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The battery on the phone drastically ran out. What to do if the battery on your phone is draining quickly android

Articles and Life Hacks

Unfortunately, the battery is the weak point of many modern mobile devices... Why the phone quickly began to discharge, included in, and what to do in a similar situation? This is what our article will be devoted to.

Why did the phone start to discharge quickly?

On the one hand, manufacturing companies are constantly striving to improve their smartphones. Specifications more and more impressive, and this requires a certain processor clock speed and sufficient battery capacity. However, at the same time, devices are getting thinner, and therefore, instead, they are often equipped with small batteries. The battery capacity is sometimes not enough even for 24 hours of operation.

Nevertheless, many mobile devices initially meet the declared characteristics, but over time they begin to discharge much faster. It is recommended to check if we have installed any new application that consumes battery power, view statistics, etc.

Some users also resort to more radical methods: they reset all the settings of the device, thus clearing it. After that, they completely discharge the smartphone, remove the battery for a few minutes and put it back. Without turning on, the device begins to charge (at least 8 hours). At the end of charging, they again remove the battery for a few minutes, put it back and turn on the smartphone. This procedure is called charge calibration.

Sometimes a sudden and dramatic reduction in time autonomous work our mobile device may be associated with a virus or the installation of an update of some program. You can also try doing full reset settings.

How to save battery on a phone that is running out of battery quickly?

In fact, there are many ways to do this, and they are all very simple. So, if we do not constantly use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or 3G, these modules should be turned off. By the way, owners of devices under Android it is recommended to try installing a program like Llama. When you leave the house, it will automatically turn off wireless networks.

Each user should be aware of what the display consumes the most. Therefore, it is advisable to present, or with a smartphone, so that it does not waste the battery. It is advisable to periodically reduce the brightness level, as well as turn off automatic tuning this level.

You shouldn't use animated wallpapers - instead, it is better to replace them with a static image. You also need to turn off GPS navigation and automatic syncing. accounts... The use of widgets has a very negative effect on the charge.

If your phone starts to run out of battery quickly, you need to start more control. installed programs... It is also recommended to turn off vibration.
In conclusion, let us say that for Android devices There are many dedicated apps available to save battery and extend runtime up to 20-30%.

Any smartphone owner may one day face a problem when his device starts to discharge quickly. What to do, how to solve the problem, and what could it be connected with? These are the questions that this article will try to answer.

The main reasons why your phone battery drains quickly

Battery power can be quickly depleted for a variety of reasons. They can be conditionally divided into software and hardware.

Backlight brightness too high

It is relevant for any smartphone or tablet, even if it is equipped with an AMOLED display. You could enlarge it by accident. Also, some applications are capable of this, including all kinds of launchers.

For a long time now, you can reduce the brightness of the backlight right in the notification panel. Many smartphones support adaptive (automatic) brightness control - it is turned on in "Settings", in the "Screen" section. Please note that enabling this function does not remove the user from manually adjusting the display backlight brightness.

Unoptimized apps drain power quickly even on a new phone

Many users wonder why the phone began to discharge quickly after they installed some not-known programs. The point is that not all developers are smart about optimizing their creations. As a result, their applications not only freeze regularly, but also overload the processor. This can happen even in the background, which can be easily noticed by the heating of the smartphone in the area of ​​the chipset. Of course, as a result, the phone will drain very quickly.

Some programs are designed in such a way that they are constantly doing something in the background. For example customer social network Facebook collects a ton of information about the user, right down to their current location. This is why experienced smartphone owners disable this app if it cannot be uninstalled.

Not sure which of the programs can negatively affect the battery charge? Then go to "Settings". Find the Battery section here. It shows what kind of resources the energy is spent on. Including the names of applications that have consumed more than 1% of the charge are displayed here. If something does not suit you, then click on the unwanted program. In the window that opens, you can uninstall the application, or at least disable it.


It can also intensively consume the charge, sending various information about your actions to the creator's server. Moreover, such applications hide well, disguising themselves, for example, under Google services... Remove all programs whose names do not tell you anything. Real Google Services cannot be deleted from the smartphone. If there is a corresponding button, then be sure to use it. And do not download programs from third-party resources, it's better to limit yourself Google play and the device manufacturer's online store.

