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Setting up a wifi repeater from china. Wireless n wifi repeater user manual

Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when in the far corner of the apartment it is not possible to connect to the home network - such a weak signal. Or when several people are sitting on the home network, due to which the download speed drops significantly. A WiFi repeater is a great way to deal with these minor issues. You will learn what it is and how it works in this article.

What is a repeater?

A Wi-Fi repeater, also known as an amplifier, repeater or repeater, is a device that can significantly increase the signal coverage of a network. It receives the signal from the router and ensures its further transmission. You just need to allocate an extra outlet for it and figure out the network settings. Please note that you need to install the Wi-Fi repeater in the place where the main signal is still strong enough. At the very least, do the initial installation and setup in the active coverage area, and then you can move from outlet to outlet to try all the relay options and find the best one for your room.

How the repeater works

What is a Wi-Fi repeater for? The fact is that if you decide to go ahead and simply increase the signal strength of the router so that it "catches everywhere", then it will not lead to anything good. Electricity consumption will increase, the device will overheat, and as a result, everything will end in breakdown.

Another useful note: as we noted above, a repeater is often called an amplifier, but this is not entirely true. WiFi repeater does not amplify an existing signal. He just spreads it over a large area. Buying a repeater will not strengthen anything and will not make your Internet super-fast, but, rather, on the contrary, will slightly reduce the speed due to the creation of another signal propagation point. But this should not alarm you - we will consider the effect of the repeater on the speed below and explain in which cases it will be insignificant.

Do you need a repeater?

Before you go to buy a repeater, think: maybe there is another solution to the problem. This is not even about the above-mentioned increase in signal strength, but banal about where the router is located in the apartment. The closer to the geometric center of space your device is, the more evenly the signal will be broadcast in all directions. Also check which direction the router antenna is pointing. For horizontal distribution of the signal, it must be directed upwards.

What does a wi-fi repeater look like?

Meet different models amplifiers. Some in size and shape are somewhat reminiscent Charger for mobile phone, only without a wire. For example, the model in the figure below looks like a compact curved plate with a plug for a wall outlet, LED indicators, an Ethernet cable port, and a reset button.

There are models that are not much different from a router in their form.

Usually, the package also includes a manual, an Ethernet cable and a driver disk.

As easy as pie: the WPS button

Most modern devices have a magic WPS button (or QSS on some models), which ideally is designed to greatly simplify life, but in real life, on the contrary, sometimes interferes with the use of the network.

If both the router and the repeater have this button, then all you need to do is first press it on one device and then on the other. A few minutes of waiting until the Wi-Fi repeater and the router find each other, and voila - you can work. But there are recommendations where it is advised to configure the repeater manually by choosing a specific WiFi network in order, firstly, to reduce the number of failures in relaying, and secondly, to protect yourself. WPS technology is easy to hack. Therefore, it is often advised to disable this mode altogether if you do not have to frequently connect new devices.

Also note that sometimes the WPS button is combined with the Reset function. It all depends on the duration of the press: if you hold your finger on the button longer, then instead of turning on WPS, restart the repeater, and all the settings you have set will be reset to zero.

How to set up a Wi-Fi repeater manually

For a more stable signal, it is better not to rely on WPS, but to register the entire configuration manually. Connecting a Wi-Fi repeater is actually even easier than setting up a router. First of all, plug the Wi-Fi repeater into an outlet and connect to it via a computer using a cable or Wi-Fi. Then open your browser and enter the IP address in the address bar, you will find it on the back of the repeater. The screen refreshes and an authorization form appears. There you enter your username and password: if you have not changed anything in the settings of the router, then by default it is admin / admin. The settings page will open.

Here you can name your wi-fi repeater somehow or leave it with the factory name. The final stage - enter the password from your wi-fi in the required field.

What's happening with internet speed?

Sometimes there are doubts about the advisability of buying a repeater. The main argument is that the range of signal propagation increases, but the overall speed of the Internet decreases. The practice of using repeaters shows that speed fluctuations occur: any additional link in the Internet "distribution" chain will reduce the flow. However, the decrease, as a rule, is not so significant as to strongly affect the signal strength, and is largely determined by technical characteristics devices in the chain. In other words, the Internet will not "glitch" and "slow down" if your devices initially tenaciously catch the signal.

Router as an alternative to repeater

There is a popular belief that if you have an unnecessary but working router at home, then it is not at all necessary to purchase a WiFi signal repeater. Many models are designed so that they can perform the functions of a repeater, the main thing is to set them up correctly. This is a more time-consuming process than setting up a conventional repeater, but it is quite doable on your own. Note that it is easiest to establish a connection between two devices from the same manufacturer - the more chances that the routers will notice each other and run smoothly. The customization process itself also depends on the brand.

First, the router that you are going to use as a Wi-Fi repeater will need to be connected to the computer using a wire. Then you will need to check the adapter settings (through the "Network and Sharing Center", which can be accessed from the "Control Panel"). The device must have an IP address of with a subnet mask of

Then, as with configuring the repeater, you will need to drive the IP address from the bottom of the device into the address bar. Again, use the standard username and password - admin / admin. On the page that opens, you will need to find the " Wireless mode"and go to the settings. We are interested in the" Enable WDS "option - this way we will create a network that will connect two routers. You will also need to change the IP address of the router, which will act as a repeater, so that you can enter the configuration mode You can simply change the last digit or add a zero after it.

After that, you need to open the list of available networks, find the required one, select it and enter the password. By the way, do not forget to protect the network on the second router so that you can also connect to it using a password. To do this, we go to "Security Settings" and in the "PSK Encryption Key" column enter our password and save.

Now the router works as a WiFi repeater. Can be detached from the computer and installed in the desired location.

Checking the connection status

After you have configured a repeater or router in repeater mode, you need to check how the Wi-Fi repeater works and how well it picks up the signal. It is advisable to check on all your devices - laptops, tablets, phones - whether they see the network that the repeater distributes, or continue to connect to the main router (for this, you can register different names in the settings). Also check if you have installed a Wi-Fi signal repeater for the router in a suitable place, whether you have achieved your goal of improving the quality of communication.

