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How to coordinate two identical television antennas. How to connect two TVs to one antenna

In almost every average family, there is a second TV: in the kitchen, in the bedroom, and sometimes in the hallway. Therefore, for many, the question of how to connect two TVs to one antenna is rather sharp. There are not so few ways, but we will focus on the simplest and at the same time effective options.

So, we will deal with how to connect two TVs to one antenna, which tools will be needed for this, as well as denote the main stages of this process.

What do you need

In the process of connecting, we will need several parts. Passatias, side chases and a conventional kitchen knife will be as tools.

First of all, we will need a TV splitter, or a splitter. This device is capable of separating the signal from the antenna to several threads (in our case - two). That is, on the one hand there is an input, and on the other - several outputs for connecting to the receiver.

Next, we will need five connectors that match the diameter with outputs on the splitter, as well as two adapter plug. Antenna cable Choose at your discretion, but it is better to stop even on more expensive, but verified variants - RG-6 or domestic RK-75.

It is also worth considering that when buying a splitter, be sure to specify the number of outputs. For example, three-track models are designed to connect exactly three TVs, but not two. If for some reason, a splitter for three receiver will be at hand, then the unnecessary output can be dried in a special ballistic resistor with a resistance of 75 ohms. Be sure to pay special attention to this moment before connecting two TVs to one antenna.

Order of work

In principle, the connection process itself is easy, and with it is able to cope any user, even the one that the layer did not hear about radio engineering. For clarity, we break the whole process into separate stages.

Choose TV splitter

First you need to buy a splitter. On store shelves you can find a large range of models from different manufacturers. There is a simple rule - the more expensive, the better. But there is another one here important momentwhich should be paid before connecting two TVs to one antenna. We are talking about soldering. If you have skills to work with a soldering iron, then preference is better to give models with soldering. Such splitters, and this compound in particular, is always more reliable, they suggest a noticeably smaller signal loss together with quality preservation.

In the event that a soldering iron for you is something incomprehensible, you can take a regular splitter, but again, taking into account the existing cable type - or vice versa. The most optimal option can be called splitter with standard connectors for coaxial wires (cable for an antenna of type RG-6 / RK-75). After you decide with the splitter, you need to choose the corresponding connectors. The greatest popularity was obtained convenient, reliable and easy-to-install F-interface (adapter-cheating).

Also special attention should be paid to the location of the splitter. Optimal option It is considered approximately equal distance from the splitter to both TVs. It is important that the antenna cable is without stretching and not twisted, that is, it is not necessary to try to stretch it out due to the lack of a pattern, or, on the contrary, twist it. Distribute the distance from the splitter to the TV and cut the extra.

Cable preparation

The cable must be cut so that it will be freely reaching the splitter. As a rule, the old plug is cut off with a piece of wire. Then you need to part the cable to install in the F-connector.

First, we clean the edge, that is, we cut the wrapper before the braid (about 15 mm from the edge) and the edges bend. The insulating "fur coat" on the cable must perform a little bit, and the living end itself is not less than 4-7 mm. The entire procedure for preparing the cable for the adapter-plug can be performed with the help of kitchen knife and windows.

Features of the procedure

It is also important to know that the cable braid should not touch the central core. This error is fraught with partial or full signal loss. Such problems most often arise with SAT 703B and DG-113 brand cables, where every layer is very thin.

Next, mount on the F-connector cable. The name "cheat" he received due to a specific installation, where the plug simply winds onto the wire. A similar procedure must be done on all cables - and in the end it will turn out five connectors: one from the antenna, two for the output and two for the entrance.


In the desired order, connect cables with splitter. It is not necessary to delay the F connector strongly, because it can lead to the loss of the main core from the adapter. Most users leave a splitter as it is, that is, chatting somewhere on the plinth or under the bedside table. Experts recommend how to fix the splitter to avoid breaks and loss of the veins. If there are children in the house, then this item is obligatory to fulfill, plus it will be worthwhile to hide the splitter for some kind of ramp.

If everything is done correctly, the image on both TVs should be clear and without interference. Otherwise, specific "snow" may appear due to the loss of part of the signal or the lack of pictures.

