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How to find out whether the neighbors are my WiFi. How to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi Rostelecom

In almost every house now there is an Internet and router, sinking Wi-Fi. Wireless connection - convenient opportunitywhich allows you to move around the apartment, use various gadgets, and not tangled in the Wires.

The nuance is that the radius of the router usually exceeds the apartment limits, which means that the neighbors can also be connected to your router. Nothing, but this will suffer from this information transfer rate, so sometimes it is very important to know who is connected to your Wi-Fi router and how to pump away the lover of the gift internet from your router.

Signs of foreign connections

Noticed that download speed big files on the computer at home decreased significantly, and the video is shown in improper quality and slows down, but did not immediately treat the provider to the provider, thinking that most likely the problem is that someone from the neighbors joined my Wi-Fi channel maybe several at once. I advise you, when identifying such a problem, do not run first of all to the master, but at first try to solve everything on your own.

First of all, I was convinced that someone is really connected to my Wi-Fi.

How to find out:

  • When using a computer, smartphone, tablet, laptop from home network The speed of connecting to the Internet is strongly reduced (video, especially in HD quality, "inhibit"), and sometimes it even arises a complete channel stamp;
  • Changed the settings of the router, although neither you nor your home did this;
  • In the list of devices, extraneous gadgets appeared, whose MAC addresses have nothing to do with you;
  • For your IP address, suddenly appeared restrictions on access to any sites;
  • With all the devices turned off in your home, the WAN indicator ( wireless network) The router continues to transmit intensively and receive data, i.e. Flashing.

The main feature of the third-party connection to Wi-Fi is the drop in speed, since the more people use wireless connection, the less bandwidth Routher and Internet access speed.

How to check how many devices are connected to a Wi-Fi network?

How did you manage to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi? I went to my browser from a laptop and introduced into address line The IP address of the router, as well as a login and password for the entrance.

How to enter a password

Usually, two addresses are used to access the settings in routers:


If one does not fit, try another. Login and password for most devices are default the same - admin.

I wanted to enter, but then I ran into such a problem: someone changed the password. Apparently, it did the one who secretly connected to my "Wai Fay". I had to reset the settings to the factory, only then was able to enter the web interface of the router settings.

How to find "extra" visitors

How to find out who is connected to Wi-Fi? You must go to the tab " Wireless connections"(Wireless) and select the" Network Statistics "item (Wireless Statistic). I have opened a list of devices connected to my wireless network. Of course, the rooms of the apartments of the unclean neighbors will not be there, but you can make sure that you can have extraneous connections. After you block access to the router.

On the DHCP Clients List tab in the admin panel, I found more detailed information About thieves:

  • IP addresses of free users of my Internet;
  • MAC addresses, encryption type and number of transmitted packets.

Of course users use different models routers. Find out how to look for "traffic voraits" on popular models.

Wireless Network Watcher Program

Wireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays a list of all computers and devices that this moment Connected to your network.


For each computer or device connected to the network, the following information is displayed:

  • IP address
  • MAC address
  • the company manufactured by a network card
  • Perhaps the name of the computer.

You can also export a list of connected devices in text. hTML file / XML / CSV / or copy the list to the clipboard, and then insert into Excel or another application to work with spreadsheets.

Check the list of wireless connections to the TP-LINK router

If you have a TP-LINK router, then in the web interface of the router settings:

  1. Click the "Wireless" tab
  2. Select "Wireless Statistics". Carefully consider the list of devices, and learn who is connected to Wi-Fi.

Please note that the wired connection is your computer, and the laptop, smartphone, the tablet goes like wireless. So before testing, it is best to disable all your network devices to make it easier to figure out where your devices, and where are alien. Either to know the MAC addresses of your devices.

We find out how to watch current Wi-Fi customers on D-Link devices

For owners of D-Link routers find those who connected to their "Wi Fay", it is necessary:

  1. Go to the web interface of the D-Link settings.
  2. Next, go to the "Advanced Settings" item
  3. Find the Status item, where you should click on a double arrow to the right, hitting the "Clients" section. Clicking on it, you will see a list of devices that are connected to your wireless network at the moment.

Compare the number of clients on the network of your router with the number of your gadgets connected to the network. If they do not match, then someone shamelessly use your Internet and then you should try to change the Wi-Fi password.

Who is connected to Wi-Fi at ASUS Access Point

To see a list of Wi-Fi users on the ASUS router, go to the menu item "Network Map", click on the Clients menu. In the list that appears in front of you, you can see the number of devices connected via wireless communication, their IP addresses, as well as network names of some of them. So install the Wi-Fi thief will be much easier.

