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The usual Start menu in Windows 10. Video: How to switch "Desktop" to full-screen display mode

Finally, Microsoft has gone towards its users and returned the Windows operating system 10 classic Start menu. New Menu Start. more customizablethan ever before, so any user will be able to set it up for himself.

The secret of the new menu Start lies in its separation between the desktop and tablet PC. For example, to turn off the tablet or desktop mode, you must press Total one button In the center of notifications. In this material we describe the basic features of setting up and the Start menu properties that are available now. For review, we took the most senior version of Windows 10 Pro.

Changing the size of the initial screen window

Change the start size for Windows 10 is very simple. To change it is enough move the cursor to the top or right edge of the starting screen, pulling him. For example, with a decrease in the upper edge, the initial screen will become so.

And if you reduce it on the right edge, it will look like this.

From the example it is clear that to increase or decrease the size of the Menu Start for the needs of the user, you can quickly and very simple.

Attachment and discharge of tiles

To disconnect the tile from the starting screen, it is enough to click on the right mouse on it and in the list that appears click on the point " Out from the initial screen».

To fix the tile from the list of installed and standard utilities on the start screen, you must go to the point " All applications"By choosing a program in it and right-click on it. After that, there will be a list in which click on "".

Also, if instead of this item to choose " Secure on the taskbar"We will see our utility on the taskbar. For example, in the image below shows the fixation of the program " Calculator»On the taskbar.

To disconnect this application from the taskbar, it is enough to click on the label on the taskbar and select the " Out from the taskbar».

In addition to the list of installed and standard software For operating room windows systems 10 Pro, you can still install on the initial screen links to different resources. For example, to secure a link to a specific directory in the system for the starting screen, it is enough to click on this directory and select the item in the list that appears Secure on the initial screen».

Even very useful are links to Internet resources on the initial screen. The procedure for their fixation is maximally transparent. To secure the Internet link to a certain resource, just go to a specific page in the browser Microsoft Edge. . In our case, the Internet resource will be the page, Microsoft in Russian.

After opening the page, let's go to the browser settings and select the item " Secure this page on the initial screen».

If you need to fix any section of the settings for the initial screen, it is worth only to go to the required section Settings and click on it right mouse button and choose " Secure on the initial screen" For example, the settings section " Topics».

Another similar way can be fixed on the start screen notes from ONENOTE. or important contacts from the subway application " People».

Turning off the live tiles on the start screen

If you do not like live tiles, you can easily disable them. To do this, it is enough to press on the live tile with the right mouse button and select the item " Advanced / Disable live tiles" The image below shows the disconnection of live tiles in the application " news».

Thus, you can disable any live tile On the initial screen. If you need to turn on them back, then this is done in the same way.

Change the size of the tiles and drag them

For example, take the program " news"And we turn to context menu This tile. In it, choose items " Size / Small».

To change the location of the tile, it is enough to drag it to any field of the initial screen. IN latest version Windows 10 Pro OS all tiles are divided into groups that can be called a certain name. We post a link to the Microsoft Edge browser from one group to another. Now she is in the group " Events and communication».

After dragging to the group " Entertainment and recreation"Our tile will look like this.

As can be seen from the example, the size of the initial screen after dragging the tile Microsoft Edge. became more and formed a new group. While the group has no name, but it can be asked anyone. I also want to note that all links can be dragged inside their group, as well as change their location.

Setting up sorting and color parameters

To select a specific sorting method in the Start menu, you must go to the "" tab in the Start menu. After that, we turn to the section " System»In the tab" Applications and opportunities».

This section has three sorting methods that will be applied in the Start menu after selecting them.

To change the color of the tiles, you need to go to the same tab "" and go to the section " Personalization / Color».

After selecting the color, for example, red, tiles will look like this.

To make the color of the Start menu, too red, you need to turn on the switch " Show color in the "Start" menu, on the taskbar, in the center of notifications and in the window title».

From the image it can be seen that the start window was significantly transformed, so changing the color, we set it up, given our preferences in the design of the OS.

Enable additional folders

For inclusion additional parameters Directory You need to go to the Start menu properties. To do this, go to the tab "", after which go to the section " Personalization / Start».

