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How to change the context menu in windows 8.1. How to configure the context menu for productive work in Windows

Every Windows user knows that regardless of the program, you can right-click on the additional, so-called contextual menu, which contains a set of special commands and links. Let's try to figure out what it is for and how to work with it correctly.

What is the Windows context menu?

Speaking about the context menu of the "OSes" of the Windows family, I immediately want to note the fact that it is not some kind of exclusive development by Microsoft. Mac OS X or Linux also has this element.

In general, if you understand what constitutes a context menu, it can be described as an additional set of commands for quick access to any functions, say, without calling a specific application or control.

So, for example, everyone knows that the "Open with ..." command is always present in the context menu, after which a list of the most suitable applications for working with the file is displayed. You understand how much more convenient it is to open a file here than to invoke the program, and then climb into the “File” menu and use the “Open” line or a combination ctrl keys + O.

In addition to the commands, there is also a set of special tools with which you can learn many things. But more on that later.

The appearance and organization of the context menu

Now consider how contextual windows menu 7. Probably, everyone paid attention that in the menu itself there are special dividers in the form of thin horizontal lines. The meaning of their application is to distinguish between actions of the same type or teams belonging to the same program.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the context menu in a so-called “clean” system, immediately after installation, can be very different from what the user sees after installing additional programs and utilities. This is due to the fact that very many installation packages, quick access commands to some of their main functions, are integrated directly into this menu during the installation process.

Most of all, this applies to antivirus software, media players, disk imaging programs, archivers, etc. In principle, the user can add his own items to ensure the convenience of work.

Additional menu on the desktop and in program windows

Surely, each user noticed that the context menu in different programs or on the same desktop differs in the list of items and commands. It `s naturally. For example, if you call the menu on the desktop, it becomes clear that there the line “Open” used for folders and files is not needed. Another thing is when a mouse click is performed on a shortcut or a saved file located on the desktop.

As already clear, in different programs the context menu may also contain dissimilar items. In this case, it all depends on the specifics of the application. Compare at least ordinary Explorer and text editor Word But for now, we will talk about the "native" commands of the Windows OS.

The main items of the context menu

Drop-down menus are present almost everywhere, even in the Start menu. In any of them you can see some items marked with arrows. This is done in order to show that the paragraph itself contains additional subparagraphs.

As usual, for files and folders at the very top, there is always a “Open” command in bold. When you click on this line in relation to files, they will open in any program. You need to know that the selection occurs only if the application itself sets the file association with this program. Otherwise, using this command will only result in the system prompting you to review and select the most suitable application. If several programs are associated with a file, you can use the line “Open with ...”, which will contain a list of programs working with the extension of the file you are looking for.

It goes without saying that in the context menu of the same Explorer there are commands such as “Copy”, “Delete”, “Cut”, “Paste”, “Send”, “Rename”, “Create shortcut”, etc. Even a child knows this. On the other hand, there is also a line “Properties”, the application of which provides the user full information about the used object.

So, for example, when you call such a command when you click on the computer icon on the desktop, you can get general information about the main parameters of the computer system and the installed "OS". For the desktop, the context menu basically provides only the use of settings and parameters for synchronizing folders with shared attributes.

Some menus also have facilities for administering or inspecting selected items.

Using Additional Context Menu Commands

Now let's talk about some additional commands. If you give an example of an installed antivirus, you will notice that in the context menu there will always be lines like “Scan” or “Scan with ...”. Agree, it’s very convenient.

The same applies to archivers, because you can add a file (folder) to the archive or extract it from there with one click.

Many media players behave in a similar way, integrating their own commands into the context menu of the system. Most often here, for multimedia files, items for adding to the playlist or playback (video and audio) appear, and for graphics it is a viewing command. In general, it all depends on which program integrates its own into the menu command lines, and what objects are mapped to it.

Adding and removing commands in the registry

So we got to the solution of the problem - how to add our own items to the context menu. There are several ways to do this. In this case, you can offer at least three options. Two of them concern editing of the system registry, and one - use of specialized utilities.