Please note that on the ASUS in the list displays all customers that enjoyed wireless connections Before rebooting, not those that use the router at the moment.

So, if the guests came to you and entered the Internet on Wi-Fi, then they will also be in this list. And to find out all users at the moment, click on the "Update" button. And then get a real picture.

Found an extraneous connection to the Wi-Fi network, we understand how to do

Now, when we learned to identify violators of our WiFi-network, you need to decide what to do with them further. There are several ways:

  • change the password of the router;
  • block access with dishonest neighbors;
  • mation over them, reducing the speed to a minimum.

What of these ways to take advantage of you, and we will look at each of them.

How to change the password

To change the router password (do not confuse with a password from Wi-Fi), follows:

  1. Log in to the router admin panel.
  2. Find the Wireless Connections tab and select Safety.
  3. If encryption is not enabled, click on the WPA2-PSK tab. In the field (best of all 8 and more symbol, interspersed with numbers and changing the layout). Click Save.

After replacing the password, the router will restart, and all third-party users will be disabled. Such a procedure for prophylaxis should be carried out somewhere in six months.

There you can also specify the number of devices permitted to use your router. But this digit can be changed only if you really use a specific number of devices.

How to block access

But if your neighbors were able to hack the password once, it is possible that they will do it again. In this case, unscrupulous people should be blocked at all. To do this, to start, determine which specifically MAC addresses belong to your gadgets, and which are third-party devices.

To disable unwanted connections, go to the DHCP Clients List tab, where you also lock the neighbors by installing in the Privilege section. After this, change the password again and restart the router.

If you accidentally, your own gadget will fall into the lock list - not trouble. Go back to the admin panel and enable the connection of the desired device.

How to configure the list allowed for connecting devices

So that in the future advanced users could not enjoy free internet, Make a list of all your devices and set the permission to connect to the wireless network:

  1. Go to the router settings,
  2. Make copies of MAC addresses of all your devices.
  3. Next, go to Wireless Mac Filtering and paste the copied addresses there, then save the settings and restart the router.

In this case, all the connection will be blocked in your wireless network, except those indicated in the list.

How to teach lovers of free internet

If you are a vengeful person and want to punish lovers of free Wi-Fi, you may not block them access to your router, and a little joke over the "freezer" and reduce the speed of connecting to the Internet to the minimum. True, this possibility is not available in each router, but in many popular models it can be found.

You need to go like to block the MAC addresses and reduce speed parameters to a minimum. Then the freebie will turn to your cunning neighbor with a solid headache.

Unfortunately, in mind, modern devices often seal the inquisitive minds and all measures described above can affect for a while. Therefore, you should pay attention to the sudden drop in the speed of the Internet and check the list of connected devices.

Let's figure out how you can find out who is connected in your Wi-Fi. Today, numerous programs are used to protect personal data, they are considered safe. Some time ago, the use of such protection helped make sure that you are closed to your Wi-Fi, subject to use good passwords, but see "extra" guests will be just by the way.

Using graphic adapters and other devices, allows you to selection of strong passwords. But if you can't vouch for your WiFi-network is inviolable, then you need to at least know who connected and already uses your Wi-Fi. It's one thing when a neighbor uses your network. A completely different situation occurs when your network can be applied to commit criminal actions. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the network, to see and find out who can be connected to it.

There are several reasons when it is worth seeing who connected with your network and uses it:

  • A sharp decline of speed with which data is transmitted. But the fact that the other user joined the network does not act as the only reason.
  • If you know that the devices are disabled, and the indicator continues to flash, it is also necessary to check the connection of other devices to my WiFi.

What you need to view

To view the list of connected users, you must go to the interface where the router settings are presented, you can do it from any device. Almost all WiFi routers have standard addresses - "" or "". This information is usually contained on the sticker, which is located at the bottom or behind the router. If you or someone else have changed the password in the configuration process from the very beginning, you have to make an effort and remember it.

To log in to the settings, open the browser, and enter the address:

View the list of connected clients


You can find guests enough simple. After entering the interface with wiFi settings, It is necessary to immediately press the "Advanced Settings" item, and then select the "Status" tab and click on the arrow indicating to the right until the "Clients" link appears. Next - click on the link.
After that, you appeared a list of devices that are currently connected to a wireless network, they must be checked. Initially, it is possible that you will not be able to determine which of them from them, and which - no, however, you can view information about whether there is a match between the number of Wi-Fi clients and the number of your networks operating on the network. Do not forget to attribute phones, televisions, consoles, and so on. If a certain discrepancy is observed, it is possible that it is time to change the pair for WiFi. If you have not yet installed it, then you need to do it immediately, in the Routher Settings section.


