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How to protect your wi fi. Come up with a reliable password to access the router

Most of us have long used a Wi-Fi-router for wireless Internet access. But such a connection needs to be protected, otherwise it will be able to use foreign, which will lead to a worsening of the signal, and in the worst case - to its disappearance.

Almost all we know that the Wi-Fi you need to put a password, but there are some more ways to protect your network. We will look at how to set a good key to protect the network and use all available security measures in the complex for the router.

Since most routers, the IP address is standard, any extension can enter it in its device and access the settings. Therefore, before changing them, you need to close the login in the router parameters by changing the username and password.

Often in all models, regardless of the manufacturer, the word Admin is used to fill in both of these rows. We should set a new name and the key so that other people cannot change the equipment configuration.

To do this, do the following:

  • Go to the System Tools section.
  • Select the Password tab, enter the standard and new data to enter the settings - come up with the original login and password, which it will be impossible to guess the strangers, but easy to remember you.

Installing a password on Wi-Fi

Password is a basic wireless network protection. To protect it with a good and complex combination as a key, you need to go to the router settings. We will consider how it happens on the TP-LINK brand models. So, enter your IP address in the browser, select Wireless. Here we choose the Wireless Settings item, where the password menu appears.

Enter the old code, new data for input and repeat them at the bottom line. Do not forget to save changes!

How to create a good key?

  • Use numbers and letters, combine capital and lowercase characters.
  • Make code long - from eight to twelve signs.
  • The most reliable type of encryption is WPA-PSK.

Changing the name of the router

The SSID identifier implies the name of the Wi-Fi point, it knocks on it in the list of networks included. Thanks to the name, we know how to connect to us, choosing it from the list among the rest of the equipment.

But the connection name is available not only to us, but also to everyone who is in the coating zone of the router. Therefore, in addition to creating good keyYou should hide the SSID identifier so that it is invisible in the list of connections when searching the network via Wi-Fi.

To hide the name of the router, do the following:

  • Go to its settings through address line browser.
  • Go to the Wireless section and delete the box in front of the Enable SSID Broadcast item.

There is one question: how to connect to the network if it is not displayed in the list? To do this, select the new connection item below in the search list. network availableManually enter login and password. If all data is inscribed correctly, you will connect to the Internet.

Filtering MAC addresses

Wi-Fi point can be made visible for a separate range of devices, if you add them to the list in the router settings. This is done using the MAC address - it is available for each computer or laptop, smartphone.

To find out its coordinates on the PC, go to the network management center via the control panel, select your Internet connection and view the properties. After clicking "Details", you will see the physical address - this is the Mac ID.

On another technique, you will learn the relevant information in the "About Device" section.

To limit access to the MAC address, follow these steps:

  • Go to the router settings and select the Wireless section, then stay on the Wireless Mac Filtering menu.
  • Here, select ALLOW THE STATIONS SPECIFIED by Any Enabled Entries in the List to Access. After saving the parameters point Wi-Fi It will be open only for those devices that are in the list.

How to add your address in the settings? In the same menu, there is the Add New key ..., With it, you make all the MAC addresses you allow access to the Internet.

This property option has only one disadvantage: if new devices are often connected to Wi-Fi, it will inconveniently add them to the list each time. The filtering on the MAC address is not absolutely reliable, but it is worth using it in a complex with other measures to protect its network from someone else's equipment.

Installing individual IP addresses

This method of protection is more perfect than the previous one. You create a separate IP using the MAC identifier of each individual user, and all the others will not be able to use Wi-Fi.

To install the address, first of all, go to the router settings in the DHCP section and disconnect the same server so that the connection coordinates are not automatically defined.

Below on the page you will see a list for making the equipment you allow the connection. First of all, add your computer to it. To do this, you need his MAC address, after which you come up with a separate IP code for it. And so with each other device. Do not forget to change the IP address to the one that you assigned it in this list in the computer settings.

How to check who uses my Wi-Fi?

From time to time, check who uses your Wi-Fi to be sure to be confident in the work of the protective mechanisms of the router.

Use the settings to select Statistics. Here you will see the MAC addresses of the whole technique that uses your Internet connection. Knowing the MAC address of your computer and other devices that you allowed access can be selected and see them, if there are no other users in the list of foreign addresses.