As can be seen from the image, two switches are already selected. Choose all the switches and look at the result.

As you can see in the image, all selected items hit the Start menu.


This time, the developers from Microsoft managed to make a truly unique menu Start, which any PC user can configure themselves. Also for lovers of the menu where there is no tiles, the developers have provided full shutdown tiles that make it as much as possible on standard Menu Windows 7 or XP operating systems. The image below shows the menu on Windows 10 and there is no tiles in it.

According to the developer statements, the Windows 10 system will be improved every year, so the future functionality and the properties of the START menu will significantly expand. In addition, it remained to wait for a long time, because a major update for Windows 10 will be released in the summer of 2016, and in the spring of the same year another major update will be released. In both updates, Microsoft promises new feature OS and improvement in the user interface.

We hope our article will help you configure the Start menu properties in the Windows 10 operating system and its use will simplify access to resources, programs and parameters.

Video on the topic

After upgrading to Windows 10, many users were disappointed in the upgraded Start menu. In Windows 7, it consisted of two parts: left - previously used programs, right - my computer, control panel, other items to configure and control the system. To return the classic view of the Start menu in Windows 10, it is enough to use some tips.

Ways to return the classic Start menu in Windows 10

In order to make the Start menu in Windows 10 similar to the classic windows menu 7, it is worth removing all the metro tiles. To do this, perform the following actions.

  • Right-click on the element and select "Delete".
  • In this way, we remove all tiles until we obtain the classic menu view.

Return the classic view of the Start menu in Windows 10 using the ClassicShell program that works in compatibility mode.

  • We download and install the program. Select components for installation. In this case, we need "Classic Start Menu" and "Classic Explorer". The latter modifies the conductor. You can also return the old view of the control panel, which in Windows 10 is not too different and the IE browser. Select the storage location of the software folder and click "Next".

  • Follow the tips of the installation wizard. After completing, click on the Start button. A new settings window appears. Select the model of the element.

  • The Start menu will get the following form.

  • All items on such a menu can be changed in places, configure the size and other parameters.
  • The conductor will receive the following form.

Using the parameter menu, you can also make the Start menu of the classic view. To do this, do the following.

Romanov Stanislav. 04.10.2014 151037

How to return the classic start in Windows 10?

The "Start" unfortunate menu, which was removed with the arrival of Windows 8, and also repeated the same in Windows, 8.1, finally returns to computers after running Windows 10. However, the "Start" in the new version of the OS could not return to the original version, But there is a couple of ways to return the menu to the style of Windows 7.

Even though startout screen It became more familiar and more attractive, and you can enable "Start" in Windows 10 using a few mouse clicks, not everyone can like new menus included by default on traditional PCs and laptops. Usually on desktop systemsah use keyboard and mouse (touchpad), so the desire to return the former "start" is quite justified.

As you have already noticed, the "Start" menu in Windows 10 does not coincide with the "Start" style from Windows 7 and Vista. The menu from the latest version of the OS includes items both from Windows 7 and from Windows 8, picking up all the best of the two-generations.

By default, the left-part menu "Start" displays the newly used and running programsWhile the right column is a free cloth for "living" tiles. Users who do not like these tiles or want to use the most simple menuYou may need to make a menu from Windows 10 similar to option from Windows 7.

If you prefer to use the "clean" start menu, and not an upgraded version in Windows 10, then it is enough to do several steps. It is necessary to proceed by our instructions, or rather, one of the following methods.

[Method 1 - without software installation]

The essence of the first way is to break all the tiles from the right column of the "Start" menu so that the menu as a result is clean, but the same functional. Let it not coincide with the menu style from Windows 7, but in this way you can get the optimal version of "Start" without installation third-party utilities. And if you intend to completely change the menu from Windows 10 and equate it to the style of Windows 7, then go to the second method immediately.

Step 1: Open the Start menu.

Step 2: Right-click on all application tiles in the right column "Start" menu one by one, and then select the "Unpin from Start" option, thereby removing all tiles.

Step 3: After all tiles are removed from the right speaker, you should see the approximate version of the "Start" menu without unnecessary parts.

[Method 2 - with third-party programs]

How to enable Windows 7 "Start" in Windows 10 third-party utilities?

