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New Mac OS. Macos Mojave came out

Operational mAC system OS X has a long history of development and improvement. All of this path from the first years and to this day can be traced in this category. Surprise how beautiful this system was earlier, and admire that every year it becomes better and better.

Apple does not get used to quarrel with suppliers. A few cases are known when the relationship between the company and its partners worsened so much that Kupertino was forced to look for an alternative supplier or even start developing the necessary spare parts or on their own. Sometimes it was apple to benefit, allowing her to start developing more actively, as in the case of or or own A-series processors, which are set in mobile devices Companies to this day are the best. But, unfortunately, most often, as in cases with Qualcomm or Nvidia, the conflict came out Apple and is the most important thing - its sidewall users.

Do you like how MacOS develops? Despite the fact that Apple annually equips the desktop operations with new features that expand its capabilities more and more, it appearance By and large, many years have not changed. IOS due to its ease and ease on its background looks much more modern. Therefore, according to the designer of Cameer Avdan, Apple has long needed to redraw the design of the desktop operating system, and so that it does not get out of the overall stylistry of other platforms, comply with the overall design code. But since adapting the interface to computers would not be too rational, its choice fell on iOS.

Why do you need beta updates? As a rule, thanks to them, developers identify all sorts of flaws and correct them so that the release assembly of the update came out as stable as possible. But these are ordinary developers, which companies are clearly not related to. Otherwise, how to explain what they alternately alternate the latest version of the OS with test, but neither those nor others differ in particular stability, then and the case delivering different inconvenience to users?

Encryption is one of the key mechanisms that Apple uses to protect personal user data. For security reasons, the company encrypts a colossal data array - from to the personal correspondence in the messenger and e-mail. This is done so that no one outside can read confidential information and could not take advantage of her for personal purposes. However, sometimes even the most advanced encryption protocols, aimed at our protection with you, give a failure, and then Apple has to be disadvantaged.

Often free space ends not only on the iPhone or iPad, but also computer MAC. - Especially if "under the hood" you have SSD by 128 GB. Many are immediately running for help third-party applicationsBut firstly, they are most often paid, and sometimes developers are cubs, forcing buying a new version of the application every time after a major OS update. And secondly, there are ways to clean Mac standard means operating system, and they are also available even.

Probably, everyone loves to be right and proud to declare into all: "Well, I spoke." Is not it? This is right away, although not long, raises self-esteem and makes us feel at least competitors to Nostradamus or Wange. However, sometimes you have to recognize your mistakes allowed when trying to issue a new forecast for some question. For journalists, such situations are particularly unpleasant, because it means that they are either not deeply immersed in the topic, or simply do not understand the question. But even if the cause of the error was circumstances, they do not depend on them, more likely, no one will remember. Fortunately, I'm fine. At least this time.

In the summer of this year, Apple introduced. At the presentation, she looked very promising. Ability to run applications from iPad, using iPad. as graphic tablet Or the second screen. It looks and sounds all this very cool. That's just the problem is that, like all new operating systems, it works, to put it mildly, so-so. I do not even say that part of the functions does not work at all at the start. Let's deal with together, whether it is worth updating to it or it is better to wait.

Apple's new OS came to replace HIGH Sierra. Update, including Dark Topics and Updated Mac App Store.Like iOS 12 will be available for download later this year.

After years, Apple heard plenty of users and added to Macos Mojave to support a dark theme. It will be activated automatically depending on the time of day, changing the design of the desktop.

The new feature called Stacks will allow you to restore the screen of your Mac, automatically combining the files of one expansion into neat groups. Mac App Store, who has long remained without significant updates, finally got redesign in the style of the App Store in iOS 11. Now the application store has a fully updated interface and a rich selection of editorial materials that help in choosing useful programs.

Main materials

One of the key visual innovations of the MacOS Mojave desktop operating system is. The background is replaced depending on the time of day, the geolocation service is involved. All if nothing but in standard set OS is only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how to expand this list.

