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Online seminars for supporters Dow. Webinars for teachers, parents and students

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is the official proposal (public offer) IP Maksimenkov Alexei Andreevich (OGRNIP 315420200006514, Inn 420206996759), referred to as the "performer", and, in accordance with Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public office of the Contractor addressed to individuals, on providing the possibility of participation in contests on the terms of the contract.

1.2. The contract is considered to be concluded without signing in each concrete caseSince the acceptance acceptance is equal to the conclusion of the contract on the conditions below.

1.3. The current edition of the contract on a permanent basis is posted on the artist's website at: "Website / Oreta", and is required to familiarize yourself with the participant until the acceptance of the acceptance.

1.4. These terms of the offer can be changed and / or are complemented by the Contractor unilaterally without any special notice. Changes in the content of the contract come into force from the moment of their publication at the address of the continuous placement of the contract in the form of an updated text of the contract.

2. Terms and definitions used in the contract.

2.1. For the purposes of this offer, the Terms below are used in the following value:

  • "Artist" - Individual entrepreneur Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich, acting on the basis of the Charter;
  • "Offer" is a real contract for the provision of consulting and information services;
  • The Acceptance Acceptance is a complete and unconditional acceptance of the proprietary conditions by the method of performing the actions specified in paragraph 3 of this offer.
  • "Customer" - a person who has fulfilled the Acceptance of the Offer, and is thus the Customer of the Contractor's Services for the Prisoner of the Offer and can take part in the activities of this Site;
  • "Competition" - an event to identify the best of the sent works, which is carried out monthly, according to the results of which, the participants receive premium documents;
  • "Testing" - an event conducted in online modeaimed at identifying the knowledge of participants in a certain direction of professional activities;
  • The "award document" is a document confirming participation in the event that contains information about the place that this participant has occupied, about the nomination, and the document contains data on the participant, the signature and the seal of the Chairman of the Commission.

3. Subject of the contract

3.1. According to the contract-offer, the Contractor provides the Customer with the provision of necessary information related to activities under which various contests and testing are understood by remotely (hereinafter referred to as).

3.2. The Contractor provides the services to the Customer only in the case of submitting the appropriate application for services on the "http: // Site" website in accordance with the approved rules, as well as payment services, according to the current tariffs.

3.3. The acceptance of the offer contract is the fact of payment by the customer of the selected service.

3.4. The following services are available for the customer:

3.4.1. Competition. The timing of the competition is determined by the Contractor and last from the first to the last number of each month, unless otherwise indicated on the site "http: // Site". Each competitive work is regarded and evaluated by members of the jury. After 10 working days from the date of acceptance of applications for the competition, premium documents are published on the site in the "http: //site/rezultatyi.html" section, where it is stored for 2 years from the date of their publication.

3.4.2. Testing. Testing is held daily and around the clock online. Each participant after making a payment receives a letter on email With reference to testing. After passing testing, the participant receives an electronic version of the award document.

3.4. At the request of the customer, it is possible to send a premium document by registered mail of Russian Post. The cost of this service is indicated on the site. At the same time, the performer sends ordered letter to the address of the customer's educational institution. In the event that the customer wants the letter to come to another address about this must be reported to the post " [Email Protected]».

3.4.5. Postal correspondence is sent weekly on Saturdays.

3.5. Competitive works are not edited, they are not reviewed by the organizer of the competition and the Commission.

3.6. Informing participants about all events related to the holding of the Competition is carried out on the "http: // Site" website. Each participant is considered an informed proper way from the moment of publishing information on the "http: // Site" website ..

  • violation of the rules of participation in the contests set out in the contract;
  • manifestation of disrespect for the organizers of the competition and the Competition Commission;
  • failure to submit competitive work in the manner and timing specified in the contract and on the site;

4. Rights and obligations of the parties.

4.1. The Contractor undertakes:

4.1.2. Provide services to the Customer at the selected event spent remotely, subject to payment for payment by the Customer in full and fulfill all the rules for conducting this event.