Satellite TV

It often happens that even after the literate splitter installation, the image quality has worsened noticeably. It happens if you connect two TVs to one satellite antenna. The problem arises due to the fact that the splitter is in any case takes part of the signal.

One of the options for solving the task is to buy a splitter with a built-in signal amplifier. Such devices are noticeably more expensive, but at the same time they are much more effective than their simple fellow.

It is also worth clarifying that all splitters with the built-in amplifier have different gain factors. In some cases, an explicitly enlarged signal is also useless, as well as weak. Moreover, it can cause even big distortion pictures. With this nuance, those who want to connect two TVs to one tricolor antenna or "Rainbow TV" are often faced with this nuance. Here you need to seek help at your service specialist of your provider, which can measure the signal level and give advice on choosing a splitter with specific numbers.

Antenna with amplifier

If we are talking about the usual "Polish" antenna, you can connect an amplifier with a power unit to improve the signal, which will notice the quality of the image.

To do this, you need to make some changes in the already familiar scheme. It is necessary to remove the F-connector from entering the splitter, then on the vacant place to install a plug with a power supply that comes with the "Polish" antenna. After that, an adapter with an antenna socket ("Mom") should be installed on the entrance and connect the connector with the amplifier.

Such a procedure will increase the gain coefficient, where, in contrast to satellite TV, the maximum value is not so important, so there should be no problems with the rebuppiness of the signal.

It will also be less noted that each subsequent TV largely reduces the quality of the reception. Therefore, for a comfortable viewing of your favorite TV shows, it is better not to sue and acquire an additional antenna instead of "conclusing" with a splitter. This advice is especially relevant if the televisa is at a great distance from the receiver.

During analog television, the question often knew how to combine the meter and decimeter antenna in one cable.

It was solved by means of a mixer containing barrier filters of meter and decimeter bands. For example, this is:

And what if both the antennas of the decimeter range?

Consider the following example. Suppose it is necessary to take the first multiplex signal to the first antenna with tower 1.transmitted on the 27th television channel, and on the second antenna - the second multiplex signal with tower 2.transmitted to the 43rd television channel.

The signal with a frequency of the 27th channel is received by antenna 1, passes through a strip filter of the 27th channel and enters the tuner input. In antenna 2, this signal does not fall - it does not miss the filter of the 43rd channel. All interferences at other frequencies received by the antenna 1 are selected by the filter of the 27th channel. The signal of the 27th channel is accepted on the antenna 2, but does not pass to the tuner - it "does not allow" the filter of the 43rd channel.

Place filters are better closer to tyuer or TV.


George 05.01.2018 19:03

Type of tee is unclear. Is it trite everything is connected directly, or is there any interchange?

Admin 01/05/2018 21:53

George, and central veins are connected directly to each other.

George 06.01.2018 07:48.

OK. Then it is more profitable to connect as close as possible to the tyuer, since two lines of 75 ohms are connected. The negotiation violation will be on a short segment. Before accepting, in general, KSV \u003d 2.0

Admin 01/06/2018 11:55.

George, negotiation violations will not be, since the channel filters on "other people" frequencies have resistance close to infinity. The tee must be near the filters.

George 12.01.2018 18:37

OK. Range of operating frequencies filters -10С ... + 55С. So, it turns out, it is also desirable to start home filters.

Alex 03/06/2018 14:03

Why do the filters for each antenna? Is there a single filter not enough for the junction?

Admin 03/06/2018 18:35

Alex, for junction, just two filters are needed. And also to filter signals with "other people's" frequencies from the second antenna. Imagine, let's say you take the 40th channel from the first antenna, and with the second also climbs the signal 40 channel, and in contrase and on the contrary ...

Ivan 63 07/21/2018 20:03

Hello. As far as I understand two frame antennas on different channels connect the usual tee? Is it possible to connect the usual tee (splitter) on the contrary? And the distance between these antennas matters? Thanks.

Admin 07/21/2018 22:23

Ivan 63, you can, but lose part of the signal. The splitter has a scheme that matches the wave resistance. It makes losses. It is easier to solder or twist three braids and three central veins. The distance between the antennas is not critical, but not less than half a meter so as not to interfere with each other.

