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Google search chips. Google Map service

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An article about the jokes of Google. Google's search engine has in its arsenal not only webmaster tools.

Introducing the 25 most popular jokes Google.

Hello dear readers

Today it will be about chips with humor from Google search engine. I collected all popular and new jokes with Google. You can try and play. View on video proposed options. I hope you will like it!

Jokes google create a great mood

Almost every day I appeal to this search engine to learn useful information on the Internet. I always find exactly what I was looking for. As is known to the author who created a blog on WordPress - often have to access search engines for collecting various information. In addition, the search system is installed on the blog. You can check yourself (on the right in the upper corner), typing the word or phrase in the search bar. In general, I am pleased with this search engine.

I constantly use the web surfing on the Internet browser from it - Chrome / Google Chrome. He also only pleases me, works reliably and quickly. I wrote more than once about the useful enhancements from chromium, in the same search on the blog you can find articles on this topic. Those who do not want to lose their precious time, offer to immediately go and familiarize yourself with cHROME extensionThanks to which you can quickly. Who knows, it can come in handy in this article!

Like many of you, I have congenital curiosity. When it was at the younger, many made me a remark on this occasion. They say very curious and ask a lot of questions. I realize that too much - why?, Also not good. Thanks to this feature, quite recently I was looking for the necessary information and accidentally hit the jokes of C - as such an option?

What this international search system Has a lot of weight on the Internet, many are guessing. The largest video hosting also belongs to Gugol, I used to pronounce Google in general. The last two blog articles are directly related to this hosting of popular videos. I advise you to search for or on main page. And recently appeared and. Another opportunity to make money on your video channel.

Once it came about YouTube, entertain yourself and as part of this service. While playing video, put on a pause and at the same time press the up and sidel keys on the keyboard. Now I quickly remember how they were playing a snake on Tetris. I sent for a long time on the video screen with Youtube this fast gadine to the goal. The snake appears in viewing the roller on the YouTube service itself (verified!)

Looking through popular Google Fun, noticed that most of them are an excellent tool for raising the mood. Still command Google Trying to be in all the best and professional. However, this does not prevent them from please our users with their new chips.

In Google, they understand humor and suggest us to become active participants of our jokes. Therefore, he tried to mention the most popular jokes in Google. I collected everything in one place so to speak.

Before writing an article, I thought about what category to put it. Chose a rubric - / useful on the Internet /, I think the rest of the recordings living in it will also be useful to you.

Founders of the search engine Sergey Brin and Larry Page, probably made themselves the scale of the development of their brainchild in the future. And they did not lose. Now Google occupies a leading position in the world on searching and collecting huge data arrays on the Internet. And the fact that the search engine team pleases us the authors of websites not only by the desired issues in the Google Webmaster Tools panel, but also throws up from time to the time of fun jokes with Google.

Add your voice to this article on Google+ and accommodate the rest of the popular social. community. This can be done at the end of the article. I also ask to speak out in the comments, which of the jokes you liked or have fun. Thanks to all!

Google jokes - list of the most popular

Most jokes in Google are the result of the development of friendly commets of the search engine, but all over the world there are craftsmen who repeat and complement his jokes.

For example, a joke with Google, but this is not the development of the corporation. Write a word in English -

  • Gravity.

and on the issuance page, go to the first link. During the drop in the search in the form of bricks down, have time to throw a few. I managed!

All actions will be implemented on the page google, all jokes can check there.

The company last 10 develops and places the logo on the issuance page.

Score in the search bar / Google Logos / and press ENTER. Or joke google - scattering balls, insert

  • Particle logo

The first in extradition is our goal. Here on the page you can lean on the logo, and look after the reaction of the balls. There will also be the required link - Back to Google Logos. Go through it and see the archive of logos, which were confined to some event that happened in the world according to the company. The screenshot at the beginning of the article is taken from there. There is a date of events and a link to the logo itself with the search tags. According to Google himself, more than 1000 logos were created for the years (since 2000).

But if you still type the above request / Google Logos /, the search engine will offer the necessary links for the further transition to Google Aclaim.

In the screenshot showed which of them will lead us to them

  1. link to archive with logos
  2. link to the page where you can play on the electronic synthesizer and record your work. Click on the keys and write the sound. Then listen. I think you will figure it out, the interface is like simple audio Player.
  3. for it, the transition directly to the logo. On the side of the possibility of turning.

Low-described Google joke is below. At your disposal guitar and 7 strings. Music and recording for you!


Now about merry chips. Below is a list of requests, separately each copy CTR + C in the browser search string and ENTER. We observe what is happening.

