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Why you can not delete TOM on the hard disk. Insert, delete and changing the division of the section

The division of the section is extremely useful feature For convenient editing of the document. Rales are easy to insert and delete when the document is small. But what if you have a huge document with multiple breaks and you need to delete them all? Today we will deal with how to remove the separation of sections in the Word.

Removing ruptures manually

Each gap is marked in the text special symbol. But in the usual text format it will not be visible. To do this, you need on the "Home" tab in the "Paragraph" section to "display all the signs".

We follow the algorithm for removing breaks:

  1. We are looking for a break in the document. It is noted by the symbol as follows:

  1. Remove the rupture key
  2. We highlight each gap one by one, clamping "Ctrl".

  1. Allocated? Now simply click Delete.

Not very convenient way, because you will have to go through the entire document from the beginning to the end. You can also accidentally skip the page break.

Such a time remariety will see the text, shifting its components. Therefore, consider this factor and study the text after removing breaks.

How to remove partition breaks in Word: automatic way

There is a simpler and convenient way to remove all breaks.

  1. On the main tab, find the Editing section at the end. Click on the "Replace" button.

  1. In the appeared window, discover additional settingsBy clicking on the "More" button.

  1. Select in the "Special" menu at the bottom of the page "Separation" option.
  2. We enter in the "Find" string «^ b.» And we replace everything.

Finish, you removed all the gaps using a pair of clicks with the mouse.


Also, specially composed macros can be used to format text.

  1. We enter a combination on the keyboard « Alt. + F.eleven". We fall into the programming program window.
  2. Create your team by adding the module and inserting the program code.

Sub. Delesectionbreaks.()



With selection.find

.Text \u003d "^ b"

.Replacement.text \u003d ""

.Forward \u003d True.

.Wrap \u003d wdfindcontinue.

.Format \u003d false

.Matchcase \u003d false

.Matchwholeword \u003d false

.MatchByte \u003d false

.MatchaallwordForms \u003d false

.Matchsoundslike \u003d false

.Matchwildcards \u003d false

.Matchfuzzzy \u003d false

End With

Selection.find.execute replace: \u003d wdreplaceall

End Sub.

  1. Run the macro. The command is performed automatically.

You learned how to remove the separation of sections in the Word not only manually, but also with the help of the program, which greatly simplifies work in Word.

How to remove the separation of sections in the Word: Showing Visitiously

The use of gaps is especially popular with those who often create in text editor Large documents with sections, subsections and subparagraphs. Indeed, in this case, the use of such a vordic function is very convenient and greatly simplifies the user's work. However, it often happens that the gaps of the page are extra, which is why in our article we will analyze the question of how to remove the separation of sections in the Word.

In order to understand that in the document, it is precisely the user breaks to the user must be reflected in the document hidden non-printable signs. To do this, go to the "Home" tab, then in the group "Paragraph" we click on the "Display All Signs" button. How does it look like - shown in the figure below.

When working in the Word, it is important to remember that the gaps can be installed both automatically and manually. At the same time, the gaps, supplied by the program, the user can not delete, but the ruptures set by manually, can be deleted. How? Read below.

How to prevent the appearance of unwanted pages?

To begin with, we will analyze this issue on the example of the program Word 2013. In order to prevent the appearance of page breaks, put the cursor before the paragraphs to which the settings need to be applied. After you open the section "Page section", open the Abzatz window, which we have repeatedly wrote above. Then open the "rows of strings and pages". We carry out the necessary conditions:

  1. Check the box on the contrary - "prohibiting hanging strings" if you want in part of the page for 2 lines of paragraph.
  2. If you want to put a ban on the gap between paragraphs, then check "not to tear off from the next."
  3. To put a ban on the decree in the center of the paragraph, the user must put a mark in front of the item, which refers to the ban on the gap of paragraph.

How to remove the separation of sections in the Word?

In order to remove manual page breaks in the Word, click the Chernovik section. Next, select the "Page Bar" item, while clicking on the border next to the dashed line. After that, click on the "Delete" key placed on the keyboard.

How to remove breaks in a large document?

This method is particularly suitable for documents consisting of several dozen or hundreds of pages. The user is invited to take advantage of the auto-transaction function in the Word. How can I do that?

Working with a big document, sometimes you need to start a new paragraph with new pageAnd for this, usually put the page break. In options, we can set a vide, where you can automatically put page breaks, but we can only delete them manually. So, on this page you will learn a couple of ways, how to remove the page break in the Word.

  • Remove the gap using the "Delete" button
  • Remove the gap using the "Find and Replace" function

Remove the gap using the "Delete" button

Step 1. When in document Word. Used page breaks, they are not visible. In order to see them, go to the Home tab - Next "Display all signs" (Ctrl + *), as in the screenshot

Step 2. Highlight the rupture with the mouse, or put the cursor on the left side of the break.

Step 3. When everything is ready, click on the "Delete" key

As you can see, this is not a difficult way to remove a break in the document. But what if you have any a dozen more? Of course you can hold ctrl key And select all the breaks in the document, and then remove them with the key, but this is a long way, because you have a huge document, then go to.

Remove the gap using the "Find and Replace" function

Compared with the first way, using the "Find and Replace" function, you can save a bunch of time. You do not have to choose all page breaks one after another on a huge document, and you can delete them all after, following the following steps.

Step 1. Open the "Find and Replace" window: "Home" - "Replace".