Lisheich 16.09.2018 06:54

Hello. There is a Cable C. analog signal (urban) and room active decimeter antenna. Have options to connect them into one DVB-T2 console? So far, the prefix works with a room Antensed, and the cable is connected to another TV directly.

Admin 16.09.2018 17:07

Lisiech, if urban broadcast is conducted in a meter range (most likely it is), then through the MV-DMW mixer, depicted in the article on the first photo.

strannix 01.10.2018 10:29

Good day. Two Turkish antennas were made to different channels, during the inspection separately showed good results, now the question arose how to combine them competently. I read information about filters and mixers, but one question remains - a relative position. They are directed to one transmitting center. How best to arrange them - on one horizontal line or each other? And at what distance from each other? Your opinion?

Admin 01.10.2018 11:13

strannix, it is always selected experimentally. I think that is horizontally or vertically - no difference, and the distance between them is at least one meter. For the sample, instead of the filter, you can simply simplify all the braids and all the central veins, or through the tee.

fofan26 09.06.2019 11:31

It turned out to combine two antennas through the tee channels 36 and 57. Thanks for the information!

uzbek50 09.12.2019 21:04

Hello, I have such a question for me two antennas for digital television They stand in the direction of two different stations with one shows from 1 to 10 on the other from 11 to 20 I need to unite them to one how can I do this?

Admin 10.12.2019 07:57

uzbek50, collect a scheme from the picture on this page, for a start, you can not use filters, but simply collect on the tee.

The TV has long been not considered an attribute of luxury, so in each second family there are at least one or two such instruments. If the first apparatus is located in the bedroom, then the second can stand anywhere, for example, in the hallway, living room, in the kitchen or in any other room. The owners of several devices sometimes there are a need to connect two TVs from one antenna.

general information

Trying to understand how to connect 2 TVs from one antenna, you need to deal with general Principle Such a procedure required tools, as well as the main stages. To connect devices, you need to use multiple programs and parts. Among them:

  • passatia;
  • boxes;
  • kitchen knife.

First of all, you must purchase a TV splitter or a splitter that can split an antenna signal into two streams. On one side of it is the entrance, and on the second - outputs for joining the receiver.

After that, it is necessary to take 5 connectors that match the thickness with the outputs on the splitter, as well as the adapter plugs. When choosing an antenna cable, it is recommended to give preference to high-quality and verified models, for example, RG-6 or PK-75.

When choosing a splitter or splitter, it is important to consider the number of outputs, because three-track models are intended to interact three devices, but not two. If this option was bought, but there are only two TVs in the house, it will be possible to close it with a special resistor having a resistance of 75 ohms. At the same time, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions on how to connect 2 TVs to one antenna.

The connection procedure itself is not something difficult, therefore even an inexperienced user who does not have any radio engineering skills will be able to conduct such manipulations without third-party help.

Types of splitters

The main purpose of splitters is consistent wave resistances, fixing a stable signal, as well as to combat all sorts of noise and interference. The correctly selected splitter guarantees high quality picture and prevents any distortion. But to take the right decision at the selection stage, it is necessary to know which types of such devices are for what they are intended and what properties are possessed. Two main types of splitters are available on the market:

  • with an active form of work;
  • passive.

Such devices can have one input and a couple of outputs. In most cases, models with two or three outputs are used for domestic televisions, although their number is not limited. Splitters uniformly distribute the signal from one antenna, so if the input signal intensity is 12 dB, then the TVs will receive half of this value, that is, 6 dB. If the crab for an antenna is equipped with three outputs, the TV received signal will be 4 dB. In passive models, transistors or transformers can be used.

As already mentioned the number of exits in splitters may vary from two to eight. If we are talking about buying a model for two TVs, it is better to make sure that in the future there are no more receivers to connect to one antenna. It is also important to take into account the attenuation level, which the splitter has, because it is lower, the better quality Images.

Splitters with a built-in RF amplifier belong to the group of active. They are capable of fixing a high-quality signal and raise it if necessary. But to work such a device it is necessary to use food. It can be a separate unit or cable connection.

Selecting a device

I wonder how to connect two TVs to one antenna, you need to pre-purchase a splitter. There is a lot of such products on sale, so there will be no difficulties in the question of choosing a suitable model. In this case, the principle is appropriate: the more expensive, the better.