If you still download applications using a pirated method, then install an antivirus on your device. It can be a free Dr.Web or a paid "Kaspersky". If you have already thought about why the phone is quickly discharging, then run an antivirus scan - it is possible that it will find the culprit of the problem.

Unstable firmware version

Large companies try to check software full program... But even they do misfire. And what can we say about small manufacturers, the staff of which consists of a dozen programmers ... In a word, not always updating operating system leads to improved performance and expanded functionality. Sometimes, after receiving an update, the user realizes that from now on his smartphone is quickly discharged. This may be due to poor optimization, new preinstalled programs, and even embedded viruses. Suffice it to recall the DOOGEE BL7000, in the base firmware of which there are three viruses actively consuming energy. By regular means you could get rid of only one thing by disabling the "Dictaphone" application. To be fair, software updates in the case of this device increased the battery life, somewhat muffling the actions of viruses.

Unfortunately, going back is often impossible. Therefore, we recommend that you do not update immediately after a new version the firmware has become available for download. Wait at least one week. Read the reviews. If everything is in order, then most likely no one will write reviews. And in case of problems, complaints will not keep you waiting.

What to do if your phone heats up and runs out of battery quickly due to a battery problem

Moving on to hardware faults. The battery is the easiest to blame for the rapid drain on power. And he really could be the cause of the problem. Especially if several years have passed since the purchase of the smartphone. The fact is that any battery ages over time, losing its working capacity. Some batteries age faster, some more slowly.

Nothing can be done about the loss of capacity, it is impossible to restore it. However, no one forbids changing the battery by installing a completely new one. Unfortunately, modern smartphones are increasingly getting non-removable back cover... In this regard, you will not be able to get the battery yourself, unless you have special tools. However, this can be done in service center... Yes, you will have to pay for the work and the battery itself. But then you will return to the original battery life!

Do not install a battery with an increased capacity inside the smartphone. Buying it can be a waste of money. The fact is that the power controller is sharpened for the capacity programmed by the creators of the device, it will resist receiving more energy. Of course, these words apply to most, but not all smartphones. But why risk your money?

Power controller issues - phone charges quickly and discharges quickly

A rare case, but it can happen. If you change regularly network adapters, then you may well have come across a low-quality copy. He could give out too high amperage or overvoltage. In this regard, the power controller either fails, or begins to transmit incorrect readings to the system. In the latter case, it may not use the entire capacity of the battery. Because of this, the user will immediately notice that now 100% of the charge is leaking out somehow too quickly.

In many cases, the power controller has to be repaired or replaced, which is what many service centers do. You can try to calibrate the battery special application(you can easily find a lot of options). However, this action rarely helps.

Our tips on how to extend your phone's battery life

A variety of factors could affect energy consumption. For example, a telecom operator may have rebuilt their infrastructure near your place of work. The cell tower is now positioned further away, and therefore more energy is spent searching for the signal. And practically nothing can be done about it. But you can use only one data transmission standard for a long trip. The fact is that most of the energy is spent when switching from 3G to LTE and vice versa. If you are driving in a car, this process will be repeated regularly. But it can be disabled in the operating system settings, for a while by activating only 3G connection... This is done as follows:

  1. Go to "Settings";
  2. Go to the "Connections" section (on some devices this step is skipped);
  3. Go to the subsection "Mobile networks";
  4. Click on the "Network Mode" button;
  5. Select the item "3G / 2G (auto)", or generally "Only 3G" or "Only 2G".

Do not forget that you need to do this only on long trips (at least from one end of the city to the other). This advice will also be useful for those who do not need a high data transfer rate on the street.

Disconnect those wireless modules that you are not using. If it practically does not consume energy, then this cannot be said about Bluetooth. Blue Tooth can be turned off if you use wireless headphones extremely rare, but smart watch or you don't have a fitness watch at all. Many people prefer to deactivate the GPS chip as well, because it also consumes a decent amount of electricity. Although it is easier to prevent them from using unwanted applications, leaving this privilege only to the map services and, perhaps, the browser.

Give up live wallpaper... Often they are the ones who consume energy the most. Also, they are not always useful. It is possible that you downloaded an unoptimized or ad-laden launcher, and it is because of this that the phone now runs out of power quickly.