If you wanted to install back to your computer, the accurate menu "Start" in the style of Windows 7 within operating system Windows 10, you have the opportunity to do this using a variety of free and paid programs.

In particular, we recommend not going far and try. Although while the developer team is not in a hurry to add application compatibility with Windows 10. But we hope that this is a matter of time. Also among alternatives, you can mark Vistart Menu and Iobit Start Menu. These programs are included in a row for the free return of the previous "Start" menu. But our choice in relation to Classic Shell is tested for months of stable operation. In addition, the program is very flexible in setting up a variety of elements and its work style.

The "Start" menu, which came from Windows 8, can return to your computers in which you could make sure that the instructions are higher, after downloading the public preliminary version of Windows 10, to establish which you can

One of the main differences between Windows 10, noticeable for users from previous versions, has changed the interface of the operating system. We will tell you how to configure the Start menu in Windows 10 to itself for comfortable work with the system.

Metro style: new implementation

The graphical interface of the Windows OS, called Metro, came to replace Aero a few years ago, when Microsoft's mobile OS and desktop Windows 8 were presented. Instead of glossy icons, the company presented new format Menu consisting of rectangular tiles.

Such an interface was very comfortable for owners. mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) equipped with touch screens. But the users of desktop and laptops innovation were perceived ambiguously. The navigation on the tile menu with the mouse was noticeably more difficult than control from the touchscreen, and some people perceived the innovation in the bayonets.

However, considering the growth of popularity touch screens in niche laptops and desktop computers, It should be expected that the popularity of the Metro-interface will only increase.

Start menu returns

The Start menu for a long year was an integral part of the Windows OS interface, but in 2012 it was decided to refuse to refuse the Metro desktop. Not everyone has arranged such innovation, and in the fresh version of its Microsoft OS, they decided to return it, preliminaryly improving.

Disputes on the topic, do you need a start menu at 10 windows versionIt was a lot, but most of the users were expressed for the need to return this interface element. Unknown, whether Microsoft listened to the opinion of users, or were guided by ergonomics, but, anyway, the final start-up menu returned.

The main difference of the new implementation of this interface element was the combination of classic menu items and live tiles. Setting up the ability to set up: now everyone can configure the Start menu for itself.

Configure Tile Interface in Start

Unlike classic icons responsible for calling applications, tiles are interactive elements. They can be used not only as a shortcut, but also serve to output relevant information from the application. This may be a weather forecast, the number of unread messages, a course of foreign currencies, service notifications.

The functionality of living tiles in the new OS remained at the Windows 10 level, visible innovations in Microsoft were not made. To configure tiles to themselves, just press the right mouse button on the icon. You can edit the size, color, turn on the clock to turn off the animation, send the icon to the taskbar or delete the pictogram from the "Start".

Adding and removing new tiles

To add a new application tile, find it in the list of programs and right-click on its name. In the pop-up menu, select the "Secure on the initial screen" item.

Similar operations need to be performed and to remove the tile, only you need to select "Occupy from the initial screen".

In order to change the location of the icon in the menu, you must pinch the tile with the right mouse button and drag it to the right place.

Size setting

Users have the ability to change not only the location, but also the size of the tiles. Several size options are available for each icon. Depending on them, the tile functionality changes: with minimal size, the tile serves only to call the program, but with an increase can be used as an output element. How much information will be able to display an icon, and in what format it will do it depends on its size.

To change the size of the tile, you must click on it right-click and select the "Resize" option.

Tile may have a rectangular or square size. The larger size it has, the wider functionality, but on small screens, the loss of space can overlap all the benefits from this.

A small lack of tiles is that if a small size is installed, and the amount is odd - empty spaces will remain in the menu. You can eliminate it by changing the size of individual icons and their location.

Prohibition of tiles updates

Real-time different notifications from applications are quite convenient. But sometimes developers pay too much attention to this opportunity, and as a result, the user is constantly distracted by the insignificant messages of the program. To avoid this, in the settings of the Start menu, it is possible to disable notifications from individual tiles.

To do this, right-click on the tile and select the pre last item "Disable live tiles" in the pop-up menu.