At the purchase stage, it is important to take into account their skills in working with a soldering iron. If they are present, you can buy a splitter with a soldering, since it is characterized by a noticeable less signal loss and the ability to maintain the quality of the transmission.

If you have not had to work with soldering devices, it is better to stop your choice on the usual splitter. However, in this case, you need to pay attention to the type of cable to which the device is equipped. The optimal option is a splitter with a regular connector for coaxial wires.

Deciding with the choice, it remains to find suitable connectors. In most cases, this purpose is used comfortable F-Interfacerepresenting an adapter-cheek.

Besides, it is important to choose the suitable location of the splitterBy observing the correct distance between it and TVs. Experts recommend to select a roughly equal distance, while the cable for an antenna should not be twisted and is in the stretch. You can not stretch it with a lack of a pattern or, on the contrary, to twist. It is important to pre-calculate the distance between the splitter and the TV, and also get rid of extra.

At the stage of the preparation of the cable, it is necessary to trim it in such a way that he freely take to the splitter. Together with the remaining piece of wire, you need to cut off the old plug. After that, you should part with the mounting cable in the F-connector.

First of all, it is necessary to trim the wrapper to the braid (approximately 15 millimeters from the edge), as well as bend the edges. The insulation layer should perform a little, and the living end to go 4-7 mm. Preparing a cable for a plug adapter need kitchen knife and side.

Features of the procedure

Take up how to connect several TVs to one antenna, you must follow step by step leadership. To successfully perform the task, such rules are required:

In the correct order, it is necessary to connect cables with a splitter, while it is impossible to delay the F connector too much, as this may cause loss of the main core from the adapter. Many people do not change the location of Splitter, leaving it somewhere under furniture or at the plinth. Specialists advise reliably to fix the splitter, otherwise it may be damaged upon contact with children or pets. Splitter can be hidden for any false.

If you follow step by step instructions And the correctly perform each stage, then the TVs should appear clear picture without interference or deviations. If something is done not so, the so-called snow appears on the screen, which indicates a partial signal loss or a complete absence of an image.

Satellite television and Polish antennas

If there is an incorrect execution of a splitter installation phase, the image quality loss may be observed. Such a phenomenon often appears when working with a satellite antenna, when the splitter takes part of the signal on itself.

To eliminate an unpleasant problem, you need to purchase a splitter with a built-in amplifier. Its cost can differ significantly from the price of ordinary models, but this is justified with maximum efficiency. In addition, all splitters with an amplifier support different gain factors, because in some circumstances, the strong signal becomes as unnecessary as weak. And if you consider the fact that sometimes he still aggravates the problem, it is better to abandon this option.

If a classic Polish antenna is installed in the room, then the amplifier with the power supply can be connected. This will make a picture of high quality and prevent the appearance of snow on the screen. . To solve the problem, the following rules must be followed:

  1. According to a familiar scheme, you need to make several changes to the amplifier.
  2. The F-type connector should be removed from the entrance, and the plug that comes with the antenna appears to establish the place.
  3. Next, you must install the adapter with the antenna jack and attach the amplifier.

By completing such activities, you can significantly raise the gain. To make sure of the poor quality of the picture on two TVs, it is better to buy two antennas at once.

Ways to enhance the signal

For many television owners after connecting multiple TVs to one antenna, the quality of the displayed picture is much deteriorated. This is explained by the principle of a splitter, which only separates a signal into several streams. To eliminate a negative phenomenon, it is necessary to purchase a special amplifier, which works on the principle of the crab, but has several resistors and an amplifier chip.

For such a device, it is necessary to equip a separate meal, so when performing installation work, you need to think about the location of the socket or extension. It is recommended to install an amplifier on a short distance from the antenna, and from it to make branches in the right part of the room. Experts argue that it is much wiser to abandon the splitter and give preference to amplifiers. Such a purchase will be more costly, but it will be justified by the high quality of the transmitted signal.

To prevent all sorts of interference on the screen and improve the signal to a television cable, special ferrite rings can be placed. Place them at the very end of the cable near the antenna entry. Such interference cutters are present on laptop power cords and are intended to combat low signal transmission quality.

There are other no less effective methods Strengthening television signalBut much depends on the antenna itself. In order not to think how to get rid of the problem of low quality pictures when connecting multiple TVs to one antenna, it is better to buy in advance good device And prevent such trouble.

