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How to disable uac account control. Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows

In order to answer the question of how to enable or disable User Account Control in Windows, you need to understand what it is. UAC is a security option operating systemsupported by all latest versions Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 10). Regardless of which account the user is using, the system asks for permission to the running application to make changes.

The order of enabling and disabling UAC in Windows 10 is different.

If the owner of the PC is an Administrator, then he can or not allow this program to enter the OS and change the parameters, only by pressing the "Yes" or "No" buttons. Otherwise, you will have to enter a password. The reasons for disabling Credential Control can vary, but sometimes it is really necessary.

When the application is loaded, the OS 10 notification window that appears contains information about the name of the program, its publisher and the source of the file. All this gives a complete picture of the software being launched. Therefore, when an application does not have a name, users should have a question about its "integrity". Thus, viruses very often penetrate along with the installation file. If the program is tested or you rely on antivirus, in any case it is possible to disable protection.

IMPORTANT. UAC in windows system 10 is enabled by default. After turning it off, you can always turn on the control again.

Disabling the monitoring function

Method 1.

To trigger a control notification in Windows 10, you can try downloading setup file any simple program, for example, Media Player. To do this, users must have access to the record as an Administrator. In the lower right corner of the message that appears, click on "Configure the issuance of such notifications." Edit the function as you see fit.

Method 2.

Method 3.

In the Start menu, find the Control Panel tab. In the right part of the window, open the "small icons" and select the line "User accounts". Then click on the "Change User Account Control Settings" item. Also, configure the option to work or disable it altogether.

Method 4.

Type Win + R on the keyboard. In the opened console, write "UserAccountControlSetting" and enter. Disable the option in the appeared parameters.

Method 5.

Click on the Win + R keys. In the "Run" window, enter the word "regedit" and "ok". On the left side of the Registry Editor, find "Sistem". In the opened right console, double-click on the inscription "EnableLUA". In the window that appears, change the value "1" to "0" and "ok". To save the changes, a notification about restarting the computer will pop up.

In order to enable control protection in Windows 10, in its settings, return the selector to its original position. You can also customize the function to fit your parameters, where the best option the second position of the selector from the top can be considered.

What the 4 UAC Positions Mean

  1. Always notify is the safest and most the best option... That is, any unauthorized action by the program will cause a notification window to appear.
  2. Notify when an app tries to make changes (default). It usually turns on when the program is loaded.
  3. Notify when changes are made without dimming and locking the screen. This situation does not prevent the invasion of Trojans.
  4. Never notify, that is, completely disabling the function.

If you still decide to disable the security option in Windows 10, you should be prepared for malware attacks. In this case, you need to be especially careful about the applications being launched, since they have the same access to information on the computer as users with Administrator rights. Therefore, if you disabled UAC just so that it does not interfere, then this is a very wrong tactic. In this case, it is better to set protective function default.

User Account Control (UAC) is a Windows feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to your computer.

UAC protects you by asking for administrator permission or password before doing anything potentially harmful to your computer or changing settings that could affect the experience of others.

The UAC message that appears should be carefully read, check whether the name of the performed action (program) corresponds to the one that is actually being performed (launched).

By checking these steps before launching, User Account Control helps prevent malware from being installed. software and spyware, as well as attempts by these programs to make unauthorized changes to the computer.

If permission or password is required to complete a job, UAC will display a warning message in the form of one of the following messages:

- Windows requires permission to continue:

Functions or windows programthat may affect the experience of other users of this computer, your permission is required to run.

Check the action name to make sure it is the function or program you want to run.

- The program requires permission to continue

A non-Windows program requires permission to run.

It has a valid digital signature with its name and publisher to verify the authenticity of the program. Make sure this is the exact program you want to run.

- An unidentified program is trying to access the computer

An unrecognized program is a program that does not have a valid digital signature from the publisher to verify the authenticity of the program.

This does not necessarily mean danger, as many older legal programs lack signatures.

However, you need to give the program extra attention and only allow it to run if it is obtained from a trusted source, such as the original CD or the publisher's Web site.

- The program has been blocked

The program, the launch of which on this computer is specially blocked by the administrator. To run it, you need to contact the administrator and ask him to unblock the program.

Here is a (incomplete) list of actions that trigger the UserAccount Control message:

- Changes in directories% SystemRoot% and% ProgramFiles%
- installation / uninstallation of software, drivers and ActiveX components
- change the start menu for all users
- Installation windows updatesConfiguring Windows Update
- Reconfigure Windows Firewall
- Reconfiguring UAC
- Add / remove accounts
- Reconfiguring parental restrictions
- Setting up the task scheduler
- Recovery system files Windows from backup
- Any actions in the directories of other users
- Changing the current time (however, changing the time zone UAC does not cause)

Also, there is no need to switch to the administrator account while performing an administrative task that will affect other users, such as installation new program or changing parameters.