After that, the design of the tile will always remain unchanged and the annoying messages to disturb will stop.

Setting the Start Menu Coloring

Substrate background in Windows 10 can be changed as well as the color of individual tiles. To do this, press PCM anywhere, not busy icon and select the menu item "Personalization".

In the window that opens, you can specify the background color in the Start menu, as well as change some other parameters. You can choose not only the color, but also its saturation. The user can choose an already ready-made color scheme, or set it up in detail it on its own.

Securing the program shortcut in the start screen of the Start menu

If you need to provide the maximum access speed of the application or the program in the Start menu, you can fix it in the initial menu screen.

To do this, right-click on the shortcut you need a program or application on the desktop. After that, a pop-up menu will appear, where you must click "Stop on the initial screen". Now you can open the menu and change the location of the created tile by moving it between groups.

Also for the newly added tile, you can specify the name of the group in which it is located. There is also a reverse process, from any tile located in the initial screen you can make a shortcut, climbing the tile with the right mouse button and drag it to the desktop.

You can easily delete icons installed on the left side of the "startup" from there, it is enough just to press the right mouse button and select the option "Advanced" and "Not to Show in this list".

Adding special elements

Such an opportunity in Windows 10 is also present, but the principle of its work is somewhat different from the addition of tiles. First of all, you should go to the desktop, and then click on an empty place right-click and choose the "Personalization" option. In the window that appears, select the Start tab at the bottom. In the dialog box that appears, you can find a list of elements that can be added to the left half of the "start".

Returns Start Menu from Windows 7

Not everyone fell soul updated windows interface 10. Some have long been accustomed to the old appearance of the OS, other simply do not like the "start" tiled elements. To this case, the developers have provided the ability to return the menu to a classic appearance, familiar to all over Windows 7. You can configure the "Start" so that it will not differ from the previous version of the OS from Microsoft.

The easiest way to do it is to remove all living tiles. Disable them in a couple of clicks, unfortunately, will not come out, you will have to delete each one manually. Then you can change the width of the right side of the window so that it turns out to be rolled.

Returns Tiled Metro Menu

Owners of tablets with a small screen, accustomed to the Metro menu, can find the return "start" inconvenient on their device. Therefore, the developers from Microsoft have provided the ability to manually activate the Metro start screen in the OS.

To do this, on the taskbar, right-click on the taskbar, and select "Personalization" in the pop-up menu. In the window that opens, open the Start tab and enable the "Open start screen in full screen mode" option. In the final assembly Windows More It will not be prompted to re-log in and you can enjoy the starting menu, familiar with Windows 8 without rebooting the PC.

What you need to know before upgrading to Windows 10

In addition to attractive innovations, which have already liked many users, is not devoid of new OS and flaws.

So, on this moment It is not yet provided full and error-free support for all devices that work perfectly under Windows 7. The inability to disable auto update system in conventional method It can also disappear many users. After all, with limited traffic or low connection speed, the download of updates can turn into additional costs or affect the quality of Internet browing for the download period.

Those who do not like interference in his life can alert the fact that the OS analyzes the user's behavior and collects information about him. It is done both to improve work and for promotional purposes, so many such an approach is not happy.

So installing new version OS, you should be aware of its features and take on all responsibility for its unstable work or distribute information about the user.

Twice radically changed.

In the "eight", the familiar desktop (adapted for desktop systems) "Corner" was replaced with a mobile starting screen, in the "dozen" launch again became a desktop, but the user had the ability to switch it into a mobile - full-screen mode.

And this is not the only change in the main menu of Windows.

We will tell you what has yet appeared in the start with the release of "dozens" and how to set it up to your taste.

Setting the type and display of start elements

Main settings

Setting all the options of the Start menu in Windows 10 is performed through the parameters application, the start button is located inside the start.

The clerk of the main system settings window opens.

Among them is the "Personalization" section, where the design functions of design elements are collected: the screen design, the color of the panels, and including the type of the Start menu.

In the "Start" section there are sliders - switches:

  • Display recommendations. When this option is turned on, the system will sometimes give you " useful advice"To help master Windows.
  • Show the most frequently used applications for fast transition to latest documents, browser tabs, etc.
  • Show recently added applications.
  • Switching start in full screen mode.
  • The display of the latest open elements in the start and on the taskbar.