Step 2. B. open window Click on the "More \u003e\u003e" button.

Step 3. In the list "Special", choose the "page break".

Step 4. In the "Find" field, score "^ M" and click on the "Replace All" button.

If you did everything right, then you should do everything and, now, you know how to remove the pages break in the Word.

Using partitions, you can specify specific page and formatting markup parameters (such as row numbering, columns or footers) for different parts of the document. For example, the introductory part of the report can be formatted in the form of one column, and the main one is in the form of two columns. In the absence of divisions of Word sections, considers a document as one section.

One column section

Section breaking, which defines the layout and formatting the previous section (1)

Section with two columns

Separation of the section that defines the layout and formatting of the previous section (3)

Each separation of the section defines the layout and formatting the preceding partition break. For example, if you delete the separation of the section, the text before breaking is formatted, following the separation of the partition. In the figure above, when you delete the first partition break (2), the first section is two columns. The last sign of paragraph (¶) in the document control layout and formatting of the last partition in the document. If the document contains sections, the last sign of the paragraph determines the layout and formatting the entire document.

Important: View Select Page layout.

Insertion breaking section

Types of separations of sections

Gap section


Next page

The beginning of the new partition on the next page.

Current page

The beginning of the new partition on the current page. This separation is convenient to use in documents with columns. Using it, you can change the number of columns, not starting a new page.

Even page

The beginning of the new partition on the next even page. For example, if you insert the "even page" break at the end of page 3, the next partition will start from page 4.

Odd page

The beginning of the new partition on the next odd page. For example, if you insert the rupture "odd page" at the end of page 3, the next section will start from page 5.

Removing a break section

Note: When removing the division of the Word section, combines the text before and after it in one section. In the new combined section, formatting from the second section will be used (the one that follows the rupture).

Changing the type of separation

    Click the section to be changed.

    On the menu Format Select Document and open the tab Layout.

    In the list start section Select the section break type.

Important: The procedures described below must be performed in markup mode. If another mode is used, in the menu View Select Page layout.

Insertion breaking section

Separation type section


With the next page

Inserting the partition break and start a new partition on the next page.

It is often possible to meet situations when for some reason users of Windows-systems have to solve the problem of how to delete the partition. Disk management (built-in system tool) allows you to do this without any problems. Specialized programs can be used. But in any case, it is necessary to approach this question very seriously, having previously weighed everything for and against. Basically, such actions are used to combine partitions when you want to eliminate some of the system failures, to prepare for its re-install or to convert GPT sections.

How to delete a section (disk management)?

In the Windows-systems themselves there is a built-in tool for working with any types of sections. This is a utility called "Disk Management". Delete a section or make any other manipulations with its help simply.

Access to this tool can be obtained in several ways: through the PCM on the computer icon, via the "control panel" (drives is called via administration) or through the "Run" menu by entering the DiskMGMT.msc command.

It is enough to select the desired partition and through the PCM menu to use the volume removal string. The system will issue a warning about the fact that the data in this section will be destroyed. If you agree, confirm the action, after which the so-called unbalanced area will appear, in which you can create a new partition or expand another partition during its account. But that is another topic.

Disk management in Windows 10 through the command console

One of the universal funds for such operations can be called the command line in which the DiskPart tool is used (disk splitting means for sections). Actions here are quite simple, but you should be particularly attentive when choosing the desired sections.

So, drive control in Windows 10 or in any other version of the system through command Console It starts with her call with administrator rights (CMD) and input primary with pressing the input key after it.

After that, the List Volume line execute allows you to view all the discs and sections in the system. They are only marked, they will not be listed, and the numbers (the desired section can be determined at least by its size).

Finally, enter the DELETE Volume command, after which, in fact, the removal should be deleted. If the selected volume for some reason is not deleted, you can register the advanced version of the delete command - Delete Volume Override. Upon completion of all procedures, the EXIT string is output, after which the console can be closed and rebooting the system.

The best apps for working with disks and sections

If the user for some reason does not want or cannot use the built-in toolkit, any disk management software used to create logical partitions will suit.

Among the simplest and most popular utilities can be allocated as follows:

Example of using aomei program

Consider as an example the first utility presented in the list (although almost all of them work according to one principles and are not particularly inconsistent interfaces).

Here you just need to highlight the user-prompt part, and then select the removal string on the left below. It seems to be simple. But the advantage this application It is that it will immediately offer two options for removal: fast and complete. In the first case, it will be deleted in such a way that after that, if there are appropriate programs for restoring information to the files previously stored in the section and folders, you can access anyone.

In the second case, as stated, the information will be completely erased, and it will be possible to restore it even when using the most advanced software will be impossible (sectors in which the information was stored earlier will have zero values). However, many impossibility of data recovery in this case cause legitimate doubts.

Next, select your preferred method and press the "OK" button, after which a deferred task will be created. In the top panel, we click the "Apply" button, and then after checking the correctness of the data in the confirmation window, click the "Go button". After that, the selected partition will be deleted (the calculated execution time of the operation is displayed at the bottom of the window).


That's all that concerns third-party programs, command line and windows tool "Disk Management". Delete the partition in all three cases is simple enough. The main question consists only in the expediency of conducting such actions, because to install the system will have to create boot sectionproduce its markup by formatting, etc. Yes, and about the safety of information should be thought in advance by copying it to another place or by creating a backup.