To do this, you can not just walk around the apartment with a smartphone and count the number of sticks in the connection, as everyone usually does. Download to your device one of the special applications that can check the signal strength.

Please note that if you need to expand the network coverage to a fairly large area, and even in different directions (for example, one floor below and to the next room), then most likely you will have to buy two repeaters.

I decided to buy a WiFi Repeater for my home in order to solve the problem with a relatively weak WiFi signal.
The modem is in one room, and at the end of another room, separated from the first reinforced concrete wall, you need to connect to the modem via WiFi.
The signal level on the laptop is 2 or 3 sticks, sometimes one. On the phone, tablet, there are also one or two chopsticks. In general, I decided to make the signal stronger.
In tmart I have been shopping for a long time, when shopping I use coupons and points, as well as cashback, so the price of the goods turns out to be reduced by 20-25 percent.
There are several variants of such routers in the store, the differences of which, I suppose, lie in the appearance of the case.
I liked the one in the title better.
The device was ordered with two other items and came in one large package.

The box with the router is very small.

In my reviews, I usually show boxes from devices from different sides and hide most of these photos under the spoiler.
However, this is not the case now. Useful information is provided on different sides of the box.
For example, here it is said about system requirements, characteristics and picking: router, network cable and instructions.

On the other side of the box is a diagram of how the device can be used. There is a router that looks at the Internet, there is remote computers... And here, where these remote computers are located, our repeater is installed, communicating with the original router with a cable or via Wifi ...

On the third and fourth sides of the box are the specifications of the device. My choice was, among other things, the potential speed of the device 300 Mbit / s, although the Internet speed of 4 Mbit / s is very low, so that the lower speed was a reason for frustration.

A special place is prepared inside the box for the device, which allows you not to worry too much about what might happen on the road.

At the bottom of the box are instructions and a cable.

On the router itself, the initial parameters for connecting to the router are written - IP address, login and password admin and admin.

But they are located at the bottom of the router and will not be visible when the plug is inserted into the outlet. Small, but not significant minus.
For cable connection, the router has two RJ-45 network connectors. One of the connectors can also be used as a WAN, that is, to access an external network.

Well, another photo of the router.

The instructions for managing the router are presented on one sheet, where 16 small pages were placed. Manual in English only (no Chinese).
I'll definitely hide it under the spoiler.

Manual for WS-WN523N2

For a more detailed view, you need to click on the photo.

Found a link to the website of the manufacturer of this device -.
There is also (4 MB). I have version 2. By the way, in the description of the tmart store, the first 2 letters of the device designation are incorrect.
I plug the device into an outlet ... And silence.
I contacted support, they asked if I want the goods to be re-sent.
He replied that I would try to disassemble it. Suddenly it will be easy to fix. If it doesn't work, then send it again.
I poked out the black cover, but could not completely detach it. Holds firmly where the network connectors are.
To the left of the WiFi AP / Repeater label under the cover is a small white connector. I squeezed it a little and ... it all worked.
The problem with the inclusion was solved.
I picked up the tablet and connected to the WirelessN device, entered the address, username and password indicated above ...

I pressed the Submit button and saw the initial device control window.

The left square is a selection and setting of one of 4 operating modes: Router, Repeater, AP, Wirelles ISP.
Second square - WiFi setup, the third is LAN and WAN settings, and the fourth is 4 more functions - Administration (password change), backup & Reset, TimeZone setting, Firmware Upgrade.
In the middle of the screen is the device status, and at the bottom there are 3 buttons - Home Page - go to the initial menu page, Advance - additional settings, Logout - exit.
Consider Advance menu item in more detail.
By clicking on it, we go to the additional menu. On the left are the main points:
Back Home - return to the main page;
Network - item of additional network settings;
Wireless - wireless connection settings;
Firewall - access settings;
Advanced - some additional settings;
Status - device status.

Through the Advance Setting menu item, you can connect various access protocols, as well as allow access to the administration of the router from the outside.
Network - Static DHCP - I guess here you can specify a static address for devices with a specific MAC address.

Network - DHCP Client Table - list of clients connected to the device.

Wireless network settings.
Main window - basic settings:
Wireless - Basic Settings. You can set the operation protocol, speed, access point name, channel number and other settings.

I will hide the screens with the rest of the settings under the spoiler.

Wireless settings

Wireless - Security - encryption mode, it is better to choose WPA2 ...

Wireless - Access Control - block access for devices with specific MAC addresses.

Wireless - Schedule - set the schedule for the wireless network

Wireless - WDS - setting the WiFi distribution mode, combining several access points into one network. ...

Wireless - WPS - settings for a simplified connection to a wireless network. ...

The next block of Firewall settings is designed to restrict access to the device according to various criteria. Since a wide range of users should not bother with them, I will also hide their description under the spoiler.

Firewall settings

Firewall - Port Filtering - blocking access for a specific range of ports

Firewall - IP Filtering - blocking access for a specific range of IP addresses

Firewall - MAC Filtering - blocking access for a specific range of MAC addresses

Firewall - URL Filtering - blocking access to certain URLs, in fact to site groups

Firewall - Port Forwarding - the mode is designed to convert an address or port to a new value.

Firewall - DMZ is a demilitarized zone, a technology that provides access to resources located on the internal network.

The Advanced settings block also contains 2 rarely used items, so they are also under the spoiler.

Advanced settings

Well, the status of the device after turning on.

Now, after reviewing the Advanced section in detail, you can return to the settings on the main page.
To set the router mode, press the corresponding button.
The Wireless Router Mode Wizard appears on the screen:

Here you can set how to connect to the source - having received the address automatically, or via PPPoE, as well as set the parameters of the access point (its name, channel of operation and encryption mode).
If you call the Wizard Repeater Mode, a list of available networks will appear on the screen, in which you should select the appropriate one.

After calling the Wizard Access Point mode, you will need to set the same parameters of the access point as in the case of Wizard Wireless Router Mode.

