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Virtual PBX for home. Virtual PBX

Connect the number of the desired region and start taking calls from potential customers without opening an office.

Optimization of incoming calls

Flexible PBX settings allow you to use remote personnel or regional call center to process calls from metropolitan regions is the largest information resource in Russia on computer graphics.

Virtual numbers 495 helped organize a virtual representation of the company in Moscow. Flexible voice menu settings organize a redirection of 100% calls to the rooms of the necessary specialists, improving the quality of customer service of the company.

Combining mobile and office employees in a single network with a single company number

Even when a call from a mobile phone, the client is determined by the company number. And your employees are always available to customers.

Many rooms - a single call center

PBX "Torfin.Offis" calls to different numbers Companies will show employees to which number and which region came from which region.

"Imperik" is the official dealer of popular manufacturers of geodesic, laser and measuring equipment.

Thanks to PBX Tulfin.ofis, the company "Impurik" is available for the day and at night for customers and is ready to advise the buyer by phone. After 18:00, forwarding to mobile sellers, and on the weekend - on the head of the sales department. In the case of force majeure, such as electricity outages, customers can still reach us without any problems.

Unified corporate telephone network

Improving customer quality

Wide selection of control tools from recording calls to "Monitoring" and "Call Assessment" modules

"Milavitsa Mos" - a well-known network of signs of women's lingerie in Russia.

A single corporate telephone network with free communication between shopping and office staff provides savings to communicate. Corporate telephone number To communicate with all employees of the company, including remote, simplifies and speeds up the work. Thanks to the recording of conversations, monitoring compliance with customer service standards when communicating is simplified by phone.

Integration with CRM.

Recalling recording

The history of interaction with customers. Control of employees, learning newcomers on the best examples And the analysis of the perfect calls.

Darta is a team of professionals in the field of online advertising and website development.

Darta combined virtual PBX and CRM, which made it possible to clearly and promptly conduct reporting on customers. Now all the necessary information on customers is stored in one place. Accustomer analytics helps to control the level of sales.

Connect home and mobile phone network

Internet telephony connects all offices and individual employees to a single telephone network. Translation and call forwarding evenly distributes staff load.

Reducing the number of unanswered calls

Virtual PBX "Telfin.ofis" instantly connects the resulting one of the free dispatchers. If all employees are busy, the system holds the customer on the line, informing about the promotions and special offers of the company.

Faeton is a 24-hour taxi service, which also offers rental of trucks, minivans, foreign cars with a driver.

Virtual phone numbers helped to organize remote jobs. Customers call on ordinary local phones, But the calls can handle calls that are in any of the company's offices - sometimes even working out of the house.

All calls within the network are free, employees from the office in St. Petersburg are free to communicate with colleagues located in Nizhny Novgorod or Moscow.

Integration with CRM.

Calls directly from CRM, pop-up on the monitor screen card with information about the client with an incoming call, creating a new contact automatically, call history directly in customer card and many other useful features.

Unified corporate telephony

Virtual PBX "Telfin.ofis" unites office, mobile, remote employees to a single network with short number of employees.

EDOque - service for the delivery of fruits and vegetables to the house.

Optimized and automated business processes, combining all employees and business systems into a single network. The integration of RetailCRM and virtual PBX "Telfin.ofis" facilitates the fixation of orders and control the qualitative execution.

Special project with Zadarma


New means of communications appear constantly. However, most people still prefer to solve questions by phone. At the same time, ordinary mini-PBXs have long been not satisfying the needs of the business: they are limited by functionality and bandwidth, and they are unreasonably expensive. Today there is a more flexible and universal solution - Virtual PBX.

