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How to install and configure a satellite dish yourself. Installing a mast for TV antennas

Where to start installing the antenna

How to start installing antennas, as a rule, we need to decide what kind of television we want to watch:

  • Digital terrestrial television (20 channels free of charge);
  • Satellite (Free federal channels almost not, only if collected from several satellites);
  • ipTV (many free and paid channels for a nominal fee of 30-60 rubles per month over 150 channels);
  • Cable (depending on the provider, usually part of the channels broadcasts for free).

ipTV and cable are more likely for the city, but with the development of high-speed Internet in recent years, many are beginning to consider ipTV as an alternative to satellite TV. More channels, less or no subscription fee. Here we will look at how to properly install the antenna in the country and the city for digital television dvb-t2 (I will describe the satellite installation in another article). With television sorted out, let's move on.

Types of antennas for receiving a TV signal

I will not describe all types here, but I will recommend, only those that we use on installations and which did not let us down. In view of the fact that analog television ceases to exist, we will consider antennas for digital television simply in the UHF range. We don't need meter waves (MB).

Number 12 (Cifra 12) manufacturer Anteks (Ekaterenburg). We use outside the city up to 35-40 km. under the same conditions. In the city, it makes no sense to use it if you do not connect several apartments to television. Gain 12 dB.

From practice! The Digit 12 was installed at the dacha, 67 km from the tower in a straight line (Mechurinskoye settlement in the Leningrad region), the house was located on a hillock plus the height of the house was about 14 meters. The antenna was located almost above the forest (optimal conditions were obtained). As a result, the first 10 channels out of twenty worked without an amplifier, but when the weather changed, the picture fell out. I wanted 20 channels and a more stable signal, since three TVs were connected. We installed the Alcad 200l amplifier, the problem was solved. At the same facility at number 9 plus the amplifier only 1 multiplex worked stably.

LP 14 (LANS). Log-batch production in China, but well done. The gain is 12-14 dB. We use it only outside the city (the length of the traverse is more than a meter). The distance to the tower is up to 40 km. Works well when the house is located in a forest.

Vector AR-806 is an analogue of Televes, three times cheaper, and not inferior in parameters. Gain 14-17 dB. We use on average up to 50 km.

Optimal signal reception is when there are no obstacles on an imaginary straight line from the antenna installation to the transmitting transmitter.

All antennas considered are passive. Install a TV signal amplifier, as a last resort. The first thing is to get the cleanest signal and then amplify it if necessary. An amplifier may be required if you will be connecting multiple TVs. (I hope I drew it clearly). All working schemes have been tested on personal experience.

TV antenna for giving where and how to install

Before you start installing the antenna in a private house, determine the location of the nearest tower or repeater. You can do this by specifying your location on the CETV coverage map

Having learned the mileage, you can buy equipment. What you need to install outdoor antennas:

  1. Antenna, if you follow our advice, then from the listed;
  2. Coaxial cable (RG 6 professional steel, SAT 703, SAT 50 copper);
  3. F connectors, TV plug (by the number of connections);
  4. Lightning protection on the cable (optional, but if you want to install the antenna on the mast, then it is better to put it at a price of 300-350 rubles)
  5. Bracket or mast;
  6. Cable ties and clips;
  7. Device, digital set-top box with TV or TV with dvb-t2 support for customization;
  8. TV signal amplifier and dividers (if required).
  9. Fasteners for bracket or mast. Decide for yourself which fasteners are suitable for you (screws, studs, anchors, etc.).
  10. Perforator or drill, drill or drill with a diameter of 8 mm. under the cable. Knife for stripping the cable, wire cutters further, according to the circumstances, to whom, which may be required.

Everything about the equipment. Where to direct you have determined on the map. Next, consider the options for installing television antennas.

Antenna mounting options

In fact, there are not many options to install an antenna in the country, there are only two:

  • Installation on a house facade;
  • Installation on a mast.

Some are installed in the attic or in the house (it will also work under the condition of a strong signal and if the roof is not made of metal).

Mast mounting

The mast was mainly used for installing collective antennas and under difficult reception conditions. For example, if the house is located in a lowland, in the direction of the tower there is an elevation, structure, mountain, etc. Also, when you need to install several pieces (digital, satellite and Internet or cellular communications).

