

This option is the best fit in cases where there are many application shortcuts in the folder and you need to increase the overview of the content. If there are few shortcuts, then the chip can be removed from the corresponding fad.

and get this final result:

And I entrusted the application itself to "settle" into folders (ie, categories, but it's more usual, after all), making sure that it copes with this task. No, of course, there are mistakes, but everything is quite fixable ... with your own handles ☺.

Now, finally, it's time to return to the "Settings" menu, which is hidden not behind the traditional "gear", but all behind the same funny children's "turntable".

And ... again, not quite a standard solution: in the first place was "Personalization". Well, how does Yandex know that this is what I pay attention to in the first place? Okay, let's see the theme of the wallpaper:

That would be fine, but ... where is the abstract wallpaper, because often I want to see something neutral? Instead - "Illustrations" created especially for this launcher:

No, although it very remotely resembles an abstraction, still ... not what I would like to see on desktops ☹. However, in the screenshots you can see wallpapers in green tones, which were selected from the proposed collection. But the "Gallery" invites the user to solve this issue on their own, additionally installed third party applications or other sources - this is if he is such an esthete who does not like anything ☺:

But if with wallpaper the issue is solved quite easily, then with themes ... somehow not very much.

And if such a theme simply did not impress with its design of "mittens",

then this ... just threw you into a state of shock:

why are there tanks, because the application was created for peaceful purposes, after all ☹ !!! Of course, I dare to assume that a certain part of the male audience will approve of this decision, but ... are there many "warriors" in this case too? Probably, after all, the theme of peace is more relevant, right?

In such a not very successful "scenario" the most acceptable option for me turned out to be this:

And this is what it turns out approximately:

On a dark background, of course, looks ... "ripped out": in my opinion, it is better to leave the light background, which was done ☺.

But why such a side curtain is needed here -

remained incomprehensible. Certainly for quick access it would be very useful to any settings, but here it is: everything is already in plain sight. However, you shouldn't be especially sorry about this, because functionally it is neither cold nor hot ... not dark, and not bright ☺.

Well, widgets - they are everywhere and will remain ☺. Only I have a lot of them here "are on preservation" for a long time, but it is to this shell that "Built-in" is related:

Here, there are only three of them here ☹. Nevertheless, nothing prevented me from using a third-party widget and installing such a calendar on my desktop without any problems:

And if this question can somehow be solved with the help of "from the outside", then "Icon Style" is a sheer hopelessness ☹.

"Classic" and "Pillows" do not create problems, but the last set of icons was sent by the application to the basket due to incompatibility with this particular shell - stocks of the "hamster" from the past. So, just in case ☺. Okay, I decided to see more icons. And ... I was just stunned by the abundance of both paid and free. For clarity, I will present only a part of this abundance: it's just that the hand is already tired of clicking screenshots.

Imagine my disappointment when all subsequent attempts to download the selected pack of icons suffered a complete fiasco: everything went to the basket ☹. Nevertheless, the situation became clearer after the last "approach":

So it turns out that: all icons are collected "to the heap" - and even those that have nothing to do with this launcher ☹! It seems that the developer did not bother to somehow check everything and weed out non-working for his product, leaving this painstaking and tedious job to the user ☹!

And if I used a paid pack - what then? The money spent, perhaps, would have been returned after a long and exhausting litigation, but nerve cells ... they, as you know, do not recover ☹. Was it really impossible to install at least a couple of themes in "tandem" with icons, if the developer is so "lazy" to deal with icon packs separately? Or does this option seem to him to be completely unacceptable programmatically ☹?

funny in places, but ... completely optional. The faces of the animals are, of course, cute, just ... they don't quite fit into the design of the application ☺.

That is, in fact, all that can be said about personalization: I cannot agree with such an implementation of the functionality. In my opinion, if something is already declared, then it should work at an acceptable level. But here some kind of flaw is felt ☹.

Still, how many words were said about personalizing the application, and ... everything turned out to be "about nothing" ☹. But this is no longer my fault, but the developer ☺. But the "Home Screen" is not marked by me with anything bad ... however, as well as particularly outstanding, too. Here you can only set circular scrolling using the slider.

The grid size ranges from 3 to 6 columns,

but by default it was set to four, which was where the stop was made.

As for transition effects, there are not so many of them here,

but nothing prevents you from making a kind of scrolling and changing these effects with a certain frequency, right ☺?

In the next section "Others" -

also have something to pay attention to. I liked the clock and weather widget - it looks very nice on the screen. The numbers are so fat, distinct, which is important when choosing wallpaper: sometimes they simply "get lost" against the colorful background of the wallpaper or merge with their tone.

Naturally, by clicking on the image of the clock, an alarm clock is called up, in which there is nothing unusual. But this is how the weather forecast is displayed - I liked it very much ☺.