4.1.3. Promptly and timely inform the Customer on the list of services provided, the conditions and cost of remote events, this information On the site "http: // Site", as well as using email.

4.1.4. In order to provide services to deliver information to the customer by email or "Russian Post" at the addresses specified by the Customer when applying for services.

4.2. The performer has the right:

4.2.1. Refuse to customer in the provision of services

  • in case of non-payment (incomplete payment) services under time;
  • with late provision of applications for the provision of services;
  • in violation of the rules of participation in the event.

4.2.3. Change the terms of this contract unilaterally.

4.3. The customer undertakes:

4.3.1. Alone and in a timely manner to get acquainted on the site "http: // Site" with installed services, services for services, order and terms of their provision.

4.3.2. Timely pay for the selected executive services in accordance with the prices established at the time of payment.

4.3.4. When applying, provide competitive work and specify reliable and complete data.

4.4. The customer is entitled:

4.4.1. Receive from the Contractor paid services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement-Offer.

4.4.2. Receive full and reliable information related to the terms and conditions of remote events on the site "http: // Site"

4.5. The customer agrees:

4.5.1. For the processing of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data"

5. Cost of services.

5.1. The cost of the services provided is determined by the Contractor unilaterally in Russian rubles and is posted on the "http: // Site" website.

5.2. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally change prices for services provided.

6. The procedure and timing of the calculations.

6.1. Payment of the executing service by the customer is made cash According to a non-cash payment to the calculated account of the Contractor or otherwise specified on the "http: // Site" website.

6.2. Services are provided to the customer under conditions of 100% prepayment of the cost of the selected service.

6.4. The organizational fee paid by the participant, in the event of termination of the contract, is not refundable.

7. Responsibility of the parties.

7.1. Parties are responsible for improper performance of their duties in accordance with the legislation. Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

7.2. The performer is not responsible:

7.2.1. for malfunctions in the work of mail, the Internet, communication networks that have arisen on the reasons independent of the Contractor and caused the late receipt or non-receipt by the participant of the notifications of the Contractor;
7.2.2. In the case of technical failures (Disable / Damage to Power and Communication Networks, Failures software processing center and technical failures in payment systems) that caused non-fulfillment by the Contractor's Contractor;

7.2.5. For the temporary lack of a participant in a communication tools that ensure interaction with the Contractor under the Agreement, as well as the participant's losses associated with this;

7.2.7. For incomplete or not true information provided by the Customer.

7.3. The parties are exempt from property responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, if such a violation is caused by the action of force majeure (force majeure), including: the actions of state authorities, fire, flood, earthquake, other natural actions, lack of electricity, strike, Civil unrest, unrest, any other circumstances, not limited to those listed, which may affect the executive executive of the Office of the Offer.

7.4. This Public Offer Agreement has the strength of the Act on the provision of services. Acceptance is made without signing the appropriate act. Services are considered properly and in full, if within three days from the date of the provision of the service the customer did not prevent a claim.

8. The procedure for informational interaction of the parties.

8.1. The participant at the conclusion of the contract is obliged to provide the Contractor with reliable information to communicate with the participant and send him notifications about the progress of the competition. The participant is responsible for ensuring the permanent compliance of the specified reality data.
8.2. By default, the proper way to inform the participant on the operation with its application and competitive work is to send a notification to the email address specified by the participant.

8.3..html "no later than 10 working days from the date of the end of acceptance of applications for a specific competition.

8.4. In case of a member of the participant from all those offered by the Contractor sending a participant notifications about operations with an application and competitive work, the participant is recognized as adequately information for communication with the participant in accordance with paragraph 8.1., And the Contractor is considered to fulfill its obligations to inform the participant about the participant Operations with an application and competitive work. The participant is not entitled to make a claim to the Contractor associated with improper informing of the participant on operations.

