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Basics of cloud computing. Pros and cons that such cloud technologies and cloud services

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Consider the main advantages and advantages of cloud computing technologies:

Accessibility and fault tolerance - All users, from anywhere where there is an Internet, from any computer where there is a browser.

Client computers. Users do not need to buy dear computers, with a large amount of memory and disks to use programs through a web interface. There is also no need for CD and DVD drivesSince all information and programs remain in the "cloud". Users can go with ordinary computers And laptops for more compact and convenient netbooks.

Access to documents. If documents are stored in the "cloud", they can be available to users at any time and anywhere. There is no longer such a thing as forgotten files: if there is an Internet - they are always there.

Resistance to data loss or equipment. If the data is stored in the "cloud", their copies are automatically distributed across multiple servers, possibly located on different continents. With theft or breakdown of personal computers, the user does not lose valuable informationwhich he can also get from any other computer.

Reliability. Date Centers are managed by professional professionals providing round-the-clock support for functioning virtual machines. And even if the physical machine "collapses", thanks to the distribution of the application to many copies, it will still continue its work. This creates a certain high level of reliability and fault tolerance of the system functioning.

Efficiency and efficiency - Pay as much as you use, let yourself dear, powerful computers and programs. "Cloud" allows you to take into account and pay only actually consumed resources strictly on the fact of their use;

Rent resources. Conventional medium company servers are uploaded by 10-15%. In some periods of time there is a need for additional computing resources, in others these expensive resources are idle. Using the required number of computing resources in the "cloud" at any time, companies reduce the cost of equipment and its maintenance. This allows the customer to abandon the procurement of costly IT assets in favor of them not even lease, and operational consumption as needed, while reducing the cost of maintaining their systems and obtain from the provider guarantees of the service level.

Rental rental. Instead of purchasing software packages for each local user, companies buy required programs In the "cloud". These programs will be used only by users who are needed by these programs. Moreover, the cost of access-oriented programs is significantly lower than their analogues for personal computers. If programs are not used frequently, they can simply rent them with hourly payment. The costs of updating programs and support at workable condition at all workplaces are completely reduced to zero.

For IT service provider, the economic meaning of the cloud consists in scale effect (Serve a large homogeneous processing center is cheaper than many small heterogeneous) and the smoothing of the load (when there are many consumers, it is unlikely that peak power will be needed to all at the same time).

The developers also benefit from the transition to the clouds: now it has become easier, faster and cheaper to develop, test under load and offer customers their solutions - this can be done right in the cloud with minimal costs. In addition, cloud computing is effective tool Raising profits and expansion of sales channels for independent manufacturers software In the form of saas. This approach allows you to organize a dynamic provision of services when users can pay on fact and regulate their resources depending on real needs without long-term liabilities.

Simplicity - No purchase and configuration of programs and equipment, their update is required.

Service. Since the physical servers with the introduction of Cloud Computing becomes less, they are becoming easier and faster. As for the software, the latter is installed, configured and updated in the cloud. At any time when the user starts remote program, He can be sure that this program has the latest version - without having something to reinstall or pay for updates.

Joint work. When working with documents in the "cloud" there is no need to forward their versions or consistently edit them. Users can now be confident that in front of them the latest version of the document and any change made by one user is instantly reflected in the other.

Open interfaces. The "cloud" as a rule, has the standard open API (application programming interfaces) to communicate with existing applications and developing new - specifically for cloud architecture.

Flexibility and scalability - Unlimited computing resources (memory, processor, discs). "Cloud" scalable and elastic - resources are allocated and exempt as needed;

Productive calculations. Compared to a personal computer, the computing power accessible to the user "cloud" computers is practically limited only by the size of the "clouds", that is, the total number of remote servers. Users can run more complex tasks, with a large number of memory required, storage space, when necessary. In other words, users can easily and cheaply work with a supercomputer without any actual acquisitions. Ability to start a variety of copies of the application on many virtual machines Represents the advantages of scalability: the number of application instances can almost instantly increase on demand, depending on the loads.

Data storage. Compared with an accessible place to store information on personal computers The volume of the storage in the "cloud" can be flexibly and automatically adapt to the needs of the user. When storing information in the "cloud", users can forget about the constraints imposed by conventional discs - "cloud" dimensions are calculated billions of gigabytes available.

Tool for startups. In the eyes of such consumers of cloud computing services as companies that begin their business main advantage of this technology is, no need to purchase all the appropriate equipment and software, and then maintain their work.

Disadvantages and problems of cloud computing

Are there cons of "cloud" computing? Why "cloud" technologies in Russia are only gaining momentum, and the director of some large companies is in no hurry to translate the IT infrastructure of their enterprises in the "clouds"? So, we note the basic disadvantages and difficulties of using Cloud Computing:

Permanent connection to the network. Cloud Computing almost always requires a connection to the network (Internet). If there is no access to the network - no work, programs, documents. Many cloud programs require a good Internet connection with a big throughput. Accordingly, the program can work more slowly than on the local computer. According to the leading Russian IT companies, the main obstacle to the widespread development of clouds is the lack of broadband Internet access (ACS) - primarily in the regions.


Data security theoretically may be at risk. Not all data can be trusted by a third-party provider on the Internet, especially, not only for storage, but also for processing. It all depends on who provides "cloud" services. If this someone is reliably encrypted your data, constantly makes their backup copies, no longer one year operates on the market of such services and has a good reputation, then the threat of data security may never happen. The user's "cloud" business applications may also have legal problems, such as related to fulfilling personal data protection requirements.