One of the key visual innovations of the desktop operating system is. The background is replaced depending on the time of day, the geolocation service is involved. All would be nothing but in the standard set of the OS there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how to expand this list.

In 2005, a powerful search tool appeared in OS X, which was called. The company's branded technology has gradually improved Apple, and today Spotlight can be used not only to search for files and applications, but also for arithmetic calculations, translation words and dozens of other non-standard actions. Part of these operations can be performed using hot keys. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

One of the key visual innovations of the desktop operating system is the dynamic desktop wallpaper. The background is replaced depending on the time of day, the geolocation service is involved. All would be nothing but in the standard set of the OS there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how to expand this list.

One of the key visual innovations of the MacOS Mojave desktop operating system is the dynamic desktop wallpaper. The background is replaced depending on the time of day, the geolocation service is involved. All would be nothing but in the standard set of the OS there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how to expand this list.

One of the most significant innovations is a debut of a dark regime for all applications and elements in the system. The option turned out to be really useful - in addition to the aesthetic component, the eye load at night decreased. If you often use a dark theme, it makes sense to set it up for yourself. And today we will tell you how to do it.

The MacOS Mojave desktop operating system brought many useful innovations. Among them are the dynamic wallpaper on the desktop, which are replaced depending on the time of day. Look such screensavers really spectacularly and impressive. True, there is one thing - offers users only two such screensavers. Especially for our readers, we found a few more dynamic pictures.

macos mojave. - the next annual operating system update for computers apple. . This time, part of the devices were pulled off and left forever on High Sierra. Let's take a look at the fact that you could not (or did not want) adapt Apple programmers. Surely because something is very resourceful!

I installed Macos Mojave on MacBook Air. And tested all the functions. Therefore, here is not a set of facts from the press release, but personal experience with alive screenshots and recommendations.

Dark theme

When you first start, Mojave proposes to choose one of the two system display modes. In the future, the themes can be switched in the settings:

System settings -\u003e Main -\u003e appearance.

Pay attention to the new "Color Accent" option. Previously, it was possible to choose from two colors, and now out of 8. When you turn on all the switches and controls will be predominantly this color.

Everything standard applications Default support the dark theme. Elements in Dark programs. Other applications can also add support in updates. This is how the settings with the dark theme included are:

But Finder:

Dynamic desk

IN System Settings -\u003e Desktop and Screensaver. There was an opportunity to install the desktop that will vary depending on the time of day. Now only Mojave desert is available. In the afternoon you will have a sunny picture, then in the evening she will dump and night on the desktop will be the night desert.

Order among files

Macos Mojave appeared option to clean up the folder using stacks. The essence is to automatically clean up the chaos of the files.

I will give an example. Here is a chaos on your desktop:

Right-click on the desktop. We choose a grouping on stacks, well, "by date of creation."

Instantly get the following picture on the desktop:

Files were sorted by B. virtual folders. For example: "previous 30 days." If you tap on it, then all the files that were created in the last 30 days will be outlined.

New view in Finder

Finder has a new type of file display. A-la Preview with a description of the file. There are options for rapid editing. For example, U. JPEG files You can, without any applications, turn the picture (alleluia!) or add markup, or save the file as PDF.

If possible, instead of describing the Finder file, the full photo metadata shows.

PDF files have the ability to flip the pages without entering any application (even view). Probably, the options will expand, but now looks like a very convenient and necessary superstructure over the Finder.

Work without opening a file

In High Sierra and older versions of MacOS, the file selection and pressing the spaces meant a quick view of this file. The MoCOS Mojave is upgraded by the option and now when you click on the space, a quick editing window opens.

For example, U. PDF file. In the right corner, these options are opened:

The View button sends a file to the appropriate application, and the button with the felt-tipset opens fast editing:

Improved work with screenshots

Now, after you make a screenshot, it appears in the lower right corner (as in iOS). You can click on it and a screenshot editing window will appear. I remind you that the screenshot of the screen can be done if you press CMD + SHIFT + 3 at the same time (CMD + SHIFT + 4 - make a fragment).

