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How to make a windows theme. How do I create a Windows theme? How to create a Windows XP theme

Windows 7 introduces the ability to create themes on your own with automatic changes to the background of the login screen. The theme you create can include the following components:

  • screensavers,

  • desktop backgrounds,

    the color and transparency level of the taskbar and dialog boxes.

You have the ability to create a slideshow from wallpaper and change the background of the login screen when you switch themes.

Design options

So, right-click on a free space on the desktop and select the item Personalization... In the window that opens (Fig. 1), you will see three categories:

    My themes,

    Aero themes,

    Basic themes.

When installing themes that contain their own visual style, a fourth category will appear - Installed Themes.

Below are the settings for creating your own theme:

    Desktop background,

    Window color,

    Picture 1

    As you can see, there is no setting here to bind your cursors to the theme. This happens in a slightly different way, which will be discussed below.

    Customizing the appearance of windows

    The already configured Aero theme is installed by default (Fig. 2). Click Desktop background at the bottom of the window.

    Picture 2

    After configuring these parameters, click the Save changes and you will be returned to the main window. Now click Window color, and the following dialog will open (Fig. 3).

    Figure 3

    There are already pre-configured colors (1), but using the sliders (2) you can choose exactly the color and opacity that you need.

    For more fine tuning dialog boxes click Additional design options, and go to the next dialog, in which using the settings Element, Font, Dimensions and Colors you can specify Extra options for your theme. By configuring appearance windows, click OK.

    Setting up the soundtrack

    Figure 4

    You can customize your own sounds for each of Windows events... If you have your own, pre-configured and saved sound scheme, just select it from the list and click the button OK.

    Screensaver selection

    Figure 5

    Click Screensaver(fig. 5), and after selecting the screen saver, press OK.

    Setting up cursors

    There is no separate setting for cursors, but the saved theme includes those set on this moment cursors.

    The situation with cursors is the same as with the sound scheme. If there is a pre-configured scheme, then set it before saving the theme, and your cursors will be added to the theme automatically. To make cursors work in conjunction with a theme, select the check box Allow themes to change mouse pointers and press OK(fig. 6)

    Figure 6

    Saving a theme

    After you finish customizing the theme, the main window will display Unsaved topic(fig. 7).

    To save the theme for personal use, select Save theme... In this case, the file Your theme.theme will contain only a description of your settings and will be saved in the folder C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Themes.

    You can also choose Save theme for general access ... Then the file will have the format Your theme.themepack and saved in the location you specified. It will contain all the configured settings (wallpapers, sounds, cursors, etc.) and can be published on the Internet and installed on other computers.

    Automatically change the background of the login screen when changing the theme

    For the first time in the history of the Windows operating system, Microsoft developers have included such an interesting option as automatically changing the background of the login screen when changing the theme! Previously, for example in Windows XP, this required third-party software.

    First you need to make a background image for your login background option. The file must be in JPG format, have the dimensions of your monitor resolution and be no more than 256 Kb! You can bring a picture to this format, for example, free program FastStone Image Viewer. The prepared file must be renamed to backgroundDefault.jpg and save to folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ oobe \ info \ backgrounds(you need to create it).

    The next step is editing in Notepad your theme file Your theme.theme... it text file but with a different extension, so open Notebook and drag the theme file into the Notepad window. Start open file will look like this:

    ; Copyright Microsoft Corp. ; Windows 7 - IDS_THEME_DISPLAYNAME_AERO DisplayName = Your_theme_name SetLogonBackground = 0

    Parameter SetLogonBackground = 0 tells the system to use the default login background. Need to change 0 on 1 to use your login background with this theme. Modify and save the file. Everything is now ready.

    To check the results of the changes, turn on your theme and through the menu Start - Shutdown - Change user check your login background. Then switch to the Aero theme and check again. Happened? So we did everything right!


    • There can be only two login backgrounds - built-in and yours. That is, you won't be able to create three login backgrounds for three themes.
    • If the system has multiple accounts and each has its own login theme and background, then the login screen of that account whose owner last applied the theme.