Windows will ask for administrator permission or password before executing the task.

To enhance security, you can create standard accounts for all users of the computer.

When a user with a standard account tries to install the software, Windows will ask for a password account administrator, so this program cannot be installed without the administrator's knowledge.

In addition to the undeniable advantages, there are also disadvantages, since when working actively at the computer, especially if it is related to administration, frequent UAC prompts for the user can be distracting and annoying. In addition, the request window does not provide the user with enough information to identify the program and it is impossible to "remember" the program.

User Account Control (UAC) can be disabled. To disable UAC, you need to do the following:

1. Enter Control Panel
2. Go to Classic look
3. We go to the section user accounts
4. Find the item Enabling or Disabling User Account Control (UAC)
5. Accept the UAC warning by clicking Proceed
6. Uncheck the box next to use k.y.z and click OK
7. Restart your computer

After these steps, User Account Control will be completely disabled and warning windows will no longer bother you, but the level of confidentiality and integrity of your programs and data will decrease.

In this article we will try to disassemble what is "User Account Control (abbreviated as UAC)". What is it for, how to disable it or change the protection level. Let's take a closer look at its additional settings.

User Account Control is one of the most important tools in a modern operating system. Which, as you probably remember, appeared with the release of Windows Vista and caused a mixed reaction from many users. The main complaint is not effectiveness as a security tool and its "bothersomeness".

In fact, such control is not intended to prevent various intrusions. malicious code (for this we are responsible for the firewall and antivirus software), and to reduce the damage they cause - to limit its influence with rights regular user... Simply put, UAC is not about the security of the operating system, but about its resistance to unauthorized access.

Before you start disabling UAC, be aware of the lower overall level of protection of your computer and its vulnerability to unauthorized access.

For complete shutdown user account control or changing the level of protection, we will use the most in a simple way through the "Control Panel"

Configuring and Disabling UAC in Windows 7

A few words about setting up UAC. First, let's move on to the control panel itself. This can be done in the simplest way; Start? in the search box, type the abbreviation "UAC".

Click on the link "Changing User Account Control Settings" and get into the notification settings window. Here is a slider that you can move to select your UAC warning level. There are four levels of protection that are described on the right side of the screen.

To completely disable UAC, move the slider to the lower level, ie "Never notify" ... Restart your computer to save the settings.

After UAC is disabled, take care of reliable antivirus software. I hope this article was useful to you and you found what you were looking for. Good luck !!

Many users, after installing a new dozen, are wondering: how to disable User Account Control (UAC) in the OS. In this article, we will describe the various options for disabling UAC in Windows 10, which sometimes gets in the way of configuring the OS. You can disable it both with the usual dozens of management tools, and using the CMD console and the registry file.

Disable UAC in Windows 10 using standard controls

In this chapter, we will describe a way to disable UAC using standard settings Windows 10. For this method, we will use a PC with a freshly installed ten. For UAC to work, we will download the executable file to install the video player VLC Media Player... After opening the file, we will see the message on the darkened screen shown below.

If we click the Yes button, the installation file with the program will start. We need to get rid of the appearance of this message. Therefore, we will click on the link “ Configuring the issuance of such notifications»Located at the bottom of the message window. After this action, a window will appear where you can edit the UAC settings.

To completely turn off User Account Control, you need to lower the left slider to the very bottom and save these settings with the OK button. You can also see from the window that the slider can be set in four positions:

  1. The first option is completely activates UAC to protect dozens... In this variant, the message is displayed for any changes in the OS.
  2. In the second option, the message is triggered only when trying to make changes third party programs into the system.
  3. The third option differs from the second only in that the user's screen is not dimmed.
  4. Fourth option completely disables UAC and no messages are issued.

You can still get to the User Account Control settings window through the control panel.

In the panel itself, you can find the shutdown settings in the section " user accounts».

In this section, we have fully answered the question of how to disable UAC in Windows 10.

We solve the task using the registry file

To disable UAC, we will create a special file with registry data. This file has the extension "* reg". Below is a file in notepad with the registry parameters we need.

In the line of the file "" EnableLUA "\u003d dword: 00000000" hexadecimal value " 00000000 " means that UAC should turn off... When enabled UAC this value will be like “ 00000001 ". Next, let's run the registry file we created and update the data in the registry.

After updating the registry, the PC must be restarted, after which UAC will be disabled. You can enable UAC in the same way by changing the value from "00000000" to "00000001". In addition to the registry file, you can solve our problem in the registry editor itself.