The state in which the data center is posted, can access any information that is stored in it. For example, according to the US laws, where the largest number of data centers is, in this case the provider's company does not even have the right to disclose the fact of transmitting confidential information to anyone except its lawyers.

This problem is probably one of the most significant in the question of the conclusion of confidential information in the cloud. Ways to solve it may be several. First, you can encrypt all the information placed on the cloud. Secondly, you can simply be placed there. However, in any case, companies enjoying cloud computing, this should be a specific point in the list of information security issues. In addition, providers themselves should improve their technology, providing some encryption services.

Functionality of "cloud" applications. Not all programs or their properties are available remotely. If you compare programs for local use And their "cloud" analogues are still losing in functionality. For example, table Google Docs. Or Office Web Application applications have much less functions and features than Microsoft Excel.

Dependence on the "cloud" provider.

There is always a risk that the provider of online services will one day will not do backup Data - just before the server crash. This risk, however, is hardly higher than the danger that the user will miss his data - losing or breaking the mobile phone or laptop without creating a backup on the home PC. In addition, tied to a particular service, we also limit their freedom to some extent - freedom of transition to the old version of software, the choice of information processing methods and so on.

Some experts, for example, MacLeod (Hugh Macleod) in the article "The most well protected cloud secret, claim that cloud computing lead to the creation of a huge, unprecedented monopoly. Is it possible? Of course, in the cloud computing market for the room in a cloud of any information, with respect to which there are rules of information security, the company will rather use such vendors whose name "on the hearing" and to whom they trust. Thus, there is a certain risk that all calculations and data will be aggregated in the hands of one supermonopoly. However, on this moment There are already several companies with approximately the same high level of client trust (Microsoft, Google, Amazon), and there are no facts that would indicate the ability to dominate one company of all others. Therefore, in the near future, the appearance of a global super house, which will coordinate and control all calculations in the world, is very unlikely, although only the possibility of such an event scares some customers.

Obstacles to the development of cloud technologies in Russia.

Insufficient confidence of cloud consumers. Often, business refers to cloudy services is somewhat wary. "The reasons for the incredulous attitude of small and medium-sized businesses to the cloud data centers may be several. Most likely, it is fear lose control over IT resources, fears about guaranteeing the safety and protection of the transmitted information and the presentation of the data center only as the platforms for accommodating the equipment" (Dmitry Petrov "Counter Plan").

Channels of connection In most regions, the country is characterized by the absence of SLA in terms of the quality of the service provided (QoS), which is especially true of the last miles. What is the sense of the fact that your main traffic is on the highway with a QoS guaranteed (with its limitations), if the end devices are connected to it through the local operator, not even heard of such a problem. At the same time, the cost of communication for large organizations can be up to 50% of the IT budget. Accordingly, the transition to a cloud model significantly affects network topology Your data streams and, most likely, QoS will be worse than in the internal network. Or to get the quality of service at an acceptable level will have to pay so much money that all savings from the centralization of infrastructure or applications will be crossed out by the growth of communication costs.

Safety. Safety problem is a serious deterrent factor. Often the security service creates a fairly high barrier barrier for the idea to make any data per perimeter of its network. Often without any sane argument.

Lack of reliable codes. Regarding the data centers (data center), it is enough to recall that in the country, it seems there is no Tier III in the classification of UPTIME Institute. It is quite clear that their appearance is a matter of time. Because of the crisis, most of the buildings were frozen or postponed. However, as long as there is no sufficient infrastructure in the country.

Distributed Calculations (Grid Computing)

We note in conclusion another technology, which on the one hand also had an impact on the appearance of the concept of cloud computing, and on the other hand, has a number of significant differences. It's about collective, or distributed computing (grid computing) - when a large resource-intensive computing task is distributed to perform between a plurality of computers combined into a powerful computing cluster by the network in the general case or Internet in particular.

The establishment of a general protocol on the Internet directly led to a rapid growth of online users. This led to the need to perform more changes in current protocols and the creation of new ones. Currently, the IPv4 protocol (fourth version of the IP protocol) is extensively used, but the address space limiting specified IPv4 will inevitably lead to the use of IPv6 protocol. For a long time, hardware and software were improved, as a result of which a common interface was managed to build. The use of web browsers led to the use of the "cloud" model, instead of the traditional model of the information center.

In the early 1990s, Ian Foster and Karl Kesselman presented their concept Grid computing. They used an analogy with an electrical network where users could connect and use the service. Grid The calculations are largely based on the methods used in cluster computing models, where multiple independent groups act, as the network simply because they are not all located within the same area.

In particular, the development of grid technologies made it possible to create the so-called GRID networks in which a group of participants could have solved complex tasks with common efforts. Thus, IBM employees created an international Grid-calculation team, which made it possible to significantly advance in the field of combating the immune deficit virus. Whole teams from different countries joined their computing power and helped "calculate" and simulate the most promising forms to create a drug from AIDS ... "

In practice, the border between these (GRID and CLOUD) types of calculations are quite blurred. Today, you can successfully meet the "cloud" systems based on the model of distributed computing, and vice versa. However, the future of cloud computing is still significantly larger than the distributed systems, besides, not every "cloud service" requires large computing capacities with a single management infrastructure or a centralized point of processing.

