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Unable to connect to this WiFi network. Failed to get network settings from the router

Very common problem when you connect to the WiFi network in Windows 10 / 8.1 and gives you an error could not connect to this network. With this problem, the Windows system does not show us the causes or code of the error itself, which complicates the task and remains only to be guessing on the coffee grounds. Let's analyze what can be done and how to fix an error with a connection to WiFi network or local network In Windows 10 / 8.1.

Possible solutions to the problem when connecting to the network in Windows 10

If there are problems with connecting to the network, the first thing you should do is try to correct any problems that may arise with network devices. To do this, first of all, you need to disable and enable all network devices, such as a router, an access point, modems, all that is connected to the computer and is associated with the Internet, the network.

  • Click Win + R. and enter devmgmt.msc.To start the device manager.
  • Expand "Network Adapters" and right-click on network devicesAnd update them. If you do not know where a local or wifi card, then focus on the word Wireless., This is WiFi. Controller - This is a network local map To connect over the wire.
  • You can also consider the possibility of re-installing and rebooting the system. If the above methods do not work, try downloading and installing drivers from the manufacturer's website.

2. Running network troubleshooting, equipment and devices

  • Open "All Options"\u003e "Update and Security"\u003e Troubleshooting. In the list on the left, choose the diagnosis in order Equipment and devices, network adapters, incoming connections.
  • I collected on the site special utilities from Microsoft software; Download the utility that suits you.

3. Resetting network

If nothing worked, it may help.

  • Open " Parameters" > "Network and Internet" > "condition"And on the right Reset network.This will allow you to reset all network adapters default.

If a problem with connecting WiFi, then I advise you to delete an existing wireless connection.

  • Open " Parameters" > "Network and Internet" > "WiFi."\u003e Right click on the word" Management of famous networks"Next, select from the list that network to the core can not connect and press Forget. If you have a huge list and you do not need them, I advise unnecessary connections to remove.

I decided to write about possible solutions for another problem with connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 10. This is an error "Unable to connect to this network". When we select the network you need in the list, click connecting, it seems to be connected, but the inscription appears "cannot connect to this network". In Windows 10 it looks like this:

This error may appear because of anything: some kind of failure in the system itself, or on the router, change the parameters Wi-Fi network (password, encryption type), etc. By the way, the most popular reason is just changing the Wi-Fi network password. If you try to connect your laptop on Windows 10 to Wi-Fi, you see an error that it is not possible, that is, several ways that can help you. Now we will consider them.

"Unable to connect to this network." How to fix?

First of all, restart the laptop and router. Very often, the usual reboot helps, and you will not need to dig in the settings.

If this method did not help, then you need to delete the network on your computer, forget it. It is also not difficult to do it. Click on the Wi-Fi connection icon and select Network parameters.

Select the network to which you cannot connect, and click on the button. Forget.

After that, try to re-connect to your Wi-Fi network. You will need to specify a password. You can watch this connection instructions. In more detail about how to "forget" the network in Windows 10, I wrote here.

Update: Try to turn off the antivirus

In the comments, Alex advised to turn off the antivirus. It helped him, the error "cannot connect to this network" disappeared, and he could connect to the Internet. So, be sure to try to turn off the antivirus. As a rule, you need to right-click on the anti-virus icon on the notifications panel, and choose something like "pause protection".

If you know other solutions to the problem "Unable to connect to this network", which appears in Windows 10, then you can share them in the comments.

Update: Update Equipment Configuration

Again, in the comments, Artem wrote that from the error "cannot connect to this network" it got rid of the equipment update in the device manager. Mikhail confirmed that this method also helped him. Therefore, I decided to add this decision to the article.

It is enough to go to the Device Manager, and click on the "Update Equipment Configuration" button.

Perhaps this method will also help you. Write about results in the comments.

The error "failed to connect to Windows service" may occur for different reasons. Can stop working notification service system events, Group Policy Client. Also very often you can see this message on. The consequences of such unsuccessful connections are different, but almost always lead to the inoperability of the system.