In the system registry, you can use the addition of keys, but if you don’t know which keys and their values \u200b\u200bare responsible for a particular process, you can spend a lot of time, achieve nothing in the end, and bring the system to a state of complete inoperability.

Therefore, we consider the simplest way to work with the registry. First, in the Run menu, the regedit editor access command is used. Here you need to go to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT section, find AllFilesystemObjects, then shellex and finally ContextMenuHandlers.

In the last section, an additional menu is selected by right-clicking and the command to create a new object and the key "New" and "Key", respectively, is executed. Now you need to enter a name for the newly created key, which will be displayed in the context menu, then select the "Change" command and in the overview indicate the location of the program or application that will be responsible for the new action. Confirm the selection and reboot the system.

Removing the keys in this section will cause the corresponding command from the menu to disappear. But if you don’t know which key is responsible for what, standard configuration better not to change.

Using Context Menu Tuner

However, as practice shows, no one really wants to rummage around in the registry (you never know what can happen). Therefore, we can advise special utilities to add and remove items in the context menu of the "OS".

One of the simplest, but very functional, is a utility called Context Menu Tuner. It will help to quickly change the menu beyond recognition. Everything is simple here. The main window includes two panels. On the left are the commands, on the right are the folders and the main settings. As already clear, there is nothing easier than selecting the desired command and using the button add it, say, to the desktop menu. Removal is the opposite.

Separately, it is worth noting some additional options. First, you can select some kind of file extension, and only then map the corresponding command and program to it.

Changing the context menu access button

AT standard version default button context menu - this is the right mouse button. It is very simple to swap the buttons and call the context menu with a left click. To do this, in the mouse settings in the Control Panel and perform the necessary manipulations. That's all.

The concept of the context menu is faced by absolutely all computer users, regardless of the type used operating system or its developer. Such an element is available in all known OSs today. But let's see what the Windows context menu is, what types it is and how to handle it. We take Windows as a basis only for the simple reason that most users in the post-Soviet space work with these OSs. And for a start a few words about the term itself.

What is a context menu in the general sense?

Actually, the name of the menu itself comes from the English context. As for the simplified understanding, the context menu of Windows 10 or any other operating system can be interpreted as some additional element graphical interface a system in which certain shortcuts to some basic or additional features.

So to speak, in the context of selecting an object for which an additional menu is used, different commands will be available (this will be considered separately).

Menu views

Actually, in the operating system itself there are several types of main and additional menus. For example, the main menu is accessible by pressing the "Start" button. Installed programs usually have their own element in the form of a top panel on which sections of the basic operations are displayed, etc. Naturally, all such menus differ in appearance and purpose. But it is the context menu that is in its way universal and in a sense even connects applications to the operating system without the use of additional tools. Forgot how to perform some action? Nothing wrong! This menu will tell you what and how to do it, especially since many menus of this type can open and additional lists.

Context Menu Items

As already mentioned, for different objects the contents of the menu can vary quite a lot. It all depends on the type of object selected and the actions that are supposed to be performed. Everyone knows that in the "Explorer" through this menu, when you select a file or folder, you can specify copying, moving, deleting, opening and still a lot of operations, except for the use of hot keys or their combinations.

On the "Desktop" when you click on a blank area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, you can quickly call up the screen settings or create shortcuts. But in order to perform such actions, following standard technique, it will take much more time. In general, it is believed that the context menu is a unique invention. Despite the fact that almost all the items contained in it are duplicated by the operating system itself, and by some established programs, its use often reduces the time of access to certain actions and functions.

Differences between menus for different objects

Now consider the most important question regarding the difference between menus of this type when choosing a specific object. It goes without saying that it will not work to describe all types, so we will dwell on the most basic ones.

Files and folders were sorted out a bit. You can add that antiviruses, archivers, and some other programs embed their own commands in such menus, therefore, in addition to a set of standard actions, you can use them additional features.

If you use the menu for a disk or partition, you can already access the system tools here. Programs have their own elements of this type, however, the context menu for almost all active applications, if the upper left corner of the program window on the header is used as the selected object, the items are the same: closing, moving, minimizing and maximizing the active window, resizing, etc. It is clear that the content of each context menu for applications depends on the specific use of the program. So, in web browsers, among the items there are commands related specifically to actions with tabs or settings.