From practice! 95% of installations are done without a mast, outside on the facade of the house.

There are two ways to install the mast:

  • On brackets for attaching to the facade of the house.
  • With braces and a thrust bearing on the roof of the house.

Facade installation

Installing the antenna on a facade using brackets is much easier than fiddling with a mast. It is not necessary to mount it as high as possible. This rule applied to analog television. At that time, TV towers were located only in large settlements... And the further from the tower, the worse the signal we got. In order to at least somehow watch TV, we had to install terrestrial antennas as high as possible. With the advent of digital television, many repeaters have been built and the coverage area has expanded significantly. So most of it is mounted on brackets.

Installation in the city

For urban conditions, there is the concept of a reflected signal - this is when you do not have a line of sight of the tower, but there are many buildings around from where the signal can be reflected. In some cases, you can do with a passive indoor antenna for a strong signal or with an amplifier for a weak signal.

  • In our time, it is unnecessary to talk about the popularity of television. Now it is difficult to imagine the life of a city dweller or a villager without a TV. Whatever it is, tube, transistor or plasma, a television antenna is required for its operation.

    In order to be able to watch all television programs without interference, it is necessary to provide conditions for their high-quality reception of television programs. For this, it is not enough just to select the appropriate, but also to install the antenna correctly.

    With the expansion of private construction, more and more people are wondering how to install an antenna on the roof of a private house and whether it is possible to install it yourself. The answer to this question is unequivocally positive, however, the nuances of mounting the antenna on the roof are more dependent on the type of device.

    Varieties of antenna on the roof of the house

    • Multiwave. Most often, this is a system of compiled receiving devices, all of which are capable of receiving waves of a specific range. Such a device has the form of a metal pole, on the upper part of which a receiving device is located. In order to ensure stable signal reception, the pole must sometimes be quite high. Since in these conditions the stability of the structure is threatened, it is equipped with guy wires.

    In connection with the full-scale transition to digital television broadcasting, devices of the decimeter range began to be in great demand. However, the TV must also be equipped with a special digital receiver. If there is none, you will have to buy a similar set-top box that connects to the TV.

    • Satellite dishes. Today, you can see plates everywhere on the roofs: white, mesh and others. Houses in rural areas are no exception in this matter. They differ greatly in their diameter: the larger the dish, the higher their ability to receive signals from the satellite.

    They are of several types:

    • direct focus. Designed to receive distant satellites, dish size in diameter
    • offset. Effective in a relatively small size, they receive signals from many transmitting satellites.
    • multifocal. This is one of the varieties of offset. They are capable of receiving a large number of satellites while providing high quality. The most famous in this category is the toroidal antenna.

    There are plates from different materials on the market.

    • The most affordable, but the least resistant to atmospheric precipitation is made of sheet steel.
    • Plastic - although they are resistant to corrosion, they do not withstand temperature changes.
    • Aluminum - less susceptible to corrosion than steel, but unstable to deformation.
    • Perforated metal - more resistant to wind, but loss of signal strength is possible in the KU range.

    Legal formalities

    Installation of antennas on the roof of an apartment building, in contrast to installation on the roof of a private house, requires approval.

    Familiarity with certain articles of the Housing Code will save you from possible troubles with the housing office in the future. You should be aware that every tenant of an apartment building has an equal right to use the roof, basement and other auxiliary premises of the building.

    If the house is serviced by the ZhEK, then the exit to the roof, as a rule, is closed to prevent unauthorized entry attempts. In accordance with the rules, the right to exit to the roof is enjoyed exclusively by the employees of the housing office. That is, it is possible to install the antenna on the roof only with permission to install.

    If the employees of the housing office will create obstacles, you need to use your right, enshrined in the Constitution, to demand that the obstacle to the use of property be removed.

    Security measures

    Let's see how to put an antenna on the roof of a house so as not to damage the roof, attic and various communications.

    • According to fire safety rules, the devices cannot be installed on the hoods of ventilation, chimney and gas pipes.
    • It is not recommended to install them under eaves and gutters.
    • It is strictly forbidden to use open fire during installation work for lighting.
    • Installation of the antenna on the roof can only be carried out by checking the place for it for strength. It is better to document the results. And for complete confidence, you can apply for permission from the Urban Development Department.
    • Antenna and power lines must not match.
    • In no case should you neglect safety measures. It is strongly recommended to use a safety belt, a comfortable ladder for fastening, and wear rubber shoes.
    • It is imperative to provide lightning protection. It is recommended to ground the metal mast. This will protect everyone in the room from injury and prevent damage to the roof.