By using the registry file, you will be able to complete the task faster, as well as use this file on other computers.

We solve the task using the command line

For this example, we need a console running as administrator. Thus, you can run the console through context menu, invoked by the key combination WIN + X. In the running console, we need to execute the command shown below.

After typing the command, execute it, and then restart the computer. This command will disable UAC completely. To re-enable it through the console, you need to type the same command again and change its parameter c / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f to / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f

We solve the problem using the PowerShell console

To disable UAC, first start the console PowerShell as administrator. This can be done with the built-in windows search 10. The following shows how to open PowerShell as administrator.

In the running console PowerShell you need to type the command, which is shown below.

After executing this command, you need to enter the Restart-Computer command which will restart the PC

You can turn UAC back on in PowerShell using the same command, only in it you need to change zero to one.

This example will be especially interesting for beginners. system administrators and advanced PC users.


In this article, we talked about all possible ways disabling user account control. You should also pay attention to the safety of disabling UAC, because it was initially activated to protect against malicious software. We hope that our readers will appreciate this material and after reading it will be able to disable UAC.

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In modern windows versions there are many tools out there that are designed to keep you safe. One of them is User Account Control, which means "User Account Control". It displays a warning window if some program or process tries to make unauthorized changes to the system. And you must either enable the launch of the utility, or cancel it. Understand what UAC Windows 7 is for, how to disable it, how to activate it, and how to configure it.

Many users are annoyed by such notifications. After all, you have to confirm every time that you agree to install a new application. But account control serves to protect against malware: viruses, spyware, advertisers. It will not replace antivirus, firewall or firewall. But without this windows functions will be vulnerable.

If you disable UAC, your computer is at risk. Do not deactivate Account Control for no reason. Otherwise, absolutely any program will be able to change the system settings, install its own distributions and run them. And all this without the knowledge of the user.

User Account Control can be configured so that it is not so "annoying", and the alert does not pop up when you start any program. However, it is recommended to leave this function active in order to protect your PC.

Control Panel

Disabling UAC Windows 7 looks like this:

  1. Start - Control Panel.
  2. "Changing account parameters".
  3. A window with descriptions and a slider will open. Move it to set the desired settings. FROM right side there will be an explanation of the selected option.
  4. There are four marks there. The top "Always notify" means that the warning dialog box will pop up when you start absolutely any program.
  5. If you need to completely disable UAC, move the caret to the bottom of the Never Notify bar. But then the risk of virus infection will increase and Windows will be at risk.
  6. Better to leave the slider somewhere in the middle. So that User Account Control only notifies you when the application tries to change something in the system. If you put the rectangle in the third position, the picture on the monitor will darken when a message appears. If you put on the second division, the display will not darken.

You can enter this menu and disable UAC faster.

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click on your account image at the top.

There is no such slider in Windows Vista. Accordingly, detailed setting of the function is not possible. Only enabling and disabling the mode is available.

Group policies

Another method of interacting with Account Control is the editor group policy... This method is not suitable for all versions of the operating system. For Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise Windows only.

To disable UAC:

  1. Go to "Start - Run" or press Win + R.
  2. Write in the input field "secpol.msc" without quotes and click on "OK".
  3. Expand the Local Policies - Security Settings hierarchy.
  4. In the list on the right, find the "User Account Control" items. There are several of them.
  5. You need one that ends with the words "All admins are in approval mode." Double click on it.
  6. On the Security Settings tab, place a marker next to Disable.
  7. Click Apply, close the editor and restart your computer.

You can turn on Account Control again in the same menu.

Registry editor

Before you change something in the registry, you need to make it backup... So that in case of problems it can be quickly restored.

  1. Go to "Start - Run" or press Win + R.
  2. Enter "regedit" and click "OK".
  3. In the window that appears, open "File - Export".
  4. Specify the path to the folder where you want to save the backup.

Here's how to disable UAC in Windows 7:

  1. In Registry Editor, open Edit - Find.
  2. Search for "EnableLUA".
  3. In the results, select the line with the same name. Double click on it.
  4. In the "Value" field, write the number "0" (zero) to stop the service.
  5. To re-enable UAC, change "0" to "1" (one).
  6. Click "OK" and restart your PC.

Command line

Disabling Account Control using the commands:

  1. Start - Programs - Accessories.
  2. Right-click on "Command Prompt".
  3. Select "As Administrator". A window with a black background and white font will open.
  4. Copy the command “% windir% \\ System32 \\ cmd.exe / k% windir% \\ System32 \\ reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\ System / v EnableLUA / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f " and press
  5. It changes registry settings. Through it, you can reactivate the mode.

Account Control is a necessary security measure. Disable it only as a last resort.