  • next jokes Google Zerg Rush

  • tilt or Askew.
  • Let It Snow - yesterday I checked, the snow went, for some reason I did not work. What about you?
  • WHO'S THE CUTEST - Press / I'm lucky /
  • insert Anagram and translate into Russian - Did You Mean: Nag a Ram

And we get: / saw the ram /

  • Number of horns on a unicorn / Number of horns of the unicorn? /
  • Answer to Life The Universe and Everything / answer to life about the universe? /

I advise you not to trust me, but to check everything yourself. Suddenly the author began to compose?

Google system also provides various converters for their users. For example, score in the search:

  • dollar in EURO

and see the result of issuing, or

  • break in parrots

The search engine will calculate and give out the correct answer to it (according to its calculator) - the first position of issuing.

Google Service Map

Some time ago, a snapshot from Google Maps has made a lot of noise. The fact is that the service acquires photos of streets and houses located in the cities of the world from restrictions and individuals. One of them surprised the public. This accidentally hit the strange object. What it is - judge for yourself.

I turn to a pleasant joke google for me. Dial in search:

30th Anniversary of Pac-Man

and on the issue page, go to the first link. You will fall on the page where you can remember and play the popular game of youth PAC-MAN. After activating / IINSERT COIN / game is running and now it all depends on you. Remember how you played at her for hours, your fingers will find a former reaction. I will now return to this page, when you want to drive PAC-MAN. Played - and excellent mood for the whole day!

The following is also a third-party work, Google here. Here

Try clicking on an empty place on the page several times, and pay attention to which I changed in the Google

And you saw how the field with a search can leave you, decreasing in front of your eyes. Then look: allocate on the page and through context menu - go to the address


See how the search window may increase and swallow. Impressive, not true!


Useful jokes of Google

After chips for a good mood, introduce you to an interesting service. With it, you can help your friends and relatives learn to find the necessary information in the search. By the way, I will give information next time about SEO plugins for WordPress. Do not miss - . This is how much useful Google jokes, and at the same time I gladly took advantage of them.

Need to go to the service


and to type the desired word in the search field. The service will generate a link for you that you can send by mail to your friends. In general, there is nothing complicated here. It remains to try and then view the resulting link. Options:

  1. copy link
  2. link through short-circuit service
  3. or immediately go through it

Prepared for readers their own


We saw surely on many site flash cloud. So look at how this joke google is implemented in the search


I hope for anyone not tired by the transfer of chips and jokes from Google?

I will turn out and finally offer interesting feature Google search engine

Dial the request: Google You're Napping

And pay attention to the first positions. Personally, I was very impressed! And you?

A cheerful list turned out. Some of this list accumulate excellent mood with me. According to the results of the above, I most liked the search response to the request - Zerg Rush

Nothing before the New Year holidays. A couple of months will fly quickly, as time flies, and it flies quickly, especially if you are a busy person.

And on the eve of this I remembered me google's chip - falling snow. Then it was possible to enter "Let IT Snow" in the search string and the site began to fill the snow. In the same way, the principle was implemented, only in our case it was enough to click on the button.

But not about this script or snow, and not about the holidays I wanted to talk today. Google's chips - what else come?

1. Give orders Google

We enter into the search string of the ruble of the phrases and enjoy his obedient temper :):

  • dO A BARREL ROLL (Make a barrel)
  • zerg Rush. (Something related to games. The meaning of the phrase is that small but cheap and numerous forces can be fascinated by anyone :))
  • tilt. (tilt)

2. Found over the main and Google logo

In fact, the search engine user can be migrated only there and then, where and when it allows you to do Google :).

  • Try to catch at least one ball from the search engine logo 😉
  • Google in China is also having fun. Not only usual to enter the search query field, but also the sea with fish. And with the help of the mouse, we can excite this sea 😉
  • And you can destroy the Google page and dismantle it with elements ... Well, if you are very angry with him

3. Google Services - YouTube

From you know that Google bought this company with Steve Chen and Chad Herley for $ 1.65 billion. Therefore, the chips and this service was not deprived.

  • When watching a video, absolutely any, click right and up. On the video will run the snake, which can be driving all the same video.

  • Located video "Interactive Piano". You give the file to boot and play the circular keys of your keyboard. In fact, there is nothing interactive there, simply recorded sounds, and by pressing the keyboard numbers, rewind the roller into a certain place. But the idea of \u200b\u200bcheerful 🙂

4. Dudla

Dudla is another Google creative approach to various holidays. Each significant holiday Google decorates his main page by dands. Often they are interactive and there are a lot of them, therefore we note the most interesting.

  • On the birthday of Forest Paul was realized by a guitar. It can be branded and even record your work. .
  • By the 30th anniversary of the creation of the famous PAC-MAN game (just do not say that they did not play or at least did not see and did not hear;)) Dudle Pakmen was created. . Enjoy :).

