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Built-in splitter. Antenna splitter of a television cable (crab): what better

At the present time, any person uses television devices that are able to play an information signal competing in TV communications. To create such information lines for data transfer, many leading companies engaged in production electronic devices Developed special accessories.

Thanks to such installations, the user is given the opportunity, without any restrictions, create multi-level information nodes are capable of separating a signal that comes from the receiver antenna to television equipment. If the user needs to connect a large number of TV devices, then it needs to be installed the same number of essential or satellite antennas What is irrational in terms of investment investment for organizing such network nodes. In connection with this person, depending on the technical task, it is necessary to use one of the devices:

- TV divider or splitter - allows you to connect several television devices to one ether antenna simultaneously. This device Equally distributes the signal coming from the antenna - the receiver between devices. Due to this, the user receives the same image on all modules of the reproducing signal received. TV dividers can have a different number of output channels, which, depending on the model, can vary from 2 to 8 units. The range of the signal with which the device is able to operate 5-1000 MHz, which fully complies with the standard information flowobtained by the ethereal antenna.

- For satellite devices It is recommended to use more powerful modules in which the signal frequency is 5-2500 MHz. When installing the splitter, the user must consider that the signal is divided between all television devices in an equal interest ratio, therefore the more connections, the worse there will be an image on TV equipment. In this case, it is recommended to use better information receivers or use special amplifiers.

- Adder - The module allows the user to produce a simultaneous connection of satellite and essential antenna to a television device. Such a design is suitable for solving problems for ensuring the performance of TV equipment when accidentally disconnecting one of the receiving devices.

Splitters and admutors are indispensable modules if the user wants to simultaneously connect several television devices to one antenna at once.

Television splitter, antenna splitter, antenna crab

Splitter, splitter or crab A special product is called to create the possibility of connecting one antenna cable directly to a certain number of TVs. Such devices are also called antenna dividers or television crabs. The essence of the splitter is. That it divides the signal to absolutely equal parts and thereby, the image quality remains the same for all connected TVs. This device is perfectly suitable for those who have many rooms and televisions.

Television crab Can be connected thanks to a special F-connector. In some antenna divider models, the inputs and outputs can be covered with thin layers of gold or silver. It provides better conductivity, and, therefore, an improved signal quality. These devices are classified in frequency, which varies from five to a thousand hertz.

Our online Shop Electrics Website Provides a wide selection of splitter models. These devices allow you to provide more comfortable conditions for installing and installing cables for the TV. In order to install the splitter, you do not need to have any special skills, even a simple man inventor can cope with it, which has never come across electrical equipment. The product is made from qualitative materialsthat does not limit the scope of these television splitters.

Two TVs in the apartment surprise someone now difficult. Technologies, and the signal reception devices themselves, in our rapid century are constantly developing, which inevitably affects the decline in prices for older models. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the second TV, and the third, can afford almost every family. Agree, because it's still convenient when you can watch your favorite programs in the kitchen or in your room, without interfering with your family. And in this case, we will necessarily need an antenna splitter.

Active or passive: How to make a sure choice?

Do not even think about simply in parallel to connect a pair of wires to the antenna and thus get another source of the signal. The quality of the picture as a result of such an operation will be very bad - multi-component will appear, contrast will decrease, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to use an antenna splitter, or, as it is also called, "crab".

If the source of the signal is good, which can be determined visually, and before that in the house there was only one TV, it is quite suitable for the model collected on the basis of resistive divisors. Such an antenna splitter is considered passive and, although it provides good signal harmonization, still contributes to it a certain attenuation proportional to the amount of outputs. This type has proven well in the conditions of a major city or near the megapolis, where the broadcast power is high enough.

Accordingly, with a bad reception or large number of receivers will be better to use an antenna splitter of active type. Such a device not only shares the incoming television signal, but also enhances its power.

When buying a splitter, pay attention to the attenuation level, which is indicated in the decibels both on the labeling of the device and in the concomitant instruction. The smaller the value of this indicator, the better. If you can see the frequencies of the received channels in the TV menu, then remember the most of them and check that it is included in the selected device.

