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Make Wai Fi Distribution on a laptop. How to distribute the Internet on WiFi from a laptop? WiFi router

Yes maybe! But there are many nuances and incomprehensible moments that I will tell in this article. Below you will find a detailed answer to the question: "Can a laptop distribute Wi-Fi?". Since I wrote a lot of detailed instructions on this topic, then in the course of the writing of the article, I will give links to detailed instructions on which you can configure the distribution of the Internet by Wi-Fi from your laptop, or a stationary computer.

For those who are interested, how it works. A few words about the technology itself and how everything is implemented. In order to somehow expand the functional wireless wi-Fi technologyMicrosoft has developed Virtual WiFi technology. This is such a software shell (In fact, just the program built in Windows)which can create virtual Wi-Fi adapters. Here in the laptop, or one physical adapter is connected to the computer, or Wi-Fi module (Simply put, fee). And this adapter can, for example, only connect to Wi-Fi networks. And thanks to the Virtual WiFi technology, Windows has the ability to create a virtual Wi-Fi adapter that will work independently of the main (with different settings). For example, one accepts Wi-Fi, and the second distributes it. That's how it works. It is the technology of Virtual WiFi that allows you to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop without a router.

Starting with Windows 7, it is possible to start the virtual access point simple way (using specific commands). All that is necessary is SoftAP support in the wireless network adapter driver. As practice shows, there are no problems with this. Although, in rare cases, when you cannot run the virtual access point, the driver update can help.

Despite the fact that the Internet on its devices can be distributed from a laptop, or PC, this method of organizing Wi-Fi network will never replace a real router. With the router everything is much easier, more reliable and more stable. Much more features and functions. Virtual Wi-Fi The network can be used temporarily, sometimes, but not entirely consider this method as a complete replacement of the router. It is better to buy the cheapest router (read more about the choice in the article). So it will be better, believe me.

As I have already written above, Virtual WiFi technology is built into Windows 7 operating system (except the initial version), Windows 8, and of course in Windows 10. By the way, the shell has already appeared in the tenth version to work with this function, which is called "Mobile Hot Spot". We will come back to this.

What do you need to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop?

Nothing special. Laptop with built-in, working Wi-Fi module (it is in every model), or stationary computer with internal, or external wi-fi adapter. I wrote about them. It is clear that it must be connected to the Internet. Via cable, or via USB modem. It is also possible to use a laptop as a repeater (amplifier). This means that it will take Internet on Wi-Fi, and distribute it already in the form of another wireless network.

A driver must be installed on the Wi-Fi adapter. That is, the adapter itself should be displayed in the Device Manager. Wi-Fi should work. How to check? In the device manager, on the tab " Network adapters"There must be an adapter, in the title of which there is" Wireless "," Wi-Fi "," 802.11 ", or" WLAN ".

And in network connections there must be an adapter "Wireless network connection", or" Wireless Network "in Windows 10.

If you do not have these adapters in the settings, then install the driver. Download the driver from the official site of the laptop manufacturer, or the adapter itself. And only for your model and set version Windows. You can come in handy and separate.

But that's not all. You can check whether the SoftAP driver supports. Starting a virtual access point. What we need to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi network from a laptop.

To do this, you need to execute the following command in the command prompt on behalf of the administrator:


The result should be like this ("Support for the posted network" - "Yes"):

If you have no "no" there, I advise you to try to start the access point. If it does not work, then update the driver.

In Windows 10, the "support of the posted network" is often indicated - "No", but the laptop exceeds the Internet through the mobile hot spot.

What is necessary to distribute the Wi-Fi network we found out, you can proceed directly to setting up and start the access point itself.

How to start the access point and distribute the Internet without a router?

There are three ways:

  1. Using commandsYou need to execute on the command line. This is a universal way that works in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7. Teams are the same. In most cases, it is better to use this particular option. Of the minuses: it is difficult to figure out (according to my instructions - easy) And every time you need to open the line to run the distribution. But there is a solution here. I'll tell you further in the article.
  2. Through special, third-party programs . There are many free, and paid programs To run SoftAP. All these programs are just a shell, and perform the same commands that can be performed by command line. Just in the programs it can be done by pressing the buttons. Not rarely with them arises a lot of problems. And if you cannot run the virtual network via the command line, then it will not be possible through the program.
  3. Through Mobile Hot Spot. Only in Windows 10. This is a separate function in parameters with which you can distribute the Internet into several clicks. If you have Windows 10 and the Internet not through PPPoE, I recommend this particular option.