The process of enhancing the signal from the antenna into two TVs is carried out by the interaction of two devices - the preamplifier and the distributor amplifier. According to the principle of operation, these nodes are practically no different from each other, but some differences are still present. The preamp is on the antenna and is intended to enhance the signal. It is used for long coaxial cable And fixed between antenna and splitter.

The amplifying device is mounted in front of the splitter and is used to enhance the separated signal, for example, for two or four TVs. Most amplifiers work in the same way as splitters, so it makes sense to choose exactly such a device and not buy a splitter.

Attaching two, three or more TVs One antenna is not a challenge. Even an inexperienced newbie, not possessing professional skills, will be able to conduct such manipulation and achieve good results. The main thing is to follow step by step instructions and take into account the recommendations of experienced specialists.

The use of several TVs in one apartment has long been not new. And if with interactive television, everything is easier - it is enough to agree with the provider about connecting multiple devices, what to do with the auxilian television? If another TV show appears in the apartment, the question arises how two TVs should be connected to one antenna. Is it possible to attach even more technology, and how it affects the reception. Consider how to split the signal from the wave receiver to two homework.

How to make a signal separation to connect two TVs? To do this, you will need a device called separator, or splitter. He must have so much outputs as intended to connect the TV shows. If the outputs turned out to be more or in the future it is planned to connect the TVs, then it will be necessary to put the plugs on extra outputs - 75 ohm resistors.

Splitter will divide the signal from the antenna to two devices. Therefore, you will need two pieces of wires from the separator, the adapter plugs (for connecting the cable to the television transfer) and the connectors that will be attached to the ends of the cable. Antenna can be any, one of the common options - the Polish antenna.

There is an option for connecting two antennas to one TV. This is done to combine the wave of meter and decimeter ranges to one receiver, or to increase the number of channels. For these purposes, you can also use splitters or mixers.

TV signal divider

The signal divider is a device that has one input and multiple outputs for separating the signal between different devices. That is, the antenna cable is supplied to the input, and the outputs are cables that are connected, for example, to televisions.

The splitter can be active and passive. The passive splitter provides a layout of television signal to two TVs, but each stream will lift its strength. Such a splitter does not need additional nutrition, but the more outputs, the weaker the final signal will be. If the antenna goes a good level of reception, then you can get an acceptable image quality. In such a situation, you can use the usual tee. It does not matter in it, which cable in which connector is inserted - everything is equivalent.

In other situations, active splitters come to the rescue. They have built-in transistor amplifierswhich ensure the lack of attenuation, and sometimes the gain of the signal, undischarged voltage at the outputs, no cross distortion.

Active dividers have a different bandwidth for essential and satellite TV. The second has more. Such splitters can also be used for digital, and for analog broadcasting, but the essential for satellite cannot be.

One more an important nuance active divisors - ensuring its nutrition. There are splitters with a passage passage. Then no difficulties in the connection will arise. But not all of them are equipped with such a function. Then another way of fastening will help. Power must be fed on the wire area between the antenna and the splitter. This requires an additional component, something like transitional. He has a thread needle on one side. This end needs to be screwed into the divider input. And the second end is an antenna socket to which the BP separator needs to be connected.

This method is suitable for connecting digital receivers. Then in the console menu there is no need to connect the power of the wave receiver, it will be provided through BP. In this case, the power supply is recommended to take adjustable to reduce the gain. It happens that active elements Excessively enhance the signal, because of which the channels can gently show or some of them are absent.

In order not to mess with divisors, you can simply install a separate room antenna to each TV. But, again, it will come true if the level of reception is sufficient.

Separation digital signal It does not differ from the analog, so special nuances, how to connect the second TV, does not occur. The only moment is digital broadcasting only in the decimeter wave range, so the separator should be able to breed exactly such frequencies.

Connection scheme

In order to solve the problem, how to connect two TVs to one antenna correctly, you need to pay attention to some points:

  1. Tellength power. It can be measured using special devices or indication of the receiving level on the TV. Before the branching of the cable for two TVs from one antenna, you need to provide the best signal level.
  2. Cable length and quantity of its connections. The more its length, the weaker the signal will be at the output, so unnecessary turns should be avoided. The same applies to the connections: than them are more, the greater the loss of quality.