Today there will be a fairly large post on how to create a secure network wi-Fi at home, Protect home computers from hacking, connected to this network, smartphones and tablets using the example of RT-N12VP.

So, we first understand that the protectedness of your wireless network is determined by its weakest link. Today we turn to K. basic settings The security that you have to be.

We put that you have 2 at home stationary computers, 2 laptops, 3 tablets and 4 smartphones. Other, such as TV consoles, Wi-Fi MFP and media centers on Android, I do not speak.

Check that antiviruses are installed on all devices.

It is important. If one of the devices is infected, then the infection of the rest is the case of the near future. So, smartphones on android can distribute advertising viruses local network With great success.

Disconnect automatic search Networks on mobile devices. The fact is that you can quite become a victim of fraudsters who specifically create open access points in order to embed data.

Cleress the list of networks stored by your devices. Leave only acquaintances safe network: Home, working.

To prevent theft of theft, "Investment" accounts of mail accounts, social networks and other sites, use where possible, two-factor authentication.

Well, the devices you were protected, on the bait of fraudsters with "free" Wi-Fi did not fall. What's next? Configure Safe Wi-Fi.

The center of your Wi-Fi Universe in the apartment is your access point (router). In the overwhelming majority, it is only protected by password and login. Let's try to make your home wi-Fi Network more protected.

Install - Method of authentication (security level) - WPA2-personal

WPA-PSK key (network password) - such as such FD5 # 2DSA / DSX8Z0 * 65FDQZZB38 . Yes, such a password is difficult to remember, but also harder to pick up. The fact is that the selection programs exist wi-Fi passwords By all the bruteral. Password selection in this case is a matter of time. Even on a smartphone, you can download a similar program, for example, and try how much time will pass before you choose the password to your network.

Go to the settings Wireless networkWireless MAC Address Filter

The Wireless Mac Address Filter allows you to manage packages from devices with a specific MAC address in a wireless LAN.

Speaking easier, only those devices that are allowed to connect to your access point to your access point. How to find out these addresses? You can see in the device settings and enter in the router settings. You can enable Wi-Fi alternately on each, to verify data with data that appended in the router's network map and enter these addresses in the MAC address filter of the wireless network.

On a smartphone Android MAC. Address is located Settings -> About the phone -> general information ->MAC-address Wi-Fi.

If you live one or at least there is a time interval when you do not use a wireless network, you can disable it. Are these settings in the section Wireless networkProfessionally

Also in the section Administration System Disable access around Telnetand web Access from Wan. Thus, it will be difficult to connect to the router it will be difficult. If there is a firewall in the settings, then turn it on.

To be continued.

Think if your home WiFi is protected by a reliable password, it will save you from "Halaviers". I hurry to disappoint you. This is not quite so. Whatever cool was not your password - the risk of connecting third parties is very large.

As in Russia they love free, I don't need to explain to you). It is she who gives rise to so many ingenious ideas. If such an idea is good for some, then for others it can become a real headache.

What can the lack of protection of a wireless connection be turned?

It all depends on the fancy of the "Havaler". In one case, it is a harmless use of traffic, in another - access to your data as the computer itself and the Internet resources (mail, social networks, etc.)

How to secure homemade WiFi from connecting third parties?

In fact, it is possible to hack anything, but compliance with elementary safety standards, can very long to discourage such desire and definitely not to become a victim of an amateur. Consider two simple way. The first and most obvious, which I strongly recommend it proper setting Router, second - use special programs.

Setting up router
The main Vulnerability of WiFi is the protocol wPS.. If it is not involved, it worries almost nothing. On the other hand, if it cannot be turned off, then everything else is semi-dimensional for your complacency.

but) Conduct to encrypt WPA2 algorithm. Of course, you can hack and wPA2.But the resources and time spent are incommensurable for the purpose. Therefore, if you are not a special service agent, who needs it. If your device does not support this technology, Think twice, because threatened the security of the home network.

b) Use reliable password . I wrote about the importance of a reliable password, I wrote a whole book, to pick up that you can, besides this, I recommend reading the article. As a rule, access to the router settings can be obtained by entering the browser in the address bar where username / password → Admin and 1234 respectively. Such passwords are wedged in seconds. Use a combination of at least 8 characters (numbers, letters, signs).

c) Hide the name of the network(Hide SSID). This item is not mandatory, as it is considered ineffective, but will not be superfluous. In the router settings, select "Hide SSID". This is the "name" of your network, which we see, scanning space in search of WiFi networks. Knowing the name can be connected to one or another. WiFi network. In the properties of the wireless network (Connection tab, select the following settings.