At the bottom - the transition button to the folder selection section to be displayed in the menu.

These same parameters can be configured through the taskbar properties on the Start Menu tab (in the Russian version - Start).

In addition to lists of programs and folders in Windows startup 10 There are "live" tiles for running applications. How to work with them, let's talk later.

Setting the "live" tiles

The whole set of tiles set by default is rarely needed by the user. How to change the launch menu display in Windows 10 "for yourself"?

That's the features of the system:

  • Move the tiles via the free space of the menu (more precisely, on its right part).
  • Create groups of tiles and give each group name.
  • Choose the size of the tile - large, medium, small or wide. The latter looks like 2 combined medium-sized tiles or half big.
  • Delete tiles from the Start menu.
  • Create custom tiles.

Note! The ability to change the color of the tiles in Windows 10 is not, but you can change the background of the start.

The control parameters of each "live" tiled are in its context menu.

The dimensions of the tiles created by the user and initially installed in the system varies unequal.

Custom tile can not be made large or wide, systemic - it is possible.

How to group tiles

To create a thematic group, place the selected tiles next to each other and click on the empty field above them.

When you hover the cursor, the inscription "Name group" appears on this site, and when clicking - a string for entering text. Whether in it the name of the group.

To remove the name, click on the cross, which is displayed next to it.

How to create your tile in the Start menu

To create a custom tile, right-click on the program shortcut on the desktop or the icon in the list of "All applications" of the Start menu.

Select "Secure on the initial screen".

Changing the Background and Start Menu Size

To configure the color and transparency of the Start menu and taskbar menu, run the "Parameters" application and open the Personalization section.

Go to the "Colors" tab. Here you can enable or disable the following:

  • Auto Chief Main Background. When this setting is activated, the color of the taskbar and start-up is selected depending on the shade of the desktop picture.
  • Show color in the Start menu, on the taskbar and in the center of notifications. When disconnected, they will become dark gray.
  • Transparency Menu Start, Notification Center and Task Panels. More precisely, translucency, the level of which does not change
  • High contrast parameters (for visually impaired).

When the background color is disconnected, the palette of 49 colors opens, so that the user chooses the shade that he likes.

This shade will not change when changing desktop wallpapers.

Troubleshooting Start Menu Error

Critical Error Start and Cortana

Bowl All Windows 10 users face two types of launch menu.

With the first - the voice assistant of Cortana cease to work together with the launch windows ExplorerAnd a notification appears on the screen: "Start and Cortan menu do not work.

We will try to correct the problem at the next log in. " However, neither the next nor further entry attempts are changed.

While Microsoft is raked over the error, the solution method was found without them. Here it is:

  • Run the msconfig utility: go to the control panel, run the Applet "Administration" and click "System Configuration".
  • Open the "Load" tab in MSCONFIG and in the Startup Options section, check "without GUI". In the mode without GUI, when the computer is loaded, the Windows icon animation is not displayed.

  • Perform a reboot and start MSCONFIG again. Open the General tab and check the "Selective Start". Be sure to check the checkbox every item under it.

  • Once again restart the computer. Critical Error The Start Menu in Windows 10 will no longer disturb you.

The Start menu is gone or not opens

The second mistake with which the "Dozens" faced, is a sudden stopping the start of starting and a number of elements of the notification area - calendar, sound volume, power parameters and networks: when you click on these icons, it simply does not happen.

What to do if the Start menu disappears in Windows 10:

  • Unload the antivirus program and enable Windows Firewall in the control panel.
  • Open the command prompt (from the administrator) and execute the manual: PowerShell - it will start the cantilever application. After the input invitation appears, the PS C: \\ Windows \\ System32 comes with another command:
    C: \\ Windows \\ System32 "We insert and perform: get-appxpackage -allusers | Foreach (Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \\ appxmanifest.xml")

  • Open the Processes tab in the task manager, find the Explorer in the list and click Restart.

After the restart of the conductor, the Start menu will earn again.

Setting the Start Menu in Windows 10

Setting up the Start menu and taskbar in Windows 10.