And the last wizard - Wizard Wireless ISP:

The second square allows you to change the wireless parameters of the device - name, encryption type, key.
The list of encryption types is standard.

The third square provides access to the LAN and WAN settings.
The initial LAN settings are shown in the picture.

The administrative settings item, as mentioned above, makes it possible to change the password for accessing the device, select a time zone, save the settings and update the firmware.
I hide all this under the spoiler.

Administrative settings

After turning on the device, the lamps turn green in turn.
First, LAN and WAN are polled, then, if there is no connection, they go out, WPS and in the end only Power shines and WLAN blinks.
The device is loading quickly. I did not measure the time, but it seemed like a maximum of 10 seconds.
The WiFi signal level is comparable to the signal of the ASUS DSL-N12U modem with two remote antennas.
The device is warm during use.
In general, everything seems to be good.
BUT! This router, I hope just for now, has not made friends with my ASUS DSL-N12U ADSL modem. I exhibited both the repeater mode and the router mode. Connects without problems. I connect the tablet, laptop to the router, get the address from the modem, but there is no Internet connection and access to the modem.
I connected it via a network cable - the same thing.
However, I did not touch the modem settings. For example, did not change the type of encryption on the modem. But from the router I squeezed everything I could - nothing.
Often, after installing the repeater mode on the router, he could not reach him at any IP address.
Then he took a pin, pressed reset for 8-10 seconds. The device was reset to default settings. And all over again.
In the end, I took hame A100, connected to it - everything worked right away and without any questions.
2 photos - the hame network settings menu from the tablet and the IP address given to the tablet. In this case, KolyaREP is the monitored device in the repeater mode.

In general, a good, useful compact device for organizing a wireless access point, repeater, just for connecting to a local network through a cable of two computers.
However, there may be a compatibility issue with some other network devices.
I hope it will bypass the others, and I myself will be able to solve it after a while.

Enjoy your shopping!

UPDATE 09/28/2014 - managed to make friends with the device and the ASUS modem. I set only WiFi mode on the modem and removed the birdie with b / g protection, everything worked right away.

We often face a problem when the coverage radius of the Wi-Fi hotspot is not enough. In this case, we can use a WiFi signal repeater. This is a device that connects to an access point via "air" or cable and distributes the network, thereby increasing the coverage area. So how to set up a wifi signal repeater?

About the device

Translated from English, Repeater means a repeater. That is, as mentioned above, this is a device that is able to repeat the signal of the access point, while increasing the coverage radius. The second name of a repeater (WiFi signal booster) is a repeater. A common question is what is a WiFi repeater. There is nothing difficult here.

The WiFi repeater finds the networks available to connect and offers you a choice.

After connecting to the point wifi access the repeater simply transmits the signal outside the coverage of the access point. Simply put, the device connects to the router and distributes it to the network in its coverage area.

Of course, in order for the equipment to work, it needs to be configured. There are also no pitfalls and any secrets here. Moreover, the repeater is much faster and easier to configure than a router. Even a beginner can handle this. Let's figure out how to set up a WiFi signal repeater.

Repeater setup

Plug the device into a power outlet. Wait for it to load. This may take about a minute. Now you need to enter the extender Wi-Fi settings menu. To do this, connect to it via Wi-Fi or cable.

Next, open your favorite browser and write the IP address of the repeater in the address bar. You can find out the address on the repeater itself (it has a factory sticker on which the device's IP address is indicated, as well as the login and password to enter the settings menu).

So, we entered the IP-address and press "Enter". Now the system asks you to enter your username and password. If you have not changed them, then, as a rule, the default login and password are admin, admin, respectively.

That's it, now we are in the wi-fi repeater options menu. Further, everything is even easier. On the first page at the top, click on the "Repeater" button. The device will find all available networks for connection.

You just have to choose your router from the list. Set a marker in the required line. Below you can write the name of the repeater (you can leave it unchanged). Even below you need to write the password for the router, the network of which we are expanding. Then click “Apply”. That's it, the device is connected to the access point and distributes it to the network.

Now you know how to connect and how to set up a WiFi extender. But what if there are no such devices at hand, but there is another router? In this case, we can configure a second router and use it as a relay. This is a little more difficult to do, but it can still be done.

Let's look at how to make a repeater from a second router, using the D-Link Dir-300 as an example.

How to use a router as a repeater

    1. So, we connect to the second router. Launch your favorite browser and enter the IP of the router in the address bar. The IP address is indicated on the factory sticker, which is affixed to the device itself. There you will also find information about the login and password to enter the parameters menu.
    1. After entering the IP address in the browser, you will be taken to the start page, where you will need to enter your username and password. By default, the following values ​​are set: login - admin, password - admin.
    1. So we got to the settings menu. Here you need to go to the "Wi-Fi" section. After that, we open the "Client" section.
    1. To activate this feature, simply set the marker in the "Enable" line. The system will search for available networks and offer you a list. Select your first router from this list (the coverage radius of which we need to expand).
    1. Several additional lines will appear below. All of them will already be filled. You only need to enter the cipher to connect to the first router (the key to the current network). Click the Apply button.
    1. A message will pop up warning that some parameters will be changed. We agree and click "Yes".

I work as a private computer foreman. I have been professionally engaged in computer repair for over 12 years, as an amateur since the 90s.
Worked as a manager for two years service center, specializing in connecting subscribers to the Internet and computer help.

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    team Bezprovodoff 12/30/2015 5:04 PM

    Hello. Is the repeater new? There is an instruction for him, in which everything is stated. Also check if it has a LAN output for connecting to a device via a cable! The repeater itself must also have a sticker with data (MAC address, password and login, and so on). If you have already reconfigured the repeater and changed the password earlier, then you can reset its settings by pressing and holding the “Reset” button. Again, find the manual (if not on hand, find it on the Internet). The instructions are detailed.