Virtual services and real advantages

According to the analytical agency IKS-Consulting, the share of fixed telephony is declining annually (last year it decreased by 7%), while the IP telephony market grows in all its versions very quickly (by 17-25% annually). In absolute figures, the growth of the virtual PBX market in 2016 is expected at the level of 3.8 billion rubles. With all the diversity of business models, any company can be found to one of two groups. In the first, the cost of goods or services is maintained as low as possible - literally slightly higher than the cost, and profit is generated by sales volume. One hundred rubles from the subscriber is not money, but a million subscribers turn them into tangible one hundred million regular income. Moreover, the first million customers will attract the second and third, after which the cost of services can be reduced to a little more. In second type of companies, they do not seek to attract customers (then they will have to work more and generally think about development), and simply have repeatedly overestimate the cost of services. Their motto is simple: they buy less? We sell more expensive! While there is a monopoly or conditions close to it, this approach allows the company to remain afloat and even have customers (in all senses). However, the market is constantly rebated, and the greedy company will not be able to withstand fair competition.

How do profit from damage services?

At the rapidly growing IP telephony market, one of the most notable players is the Zadarma project. It works in the CIS countries and Europe for ten years. Attracts in it, first of all, a transparent (and ethical) scheme of monetization: the company receives a profit due to external outgoing calls from its customers, servicing hotline numbers and providing direct city numbers. The cost of tariffing is traditionally supported as low as possible, many functions are generally offered for free. Competitive prices helps to keep a powerful infrastructure (from Zadarma 4 data center in different countries) and many years of experience. For ten years, partnerships have been established with all major communication operators.

Third-party experience is low-informative, so the company gives all new customers when registering free minutes so that you can independently check the quality of communication.

Cloud PBX - the basis of modern telephony

The introduction of classical PBX occupies long time. Selection of equipment, its purchase, delivery, installation, setup and further maintenance. At the same time, new cables are laid and other inconveniences are created. In general, two or three weeks, employees are sitting without a normal connection and lose customers. Cloud PBX is available immediately. All technical problems remain on the side of the provider, and the company receives a ready-made service on the day of appeal. With the usual PBX, new employees almost always have to wait for them a new telephone service will be bought and an internal number will be allocated. SIP telephony grows together with the company: unlike hardware mini-PBX, cloud scaling is performed as needed by simply adding virtualized resources. Providing virtual PBXs is just one of the directions of development of the Zadarma project. They allow you to combine the benefits of Internet services with a simplicity of the classic telephone exchange. They are also called "clouds", since the main part of the iron operates on the side of the service provider, and the client receives a service in pure form. The telephone in the virtual PBX can be both a physical phone with VoIP support and an application running on anything. SIP support appeared in the fourth android versionTherefore, calls via virtual PBX can be made from a smartphone and not buy additional tubes. Cloud PBX is controlled through a web interface, which means available from any device connected to the Internet. The habits of people are changing slower than technology, so at any time you need hybrid services. They help to smooth out the next blow of the wave of progress, speaking as a bridge between the past and the future. One of these services was IP-telephony, further development which are SIP (virtual, or "cloud" PBX). This service is the most universal, so you can submit a lot of scenarios of its practical application. For example, some state institutions still send documents by fax. Buy because of this facsimile apparatus? Of course not! For a long time there are software faxes that are easy to implement in the same cloud PBX. Need a custom answering machine with a large capacity of lines? Smart forwarding? Double-mode AON? Today, all this is easily virtualized.

The total number of Zadarma customers in forty countries reaches half a million

Cloud PBX from Zadarma provides the following basic functions:
  • free telephonization of anything on the day of registration. Connection takes only five minutes: it is enough to register, go to your personal account, buy a direct number and click the only "Include PBX" button;
  • combining multiple offices with a single telephone network. Absolutely no matter where these offices are and how many of them;
  • moving an office in any city and the country with the preservation of the former phone number;
  • the possibility of promptly and cheaply create a call center - for example, for surveys or provide technical support for a new product;
  • smart call forwarding both inside the office and on external devices - for example, mobile. Alternatively, the conditional redirection may occur on another number if the first tube did not raise 20 seconds.
  • aPI interfaceallowing you to docile a virtual PBX service with any CRM systems and programs for call centers.
From October 2015, all customers are also provided with a free widget for receiving calls through their website, and often travel customers can call through Zadarma abroad (or abroad) not to overpay for roaming. On the site you can even arrange a separate SIM-card "Zadarma". Map for roaming logically complements virtual PBX and allows you to stay with your office number at any trips. You can make calls to it, and make outgoing. Since with this SIM card, all traffic goes like IP telephony, the cost of calls is obtained by Darmova.