5. RSS Reader.

Use? This chip is last in today's list. Go to RSS Google Reader and pushing the keys alternately: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a. Just carefully, pops out the ninja 🙂

This is, just say modest, but an interesting selection of different kinds of chips from Google turned out. I hope it was interesting.

Good luck to you friends, success!

Google is one of the most common search engines in Russia, and in the whole world. Of course, there are some secrets to use Google search. Want to know all the tricks on working with Google search engine and google as a professional? I will share with you useful information about it:

1. Uncertain search

If you can't decide on the specific keyword To search, then use the "*" symbol. For example, you want to find the best movie, but do not know what genre, then in the search for Google, write the phrase "Best * film" and Google will select the best films of all types:

2. Exception from the search query

To exclude some word or phrase from the search, you need to put a minus "-" sign. For example, if we want to search for anything on all sites, except those that are on the domain ".ru", in the search bar We write: "Auction -Ru":

3. Search for synonyms

Suppose you need to find some word in combination with various similar words, then you need to use a symbol in the form wavy lines: "~" - it is called "Tilda". Thus, if in the search to write "~ The best girls are the best" (here we also exclude with the help of the sign "-" from the search word "best" according to paragraph 2), then Google will find all girls with synonymous to the word "best", and This word appear in the search will not be:

4. Search for a choice of several options

With the help of a symbol in the form of a vertical line "|", you can search for several combinations of phrases by replacing some words in them. So, if we write "to make money on the stock exchange | on the site", then we will have sites in front of which there will be information or about how you can earn on the stock exchange or how you can earn on the site:

5. Search by exact coincidence

To find an accurate phrase that you drive into the search string without any changes, it is enough to take this phrase in quotes:

6. Search by one site

In order for Google to search for your request only one site, you need to insert the syntax "Site:" before your search query and specify the site address:

7. Search for cached page

If some problems happen to the site, it is temporarily not responding or unavailable, but you urgently need to get on it, then Google provides the ability to view the previously saved copy of this site. To do this, use the "Cache:" statement (for example, write in the search: "cache:"):

8. Search by file types

For example, you need to find a Wordsk document on the Internet, then use the "FileType:" operator, which searches for a given expansion:

If you have a question: "How to find out which links lead to the site you are interested in", then use the "Links:" operator:

10. How to find out the meaning of the word

If you just want to know the meaning of the word, then in the search before this word, type "Define:" and after the colon the required word:

11. Google Translator

Words can be translated immediately in the search bar, not referring to any specialized programs. Use the following syntax: "translate" INTO (Language) ":

12. How to find out the weather forecast in the city

Also in Google there is a weather operator. If you want to learn the weather forecast for your city, then write in search after the syntax "Weather:" The name of your city and Google will show its forecast:

13. How to find out the internet to do the exact time in any region

Want to know the exact time? - Google and you are ready to help you! Use the operator "Time:" or its Russian-speaking analogue "Time:" and the name of the settlement:

14. Currency converter

How to find out the course of any currency at the official rate? Use the following search query for this: "(Quantity) (currency) in (currency)", for example:

15. Converter values

Also Google can convert any values \u200b\u200bon our request. To do this, you need to write the following: "(number) (unit unit) in (unit of measure)", for example:

16. Google Calculator

Well, you have learned how to use Google's search engine as a real professional! I hope this material will be useful to someone) and remember: "Internet resources are inexhaustible!")))

1. Phonebook. Enter the name and surname, the city and the staff in the search window, where he lives, and the search engine will give you phone numbers and addresses of people who comply with the query conditions.

Additional "chip". Google can work on the opposite principle: if you have a phone number, enter it into the search window, and the system will give the names and surnames of people, as well as their place of residence.

2. Calculator. Enter a mathematical example in the query string, and Google will issue a result. Algebraic elements can be expressed by words in English (Two Plus Two, Twelve Divided by Three), numbers and symbols (2 + 2, 12/3), as well as simultaneously with words, numbers and symbols (Ten Million * PI, 15% of SIX).

3. A lot is good, but also shortly. Google displays relevant results even for queries consisting of one or two words, so many words in the search window are not necessary. However, the more words, the relevant the result.

Example. When you collect information about the set in universities, for more accurate search To the name of the university, it is better to add the word set.

4. If you need more accurate results, put quotes.

If you dial in the Search Yes Over search window, you will receive links to web pages dedicated to the famous song of the American rock band Survivor, but if you remove the quotes, get a vinaigrette from unauthorized links. The thing is that quotes "make" google look no separate words, and the phrase is entirely. Quotes are great help when searching for lyrics, people or expressions consisting of very common words (for example, "to be or not").

5. Explanatory dictionary. Dial in the Define query line and any English word, and Google will give you its value.

6. In the capital letters there is no need. Save your time and power: less often use sHIFT key. Google search results for phrases "Queen Elizabeth II" and "Queen Elizabeth I I" are identical: Google still, what letters words are scored - capital or lowercase (although the queen is probably not).