    Choosing a location

    For the receiving device to better perceive television signals, there must be free space around it at a distance of a couple of tens of meters. In other words, there should not be large buildings: houses, towers, etc., as well as massive trees.

    On a note

    It should also not be forgotten that high-voltage transmission lines can cause interference.

    For a satellite dish, any object in front of it can become an obstacle. This is due to the principle of operation of its convector. The signal goes to it with a directed beam, so any small object, even a leaf of a tree, encountered along the way, will interfere with the image on the screen.

    Before installing an antenna on the roof, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic installation rules, including the principles of choosing a location for each type of receiving device.

    • Multi-wavelengths are often mounted on a long pole or metal pipe. Installation of the antenna on the roof in this case is as follows. For matches on a multi-slope roof - the place of attachment will be the slope facing outward from the yard, on a flat roof - its edge will be the best place. When installing, you need to take care of the firm fixing of the matches and protect the roof from leaks at the installation site.

    When choosing the location of the antenna, it is also worth considering that a mountain or a high house can serve as a repeater, since they reflect the signal no worse than that broadcast from the TV tower. Therefore, if you could not find a place from which you can direct the device towards the TV tower, you should try to catch the reflected TV signal.

    • A satellite dish in one's own home is usually attached to a wall directed towards a particular satellite. This mounting option is also practiced in multi-storey buildings, but it is not always successful. This is due to the fact that a satellite with the required range can be on this side of the building. That is, it will have to be installed on the wall of a neighbor's apartment, which in itself is already problematic. Therefore, for an apartment building, the roof will be the optimal installation site, where nothing prevents you from directing the plate in the right direction.

    Multiple antennas can thus be installed on the roof of a multi-storey building. When installing a new one, you need to maintain the staggered order of their arrangement. Then they will not hide the "overview" to each other.

    Antenna installation instructions

    How to install an antenna on the roof of a private house on a mast

    • A metal pipe (Ø 3.5–0.5 cm) can play the role of a mast when mounting multi-wave receivers.
    • In a country house, it is easier to install a pipe with an antenna from the ground. This is especially useful when it comes to soft roofs. In this case, the pipe should pass near the wall without touching the protruding part of the roof.
    • Particular attention must be paid to the strength of the fastening of the structure, since the match begins to sway strongly under sharp gusts of wind. If the forced vibrations enter into resonance, then it will easily tear out the fasteners, the match may deform or even break completely. To avoid this, use cable or galvanized steel wire guides (section 3ν4 mm 2).
    • Three or four loops are fixed on the pipe near the antenna, placing them around the circumference with the same pitch.
    • It is optimal to install flanges under the hinges, provided with holes, which are put on the pipe. They are not fastened tightly, but only fixed using a limiter installed on the pipe. Thus, the mast can be rotated when adjusting the receiver, but the guy wires will remain in place.
    • From below, the pipe is put on a metal penny equipped with a pin. The pin will prevent the pipe from moving along the sides. As for the nickel, it will not allow immersion in the ground.
    • Using a galvanized wire or cable through the loops, stretch ties are pulled, which are fixed, for example, on anchors embedded in the ground.
    • For greater reliability, the mast can be additionally fixed to the pediment with a metal clamp.

    But how to mount the antenna on the roof of the house when installing the mast?

    • Work begins with the manufacture of a rectangular frame from a metal corner under the base. Using jumpers, a sleeve is welded at the point of their intersection. Its size should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe itself.
    • The finished frame is fixed with bolts on the base of the roof, passing through the roof. To prevent the roof from leaking at the points of passage of the anchors, rubber gaskets are put on them.
    • The mast with the device is inserted inside the sleeve and, similar to the previous version, stretch marks are mounted. They are anchored to strong roof elements. This can be, for example, rafters or a ridge.
    • It remains to complete the cable connection by connecting the TV to the antenna receiving head. After that, turning the mast, you need to find the desired signal level.

    If you have not yet purchased an antenna, then in the article "Antennas for digital TV" you can read recommendations on its selection. After purchasing the antenna, you need to install it correctly in order to maximize the received signal level. First, we need to know what frequencies are broadcasting digital channels in your region.