How to connect an antenna splitter

All that will be needed to connect the second TV except the device itself is the mounting brackets (if the cable will be attached to the wall), a sharp knife, a common roulette and antenna plugs (by the number of additional TVs). First, I choose the place where an antenna splitter will be placed. It is best to use special sockets mounted on the wall of the room. Then, measure the number of meters from this point to each of the two TVs, we summarize, add a couple of meters to the stock and buy the desired length. Now it is necessary to cut it into the required pieces, with the ends of which the outer shell is removed, and the braid is bent out on the crude part.

After that, instead of a plug, which is located at the end of the old, the splitter for an antenna is connected, and to it - in advance prepared pieces of cables to all television receivers. Then all these wires are fixed motionless with the help of a bracket or cable channel of the plinth. The last thing remains to do is turn on all the instruments and check the quality of the received signal.

Television - a popular way to promptly get topical information and distract from routine. TVs are in every home, providing interesting leisure to each family member. In some apartments, they are installed even a few pieces to meet individual preferences, which necessitates the need to purchase an antenna splitter. Both essential and cable television is carried out through a special coaxial cable. It must be connected directly to several devices to provide high-quality and simultaneous signaling.

Antenna splitter: definition, varieties and purpose

An antenna splitter is a passive device that allows you to solve the cable layout problem for several TVs. There are three main varieties of splitters:

  1. splitters or dividers;
  2. admutors (diplexers);
  3. assistants or taps.


Splitters are splitters that allow us to divide television signal For several outlets. With the power of the television signal in 12 dB, the TV splitter of such a design divides it to the number of connected devices (at 2 connected outputs - 6 dB, at 3 - 4 dB, etc.). TV splitters are optimal for the simultaneous connection of two or three TVs. For larger quantities TVs are more expedient to purchase an active type splitter that is additionally equipped with an amplifier.


The diplexer is a view of an antenna splitter, which is designed to align signals of different ranges (more often satellite and ordinary television antenna). The filters embedded in the design minimize the presence of interference when transmitting a signal. The probability of the power loss of the television signal is also leaving. The diplexers also work on the opposite principle, allowing you to disconnect the resulting televisons by connecting cable or essential broadcast to several TVs.

Antenna taps

Answathers (taps) are used to distribute the signal to subscribers in the domestic wiring. The design of the product is distinguished by the presence of several inputs, the number of which is equal to the number of connected televisions and antennas. The advantages of such a variety of the distributor of the television signal is considered a wide operating range (from 5 to 1000 MHz) and the normalized attenuation coefficient (from -6 to -28 dB), which allows to align the signal level in the network being created.

How to choose an antenna splitter

Before purchasing an antenna splitter, determine the type of signal. For digital and satellite broadcasting, the transmission frequency varies (1GHz and 2.5 GHz, respectively). Additionally, the satellite splitter must be equipped with a special PowerPass amplifier transmitting power to the antenna head. If the digital splitter cannot transfer the signal to satellite receivers, the device with an increased transmission frequency can be configured for analog or digital television.

How to connect multiple televisions to one antenna

The high-quality transmission of the signal depends on the correct connection of the antenna cable to the splitter. To fulfill the task, you can call specialists who in a short time will connect the splitter and provide a high level of broadcasting on several TVs. But, subject to the provision of minimal skills in the assembly of radio engineering, the signal branching problem can be solved on their own, observing the stages of performance.

Cable Preparation and Connection to Splitter

Before starting work, it is important to disable all devices from the mains to prevent the likelihood of domestic injuries. To connect a coaxial cable to a splitter connector or a diplexer, steps should be performed:

  • neat removal of the upper layer of insulation (braid must be preserved);
  • removing the inner insulation is about 1 cm cable length;
  • installing the connector (F-connector) over the braid (wiring should not touch the central core due to the risk of short circuit);
  • crimping cable coupling and nut lock;
  • connecting the design to the output of the splitter.

