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Account - what it is, how to create it or delete it. How to protect classmates account using two-factor authentication

Hello everyone, dear readers, forum users and future owners of Zennoposter "a.
Today I will tell you how I bought a car using the Zennoposter program, joking, I will not tell, but we will tell two ways to monetize accounts in classmates.

Method number 1: Account registration and their further sale
Method # 2: Account registration, filling and monetization.

If with the first way everything is clear, then we will register accounts in the second way, we will invite friends to them and show their advertising on them.

For those who need to get their first profit from Zennoposter as quickly as possible, "I recommend the number 1 method.

To begin with, we will need (for good) your site \\ Store for sale accounts, I recommend for the start, there is a free month free (but in general, it is better to use We have a working template for registration we have, question in proxy. Unfortunately, OK.RU does not work with IPv6, but they positively refer to registrations from one subnet, which means that on dynamic ipos addresses (, Rostelecom, MegaFon, MTS, Yota) registration is perfect. If there is no proxy at all, then you can take in the test B_NET (there is on the forum who gives tests) and to sit with them (pre-screening foreign addresses).
I do not teach you where to take a proxy, but I can tell where to catch first customers

First you need to create themes on major forums, where there are sections dedicated to social networks, just follow the topics on topics with software for classmates and everyone who left feedback to write to LS with a profitable offer (offer). Prices ready Account (filled) about 6 rubles on the market, while having agreed with the SMS service of activation, you can get them 3 rubles. Profit 100%. There are also options to sell promoted accounts, but I have not tried this, I do not know how to go.

The method of the second.
What will be involved - several SMS activation services (, and, I left only three in the project, you can add any other, such as now activation approx. RU 2 rubles), proxy from the service and bot for creating ride settings (this is a secret information, but there is such a bot in a telegraph that registers.TK for free !!!) - @yo_bro_bot (this is a subproject of these guys

And so, for a start, we need to compact the recorder of Accounts OK.RU with checks on the relevance (validity) of the room. On the screen below we see the node responsible for the proxy's prostation, the choice of the country "Russia" and the prefix of the number +7 by default (because other times the other countries and prefixes are shown, depending on the proxy):

After that, there is an interchange of SMS activation services, for taking a number, enter numbers and various checks:

All that will be lower in the project itself (you have access to it) is responsible for the end items of registration, code entry, checking for the correctness of the code entry, on the employment of the number, save the account and the fill of the avatar:

After we registered a pack of accounts (in my case there will be 20 accounts for 10 proxy), I recommend mobile proxies from, we need data for posting posts on these accounts, namely, pictures, text and redirects . I will take offer to work in M1-shop, and it will be a brush invisibility for the neckline. A pair of pictures from Google for the post:

Next prepare the players. We write to our bot team, link and the number of redirects and it gives us every 30-60 seconds, but until the bot registers us redes, in a notebook we write a text

Invite ready, registration is there, the playgrounds are made, it remains to be called posts in accounts, for this we use this part in the template:

Posts are published, profiles for invite, too, were favored, we are preparing for the start of invite as a friend. Since I work in classmates quite a few, invalid only in the group on the same scheme, I will start with the minimum, with 15 invites as a friend (where to change, watch screen):

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Account, profile or are all synonyms of the same concept. If you are "clear as a day" the meaning of one of them, then, in general, it is not necessary to read this publication to the end. However, if questions still remain, then I will try to answer them.

Examples of accounts and why are they needed?

In my opinion, the most illustrative example accountWhich is available from all Internet users, can serve as I wrote in my time even a separate article. And by creating a profile at least in one google serviceYou can use its data (login and password) for entry and all other (such as, for example, social network, and others).

In RuNet, the accounts in Yandex and are as popular. In all these three cases, the concept of "creating an account" is tightly connected with the receipt of a free mailbox (it initially introduced me to confusion). Actually, your login in this case will be just received from them a unique email address (read about that, and).

But these are the specifics of these services, the most reliable of which is definitely Google, for hacking its account when using the mentioned protection is practically not real.

Where else do not do without creating an account? Well, correctly - social networks. In fact, without registration you are deprived of all basic features (read about, and). Moreover, the profile in social networks plays, perhaps, the most significant role among all services on the Internet.

Other users of the network are evaluated on it and recognize. In addition, the social interface itself is arranged so that on the basis of an account data analysis to show the most interesting materials for you and advertising blocks. You do not want to watch not an interesting advertisement for you? Therefore, honestly fill your profile in the area of \u200b\u200byour interests and addictions.

