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Error 11 occurred while accepting the offer 11. Reasons for the YouTube video playback ID error

Do you often watch YouTube videos? For example, I am constantly there. Unfortunately, sometimes unpleasant situations arise when the error “Please try again later” is displayed instead of the desired video. Playback ID ". Yes, it can happen that the YouTube servers are overloaded or have some kind of failure. But this happens every few years. More often than not, the "root of evil" is not at all there.

In any case, you should first try to simply reload the page first. Does not show? Try playing another video and see the result. If it doesn't help, read the article further.

Causes of YouTube Video Playback ID Error

In most cases, the root cause of the playback error on YouTube is “Error. Please try again later. Playback ID ”should be searched not on the Internet or on the provider's network, but directly on the device from which you are trying to watch the video. In fact, there are few of them, and the most common are generally two:

The first reason is the failure of the Flash player due to which the videos stop playing at all.

The second reason is a problem with the web browser. On a computer, it occurs due to a bloated cache and a bunch of temporary files. On the phone or tablet on the Android, the application simply does not have enough allocated memory and it cannot download and play the video.

Other reasons arise much less often, but they also have a place to be. it incorrect work DNS, incorrectly set system time, third-party extensions and programs that block access to video hosting.

How to fix YouTube playback error

Step 1. Please update your web browser to the most recent version.

Step 2. Clear temporary files (cache) and cookies from the browser you are using. To do this, go to its settings, click on the "Clear history" button and tick the history, cookies, images and files in cache:

To be sure, remove garbage for the entire time you use the application. Alternatively, you can use the program CCleaner, which will perfectly clean out all the trash.
On a phone running Android OS, go to the "Applications" section in the settings and find Chrome and Youtube there. For each of them, you need to delete the cache and data.

Step 3. Open the panel Windows management and go to the "Programs and Features" section. Here you need to completely remove Adobe flash Player. If any other flash player is installed, remove it. After that, you need to restart your PC, download from the official Adobe website Flash Player and install it again.

Step 4. Disable all browser extensions completely. If after that the error “Please try again later. Playback ID "will disappear - turn on the extensions one by one and see after which one it will appear again.

Step 5. If you are using various functions to save traffic (for example, Opera Turbo), an anonymizer or a third-party proxy server - disable them and try - will YouTube work with a direct connection:

Step 6. Check if the system date and time is set correctly. This is especially true for old computers, where the system time is constantly being reset.

Step 7... To eliminate problems on the side of the DNS server you are using, try to register on network card manually the addresses of public Google servers - and .

After carrying out the above activities, it is usually possible to fix the error with the playback ID on YouTube and the videos play without problems. If it still appears on your phone or tablet, try connecting it to another for diagnostics. WiFi networks, or open the video using mobile access in Internet. If this error still occurs there, run full reset device settings to factory defaults.

Perhaps the most common mistake when trying to transfer an item or pick up an already purchased one.

What is this error and why does it occur?

Its appearance is associated with the loading of steam servers, especially in the evening. We cannot fix Steam, and even if you managed to exchange with a friend on Steam without any problems, this does not mean that offline trades function normally.

Depending on the state of the servet, the market can automatically turn off the item purchase function - no one can transfer things anyway.

If the purchase function is disabled on the site, a corresponding notification will be displayed:

What to do?

1) Close the exchange window, refresh the page, click the "update inventory" button, repeat the exchange procedure.
2) Close the exchange window, try again later, preferably at a less busy time.
3) Try to re-login on the market website
4) Try to re-login on the Steam website
5) Try restarting the browser, repeat the transfer procedure.

6) If this does not help, then Steam has laid down specifically - write a support ticket and wait until the "Purchase is impossible" window disappears and then try to display the item. If you can withdraw - close the ticket!

If you are unable to receive the item due to this error, then 10 minutes before the end of the warranty, you are obliged write in

YouTube hosting is the most popular service for watching videos on the Internet today. However, quite often many users face the problem that instead of the requested video, the error “Please try again later. Playback ID ... ". YouTube, as a service providing video viewing services, in most cases has nothing to do with this problem, although there are situations related to the hosting itself. But basically it's all about user computers and settings, which have parameters set that do not allow full synchronization with the service.


To determine for yourself a technique for eliminating such a failure, first you need to understand what the identifier itself is. Surely, when clicking on the link to start playback or copying it, many noticed that in address bar after the main address, at first glance, some kind of nonsense is displayed in the form of a set of letters and numbers. This is the very identifier, in other words, the identifier that allows you to select a specific video in the service from a huge number of similar ones. Moreover, it is assigned not only a separate video, but also entire sections or channels. In addition, this systematization is also applied to the Google Analytics service for transferring these resources to the analysis service.

Then why is the error "Please try again later." Playback ID ... "? This question baffles many users, not to mention possible methods solving the problem. But it is not all that bad. Actually, the very problem that the identifier is not recognized by the computer system or by the player installed in the form of an add-on (although other users watch the requested video without problems), is eliminated quite simply. Based on the reasons for the appearance of such a failure, further several universal solutions will be recommended to correct the situation.

