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FMC Mobile and Fixed Communication Integration. Upgrade Corporate Mobile Communications with Altegrocloud FMC SIM Cards

Wherever your employee is, to reach it to the short number will be easy.

What are the advantages?

New level of telephonization of your business:

  • Employee receives one internal number for mobile and fixed telephone PBX
  • Calls within the company in internal numbers, including between only fixed and only mobile phones
  • Single short numbering plan for physically separated offices including regional
  • Cost reduction when challenges for short numbers

More details

Range of services "Single short number FMC" - This is the union of fixed and mobile communications for your employees.

To reduce telephone expenditures, most companies use office mini-PBX (PBX). The main advantage of these devices is the ability to assign short internal numbers to employees, which operate within one office.

Some companies also provide their mobile communications workers. But from mobile numbers it is very difficult to get through to the staff using only a fixed relationship. You have to gain and office, and the internal number, or call the desired subscriber through the secretary. In this case, calls are paid according to the standard tariffs of fixed and mobile operators.

Get rid of these inconveniences will allow the unique offer of MTS - a comprehensive service "Single short number FMC". The service allows you to combine in general Network Short numbers of a fixed office telephone network (in one or several offices in one or different regions) and mobile numbers employees. Within this network, you can communicate according to a single short numbering at favorable rates. Thanks to this service, employees will always be in touch and will be able to speak more for smaller money.

The service allows you to ensure:

  • short numbers for employees;
  • emergency communications in production;
  • communication with employees on business trips;
  • service communication with drivers;
  • replace DECT service communication.

    How it works

    As can be seen in the diagram, all calls between mobile and office telephones are carried out through the BWKS platform.

    1. To call enough to dial only the short number of the employee. The call will go on the FMC platform, which will automatically check if the subscriber can use its services.
    2. If the subscriber is registered on the FMC platform and calls a registered number, the platform provides a connection. If any of the conditions is not respected, the call will not take place.
    3. If the call is possible, the forwarding rules will enable the called subscriber. The challenge can act consistently (first on the mobile number, then to the office or on the contrary), or in parallel (on both numbers immediately). In addition, you can establish certain rules depending on the time of day and days of the week.
  • Unified corporate network

    The service is relevant for companies with a branch network within one and several regions and the ability to make challenges using a single short numbering "Unified Corporate FMC Corporate Network" in the home region, between regions, as well as in intranet roaming throughout the MTS PJSC Network in the Russian Federation.

    Each employee receives a single short number for a mobile and office phone, as well as the ability to choose convenient way Arrivals of incoming calls depending on the time of day and days of the week.

    The service area includes all regions of the Russian Federation.

    Terms of Provision Services Unified Corporate Network

    MTS provides the ability to set a short number long from 3 to 5 characters as it is, without a set of additional characters. With a short number set from 3 to 5 characters, the call will be routed to a short numbering of the corporate telephone network, fixed for mobile phones and for institution of ATS company, with the exception of numbers emergency services (01, 02, 03, 04, 10x, 11x (where x - any digit from 0 to 9), 120, 121,123, 911) and service rooms MTS (0890, 0876, 0860, 0850, 0990).

    Access to the numbers of information reference commercial services (paid and free) types of XXX, XXXX, XXXXX (where x - any digit from 0 to 9 or *) must be carried out on the set of additional prefix "*" (asterisk), for example, * 134, * 0245.

    How to connect

    For advice on the service and to connect it

    • leave the application on the MTS website
    • or contact a personal manager.

    For a quick connection of the "Single Short Number FMC" service for an existing MTS corporate number, you must:

    • familiarize yourself with the terms of the provision of services
    • fill out the application for connecting the service
    • send an application by applying a scanned statement from a fixed email address,
    • if you are just going to become a MTS corporate client or for your company, a personal manager is not fixed by phone: 8 800 250,000

    Connection does not require any MTS SIM card replacement, nor other changes in the infrastructure of the company.

    Previously need to check whether the technical ability to connect the PBX to the FMC platform is available. This uses the selected physical channel E1 (via the PRI protocol) or an IP channel (via SIP protocol).

    The service is paid. For the service "Unified Corporate Network", you should conclude an agreement with PJSC PJSC.