    DoberMan 01/17/2016 07:41

    Hello. I bought a repeater, connected to the router, the system says that the seto has access to the Internet, but it gives a dns error in the browser. I tried to connect two laptops and two phones and everywhere the same thing. Tell me what enoo can be.

    team Bezprovodoff 03.03.2016 18:52

    Hello. And if you connect to the router without a repeater, then everything works fine? In this case, you need to iterate over the repeater parameters. The DNS error tells us that the problem is in the DNS servers. Try to specify them manually on the repeater. There, in the DHCP settings, there should be such an item or somewhere in the network configuration (I have it in DHCP, but it all depends on the firmware and model of the router / repeater). Also, you can first try to assign the network parameters manually on the computer itself and set these DNS servers: DNS1 -, DNS2 - These are Google servers open to all. Most likely, on the computer, when you set the network parameters manually and specify these servers, everything will work.

    Sergey 03/09/2016 16:27

    Hello. I did everything as described and it seems like the repeater server confirmed the correctness of the actions, but right there, the repeater network in the tray starts to display with a red cross and the text that they say the network parameters saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network. Attempts to redo everything from scratch have led nowhere.

    team Bezprovodoff 03/19/2016 10:46

    Hello. Most likely, the point is not in the repeater, but in the network parameters of the computer. That is, on a computer, as a rule, it is necessary to set to automatically obtain an IP address and DNS servers. In general, on a computer, I recommend resetting the network parameters. Here is a video tutorial -

    team Bezprovodoff 05/19/2016 10:31

    Hello. Only iPhone has no Internet? Does everything work well on all other devices? Apparently, the iPhone needs to be checked. See what standard the repeater works and what WiFi standards your iPhone supports. If there is a difference between the supported standards, then you can't do anything. You can try to do reset iPhone to factory settings.

    team Bezprovodoff 05/19/2016 10:55

    Hello. Repeaters can have other addresses as well. Read the instructions that are necessarily attached to each repeater. The point is that they can be configured in different ways. Different models have their own characteristics. Or at least clarify which repeater you are using, how did you set it up?

    Pavel 05/25/2016 18:49

    Hello. I connected the repeater as indicated in the instructions, but after selecting the network that needs to be expanded and entering the password for it, nothing happens when the apply button is pressed. It is worth choosing any other network of neighbors and pressing apply, It immediately grabs and reboots.

    Bezprovodoff team 16.06.2016 11:35

    Hello. I cannot remotely help you with your question. Call the master at home or ask for help from friends who know how to set up repeaters. You need to look at what you configured there, and how. Better yet, just do a reset and set things up again. But, I cannot do this remotely. Sorry.

    Ostrich 06/23/2016 07:56

    So I get an “unidentified network” or, in other words, “without access to the network,” the Internet means. And whatever settings I did not apply, everything was useless. Ip of the repeater 192.168.0 ... I will not write everything, but I have ip, there are drivers, there is a wireless network like an unidentified network, there is NO Internet access. NO your mother Chinatys cross-eyed, perhaps our providers changed the ip earlier it was 192.168.0, now the USB modem has a completely different ip. Think and guess, there is no exact answer. I am very stubborn, I will definitely solve the problem, I really need a repeater and HIGH-SPEED Internet, not like now.

    Ostrich 06/23/2016 08:16

    mihan, it all depends on your repeater model. If there is a port below that looks like network card, then you will definitely connect to the router, in principle, the repeater should work exclusively with the router, in fact, the repeater creates a JOINT network with the router. Be careful. The radiation power of the repeater is strictly limited to 20dB, or 0.1W, the transmitter should not harm human health (wi-fi amplification is exactly 100 times), but if you configure the access point as a repeater, in addition to your first external repeater, you will receive amplification 40dB, and this amplifies wifi 10,000 times. I was not wrong. This is a nuclear bomb for your health. But if you have a 2-storey house, the operator's tower is more than 10 km away, external antenna is ineffective, then the repeater (external) is installed on the 1st floor, and the access point is on the second floor away from the external repeater. The coverage area will be large, the signal will slightly weaken, but there will be HIGH-SPEED Internet. With a confident reception from 150 to 300mb / s. Is that enough for you? You just need to be extremely careful. Do not expose the repeater outside the house. There will be problems with Rossvyaznadzor. Indoors, if you are not worried about your health, place as many repeaters as you need ... but not on the facade of the building.

    Bezprovodoff team 07/13/2016 09:31 PM

    Hello. Examine the repeater carefully, there should be a “Reset” button on it. Press and hold it to reset the parameters. Most likely, he just shut down from an overabundance of network cache. Reset the parameters, the network cache will also be reset. Then reconfigure the device and everything should work. As a last resort, try updating the software (reflashing the repeater).

    Bezprovodoff team 07/28/2016 10:27

    Hello. Such a question requires a personal presence. The point is that you need to check, maybe the repeater itself is defective, maybe you are setting something wrong or connecting. We must personally watch. I can't say anything remotely. You can guess for a long time. Moreover, my guesses can mislead you. Better, invite home a friend who understands such equipment or call the master at home (I don't think it will be expensive).

    ARtem 08/09/2016 20:32

    here is a photo of the repeater
    I can’t go to his address for setting, the reset button feels like it’s not pressed. Everything is working now, but I want to change the distribution point

    Anatoly 08/14/2016 06:25

    Hello! After setting up, the repeater connects to the network, but distributes it under a different name, you have to manually change the connection when you move to another room. Is it possible to configure the repeater to distribute a network with one name. thanks

    Alex 08.24.2016 10:21

    Hello. I set up the repeater according to the instructions (pictures). It looks okay. But when you connect any devices via wi-fi, it hangs for a long time on -connection ... - and then -cannot get an ip-address-. What is the problem? Thanks.

    team Bezprovodoff 08/25/2016 15:35

    Hello. Are you connecting to the repeater for tuning via cable or WiFi? As far as I know, to set up the repeater it is better to connect to it via a cable. And the Reset button must be pressed. If even through the cable it does not work, then you must definitely do a reset to the factory parameters, because otherwise you will not be able to enter the repeater parameters. Maybe the button is very tight and you need to press it with force. Or maybe, on the contrary, you just do not feel the click when the button is softly pressed. In any case, you press the button and hold it for a while (the power indicator should blink - or read the instructions for the repeater on how to reset the parameters).