The clouds are actually animated, so you can look at them for a long time, almost like real ones ☺. And if you move a little down, you can find out the weather forecast for the next week.

The weather forecast, by the way, is quite accurate, and a small error is quite acceptable ☺.

I considered the menu "Search" to illustrate optional due to its low information content: you just need to select search engine- Yandex, Google or Bing. Naturally, the first option was chosen: why deviate from the chosen path, not considering it erroneous?

The settings of the "Notifications" menu turned out to be even more laconic: to confirm their attachment to the icon icons, you need to use the engine. Probably - this is so, just in case the "bubble" is not visible on the icon icon. As mentioned above, the notifications were received immediately after installing the launcher, although at that moment I had not even thought about them yet ☺.

Seeing this for the first time, I quite intuitively decided that there was absolutely no place for any recommendations in the folders, since I really use their contents with varying degrees of activity, and recommendations ... What is it in general and what does it look like? So I looked.

Since I was not interested in these offers, I decided to complain:

What's the point? Nothing has changed at all: something else will appear.

I tried to do so -

no changes were noticed. Well, okay: they do not flicker before their eyes, they do not require any attention to themselves - so let them wait in the wings: maybe someone will need such recommendations someday.

I must admit that until now I had a very vague idea about this service, believing that it contains ads from various services of Yandex itself. But somehow it was impossible to scroll the page to the very end in order to see it. And here I saw right away: here he is, right in front of my eyes ☺!

I did not expect at all that authorization might be required here.

But she, however, decided to abandon it for now - this did not in the least prevent her from going further. And then ... it turns out that there is also a small menu:

In general, it is a news feed, and the choice of their sources is provided to the user. I propose to get acquainted with only a part of them.

In total, it is proposed to select 5 sources, and the application carefully "monitors" the selection process, keeping a count of the marked. And as a result, the user gets only what is of interest to him.

But ... I did not understand here: why you first need to select exactly 5 sources, when in the same menu you can add their number in this way:

The only difference I saw was that the original list of sources was illustrated with cover pictures. But they, in principle, turned out to be of little information. Wouldn't it have been easier to give a novice user of the service the right to choose the right one right from the list? By the way, the list of "wishes" can be very easily supplemented, which was done.

It seemed rather strange that the sources that I did not "subscribe to" somehow get into the news feed. Why this is happening is unknown, because this should not be! There is only one thing left to do - to block it,

and then make sure that the order has been completed:

In general this service I liked my unobtrusiveness: I turn to him when I want to find out news on a certain topic, and not read everything. Of course, this cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for the browser: the latter still has to be addressed with different questions. But this is where the difference between them is clearly manifested: Zen is a service simply for reading news from specifically selected sources, and in the browser, news is classified by subject matter, which does not depend on the sources of their receipt. The browser, of course, still has wider possibilities, but even then I would not know about such, for example, as MUR.TV. And, by the way, I really liked him, because about animals, and not all the secular gossip that I mercilessly block ☺. But, of course, this is not complete without advertising: for this -

I definitely didn’t sign, and I don’t even want to think about such a gloomy prospect ☹. And you can't block it either: there is no such source in the list ☺.

But ... you shouldn't talk about it now, because the time has come not to "listen" to advertisements and application recommendations, but to give them yourself. So,


In order to more specifically express my impressions of the product under the Yandex brand name, I decided to formulate my thoughts in this form of points with more detailed comments as needed.

  • a small number of themes and icon styles;
  • broken link to the Play Store;
  • no lock screen settings.

    Here, in fact, is the entire list of claims. In addition, as far as the screen lock is concerned, in general, this phone already has it and this shell does not conflict with it at all. So this remark is rather for the future ☺.

  • undemanding shell;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • search for an application by the color of the icon;
  • non-intrusive advertising;
  • a large number of ready-made folders "for all occasions";
  • notifications about missed calls, received messages in the dock bar and on application icons in the menu;
  • Yandex Zen;
  • lack of any "gifts" in the form of envelopes and bright boxes!

    Well, here, I suppose, everything is clear and no comments are required ☺. It remains only to summarize all this briefly and make your final verdict.

    If you try to objectively evaluate the functionality of this launcher as graphical shell, then, of course, there are some "disastrous" moments in the implementation of a set of themes and icons, which was already mentioned above. Not being a great expert in this matter, rather, I logically understand that if the shell is graphic, then it means that special attention should be paid to graphics. What's here? Yes, the icons have a nice appearance: the rectangles with rounded edges, kept in the same style, look very neat. Wallpaper - so-so, in general: even for the initial launch is not particularly suggested: either - these, or those that have already been installed earlier. But you could have at least a couple of three to choose from? Okay, that's not a problem for me ... until I get tired of the icon style and this wallpaper. If I have a solution to the last problem, then with themes ... sadness-sadness.