To connect the TVs to the antenna signal, you need to provide sufficient length coaxial cableequal to the distance to the connected device. It is recommended to hide the cord under the plinth or drill a hole in the adjacent wall to reduce the wiring consumption. The last stage of work is to check the quality of the signal. If the picture or sound is distorted, it is worth checking the quality of the cable connectivity with a diplexer or remake the fribe. Under the prospect of connecting additional TV devices to the splitter, you must purchase analogue with an increased number of connectors. Ballast resistors with a resistance of 75 ohms are installed on free nests.

The installation of a split signal of a television signal levels the need to purchase several antennas for each TV, which saves ultimately and cash Your family budget. Right choice The appropriate device and compliance with key recommendations for connecting the cable to the diplexer is the key to high-quality video transmission even in a very remote area.

Each room has a modern apartment there is often TV. The signal comes from one source, which is an antenna, normal or satellite. After the impulse has reached the room, it is divided into several branches. This allows you to watch television programs in good quality in each of the rooms. Splitters, splitters, crabs - goods used by permanent demand. The signal divider is used everywhere where there are TVs.

TV Signal divider

When choosing a TV branching signal, you need to know the following:

  • Let the number of exits of the purchased splitter be larger than the number of available televisions.
  • The new TV menu indicates the frequencies of the received channels. Determine the maximum frequency rate. Select the crab with the upper range of the range more than the frequency of the TV.
  • The splitter body usually contains the attenuation parameter specified in Decybellah. When choosing a branch, choose the smallest value.
  • The optimal method of connecting the cable is through the F6 connector.
  • Splitter must be securely fixed. Free sagging device is unacceptable.

Types of signal divisors

Consumers are invited to choose splitters under F connector for 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 outputs, for satellite, general television systems. Quality splitters are equipped with a good metal case. You need to choose a proven manufacturer, the goods of which is accompanied by a qualitative certificate.

Uniform divisters good quality Have a red arrow housing. They indicate the route direction path that passes through splitters. There are separators of uneven division, but specialized models are rare.

Branchers have labeling of power division:

  • Division by 2, eq. 3.5 DB.
  • Division by 3, eq. 5.3 DB.
  • Division at 4 - eq. 7.3 dB.

Low prices for TV Signals

In the online store ELECRO-NIC you can buy a TV signal divider high Quality. On the pages of the store buyers are offered many modifications of splitters, other components.

Qualified consultants will be happy to introduce the range of products. Additionally offer several options. In online mode, you can familiarize yourself with the terms of purchase, sales. To purchase goods, it is enough to fill out a simple order on the site for understanding.

For many families, it became familiar to have several TVs in the apartment. Distribute the signal received from the television antenna to several TVs allows the device called splitter television cable.

With it, you can watch several programs at the same time, while the quality of the signal remains at the proper level. Before buying such a device, we recommend to familiarize yourself with information from this article.

There are several types of devices, each of which is responsible for certain opportunities splitters.

Depending on the tasks set:

  • splitter;
  • diplexer;
  • answer.

It should be familiar with each of them in more detail.
Splitter, he is a television divider between multiple devices. By the way, the people call him television crab . Depending on the number of connectors, the splitter divides on 2, 3 and 4 TVs.

In the latter case, it is necessary to preserve an amplifier, otherwise the signal will be weak.
The diplexer has another more understandable name - adder. In other words, the splitter combines several signals from different antennas and gives one more powerful.

It can be used in the house where there is satellite television and ordinary tV antenna. Also used to combine frequencies from different ranges.

Modern splitters in most cases are universal and can work both in the adder and divider.
Answerler for TV is used in apartment buildings. Part of the signal from the overall antenna goes to one of the apartments, and the other passes through the coupler further.

One of its varieties is the block. It is used to limit paid channels.

How much you connect tv

In any specialized store, the sales assistant will select a good antenna splitter for 2 devices.

A good level of signal on 3 TV will give a divider or an adder from well-known brands, so it is not worth saving on it.

In order to achieve a good quality image for a splitter on 4 TVs and more, an amplifier is needed (active splitter).