At the same time, the computer starts slowly loading or not loaded at all freely hangs, when logged in a black screen, the programs appear very slowly and open, while the CPU shows the load by 100%, but nothing concrete loads. Also, Windows Recovery may not work. In general, on the computer it becomes absolutely impossible to work.

In most cases, such problems occur due to damage to the registry sections with WinSOCK settings for various reasons. It can be damaged due to incorrectly installed software, viruses, incorrect settings and incorrectly installed updates. There may be other reasons.

This can help.

If the problem remains, we tear off the command line and write: "Route -f", click on ENTER, on next line We write "Netsh WinSock Reset". Close and reboot the computer.

  1. ipconfig / Flushdns.
  2. nbtstat -r.
  3. nbtstat -rr.
  5. netsh int ip reset
  6. netsh Winsock Reset.

And reboot again.

You can also try to open the network management center and click on changing the adapter parameters. Next, click the right mouse button to "connect over a local network" and select the properties. Opposite the "Client for Microsoft Networks" should stand a check mark, if it is not, we put it and reboot it again.

If it still did not disappear such a problem, you will have to reinstall the system.

Service does not connect on gadgets

In Windows 7, all the favorite gadgets appeared, but Microsoft stopped their support and in one day instead of the usual gadege, such as the weather, the message will be displayed that it was not possible to connect to the service.

In some cases, it helps a simple restart of the application, but over time it can stop working at all. To do this, click on the cross in the corner, then press the right mouse button on any free desktop place and choose gadgets, then drag the "weather to the desktop". Also, to solve problems, you can change the city to another and then return the current location again.

You can try to reanimate the weather gadget. First you need to close the application (click on the cross in the corner of the gadget). Next, go to my computer, open the disk with, select the "Users" folder, click on it on the folder with the username and sequentially open: APPDATA-LOCAL-Microsoft Windows Live-Services-Cache.

APPDATA folder may not be displayed. So that it should be visible in Windows 7, press Ctrl + C and in the upper menu that appears, select "Service". Next, select the tab "Folder properties" and choose "Show hidden files and folders". In Windows 8, this can be done in the top menu by selecting the View tab. This should solve the problem of error.

Windows cannot connect to the Group Policy Client Service

When loading, a client connection error may appear. group Policy. This may interfere with the input of users except the administrator. And if several computers united in one network, then this problem can very much. There may be other consequences.

First you can try to enable the service manually. To do this, go to the control panel, select system and security, then administration and service. We find a group policy client, press the right mouse button and choose to enable. But this method does not always work.

You can try to make the system rollback to an earlier state. Also check if all updates are installed.

The problem may disappear when rebooting, but it does not go anywhere.

To correct the problem, you can try to do the following:

  1. go to Windows under the administrator account and call the string to execute Win + R - we write regedit.exe in it;
  2. the registry editor will appear in it sequentially open the folder. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-Software-Microsoft-Windows NT-CURRENTVERSION-SVCHOST;
  3. create a GPSVCGroup section in it (right mouse button);
  4. in the GPSvCgroup section, create two more parameters:
  5. DWORD (32 Bit) Name AuthenticationCapabilities Value 0x00003020 (12320) DWORD (32 bits) Name coinitializsecurityparam Value 0x00000001 (1)
  6. Reboot.

The most extreme method is the correction of the error is to reinstall the system.

Error "Failed to connect to windows service»It may arise for various reasons. A notification service of system events, a group policy client work can stop working. The consequences of such unsuccessful connections are different, but almost always lead to the inoperability of the system.

Many users have a problem when the message "Windows cannot be connected to the" Service Notification Service "service appears in the tray. This prevents the login to the system of ordinary users. "

At the same time, the computer starts slowly loading or not loaded at all freely hangs, when logged in a black screen, the programs appear very slowly and open, while the CPU shows the load by 100%, but nothing concrete loads. May also not work windows restoration. In general, on the computer it becomes absolutely impossible to work.

In most cases, such problems occur due to damage to the registry sections with WinSOCK settings for various reasons. It can be damaged due to incorrectly installed software, viruses, incorrect settings and incorrectly installed updates. There may be other reasons.