    Determination of frequencies using geoservice

    The frequencies at which digital channels are broadcast in Russia may differ even within the same province. In order to find out the frequency of broadcasting at a specific location, you can use a special interactive map. Find your location using the search and click on the green icon for the nearest TV tower. In the figure on the left, the frequency characteristics of the transmitter are circled in red. TVK 27 means that the broadcast is on the 27 frequency channel, it corresponds to the frequency of 522 MHz. This is information about the RTRS-1 package, that is, these are the first 10 main federal channels. Below, the characteristics of the RTRS-2 package are indicated in a similar way. We will use these parameters to tune the antenna. Please note that the RTRS-2 package is not broadcast from all transmitting TV towers. Therefore, if you want to watch all 20 channels, try to find a transmitting point nearby, in which both multiplexes have the "Broadcasting" status. Keep in mind that transmitters in large cities are much more powerful than peripheral ones and, therefore, have a longer range.

    Direction determination and antenna alignment

    So, with the help of the interactive map, you can find out which way to point the antenna. If the antenna is indoor, then it is better to install it on the windowsill and point it in the right direction. If you have plastic windows, the antenna should be raised above the level of the window profile. It is better to first check the external antenna "on hands" before fixing it completely.

    To tune the antenna, connect it to digital set-top box or TV and through the menu enter the mode manual search... Manual search is available in all set-top boxes, but may not be available in some TV models. In the manual search mode, you should enter the frequency channel that you learned using the geoservice. In most cases, selecting a channel will also display the broadcast frequency corresponding to that channel, as well as the strength (strength) and signal quality scales. Some STBs only display the signal quality. Further, focusing on the "quality" scale, you need to find the position and direction of the antenna, at which the value of this scale will be maximum. A quality level of less than 50% or intermittent signal dropout indicates poor reception.

    To receive both multiplexes, the procedure must be repeated on both frequency channels. Having achieved a stable value of the signal quality, you can fix an external antenna or leave the indoor antenna alone.

    Is it worth lifting an outdoor antenna on a long mast? If you managed to achieve good quality signal even at low altitude, it makes no sense to raise the antenna to a great height. The higher, the better, but at the same time there is more cable, difficulties with antenna maintenance and just extra time, money and inconvenience.


    Satellite television is conquering the television services market at a steady pace, and the "yesterday" luxury - a satellite dish - has become commonplace in millions of families. There is an opinion that the installation of a "dish" is the lot of professionals, and that an ordinary person simply cannot understand how to set up an antenna.

    Below we will try to dispel this myth by showing in practice what and how to do in order to join the era of satellite television on our own.

    Satellite selection

    After you get the idea to buy yourself satellite dish, you need to decide on the satellite TV operator, in other words, with the satellite, the signal from which the antenna will receive.

    Satellite TV is named so that it uses the system orbiting satelliteslocated in space. They receive a signal from television stations, and then broadcast it to vast territories below them. Satellite antennas receive the signal and reflect it on the collecting head (converter), which transfers it further to the receiver (tuner), from where it goes through the final decoding stage and enters the TV in the form of images and sound.

    It becomes clear that one satellite dish is not enough to receive a signal. For this, a whole system of satellite equipment must be installed and correctly configured. We will start considering it a little later, but for now let's return to the choice of a satellite.

    There are two types of satellites today. The first broadcast open channels, the others - encrypted. It happens that the equipment on the satellite is used by different operators. In this case, you will have to purchase a card to decode each channel separately.

    But most often the channels are collected in packages, and it is enough to purchase one single card on your own to get access to all at once.

    Russian-language channels are broadcast from various satellites located over different latitudes and meridians. To receive a signal from a certain source, it is necessary to set (direct) the antenna to it with extreme precision and adjust the receiving frequency. If your preferred satellites are close to each other, then you have every chance of receiving a signal from them using just one satellite dish.

    The YAMAL 201 satellite allows you to watch up to 30 Russian-language channels in open access... In low-earth orbit, there are also many other vehicles broadcasting free channels. When choosing a satellite TV operator, pay attention to Tricolor-TV. For several years of work this operator has built up a solid client base, which is a direct proof of the high quality of the services provided to them. In addition to him, you can advise NTV-Plus (with an extensive list of channels) and Raduga-TV.