Well, finally - for paranoids of total safety fans: you can configure the network so that the access is only in certain devices, and the rest, even the past 2 previous levels, are not allowed into the network. For this, there are filters for MAC addresses.

The names of the sections and options from different routers and access points are different, but the meaning remains the same.

The second way → this is the use of special programs as an example of a utility. The program is designed to help the WiFi domestic hotspot owners who want to control the connection third-party devices. The program works under Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

The program displays a list of devices involved. Green color → Allowed / familiar devices, red → unfamiliar.

General recommendations. Try not to use " common access»To folders, files and printers, and if you open it - close immediately as soon as it is necessary. By the way, you can check it like this: Control Panel → Network Management Center and Common Access.

19.10.16 63 380 0

Why the latitude of the soul can cost you money

Eugene did not put a password on Wi-Fi in his apartment. Why bother? Password can be forgotten. And the fact that neighbors can use is not a pity, still unlimited Internet. So Evgeny thinks, and he is mistaken.

Nikolay Kruglikov

young hacker

We'll figure it out why open internet at home is a bad idea and how can you threaten you.


Access points without password are also called open, and the point here is not only in the password. At such points, the data on Wi-Fi is transmitted without encryption, in open video. Because Wi-Fi - the same radio waves, intercept traffic is very easy: just adjust the antenna to the desired frequency and you will hear everything that is transmitted between the router and the computer. Without password on the router, you just broadcast to the entire district that you are doing online.

If you are sitting on porn, anyone your neighbor can find out what kind of video you are looking. If you send a letter, with a high probability it will be possible to intercept at the time of sending. If you have "VKontakte" without encryption, any neighbor will be able to read your personal messages.

Wi-Fi without a password easy to listen

How to defend

You need to put a password on Wi-Fi. Of course, connections with some sites are encrypted using HTTPS, and you can also turn on VPN, and still much more reliably protect the entire communication channel immediately.

Exercise: We put a password on WiFay

  1. Open the browser and enter the numbers in the address bar If nothing happened, try and A window will appear with fields for login and password.
  2. Enter ADMIN login and Admin password. If you did not fit - see standard password In the instructions for the router. Most likely, this is something simple. Sometimes login and password are written directly on the router housing.
  3. Find a link with an inscription Wi-Fi or Wireless on the page. A screen will open where you can change the password.

If nothing happens, call the wizard. Master's task is to pass your Wi-Fi.

Install for Waifa password with a length of at least ten characters from numbers and letters. Password 12 345 678 is the same as the lack of password.

All instructions are designed for home router. At work or in a cafe, they are unlikely to work, because network administrators disable access to the settings of the router for outsiders

Perhaps there will be several encryption options in the settings. In each router, a different set of options, so select the option most similar to WPA2-PSK (AES). This is the most reliable encryption protocol today. In combination with good password He will give you the maximum possible protection.

Reliable encryption protocol is important. A bad protocol, like a bad password, facilitates hacking. For example, an outdated WEP protocol can be hacked in a few hours.

Select the encryption algorithm in the router settings. WPA2-PSK - the best way From this set

Make sure your WPS is turned off. This technology allows you to connect to a router on a kick from eight digits. Unfortunately, after the mass implementation of WPS, it turned out that it is extremely insecured: you only need 10 hours to hack the connection even with the most reliable protocol. WPS settings somewhere in the same place, where and the Waifa settings.

Manipulation with router settings

When hackers connect to your Wi-Fi, they get access to the router control panel and can reconfigure it on your own way. To get into your router, it is enough just to connect to Wiifa - to be in the apartment not necessarily. Some dirty schoolboy can pick up in the settings of your router right now.

Usually get into the router settings is not so simple: you need to enter a login and password. But most people have standard login and password on the router - Admin / Admin. If you have not changed this setting specifically, the likelihood is that any hacker can get into the router.