Virtual service as an ideal machine

In theory of inventions, there is a concept of an ideal machine. This is a device that effectively performs the laid functions, but it works completely imperceptibly and practically does not require maintenance. Virtual PBX fully satisfies this definition. With the complete absence of specialized equipment on the client side, it provides more functions than expensive and complex office mini-PBX. Moreover, the virtualized services are better balanced by the load and maximal fault tolerance is ensured due to the fact that they are already implemented on top technology of the level of data centers. how cloud service, Virtual PBX unites strengths Communication and new technologies. Its task is to save simplicity for the user and, at the same time, add as much options as possible. Among them are not only all imaginable voice Services And smart call routing, but also detailed statistics that no office PBX can provide. The collected statistics clearly shows the disadvantages of the practiced customer service scheme and interactions between employees. Thanks to these data, it is more efficient to distribute official duties and optimize call routes. Even expensive physical PBXs begin to skip calls when loaded above average. This is due to restrictions in call forwarding capabilities, which are often processed by secretaries in semi-automatic mode. Virtual PBX initially has much greater throughput And it is not limited to routing. It can be configured by different scenarios: from redirects to the next free number on the list, on a group of internal numbers, mobile phone or in general in a third-party Voip-messenger. Therefore, through a virtual PBX, you can take a call anywhere - it is not necessary to be in the workplace and use a specific tube. You no longer miss an important call, and customers will not be annoyed because of the long expectation of a free specialist.

Lifehaki cloud PBX

  1. For each internal phone You can configure your "white list" of numbers. Calls with them will be immediately transmitted to the subscriber, bypassing the voice menu and standard greetings.
  2. If you do not use mobile Internet On the smartphone, the phone can still be used with virtual PBX. Simply configure forwarding to a mobile or voice mail. While you will be connected to corporate network By Wi-Fi, the smartphone will work as a regular SIP phone. Outside the office, he will continue to receive calls to the office (for example, a direct Moscow) room. So you do not miss a single call.

Any thoughtful call routing option in cloud PBX can be configured and if necessary to change to another. In the Zadarma project, the number of incoming call scenarios is increased to 30. For their change, it is not necessary to reconfigure different devices and nothing needs to be switched physically.

Translated heights: immediately and for nothing

Cloud telephony helps to optimize costs, since it does not have binding to place or to the number of ports. You can immediately get a 100-channel number at the price of the old mobile phone and connect employees to him from anywhere, where there is an Internet. They don't even be coming to this office. Virtualization is especially good for fast start. For example, you open your first office and are very limited in the means, and the time is not waiting. Virtual PBX helps ensure fast telephonification of anything - it would be an internet connection. Not necessarily pull for this fiber or vitua couple: At least, Wi-Fi or 3G will be consolidated at first. With the help of cloud telephony, you can organize a voice link between employees of the company and its customers within one day. At the same time you will immediately appear big set additional services - such as a direct urban room in one of seventy countries or free for customers (Toll Free) hot line With a number of 800 in any of the 55 countries of the world. For example, British numbers 44-800 and 44-808 are connected free of charge and cost only 160 rubles. per month. The room in Ireland will cost 120 rubles every month. Surely you pay more for the mobile phone. The direct Moscow number will be free for you, if the total duration of incoming calls to it exceeds 700 minutes per month. Calls between the internal numbers of your PBX are always free.