    You can independently find a list of satellites with free broadcasting on the website, with a paid one - on the official websites of the above operators.

    When choosing a satellite, check whether you will be able to direct your satellite dish to it. In the event that objects that create interference (another house, power lines, trees, etc.) are in the signal path, consider installing a "dish" on the roof. Well, if this turns out to be impossible, you will have to turn your attention to the satellite located in the supposed field of view of the antenna.

    Equipment purchase

    Before installing and configuring satellite equipment, you need to purchase it. You need to go to a specialty store for the following items for assembly:

    1. "Dish" (antenna). It will "collect" the signal from the satellite, concentrate and reflect it into the converter. The recommended diameter is over 90 cm.
    2. Converter (head). It will pick up the signal that got into the antenna, and, after conversion, will transmit it to the receiver. The choice depends on the polarization (circular or linear) of the preferred satellite, in the description of which this parameter can be found.
    3. Receiver (TV tuner). It will receive the signal from the converter, then decode it (“translate” it into the TV language) and transmit it to the final point - the TV. Setting up this device does not require any special knowledge.
    4. Bracket ("leg"). Provides a secure antenna mount on the wall (or roof) of the house. In addition, it will allow you to quickly rotate the dish in two planes (to search for a signal). Make sure that the plate is far enough out of the house so that it does not hit the wall when it rotates. In general, installing an antenna without a bracket is not possible.
    5. Cable (coaxial). Serves as a signal conductor, connecting the converter with the receiver (tuner).
    6. DiSEq. Masters call it simply "disek". It will be necessary if you decide to receive a signal from several satellites at once. In this case, it will help to combine a group of converters into a common cable.
    7. "F-ki". Without them, it is impossible to connect the cable to each link in the antenna-receiver chain. You will need 8 pcs. (for reinsurance - 10).
    8. Cable for connecting the receiver to the TV. Can be: composite (tulip), SCART, or HDMI (for the highest quality). You need to check yourself which cable is right for you.

    All of the above devices and devices can be purchased in a satellite TV set, which has already been assembled by professionals. You can also assemble it yourself - in this case you will be sure of the quality and reliability of each element of the system.

    Self-installation of the antenna

    Before proceeding to this step, you must be absolutely sure of where your satellite dish should be pointing. The service will help you make the right decision. You just need to indicate the place where you plan to install the antenna, and select the required satellite. After that, a message will appear on the screen to select a direction.

    Before proceeding with the installation of the system, it is recommended to make sure that there is a signal (it should reach 60-70%), holding the antenna in your hands. If the test is successful, the next step is to install the bracket.

    Make sure of the reliability of the mounting place and, using a puncher, make holes in the wall for anchors, the size of which should be selected depending on the wall material and the weight of the entire structure to be mounted. After fixing the bracket, proceed to the installation of the satellite dish itself (description this process can be found in the instructions for it). Remember: until you are convinced of its correct orientation, there is no point in tightening the nuts. First you need to set up a satellite dish.

    Connection and configuration

    Setting up satellite dishes does not start on its own until they are connected to the receiver. To do this, you need to prepare the cable (screw the F-ku on it) and throw it from the converter (head) to the tuner.

    Preparation coaxial cable we perform according to the algorithm:

    1. Cut off the insulating layer (1.5 cm from the edge) of the cable;
    2. We bend the shiny braid (made of small aluminum conductors) outward;
    3. We release the cable core from the foil shield (it is necessary to get rid of about 8-9 mm of the shield);
    4. We clean the core (main copper vein) from the remaining enamel and put on the F-ku.
    5. It remains to make sure that the core "looks" out of the F-ki by no more than 2mm. All unnecessary must be cut off with pliers.
    6. We do the same with the other end of the cable (having independently measured the required length in advance).
    7. We connect the cable to the converter (if there are several of them, then we use a disk to combine them into one), and pull the other end to the receiver.

    The system installation is complete, the next step is configuration.

    The antenna is positioned correctly and "looks" at the satellite (so far approximately). We go into the receiver settings and select, for example, the Sirius satellite. For it, you need to specify the frequency "11766", the speed "2750" and the polarization "H". Two bars will appear on the screen: the first shows that the dish has caught the signal, the second shows its strength. If the satellite dish is installed correctly, you should see at least 40% signal strength. All that remains is to improve the quality, which is still in the region of zero. We leave the TV and go to the plate. It is desirable that you can see changes on the signal scale. But if you cannot follow them on your own, leave an assistant who can correct your actions - it will be easier to set up the system with him.