And now more:

Universal method: through the command line

Suitable for all operating windows systems. You need to run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. To control the virtual point access Wi-Fi We will need only three teams:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d "MYWI-FI" KEY \u003d "11111111" KEYUSAGE \u003d Persistent - Where "mywi-fi" is the name of the network, and "11111111" is a password. They can be changed to their own. This command is performed only once. Or when you need to change the network name, or password.

netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork - Running distribution Wi-Fi network.

netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork - Stop distribution.

Approximately like this:

Important moment:

After launching the network you need to open sharing in the Internet connection properties. Otherwise, the laptop will distribute the Wi-Fi network, but without access to the Internet, or the device will not be connected to it. How to do this, I showed detail in the articles on the links below.

Detailed instructions:

Choose more appropriate instructions for yourself and adjust.

Problems and solutions:

  • (Error: Failed to start the posted network. A group or resource is not in the desired state to perform the required operation.)

Through special programs

Something I never liked this option. Easier already with the help of commands. But the way is working, so you can try. Recommend the following programs: Virtual Router, Switch Virtual Router, Maryfi, Connectify 2016 ..

It seems that all articles collected. This information will be enough for you.


We found out that almost every laptop and a computer can share the Internet via Wi-Fi network with other devices. To do this, only a configured Wi-Fi adapter is needed. Further, it is enough to run the distribution by one of the ways, and depending on the selected method, open the access to the Internet. After which our laptop turns into a router

Judging by the comments to other articles, this function does not always work stably and without problems. Everything works. Although I use this way only when I write instructions on this topic. If there is a router, then there is no need to torment the laptop.

Most likely you have some questions. Specify them in the comments, feel free to 🙂

If you need to provide sharing network for several gadgets, but there is no router at hand, you can do without it. This instruction will help turn your computer into a router to distribute the Internet through the access point ( wi-Fi network) or Ethernet wire.

1. How to distribute the Internet from a computer using the "Mobile Hot Spot" function (only Windows 10)

1. Find the Mobile Hot Spot menu: select "Start" → "Parameters" (gear) → "Network and Internet" → "Mobile hot spot".

2. In the "Sharing Internet Connection" field, select the connection type that provides the connection of the current computer with the Internet. It may be wireless connection Wi-Fi (or 3G) or Ethernet.

3. Click "Edit" and in the next window, specify the name and password from the new wireless network, through which the computer will hand out.

4. In the top of the page, enable the option "Allow the use of my Internet connection on other devices".

After that you can distribute the Internet through the created Wi-Fi network. Just connect to it design devices Using a password created in the third step. And you can turn off the distribution of the Internet in the same place where it turns off wireless connection- In the "Network" window on the taskbar.

1. Run the command line. To do this, enter in the search by the "Command" system, right-click on the found element and select "Run on behalf of the administrator".

2. To create new network For distribution, enter the Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOD SSIDNETTNETWORK MODE \u003d ALLO19E1Z # and press ENTER in the string. Instead of stacy, you can enter any other network name, and instead of 4419e1z # - any other password.

3. To activate the created access point, enter the Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork command and press ENTER again. If the commands worked, you will see the following text.

4. Now allow other users to access the Internet through the created network. First, open the Windows Control Panel and select "Network and Shared Access Center".

5. Then right-click on the connection icon of your computer to the Internet, select "Properties" → "Access" and check the values \u200b\u200bnear the resolution requests. In the "Connection field home network»Select a wireless connection created in the second step of the instruction.

After that, you can connect other devices to the Wi-Fi network configured in this way using the specified password. To disable the access point, enter the NETSH WLAN Stop HostedNetwork on the command prompt. To enable it again, use Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork.

If the Internet does not earn on the connected devices, open the "Device Manager" menu through the "Controller" menu, expand the "Network Adapters" item and check that all devices from this list are turned on. If you find inactive among them, turn them on using the context menu.