YouTube: error Please try again later. Playback ID ... ". The essence of the problem

The most common reason for such a failure is not hosting or the servers that store all the information. This is due to the discrepancy between the data of the hosting and the user terminal in terms of synchronization. The most common situation is incorrect setting of the date and time on local computer or mobile device.

No less often the error “Please try again later. Play ID ... ”is issued due to a“ cluttered ”web browser or if there is not enough space on the hard disk to save temporary files. Another reason is the browser itself used for access. Despite all its capabilities and high popularity among users all over the world, in this respect it is especially distinguished Mozilla Firefox... Finally, infrequently, but there is a problem related to the speed of the Internet connection.

Error "Please try again later. Play ID ... ": how to fix it?

So where do you start troubleshooting the problem? In the very simple case if the error is “Please try again later. Play ID ... "is temporary, it is worth reloading completely computer system... In case of use wireless connection to the Internet through a router, it is also advisable to overload it by disconnecting it from the mains for about 10-15 seconds. Although some users indicate the time required for the router to be idle in a de-energized state in the region of 15 minutes. The specified interval is enough for a complete reset of the settings.

Of course, the connection speed also plays an important role. The higher it is, the faster the buffering is done, and the video is played without delays. You can watch videos at a speed of 5 Mbit / s, but, as you understand, it will be very difficult to achieve normal playback (especially if you take into account the fact that in parallel with the use of YouTube, other services or applications using network or Internet connections can work in the system in the background, when the user has no idea about the activity of these processes).

But that's not the point. Since the most common reason is the incorrectly set date and time, they need to be adjusted. Do it in Windows environment not recommended (in BIOS setup may not change, but the error “Please try again later. Playback ID ... ”will be displayed again). Thus, upon reboot, you should go to the settings of the primary I / O system and in the main section (Main) set the correct parameters and save the changes, after which a restart will follow.

Error "Please try again later. Playback ID ... ”YouTube can be displayed even if the browser has accumulated great amount garbage. This primarily concerns the cache and Cookies... In this case, it is recommended to perform a complete cleaning in the settings of the application used to access the Internet.

Alternatively, you can use the so-called optimization programs, in the settings of which you need to activate the module responsible for removing the above components and the history of visits. Now on the same Internet you can find a huge number of them. Among the most popular are whole combo packages like CCleaner, Advanced SystemCare, Glary utilities and many others. User participation in optimization processes as such is not required. And almost all programs in this direction have special treatment one-click optimizations, making them completely easy to use.

As for browsers, first you should try to start playing the video in another program. The problem may be with the browser. In addition, it is imperative to check whether Flash Player is installed on the system. If it is absent or an unofficial version, you need to go to the official Adobe resource, download it from there and reinstall it, after which it is advisable to check its activation (inclusion) in the add-ons section.

You can also use a special plugin adapted for this video hosting, called Flash Player for YouTube... Do not forget about the support for HTML5, since this platform is currently the most relevant. If all else fails, as a last resort, you can reset all browser settings (for this, any of them use the Reset button).

In some situations, the browser as a program can be blocked by the native Windows firewall. In this case, go to its settings, create a new rule for the program and specify the full path to the executable EXE file of the browser.

In some cases, you may need to enter the section Windows services(services.msc), where you need to find the DNS client service, double-click to open the settings menu and restart it.

Registered channel owners may also receive the error “Please try again later. Playback ID ... ". In this case, you can use the advanced settings and the section for changing the identifier. Here we are talking about the fact that the URL link contains not some standard set letters and numbers generated by the hosting itself, but an easy-to-remember combination invented by the channel owner.

However, to carry out such procedures, the channel must meet several requirements:

  • at least 100 subscribers;
  • at least 30 days from the date of creation and activation of the channel;
  • original design and presence of an avatar.

Similar crashes on mobile systems

This failure can also occur in mobile systems... In particular, this concerns the Android OS. Error "Please try again later. Playback ID ... ”is much easier to eliminate, since the YouTube service is pre-installed on such devices.

The solution is to clear the cache of the service itself, stop the service, and then start again. It is also advisable to restart the router, exit account and after restart mobile device enter it again. If this does not help, you can use a full factory reset as a last resort, but this is very rare, so I think it will not come to this.

By the way, as in stationary computers, do not forget about the availability of free space on internal storage because temporary files are saved on it. Again, for easier cleaning, you can use mobile versions the optimizers mentioned above.

A few final words

These are, in principle, all the main problems and methods of their elimination. It remains to add that sometimes the situation can really depend not on the user, but on the YouTube service. Error "Please try again later. Playback ID ... ”can only be displayed because of a non-existent video, for which there is a link remaining after its deletion. But, as a rule, inactive links are usually flagged, and users may not pay attention to it.

Naturally, problems associated with viral exposure were not considered here, when malicious code can block access to a specific video, channel, playlist, and even the service itself. The user must take care of the security of his system himself and first of all. This also applies to stationary computers and mobile gadgets, because they are all equally susceptible to viruses (except perhaps for devices and software from Apple).