When using the menu for panels, it becomes possible to configure them, go to additional options, add or remove elements, etc. As already mentioned, it is impossible to describe the contents of all types of openable menus simply physically, so let's move on.

How to open an additional menu: a few basic ways

Now a few words about how to call or open the context menu. Everyone knows that in Windows PCM is used for this (clicking on this action is set in the default settings, although some use reassignment of buttons, after which the control is called up by the left button. In general, the context menu of the mouse, depending on the type used You can configure the manipulator as you like. For example, for the same gaming mice, in which there are a lot of additional buttons, usually associated software, which allows you to manage all their parameters and configure the buttons for a specific action, including the call of additional menus.

Few people know that in Windows you can use not only RMBs. For example, for laptops, it is very important to use the combination Shift + F10. Also, the right button on the touchpad is designed for this. On some non-standard keyboards for stationary computer terminals You can come across a special Menu key, which is usually located to the right of the Win button.

How to add additional items to the menu?

Finally, let's see how to add additional items or commands to the context menu. You can, of course, use windows tools, but for this you have to delve into the registry, and this is very inconvenient.

The easiest way is to use the small Context Menu Tuner program, whose interface consists of only two panels with sets of commands and Windows Explorer areas.

Only two buttons are provided for adding or removing elements, so there should not be any difficulties with using them.

Practical Benefits of Using

As for the pluses, a lot has already been said about them. This applies not only to the fact that the correctness of the invocation of certain actions can simply be forgotten. The universality of such menus consists precisely in speeding up access to some standard and non-standard functions or actions, the call of which according to the usual scheme would take much more time. And so - RMB and all the necessary commands at hand!

Instead of a total

Hopefully, after reading the above material, many have figured out what constitutes this element of the operating system. As for its use, there shouldn’t be any questions at all, since in some situations one simply cannot do without it. And practice shows that one hundred percent of users from a hundred context menus always use, regardless of the actions performed.

Context menu (right-click menu) - convenient tool to speed up work in Windows. Today we will reveal some simple secrets of working with the context menu and the registry. Read how to customize this important element to your needs without extraneous applications, using only the built-in registry editor regedit.

How convenient is the context menu (right-click menu) and why should it be cleared

I would like to immediately determine the terminology so that there would be no further confusion.

Explorer’s context menu or, as it is sometimes called, the action menu is a set of commands that can be called up by clicking right (contextual) mouse buttons on any file or folder. Depending on the object for which it is called, the menu will have a different look or “context”.

Note. Of course, not only does the action menu have Windows Explorer, and most installed applications, because this is the most convenient way to access the most important teams.

Immediately after installing the operating system, the context menu has a standard and neat appearance, but as additional software is installed, new items are constantly added to it. In the end, there are so many of them that the use of this useful tool turns into flour. Therefore, it is critical to be able to maintain the contents of the Windows context menu in order for quick and comfortable operation.

There are two ways to do this:

  • In semi-automatic mode, using third-party software.
  • Manually, using the Windows registry editor.

Perhaps the first method may be a little easier, but the second way there is no need to use various questionable programs downloaded from the Internet, everything is done by standard means.

Moreover, the use of the registry will allow a deeper understanding of the internal processes of the system and learn a lot of new things, so we will talk about the second option.

How to edit the Explorer context menu through the registry

Run the registry editor:

  1. Enter the menu N speed.
  2. Enter the command in the search bar regedit and press Enter.

Important! Any careless and rash operations can have dangerous consequences, up to a complete failure windows boot. To protect yourself from mistakes, be sure to do backup registry before editing it!

Procedure for creating backup file registry:

  1. Go to the menu " File»In the open editor.
  2. Select item “ Export».
  3. In the window that opens, in the lower field “ Export range", Select" Entire registry».
  4. Specify the desired location and name of the new file and click " Save».

Note.In case of problems after manual editing, the registry can be restored to its original state from the backup using the " Import" on the menu " File»Editor regedit.