    Success stories

    Cars with high IQ

    Cars with high IQ

    Find out how a comprehensive solution from MTS helped the company Euro-Taxi to reduce costs and increase the number of customers.
    The service "Unified Short Number (FMC)" has decreased the operator's dialing time to the driver, and M2M technology from MTS allowed the company to implement a system of payment terminals.

      Details on MTS and Euro-Taxi cooperation

      Cars. Is it possible to imagine a modern city without them? The transport industry is rapidly developing and competition in it is not easy. The company "Euro-Taxi" began with 10 cars, and today there are almost 100 cars in its fleet. In just a year and a half, Euro-Taxi managed to escape to the leaders, ahead of the twisters taxi services in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Each machine is equipped with a GLONASS / GPS monitoring system, a payment terminal, a children's chair - in a word to everyone to ensure the maximum comfort and safety of the passenger.

      "We always have a good rate business, but some difficulties have appeared with an increase in the number of orders and cars. For customers, first of all, car feedback is needed. Therefore, it was necessary to reduce the operator's dialing time to the driver, as well as to introduce a payment terminal scheme for payment faster, "the executive director of Euro-taxi LLC Artem Du said.

      A suitable comprehensive solution was able to offer MTS. FMC technology has provided operational communication with employees. The service combined the office phone and mobile numbers of drivers in a common network with a single short numbering. As part of this network, you can communicate at favorable rates.

      Another decision made it possible to reduce the time for the trip. Each machine was set by a payment terminal with a MTS SIM card and the already connected Telematics tariff. This is a special tariff plan for M2M devices with a single cost of services throughout Russia and flexible terms of Internet traffic tariffing.

      M2M manager helped to manage SIM cards. it comfortable toolcreated specifically for remote control over the M2M device. The MTS SIM card automatically transmits all information on gSM networks Right to the customer's computer. Through a simple interface, you can online to manage the SIM card status, set traffic limits, create reports and receive statistics.

      A comprehensive solution from MTS based on the FMC service, M2M-Manager and tariff plan "Telematics" allowed the "Euro-taxi" to achieve their goal and solve the task facing the company.

      In just a month, it was possible to establish remote control over payment terminals using the M2M manager and the Tarifa "Telematics". Now remote equipment is managed using an intuitive web interface. Thanks to the health service control, losses have decreased due to equipment failure.

      Well, FMC technology solved the problem of communication within the company. The phone number of each driver corresponds to the Gosnomer of his car. It is enough to dial 3 digits, and the connection is installed.

      "The operator's dialing time to the driver declined almost 2 times. Payment terminals work without failures and operational. Customers have to wait less - we achieved this. And, of course, we can not but please the savings. MTS Company provided us with attractive tariffs for the minimum subscription fee, thanks to which we managed to reduce the cost of calls between drivers and operators. We are very pleased, "says the executive director of Euro-taxi LLC Artem Du.

Over the past year, it was necessary to encounter twice with the FMC service, first from MTS, and then from Bilana, so I will describe what and how I had to configure that the subscribers of office PBX were "converted" with their mobile phones. Perhaps someone will interest such a service.

FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence) is a union of fixed and mobile communications.
To find out more about what FMC is you can read a review on PCWeek.

FMC from MTS

The office was an office PBX Panasonic TDA200 to ensure internal communication between employees. Exit to the city telephone network is carried out through the MP-8 digital flux switch (it was purchased to highlight a part of the numbers for additional equipment).

First, we became corporate client MTS. And they concluded a contract for the provision of communication services, and to it a special additional agreement for the provision of FMC.

After that, for connecting to the MTS mobile network, a stream of E1 was tried from the nearest base station near the office building. Alarm PRI EDSS. We were connected to the MP-8 digital switch.

First on the side of MTS. MTS gives us a login password to manage the Corporate Cabinet FMC Services. In the web interface, you can configure the corresponding of the mobile and internal subscriber, as well as the temporal modes of receiving calls.

All mobile staff must be on corporate tariff And added to the closed group of phones of the corporate client (if an employee is already a MTS subscriber and wants to connect to a corporate FMC, it can also add it to a corporate group on a corporate tariff).