If other problems occur, try reinstalling the network adapter drivers manually by downloading them from the manufacturer's website, or automatically - using the Driver Booster program or service. The latter will do everything for you.

If you do not want to mess around with the command line, you can take advantage of special utility for fast settings Wireless access point. C. free program Connectify Hotspot You will manage in a few minutes.

  1. Download and install Connectify Hotspot.
  2. Run the program and follow the prompts on the screen. Russian Interface language can be selected in the settings. The utility will ask you to set the computer connection type with the Internet and the parameters of the new wireless network. After that, it will remain click on the start button to activate the access point.

When you finish, you can distribute the Internet to other Wi-Fi devices. You can manage the wireless network directly in the program window.

Connectify Hotspot has also paid version from additional features. For example, it allows you to distribute not only stationary Internet on Wi-Fi, but also 3G and 4G. Hostspot Pro 35 dollars.

  1. Connect the Ethernet ports of both devices cable.
  2. On the computer from which you want to distribute the Internet, open the "Control Panel" and go to the "Network and Shared Access Center" section → "Changing the Adapter Settings". Names B. different versions Windows may differ.
  3. In the window that opens, highlight through ctrl key Two compounds. The first must be responsible for connecting your computer to the Internet. Second - for connecting the second computer to this. Right-click on any of two connections and select "Bridge Setup".

After a few seconds, a new connection should appear with the name "Network Bridge", and next to the connections used should be displayed "connected, connected". If everything goes well, the Internet will earn on the second computer. But this may not happen immediately, but after 10-15 minutes.

In MacOS, it is quite simple to set up shared Internet access both by cable and through. For this you will not need additional programs.

  1. Expand the Apple menu and go to the " System settings»→" Sharing ".
  2. Check the General Internet checkbox on the left pane and specify in the General Connection list on the right side of the window connecting the current computer with the Internet. For example, if it is connected to the network over the cable, select Ethernet.
  3. In the "For computers using" field, select a method of sharing Internet access for other devices. For example, if you want to distribute the Internet without wires, choose Wi-Fi if the cable, then Ethernet.

If Wi-Fi is chosen, uncheck the "General Internet" checkbox, click " Wi-Fi settings"And specify the name and password of the access point, then check the" General Internet "checkbox.

After making these settings, other devices can be connected to the computer with the selected method.

Often, users arise the need to provide several gadgets by the World Network. However, for the purchase special equipment Definite funds will be required. But there are other ways. In this material we will tell our blog readers how to distribute WiFi from a laptop on android tablets or smartphones.

You can distribute the Internet from a laptop on Android devices in several ways that we will talk about.

In order to provide WiFi distribution from a Windows laptop on an Android (or any other device), several conditions must be met, and they are required no matter what method you prefer.

  • The laptop must be equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter (in the case of stationary computer, It is probably necessary to have an external receiver with connecting to a USB / PCI connector).
  • A Wi-Fi adapter is required to install a driver supporting Virtual WiFi. If the virtual network does not start, you will need to update the Wireless adapter to the last up-to-date version.
  • The laptop must be connected to the Internet, which will be active.

Using Windows 7

This option is quite simple and does not require the installation of additional software. However, it is necessary to consider that tools with which you can handle Wai Fi has an OS with the editors not lower than Professional.

So, what should we do:

On your laptop, in the lower left corner of the screen, click "Start" and go to the control panel:

Now select "Network and Common Access Control Center":

* If your PC is sorted by categories, select the "Network and Internet" item.

Here we have to click on the "Configure New Connection or Network" string:

From the opening list of the connection options, select Computer Computer and press the Next button:

Now enter the network name (arbitrarily), create a password and put a tick in the "Save parameters of this network" string so as not to enter the password each time you connect:

Here, in fact, everything, you can now distribute the Internet from your laptop (or computer) by connecting the Android device.