To find out the connections on this device, you must select the menu item "Network Map", and then click the "Clients" key. In the list that appears, the user can see not only the number of devices and their addresses, but also network names that will allow you to quickly and efficiently determine the type of device connected to the router.


With this device, there should be no special problems with WiFi, since the form for the entry is standard. So that you can figure out how much connected to my router is enough to right to find the inscription Wireless, and select Wireless Statistics, where you can find information.

Applications and utilities

Wireless Network Watcher.

This utility can easily scan wireless networks, as well as display a list of devices that are currently connected to my router. You can also export a list of connected devices. It is possible that the program can sometimes scan the network and signal the user in the event of inconsistencies.

Soft Perfect Guard

This wiFi application It is free and can easily scan your network for the presence / absence of new devices that are connected to it. If the program can find an unfamiliar device, then it instantly gives the user a warning that the violator is detected. There is a device known to you, and you are not against it to be connected to my router, you can easily put it in the "white list", then the next time the program ignores him, and you can see who is a real attacker.

Wireless security improvement

  1. The first rule - you always need to change the login and password. Invented combination manufacturers are easily wedged by intruders. To change the password, you need to enter the extended settings, select the "System Tools" tab and the Password item. In the tab that opens, you can edit the password.
  2. In the WIFI menu, you will need to select the MAC Address Filtering tab.
  3. In the memory of the router you need to enter MMAC addresses. Even if the owner third-party device And it will be able to know your password, he will not have the opportunity to quickly connect to your Internet.

Using the advice given, you can learn and see what uninvited guest and how many people use your WiFi network and connected to the router, and close it access to the free Internet.

Found a typo? Highlight the text and press Ctrl + Enter

If just a few years ago most computers connected to the Internet on the cable, then today wireless devices Some exceeded the number of wired. Wi-Fi network There is in every home where there is an Internet. At the same time, the risk of unauthorized connection increased proportionally, because, unlike the cable, the wireless network is available at a distance. How to find out if someone strangers did not connect to your router we will tell you in this article.

Why do you need control of connections

Wireless networks are vulnerable to hacking. Without physical access to your network hardware, the cracker can access your connection. What threatens it? At a minimum, the stranger will be able to enjoy your free Internet. Nothing terrible - you can say. After all, the Internet is unlimited, and the speed is high, enough for everyone. This is true. However, this is only the top of the iceberg.

Hacking your network, an attacker can:

  • Access your files, passwords;
  • Steal bank card data;
  • Under your IP to take action on the Internet, which fall under the criminal code.

Therefore, control the status of your wireless network and prevent unauthorized connection attempts is simply necessary.

Signs of unauthorized connection

Fall speed

The first feature that something is wrong with your network is a drop in speed. Of course, the reasons for this can have a set of electromagnetic interference to problems on the side of the provider, however, if the connection is constantly freezing, the pages are slowly loaded or there are problems with the connection to be concerned and check your network for hacking.


Pay attention to your router. If you are not connected to the network or connected, but do not perform any actions, and the WAN and Wi-Fi-Connections indicators are flashing intensively, it is possible that someone else is connected to the router. Turn off the Wi-Fi on all your devices and again watch the behavior of the router. If the indicators continue to actively flash, most likely your network hacked.

List of devices

Unambiguous sign of hacking - availability in the list of devices connected to your router, unnecessary. For example, you have a laptop and smartphone in your apartment, and there are no active connections on the router, but three. This third is superfluous and there is a hacker.

How to calculate someone else's

Enter your router web interface. How to do this you can learn from instructions for your device or in a separate article on our website. Input parameters depend on the device model and its settings, however, they are typical for routers of most manufacturers.

You can see and find out who connected to my Wi-Fi router in the list of connected devices. It can be found in the control panel. This item may be called differently, for example, Client List or "Device List". All will be displayed in it. active connections With the use of IP and MAC addresses of connected devices. To identify an excess connection can be excluded. It is enough to know the IP addresses of your devices. You can see them in the properties of the Internet connection on a PC, smartphone or laptop. If you have two devices and they currently use IP and, and there is still an connection with the address, then this is a stranger. You should immediately block this connection.

If you know the MAC addresses of your devices, then you can also calculate the outsiders in the MAC address.

We will analyze as I. where we can see in general all connected devices:

  • Devices connected via wireless mode;
  • View devices;
  • With the help of firewall.

We will analyze it all on the example of TP-LINK routers


Wireless mode

We go into wireless mode. There is the item "Statistics wireless mode". After his choice, you can see a list of Wi-Fi clients connected to the router. Periodically pressing the "Update" button and turning off the Wi-Fi on its devices, you can check their MAC addresses.