8.5. Notification is considered received by the participant within three hours from the date of dispatch.

8.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the lack of access to the Member Participant, using which the participant can receive a notice or late receipt of notification, including for failures in the Internet, communication networks arising from the performer to reasons and entailed late reception or Notification by the participant of the executor notifications.

8.7. Customer's claims for services provided are made by the Contractor for consideration by email, individually within five days from the date of the disputed situation.

8.8. The customer, in case of the emergence of questions, can contact the Contractor using the contact details listed on the "http: // Site / Kontakty" link.

9. Technical support for contest participants and processing personal data.

9.1. The organizer is ready to hold technical support Participants in contests until the competition is held. The deadline for completing the competition is the date of publication of the results of the competition on the site.
9.2. User support is carried out using electronic communication channels (email) and / or by posting certain information on the site.

9.4. By entering into a contract and bringing personal data into the application form, the Customer agrees to the provision of its personal data and their processing by the Contractor.

10. Conclusion, change, termination of the contract.

10.1. The moment of the conclusion of this contract is the moment of crediting payment to the calculated account of the Contractor for the services chosen by the Customer, subject to receipt of the application for the service in the form posted on the HTTP: // Site website.

10.2. The customer is entitled at any time unilaterally abandon the services of the Contractor. In the case of one-sided refusal of the Customer from the services of the Contractor, the payment made is not returned.

10.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change or supplement any of the terms of this Agreement-Offer at any time, publishing all changes on the site. If published changes for the customer are unacceptable, it should notify the Contractor within seven days from the date of publication. If notifications have not received, it is believed that the customer continues to take part in the contractual relationship.

10.4. For all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Artist: IP Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich
Inn: 420206996759
Organization 315420200006514.
Name of the Bank: Siberian branch of OJSC KB "Regional Credit"
Beach: 045003734.
PPC: 540243002.
k / s № 30101810300000000734 in the RCC Soviet
R / s 40802810221410000027

N.F. Sorokina, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. Puppet theater for children and adults. Register

October 02 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkov, to. N., Senior teacher, GBOU SOSH No. 1598, Moscow. Organization of classes on cognitive-research activities in pre-school groups using ICT. Register

September 26, 13.30 - 15.30 (Moscow time)

E.A. Gomonova, Music director GBOU School No. 962, to №6 Svao in Moscow, Higher qualifying category, Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Music Manager". Drawing up a cyclogram and planning of the work of the music director in accordance with the requirements of GEF. Register

September 19 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

What are educational cycles and how to plan them? Register

April 24, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

An individual approach to children with CPR in the conditions of the general array group.

April 18, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkov, to. N., Senior teacher, GBOU SOSH No. 1598, Moscow. Features of the organization of correctional work with preschoolers in physical education in before.Materials include the Methodology Glushkova G.V. "Indications and contraindications to the performance of physical exercises during disorders of the musculoskeletal system at preschoolers."

April 10 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Communicative and speech development of children by means of theatrical activity.

April 3, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Psychological aspects of the interaction of the teacher with parents of pupils.

E.V. Solovyova, to. P. N., Age psychologist, Director of the Psychological Center for Support for Family "Contact". Education of respect for the work of adults. Acquisition for the labor of the child preschool age.

March 21, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.M. Barinova, teacher-psychologist, head of the psychological branch of the Center for Natural Development and Health of the Child. Children's aggression. Who is to blame and what to do?

March 14, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.V. Miklyaev, to. N., Professor of the Institute of Childhood of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Development of an individual educational route for preschoolers with OVD.

February 28, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Rainbow Russian patterns. Master class on decorative drawing.

February 19, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Master class: Ideas of exclusive gifts for March 8.

February 13, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Griezik, to. P. N., Chief editor of the scientific and methodological journal "Pre-school education", leading researcher in the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the FGBNA "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Rao Education". Approaches to the development of connected speech of preschoolers. Part 2 - Dialogic speech.