As you can see, the registry itself has an original tree structure. The tree itself is displayed on the left side of the editor, and a list of parameters in the selected branch on the right. To work with the context menu, we are interested in a single section: “ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT».

As already mentioned, different sets of commands correspond to different objects (folders, files), so they will have to be edited separately in the registry. Our main goals: clear folder context menu and common menu items for all file types.

Important! We will not change the standard system menu items of the context menu through the registry. Only elements added by installed applications are edited.

Clearing folders context menu

All settings of the context menu of directories are stored in the branches:

... Directoty Shell.

... Directory Shellex ContextMenuHandlers.

... Folder Shell ex ContextMenuHandlers.

If you look closely, among the branches of these branches it is easy to see familiar commands. So, the registry branch " Directory Shell"Contains the items at the top of the menu, and" Directory Shellex ContextMenuHandlers"- bottom. " Folder ShellEx ContextMenuHandlers», Basically repeats the contents of the previous branch, so delete the same items if necessary from both branches.

It remains only to remove the extra commands. The choice of what to remove and what to leave on the list is already a personal matter for everyone. Moreover, depending on the list of installed applications, the contents of the menu will differ significantly. Right-click on an unnecessary registry entry and select " Delete". Then repeat this operation for the remaining selected items.

The registry branches in question and the menu itself have such a neat appearance after the completion of the cleaning procedure.

Clearing the file context menu

The procedure itself is no different from the one in the previous section. Only branches of the registry branch " HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"Storing the necessary parameters.

Now this:

... * shellexContextMenuHandlers.

They store common elements for all file types registered in the system.

Following the example of cleaning for folders, we delete all unnecessary branches in the registry and get a beautiful and convenient context menu.

In the process of using the computer, your context menu is "clogged" with various items added by your installed programs. To make matters worse, time delays appear, the context menu appears, slows you down and makes you wait every time you right-click on a file or folder.

What happens when you right-click a file? Are there significant delays in the appearance of the context menu? Then I'll tell you how to get rid of it, well, or at least reduce the delay. To do this, we will need to remove some items from the context menu in order to speed up the process. Even if it pops up quickly, you can remove some context items by simply tidying up the menu. Let's look at how to configure the context menu.

Editing with CCleaner

One of the fastest, fastest simple ways context menu settings is a popular application Ccleaner . The context menu editing function has been added to CCleaner relatively recently, so you should have installed latest version applications to use this feature.

AT running programclick on the icon Service in the sidebar, select, and go to the tab Context menu at the top of the list. You will see a list of context menu items, you can easily disable and customize the context menu to your liking

To disable recording in the context menu, select it and click on the button Switch off. The change takes effect immediately; a computer restart is not required. Do not use button Delete - if you turn off the entry in the context menu, you can easily re-enable it later. But if you have already deleted, but want to see it in the context menu again, you will have to reinstall the applications associated with it.

On the left picture below, my menu is before settings, on the right after. The speed of appearance has increased significantly, which is an integral part of comfortable work.

Customization with ShellExView

CCleaner is easy to use, but you may have noticed that it does not show all the context menu items, and therefore not all of them can be disabled. But fortunately there is another ShellExView tool. After loading and starting ShellExView, it automatically scans the system.

To view only those entries that belong to the context menu, select the menu item Settingsselect Filter by extension type, and select Context menu.

The list contains both third-party context menu items and built-in items that come with Windows. Third-party menu items are highlighted in pink. You can also disable some of the built-in context menu items if you wish.

To disable recording in the context menu, select it and click on the red button in the upper left corner. When you click on the button, a dialog box appears confirming the disconnection of the selected item, click OK. If you want to turn it back on later, as you might have guessed, click on the green button (although in my opinion this is not a button, but a light bulb))))

You will have to restart your computer for the change to take effect. This is not as convenient as in CCleaner, but you can manage all the items on the context menu.

In addition, you can delete context menu entries by editing the registry directly, but I would not recommend doing this. Even for experienced users, this process is much more tedious and time-consuming (context menu items are stored in five different places in the registry). When editing the registry, it is not possible to easily turn off the entry in the context menu, you can only delete them - so you will have to back up each key before deleting it, if you want to restore it later. If there are programs, why complicate your life. But if you are certainly not young system Administrator, or you want to fun over a friend and thirst for knowledge, then how to configure the context menu using the registry, read here.