The list is in advanced settings. Go to DHCP. There is an item "List of DHCP Customers".


Go to the firewall. We are provided two features View device devices:

  • You can view Arp Router Table (Arp List). There are IP and MAC addresses of all devices with which the router communicates. It can be in addition to local addresses to be external IP addresses to access the Internet.
  • Scan the range of addresses in local network

Block outsiders

Locking unauthorized connections is carried out by the MAC address. The procedure itself may look different on different routers. For example, on the TP-LINK routers, you need to open the "Filter of Mass-Address". By default, filtering is carried out according to the "black list" principle, which you want to make connections that are subject to blocking. You should click the "Add New Device" button and enter the address you want to block. On the routers D-Link You can choose the desired address from the list.

It may turn out that you accidentally block yourself. If it happened, you will not be able to enter the router. Connect to it using a cable with a PC or other device and correct the error.

If you blocked all your connections (and it happens!), I can only help.

In order to avoid problems, block the MAC addresses in turn and check did not disappear after that connection on one of your client devices.

You can go to another way. Settings of any router allow you to prohibit all connections, except permitted. To do this, select the "White List" blocking method. On D-Link and TP-LINK routers, you need to switch between the "Block" options or "prohibit" (this is a black list of MAC addresses) and "resolve" (this is the white list). We add to the White list of the MAC address of your devices. All attempts to connect from another address will be blocked.

Successful identification and blocking of a stranger does not mean that the problem is completely solved. An attacker who hacked your network can connect from another device or change its MAC address. Therefore, in addition to blocking an extraneous device, you must also change the password for accessing the wireless network and the password to the router itself. After that, from time to time, check whether the signs of the next hacking appeared.


Wireless mode

In wireless mode, we go into filtering MAC addresses. "To prohibit access to the stations specified in the list" - the default value. If you wish to form a blacklist, then you leave it. "Allow access to the stations specified in the list" is the opposite, the devices only from the list will be able to connect. After that, before turning on the filtering, fill the list. To do this, click on the "Add New ..." button.

We enter the MAC address of the device to be listed. In order not to forget that this is a device, you can fill out the item Description. After that, we save.

If access is selected in the filtering rules. After that, turn on the filtering with an empty (not filled) list. In this case, by the wireless network, no one can connect.


Similarly, as in wireless mode, the list is filled. The white list is set (permit) or black (DENY). Enable filtering (Enable Mac Filtering). After that, you need to save the settings - the "Save" button.

Using special programs

It may happen that you cannot view a list of connections on the router. This may be due to a software failure or a hacker changed the settings and restricted you with access. Perhaps you are simple. Also, the hacker can skillfully move the tracks and you will not be able to find out what kind of MAC address by the list of addresses. In this case, it is recommended to use one of the programs described below.

Wireless Network Watcher.

it free utilitynot requiring installation. In addition to basic information about devices connected to your network, such as MAC and IP addresses, it allows you to get additional data that simplify device identification. Namely:

  • Brief information about the device;
  • Information about the network adapter manufacturer;
  • Device name.

Also, the program can be configured in such a way that it is using sound signal Will report a new connection to the network or on connecting a specific device.

The utility works with any relevant versions Windows.

WiFi Guard

The utility for monitoring and protecting the wireless network. The program is looking for and shows all active connections and displays a brief information about them. It scans the network with a certain interval and signals new connections. If the program detects a new unknown device on the network, it will immediately report it.

Netgear Genie.

Software with advanced features providing a large selection of tools to work with the network. It can monitor both wireless and wired connection. The program has the ability to keep registering network traffic, configure general access to files and folders, and also includes a function parental control. The program displays the actual card of your network in real time and allows you to block connections to one click.

The utility also allows you to configure your router without the need to log in to the web interface. However, it works not with all devices, so first check if your router is in the list of supported. If it is not there, only diagnostic functions will be available.

The advantage of the program is the availability of versions for Android and iPad.

NCS Network Scanner.

Network scanner that allows you to detect devices connected to the network - computers, smartphones, printers, and so on. In addition to basic information, the program shows the device name and response time.


A small program that scans the network and tells the devices connected to it. It allows you to get information about MAC and IP addresses, device name, network adapter. The program is free and does not require installation.