Optimization of expenses

Normal PBX is a hardware set with reference to a certain place and a bunch of physical restrictions. Today, your company only opened and has enough nine internal numbers, but you buy a 16-port PBX "on the grown". How many numbers will need in a month? In six months? No one will tell this in advance, but you will always have to adapt to standard schemes: 24/32/48/64 ... With a high probability for expanding office PBX, you can simply install additional modules and buy licenses. Usually you have to change the PBX itself to more powerful. When moving the office, mini-PBX will have to drag with them and reconfigure in a new place, and when opening an additional branch, buy another for it. When using a mini-PBX, the cost of the call depends on its type, and long-distance conversations are bypass. With virtual PBX there is no fundamental difference where you are calling: all traffic is routed via the Internet and is worth a penny. Domestic traffic is generally free, even international! Classical office PBX can only connect subscribers and offer them a simple selection of the voice menu under the guide melodies. Virtual PBX from Zadarma is a modern service with a mass of both familiar and non-obvious opportunities:
  • voice menu (IVR) with flexible settings;
  • light translation of the call manually or by a predetermined scenario;
  • quick picking call (enough to raise the handset and press two digits);
  • recording conversations (simultaneously on a variety of numbers);
  • voicemail System (Voicemail System);
  • automatic reception of faxes;
  • assignment short numbers for calls the most frequently called subscribers;
  • answering machine, programmable on schedule (autocallendar);
  • automatic messages and actions for the specified incoming number (auto attendant);
  • connect alternative line
  • detailed and visual statistics for all calls
  • program interface (API) for integration with other services.
In addition, conference bonds can be organized between subscribers of the internal numbers literally a couple of clicks. Just remember how many works it should be done with other solutions. Virtual PBX itself is provided by Zadarma, that is, free, for all customers, regularly replenishing the bill (at least once every three months).

From changing technology to changing paradigms

Business people are distinguished by a clear understanding of the goals, the ability to put them independently and solve the optimal way. However, many who consider themselves businessmen are in captivity of classic delusions. They often perceive the purchase of things as an intermediate stage of achieving the goal, while they need not the thing itself, but the functions performed. If the head of the corporation needs to fly to business meetings in other cities, it is not at all necessary to buy a plane for this. It will only be an expensive toy that will never pay off. Turbo-jet corporate colors will be to the void and give +100500 points for Harizme, but will not help the firm to develop - Rather, he will take the lion's share of funds on his service. Of course, an example with a personal aircraft is somewhat grotesque, but the same principle is fair both on a smaller scale. If you are not a technofetyshist, it is unlikely that you need a huge server that stands and buzzes in a separate room with a split, turning the power plants into compact fans. Most likely, your company needs some specific IT services, and today to realize them in the cloud will be much more efficient. The situation is similar and with other familiar things, including telephone communication. The purchase of traditional PBXs in most companies can be viewed as unreasonable costs. The firm requires a stable and convenient connection for communication of business processes, and not the equipment itself, which is worth tangible simultaneous costs and is rapidly obsolete. Office telephone stations have long time to move to the cloud along with other unprofinal services for the company.

This is a remote telephone station, a platform for "smart" business tools. The subscriber needs a device for working with calls and stable Internet, and the PBX itself is at the operator. The connection between the equipment of the subscriber and the operator passes through the Internet channels.

Cloud PBX is cheap telephony for business in any niche: online stores, legal consulting, sale of real estate, banking sector, cargo transportation, etc. (it enters all MTT decisions).

Helps business evolve

    Saves the time of employees - automates the processes, independently connects with clients.

    Does not reset calls. Customers do not disappear due to the "busy" phone, and quietly wait for their turn.

    You can connect remote employees. All their actions on the phone will be reflected in general stons statistics.

    He spends less subscriber money. To connect, you do not need to buy additional equipment.

It includes:

    Virtual number (one or more). These are familiar city phones or 8 800, without binding to the address.

    Ready jobs. These are ready-made settings with a dedicated number for a separate employee.

    SIM.-cards. Turn a personal smartphone in comfortable tool: They do not need the Internet to fix calls in general statistics.

    Web.-vices. Engage site visitor, pushing to the right action.