Using the command line

First you need to check whether it is possible in principle to distribute from your PC. To do this, press the button on the laptop in the lower left corner. Start"And enter the search string" cmd.»:

After the system finds the program, we will open, it will be the command line:

Now we need to enter the command " netsh. wlan Show Drivers."(Without quotes). After that, the information in which we find a string will be found. Hosted Network. Opposite it should be written " Yes"(For settings in Russian:" Support for the posted network»: « Yes»):

So, if our laptop supports distribution, then we return to the command line again and enter the installation for the network, the device being distributed: netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode=allow SSIDMyWifi.»Key \u003d" 12345678 ". Where sSID. - Network Name, It will define arbitrarily (in the screenshot MyWifi.), but key - Password, also indicate arbitrarily (in the screenshot " 12345678 «):

Now it remains to configure our newly created network. To do this, we go along the way described above: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "ETEM Control Center", on the left side of the window we find "Changing the parameters of the adapter", open, find your network, click on it right mouse button, in the dropping window Activate "Properties":

In a new window, you press the "Access" tab on the top panel and, putting a checkbox, give permission to other users to use the Internet connection from your PC. In the field below, choose your network and click "OK":

Now we can connect your Android device on Wi-Fairy to the Internet, which is distributed by a laptop.

Possible problems:

  • Smartphone does not connect to the created network

Most likely, firewall, antivirus or other similar programs block the connection. Disconnect them, and if everything has become working, then your connection must be added to the exclusions of the antivirus.

  • Gadgets are connected, Wi Fi is active, but the Internet does not work.

Perhaps the settings did not allow access to the Internet. You need to make sure that the Internet operates on the distribution, check the settings for permission to common access, restart the PC and start the network again.

Running network after computer reboot

This does not require the introduction of a network or password, just enter the following command - netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

How to open an access point on the smartphone

So, if one of the methods described above gave a positive result, we have left to access Wai Fi on the Android apparatus. It is done quite simple:

* On your device, items may have a different name, for example: " Settings» — « Yet» — « Modem mode» — « Wi-Fi Access Point».

Distribution WiFi from a laptop using third-party software

If you do not fit any of the described options, it is easy and simply you can get the desired by setting one of the applications. I'll tell you about connectify programWith the help of which it is possible to distribute the Internet without much effort.

You can download Connectify from the developer's official website, it is possible to get acquainted with the functionality and features of the program in more detail.

I, briefly presenting the program, I will say that this is a means that software Provides the distribution of the Internet without the help of the router (router), assigning an adapter, built into the motherboard as a distributor of Wi-Fi.

The application applies to a paid and free basis. The free version provides the use of WiFi distribution feature. After downloading Connectify, we will need to agree with the license agreement. Then, waiting for the installation termination, reboot the system (button Reboot Now.).

After restarting on the desktop, an appropriate icon will appear, open the program, go to the section " Settings"(Settings). Here we are interested in three items in which you need to enter the following data:

  • « Hotspot Name."- Name name, in free version Available to the one you see in the screenshot.
  • « Password."- a password containing at least eight characters.
  • « Internet to Share."- Here by pressing the button, choose from the dropped list active connectionwe will use

That's all the settings, it remains to click the " Start Hotspot."And launch the distribution process. We will see that the WiFi sign has become blue, and in " Disconnected clients»A modified state of access point and encryption type will appear.

You can connect your own smartphone Android To the created network (activate the access point and enter the password), and if everything went fine, the new device connection will appear at the bottom:

If you have questions about the topic, how to distribute the Internet on Android, write to us, and we will answer them with pleasure. And I have nothing more to add. Good luck!

Thanks to the intensive development of new equipment and technologies, at present each user has several devices providing the ability to communicate with the Internet through Wi-Fi, it is enough just to enable this option in the device. In these circumstances, people are increasingly faced with the problem of lack of wireless network, such as visiting familiar with a laptop with rapid access To the World Wide Web, but not having a router-free router to provide additional gadgets.

In this case, the problem of distribution WiFi can be solved quite simply. Fortunately, the developers of Windows 7, 8 and 10 from Microsoft have provided the possibility of using computers as a Waifa source. Below are concrete instructions on WiFi distribution methods from a laptop.

The task can be solved by two methods: using windows, as well as through applications of third-party programmers. The main condition relating to all methods on the use of PCs for Dressing Waifa is the presence in a special computer wireless adapterWith which manufacturers usually equip laptops.

1 method: using windows tools

The attractiveness of the method under consideration in the absence of the need to search and install into a computer added software, so on. Everything can be provided with the built-in WINDOVS funds.