So, what is the account? In very simple case These are you invented when registering on any service on the Internet. With them, we have already talked quite detail and, I hope you will not repeat my mistakes that at one time led to the loss and infection with the virus of my sites. I advise you to take advantage of my advice on organizing logins and passwords to all your accounts.

In addition to the login and password in the account, other information about you as a user can also be kept this service. As far as it is volume, it depends mostly only from you. You can fully fill your profile, and you can not do this at all. However, it is worth remembering that guarantee the safety of your personal data (Name, address, bank card details), by and large, no one (even one who declares about it).

Therefore, I advise you very seriously approach similar things. See yourself. Suppose that in your profile on social networks you are very discounted. Directly against you to use this information is difficult if you just did not violate the legislation of your country, laying out prohibited materials or calling for something illegal.

However, there is such a thing as social engineering (type of Internet fraud), which just uses carelessly left personal data, both in accounts and directly in messages (in social skins, forums, blogs, etc.). Personally, I know an example when a person from his unwarked wallet in Webmoney (was activated) was able to lead money, skillfully manipulating his gullibility in correspondence.

How to create and remove account?

How to create an account? Quite simple. As I described above, come up with a login and password (the last Sometimes the service gives you it yourself, but then you will change it later). Oh yeah, I'm not in vain at the beginning of the publication, we were talking about services, distributing free mailboxes. Create an account without having email You will not work in the overwhelming majority of Internet services and sites.

Now, however, goes to the transition to more safe method Authentication and confirmation of the right to manage your profile (number mobile phone), But the email is still needed and without it to create an ACC, most likely it will not work. However, get mailbox You can free on dozens of services, and which will work only a few days.

I do not advise you to specify your main emailing when creating accounts. Why? Well, here everything is explained by the fact that the services are generally needed your data and the mailbox in the first place. Roughly speaking - for sending messages, which ideally, should encourage you to return to them, well, for the alerts about the events that have happened.

Therefore, I advise you to use when creating an account "Left Box", and if the service really hooked you and you will stay on it, then email can be changed unlike login.

Now that how to delete your account? Everything is much more difficult here. To lure you into your networks, owners of social skills, forums, blogs and other sites are located the registration button in the most prominent place, note as a mandatory large number of fields and want to get from the profile you created as much as possible.

They have no reason to let you go free. Therefore, the ability to remove account is very often in a very inconspicuous place and it is not always possible to find it. The easiest way to get information about the procedure for removing the profile is to turn to the technical support of the service or the owner of the forum or blog. Most likely you will help you.

Well, if this process is delayed, you can't remove the account with your forces, it remains to simply disable notifications from this service or configure them in spam on your mail service. In this regard, I like Gmail - it is enough to mark the letter once or twice as spam and you will never see them anymore in our folder "Incoming".

In general, the moral of this publication is such - to create an account is always very simple, but it is much more difficult to remove it, because in the first case you act in the interests of the owners, and in the second - against their policy retention policies and involve them in the process of filling service content, viewing Advertising and other important (from the point of view of owners) things. In general, trap in pure form...

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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The social network of classmates in Russia and the CIS countries and the CIS countries, as well as any official service, has its own regulations and a list of rules that must be followed. By registering on this site, you automatically accept all the rules for use and regulations. Therefore, before registering a personal page, it is recommended at least to get acquainted with the list of conditions. In this article, you will learn the basic rules for using the site classmates and some common mistakes.

What is the effect of compliance or non-compliance with the rules?

Terms of use of this site determine not only restrictions for users, but also regulate all relationships between users and administration. If there are controversial issues about violations of any points, the threat of the Banan account of the violators and the other first it is necessary to refer to the Regulations. The rules for using classmates say that every person who has personal page In OK and leads any activity, it must strictly follow all the rules for use. If the user does not comply with all the conditions described, the administration has the full right to block its account. This is the main answer to the question :?

If, when entering the site, you jump out the Account Validation window with a request telephone number, then be alert - this is a hoax! In order for you in classmates you need to log in the ETC folder, which is located in Windows / System32 / Drivers. Find in Ne. hosts file And delete all the lines from it through a notebook.