Virtual station functions

  • Free corporate communications by internal channels.
  • Recording conversations. They are stored in personal Cabinet Subscriber where they can be heard at any time.
  • Multichannel numbers. Take hundreds of calls for 1 second - none of them will be reset.
  • Smart redirection. The challenge can come at once or pass along a given chain.
  • Queue queue, where customers are awaiting a response.
  • IVR.- and voice mail.

How to connect and configure

The connection takes less than a day and passes in the 3 stages:

    You leave an application on our website or by phone.

    You will call the operator, will appoint a personal manager. You will choose the tariff together.

    Signing a contract, after which you become a subscriber of MTT.

After connecting, you need to make a minimum setting. We have created a simple video instruction on settings in your account.

Virtual PBX \u003d Cloud PBX

In fact, the "iron" is located at the operator. The subscriber needs only a stable Internet, preferably allocated separately under telephony. But for normal telephony, there is enough mobile3G..

Virtual and cloud PBXs are different names of one platform. They emphasize her remote character, refer to the general name of the popular technology - "cloud". We use both of these names, because they are equally popular.

Supports integration with CRM

Connect the client database to telephony to improve the service. MTT supports integration with all the leading systems: Bitrix, 1C, AMOCRM.

With an incoming call, the manager will see a client card with personal data: name, phone, special notes, details of previous transactions, customer status, etc. The maintenance of the client base does not require special efforts - the computer makes most of the job.

What is virtual PBX

PBX is a telephone system of a company that provides the connection of internal numbers to external telephone lines and mobile networks (In general, all the working phones of your employees as a whole). Virtual PBX is a service that replaces the physical office telephone station. The client receives software IP-PBX.

In the case of traditional PBX "Table" is located on the client side, and in the case of virtual station - All equipment and software Expanded by the operator, the client connects to the PBX through the Internet.

So, why do business need a PBX?

Create a way of reliable company

Imagine that you have decided to order yourself ... Furniture for kitchen. You drive into the search "Kitchen headset to buy", and the search engine gave the websites of online stores. On some sites there is a city phone number and the numbers of all departments, and on the rest, only a cell phone. Who would you call first?

Often, startups and young businesses can be trite without being an office, employees work from home and use cell Phones, and on sites, young entrepreneurs indicate personal mobile numbers. In such a situation, cloud telephony will help improve image - create an image big companywhich can be trusted. You get urban numbers, and you can also create separate rooms for their "departments" (even if you have no). This function can be particularly useful in communicating with large corporate clients.

Customers will not have time to go to competitors.

Imagine that you have decided ... Change the hairstyle. To do this, you need to sign up in the beauty salon. You have chosen a hairdresser, three rooms are specified on her site. You call first - busy, according to the second - is employed, according to the third one - no one came up. You close the site and go to look for another beauty salon.

Cloud telephony allows you to receive calls one number on so many devices as you want. Unable to answer one employee - answered another.

I started a business in the literal sense of "home". There was no money for a full-fledged IT system, and I just bought a sim card with a straight phone and worked so for a while. Business developed, began to hire managers. There was a need for multichannel. Publish a dozen room on the site - nonsense. The client will call one-two, there will be busy - and he will go to competitors. Exit - organization of IP telephony and PBX.


Previously, to connect urban numbers, you needed to conduct telephone lines in the office or buy from cellular operators Corporate SIM cards. Now it's enough to have a laptop and an internet connection.

Place a PBX on its equipment in the office was unreasonable (expensive service, possible interruptions with electricity and communication), so we placed in the cloud. Renting the cloud costs us less than 1000 rubles per month, including storing conversations in the last year. Another 2000 rubles is a subscription fee for multichannel direct telephone number (495), and a backup channel. Unlimited calls to city numbers are already included in the price, calls to cellular - about 1.5 rubles per minute.