Brief results:

We reviewed the basic concepts of cloud computing, examples, features, main varieties of cloud technologies, their advantages and disadvantages.

Key terms:

Cloud computing - Data processing technology in which computer resources and power are provided to the user as an Internet service.

Infrastructure as a service - This is the provision of computer infrastructure as services based on cloud computing concept.

Platform as service - This is the provision of an integrated platform for developing, testing, deploying and supporting web applications as services.

Software as a service - An application deployment model that implies the provision of an application to the end user as a requirement for requirements. Access to such an application is carried out through the network, and most often through the Internet browser.

Private cloud - This is a variant of the local implementation of the "cloud concept", when the company creates it for itself, within the framework of one organization.

Public cloud - Used by cloud providers to provide services to external customers.

Distributed calculations - Technology When a large resource-intensive computing task is distributed to run between a plurality of computers combined into a powerful network or Internet computing cluster.

The answer to the question why still cloud technologies in Russia have not achieved global scales, quite simple: misunderstanding and quite normal feeling of marginal caution in relation to all innovations concerning such a serious matter as a business enterprise. It can also be said that this technology is considered by many managers as exotic, which is affordable in our economic situation.

What is cloud technologies

The definition of cloud computing at first glance is very confusing: this is a model for providing a widespread and convenient network access To the shared pool of configurable computing resources (for example, servers, applications, networks, storage systems and services), which can be quickly provided and exempted with minimal efforts to manage and need to interact with the provider.

In order to better imagine what cloud computing is, you can bring a simple example: Previously, the user for access to email resorted to a specific software (messengers and programs) installed on his PC, now it just goes to the site of that company whose services Email him like, directly through the browser, without using intermediaries.

But this example is more suitable for private clouds. We are also interested in these technology in business. Modern implementation began since 2006. Then, Amazon introduced its web services infrastructure, not only providing hosting, but also providing the client remote computing power.

Three models of "clouds"

Recall that there are three model of cloud computing:

  1. Software as a service (SaaS, Software AS A SERVISE). The consumer is provided software - Provider applications performed on cloud infrastructure.
  2. Platform as a service (PAAS, Platform AS A SERVICE). The consumer provides means for deploying on the cloud infrastructure created by the consumer or purchased applications developed using the tools supported by the provider and programming languages.
  3. Infrastructure as a service (Iaas, Infrastructure AS A SERVICE). The consumer provides data processing tools, storage, networks and other basic computing resources on which the consumer can deploy and perform arbitrary software, including oS and applications.

Advantages of cloud services

Last year, the cumulative volume of the global market in the field of cloud technologies amounted to about $ 40 billion. Some experts predict that by 2020 this figure will reach $ 240 billion. Russia on the implementation of Cloud Computing into business ranks 34th place with an indicator of $ 250 million.

Several advantages associated with the use of cloud technologies.


Access to information stored on the cloud can get anyone who has a computer, tablet, any mobile device connected to the Internet. This implies the following advantage.


The user has no permanent attachment to one workplace. From anywhere in the world, managers can receive statements, and leaders are followed by production.


One of the important advantages is called reduced cost. The user does not need to buy expensive, large computers and software computers, as well as it is exempt from the need to hire a specialist for servicing local IT technologies.


The user receives the necessary service package only at the moment when he needs him, and pays, actually, only for the number of acquired functions.


All necessary resources are provided by the provider automatically.

High manufacturability

Large computing power facilities that are available to the user who can be used to store, analyze and process data.


Some experts argue that the reliability that modern cloud computing provides is much higher than the reliability of local resources, arguing that little enterprises can afford to acquire and maintain a full-fledged data center.

Google Apps for business highlights the same advantages, only adds that when using their cloud computing, the company protects the environment, explaining that the APPS services operate on the basis of Google data centers that differ from ultra-low power consumption, so carbon stability and energy consumption will be used Significantly lower when using local servers.

How much does it all cost?

The cost of Google Apps for Business, according to the company, $ 5 per user per month, with free space on cloud disk 5 GB (if desired, you can buy from 20 GB to 16 TB at a price of $ 4 to $ 1430 per month, respectively).

Also, the user can purchase Google Apps with a safe for $ 10 per month, which includes a standard package of services plus archiving of important commercial data, data collection for judicial needs, searching and exporting any corporate data. The provision of domains is for a separate cost. It is worth noting that the user is considered one electronic box.

Try - to new customers for 3 months without a monthly fee. Current account in contour. Bank with built-in accounting and reporting. Corporate card and electronic signature - free. Up to 5% on the residue.

Microsoft also fights for its share in the cloud computing area. Their foundation is Office 365. It focuses on a comprehensive CRM solution, claiming that Microsoft Dinamics CRM includes marketing, sales management, customer service. That is, with this feature, it is possible to solve the spectrum of the relationship management tasks, starting with the attraction of customers and ending with cross-sales.

"Smart" analysis, role-playing interface and high mobility are also allocated.

In the acquisition of Office 365, several options are offered: Office Professional Plus 2010 tariff - 555 rubles. a month from the user. Subsequent tariffs - cost 250, 300, 525 and 750 rubles. per month for each user, respectively. By the way, Office 365 can be enabled for free.

Despite all positive reviews, There is also a certain criticism in the address of cloud technologies.