    Here, I laid out everything boiling, it became easier, and therefore I am ready to respected reader ... to surprise. With what? Well ... I liked, after all, this launcher: I got used to it very quickly ☺! It is difficult to explain which factor was decisive here: a special attachment to Yandex in general, or ... the undemandingness of this shell ☺? It's just that sometimes in an age of high technologies and a frantic pace of life, you so want something simple and ... familiar, so as not to "break" your habits and preferences once again. And Yandex ... he, of course, although he showed his "face" in an unfamiliar perspective, but still - his, beloved! And they do not abandon their loved ones, only ... sometimes they scold ☺!

    So for which part of users can this product be recommended? Well, technologists who are obsessed with customization, encryption, coding and so on, they can immediately pass by: I think they will not find anything interesting for themselves. The shell is more likely to attract the attention of the average user, for whom simplicity in settings and operation, speed of work and undemanding use of phone resources are more important than any "gadgets". On the whole, I am happy with everything, until I get bored with the look of the icons, so ... there is a pause (but not advertising ☺!) In search of new sensations: until I am satisfied with these.

    As for the problem of the "similarity" of the launchers to one another, I dare, after all, express my opinion. Yes, there are, of course, many similar ones, but ... nevertheless, there is no absolute similarity and cannot be! Each developer tries to bring something of his own, if only for fear of being caught in plagiarism. Therefore, any product to one degree or another has its own, only to him, characteristic features. What is described in this review also has its own distinctive features, there is no need to list everything again, I hope ☺.

    For example, I haven’t come across an analogue to the ssLauncher application, about which I once wrote a review on this site, although quite a lot of options have already been considered. By the way, I bought the full version of the application and I do not regret it at all: the personalization there is simply amazing - literally everything and everyone is customizable. But ... from time to time you want to change something ... at least in the phone. Nevertheless, I do not forget about this find of mine: I still hope to get it from the "storehouse" ☺. Further - Smart Launcher in different versions, paid and free, - also used this "not like everyone else." Yes, in principle, if you set a goal, then "who seeks - he will always find." You just need to want and gain patience ☺.

    Good luck and positive to everyone!

  • Yandex has released its own shell for Android devices. The application is adapted for smartphones and tablets entry level... Therefore, information about Yandex Launcher for device owners latest models will not interest. Next, we will consider the capabilities of the popular graphical shell, as well as the subtleties of its configuration and management.

    Yandex Launcher

    Despite the wide variety of skins for Android, it is Yandex Launcher that will make user interface smart phone stylish, bright and comfortable to use. It is an application that optimizes performance operating system devices and helps to personalize the interface. The program will be useful for those users who prefer to use the Russian search engine and its additional services("Disk", "Maps", "Mail" and others). To install the program, you need at least 6.64 Mb of free phone memory, as well as the installed OS Android 4.1+. To install the shell follow these steps:

    1. Go to Google play.
    2. In the search bar, enter yandex launcher.
    3. Click "Install".

    Yandex Services AG developers monitor user reviews and eliminate all the shortcomings in the launcher.


    Yandex Launcher is built according to the classic scheme: desktop, icons, widgets, application menus and folders. Interesting features of the application include:

    • Sort app icons by color or by category on Google Play. When you select a group, the program will offer a list of other services in this category. If the initially set grouping does not meet the needs of the user, he can manually change the settings and group applications at his discretion. Using the built-in widget to speed up system performance will automatically close unused utilities.
    • An extensive selection of branded wallpapers, icons and effects. There is no need to search for an interesting picture for your home screen with third-party resources... All wallpapers are divided according to certain criteria: cars, cities, nature, and more.
    • A system of recommendations is presented. The program tries to predict which applications, publications and channels may be useful to the user. In addition, the system offers to use other similar products.
    • Ability to create "Smart folders". Here the user can collect the most requested applications. In addition, you can choose a background for the folder, a name and apply the option to open in full screen.
    • Placing a weather and clock widget on the main screen of the device.
    • Built-in fast search for contacts, programs and the Internet.
    • Adjustment of the number of icons, widgets and their size.
    • Apps and widgets are synchronized with each other. Quickly switch from mail to news, weather and much more.
    • The ability to activate the download of test updates. You will receive new versions of the programs that come with the application.
    • High speed of the application. Does not overload the device's memory and conserves battery power.

    Working with Yandex Zen

    In May 2017 Yandex launched new project personal recommendations - Zen. It tracks user requests and offers publications, news blogs and videos. A user who has an account in Yandex can create a channel for publishing links to articles. Others will be able to see her in their feed as a teaser. The service has become in demand among many sites, independent authors and companies.

    Creating a Yandex account expands the user's capabilities. Register and use all the services of the company for free. In addition, to mailbox can be tied Accounts social networks and messengers. To form a Zen feed, you need to go through authorization. To do this, go to Zen. Click the button at the top in the form of three horizontal lines. Deactivate the "Get links in Zen" option.