    Ready-made themes can be downloaded from the Microsoft website


    This article walks you through the steps of creating your own skin by enabling the hidden option to automatically change the background of the login screen when you change the skin.

Many who have installed windows 7 do not get enough of the Aero interface. How to create your own theme in Windows 7?

Everything is very simple - I would even say intuitively, since I made it myself 3 minutes after I set out to make my own theme.

In order to make it clearer, I will make the instruction in pictures, what I have English in Windows I think it will not hurt anyone. In other languages, everything is the same.

1. Right-click on the desktop - select Personalize.

3. A window for selecting backgrounds will open. Uncheck unnecessary photos. And, if necessary, through the Browse button - select the folder with the photos that you want to add to the topic. Optimally, the photos should be with a resolution of at least 1024 by 768. Jpeg format... Photos from 5-8. This is if you are going to put the topic on the Internet. If Windows theme 7 you do for yourself, then do as you please. At the bottom, do not forget about the checkbox - display options: randomly or sequentially. You can also choose the location of the background image - the default is usually the optimal value (the image is stretched).

4. Next, save the changes (Save Changes). You will see the window from step 2 again. Choose Windows color - this is essentially the color of the theme. You can choose a color from the suggested ones or make your own shade. Plus choose your transparency.

5. Next, Save Changes. You will again see the window from step 2. Select Sounds. I won't go into details on how to make my own sound scheme. You can choose in the drop-down list from the proposed ones.

6. You can choose a screensaver for the theme, but I don't consider it necessary to choose it at all, except perhaps for a black screen. Therefore, we will safely omit the Screen Saver item.

7. Next, we will see that the theme is already in the My Themes section and it is written that it has not been saved (Unsaved Theme). Click on it with the right mouse button and in the drop-down list select: the first item Save theme, if we just want to save it on our computer (just enter the name). Or choose: the second item Save Theme for Sharing to save the theme to a file.

Many users want to create their own themes for Windows 7. Share them with friends, acquaintances, or simply place them on their website for general use. Stops one thing, how to do it and what program to use for this? After all, Microsoft somehow mysteriously makes themes under the strange extension .themepack and distributes them on its official website. Do you think it is so difficult? It is so simple that you will be surprised by the simplicity and speed of the process of making your own themes for the Windows 7 operating system. You can store them on a flash drive and if you have to reinstall the system, you will not have to create new themes ...

Many users want to create their own themes for Windows 7. Share them with friends, acquaintances, or simply place them on their website for general use. Stops one thing, how to do it and what program to use for this? After all, Microsoft somehow mysteriously makes themes under the strange extension .themepack and distributes them on its official website. Do you think it is so difficult? It is so simple that you will be surprised by the simplicity and speed of the process of making your own themes for the Windows 7 operating system. You can store them on a flash drive and if you have to reinstall the system, you will not have to create new themes.

I want to reassure you right away, there is no need to download and search for any programs. Everything is already in the operating room itself Windows system 7 by default. This feature is located in the Personalization section. We have already talked about the appearance settings in the article. personal computer... The article covered the topic of changing existing themes, but not creating and saving a theme for further storage or transfer to another computer.

Create new folder and call it, for example, “ New topic ". Find the images that you would like to use in the future design theme. Remember that the minimum image size must be 1024x768 this will prevent the image from stretching too much. You can process pictures with PhotoShop programs and creating for them an individual appearance and effects. After processing the images, place them in the created "New Theme" folder. By right-clicking on the desktop, call the context menu and select the item " Personalization". In the window that opens, at the bottom, click the link “ Desktop background", Then the button" Overview"And specify the path to the" New Theme "folder you created with images. After clicking on the "OK" button, you will see pictures from the created folder. Now define how they will be displayed.