At the initial stage, its own telephony server may be unprofitable (costs start from 100 thousand rubles). Cloudy IP-PBX comes to the rescue: to start work, it is not necessary to buy additional equipment, as well as carry out an additional telephone network in the office. The cost varies from the number of users, but on average begins from 700 rubles per PBX in the cloud. Also for the work of the PBX on the cloud, the presence of a stable Internet connection and software phone (Softfon), among which there are both paid and free options or IP phones.

Control employees and optimize business processes

Modern virtual PBX is a software with a variety of features: built-in statistics for each call with the ability to analyze, recording and storing conversations, voice greeting with incoming calls, distribution of calls on all managers and a queue of waiting, virtual fax and voice mail. Almost any cloud PBX can be integrated with CRM, such integration opens a lot of features: you see the client card with an incoming call, the call automatically falls on a responsible manager, you can create alerts on the phone about new services, etc.

I began to listen to the conversations of managers with customers and partners, analyze, identify the weaknesses of the conversation and teach managers, how to avoid mistakes, follow the script. The quality of the conversations increased significantly, and as a result, the conversion of incoming calls to customers rose. An adequate analyst appeared by the number of incoming / outgoing calls, their duration, the number of contacts by phone with the client on average.

Now you have a record of all conversations

Several times of conversation saved hundreds of thousand rubles for business several times. For example, a partner put a penalty for the replacement of a tourist, arguing this penalty with the terms of the hotel in Bulgaria. We called the hotel Bulgaria directly, and there we were told that there were no fines. We sent a partner's entry - he canceled fine. A lot of conflict situations with tourists managed to avoid, simply referring to the fact that we have a recording of the conversation.

Travel and stay in touch

Thanks to the virtual PBX, you can make outgoing calls (the number is defined as an office) and take incoming anywhere in the world where there is Internet. And your employees can respond to an incoming office call from the house.

If you suddenly decide to move to Thailand, your customers will not even notice. Where there is an Internet - there is your telephony.

An additional advantage is a "free" phone during trips abroad.

You do not need to be a programmer or engineer to set up PBX

Previously, to install the telephone line, the company held the following steps: Application, cable laying, telephony setting and its integration into business processes. And if there was a need to change the settings, I had to call specialists, spend time. It was impossible to evenly distribute the load on the call center operators and organize the queue "expectations". With advent cloud technology The process simplified up to three steps: Registration in the service, payment and configuration, which takes no more than 10 minutes.

Customize everything "for yourself"

Virtual PBX is a software that you can integrate with other services - and therefore add all the functions you need and chips.

Here is an example of such a "individual setting":

You are owned by the real estate agency. You have a lot of realtor agents, in which there are one's own features:

  • - They are constantly in motion and need to be controlled, otherwise it is very difficult to organize several views of objects per day.
  • - If a disregtergent receives access to the base of real estate or customers, he can use this for his personal purposes - to make transactions "on the side", taking profits to yourself.

One of these agencies has become a client of cloudy PBX Altegrocloud is a virtual office integrated with CRM, corporate mobile communications and geolocation. This decision made Altegrocloud for the real estate agency:

  • - Realtors operating in the city and constantly located in the roads, with incoming calls to their mobiles do not see the direct rooms of housing owners. Instead of the phone number, the client's digital code is used for which you can call.
  • - The call of the hostess of an apartment or a young family is possible only from the working SIM card and only subject to the mandatory recording of the conversation. There is no other opportunity because the real number is hidden. With this scenario, the chances of holding a "gray" transaction are minimized.
  • - In case of cancellation of the transaction, the owner of the agency can study in detail all events on this transaction, including recording conversations.
  • - If the client suddenly has changed the attached agent, there is no need to memorize its contacts. The call at a single number will automatically fall into a cellular new employee.

Now the Altegrocloud team is testing new services - a geolocation service tied to a mobile employee, with a full call history and labels on the map. Soon Altegrocloud clients will be able to watch online where one or another employee is, and call him from the office by clicking on the icon on the map.

If you have your useful use of virtual PBX - leave them in the comments.