February 07 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

E.V. Solovyova, to. P. N., Age psychologist, Director of the Psychological Center for Support for Family "Contact". Development of spatial imagination in children of preschool age.

November 29, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.I. Titova, to. N., Teacher of the highest qualification category, a defectologist, a specialist in the implementation of innovative methods for organizing a pedagogical process and teaching children of preschool and junior initial school age and mathematics. Modern techniques for educational work with preschoolers. Socio-communicative development.

November 12, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Griezik, to. P. N., Chief editor of the scientific and methodological journal "Pre-school education", leading researcher in the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the FGBNA "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Rao Education". Approaches to the development of connected speech of preschoolers. Part 1 - Monological speech.

November 8, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, to. P. N., Teacher-organizer, preschool department GBOU School No. 1598 Moscow. Types for design work in the DOO. Complication lines. Master class "Castle".

November 01 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

S.G. Rosh, teacher additional education; Deputy. chief editor of the magazine "Child in children's garden». Draw it easy! Master class on graphic drawing technique.

October 25, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, to. P. N., Teacher-organizer, preschool department GBOU School No. 1598 Moscow. Modern approaches to the organization physical education Preschool children in Do.

October 18, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

E.V. Solovyova, to. P. N., Age psychologist, Director of the Psychological Center for Support for Family "Contact". Development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

October 15, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Griezik, to. P. N., Chief editor of the scientific and methodological journal "Pre-school education", leading researcher in the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the FGBNA "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Rao Education". Implementation of the principle of variability in the speech development of preschool children.

October 4, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.I. Titova, to. N., Teacher of the highest qualification category, a defectologist, a specialist in the implementation of innovative methods for organizing a pedagogical process and teaching children of preschool and junior initial school age and mathematics. Modern forms of the organization of children's activity: a project and event. Educational potential of the children's community.

September 27, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

E.V. Solovyova, to. P. N., Age psychologist, Director of the Psychological Center for Support for Family "Contact". Formation of mathematical representations in accordance with GEF to.

September 20, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, to. P. N., Teacher-organizer, preschool department GBOU School No. 1598 Moscow. Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of children of early and junior preschool age to the DOW.

April 26, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

S.G. Roshov, teacher of additional education; Editor magazine "Child in kindergarten". Applique. How to teach children to cut.

April 19 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

S.I. Seed, k. P. N., Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Technologies of Preschool and Primary Education, FGBOU VO "Armavir State Pedagogical University", Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. Socio-communicative development of preschoolers: technology of prevention and correction of aggressive manifestations.

April 12 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.V. Miklyaev, to. N., Professor of the Institute of Childhood of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Designer working programs for teachers and kindergarten specialists.

04 April 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Griezik, to. P. N., Chief editor of the scientific and methodological journal "Pre-school education", leading researcher in the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the FGBNA "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Rao Education". Strategy for the development of modern pre-school education.

March 28, 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, to. P. N., Teacher-organizer, preschool department GBOU School No. 1598 Moscow. Organization of playing lessons with young children.

The portal for teachers and teachers Website in 2017 invites you educational and methodological and educational webinars. You can sign up for upcoming webinars or see the records of the past. How to do it and how to get a certificate.

Rules of participation

  • visit and active participation in the webinar - is free;
  • need preliminary registration;
  • many webinars can be viewed in the record;
  • you can get an electronic certificate of the webinar listener from the media site with almost 10 years of history at a price of 150 rubles. With online participation - discounts.

Our webinars

  • relevant and contain many useful information;
  • are held by professionals in their business;
  • visor is held: listeners can communicate with each other and ask questions to Lektra.

How to get a certificate?

For the upcoming webinar:

All registered listeners after the webinar we will send information on payment.

For the last webinar:

The mission of our site is to provide methodological assistance to everyone who is engaged in teaching activities, so we are conducting webinars for teachers for free with the issuance of a certificate at a low price available to each teacher.