Here you can specify the time after which the image will change, the display order, the position of the image on the screen. After setting, click the "Save Changes" button. You will be returned to the "Personalization" menu. Now click on the link below “ Window color"And set the window color for your theme, click" Save Changes ". We return to "Personalization". We now click on the link “ Sounds", A window will open in front of you:

In this item "Sound system", you can select different sounds. In the item "Program events" change or add new sounds to the existing ones. In this case, you can pre-listen to the sound in the "Check" item. After you decide on a set of sounds for your future theme, click "OK". Finally, right-click on your theme (it is still called "Unsaved Theme") in the "Personalization" menu, in the appeared context menu select the line " Save theme for sharing", The" Save theme pack as ... "window will open, specify the path to save, give your file a name, for example, nature or cars, depending on which images are in the theme and click on the" Save "button. That's all, in the place where you saved the file, exactly the same will appear

Windows 7 has a very nice slideshow mode for changing the desktop wallpaper. However, after a few months I got bored standard themes, just like getting bored with Windows 7 themes from the Internet. And I was puzzled by creating my own Windows 7 theme, with my photos, colors, etc. And everything turned out to be much easier than you might think at first.

Themes themselves are stored in a file with the ".themepack" extension, which is a regular cab-archive. Actually, here is a description of its structure:

Of course, you could generate this file yourself, but somehow it was lazy, and I decided to look for a simpler way, for example, using some program. But it turned out that Windows 7 itself is able to create these files. I suggest below step by step instructions, how to do it.

1. Preparing photos for the future Windows 7 theme

Select the necessary photos: they must be with a resolution not less than the resolution of your screen, for example, 1280 x 1024. If the size of the photo is smaller, the photo will begin to "stretch" and "blur", which is very ugly. Moreover, it is very good to preliminarily using graphic editor(Photoshop or free Paint.Net) sharpen your photos - it looks very impressive.

Copy all the photos to a separate folder in My Pictures, so it will be easier to select them in the next step. If the order in which the photos are displayed is important to you, rename them so that they appear in the correct order when sorted by file name.

2. Specifying slideshow photos in Windows 7 theme

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the "Personalization" menu item

Click on "Desktop Background"

Specify the location of your photos and tag them:

Specify the mode for changing photos:

3. Saving the theme in the .themepack file

And now that's really all! The resulting file can be published anywhere on the Internet and enjoy its downloads, which can be monitored using Google analytics, but that's a completely different story ...

A cozy workplace is one of the factors that help us to better cope with our work responsibilities, creating a pleasant atmosphere for the employee. This applies to all specialties, without exception, and, if you can constantly decorate the workplace with your diplomas, put a good ergonomic chair there, perhaps some plants on the desktop are pleasing to the eye, etc., then for mobile workers, for whom only laptop and some peripherals, as they say, not to "decorate" temporary jobs. Of course, we will always try to find a cozy corner in a cafe with a sofa, away from the bulk of visitors, however, another factor that will brighten up the hours of work on the next project is the topic of the operating system. The theme is based on pictures on the desktop.

Despite the fact that there are a fairly large number of themes that can be downloaded from the Microsoft website, you want something unique, your own. In fact, creating themes for Windows 8 is as easy as shelling pears.

How to create a theme.

Step one you need to decide on the photos and their number. If you are a photographer, your work may be pleasing to the eye, but even if you don't have your own photos, it's as easy as shelling pears to get them for your topic, just enter the topic of interest in the search engine, select the "pictures" section, and additional settings specify the desired photo sizes.

The best option would be to search for photos with a resolution that matches your screen resolution. You can use photos with the same aspect ratio, but with a higher resolution. For example, if your monitor has a resolution of 1366 by 768, then 1600 by 900, 1920 by 1080, or any other higher than 1366 by 768 with a ratio of 16 to 9 will do. the quality of the picture itself on the desktop, if it is scaled to the size of the desktop.

Step two. After the set of pictures is collected, you need to call the system personalization window.

In the section "Desktop background" add a pack with saved pictures.

Step three. The theme is almost ready, it remains to configure additional parameters, such as the frequency of changing the image, the order of repetition of pictures, the sound scheme of the theme, the splash screen, as well as the color of the windows. Regarding the last parameter, it should be said that, starting from the 8th Windows versions users have the opportunity to choose a changeable color scheme, which to a certain extent brings additional variety to themes.

In this case, the system will create a file with the ".deskthemepack" extension.