Additional "chip". Google ignores such common words as "The", "and", "IS", "of" and "To", if they are present in the phrase, not imprisoned in quotes, - in other words, these particles do not affect the search results .

7. Forget about the word forms (for of English language). Google automatically searches for all forms of the specified word, so you do not need to search separately, say, "Dance", "Dances" and "Dancing". Just type one of these words in the query string, and Google will take care of the rest.

8. Access to pictures. Looking for a photo of Actress Paris Hilton or Hotel Paris Hilton? Click the "Search of Pattern" link above the search window, enter the query, and Google will issue you all suitable indexed photos and drawings (the total number of indexed images exceeds one billion), as well as references to the original sources.

Additional "chip". Search for pictures can lead you to unsuitable resources, links to which in conventional search results are unlikely to appear.

9. To find a map, guide or satellite image, right enough to click the mouse. Most fast way Find the shortest path to destination - enter the city and staff (or simply zip code) in the Google search window.

Example. Type the "Washington DC", and Google will give a link to your resource cards and guidebooks (, as well as links to similar yahoo services! And MapQuest - to compare different options. On Google Maps you can find a satellite image of the same area.

10. Where would you like to go? If you want to visit some particular website, enter its name in the search box, and the search server will immediately redire you to.

11. Teach world libraries online.

Enter the topic on, and your gut will appear pages from books that Google scanned and entered into your index. You can freely view and read the texts of works that are not protected by copyright. As for the rest of the texts, you have the right to get acquainted with the fragments of pages, where the specified phrase is found, and find out where this book can be purchased.

12. If you are on the way, call the Googl number. Owner mobile phone may find numbers Phones, get tips on the route of the following, film schedules, stock quotes, etc. Send a text message with a request to number 46645 (GOOGL on most American phones), and the search engine will promptly give him an answer.

13. I'm lucky! Entering the word (phrase) in the query row on the main page and clicking on this button, you will be straight to the page that takes the first position in the results list.

14. News agency. Google News, where you can get on the link "News" or at, contains the latest information about politics, business, technologies, culture, medicine, sports, etc. Enter the topic of interest in the query line on Google News, And you will receive the latest messages from more than 4500 sources from around the world.

Additional "chip". If you want to monitor the development of events on this topic, subscribe to the automatic postage of fresh news (

15. SINOPTIC. Type "Weather" and zip code or city name, and Google will give you a summary of the weather and the forecast for the next four days.

16. Copy deeper. In the first positions, Google usually gives links to popular and fresh pages, but if you look further, it is quite possible, you will find older, forgotten pages where there is exactly what you need. Looks also to "saved in the cache" version of the web page - you can get on it by clicking on the blue link below the search results. it old version Pages that were subsequently updated. Often it is on it is the desired content.

Additional "chip". In the text of the cached version of the word you specified in the query string are highlighted by color, which allows you to significantly save time when viewing volumetric documents.

17. Feel yourself with scientists. Through. Google Scholar You can look in thousands of scientific and university journals. Enter the request to the search window on, and you will receive annotations and scientific articles from print editions.

18. Take advantage of Tilda. The "~" icon when searching for Google can be very useful. If you put it directly before the word in the search box, then along with links to this word, Google will search and pages with its synonyms.

Example. In response to the "~ AUTO" request, the search engine will also give references to pages where the words "Car", "Truck", "Automobile" and others are present.

19. Configure the number of links on the page. The "Settings" link to the right of the search window will allow you to adjust various search settings, including the number of results on the page. If you want to quickly view the search results, increase their number from standard ten references on a page to twenty, thirty or even a hundred.

20. Translate text to other languages. After selecting the Language Tools link, also located on the right side of the search window on the main page (on there is a link "Language Tools", but there is no translation tool there), you will fall to the page, where, among other things, there is a Translate service. With it, you can translate text from one language to another (for example, from English to Spanish, from French to German, from Chinese to English, etc.) or to translate a webpage, for which it is necessary to enter it into the corresponding window address.

21. Examine stock quotes. Enter the search window, the stock exchange symbol of any of the companies whose shares are addressed on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ Exchange, and Google will give you a shares and the dynamics of its change (only on!).

22. Eliminate unwanted results. On pages with search results for a serious topic - for example, Sex Education ("Poland") - may meet links from the category "for adults only". Safesearch filter will help you with the SafeSearch filter, to which you can hit the Preferences link on the main page (there is no such filter on

Additional "chip". Try to google Labs products at testing: Google Video, Personalized Search, Google Notebook, Google Trends, etc. To get there, it is enough to dial "Google Labs" in the Google search window. Good luck!