Depending on the number of connected monitors, the minimum required power changes.

How to choose a TV signal divider for 2 TVs

When choosing the equipment, first of all, you need to find out what frequencies the television channels are broadcast. You can get this information using a TV with a function of determining the frequency or apparatus that captures the signals of different ranges.

Also, it is necessary to consider the number of connected TVs and the diameter of the cross section of the antenna cable.

One of the important parameters is attenuation, which is expressed in decibels. It is possible to find its value on the housing. The less its value will, the better it will affect the quality when watching television programs.

Preference should be given to devices, in the design of which are provided by mounting holes. The device hanging on one only cable bets the TV signal worse than fixed on the wall.

If there is a cable wiring and box, a compact size splitter is used.
Depending on the type of cable, you should buy a splitter with a threaded connection or screw clamps. In stores there are devices designed to connect them with a cable using soldering.

They give a television signal better, but require special skills.

How to connect a television divider to tv

It is necessary to calculate how long the cable is needed. It is recommended to take a distance with a margin. Measurement should be taken from the place where the central wire ends.
If you need to combine signals from multiple antennas, you need to connect the antenna cables to the adolesters of the television signal. Then, through an adapter, you need to install a divider.

If the antenna is one, then only the last apparatus is used.

Installing a television crab

In places of connecting cables and a branching machine, fixation is carried out by special nuts that are included with a divider or adder.
For other ends of the cables you need to wear plugs. To do this, each wire must be cleared of insulation, so that the central cable wire spoke from it.

Then you can connect it to the TV. Turning it on, you must search for channels and check the quality of the resulting sound and the image for noise.

If the state is satisfactory or bad, then you need to install the amplifier. In century digital technologyMore often the question is how to connect the TVs to a computer or other device.

This will allow you to view photos, videos, site pages on a large television screen. Passing by the shelves with monitors in a computer store, you can see that the same video or image is played on all of them.

For this purpose, a HDMI splitter is used.
We will analyze how to connect an active splitter HDMI signal to 2 TVs.

This will require a device with two outputs (OUT). If it is necessary to connect more Monitors, you should purchase an HDMI splitter on 4, 8 or 16 outputs (OUT).

Connection is performed quite simple. From the computer or laptop HDMI cable you need to attach to the input (in), and connect the cables from the monitors to the outputs (OUT).

Antenna splitter with his own hands

Alone to make a splitter can each. But before proceeding with the development, it is important to know what the device is applicable to an antenna analog television.

For digital TV, such a divider or adder cannot be done.

Cheap Chinese devices have large loss of transmission quality, so it will be reasonable to finalize them. To do this, you will need a cable and a ferrite ring.

You can collect an antenna splitter in a small box of small size, while you should pay attention to the place of each connector.

In addition, a poor plug connection with the socket may affect the quality of the transmitted signal of the self-made splitter. Also, it is worth paying attention to the resistance of cables.

It will not be superfluous homemade device And cable insulation.

How to strengthen the signal

For a TV with a bad image and sound, an excellent solution will be the use of an amplifier. Thanks to him, you can significantly improve the quality of the transmitted image and sound.

It is necessary to establish it in close proximity to the splitter or antenna. When buying an amplifier, you should pay attention to the gain values \u200b\u200bin dB, an acceptable noise level, signal attenuation, the presence of a power supply.

Depending on the required ranges, amplifiers are used. different types. Not every frequency can be qualitatively caught using one or another amplifier.
Device Connection Scheme also affects the signal.

The following schemes are used:

  • with an amplifier before entering the splitter;
  • with several at each entrance;
  • combination.

The antenna amplifiers are meter and decimeter. A specific model is suitable for a specific situation. Therefore, before purchasing it is recommended to consult with the seller or master of television equipment.

The latter, has the necessary equipment, with which it is possible to accurately determine which the power of the antenna, divider or adder should be.
In modern society, when in most apartments there are several TVs, do not do without a splitter. Each can independently connect the devices, but before that it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

When buying a splitter, you need to be attentive and explore its characteristics.