    Start by turning the satellite dish all the way up to the right. From this position, slowly, constantly observing the signal level from the satellite, rotate the dish to the left.

    If it was not possible to catch the signal, it is necessary to lower the antenna a couple of millimeters (fasteners are usually marked), and then repeat the rotation of the dish.

    Setting up a satellite dish on your own just implies a painstaking search for a signal by manual adjustment.

    First you need to achieve at least 20% quality, after which you can fix the satellite dish stronger. After that, with light manipulations (literally by the degree), we turn the plate left and right in search of 40%. But this is not enough either. For good work, you need at least 60-80%. Further "adjustment" is performed by manipulating the converter, which must be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. When the signal level is satisfactory, you can proceed to debugging the side converters (if you do not have them, skip this point).

    Setting up additional heads will be much easier, since the main antenna is already picking up the signal in full. It only remains to indicate for each converter its own satellite (select it in the receiver settings, as well as specify the frequency, speed and polarization) and rotate or bend the head leg to catch an acceptable signal.

    Pay close attention to the marking of the inputs in the disk (A, B, C ...). In the same sequence, they will need to be specified in the tuner.

    The last step is setting up your TV

    It remains only to scan the satellite for the presence of channels and tune the TV (arrange the channels in the desired sequence for ease of search). If you are dealing with paid access, insert the unlock card purchased in advance from the satellite TV operator.

    Do you want to watch your favorite TV channels in high quality for free? Use the service of digital terrestrial television DVB T2. In many countries, this standard has already become the mainstream over the past few years. Unfortunately, in Russia it is just beginning to gain popularity. Today, 20 of the most popular Russian channels are already available, and in the near future the organization responsible for the development of technologies promises to add another package of channels.

    If for cable TV If you need to pay a monthly subscription fee on a regular basis, then the benefits of digital terrestrial television are obvious - having paid only once for a set of equipment, after about a year its cost is fully paid off and in the future you watch TV for free. In addition, it is very rare that you need the entire package of channels that is provided by cable or satellite providers.

    In today's article, we will tell you in detail what features the DVB T2 digital terrestrial television service has, as well as what is needed for self installation and equipment settings. Once armed with knowledge, installation terrestrial antennas will be very simple and you can save significant money by refusing to call the wizard. So let's get started.

    More recently, terrestrial television was associated with poor image quality, a large number of various interference, and a minimal set of channels. It was necessary to manually tune each frequency separately, while different channels could operate in different ranges, which led to the fact that it was necessary to install several antennas or one multiband. In some cases, and along with the signal, additional Information, for example, teletext, when it was possible to receive information about a TV program or various entertainment content directly on the TV screen. Today, in the age of the Internet, such additional services have lost their relevance, but in the era of high-quality video and high-resolution screens, high-quality television pictures have become more in demand than ever. Therefore, a digital television standard was developed.

    It is the use digital technologies allowed to reach completely new level quality. If earlier for this it was necessary to use exclusively satellite television, which entailed additional installation difficulties, and the set of equipment was not affordable for everyone, now it is enough to install and configure an almost ordinary decimeter antenna, in some cases an amplifier, as well as a set-top box. And if you consider that many modern TVs already have a built-in DVB T2 receiver, you can get by with just one inexpensive antenna.

    Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of T2 digital terrestrial television.


    Despite great amount pluses, there are a number of certain disadvantages:

    The state of digital television in Russia

    In a way, Russia has lagged behind other European countries. Their television format DVB T2 long ago became a generally accepted standard and in many places analogue broadcasting is not conducted at all. In Russia, today it is a transitional stage, when everyone realizes the need to abandon analog television, but the digital infrastructure is not yet sufficiently developed. In general, in most large cities you can easily catch the number, but if you live in very remote regions, you will either have to be content with one multiplex, or just be patient. Fortunately, there are practically no such places left, the signal covers by and large all settlements.