Visit our webinars can everyone:

  • primary school teachers;
  • russian teachers and literature;
  • english teachers;
  • educators
  • and teachers of all other items.

Most webinars site are designed for a wide audience and can be useful to both teachers of any specialization and administration representatives. educational institutions.

Why visit webinars

  • Being aware of new techniques, technology and teaching techniques.
  • Get acquainted with new tools and products in the field of education, without visiting full-time profile exhibitions.
  • Be able to listen and chat with professionals, inspire, get new ideas, find like-minded people.
  • With a certificate - for certification or receiving points for stimulating payments. Depending on the region and category, scores may be accrued for visiting webinars.

We appreciate your time, so:

  • carefully approach the selection of speakers;
  • we provide prompt technical support;
  • quickly send certificates.

Natalia Khorienin

ITK, let's say you have a desire and the need to take part in one or another webinar. Where to begin?


Carefully study the position of this webinar. If you have questions - we write the organizer and clarify.

Step 2.

Apply, register on the webinar. How to make it usually the organizers are described in detail in the position.

Step 3.

You will receive an email that you are successfully registered to participate in the webinar. Such a letter, as a rule, contains a reference to the so-called webinar room (classroom).

What is a webinar room and what does it consist of?

The webinar room looks like this:

A large window is located on the right, where in the process of the webinar demonstrate the presentation on the topic under discussion.

Left at the top of the screen where the video is broadcast on which the presenter tells and shows the material of the webinar.

On the left below is a chat, where you can write questions from your computer during the webinar process. And he B. live air will answer you.

Here you can see better.

That's all the wisdom! I hope the information will be useful!

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for teachers "What is a pedagogical technology", "what is a healthy-saving technology" Pedagogical technology is called the direction of pedagogy, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of the educational process, guaranteed.

Consultation for teachers "What is a portfolio and why it is necessary for the future first grader" The appearance of the concept of "portfolio" in the pedagogical lexicon is associated with the introduction of new approaches in the formation and evaluation of its new forms. IN.

Consultation for teachers "What is a representative system" FGOs are presented to the basic principles of pre-school education, one of which is the construction of educational and educational activities.

Consultation for teachers "Humanization of pedagogy. What it is?" It is well known that a person forms a set of relations in which he enters. It may be a relationship with the state, its laws,.

One of the main conditions of implementation information technologies In Dow - specialists who know the technical capabilities should work with children.

"Reading is a window through which the children see and know themselves." V. A. Sukhomlinsky "The book is a vessel that fills us, but himself.

Consultation for parents "what to spin" The purpose of applied art is to "extract the power of art" the subject of material appointment, give it a sense to do.

One of the activities of the modern teacher is a professional self-improvement, continuous advanced training, the formation of higher level competencies.

In accordance with the requirements of professional standards, pedagogical workers are trained once every three years.

Survived effective form of advanced training is webinars for primary and secondary school teachers, teachers of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education.

Webinars of teachers 2018/2019 in the online format allow the teacher to study and always be aware of the innovative development of science due to the advantages complex:

  • online participation allows you to study and communicate with colleagues without separation from work;
  • such a form of advanced training allows the listener to save time and means to receive important information and exchange of experience is not related to crossings;
  • participation in the webinars of school workers, colleges and other educational organizations from the most remote regions and small settlements will help you to get acquainted with the results of modern psychological and pedagogical studies at a convenient time;
  • the webinar provides the possibility of organizing the "live" communication during the class, includes elements of the master class, training;
  • materials of theoretical and practical course, audio and video files are fully accessible around the clock all participants after the seminar;
  • at the end of the online seminars, students of the All-Russian sample are issued.

The open form of the online seminar is becoming increasingly popular in Russia and abroad. Join the participants of our "School of Professional Support" and be aware of the new trends of the theory and practice of education!