Having access to the control panel, the hackers will easily hold an intermediary attack: make sure that the site has stood a malicious service that steals passwords. For example, not a real, and a fake site that will send them everything that you enter will be opened at You will not even know what they got to malicious service: it will look exactly as a real online bank and even let you in your login and password. But at the same time, the login and password will be at the hackers.

Router s standard settings Easy to redirect to a fake site

How to defend

Change the standard administrator password in the router settings on your own. It should be no less reliable than the password from Waifa, and at the same time should be different.

Remote access

Hackers rarely interest specifically if you are not top manager large company. More often, ordinary people fall under automated attacks when the hacker program is looking for potential victims and tries to apply the standard hack algorithm.

Some routers have the ability to connect to a web interface from external network - That is, you can go to the settings of the router from any place where there is an Internet, and not just from the house.

This means that not only packaging schoolchildren can attack on your router. The attack may not target: just some hacker in Peru scans a certain range of addresses for open routers. His program sees your router. Connects. Hacker does not even know who you are and where you are - he just configures redirection and returns to his affairs. And in his hacker program, your login from Facebook is falling, for example.

Today every third user world Wide Web Widely applies entangle the whole house, offering high-speed Internet access for all devices. And true, why not use such an opportunity when sitting in a chair, lying on the sofa or in bed before bedtime, there is an Internet access with a smartphone or.

In all, such a practically advantageous, the situation is one big "but" users very rarely comply with the safety rules that directly relate to access to Wi-Fi. After time, we begin to notice that the speed of the Internet has decreased, and the printer suddenly began to be interested in the "Photo of the genre Nu", occasionally withdrawing them to print! Actions "Joker" connected to your network are not limited to simple access to the Internet or to a printer, a little snarling and third-party user becomes available and more confidential information, such as your funds on electronic wallet. Therefore secure wireless network And yourself personally - the task number is one, especially for users inhabiting in an apartment building.

How to secure access to Wi-Fi from an external invasion

Usually a user who has noticed incorrect work Computer connected to the network, hurries to apply reset. This is apparently by analogy with system blockwhich suddenly hung. And here, we are looking for a subtle item to get to the hidden button "Reset" on the network equipment housing. Often, such actions are saved for a short time, and the situation is in a hurry to repeat ...

Wi-Fi Protection Ways:

  1. The main step to safety will be a simple change in password access to. After all, after configuring a specialist (or self-configuration), the equipment continues to store factory credentials. And here, you do not need to be a "computer genius" to enter the settings panel through the web interface!
    Note! The ability to configure the control panel router is not in all models of equipment, so the next council is more practical in execution.
  2. The next wish relates to a network access password. Users are light suitable for choosing this cipher. Sometimes we refer to our weak memory, but at the same time with enviable constancy discard him!
    Therefore, it is better to configure the WPA2 encryption algorithm once, and come up with a 10-digit password that you will at least occasionally change. For him, pick up a random set of letters and numbers, and a invented combination simply record on a piece or on the box from the router.

    Note! Do not create readable passwords. Families and names in english layout - It's hard to come up with, but easy to pick up!
  3. Next, it will be nice, abandon the WPS function, which creates a digital PIN code for new devices. The default function is active at most access point models. If you do not have to constantly connect various smartphones or tablets, then the difficulties will not arise.
    Note! Even if there is a need for regularly connecting new gadgets, it is enough, each time you enter an access password! Small home security fee.
  4. The following recommendation is more attentive. Take into the habit of correctly leave the web interface of the router, that is, not just closing the browser tab, namely, make a "out of control panel".
    Such a precaution is associated with some features of Internet observers. When visiting pages, browsers save cache and dolls that are responsible for storing temporary files and resource information. You could earlier to notice that leaving the site re-authorization is not required. So this is another loophole for a random attacker!
    Note! It would be nice to take into habit and clean the cache and a browser's duck, which you actively use (how to do this in the article:,).
  5. Subsequent steps are rather addressed experienced usersSince risk is carried. So, first change the subnet of the router, as it is installed by default and is known to many. Usually, it represents the address:

    Moreover, the address is specified on the device housing, it does not prevent us from changing the IP address via the web interface and give the local subnet with a new name other than factory.