How to correct system event notification service error

The first thing can be done is to try to roll back the system in the previous state. To do this, go to the start, open the control panel, select the system and security - the system recovery.

Choose a recovery point that appeared until the start of the Windows Connection Connection Error appears and start the process. But in some cases it may not work due to problems in the system or the lack of recovery points. Be sure to check the system with antivirus and garbage cleaner. This can help.

If the problem remains, then we tear command line And we write: "ROUTE -F", press the ENTER, on the next line write "Netsh Winsock Reset". Close and reboot the computer.

If it did not help, again open the command line and enter the commands in series:

  1. ipconfig / Flushdns.
  2. nbtstat -r.
  3. nbtstat -rr.
  5. netsh int ip reset
  6. netsh Winsock Reset.
  7. netsh Interface TCP Set Global AutoTuningLel \u003d Disabled

And reboot again.

You can also try to open the network management center and click on changing the adapter parameters. Next, click the right mouse button to "connect over a local network" and select the properties. Opposite the "Client for Microsoft Networks" should stand a check mark, if it is not, we put it and reboot it again.

Opening sites in the browser, user, especially after reinstalling or windows updatesmay encounter an error "Unable to connect to a proxy server", which is issued at all without exceptions on the network. A similar problem can be overtake when using any browser: Google Chrome., Opera, Mozilla Firefox., Yandex browser and so on. The fact is that it is associated with the wrong settings of Windows itself or other problems, that is, it does not matter through which of the browsers is to connect to Internet resources. As part of this article, we will look at what to do if the error occurs "cannot be connected to the proxy server".

Why not be able to connect to the proxy server

Most often, the error under consideration occurs due to changes in the operating system settings Windows Parameters Connections S. automatic mode For an option using a proxy server. This setting It may be set by default in some Windows builds (unofficial), as well as it can be included after the operating system is updated for any other reasons. A variant is also possible when the settings on the computer changes the virus, but it is quite rare.

What if you can not connect to the proxy server

If you do not turn out to be connected to the proxy server, you can fix the problem through windows settings. This is done as follows:

After that, you need to restart the computer, and the connection error towards the proxy server no longer have to disturb you.

It is worth noting that you can switch to the settings of the local network parameters not only through the "control panel", but also from the browser. On the example of Google Chrome it looks like this:

Note: If you use the extension in Google Chrome, which sets the proxy server automatically, for example, Frigate, then go to change the settings from the browser will not work.

Similar ways to change the connection settings can be configured in any browser.

What if you can not connect to the proxy server due to the virus

Above is described above standard method Solving the problem when you cannot connect to the proxy server due to incorrect system settings. But there is a place when viral applications Indoor changes the connection parameters, while some of them do after restarting the computer, while others directly during PC operation.

If the connection problems fails to be solved by the method described above, you need to check the computer to viruses. You can use to check free antivirusFor example: Zemana Antimalware, Hitmanpro, Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool., Spybot Search. & Destroy, Avast and others. Before checking a computer, antiviruses are recommended to check the list of applications installed in recent times and remove all unknown. It is also necessary to check the list of extensions in the browser, which is used most often.

To avoid computer infection with viruses, it is recommended to install applications only from official developers sites or from other proven sources. Must be sure to pay attention to the terms of the User Agreement, which may include items related to the installation of "partner applications", which increases the risk of infection with viruses.

When I wrote this article, I promised to tell about how to get rid of a similar mistakes in the operating room windows system 8, or Windows 8.1. Error "Network parameters stored on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network", which appears on Windows 7, looks like a little differently on the eight. It sounds like this: "Can't connect to this network," and looks like this:

Since the mistake itself and its solution is different, then for Windows 8 I decided to write a separate article. In which I will tell and show how to get rid of the error "cannot connect to this network", which appears when you try to connect to Wi-Fi, or when you automatically connect.

I certainly do not know everyone possible causesFor which this problem appears (they probably do not even know the Windows developers themselves), but one reason I know for sure. And it is the same as on Windows 7.