The main criticism is that when using virtual software, information automatically falls into the hands of the developer of this software. So Richard Stallman says, the founder of the movement of free software.

The problem of data integration is allocated both with internal corporate and cloud services of other suppliers.

Experts point to the problem of uncontrollable data: the information left by the user will be kept for years without his knowledge or he will not be able to change some part of it. For example, on google services The user is not able to remove the services that have not used them and even individual data groups.

Despite this, the majority of experts adhere to the opinion that the advantages of this technology outweigh its disadvantages.

And again, hello, dear readers! :) Talk about pro cloud technologies.

Tobish, today the next note is entirely and fully dedicated to quite entertaining and perspective technology (so to say the "golden custody" of the IT industry) hiding under the pseudonym - Cloud Technologies or in common - "cloud".

We will talk about the concept of cloud computing, we give the most different examples Its incarnation (at the level of solutions for ordinary users), namely, we will tell about the theory, then we smoothly move on to practice and a little .. make it in the clouds :-)

Thus, the purpose of our note, as always of the good (in a different way, can not be) - to systematize the basic information related to the subject and decompose everything in the shelves.

So, earthlings, get ready, Now we will tell about CJSC cloud technologies, which, every day, become closer to us and closer.

Flew ..

Cloud technologies. About everything, gradually

In recent years, this topic has become one of the most popular in IT-Sfer, it has been written about it a lot of articles, an even more conference has been held, and how many solutions already exist on the market (and in all we are used in everyday life, sometimes even unconsciously) , so do not count at all.

However, as always, there is one "but", namely, most of the users still do not know what kind of "know-how" cloud technologies and for what it surrendered. Well, we will correct the created position and begin we, as it should be, with theory.

Cloud computing (Cloud Computing) is a technology of distributed data processing in which computer resources and power are provided to the user as an Internet service. If you explain the available language, it is yours, in a sense the working platform on the Internet, or rather on a remote server.

Let's consider an example to make sure that almost each of us, one way or another, has already faced the SIM solution.

Do you have an email (e-mail)? Of course have. So, if you work with mail on a site-service (for example,), which this mail allows you to use, then this is nothing more than a cloud service, which is part of such a thing as cloud technologies. Or, for example, image processing.

If you reduce the size, turn your photo in Photoshop or another special Program, To cloud technology, you have no relationship - everything happens and processed locally on your computer. But if, downloading the image, for example, through, you processed it on the other side, tobish in the browser, then this is the most "cloud".

More details about cloud technologies

Actually, the whole difference is exclusively in the data storage and processing method. If all operations occur on your computer (using its power), then this is not a "cloud", and if the process occurs on the server on the network, then this is exactly the trend thing that is called "cloud technology".

In other words, cloud technologies are various hardware, software, methodologies and tools that are provided to the user as Internet services, to implement their goals, tasks, projects.

As practice shows, the terms "cloud technologies" / "Cloud service", with their generally accepted graphical representation, in the form of "clouds", only confuses users, in fact their structure, can be easily understood if presenting it in the form of the next pyramid.

The base of the Pyramid "Infrastructure" is a set of physical devices (servers, etc.), "Platform" is built above it - a set of services and tops - software available on request of users.

Also, it should be aware that cloud computing is a certain base-vector obtained as a result of the synthesis of a number of technologies and approaches (for chamchair! :-)). To make it clear what I mean, I will give the following scheme:

I think that now it has become a little clearer, the benefit of the scheme is quite simple. However, speaking generalizable, cloud technologies are such a kind of porridge that performs computing servers and other things without directly attracting your computer resources.

It may happen that we all return to computers that are close to the power to, so to speak, first and, in fact, will be only the screen with a microprocessor, and all calculations and power will be arranged and remotely, i.e. In somewhere there are living servers, namely, in mentioned repeatedly cloud.

Services provided by cloud systems

All as concerns withloud computing (hereinafter referred to as SS) is usually customized with the word AAS. It is simply described - "AS A SERVICE", that is, "as a service", or "in the form of service".

Currently, cloud technologies and, in fact, their concept, implies the provision of the following types of services to their users:

  • STORAGE-AS-A-SERVICE ("Storage as a service")
    This is perhaps the easiest of SS -Service, which is a disk space on demand. Each of us ever came across a situation when an ominous warning appeared on the monitor: " The logical disk is filled to free the place, delete unnecessary programs or data". The Storage-AS-A-service service makes it possible to save data in the external storage, in the" cloud ". For you, it will look like an optional logical disk or folder. The service is basic for the rest, since it is part of almost each of They. An example is the other similar services.
  • Database-AS-A-service ("Database as Service")
    It is more like more for admins, for this thing is the ability to work with databases, as if the DBMS was installed on the local resource. Moreover, in this case, it is much easier to "share" projects between different performers, not to mention how much money can be saved on and required for the competent use of DBMS in a large or even medium organization.
  • Information-AS-A-Service ("Information as Service")
    It makes it possible to remotely use any kind of information that may vary every minute or even every second.
  • Process-AS-A-Service ("Process Management as Service")
    It is a remote resource that can associate multiple resources (such as services or data contained within one "cloud" or other available "clouds"), to create a unified business process.
  • Application-AS-A-service ("Appendix as Service")
    More may be called Software-AS-A-service ("by as a service"). Positioned as "software software", which is deployed on remote servers and each user can receive access to it via the Internet, and all update issues and licenses for this provision regulated by the provider of this service. Payment, in this case, is made for the actual use of the latter. As an example, you can bring Google Docs, Google Calendar, etc. Online programs.
  • Platform-AS-A-service ("Platform as Service")
    The user is provided with a computer platform with an installed operating system and some software.
  • INTEGRATION-AS-A-SERVICE ("Integration as Service")
    This is the ability to receive a complete integration package from the "cloud", including software interfaces between applications and management of their algorithms. This includes well-known services and functions of centralization packages, optimization and integration of corporate applications (EAI), but provided as "cloud" service.
  • Security-AS-A-Service ("Security As Service")
    This type of service provides the ability to users quickly deploy products to ensure secure use of web technologies, electronic correspondence, local network, allowing users of this service to save on deployment and maintain their own.
  • Management / GovernmentNace-AS-A-service("Administration and Management as Service")
    It gives you the ability to manage and set the work parameters of one or many "cloud" services. These are mostly parameters such as topology, resource use, virtualization.
  • Infrastructure-AS-A-service ("Infrastructure as Service")
    The user is provided with a computer infrastructure, usually virtual platforms (computers) associated with the network that it independently configures under its own goals.
  • Testing-AS-A-service ("Testing as Service")
    It makes it possible to test local or "cloud" systems using a test software from the "cloud" (no equipment or maintenance in the enterprise is required).

For clarity, we generalize all these cloud architecture services, in one scheme for which cloud technologies lie (sorry, in English):

Which provides a classification of services, by type of services.

Now consider what cloud technologies are, so to speak, in the form of ownership. Here, there are three of them categories:

  • Public
  • Private
  • Hybrid.

Briefly for each:

  • Public cloud - This is an IT infrastructure used at the same time a variety of companies and services. Users are not able to manage and serve this "cloud", and all responsibility on these issues is assigned to the owner of the resource. A subscriber offered to services can be any company and individual user.
    Examples can serve as online services: Amazon EC2, Google Apps / Docs, Microsoft Office Web.
  • A private cloud is a secure IT infrastructure controlled and operated in the interests of a single organization. The organization can manage the private "cloud" on its own or entrust this task to an external contractor. The infrastructure can be placed either in the customer's premises, or at an external operator (or partly at the customer and partly at the operator).
  • Hybrid cloud- This IT infrastructure using top Qualities Public and private cloud when solving the task. Often this type applies when the organization has seasonal periods of activity, in other words, as soon as the internal IT infrastructure does not cope with the current tasks, part of the capacity is transferred to a public "cloud" (for example, large amounts of statistical information), as well as to provide access to users To the resources of the enterprise through the public "cloud".

Confused? Nothing, soon we will analyze examples and everything will fall into place;)

Opportunities for cloud computing

Now consider the possibilities of cloud computing:

  • Access to personal information from any computer connected to the Internet
  • You can work with information from different devices (PC, tablets, phones, etc.)
  • No matter what operating system you prefer to work - Web services work in a browser of any OS
  • The same information, both you and others, can view and edit simultaneously from different devices.
  • Many paid programs have become free (or cheaper) web applications
  • If something happens with your device (PC, tablet, telephone), then you will not lose important informationsince it is no longer stored in the memory of the devices
  • Always at hand Fresh and updated information
  • You always use the most last version programs and at the same time do not follow the release of updates
  • You can combine your information with other users.
  • You can easily share information with loved ones or with people from anywhere in the globe.

Opportunities, quite abound, however, there are also its drawbacks (where without them), which should also be mentioned.

"Spoon of Deaf" - Disadvantages:

  • The need for a permanent connection.
    To access the services of "Clouds" you need a permanent connection to the Internet.
  • Software and its "Castomization".
    There are restrictions on software that can be deployed on "clouds" and provide it to the user. The user has limitations in the provision used and sometimes it does not have the ability to adjust it to its own goals.
  • Confidentiality.
    The confidentiality of the data stored in the public "clouds" currently causes a lot of disputes, but in most cases experts agree that it is not recommended to store the most valuable documents for the company on public "cloud", as there are currently no technology which would guarantee 100% confidentiality of data
  • Safety.
    The "cloud" in itself is quite a reliable system, but when penetrating it, the attacker gets access to a huge data warehouse. Another minus is the use of systems in which the standard OS kernels are used as a hypervisor (for example, Windows), which allows Use viruses and system vulnerabilities
  • High cost of equipment.
    To build your own cloud, it is necessary to allocate significant material resources, which is not beneficial just created and small companies
  • Further resource monetization.
    It is possible that companies will further decide to take a fee from users for the services provided.

As you can see, there are two sides of the coin. However, the development of technology does not harm, and maybe even spurs.