When connecting two TVs to cable television You can also use the splitter. Since cable TV has high image quality, then the resulting signal should be completely acceptable, even with a passive splitter.

The scheme of the passive antenna splitter has the formula formula: R1 \u003d R2 \u003d R3 \u003d 25 Ohm.

How to connect to the TV splitter is shown in the following figure:

If you wish, you can easily solder a divider with an amplifier, but it is possible to use it without any problems for analog broadcasting. For numbers and satellite, it is better to purchase ready-made devices. Next, consider the connection process directly.

Connection process

When connecting the second TV, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Choose splitter. If you know how to solder, you can choose a device that requires soldering. It should be noted that such a connection will be more reliable than any other. If you do not plan to solder, it is better to take a separator with embedded sockets for television cables.
  2. A place to install a divider should be as close as possible to both TVs with a convenient impression of an antenna cable. Connect the TVs can be passive and to the active antenna.
  3. The antenna cable is cut off the plug: the antenna connection will now be executed through the F-connector. And the length of the wire must be sufficient to connect to the splitter.
  4. Two pieces of wires are taken, which will be connected from the splitter to the TV shows. Use for this coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 ohms.
  5. F-connectors Connect to the ends of all cables. You can use another type of connectivity, but this one is considered the most comfortable and simple. Below is described in more detail how to perform such a connection.
  6. Connect an antenna cable and two sliced \u200b\u200bcables with a divider. The cables are desirable to gently pave along the walls for the smallest damage.
  7. The remaining free ends are connected to the TVs through plug adapters. Do not forget to de-energize devices before connecting.
  8. Check the performance of both receivers.
  9. If you have no interference, you can try to check the connections or disobey the cable.

How to perform a f-connector

  • From the end of the cable, it isolation of about 1.5 cm;
  • Bend the screen (baggage of the cable), it is important not to close the lap with the central residential;
  • Bend foil;
  • Remove the internal insulation layer of about 1 cm;
  • Wrench the f-connector;
  • Cut the central core (leave 2-5 mm).

Strengthening the signal

After attaching antenna splitter, perhaps a significant deterioration in the quality of the resulting image on the TV. Most likely, the source signal is not enough for good printing. In this case, a television amplifier may affect the state of reception. It is better to install it instead of a conventional splitter as close as possible to the street antenna. Such a device requires additional nutrition, so it is necessary to provide a socket. The splitter with the amplifier although it has a higher cost, but it solves the problem with the loss of television sign.

Another way to obtain a better signal is to install a more powerful antenna or equipping it with an antenna amplifier. If you are just going to install a wave receiver, it is better to immediately take care of the quality of the signal and its reserve in case of separation into several television devices.

To reduce noise and interference, you can install ferrite rings at the ends of the cable near the instruments themselves. Such thickening can be seen on the power blocks, for example, to laptops.

An increase in the signal from the wave device can be implemented by interacting the preamplifier and the distributor amplifier. The first is an antenna amplifier - located between the antenna and splitter, and the second before it. At the same time, it is advisable to harmonize the gain coefficients. The transaction of the signal threatens the same negative consequences as its disadvantage.

So, can cope with the connection of the antenna to several TV shows you can independently. For this, special knowledge is not needed in electronics, but only a safety technique is required when working with electrical appliances and accuracy in the preparation of the cable. The better the cable will be affected, the less the loss of the useful signal will be.

With good reception, a rather passive separator. But if necessary, television amplifiers are installed, which can work in conjunction with the anteners. True, in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the signal is not excessively increased so that the image on the screens is not distorted. To do this, you can use adjustable power supplies.


Very often in one family, the second TV appears. At the same time, the antenna is only one. The question arises: how to connect two TVs to one antenna? There are methods that allow one antenna to use two TVs and more.

What you need

To connect, you will need several parts:

  • two-way splitter (splitter). This device allows you to divide the signal from the antenna to two or more flow. It has an entrance on one side and two or more outputs on the other - to connect the television vehicles.

  • 5 connectors corresponding to splitter;
  • 2 adapter plug;

  • antenna cable.