As a rule, this error appears after changing settings wireless networkTo which the computer has already been connected. Now I will explain a little more in detail what you understand what the problem is. We have a computer that works on operating system Windows 8, or 8.1. It is connected to some Wi-Fi network and works successfully (of course, if there is no "limited" error). And the next time you turn on the computer, you see the inscription "Check the requirements of the network" and then the error fails to connect to this network.

Most likely, someone, or you yourself changed the wireless settings on the router. Password, encryption type, security, etc. Settings to this Wi-Fi network, which have been saved on the computer, are simply not coincided with those set on the router. That's a mistake.

Solution: Unable to connect to this network.

You just need to forget this network and set the connection again. In Windows 8, this is done very simple.

Click on the network icon on the notification panel. On the right, the panel will open on the right, right-click on the network to which the eight does not want to connect. Select "Forget this network".

Open the list again network available, click on our network and choose Connect.

Indicate the password from the network and click Further. If you changed the password, you must specify the new one. If you changed the password and forgot it, then try to remember. Or make sure the password correctly.

Everything is working. Status is connected, no errors.

If some problems arose during the re-connection process, then see another article with possible errors When connected to Wi-Fi on Windows 8.

If something does not work, write in the comments, I will try to help. If you know other solutions (or causes) of this problem, you can share in the comments, we will be grateful!

Fairly common problem among windows userswhen the computer cannot connect to wi-Fi network. A few reasons may be associated with this problem. And in this article we will try to affect them all.

The reasons for which the computer cannot connect to the wireless network is enough. Below we will look at the most common causes in descending order.

[b] Cause 1: Incorrect key input from a wireless network

Strangely enough, but users have problems with connecting to Wi-Fi precisely because of the wrong password input.

If you do not remember exactly what your wi-fi password looks like, then this information can be obtained by contacting the router parameters. To do this, launch any browser and in address line Enter [b] (less often [b] ) And press the ENTER key. Enter the login password to enter the router parameters (standard is used as login and password [b] "Admin"), and then go to the [b] section "Wireless Network" - "Security Key" (The name may differ) and view the information about the current password from Wi-Fi.

By entering a password, pay attention to the keyboard layout, as well as the Activity of the CAPS LOCK key.

[b] Reason 2: Router hung

If a previously computer Quietly performed connection to the wireless network, and then sharply the connection was gone, try moving the router. To do this, turn it off for a couple of minutes, turn on and wait for the full download. After that, check the ability to connect to Wi-Fi.

[b] Cause 3: "Glitch" in wi-Fi work adapter

Try turning off and enable Wi-Fi adapter. If you are the owner of the laptop, then for it, as a rule, the combination of the [B] keys corresponds to Fn + F2..

[b] Cause 4: incorrect work Drivers

Click B. windows Explorer on the [b] menu "My computer" PCM and select the "Properties" button.

In the left side of the window displayed, select [B] "Device Manager".

Expand the [B] tab "Network Devices". If about yours wi-Fi adapter you see exclamation pointYou need to update the drivers. To do this, go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer and download required drivers It is for your model of the device. Make the installation of drivers on the laptop, and then run it to reboot.

[b] n rECINCH 4: In the router settings, there is a limit on the number of connected devices

You, again, you need to check the router settings to make sure that the digit is set to a sufficient number of connected devices in the settings.

By logging in to the router settings, go to [b] "Wireless network" And check the required item. If necessary, expand the number of connected devices and save the settings.

[b] Cause 5: The MAC addresses filter is set in the router settings

It can be assumed that for any reason the MAC address of your device was blacklisted, due to which the connection to W-Fi will be blocked. Often such a problem occurs when hacking a router.

Go to the router settings and select [B] "Filter MAC addresses" or [b] "Mac-Filtering" And check if there are some devices there. If they are there, they can be removed from the list. We will also be able to change the security key of the wireless network, as well as the password to enter the router settings.

[b] Cause 6: wrong settings on the computer

Open [b] "Control Panel" and go to [b] "Network and Common Access Control Center".

Click the button with the options in the left window.