Cloud technologies - side view. Review of decisions

We approached, perhaps the most interesting (and so beloved by many readers) parts of the article - examples and, so to speak, practice. Here we will look at what decisions, services, programs already exist on the market and what is worth paying for your attention. Let's start with the services:

  • icloud.
    Apple's cloud service from Apple (replaced MobileMe), fully automatic and free (albeit with small functional limitations). It saves your all kinds of content (mail, calendar, contacts, documents, music, video and images, etc.) on servers, and then delivers it to all devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac and PC) using a wireless Push technology.
  • Google Play.
    Fresh cloud service called Google Play from "Corporation of Good", which is designed to accommodate users of movies, music, applications and books on specially designed to store digital information servers. Access to the service is provided directly from the browser, regardless of the OS, and therefore can be carried out both from PC and from mobile devices based on Android. Each user has the ability to place and store up to 20 thousand music records free of charge, as well as directly download to the server purchased in stores (Android Market, Google Music and Google EbookStore) Digital products - movies, e-books, programs, music tracks, both purchased and rented.
  • OnLive.
    I think that all familiar service, good I wrote about him. Provides the opportunity to play modern games even on the most simple and weak computer. Technically, it looks like this: the game itself is located on a remote server and there is a graphics processing there, which enters the computer to the user already in the "finished" form. Simply put, those calculations that are performed with an ordinary game on a computer, etc., here are already executed on the server, and your computer is used only as a monitor that receives the final picture. If you do not understand, all this means that all the problems with the performance of the computer and the amount of free space on the hard disk are automatically removed, because even the installation is not required. In addition, it disappears the need to pay fairly big money immediately for the product (game and TP), which you do not have to do. To the fact that it is no secret that most of the games do not want to be reused, so it turns out that the cost of several hours (or even a few days) pleasure is unreasonably high. Where more convenient would be the option in which you would pay only during the time you play. Or - you would pay some small fixed amount per month, which would allow to play without restrictions in any of the available games. That is what offers OnLive.
  • Xbox Live.
    Another, all the most discerning, gaming service, which also provides rich Internet functionality and is related to cloud technologies. The essence of the service is that the owners of the Xbox 360 consoles and PDAs based on Windows Phone 7, can play with each other in computer games And communicate, as well as buy add-ons and various multimedia content, in the online store. It turns out that the service creates a certain virtual universe for gamers, the components of which are not located on the consoles of end users, but in the cloud.

Thus, the last two services offer games as a service. And now I will imagine that it is not about games, but about software. That is, you pay not for the product as such (per box with disk), and for specific features / features that it provides you. Interesting? So I :)

Small note

And since we, as users, most interestingly, exactly the software (and not all there are platforms, as a service), now we will look at the "software landscape" (SaaS) clouds. In other words, let's give the most popular software solutions, As part of the concept of cloud technologies, in fact, now exist on the market.

Actually, according to SaaS -Conception, as mentioned above, you pay no one at the same time, buying a product, but as if you take it to rent. Moreover, you use exactly the functions that you need (and, accordingly, pay for them). For example, once a year you need some programmind and more often you use it, not going. So why buy a product that will lie without?

And why spend place on it (in the apartment, if it is a box with a disk, or on a hard drive, if this file)? Right not why, because there is alternative option - free online service (providing the full functionality of this program).

Working with documents in cloud technologies

It is on this way that two headlines of the IT industry went (and more competitors) - Google and Microsoft. Both companies have released sets of services that allow working with documents.

From Google - these are their Google Docs (now Google Disc):

Free online office that includes a text, tabular processor and "priblud" to create presentations, as well as Internet service cloud storage files with file sharing functions.

This is a web-oriented software, that is, a program that works within the web browser without installation to the user's computer, i.e. such an alternative version of all Word, Excel and TP without the need to purchase and all this. The documents and tables created by the user are saved on special server Google or can be exported to a file.

This is one of key advantages Programs, since access to entered data can be carried out from any computer connected to the Internet (with password protected).

From Microsoft - these are their Microsoft Office Web Apps:

Microsoft Office Web Apps, allow you to use microsoft features Office, via a web browser and work with documents (and, not only browse them, but also edit) directly on the website on which they are stored.

Thus, the documents look in the browser in the same way as in office programs . Full, so to speak unification.

It is also worth noting that both services are closely interrelated with mail (Gmail in the first case and hotmail in the second) and file storage facilities, tobish to use Google's Google's free account and you will receive a set of programs to work with texts, spreadsheets and TP, right in the browser. For many, Google Docs completely replaced, as already mentioned above, paid MS O FFICE.

If you summarize a brief (on these two services), it can be said that the user is transferred from his usual offline environment in online.
We go further.

Cloud technology and data storage

Cloud warehouses of files are equally popular. The most famous repository is considered ..

    You may have several computers, but with this cloud storage can be done general folder With files for all your PCs and even smartphones. The most interesting thing is that there will be no special actions here, because the operating system itself will perceive the general folder, like all other folders on the hard drive, and the dropbox simply will synchronize. SERVIS allows you to store up to 2 GB of data for free. The chief emphasis on it is done on synchronization and exchange of information. DropBox leads the download history so that after deleting files from the server, it was possible to restore the data, the plus the history of file changes is maintained, which is available for the period of the last 30 days.
  • Windows Live. SkyDrive.
    The SkyDrive service allows you to save up to 7 GB (and the exchange can be made by files up to 100 MB) information in an ordered using standard folders. For images there is a preview mode, as well as the ability to show them in the form of slides. In addition, the service is integrated with Microsoft Office, it also supports a new operating system (or rather, the SkyDrive client is built into metro applications And allows you to download documents and photos in the "cloud" for one click, open files from the remote storage).
  • Well, of course google disk. It will be a separate article.

By the way, not only all sorts of offices and file storage facilities use cloud technologies. For example, in the fight against digital "evil spirits" also made a bet on cloud computing. And here is the result - free Antivirus. Panda Cloud Antivirus.