    Alexander 08/29/2016 16:56

    Hello! After setup, another WIFI-Repeater network appeared. I thought she would repeat and strengthen existing network, and another one appeared. It was intended that way or I configured something wrong. Tell me how to make the settings so that there is one network. Thanks for the help!

    Hello. Try to set the same broadcast channel (and the same WiFi mode), set the same network name and the same WiFi password. There are no other options. If the same parameters do not allow you to automatically switch between networks, then this will mean that your phone (or other Wi-Fi devices) does not support WiFi roaming... In this case, you only have to manually reconnect when moving to another room.

    Bezprovodoff team 08.09.2016 13:41

    Hello. Theoretically, if via WiFi, then you can. But, it all depends on the types of repeaters, on the supported functions, and so on. The main thing is that both repeaters support the “WiFi bridge” function. Otherwise, the WiFi connection to share the network will fail.

    Bezprovodoff team 08.09.2016 13:41

    Hello. Check if DHCP is enabled in repeater parameters. This function is automatically responsible for assigning IP addresses. Alternatively, manually assign the desired IP address to each WiFi device... If it doesn't help, then I can't help anything else, since the question requires personal presence.

    Vlad 09/15/2016 15:52

    Hello. The problem is that, due to my carelessness, instead of downloading the file with the settings, I used it as an update file. Now I can't connect to it. How can I now download the firmware to it?

    Hello. You can try to name the repeater in the same way as the main router and set the same password. In this case, if the devices support WiFi roaming, then the devices, in theory, should automatically reconnect to the network with the best signal. But, this is only in theory. In practice, not all gadgets support WiFi roaming and other problems may occur. For example, there may be a conflict between a router and a repeater. You can try it anyway. If it doesn't work, you will use it as is. That is, there will be two networks in the house. And you will manually choose which network to connect to.

    team Bezprovodoff 09/21/2016 09:42 PM

    Hello. It all depends on what settings are set on the access point (on a public network). You can also try. For example, on a laptop, you can create a virtual WiFi network that will expand the public network. Here is the instruction - (of the described options, only two will suit you - setting on the command line or using the Virtual Router Plus program). If you manage to distribute the network on a laptop and get access to the Internet through a public network, then you can safely buy a repeater.

    Timur 10/05/2016 19:45

    Good day! Can I use the Internet from a repeater through its wlan port? In other words: I put the repeater in another room, connect it to the main router, connect the mediabox, smart TV or any other set-top box via wlan, and use the Internet on the connected device. Is that possible?

    Bezprovodoff team 10/06/2016 11:50 PM

    Hello. If the device has a “Reset” button (and it should be, just carefully examine the gadget), then press it and hold it for a while (read the instructions on how to reset the parameters on your repeater). After a reset, everything should return to the factory parameters, after which you can enter the parameters and try again to configure. If it doesn't work, then again, read the instructions on how to flash a router without entering its parameters. As a rule, this is done like this - unplug the device from the outlet (power supply). Press and hold the power button. Hold for about 15 seconds, then without releasing the power button, plug the device into a power outlet and keep the power on for about 10 seconds. Next, connect to the repeater via a PC (necessarily by cable) and in the browser write the factory IP address (which is required to enter the repeater parameters). The firmware mode should load. Maybe the procedure for entering this mode is slightly different - read the instructions for your model. In this mode, you can flash it with the required firmware.

    Hello. Connect to the repeater using a cable (RJ45), enter its parameters and configure. If this is not possible, then on the repeater itself there is a "Reset" button. Press it to reset the parameters (read the instructions, as perhaps you should not just press Reset, but hold it for a while). After the reset, connect to the repeater via WiFi and enter its parameters and make the necessary changes.

    Bezprovodoff team 10/19/2016 10:03 PM

    Hello. Means not configured. Did something wrong. Read the instructions carefully and adjust. In addition, you will clarify what and how you configured. How is the main router configured to which the repeater is connected? Have you set up a “Bridge” between the router and repeater? It is rather difficult to say something remotely, since I need to see what is configured and how. Try to re-read the article again and set up the repeater. If it does not work out, then invite the master to your house.

    Bezprovodoff team 10/19/2016 10:03 PM

    Hello. Connect to the repeater using a cable (RJ45), enter its parameters and make changes. If this is not possible, then on the repeater itself there is a "Reset" button. Press it to reset the parameters (read the instructions, as it may be necessary to hold Reset for a while). The second option is if something does not work and you need to somehow get into the parameters and configure the repeater. If everything works, and you just want to enter the parameters from nothing to do, then you should not interfere with the device. To reboot, you can simply unplug it for 7-10 minutes and turn it on again.

    Bezprovodoff team 10/19/2016 10:03 PM

    Hello. It depends on how you set up the repeater. The fact is that the repeater itself has security settings and you yourself can set a password or leave the network open. Again, a lot depends on the repeater model and its firmware (set of tools and functions). so this should be looked at in the parameters of the repeater itself. But, the password should be in any case, because the network cannot always be left open and manufacturers understand this.

From the store website

Additional Information

The WiFi Repeater is a combined wired or wireless network connection device designed specially for small business, office, and home office netwoking requirements. It allows a wireless network to be expanded using multiple access points without the need for a wired backbone to link them. It also works well with other 11b / g and 11n protocol wireless products.
The WIFI Repeater extends the range of your WLAN network easily
Improve wireless coverage in all WLAN networks
Support the various WIFI shared the longer range
Access to the Internet for computers located on the edge or outside of the range of your access point
The connection to a media receiver you can use to receive television over the internet
Supports Wireless Repeater Mode and Standard AP Mode
WLAN 802.11n for wireless high-speed access
Downward compatible with 802.11g (54Mbit / s) and 802.11b standard (11Mbit / s)
Support 2.4GHz WLAN networks
Maximum WLAN security with WPA2, WPA and WEP (128/64)
Software wizard for simple setup
Antennas integrated

By the way, when choosing, look at the plug - I try not to buy with an American plug, since I am an opponent of unreliable adapters. (
Delivery of 2 goods to Ukraine came out at $ 12, but I understand that it goes there by weight and depending on where to send, so first calculate it on the website.