All mobile numbers in a closed group can already call the FMC registered in the Cabinet short numbers to each other. It is already convenient, because We are accustomed to each other in the office call for short numbers, and here the same thing is only on mobile phones.

At the office PBX, a 3-funded numbering system of internal subscribers was configured. We made the conformity of interior numbers on PBX, short numbers and mobile numbers in federal format (see the table). Compliance (2) and (3) is configured in the FMC corporate office. A compliance (1) and (2) - so to speak administrative.

At the PBX, customize the output on the FMC stream for calls to mobile employees.

Those. Now the situation for the internal subscriber who needs to be able to reach colleagues:
First makes a call to the internal subscriber, and if it does not respond to the spot, you can dial the prefix and internal number - then the call will go on mobile through the FMC channel.

And colleagues on mobile, by the way, will be displayed not urban telephone number Companies, but the number of the internal subscriber. Which, if the call is missing, you can call back and ask the cause of the call. For some clarification, we look at the scheme.

After starting the FMC stream for those who "forever on a mobile" appears another chip. In the corporate office, you can configure a call reception mode in a short number: in parallel (stationary and mobile) or sequentially (stationary -\u003e Mobile or mobile -\u003e stationary). Then the calls from the mobile to a short number will be done according to the rules on the short number.

When typing a short number, which is not in the table of conformity of short and federal numbers, the call comes immediately to the PBX through the stream. What is also convenient, because You can dial "boot" to office colleagues.

I want to immediately note that the presence of a MP-8 switch is optional, because All the same could be done immediately on the PNASONIC TDA200. But to connect the stream would have to buy an additional PRI interface fee. And so there was a switcher, through it and did :)

In general, the impression of the use of positive. Although there are shoals that still deliver inconvenience: for example, sometimes the number of the internal subscriber is not fully determined.

FMC from Biline

Another PBX is in another company - Avaya Definity. The Goldenhelecom communication operator, which is included in the Beeline group. There is also a flow E1.

Here everything was somewhat easier, because An additional flow did not have to organize. Yes, and the settings are simpler, because Initially, the operator gave 3 signs from the phone number with incoming calls, which corresponded to the internal number of PBX. At the same time, all corporate SIM cards were issued by a great package.

It remains only to register some like quick set. Those. The correspondence of short numbers and federal was carried out by means of PBX.

But, in connection with this simplification, there are practically no flexibility for the receipt of calls to the internal numbers.

Moreover, there was no tough bundle "Internal number \u003d short number", then for a call from a mobile to a short mobile - this is one 3-digit number, and from a mobile to a stationary - this is another 3-since-digit number. What, of course, more information for memorization.

Since most of the integration was carried out by the Office PBX, a special impression or awareness of the integrated system did not arise.

Appearance cellular communication Making chat easier and comfortable. Today, you can not think about the distance or whereabouts of a person, or another person, phoned with him. However, business cannot refuse stationary telephony and numbers, as it allows you to be closer to customers regardless of the operator used by them.

Also, the stationary number of the phone can be used over the years, and it is refused by it is equal to the destruction of a built-in communication system with both partners and customers. However, the use of parallel and stationary, and cell numbersThe company carries both the advantages and disadvantages.

By cellular can be contacted with any employee from any city, and it does not matter whether it is in the data point in the office, or not. The disadvantages of use include the fact that a large number of stationary and mobile numbers can take time, because without calling the stationary number you need to spend time on a set and connection with a mobile one or another employee.

Today, all cellular operators (Beeline, MTS, MegaFon) offer an FMC comprehensive service that allows not only to establish an effective connection between employees of the company, which may be in different regions, but also save money. Today we will tell me how it works and how much such a service is.

What is FMC.

Did you think how much time is spent daily to make calls for work? No, we are not talking about the time of conversations, namely, the set of numbers, the expectation of the connection. This is especially true for large companieswho use their mini PBX.

So, by typing an office number to talk with a specific employee, you must wait for an answer, to score a short number, or wait to switch to it. And if there is no person in this moment In the office, it will be necessary to find his mobile number in the phone book, and to gain it.

Now imagine that this is enough to dial a short number of the employee from my mobile, and he is answered either from stationary being in the office, or from cellular, being outside of it. All this and much more available with the FMC service.