It is based on the innovative technology of "collective intelligence" (which automatically reveals new threats in the minimum period of time) and allows you to minimize the impact of protection on system resources Computer using the computing power of cloud technologies for most operations: analysis, blocking and attempting to remove malicious software.

Anti-Virus Servers use information obtained from millions of users of Panda anti-virus products worldwide, to automatically detect and classify new types of malware appearing every day.

In a nutshell somehow, although there is still a bunch of services that could be announced, but then you will have to write a toromik of war and peace :)
So let's slowly slowly.

Cloud technologies. Cloudy or clear?

Talking quite simple, the cloud is an opportunity to always have guaranteed and safe access to all your personal information, as well as care from the need to keep many extra things in your pocket (all sorts of flash drives, drives, wires and all this) or buy a new computer / components / Programs / Games, etc. There is no doubt that at the moment, cloud technologies are one of the most popular and interesting topics in the IT-Sefer and more interesting decisions that appear in the world are connected with them.

Sure, by the usual user It is still difficult to fully appreciate (and reveal) all their potential, but what it is, - can be seen with the naked eye.

Thus, no doubt, the future of cloud technologies seems very rainbow, because such giants (Microsoft, Apple and Google) are just so accurately doing nothing and quite understand that if they came to this uncharted territory, they are clearly not going to After all, two years ago, the concept of "cloud" seemed only a beautiful idea and a bold experiment, and today the advantages of cloud technologies can even feel those people who are not related to the development of programs, web technologies and other highly specialized things (the above-mentioned Xbox Live, Windows Live, OnLive, Google Docs - Bright examples).


Something like that. I hope that the information was interesting to you, useful and fascinating. Stay with the project, - here you are always happy;)

As usual, if you have questions, additions, and other differences, then comments are on your service.

PS: For the existence of this article, thanks to the member of the team 25 frame

Kuznetsov A. F., Shabanov A. A.

Advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies

Annotation. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies, consider the main aspects of their construction. The significance of cloud services is shown when automating modern business.

Keywords: Cloud technologies, cloud computing, service provider, Internet.

Kuznetsov A. F., Shabanov A. A. Advantages and Shortcomings of Cloud Technologies

ABSTRACT. The Article Considers The Advantages and Shortcomings of the Use of Cloud Technologies AS Well As The Main Aspects of their Construction. The Importance of Cloud Services for Automation of Modern Business Is Proved.

Keywords: Cloud Technologies, Cloud Computing, Service Provider, Internet.

The development of a modern innovation economy is inextricably linked to the use of computing equipment, creating information systems for various purposes. The high need for information for management purposes and the rapid development of information processes has highlighted the creation of components of its infrastructure covering computing techniques, means of communication, methodical and software, technology auxiliary activities. One of the most important elements of this infrastructure is currently cloud technologies.

The topic of cloud computing today is one of the most relevant. Like all new ideas that are able to change the established methods and rules for organizing and creating decisions, the "cloud" approach has both supporters and opponents. The case is not limited to one debates and reasoning. There are already a number of ready-made solutions and technologies that allow both a local computing cloud, within the enterprise, and the use of resources already existing, adapting their solutions to the possibility of their implementation in the cloud. We will consider the main aspects of building cloud technologies, their significance in the automation of modern business, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of using Cloud Computing.

It is believed that the theory of cloud computing originated in 1960, when D. McCarthy announced the assumption that someday computer calculations would be

implemented with the help of nationwide utilities. The ideology of cloud computing received fame in 2007 due to the rapid development of communication channels and increasing in the geometric progression of the need for business and private users in horizontal scaling of their own information systems.

In April 2011, the Analytical Firm Forrester Research presented a forecast for the development of the market for public cloud computing until 2020. According to the report, by 2020, the volume of the cloud market will be $ 160 billion (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Predicted volumes of the cloud market.

Cloud computing established themselves, proved the right to exist, they apply to many advanced business and industrial companies.

The essence of the cloud computing concept is to provide end users with remote dynamic access to services, computing resources and applications (including operating systems and infrastructure) via the Internet. The formation of the sphere of hosting was due to the need for software and digital services that could be controlled from the inside, however, which would be the most economical and effective at the expense of savings on the scale.

Computing clouds consist of thousands of servers posted in data centers, providing work of tens of thousands of applications that simultaneously use millions of users. An indispensable condition for effective management such

large-scale infrastructure is the maximum full automation. In addition, to provide various types of users - cloud operators, service providers, intermediaries, IT administrators, users of protective access applications for computing resources, the cloud infrastructure should provide for the possibility of self-government and delegation of powers.

The concept of cloud computing significantly changed the traditional approach to the delivery, management and integration of applications. Compared to the traditional approach, cloud computing allow you to manage larger infrastructures, serve various groups of users within one cloud, and also mean a complete dependence on the provider of cloud services.

The most common examples of cloud applications with which most of us faces everyday life: Skype - service for communicating via the Internet, Yandex.Disk is a service for storing and sharing files.

If we talk about business companies, then initially they endured postal and web servers in the cloud, video conferencing systems, then analysts and financial accounting systems were added. But this list today is far from complete.