If you press CMD + SHIFT + 5, then a new menu has appeared in MacOS Mojave to work with screenshots and video recording. You can make a pending video / screen and change the place of preservation of screenshots / video. It is also possible to hide / show mouse cursor.

Fully updated Mac App Store

Visually, he became more pleasant. Made a menu on the left, the store itself has become brighter.

Prices for applications, unfortunately, did not decrease.

Make a photo with iPhone right on Mac

If the object of the photo is close to the computer, you can use new featurewhich allows you to make a photo that instantly moves to need app. Now the function supports Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Mail and will support other programs. It works like this. In Pages, go to the Edit menu-\u003e Paste from the iPhone or iPad. Here you choose "Remove the photo" or "Scan Documents".

Where the cursor appears, an invitation arises to make a photo. At this time on the iPhone (it should be tied to the same Apple ID as Mac) opens the camera application. Make a photo and click the "Use Photo" button and it instantly appears in the Pages document.

It looks very convenient. Especially for those who constantly insert scanned documents.

Group Video calls in Face Time

Well, it's not necessary to test with anyone to test, so I will insert information from the official website of Apple. Up to 32 people can communicate in FaceTime at the same time. The one who takes the word - automatically falls on the fore. The conference can take part, both users on MacOS Mojave and iOS 12 users, in which you understand this function too.

New standard applications in the system

News - the application is in the system, although I have a Russian account (apparently on MacOS and IOS different rules. In iOS, there is no applications under the Russian account). The program presents news. Now you can add only sources on english language. Russian language application does not understand.

Stocks.special applicationTo keep track of shares and stock news.

HOME. - application for tracking smart home. I have all the devices in the apartment do not have intelligence, so I did not tested the program. Bed-trouble ...

Dictaphone - application that. Convenient program For voice memories. Unlike the iOS application, I did not find the ability to edit records.


Now applications request access to the microphone, chamber and other data. Exactly the same as it is done in iOS. For example, when you first create a voice note Evernote

Apple also promised improved protection against tracking you in safaris. I will explain what it is. Often, many advertising systems track your behavior and what you are looking for to give you relevant advertising. In fact, it is such an unobtrusive surveillance. Mojave safari will stop attempts to be enthusiastically suspended without your permission. Apparently, in some cases, if the site will request extra information - the browser will warn you about it and asks permission.

macos Mojave offers to use more reliable passwordsThe earlier. When registering or updating passwords on different sites, it will now be even longer and resistant to hacking password consisting of more Symbols.

Other minor changes

In addition, in addition to the quick insertion of the photo from iPhone (which I wrote above) added a quick insertion of emoticons.

Siri now controls HOMEKIT support devices. She knows more than before. But now Siri in Russian is still very very and very stupid. She doesn't know any more elementary things anymore. As an example, about the world championship in Russia, Siri is as responsible, but about the NHL finals already and do not know.

If you want to see site icons in the browser tabs, then turn on the option. IN Safari-\u003e Settings-\u003e tabs-\u003e Display web site icons on tabs.

Impressions from Macos Mojave

Although there were no applications from Apple about speed, I had the feeling that Macos Mojave slightly accelerated MacBook Air. The same safari began to open the pages noticeably faster. Perhaps this is due to the fact that when reinstalled something cleaned in the system.

Bugs in the first beta are available. As a rule, bugs in MacOS are noticeably more than in iOS. And since the work of many people somehow is connected with the computer - I i do not recommend installing MacOS Mojave Beta 1 on working vehicles. For example, I now crashes Evernote. Computer hang once (reboot helped) ... before that, for several years, the laptop hung just a couple of times. In the rest of the applications, there are no special bugs, but this does not mean that they are not. :)

If you get all the new features, it is striking that no anxordinary things apple introduced. Normal standard update. All chips are minor and they would pull any computer. Needless - why the company pulled out some of the devices from the update.

This is some kind of stupid marketing anything?! Then why no function clings so that for sake it to update the laptop, which works great on Macos High Sierra?!

In general, Apple's innovations Thank you. For the fact that part of the 2009-2011 devices of the company are large and fatty minus!