    Usually, smart tape formed according to the needs of the user. This process can take about two days. To speed it up, follow these steps:

    1. Subscribe to channels whose content you are interested in. They will appear more often in your feed. Like them. The more ratings, the more publications in the feed.
    2. If you don't want to see some channels and sources in the feed, give them a dislike. After a while, the system will stop recommending them.

    Yandex Launcher- following the release of the Yandex.Shell shell for Android, the developers are posting a new product with the original name. This launcher is aimed at entry-level devices, so for advanced users it will not be of interest at all.

    Yandex launcher will make your phone convenient and beautiful (recall that this is for the entry-level), and will also help to customize the interface and optimize the device. Among interesting features Launcher can only highlight the ability to group applications by the color of their shortcuts or according to Google Play categories. A recommendation system has been implemented in Yandex Launcher, which will try to predict which programs and applications may interest the user. The launcher will improve over time, and it keeps track of which recommendations have been ignored. So far, the utility may display a Yandex Launcher error, but all the problems are temporary and the developers are trying to solve them.

    Yandex Launcher functions on Android:

    • a huge collection of themes and various wallpapers;
    • quick search by contacts, on the Internet, by applications;
    • the ability to change the style of icons;
    • an accelerator widget that will automatically terminate unnecessary processes;
    • clock widget, also shows the weather forecast for the next week;
    • smart application will make your smartphone beautiful and convenient;
    • high speed of the launcher;
    • search by color, Yandex launcher allows you to navigate in the colorful screen of all programs and applications;
    • function - smart folders;
    • all built-in wallpapers are divided into collections: space, cities, animals, cars, landscapes, sports;
    • a screen manager with which you can change the order of screens and select the main one;
    • the ability to change the number of icons on the screen and set their size;
    • Yandex.Zen will select interesting publications for you - personal recommendations.

    Yandex Launcher has already been downloaded by more than 8 million people and the rating of the utility is 4.5 out of 5 points. Download Yandex Launcher in Russian and you will discover the whole world useful functions and your smartphone settings.

    Download Yandex Launcher free for Android without registration and SMS at the link below.

    Yandex Launcher will help you customize the interface the way you like and optimize your phone.

    Popular functions
    Alice - voice assistant developed in Yandex
    Wallpaper collections and themes - choose according to your mood
    Quick search - searches by contacts, applications and the Internet
    Accelerator widget - automatically kills unnecessary processes
    Clock widget - also shows the weather forecast for the near future and for the week ahead
    New applications - the launcher will advise you on what you might be interested in
    Personal recommendations - Yandex.Zen will select interesting publications for you

    Wallpaper. Yandex Launcher has built-in collections of backgrounds: landscapes, cities, space, cars, animals, sports - this list is regularly updated. Launcher live wallpaper also supports.
    Themes. In addition to two monochrome themes - light and dark, Yandex Launcher has a theme in which you yourself can set the color of the menu and other interface elements.
    Application menu. Launcher will automatically categorize all your apps or colors if you find it easier to navigate.
    Icon style. You can use one of the built-in Yandex Launcher styles or download an external icon pack.
    All Applications button. Choose the shape, color and size of the button that opens the application menu - for example, it can be a zebra-colored star or a round button with a dog.
    Screen manager. Change the order of screens, choose the main one, delete unnecessary ones and add new ones, set up endless scrolling - all in one convenient tool.
    Screen grid. Change the number of icons on the screen and set their size.

    Quick access to everything you need. Pull the screen down - a window will open quick search where you can search for contacts, applications and information on the Internet.
    Speed. Yandex Launcher is fast and does not slow down the system. It's great for budget models phones. The animation works smoothly even if your phone is more than a year old.
    Accelerator widget. This widget will help you to ensure that unnecessary processes are not loaded RAM... You can close all unnecessary things in one motion.
    Weather and time. The clock widget can show not only the time, but also the weather forecast.
    Smart folders. Each folder can be turned into a full-fledged screen - with widgets and colored backgrounds.
    Search by icon color. If you've forgotten the name of an app and are not sure which category to look for, you can always find it by the color of the icon.
    Notifications. New event notifications on app icons help you stay on top of an important message or update. You can turn them off if you want.

    Yandex Zen. Pull the screen to the right to see a feed of articles, videos, and more tailored to your interests. The more you use Yandex.Zen, the more accurate the recommendations become.
    Application recommendations. Yandex Launcher analyzes the applications that you use and offers to download what you might like. Recommendations are also available in a dedicated widget - just add it to any screen or folder.

    All Yandex Launcher updates first undergo beta testing, in which users participate. To be among the first to try the new features of the application, you just need to confirm your desire on the page

    Send your comments by mail or write to us on Facebook. We carefully study user suggestions and try to implement the most popular ideas.
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