One of the first technological innovations underlying cloud computing is virtualization technology. The virtualization of the resource of the physical server allows the most rational to allocate them between applications. Each of them sees only the resources intended for him and suggests that a separate server is allocated, that is, in this case, the "One Server - Multiple Applications" approach is implemented, but the performance, availability and security of server applications are preserved at the same level. In addition, virtualization solutions are the ability to run different OS in sections with the mechanism of emulation of their system calls to the server hardware resources. Virtualization is based on the possibility of one machine to perform the work of a certain number of computers. This becomes possible thanks to the allocation of its resources in several environments. Using virtual machines and servers, you can place several OS and several applications in a single location. Therefore, the problems associated with any physical and geographic restrictions disappear. In addition, the virtual structure has a number of undeniable advantages: energy saving; Optimization of expenses; an increase in the efficiency of using hardware resources; improving job safety; improving the recovery system in unforeseen situations; relatively high availability of resources; Ease of use and management for the user.

Virtualization is although an important, but not the only technology underlying the modern cloud paradigm. Among other technological trends that served as a prelude to modern cloud computing, you can name the service-oriented architecture (Service-oriented Architecture, SOA), providing applications in services (ApplicationService Provider, ASP), ITIL / ITSM and others. Some of these concepts concluded quite specific new technological approaches, while others were mainly used in marketing purposes (for example, ASP).

The widespread spread of high-speed Internet communication channels made it possible intensive data exchange with computers in the cloud. WEB 2.0 technologies maturation made it possible to perform functionally rich web expansions directly in the web browser window, and not run them on the local computer or on the local network. To some extent, the success of cloud computing also contributed to the development of the Internet.

Cloud computing has absorbed a lot of ideas from previous concepts, and therefore initially they are more versatile: they can be understood as a technical paradigm, and as a marketing term, and as a promising direction for R & D and academic studies. In essence, all those ideas that accumulated in the industry have been invested in cloud computing during the previous one and a half decades.

In connection with the relative novelty cloud technologies, the question of the expediency of their implementation causes many disputes and discussions. Take an effective solution to introduce cloud computing - a complex task that requires complete analysis of the enterprise, the environment for which we offer to deploy the so-called remote desktops. We give the most important advantages and disadvantages of using Cloud Computing.

First of all, the most important advantage of use is the low initial investment in IT: no need to invest in the purchase of equipment, software, configuration and technical support network. Representatives everywhere of various companiesUsing cloud technologies note that along with increasing productivity and efficiency at all levels - both in the office and during remote work, they received a solution that can grow with the company and expand in accordance with the needs of the business. This decision can be very successfully fit into the business plan of the enterprise. With the help of Cloud Computing, the company receives a solution immediately and at a low monthly rate. So we go to the next advantage when evaluating the use of cloud computing. Optimization of expenses

low fixed monthly fee for using a remote space in the form of a subscription to the necessary services, which is determined by the fact that CLOUD computing allows you to save savings with increasing and inexpensive operation. Software licenses do not need to be put on the balance of the organization, that is, a liability is reduced, since the service provider assumes liabilities and uninterrupted work. Flexibility and scalability of solutions for the organization and reorganization of working with communication and information space is another advantage of using cloud services, one of the important characteristics of scalability is the ability to increase or decrease the network machines in the Working Group. And also add new working solutions. Easy in support, a paid single IT service, which is all inclusive, no need to install and serve servers, update software, take care of the compatibility of programs and hardware. The information space becomes a large, distracted infrastructure, with the ability to distribute resources at which they are allocated and exempt at the requests of the program during its execution, easy transfer of applications to the desired memory cell. Another plus is the lack of long-term contracts and obligations to service providers.

The indisputable advantage is also accessibility from any computer using Internet protocols. Although the ordinary user is modern cloud services It is still hard to imagine as an alternative to your own hard disk, more often they use them as a link between the home computer and mobile device. Therefore, manufacturers computer equipment Trying to attach everything more Users to cloud services, developing convenient applications for work and recreation.

Despite the obvious advantages, the concept of cloud technologies is very criticized, and from a variety of parties. The main claims to Cloud Computing in relation to the environment of a single information space and to corporate users are safety, control, instability of cost structure, potential deterioration of business flexibility. The main issues are associated with security, uncertainty in whether data is sufficiently protected in the cloud. And there is no chance that the owner of the data center itself will decide to take advantage of the data trusted. The minus today is also the need for reliable broadband Internet access. There are a number of less obvious problems of using cloud computing: the need to constantly make a fixed

monthly fee, whereas in the case of software operating on the ground, costs are first substantial, but then depreciation occurs; The situation with software products And licenses located on the server, Cloud Computing is the least transparent method of providing external services, the management of the system can be problematic.

One of the most important is the problem of confidentiality - this issue is constantly discussed among the main vendors of cloud computing.

But, if an organization still uses cloud services of a public or private cloud, they must fully comply with the confidentiality of the organization of a single information space in the enterprise and ensure the implementation of all rules and laws. It should also be borne in mind that the so-called set of additional controls, which can be added by the tenant, is limited and does not always allow to close spaces in some cloud services.

Despite all doubts, cloud technologies have ambitious development opportunities. This is confirmed by the fact that this is not a temporary hobby, and the new path of becoming high technologies is the following fact: no matter how strong the contradictions between the three giants representing the platforms of the information space, namely, Microsoft, Apple and Google, whenever the views differed, Directly with cloud technologies, all three companies associate their future. Today, even those people who are not related to the development of programs, web technologies and other highly specialized things may feel the benefits of cloud technologies.


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