FMC - Abbreviation Fixed Mobile Convergence, which means unification of fixed and mobile telephony. You can do it yourself without cellular operator. However, it will also require expensive equipment, its setup, and maintenance. It is also additionally necessary to continue to pay for individual accounts, which when setting up their own PBX can significantly increase, but the desired amenities can not be achieved.

Beeline, MegaFon, or MTS, thanks to VPBX technology (placement on their servers virtual machines For your telephony), it can not only help you build effective communication with employees and customers, but also to deprive headaches on the use of a complex system for combining stationary and mobile numbers of the company.

Configuring your own PBX client pays not only for the perfect calls, but also bears additional costs. Among the main - fee for call forwarding, which may increase in a considerable amount.

Connecting FMC from Beeline, megaphone, or MTS, a virtual PBX is created on the side of the operator with the assignment of short numbers. Thus, each employee will create a separate room that can correspond to both stationary office and mobile number.

The FMC configuration allows you to choose how the employee is set and calling using a short number. It can be like a dialing first to office, and then mobile (or vice versa) and simultaneous on both phones.

Advantages of FMC.

The complexity of the forwarding setup, and, accordingly, saving on tariffs with FMC, this is not the main advantage of the service. To work virtual PBX, which you can create in your company will need an internet connection. The quality of communication depends on its stability and speed of access. But even created in the office virtual PBX can be integrated into the service.

By connecting the service from the operator, you can forget about a set of long phone numbers, because even from the mobile number you can call all office phones, and mobile staff using short numbers inside the company.

It is also possible not only to record all the conversations, but also to customize them. You can easily limit unwanted calls Both with a wired and mobile number of the employee. As the efficiency of work will increase, and will help to avoid unnecessary costs.

It is possible to call from mobile to customers, and do not worry which number is displayed. A setting is available, which will be displayed during the outgoing, and this can be both cells itself and the main office number. And when calling between the company's phones, the short numbers of a particular employee, an office or department, followed by which they are fixed.

The service is also provided with a multichannel number, which will not allow not a single important call. Often you can skip calls if the main contact number Companies are busy. With FMC and cloud PBX from a cellular operator, you can effectively use the redistribution of incoming calls from customers and partners.

How much is FMC.

The cost of using the FMC depends on the service of which operator, select. Among the limitations it is worth noting that all mobile employees, or office, must be connected to the operator's corporate network.

Here it all depends on the provider. Thus, on MTS there is an additional program "Your Circle", which allows for its corporate group to connect the personal phones of employees, and pay them according to the corporate tariff plan.

Mobile number service with the service costs from 30 rubles, depending on the operator. There may also be charged for adding it, and assigning a short number.

Cost use service consists of used mobile tariffs Multichannel numbers connected by number, the use of additional options. The latter include connecting and maintaining their own PBX, which is integrated into the network, use additional settings By limiting calls, creating voice menu and its use, and other services within a virtual PBX of the operator.

If a stationary connection is used from another operator, then it is paid in accordance with the basic tariffs. Also with Internet access, if necessary for the work of his own office PBX, which is integrated into the service.

Some services on the megaphone cause surprise, as subscribers are rare enough. The unusual functionality created specifically for certain categories of customers allows to provide a more convenient connection. A typical example is FMC from megaphone. It is designed to organize corporate telephony, which is in demand among corporate clients. Let's see what this unusual service is and how to use it.

Megaphone FMC Services Description

Many of us are familiar with office PBX functionality - this is an internal communication between employees, carried out by office channels. It is enough to type the internal number, and a telephone calls a telephone in a split office in a split office. Such a communication organization scheme allows you to establish communications between employees in order to ensure more efficient business processes.

In order to come out "on the city", a special code is prescribed in the office PBX, like everyone known to all long-distance "eights". We recruit the code, follow the phone number - and connect with the desired subscriber. All this is extremely simple and accessible. That is, office telephony will distinguishes the inner and external communication. Few people know that the same functionality is available in the network of the megaphone operator.

Full name FMC service - "Express set (FMC)". It suggests the allocation of a special short number for each subscriber relating to corporate clients. But you do not need to confuse these short rooms with traditional content numbers - they available only within the company and are not available to other subscribers of megaphone. Large companies and enterprises that need a convenient corporate communications are enjoyed this service.