If nothing helps at all, then you will have to buy new smartphone... Or get one. This accessory can be kept in your bag, on your desk, in your dresser at home, or anywhere. The convenience of an external battery is that you can charge your smartphone at any time. In 2016, the wild popularization of such accessories was organized by the game Pokemon Go, which works in augmented reality and consumes a charge in just a couple of hours.


It is often extremely difficult to find out why exactly the smartphone began to discharge quickly. But we will hope that our article prompted you to take the right action. Remember that a high battery capacity does not mean that the device will last for a long time. The duration of operation from a full charge, in addition to the capacity of the battery, depends on the following factors:

  • The technical process by which the processor was created - the thinner it is, the lower the power consumption;
  • Optimization of the operating system;
  • Display manufacturing technology - AMOLED certainly outperforms IPS;
  • The design of the smartphone - the more difficult it is for the antennas to pick up the connection, the more energy will be spent on it.

In short, do not be surprised that the device will require regular connection of the charger, although inside it there is a battery as thick as the palm of an adult.

Today, most people are already using mobile phones instead of landlines. These same mobile phones come with lithium batteries that require some maintenance. If your phone runs out of battery quickly then the problem is most likely in the battery. Below we offer you a set of measures to "extend the life" of your battery and your phone, in general, or you can immediately contact ours.

What if my phone runs out of battery quickly?

To begin with, you should increase the time interval between phone charges!

1. Switch off your phone often.

You only need to do this if you are sure to turn off your phone for at least a few hours. Always turning on / off the phone actually uses great amount energy, which is often one of the reasons why your phone runs out of battery quickly!
This will probably be the most effective and in a simple way saving your battery power.
Why? This will help conserve energy as well as charge your phone. If you don't plan on answering calls, such as when you sleep or after hours, just turn it off. If you do not need to receive or make calls, but need to use other functions of your smartphone, turn on airplane mode.

2. Stop searching for a network signal.

Phone running out of battery fast? Turn off signal search!

When you are in an area with a weak network signal, or no network at all, the phone will constantly search for the best signal, and will use all its power while doing so. Good way guarantee long battery life - make sure you have a normal network signal. As a solution to this problem, you can also install a repeater which will amplify the signal to provide near-perfect reception anywhere.

3. Do not follow the method of fully charging and discharging your phone.

Do not let your battery mobile phone drain all the energy. Unlike nickel-based batteries, lithium-based batteries are designed to be recharged frequently, and no charge at all can damage the device. If your phone runs out of battery quickly, try going to incomplete discharge and frequent charging! This practice extends battery life.

4. Disable the vibration function on your phone, use only the ringtone.

The vibration function uses additional power from the battery. Also, try to keep the ringtone volume as low as possible, if possible. It is just as capable restore your phone battery if it runs out of power quickly.

5. Turn off the phone backlight.

Light also uses battery energy. If you can do without it, your battery will last longer.

6. Turn off Bluetooth.

Turn off bluetooth

It drains the battery very quickly.

7. Turn off Wi-Fi, GPS, and infrared.

Turn off GPS, WiFi, infrared port!

8. Avoid using moving or animated pictures or videos as the main background (splash screen) of your phone. Animated backgrounds drain your battery faster.

If you observe this complex measures, you can not only restore the battery of your phone if it is quickly discharged, but also avoid such problems altogether!

However, we want to note that the effect of such measures will not be felt immediately, a long-term approach is needed here. If your phone is often and quickly discharged, and you urgently need to do something about it, you should contact!

This is just a part of all possible actions to restore the phone battery, we will tell you about all the other possibilities in the following articles.

One of the common problems that users of modern phones may encounter is fast battery drain. Sometimes the device, the charge of which was enough for 1-2 days, begins to lose it for no reason and turn off at the most inopportune time.

What to do if your smartphone starts to run out of battery quickly? Next, we will consider the reasons for this phenomenon and help with their elimination.

Possible causes and solutions

So what can lead to a dramatic drain on your battery?

Let's list the possible options:

  • excessive brightness of the display;
  • always-on wireless interfaces;
  • included GPS-module;
  • mobile games;
  • frequent device reboots
  • malware.

Decrease display brightness

The problem may lie in the excessive brightness of the display operating at 80-100%. Of course, working with a faded screen is quite inconvenient, but in most cases, brightness at 50% is quite enough.