    Now let's talk about filling channel packages or, as they are officially called, multiplexes. Today there are 2 multiplexes broadcasting 10 channels each. In the coverage area of \u200b\u200bdigital terrestrial television DVB T2, reception of the first multiplex is guaranteed, while the second is not yet available everywhere. There are talks about the launch of the third package, but due to the lack of frequency resources and the need to free up frequencies for it by disabling analog broadcasting, the launch date is still unknown.

    What channels are included in each of the packages? At the beginning of May 2017, their composition is as follows:

    Please note that the content of multiplexes is not constant and changes from time to time. This has happened several times over the past few years. In any case, the set is quite diverse and channels are provided for every taste and for every audience.

    Necessary equipment

    So, what equipment do you need to purchase to watch digital terrestrial television DVB T2? Depending on the equipment you already have and the distance from the transmitting center, you may need the following set:

    Antenna installation

    It is almost impossible to list all the special cases and conditions of admission in one article. Therefore, we will only give general recommendations, which should be considered when installing an antenna for digital television DVB T2.


    Place the antenna on a windowsill and turn it towards the transmitting tower. Make sure there are no radio signal sources nearby, such as a Wi-Fi router. The distance between them should be at least several meters.


    Outdoor antennas also need to be turned towards the tower and securely fastened so that wind or other weather conditions cannot disrupt its position. It is best to first install a reliable bracket and attach it to the wall or roof of the house, and then attach the antenna to it. This will allow you to vary the position of the device. When installing, be sure to note that for fine tuning you will have to rotate it, so do not fix it immediately, it is better to do this after the complete installation is complete.

    • Don't rush to use the amplifier. Try experimenting without it at first. Twisting the antenna or moving it slightly to the side can sometimes help a lot. If all else fails, only then use the amplifier.
    • If you plan to use several TVs, the antenna must be outdoor. By the way, in this article you can find out how to connect multiple TVs to one antenna.
    • Minimize situations where the signal is shielded or blocked. For example, do not place the antenna under a metal roof or near a multi-storey building that blocks a tower, as well as high-voltage lines. True, in some cases, you can use the signal reflected from a tall structure and amplify it with an amplifier.

    Fine-tuning the signal quality

    You can, of course, accurately catch a signal of proper strength and quality yourself, without the use of additional equipment. However, in the conditions difficult reception it is best to use a special device for tuning terrestrial antennas. What is such a device? This is usually a small box with a mechanical dial or LCD display that displays the signal strength. On the one hand, the power is connected, and on the other, an input for connecting the antenna cable is provided. Since tuning the antenna according to the visual perception of the image on the screen is not the most reliable, such a device will greatly simplify your task.

    1. Take the device and connect to it antenna cable, and also supply power either from the built-in batteries or from an external battery pack.
    2. Turn the antenna towards the receiver. In the case of correct directionality, the device will immediately begin to emit sound signal, and on the scale, numbers or an arrow run in.
    3. If the device shows insufficient signal strength, change the position of the antenna by turning to the side, raising it higher or lowering it lower. Maximize your signal performance.
    4. Turn off the device, fix the antenna and you can start setting up the equipment.

    Connecting the antenna to the TV

    With a built-in DVB T2 receiver

    1. Find a dedicated connection port on your TV external antenna... He is usually signed by Ant In.
    2. Connect the cable from the antenna to this connector. During this time, the TV must be turned off for safety reasons.
    3. Turn on the TV and activate the digital tuner in the settings.
    4. Execute automatic search channels.
    5. Enjoy watching.

    When using a digital set-top box tuner

    1. Connect the cable from your antenna or amplifier to the antenna input on your set-top box.
    2. Connect your TV box to your TV. Ideally this should be an HDMI cable as it provides the highest video quality. If this interface is not available, connect the two devices using traditional analog connectors called tulips. There should be 3 of them, they are indicated in different colors. These are usually yellow, red and white. Two of them are audio connectors, while the third is video. Most often, the connectors on the TV and on the set-top box have the same color designation, so it is rather difficult to confuse them.
    3. Turn on the TV and using the remote remote control select the external signal source to which the tuner is connected. It can be either HDMI or AV. It all depends on the connection method.
    4. Search for TV channels automatically or tune each one manually.


    We showed you a detailed step by step guidehow to install and configure digital television DVB T2. Now you can easily watch up to 20 free channels. If you still have questions, or something does not work out, ask in the comments or contact our masters.