Features FMC services from megaphone:

  • Operational dialing to one or another employees;
  • Opportunity to work with stationary telephony;
  • Flexible tariffing of internal communication on the current tariffs;
  • The ability to create a corporate network throughout Russia.

In other words, the FMC service suitable for customers with a wide branch network and a lot of employees., often on business trips. Wherever the people of the company - to them, you can always get through the short inner number.

An interesting feature of the FMC service from a megaphone - the short numbers do not work SMS, MMS and redirection.

FMC service cost from megaphone

Subscription fee for using a short number is 30 rubles / month. for one subscriber. Also there is a single payment for connecting - It is 30 rubles per room. The cost of calls depends on the tariff used in the company - most often it is unlimited, and therefore free communications.

It is also possible to connect to the office PBX system. Connecting one digital stream costs 1180 rubles, the subscription fee is 3540 rubles / month. For one thread.

How to connect FMC from megaphone

This service is available exclusively for operator corporate clients. For individuals, it is inaccessible. The connection application is drawn up through the Megaphone site - specify the contact details and data in the application legal entity. If you do not have a contract with the operator, the courier will deliver not only the SIM card, but also the contract form itself - great way to organize a convenient corporate communication With a quick set of numbers through the FMC service.

In order to disable the FMC service, you must submit the appropriate application to the megaphone. Usually, a special person responsible for corporate communications is engaged in this - on all issues with MegaFon and his representatives communicate precisely. He also controls the allocation of corporate numbers.

Many managers of firms are conceived about the optimization of corporate relations. Especially if there are deleted employees or an office in the state is not connected to the Internet. In solving these problems, business helps FMC - Special SIM cards for mobile phones, allowing to abandon stationary phones and call at favorable IP telephony fares even without access to the global network.

FMC technology allows you to combine mobile and fixed links in corporate network. Desktop features now "fit" in mobile apparatus Employee. This requires no connection to the Internet, and the tariffing is united for calls from mobile and stationary devices. At the same time, the manager gets the opportunity to control the work of exit employees - the binding to the main telephone network allows you to record their conversations with clients.

What is FMC.

First of all, it is the ability to connect an employee to the company's telephony in about 5 minutes - it is enough to provide him with a SIM card and connect any number. Rooms can be easily purchased and change - for example, connect the number of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok or any other region of Russia. As a result, each phone is mobile and stationary - the inner short number is assigned, which helps colleagues faster contact with each other, moreover. In addition, the FMC is paid only by one account for the communication services of office and mobile numbers of the company.

This partially resembles the usual multichannel office telephony, familiar to many companies. True, in its traditional execution, it uses only stationary phones. They will not take them with them to the opening event, on a business trip or home. But the mobile phone connected to the FMC can accompany the employee at any trip.

Fixed Mobile Convergence: yesterday, today, tomorrow

The FMC service appeared in the portfolio of large operators in 2010. But then only units could appreciate it. In the last years, the situation changes. So, according to J'Son & Partners Consulting, by the end of 2018, the number of corporate users of the FMC will exceed 300 thousand subscribers (against 200 thousand in 2014).

Today, this type of service is provided:

  • fixed operators (for example, Rostelecom subsidiaries);
  • cellular operators "Big Troika";
  • iP telephony providers (MTT, Sipuni, Telfin and others).

Moreover, it is the IP communication most promising. First, at the expense of favorable tariffs - the prices of IP telephony are significantly lower than on other types of communication. Secondly, due to the enhanced cloud PBX functionality (video conferencing, deep analytics, integration with CRM and other), their flexibility and scalability.

What makes businessmen pay out to this relatively new service? First of all, the ability to not engage in the configuration of inbox IP phones. In the second - the desire to combine all types of communication in unified systemmanaged in the "One Window" format. But this is not all the possibilities and advantages of FMC.

Opportunities and technology limitations

So what is capable of FMC? Main advantages of technology:

  • Record telephone conversations - both incoming and outgoing. But employees should not be afraid of invasion of their personal space - calls from the personal number system will not be able to write.

On a note
Separation on working and personal calls occurs with prefixes. For example, the "*" sign before the subscriber number will mean an office call, and "+" is a personal call that is not subject to records.