Main conditions upon registration

Let's allocate a list of the main conditions that must be respected at the first registration:

  • When completing the profile, when registering, only reliable information about yourself. This includes real last name, name, date of birth, and so on;

  • It is enough to come up with enough sophisticated password. It is also not recommended to transmit login and password to third parties;

  • All personal data entered are freely available to the administration of classmates;
  • If uncomplying use measures, the administration has the full right to block your account. In particular, the authors of the prohibited content and fraudsters are strictly tracked.

Most of the rest of the rules for using classmates is aimed at settling issues between users and site owners relative to the functionality, design and so on. With more detailed description You can find these rules on the official website of classmates on the link: Knowing highlights, you can calmly.

Terms of use Site

Removing an account from the social network

You can remove a page in classmates using one of two known methods. The first is to apply the URL address. But it is not reliable and does not guarantee that the more page will not exist. The second method is more reliable - the use of regulations for official removal of the profile. Consider it in more detail.

The developers of classmates included the function of removing the page in the regulations, finding which will not be difficult experienced users. There are several nuances. First, you should remember the password from the account, it will be necessary to enter it to confirm the decision to delete the page. Secondly, it should be remembered that together with the account you will lose all saved data - photos, video materials and audio recordings.

To block the page, you should find the menu located at the bottom of the portal and select the "Regulation" section. After the transition to the license agreement will occur. The open page should be lowered down and find the item "Contact Support Service". Not far from it is located link "Refuse services". When you delete, you must specify the reason why you wish to block the page in classmates. On the this moment There are such answers:

  1. Do not like the design of the portal.
  2. The page was hacked.
  3. Desire to create a new account.
  4. High rates for paid services.
  5. Unwillingness to further enjoy social networks.

Download music on a computer from classmates

The portal offers its users a lot of musical works of all kinds of destinations. You can download music from classmates each. To do this, you must download the extension for the browser. It can be downloaded completely free.

After the installation stage is completed, you must open the page in classmates, from where the music will be downloaded. Having a mouse cursor to the required track, next to the play button, the icon will appear for downloading the track. Nearby is a bitrate that shows the size of audio recordings and sound quality. But remember that the last indicator is approximate, because it is determined based on the file size.

The downloaded music will be stored in the folder that the default browser specifies.

Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks in the Russian-speaking market. On the day the site page is visited more than 70 million users. Account "Odnoklassniki" are used to authorize many sites and services.

How to enable two-factor authentication for Odnoklassniki account

High popularity of Odnoklassniki makes the site attractive for cybercriminals. In this regard, it is very important to ensure the maximum security of your account on the social network. Additional account protection can be obtained by configuring two-factor authentication (2FA).

  1. Enter your account, go to the "Change Settings" menu on the "Main" tab.
  2. In the section Double protection Click the "Enable" link.
  3. A pop-up window that informs that when you turn on two-factor authentication to access your account, a mobile phone number will be used to which SMS messages with confirmation codes will come. Click the "Enable" button.
  4. In the next window, you need to check your phone number or specify a new number, after which click the "Enable" button.
  5. A confirmation code will be sent to the phone number. Enter this code In the box below, and then click the "Continue" and "Close" button.
  6. This is completed on this. Now, when you try to enter your account, an unknown device will receive an SMS message with an access code to your phone.

In the section Entrance confirmationBy clicking on the "Show" link next to the option, you can generate and print emergency codes that can be used to access the account in the absence of access to the mobile device.

As a second stage of authentication, one-time codes generated in an authenticator application operating according to the TOTP algorithm can be used instead of SMS messages. To activate this method authentication, pre-install on your mobile device Application for authentication, such as Google Authenticator and do simple actions:

  1. In the section Entrance confirmation Next to the option, click the "Configure" link.
  2. The next screen will appear the QR code to scan with mobile application. If you are not recognized as a scanner image, then manually enter the 16-digit secret key to the application.
  3. Enter a 6-digit disposable code generated in the application. After that, authentication through the application will be configured.

How to disable two-factor authentication in the Odnoklassniki account

At any time, you can disable two-factor authentication for the Odnoklassniki account. However, remember that in this case, for accessing your account, the attacker will be easy to know the password. To disable two-factor authentication, do the following steps:

  1. Go to "Edit Settings"\u003e Main and in the "Double Protection" section, click Turn off.
  2. A pop-up window appears that demonstrates the capabilities of two-factor authentication. Click the Off button.
  3. Two-factor authentication will be disabled. To enter the account, it will be enough to specify your current password.