We are already familiar with the concept of a context menu. It's time to deepen our knowledge about it and consider the topic - How to remove or add commands to the Windows context menu.

Functionality Windows makes it possible to edit the context menu to the user to your taste.

Editing the context menu (a set of commands of the “Explorer” or “Actions” menu) is possible in one of two ways:

  • Through program parameters;
  • Through the Windows registry;
  • Using additionally installed applications.

Let's see how this is done:

Installed programs often themselves have (by default) the function of integration into the set of commands of the context menu (CM). Then such a parameter is present in their settings on the main tabs, and maybe on such as “Integration”, “Download” or “Add”, etc. For example, for the VinRAR archiver it is enough to uncheck the settings:

It is clear that in this way you can either add (install) or delete (remove) the command (s) from the list. Other applications do the same.

We work with the registry

When working with Windows registry you need to be very careful. To find yourself in the registry, you need to search in the Start menu by typing “regedit” and run the found executable file “regedit.exe”:

Create a copy

Before editing the Registry of any version of Windows (including Windows 7), do not forget to back up it for security. To do this, in the editor, select the "Export" command on the "File" tab. Select "Entire Registry" at the bottom of the dialog that opens. Assigning a name and indicating the place - “Save”:

If something irreparable happens (especially for an inexperienced person), you can restore the registry to its previous state by the "File" / "Restore" command, indicating the previously created backup file.

Cleaning the directory set

The registry itself looks like a tree block diagram (on the left), each of the branches of which has its own parameters (on the right). The "shell", "Shellex ContextMenuHandlers" and "Folder \\ shell" branches of the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ Directory" directory are responsible for the context menu of folders. Having examined these branches in more detail, you can make sure that the "shell" folder absorbs the upper part of the context set, and the "Shellex ContextMenuHandlers" - the lower one. The folder "Folder \\ shell" - repeats the previous one.

Removing program elements from a set is performed in each of the branches. The delete element is highlighted with the right mouse, the Delete command is called:

Now for files

It uses the same procedure, but in other branches. Since the "* / shellexContextMenuHandlers" and "* / shell" branches in the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" registry key are responsible for the Context Menu command set for files:

The removal procedure is exactly the same. Do not forget only to delete unnecessary in both branches.

We use third-party applications

Delete or add an item to the context menu of any windows version (including Windows 7) is much simpler (and safer for a beginner) using additional utilities.

After installation and launch, in the program window (by the “Type” column) you can see all the programs from the Windows context menu (type \u003d Context Menu).

The unnecessary is deleted by highlighting and pressing the red circle:

An interesting and useful utility with a talking name (exists in the free version) Ccleaner. Has many useful properties. Website - In our case, it cleans the registry from unused entries, paths to programs, shortcuts, etc.:

To clear the Context Menu you need to go to the "Tools", in the "Startup" tabs, find the "Context Menu". Here the list of applications added to the set and their status will be reflected (included: yes / no):

To delete - being on a line, the Delete command is called with the right mouse button. Since the repeated return (inclusion in the list) is possible only when reinstalling or reconfiguring the application, it is recommended that you select the "Turn off" option. - Then it will be possible to return it lego ("Include").

Add with FileMenu Tools

It is very simple to add a new item to the context menu using the “FileMenu Tools” program.

It offers the user three tabs:

  • Left - management of the proposed elements;
  • Medium - to configure the “Send” function;
  • Right - removes entries from the list third party programs commands:

You need to add a new element with the “Add Command” command. To specify its parameters, the lower right part of the window is called “Properties”. For example, to list the menu line “Open in Firefox” (opening HTM and HTML files):

In “Menu Text” you need to enter a name, and in “Extensions” - extension options:

In “Program Properties”, the route to the executable file of the Firefox.exe application is written:

Saving the added item is done by clicking the green element at the top of the window (left):

This article has helped you understand a variety of ways to edit the context menu. Now you know how to add and remove elements from it, not only with Windows tools, but also with the help of other programs.