  • Stable connection. Even if you use virtual PBXThe quality of communication does not depend on the availability of an Internet connection.
  • All calls within the network (communication between colleagues) are free.
  • The ability to make outgoing calls. The client will determine such a call as the urban office number, and the colleague will highlight the short number and the name of the caller.
  • Flexible setting of call routing algorithms. For example, call forwarding to a mobile phone from stationary through a certain number of beeps.
  • Single account for making calls through fixed and mobile phone employees.
  • General statistics of conversations, accepted and missed calls. This allows you to track all calls and not lose contacts.
  • Shipping SIM card by courier. You can not contact the office to conclude a contract that saves time and strength.

When connecting the FMC service, it is necessary to carefully examine all the conditions - some operators provide short internal numbers up to seven digits. Remember them will not be so easy.

Advantages of connecting FMC.

Recently, it was impossible to control calls on a mobile phone. The appearance of FMC solved this problem: you can now bind mobile numbers to corporate PBXs. This reduces the possible risks of the unscrupulous or incompetent behavior of employees. The service stimulates the employee to communicate with the clients is extremely correct, because the call is recorded.

In addition, FMC allows you to detail the costs of mobile communications. If an employee claims that he called clients at work during a hospital or business trip, it is enough to confirm this fact in personal Areawithout waiting for transaction statements and detail calls from the operator. As a result - optimization of telephony spending and removing white spots in reports.

Or, suppose, 5 managers have been operating in the sales department, which SIM cards issued and thereby combined them into a group with a common number. Even if the whole department is on the road, then the client will call the manager anyway.

The service allows you to solve many problems, including geographical. An example is the experience of one of the Formula 1 - Bar Honda teams. The need to maintain contact with the Central Office in the UK for 100 participants who exercise about 20 trips per year in 17 countries of the world, created a significant cost of expenses in the budget. Yes, and the cost of time to conclude contracts with operators also made themselves to know. The company has found an optimal solution to the problem: the connection of the FMC service allowed to reduce overhead costs for almost a third, and the cost of time for organizational issues is one sixth.

Another example can be the experience of a taxi service. A combination of office and mobile phones into a single network with assignment to each driver of a short number corresponding to the Gosnomer of his car made it possible to reduce the operator's dialing time to the driver almost 2 times. As a result, the company received a competitive advantage, having reduced the time of filing the car to customers.

On a note
To connect the FMC services, you must purchase a special SIM card. The geography of the service will depend on the coating zone of the mobile operator network, followed by this SIM card.

Mobile Communication Tariffs within the FMC Service

The monthly account for the use of the service usually consists of several components: the subscription fee, payment of calls and additional servicesAlso, some operators request payment for the connection (SIM card).

Mobile operators tariffs are calculated in accordance with the tariff plan selected when connected.

For operators analogue communication FMC service is not profitable. This is a way to attract customers and increasing their loyalty. Therefore, the cost of mobile communications within the FMC usually coincides with the prices of mobile operators.

IP telephony providers offer prices below: due to the minimum cost of communication via the Internet. The price usually includes recording of conversations and personal account with the ability to configure the functions of the numbers. The price depends on the tariffs of the provider and the same for mobile and stationary phones.

The company's development implies the improvement of each individual system. Innovations similar to FMC appear on the market of services not so often, and one of the tasks of the head comes down to tracking such trends. "Her" Her " own business, You can estimate the benefit from the connection, and then start searching for a suitable operator or provider.

How to connect the service?

The organization of corporate cellular communication with short numbers of mobile phones may seem complex. In fact, everything is much easier than it seems. Only one of the specialists of the company Sergey Maslov told us about the FMC connection:

"When choosing a FMC provider, be sure to learn about the geography of the coating. For example, our system allows you to connect subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Connection occurs in several stages: First you need to send a request to the company, and then follow the instructions of the manager. You need to buy SIM cards for business, and also need to discuss in advance with the manager with the ability to configure call distribution algorithms, integration with the company's services, such as CRM, and other nuances providing FMC services.

MTT provides its subscribers several ready-made service packages, as well as the possibility of using corporate Internet. 1 GB of traffic is already included in the base rate, you can additionally purchase 2 or 5 GB monthly. "