As I said, I came with another product, so everything is in a large, slightly crumpled box

On the back there is a manual in 3 languages. There is no Chinese.

The use cases are schematically indicated either as a WiFi-WiFi repeater or as an access point via a lanyard.

An additional shipping film was initially glued on the muzzle.

From the brand name, only WiFi repeater ((But, when I connected, I was transferred to the site - this is all that is currently known about the manufacturer.

In order not to make different models, it is easier to make 1 module and different plugs for them. But this is not only a + for the manufacturer, but also convenient for buyers
+ can be installed at different angles
+ you can, for example, be mounted in the wall by soldering wires (built-in version, but has the right to life)

On the back side under the sticker there is 1 screw, unscrew it, the case is latched, then we get inside.

Memory Chip - EM639165TS-6G -

According to data from the site
Package 54TSOP-II
Density 128 Mb
Address Bus Width 14 Bit
Operating Supply Voltage 3.3 V
Maximum Clock Rate 166 MHz
Maximum Random Access Time 7 | 5 ns
Operating Temperature 0 to 70 ° C
Category DRAM Chip
Manufacturer Etron Technology, I nc


To configure, we need to connect to access. Thought. this procedure will be mastered by everyone.

WiFi settings
Basic settings. I liked that they are not stacked in tabs, but all on the 1st old man. As for me, it is convenient and simple. We can choose to turn off or turn off WiFi, assign an access point name, select a free channel and an encryption type.

By googling, he finds this site with firmware, in principle they have a similar model. BUT I did not dare to sew
+ it is 2012, but here it is, as it were, 2013.
In short, I don't want to get a brick, so I didn't dare - it works and it's not bad, and God is with him.

We connect by lace
Then the repeater switches to AP mode - access point. We set up the password, channel and encryption mode separately.

ZY In repeater mode, it issues IP from the subnet of the router and the router is also installed as the main gateway, not the repeater.

Repeater mode
All we need to do is select our main WiFi network, choose a name for the repeater and enter the MAIN NETWORK password. The password for the connection will be the same as for the main network.

When I saw such a reboot for the first time, I almost caught it. For those who are not in the know, a similar thing is displayed when windows 8 crashes into a blue screen.

The connection gives out 150 meters. So 300 on the box is a fake. The site is silent about speed - it says only standards.

We connect the cord from the provider to the Ethernet port of the repeater, and with the laptop we connect to the WiFi network - AP mode.

Then we move away from the repeater - the repeater is connected to a WiFi - WiFi router.
Neighboring room laptop connected to repeater via WiFi

But I was planning to connect through about 2 concrete walls + 20 meters distance. I will check it with these parameters.

Speed WITHOUT repeater was:


The review is made as informative as possible, if I missed something, please note it in the comments or drugs, I will definitely add it.

This repeater copes with its tasks completely. I would like to note a convenient and simple setup interface that even a beginner can handle. Ability to connect using a lanyard as a separate access point, and in the repeater mode of the main point and expanding the boundaries of the local network. Won't overlook a good WiFi on / off scheduler. Confidently clings to the main router and keeps speed. Of the minuses, I note that I myself do not like concrete walls, the speed drops. And while the moment of the firmware is in question, although the stitched one satisfies 100% for the tasks set, but we are not looking for easy ways))

In my three-room apartment I ran into a problem: the coverage area of ​​my Wi-Fi router was not enough, and in distant rooms the signal was much weaker, and therefore, the Internet often "hung up" on the phone or tablet. I considered it impractical to buy another router, and in order to expand the coverage area, I decided to buy a Wi-Fi repeater. Well, I think I'm not going to buy an expensive one, I decided to look for a repeater on Aliexpress that costs about 500 rubles. As a result, I found the "Wireless -N Wi-Fi Repeater" for 555 rubles.

The repeater came in the configuration declared by the seller, namely: repeater, setup instructions, LAN - cable for connecting to a computer / laptop.

The repeater is assembled, the plug is inserted into the grooves and fixed with a button located slightly on the side. Similarly, you can disassemble it by pressing the button and unscrewing the plug counterclockwise.

The repeater has four LEDs: Power LED, Wireless LED, WPS LED, and Cable Connection LED. When the repeater is working, the indicators are green.

On the side surface there is a connector for a cable and a Reset button, which resets all settings to the factory settings.

The cable has standard network connector RJ 45. The instruction is completely in English and I will tell you right away that it didn’t help me much when connecting, I had to “rummage” on the Internet before I found the instruction in Russian.

As for the customization. Guided by the instructions on English language, I connected the repeater to the laptop by means of a cable, "hammered" the settings (only the network name and password were required), and saved. However, after that attempts to connect to it over the network were unsuccessful. After reading the instructions in Russian, I realized my mistake: when specifying the network name, I added additional characters. And I just had to name the network the same as the main one, and after that I was able to set up the repeater normally.

Now I have excellent Wi-Fi signal throughout my apartment. I can download large files to my phone, tablet, laptop or play them (for example, video High Quality) from the Internet without any problems anywhere in your apartment. On the TV, the speed of transferring and playing files from the computer has also improved, well, two times - for sure. Of course, I struggled with the setup, but I was still pleased with the purchase.

Wi-Fi Repeater - a gadget for signal amplification andrey_snegovik wrote on November 5, 2012

Nowadays, more and more people are deploying a Wi-Fi network at home. But this is not so easy if you have a large apartment with many walls blocking the signal. And some have more than one floor in their houses!
Therefore, to enhance the range of Wi-Fi, you have to resort to auxiliary means to amplify the signal.
The only catch is that the hardware to solve the problem is very expensive and bulky. And not everywhere in the city you will find the necessary things to amplify the signal.

One of the ways to solve all these subtleties is to purchase a so-called Wi-Fi repeater (Wall Powered Wireless Signal Repeater). This gadget plugs directly into a power outlet and amplifies the wireless signal, thus increasing its range.