The Center for Additional Professional Education "External" offers a wide range of free webinars for teachers. Actual developments of leading specialists in the field of pedagogy, defectology, social work, the requirements of the professorists, the problems of inclusive education, career guidance - in demand topics for which free webinars 2018/2019 academic year are organized.

On the center's website there is a calendar of the nearest events - you need to just sign up on the page of an interesting event for you using the "Take part" button! You can even connect to half an hour before the start of classes!

We offer to participate in the following blocks of our workCenter for Additional Professional Education "External":

  • webinars for primary school teachers on topical issues of the educational and educational process, diagnostics of the results of students and continuity of school learning steps;
  • webinars for English teachers on the preparation of the OGE and EGE, on the design of a foreign language lesson in the implementation of GEF and others;
  • webinars for teachers of history and social studies on the problems of building a school course of these disciplines in the conditions of introducing historical and cultural standard et al.;
  • webinars for teachers of Russian language and literature on interactive technologies of preparation for OGE and EGE, as well as a final composition of literature and others;
  • webinars for teachers of technology devoted to the introduction of a gender approach to the educational process in the conditions of GEF;
  • webinar for teachers of biology, ecology, physics on the use of interactive technologies at different stages of the lesson in the implementation of the implementation of GEF, including the method of incorporating work with an interactive board;
  • webinars for chemistry teachers, geography on the method of teaching natural science disciplines, guidelines to the organization of lesson in accordance with GEF;
  • webinars in mathematics for primary and high school teachers, CPO institutions.

Take part in online teachers seminars just - register on the site on the page of your chosen event! To pass and get all theoretical and video materials, you will need only a computer or tablet with a connection to the Internet.

Webinars for primary school teachers 2018/2019 offer topical developments in the field of pedagogy on various issues:

  • introduction of GEF primary education;
  • modeling extracurricular activities;
  • technology design of research activities of students' junior school;
  • diagnostics of educational results at different stages of training in 1-4 CB;
  • use of dialogue technologies in lessons in junior grades, etc.

In addition to paid, free webinars are organized for junior class teachers on certification, portfolio preparation, etc. Certificates of webinar participants for primary school teachers and other specialists contain information on the number of studied hours on the topic studied and correspond to the All-Russian sample.

Webinars for English 2018/2019 teachers are devoted to new areas in theory and methods of teaching a foreign language:

  • differentiation and individualization in the lesson;
  • technologies for the development of critical thinking;
  • development of a technological card of a lesson based on a competence approach.

We invite you to webinars for English teachers on the use of interdisciplinary ties in the educational process, actual problems intercultural communication and others.

Webinars for English teachers for 2018/2019 academic year turn to innovative methods of training students to OGE and EGE in a foreign language.

Also, free online seminars on the design of a meta-reported lesson on the basis of a systematic approach for a wide range of participants in various subjects of general education are organized by free online seminars.

  • by english language;
  • in Russian and literature;
  • mathematics;
  • according to social science, etc.

The participation of teachers in webinars is organized in extracurricular time and assumes answers to questions, a free discussion of lecturers with listeners.

In any settlement On the territory of the Russian Federation, you can register for participation in online seminars 2018/2019 for free with a license certificate of the All-Russian sample.

The Center for Additional Professional Education "External" offers corporate training: for listeners from 5 people from one school, college or other association is offered a special price. On the conditions of the promotion can be found on the phone from our specialists. Call, and we will discuss the conditions of your participation!

Webinars with an electronic certificate of the participant conduct leading specialists in the field of pedagogy, psychology, modern educational technologies.

Public online seminars 2018/2019 allow their participants to quickly use in the work of modern pedagogy and techniques.

If you have questions about the order and content of advanced training in the system of online seminars, call the phone indicated on the site, and we will gladly answer you!

The remote form of self-education solves the task of education and adaptation in the profession of young professionals and improving the skill of experienced teachers.

Free webinars of teachers 2018/2019 help to plan the further trajectory of self-development in the profession. Stay aware of the actual directions of pedagogical science!