To change this indicator you need:

  • go to the "Settings" menu;
  • then the item "Screen";
  • choose a brightness indicator that does not interfere with comfortable work, or set automatic adjustment for lighting, if your smartphone has this function.

Attention! In addition to display lighting, many modern smartphones there are two more functions that can quickly drain the battery - auto-rotate display and smart standby. By turning them off, you will also save energy.

Disable wireless interfaces

What to do if your phone battery runs out quickly? Disable wireless interfaces! Very often, after using them, they continue to run in the background.

Among these interfaces:

  • GPRS;
  • Bluetooth;
  • Wi-Fi.

It is important to know that even if they are not actively used in this moment and do not transmit any information, their work still consumes a small part of the battery charge. If several wireless interfaces connected at the same time - this can lead to faster power consumption.

Disable the GPS module

Navigation apps have become an essential part of any smartphone, but remember that they can drain your battery quickly. In order to save money, we also recommend disabling the geolocation function, which often uses the camera, maps downloaded from the Internet and social networks.

Such applications usually run in the background, which is why it is not always noticeable that they are the cause of unreasonably fast battery consumption.

Learn to save power by playing mobile games

Games for smartphones have long competed with projects for stationary consoles and PCs. They are becoming more and more popular and literally every user plays something on their phone from time to time. Unfortunately, these applications are resource-intensive and drain your battery very quickly.

Even with a new battery, the smartphone will not work as a gaming center for more than a few hours. Always keep this in mind when going on a trip or playing where there is no way to recharge your phone. For more precise control over energy consumption, you can install a special utility.

Reboot the device

The battery life of mobile devices is also significantly reduced with frequent reboots. This is a resource-intensive process that can drain your battery quickly. In this case, there can be only one advice - try to minimize the switching on and off of the gadget.

Use a reboot only in extreme cases, when, for example, the device is completely frozen.


Viruses and spyware can become a real "black hole" for the battery, in which most of its charge will sink. To prevent this, install an antivirus on your phone and regularly scan its contents.

Problems with installed software

If you are sure that the battery is discharging not for the reasons described above, then you should pay closer attention to the installed programs. Often, one or even more of these can drain power slowly even when the device is in standby mode.

You can check the running processes on the statistics screen, but if there is nothing suspicious there, all that remains is to completely clean your smartphone. This can be done by returning the phone to factory settings. This procedure is called " Hard reset».

Attention! During hard reset The device will reboot and restore all factory settings. It is important to note that this will erase all information stored on it, applications, contact list and messages. It is impossible to restore them after a hard reboot, so take care of their safety in advance. The data stored on the SIM card and memory cards will remain intact.

This type of reboot is provided for extreme cases when the system malfunctions. In our case, Hard Reset can help remove applications that consume battery power and remain "invisible". This also applies to viruses that could sneak into your phone unnoticed.

If in the fight against them did not help installed antivirus, then complete removal all programs (including malicious software) will come in handy. How to reset your device - read on.

Video: battery drains quickly

Hard reset

Let's take a look at the details of the "hard reset" we talked about earlier. To launch it, manufacturers provide a special keyboard shortcut, which is not so difficult to choose.

For smartphones running the Android operating system, this process will look like this:


After resetting the settings, you need to calibrate the charge:

  1. completely discharge the phone;
  2. take out the battery and wait a few minutes;
  3. put it back in and put the device on charge again without turning it on;
  4. we leave the device to charge for several hours;
  5. after fully charging the battery, take it out again, insert it back and start the phone, thus calibrating.

Mechanical damage to the device

The time it takes for the phone to fully discharge can also be affected by mechanical problems such as after dropping the device. In this case, there are not many measures that the user can take on their own. If the battery is damaged, it is recommended to contact a service center or replace it with a new one.

The best defense against such troubles is a series of precautions, including:

  • try not to drop or hit your phone;
  • do not leave it in the sun or near heat sources;
  • protect the device from water and moisture.

We have considered the most common cases of why the phone starts to discharge quickly. Most often, this problem can be solved at home and will not become an obstacle even for a novice user. We hope that the methods described by us were useful to you, and the learned precautions will help you avoid similar troubles in the future.