Imagine that you have connected the Internet, configured a wifi router, connected all your devices to the home network and then notice that the speed of the Internet does not correspond to the stated provider. The first thing that comes to mind is to call with complaints with the provider's support service and swear on the inconsistency of the stated speed and valid. But do not hurry to spend your nerves and workers of the Internet provider. It is possible that the case is not at all in the inconsistency of speed. WiFi, except that it is very convenient to create a home network, also creates conditions for someone else to use the Internet paid by you. In order to find out if the neighbor's neighboring services do not use, let's figure out how to find out who is connected to my WiFi Router.

To determine which devices are connected to your Internet, there are several ways. To begin with, we will analyze how to find out what devices are connected to your network, using control panel routerand then i will tell you what is software For this task. In any case, you will learn which devices are connected to your router.

Router to help

As in this control panel, it is written in the article: ". If you tell briefly, you open the browser, enter or And click "ENTER". Next, a window will appear where the login and password should be written in the manual of your router or on the router on the back side. I talked more about this procedure on the link above.

To accurately see which devices use WiFi, you need to turn off or disable all your phones, computers, tablets and laptops from this WiFi connection and restart the router. After that, connect only one device through which you will watch information in your router, and thereby answer the question of how to see who is connected to my WiFi.

Immediately I would like to note that the data that I will tell in this article may differ from yours. Since you can have another router or a little known. Of course, you will understand a logical chain, how to do this and I, in turn, will give a few examples, how to implement it on your router.

If you have a router of the company, then you need to go to the "basic settings", then go to the "wireless mode" and then select "Wireless Statistics". After that, information will appear on the right, which devices are connected to WiFi.

In other models of this manufacturer, after logging in to the control panel, you need to find the "Wireless" section and select the "Wireless Statistics" subsection or find the Active Session section.

After the above examples described, of course, you need to learn how to see the MAC address of your computer or laptop. To do this, click "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - " Command line"And in the program that opens, enter the ipconfig / all command. In the "Physical Address" line and the MAC address of the network card of your computer will be registered. You can learn the MAC address by looking at the device information in the phone settings. Thus, knowing the addresses of your devices, you can calculate other people's devices connected to your network.

If any, change the password for your WiFi network. After a while, check if someone again connected to your network. If you find out someone else's device again, then find the Mac Filter subsection in the device panel. In this subsection, specify the MAC address of the violator and set this address the "disabled" property. Thus, you forbid this device to connect to your router. But you need to understand that the attacker can take another device or change the MAC address.

If you have a D-LINK manufacturer router, after entering, you must go to "Status" and then select the left "Wireless". In the main part of the open page, the information of the connected devices via WiFi through this router will appear on the right.

If you remember, I said that manufacturers can hide this featureSo, for example, on my Alcatel Lucent I-240W-a router, this information is in the Home Networking section. That's how it looks like:

Please note that in front of the Wireless string, the figure is written 2. This means that at the moment WiFi use 2 devices, and can be simply connected.

But what to do if you did not figure it out with your router - did not find where the information connected to your router is displayed? In this case you can take advantage softwareI will tell about the next section of this article.

Wireless Network Watcher for Device Detection

If you are still interested in the question of how to find out who is connected to my WiFi, you can download and install the Wireless Network Watcher program. With this program, it is very simple to determine the device that connected to the network is very simple, it is also intuitive and distributed absolutely free. And besides, supports Russian. In short, one pluses in use, fate itself;).

I want to say that it is necessary to run this program that is on the computer that is connected to the router cable. At startup, this program itself scans all devices that enter your network and give a result as a table in which IP addresses and MAC addresses connected to the network will be indicated, as well as manufacturers names. network cards. Also contain the values \u200b\u200bof "Your Router" and "Your Computer". These devices are certainly out of suspicion. But if other of these devices are listed in the list, then the MAC addresses need to be found out if these addresses belong to your devices, such as a laptop or telephone. This is done absolutely the same as in the first way.

If you want to re-run scanning, then click on the Green "Play" button.

This program has a remarkable network scanning function. In the program settings, check the "Put Icon On Tray" item to enable this option. Now you can close the program, it will turn into a tray and will constantly make the Ping command to detect new devices on the network.

Finally, I can give you some tips on protecting your network from unauthorized access:

  • Always set the password to your network. Find out whether your network is protected by password on your WiFi network icon in the list available connections - in the absence of a password, an exclamation mark will be depicted on the icon;
  • Change the login and password of the WiFi-router, which are installed by the default manufacturer;
  • Come up with your own network name. Do not use the name that the router creates itself;
  • Use the network password using the WPA2 method. Only it gives practically guaranteed protection against penetration into your network.

These methods will allow you not only to protect your Internet from free web surfing lovers, but also save your confidential data from possible attackers. We disassembled 2 ways to see who is connected to my WiFi, but which methods will be more convenient for you to solve you.