You must perform the following sequence of actions:

2 Method: Through the command line

The algorithm of action is as follows:

3 Method: using the Connectify Application

If the user is too lazy to understand the OS tools, then it is possible to effectively turn on the distribution of Wi-Fi through the "Connectify" utility.

To set up a WiFi distribution from a laptop under consideration, you need to make the following sequential steps:

4 Method: through the "MyPublicWiFi" application

The utility is very similar to the described application in the previous method of distribution of the Internet and also allows you to make a home laptop without much effort to access the Wi-Fi access point.

To make and configure a wireless network via MYPUBLICWIFI, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Find an application on the Internet and install it in a laptop, its functionality is similar to Connectify and is quite sufficient to make the PC access point of Wi-Fi;
  2. Make a mark on the line "Automatic HotSpot Configuration";
  3. Then put a tick on "Enable Internet Sharing";
  4. In the next field, specify the PC connection with world Wide Web and click "SET UP AND START HotSpot";

Additionally, you can configure the simultaneous start of the utility along with Windows. To do this, it is only a couple of steps:

5 Method: Using the MhotSpot application

To organize access to wireless Internet You can use the MhotSpot utility, which also copes with the distribution of Wi Fi if there is a laptop with the Internet.

To create a Wi-Fi network under consideration, you can use the next simple instruction:

  1. Find an application on the Internet and install it in a laptop;
  2. Next include an application with system administrator rights;
  3. In the following two graphs, type the name of Wi-Fi and the access code;
  4. Then in the "Internet Source" column, indicate the PC connection with the global network;
  5. Then, in the Max Client item, write a figure from 1 to 10, depending on the number of gadgets used in the Wi-Fi FiR created;
  6. Click "Start Hotspote";
  7. Ready, the distribution of the Internet successfully works and you can go to the network using the devices connected to Wai Fi!


The article presents 5 different ways creating wifi from a laptop. You can successfully use any of the users you like and use modern achievements of wireless technologies without buying additional equipment for these purposes, for example, routers.

How to distribute Wai Fi from a laptop using only standard functionality, it is about the inclusion of WiFi distribution from a laptop we will tell today!

Any modern device is equipped with a special device. It allows you to work as a computer as a router. To do this, form a virtual bridge. He in turn consists of network devices (adapter and fee).

How to quickly make a laptop distributing Wi-Fi Internet without a router?

You can create this connection by means of tools that relate to standard means software. It:

  • annex for configuring the Internet and Protection of Content;
  • text interface CMD;
  • bat file.

In any case, to make a Wi-Fi access point from a laptop, the video will help to visually familiarize themselves with the algorithm, the OS should be not lower than Windows 7. It also necessarily presence (it can be built-in or connecting additionally).

How can I find out how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop?

This can be done by the Device Manager tab. It should look at the "Network Adapters" section and find the information you need. Usually the device is submitted called Wireless 802.11. Also required condition - Availability of network connection of any type to a computer.

Please note that when many users connect to the network, the speed can "seek". Therefore, it is possible to periodically and turn off the unnecessary users.

Solving the problem through the OS menu

Among famous ways to include distribution Wi-Fi On a Windows laptop, the most simple is considered to use the OS menu. To go to the "Network Management Center ..." follows:

  1. press the PCM on the access button global Network;
  2. find the desired section;
  3. activate the "Create a New Connection" action;
  4. go to the Settings section itself;
  5. the necessary data is input;
  6. you should clap the "Next" button to create a distribution point.

For these few steps and a virtual device will be created. So from a laptop via a modem? You should again go to the "Center ..." and call the properties of the working network. Next, you need to allow access to other users by selecting the device through which users will connect.

Remove (deactivate) WiFi distribution from a laptop

If the network created continues to be displayed even after use, then you need to know how to remove the distribution of Wi-Fi from a laptop. In this case, again you need to go to the "Center ..." and choose the section "Management wireless networks" After that, click on not the desired file.By clicking on the "Delete" button. So, the necessary actions are made, and the connection will not be displayed anymore in the list of valid.

Compliance with the serial instruction will allow you to solve the problem correctly and as quickly as possible. For this there is no need to look special programs And services to set up a distribution for other users from a portable computer.