Actually, I introduced the principle of operation and the need for the gadget, now I'll tell you about it.
I bought the device here in this store.


The device comes in a beautiful box. The full name of the gadget is in large letters, the description is just below and there are beautiful icons in the lower right corner.

On the reverse side, there are two schemes for using the repeater. Features in three languages ​​and country of manufacture. Surprised that I did not meet a single Chinese symbol! Inspires confidence =)

The box is opened in a "sprawling" way.

Contents of delivery

  • Wi-Fi Repeater
  • RJ-45 cable
  • Euro plug adapter
  • Instruction in English
The cable is blue, it works, everything is fine.

The adapter for the Euro plug is connected to the repeater and fixed.

The attachment itself.

User manual.

Learning it is simple and easy =)


And here is the repeater itself in an arched shape.

A euro plug is attached on the reverse side, and the address for entering the settings through the browser is written at the bottom.

On one side there is an Ethernet input and a Reset button.

That's the whole package.


One screw is hidden under the sticker. Which is easy to unscrew. Then the case is removed.

Problem, fix with firmware

After unpacking, I started trying to set up the device.
Unfortunately, I couldn't do it. I suffered for about 2 hours. What is the problem?
The fact is that, according to the instructions, I followed all the steps. But on one of them (namely, when the password is entered, then Connect is pressed), the repeater just thought, and then the browser wrote an error. As a result, nothing was connected.
I was very upset, but then I decided to try to fix the problem and I succeeded =)
I thought that the problem was most likely in the software part and decided to update the firmware. But the device turned out to be NoName ... (no hints about the manufacturer, official website or serial number of the device)

I started googling and went to the site
"Looks like a manufacturer's company" - I thought.

Found a repeater. It differs in indicators, but I decided to see what is attached to it. d = 133

This page contains the firmware and manual for the devices. Fortunately, there was a firmware for the repeater. p? id = 41

I decided to take a chance to flash from the device WS-WN518N... Downloaded WS-WN518N-fwc.bin, I asked for it. Everything went well and it worked =) The settings interface has changed, pictures have been added and all the little things. Now I'll tell you about the connection in order.
To whom, if necessary, the firmware and manual in

($ 13.43 + shipping)

Wireless-N WiFi Repeater Router Range Expander Extender for WLAN Network - UK Plug

Price: $ 13.43 + shipping

Summer is coming, which means I will often sit with a laptop in a gazebo in the yard or in a summer kitchen. But even after replacing the router, the signal there sags very much due to the walls and the distance between the connection points. Therefore, it was decided to expand the area so that the device was just like a hammer and unpretentious. What came of it next.

From the store website

Additional Information
Wireless-N WiFi Repeater Router Range Expander Extender for WLAN Network - UK Plug
The WiFi Repeater is a combined wired or wireless network connection device designed specially for small business, office, and home office netwoking requirements. It allows a wireless network to be expanded using multiple access points without the need for a wired backbone to link them. It also works well with other 11b / g and 11n protocol wireless products.
The WIFI Repeater extends the range of your WLAN network easily
Improve wireless coverage in all WLAN networks
Support the various WIFI shared the longer range
Access to the Internet for computers located on the edge or outside of the range of your access point
The connection to a media receiver you can use to receive television over the internet
Supports Wireless Repeater Mode and Standard AP Mode
WLAN 802.11n for wireless high-speed access
Downward compatible with 802.11g (54Mbit / s) and 802.11b standard (11Mbit / s)
Support 2.4GHz WLAN networks
Maximum WLAN security with WPA2, WPA and WEP (128/64)
Software wizard for simple setup
Antennas integrated (
Delivery of 2 goods to Ukraine came out at $ 12, but I understand that it goes there by weight and depending on where to send, so first calculate it on the website. PACKAGE
As I said, I came with another product, so everything is in a large, slightly crumpled box
The repeater itself is packed in a nice blister with a description of all the possible applications.

On the back there is a manual in 3 languages. There is no Chinese.

The use cases are schematically indicated either as a WiFi-WiFi repeater or as an access point via a lanyard.

The set is rather poor) Repeater, cord and instructions.

The instruction is completely schematic and, probably, even a full "kettle" will be able to use it to configure this device and connect to it.

A 1 meter cord is enough for customization.

Oddly enough, they did not clamp the wire, they made 4 pairs, not 2 as the port could still be 100 Mb / s.

An additional shipping film was initially glued on the muzzle.

I chose the European plug - more about it below.

On the left side there is a 100Mb / s RJ-45 Ethernet port, and a small RESET button (hold for 9 seconds and reset all settings to default).

Indication LEDs. They, running to the front, do not blind. In the case of a connection, cables and / or WiFi start blinking.

The WPS button was also included in the design.

From the brand name, only WiFi repeater ((But, when I connected, I was thrown to the site - this is all that is currently known about the manufacturer.

In order not to make different models, it is easier to make 1 module and different plugs for them. But this is not only a + for the manufacturer, but also convenient for buyers
+ can be installed at different angles
+ you can, for example, be mounted in the wall by soldering wires (built-in version, but has the right to life)

On the back there is information about the default IP address, MAC address and PIN codes for setting up WPS.

In the night, the lights burn, as I said, very relaxed, there is no desire to glue them.

Well, you can attach it to the outlet either vertically or horizontally.

As you can see, it is very compact - in fact, a little more than a simple outlet. And in the interior, too, it does not stand out much.

On the back side under the sticker there is 1 screw, unscrew it, the case is latched, then we get inside.

Powered by RTL8196E Realtek processor - 400 MHz

As a WiFi controller - RTL8192ER

Memory Chip - EM639165TS-6G -

According to data from the site
Package 54TSOP-II
Density 128 Mb
Address Bus Width 14 Bit
Operating Supply Voltage 3.3 V
Maximum Clock Rate 166 MHz
Maximum Random Access Time 7 | 5 ns
Operating Temperature 0 to 70 ° C
Category DRAM Chip
Manufacturer Etron Technology, I nc

They forgot to put a couple of parts into the power supply, I think this is a minus, I think to solder the conductors myself.