Important: By purchasing a splitter, do not confuse the number of outputs! Three-band (three-way) splitter applies to connecting three receivers, but not two! If, at hand, it turns out to be threefold, then solve the problem can be connected to the free output of the ballast resistor (resistance of 75 ohms). And if there is a plan in the future, install and connect several TVs to this antenna, it is better to immediately buy a splitter with multiple outputs and temporarily drown out empty outputs with the same resistance.

Stroke work

We will try to tell about the connection so as to cope with the task even one who is not at all understanding the radio engineering. Step by step this is done like this:

  • Choose details. First of all, you need to buy splitter. They are different, including those that need soldering, and those that it is not required. If you know how to solder, it is better to take those that suggest a soldering. This connection is always more reliable than any other, it gives smaller signal loss, retains its quality.

If you do not have the skills of soldering, then the splitter you need to choose the corresponding, as well as suitable for a specific type of cable. The win-win version will be splitter with built-in sockets for coaxial cables.

Selecting the splitter, select the appropriate connectors. F-connectors are now very popular with the fact that they are reliable, easy to install.

  • Choose a place for splitter. The device is optimally so located so that the antenna cable is free to reach it and, if possible, it was the shortest distance to both TVs.
  • Cut the existing antenna cable. It is necessary to cut so that the cable is free to get to the splitter. Together with a piece of cable, the old plug is cut off.
  • Cable cutting and installationF.-Notion.

For those who know how to solder, it makes no sense to tell how to share the cable and solder it to the splitter, - they know it themselves. Further is written for the average user who is not familiar with the radio.

So, the cropped end of the wire is separated, as shown in Figure: we clean the edge, wrap the braid. The medium-sized insulator should perform a little, and the middle lived itself began to perform at least 5 mm. The tool for dismantling isolation from a coaxial cable at home is the usual kitchen knife.

Important:The cable must be standard, more often used the DG 113 or SAT 703B brands. The cable braid in no way should be connected to the central residential, otherwise the signal will not pass at all.

Install the F connector. It is also called cheat, because the connector is screwed into a soft wire. The connector for connecting the cable and splitter is ready.

  • Cut two pieces of wires With the calculation so that the lengths are enough to each TV.
  • MountF.-Workssimilarly, for connecting television cables and splitter outputs. At other ends of cables do the same.

As a result, we are involved all five connectors, including:

  1. one from the antenna for entering the splitter;
  2. two television, for exits from it;
  3. two television free.
  • Connect connectors with a splitter.

  • Connect two free connector with adapters. The adapter is a device, at one end of which the F-connector is attached, and on the other - a coaxial plug for connecting to the television receivers. Usually this device is called the whole plug.
  • Turn on the TV shows.Check how both receiver work. If everything is done correctly, the image must be normal. Now you can easily enjoy great picture Immediately on two receivers, without interfering with each other.

According to the following scheme, you can see the path for which 2 TVs to one antenna must be connected:

How to install an antenna with an amplifier

But what if after connecting the splitter the image quality deteriorated? This may mean that the antenna on two TVs does not provide the desired signal, while also the separating device takes on some of its stake. The output can be an antenna with an amplifier, it is also called Polish. Such an antenna for two TV shows connected to the device will improve the signal quality in both TVs. To do this, it is necessary:

  1. In the already existing scheme with a splitter removeF.-Lone from entering it.
  2. In his place put a plug with power supply From the antenna kit with an amplifier.
  3. On the input install an adapter with an antenna socket (the so-called "mother") and insert the plug from the antenna with the amplifier.

This should improve the quality of the signal.

Splitter with amplifier

There is a second option - search for a splitter with a built-in signal amplifier. This method is good when initially the TV showed well and no new antenna is required. However, before purchasing a new device, discuss your specific case with a specialist.

Amplifiers, including on an antenna, have different gain factors, and too large signal is as bad as weak, and can also cause distortion. Telemaster fluctuates the signal level and give advice to acquire an amplifier.

By the way, the problem with the attenuation of the signal may all of the more occurring if you make a connection of several TVs to one antenna. The more receiver, the stronger the signal fades. Therefore, planning to connect a few television receivers, weigh all the arguments "for" and "against".

The following is a video instruction for connecting antenna to two television receivers:

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