Thank you all for reading! :)

Fair, not overpriced and not understated. The service site should have prices. Be sure! Without "stars", it is clear and in detail, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If there are parts up to 85% of the complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. On modular repair you need much less time. The site contains an approximate duration of any repairs.

Warranty and responsibility

The guarantee should give any repairs. On the site and in the documents everything is described. The guarantee is confidence in their forces and respect for you. Warranty at 3-6 months is good and enough. It is needed to verify the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and real terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will help you.

Half success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so good service works with suppliers to direct, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven parts of current models so that you do not have to spend your extra time.

Free diagnosis

This is very important and has already become a good tone rule for service Center. Diagnostics is the most complex and important part of the repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device for its results.

Repair in service and delivery

Good service Appreciates your time, so offers free shipping. And for the same reason, the repair is performed only in the workshop of the service center: the right and technology can be done only at the prepared place.

Comfortable graph

If the service works for you, not for yourself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule must be convenient to have time before and after work. Good service is also on weekends, and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals is made up of several points.

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service knows for a long time.
If the company has been in the market for many years, and she managed to establish themselves as an expert, they appeal to her, they write about it, they are recommended. We know what we are talking about, as 98% of the incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers are trusted and transferred to us.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of technology, you can be sure of:
1. The queues will not (or it will be minimal) - your device will take place immediately.
2. You give to repair MacBook Expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices.

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
To make you imagine what you need.
The problem will try to solve. In most cases, the description can be understood what happened and how to eliminate the fault.

Friends, time to update! This summer, Apple presented a new version of the Mac system, and now it can be downloaded. It is called MacOS Mojave 10.14, in honor of the Mojave desert. The place is not the most picturesque, before Apple preferred more cute mountains, but oh well.

Who can put and where to download?

All users of McBooks can be updated fresh versions. System can be put on Mac Mini., IMAC, MacBook Air or Pro 2012 or newer. You can download it by reference or request an update in the App Store.

Do not forget to make backup with Time Machine. What is this function and how it works, you can read on the Apple website.

Dark theme

There is nothing even to comment on: it looks great, it will be unequivocally pleasant to work at night. The topic of design changes automatically, given the time zones and the sunrise and sunset.

Convenient work in folders

Previously for simple action Photos needed to run the Preview application. Now added a new advanced format gallery, it will save time. More precisely, it is the old Cover Flow format, but now it is finalized. I hope he really became more convenient, I previously tried to use, but I did not catch a Cover Flow.

Directly from the folder you can put a watermark on a photo using Automator. I'm lazy and for this I use the PHOTO BULK application, now you can forget about it. Probably.

And in the preview mode (when you press the space), you can edit the video, cutting off the extra pieces. A chic idea for everyone who is at least engaged in the installation.

Sorting data on the desktop

If you are accustomed to creative riot, the innovation is not for you. But if you like to keep clean, then you will like sorting by different types: photo, video, audio, presentation, etc.

One line

The updated App Store also supports the "Dark theme", at the same time updated the design of the application.

Safari makes screenshots and captures video. Previously, I had to run QuickTime for this.

The smartphone will protect the computer - if you moved away from the computer and took the phone with you, then the poppy will understand that the owner is far and you need to close access to applications where personal data is stored. To mail, for example, or to photos.

Safari follows ... sites. If the browser understands that you are on a site where your data is saved without your consent, he will warn you about it.

You can take pictures on the iPhone, and the snapshot will immediately appeal in the Mac application. It is convenient when you need to scan the document using the phone camera, and there is no special device at hand.

All innovations in Macos Mojave

Macos Mojave has added new features that are inspired by advanced users and useful to everyone. Dark mode helps to focus on work. Function "Stacks" - clean up the desktop. You are also waiting for three new embedded applications and even more interesting in the updated Mac App Store.

If you have been using the beta MacOS Mojave for a long time, then share your impressions as she? In general, it makes sense to write something like experience new version MacOS, it is interesting to read such a material?