To configure, we need to connect to an open access point. Thought. this procedure will be mastered by everyone.

The control panel is very clear and simple. Tiles)) Everything is clear even in the pictures. For example, in AP mode, we see how the connection is made (via cable)

In repeater mode, the picture changes.

WiFi settings
Basic settings. I liked that they are not stacked in tabs, but all on the 1st old man. As for me, it is convenient and simple. We can choose to turn off or turn off WiFi, assign an access point name, select a free channel and an encryption type.

V additional settings there are already more checkboxes and opportunities. I left everything by default.

WPS setting. Frankly, I never used it, so I just turn it off.

Here's a VERY useful feature for me - the schedule. You can set the operating modes. Let's say you can turn off WiFi at work from 9-18, come home WiFi automatically turned on, and turned off at night too.

Specify right time, The copy from computer button works by the way, so the setting is in one click.

There is an opportunity to update the firmware only where to get it, I have not figured it out yet.
By googling, he finds this site with firmware, in principle they have a similar model. BUT I did not dare to sew
+ it is 2012, but here it is, as it were, 2013.
In short, I don't want to get a brick, so I didn't dare - it works and it's not bad, and God is with him.

Let's overload, too, just in case.

We connect by lace
Then the repeater switches to AP mode - access point. We set up the password, channel and encryption mode separately.

As you can see, the laptop received the IP address by means of the repeater, 192.168.10. * (In my home router I have 192.168.1. * Installed)

But on the DHCP tab, you can change the parameters, and then you can get the IP from the range of the main network.
ZY In repeater mode, it issues IP from the subnet of the router and the router is also installed as the main gateway, not the repeater.

Repeater mode
All we need to do is select our main WiFi network, choose a name for the repeater and enter the MAIN NETWORK password. The password for the connection will be the same as for the main network.

After rebooting and connecting to the repeater, you will receive an IP in the network that is registered on the router.
When I saw such a reboot for the first time, I almost caught it. For those who are not in the know, a similar thing is displayed when windows 8 crashes into a blue screen.

The connection gives out 150 meters. So 300 on the box is a fake. The site is silent about speed - it says only standards.

First, check the signal level in the same room with the repeater, it is 100%

Through 2 concrete walls already falls.

We connect the cord from the provider to the Ethernet port of the repeater, and with the laptop we connect to the WiFi network - AP mode.

We connect the repeater to the router with a cord, the laptop is connected to the repeater via WiFi - AP mode.

We connect the repeater to the router with a cord, the laptop is connected to the repeater via WiFi - repeater mode.

In the farthest corner of the apartment, we get the following result. I measured it not only with a speed test, but also with a torrent.

The main operating mode of the repeater
But I was planning to connect through about 2 concrete walls + 20 meters distance. I will check it with these parameters.

Speedtest confidently keeps in the region of 5 megabytes per second. Before that, it did not rise above 1 megabyte - there was not enough WiFi.

Speed WITHOUT repeater was:

The product is provided for review.
The review is made as informative as possible, if I missed something, please note it in the comments or drugs, I will definitely add it.

This repeater copes with its tasks completely. I would like to note a convenient and simple setup interface that even a beginner can handle. Ability to connect both with a lanyard as a separate access point, and in the repeater mode of the main point and expanding the boundaries local network... Won't overlook a good WiFi on / off scheduler. Confidently clings to the main router and keeps speed. Of the minuses, I note that I myself do not like concrete walls, the speed drops. And while the moment of the firmware is in question, although the stitched one satisfies 100% for the tasks set, but we are not looking for easy ways))

valendar writes on April 7, 2015 Price: $ 13.43 + shipping LINK TO GOODS Summer is suitable, which means I will often sit with my laptop in the gazebo in the yard or in the summer kitchen. But even after replacing the router, ...

valendar writes on April 7, 2015 Price: $ 13.43 + shipping LINK TO GOODS Summer is suitable, which means I will often sit with my laptop in the gazebo in the yard or in the summer kitchen. But even after replacing the router, ...

Find the IP address of your router. Most newer routers have an IP address sticker. In the case of older models, this information can be found in the documentation for the router. If you can't find the information you need anywhere, you can search the Internet for your router model.

  • The IP address is four groups of 3 digits, separated by a period.
  • Majority standard IP addresses-, or

On a computer connected to the router, open a web browser. Enter the IP address of the router in the address bar and press Enter. The browser will try to connect to the router's configuration menu.

  • If the bundled with the router came installation disk, you can run the configuration program instead. It performs almost the same function.
  • Enter login and password. To access the router's configuration page, enter the correct username and password. Most routers have a standard username and password that you must use to log in. These are model dependent and should be printed on the router or in the documentation.

    • The most common login is "admin".
    • The most common passwords are "admin" and "password".
    • For some routers, it is enough to enter only the login, and leave the password blank; in some models, the login can also be omitted.
    • If you cannot find the standard username and password, search online for a standard username for your router model. If it has been changed, hold down the Reset button on the back of the router to reset it to factory settings for 10 seconds.
  • Open the wireless settings. After logging into the router, you will be taken to the main menu or status screen. There are several options to choose from here. The "Internet" section can be left unchanged, unless you have received specific settings from your Internet service provider. In the Wireless & networks section, you can change the wireless settings.

    Enter a name for your wireless network. In the "Wireless & networks" section, you will see the SSID or "name" field. Enter a unique name for your wireless network. This is what other devices will see when scanning for wireless networks.

    • Mark the checkbox to enable broadcast service area information. This will enable the wireless network.
  • Choose a security method. Select from the list of available security options. For maximum security, select WPA2-PSK as the encryption method. It is the most resistant to hacking and the best way to protect you from attacks by hackers and intruders.

    Come up with a passphrase. Once you have chosen the encryption method, enter the passphrase. It should be complex password consisting of a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Do not use passwords that can be easily identified by your network name or information about you.

    Save the settings. Once you have named and secured your wireless network, click the Apply or Save button. It may take some time for the settings to be applied. As soon as the router restarts, your wireless network will become available.