Over time, many Android OS users face a problem when the phone charges quickly and discharges just as quickly. This is a lot of hassle if you need to be constantly in touch, especially when away from home.

This option most often happens with old batteries that have exhausted their resource. Each battery has its own expiration date, but, as a rule, smartphones last a long time without replacement. That is why problems with charging and discharging batteries are the most popular among gadget owners.

It should be noted right away that some gadgets charge quickly right from the factory. They are technically equipped with this function, and in the box they come with charging device intended for these purposes.

But fast discharge is not typical for modern devices. Experts identify three main reasons why the phone is quickly discharged:

  1. All battery cycles have passed, and it has become unusable. In this case, you can buy the original battery yourself and replace it, or, if it is not removable, contact the service center.
  2. Electronic component problems. It can be easily found by specialists of repair points after a little diagnostics. Smartphones are easy to repair and can return to their owner in a few days.
  3. Calibration failed.

Reasons why the phone takes a long time to charge and quickly discharges

When the phone started charging for a long time and almost instantly discharged, you need to immediately "sound the alarm", otherwise there is a risk that it will let you down at the most crucial moment, and you will be left without a means of communication for at least several hours. The battery life is reduced due to:

Possible solutions

As soon as you notice a malfunction in the battery charge, you should immediately take the first emergency measures to solve this problem:

  • Verify appearance battery for the presence mechanical damage or bloating.
  • delete everything Android apps, which are responsible for charging, energy saving, including the popular Clean Master.
  • Take the phone to a service center - the best and the best and safe way to solve any problems with gadgets. There they will diagnose it, sort out the reasons, give advice and solutions.
  • Self-calibration of the battery will help. However, you should be prepared to lose your warranty if it is still valid. All calibration applications, including the recommended Battery Calibration, require rooting, that is, in fact, hacking a smartphone.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes the reason may be third party application that has nothing to do with the battery. Try to remember, perhaps the problem started after installing a specific program. Try to remove it and check the battery performance again.

How long should the phone charge

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since the battery charging time depends on the capacity, optimization of the Android operating system, the availability of technology Quick charge, as well as the current-voltage characteristics of the charger.

Therefore, battery problems are most often diagnosed in comparison with the first experience with a smartphone. Do not forget that over time, the energy efficiency of any battery decreases, but insignificantly, and in normal cases this practically does not affect the performance. Only the battery life is reduced by a few minutes.

Battery saving program

A great way to "support" your smartphone before replacing the battery is to install special program designed for these purposes. V Play Market There are several dozen of them, but we'll talk about the three best ones that effectively prevent problems:

  • Amplify Battery Extender is the main enemy of applications running in the background. Their work remains unnoticed by most users, but with the help of this program you can look behind the "veil of secrecy" and manually optimize Android yourself. Root rights are required to use.
  • Greenify - the app offers a unique technology that puts utilities to sleep when you are not using them, thereby keeping a full charge for a long time. Its main advantage is the preservation of the operability of applications at any time (which, for example, is not available in another application for complete freezing Titanium Backup). Also requires superuser rights.
  • Servicely - great program, which helps to permanently overcome programs that stubbornly run without the knowledge of the owner of the gadget. It runs in the background, and at specified intervals checks the list of running and used programs, disabling those that the user is not currently using. By analogy, Servicely also requires root privileges.

In order for the battery to serve for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of effective operation of the device:

  1. It is forbidden to charge the phone to 100% and discharge it before disconnecting. Battery life is measured in a full charge-full discharge cycle. The most acceptable indicators are in the range from 20 to 80%.
  2. Maintain the correct battery temperature. It's not worth testing the smartphone in cold and heat once again. If there is a serious minus on the street, the gadget can be turned off, but do not abuse constant reboots - they also harm.
  3. Buy only original chargers. Chinese copies can quickly render the battery unusable.
  4. To prevent your smartphone from getting into a deep discharge state, always keep a small charge (30-40%) on it, even if you are not using it.


In most cases, to solve technical problems, the battery just needs to be replaced at a service center. If the device is under warranty, then it is quite possible that it may turn out to be a factory defect, and the replacement will be carried out free of charge.

Before you "hack" smart to obtain superuser rights and lose warranty service, contact a specialist. One diagnosis is enough to find the cause of the failure or breakdown.
