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How to fix the string in the Word Table. Fastening the toolbar in Word

In some documents Microsoft Word. You have to work with tables. Information in this form is better perceived and remembered. If she is small and takes one sheet, then make the table in the Word is easy. But what if it takes a few sheets?

Browsing the material, designed in this way, is inconvenient to constantly return to the beginning to see how the columns are called. Here in this article we will look at how to make a duplicate header of the table to the Word. That is, a string with column headers will be displayed on each page.

How to fix the hat on each sheet

Let's make the transfer of titles for columns on this example.

To repeat them on each new sheet, highlight the appropriate string. Then go to the tab "Working with tables" .

After that, the repetition of column names will be on each new sheet.

We make the second string of the caps on each page

If your column names are specified in several lines, for example, the main name of all columns and separately the name of each, or the name and their numbering, then it may be necessary to transfer to the subsequent sheets not the first line, but the second or third.

In the example, I will show how to make the transfer of the second row. But if you need to duplicate the headlines of the third or any other, then everything is done in the same way.

Put the cursor to the last right cell on the first page and click "Ctrl + Enter" to divide the table into two parts.

On the Home tab you can click on the button. "Display all signs", and then at the end of the first sheet you will see an inscription "Page break".

If you have the last cell on the first page there was a large, strings for 8-10, then after inserting a break, on the first page there will remain a lot of free space. To this not happen, you need to add another string. How to do it, I wrote in the article how to write a continuation of the table in the Word. Follow the link and read 2 ways.

Go to the second page and place the cursor to the upper left cell. Then you need to insert what we have copied earlier - click "Ctrl + V".

The title will be added on the second sheet.

Now you need to duplicate it. Highlight the added string, open the "Layout" tab and in the Data Group click "Repeat the headlock strings".

This is how you can make the transfer of headers, but not all, but only those that are needed.

Please note that if you want to change the header, then you need to do it with the one you duplicated. Duplicated, that is, those that are repeated, cannot be changed.

How to remove repeated table headers

If you have a table with the column names transferred to the second page, and they need to be removed so that they are displayed once at the beginning, then do the following.

Highlight the first TU cap, which is duplicated, and not duplicated (by the way, to allocate them and will not work). Then open the tab "Working with tables" - "layout" and in the "Data" group click on the button "Repeat the headlock strings".

After that, the names on all other pages will be removed.

That's all. We looked at how to duplicate the header for the columns of the table in the Word. If you have any questions, write them in the comments.

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When working with large tables, it is necessary to secure the string containing column headers so that it is repeated on each page. How can I do that?

How to secure table headers in Word 2007

  • Highlight the header string.
  • Right-click.
  • Table properties.
  • On the "Row" tab, select the checkbox as shown in the figure.

How to do it in Word 2003

In this version of Word, the pinning headers is done in the same way.
Conquer Word to new meetings!

Microsoft Office Word has a wide features of creating and editing tables. Such an object allows you to structure information, and also facilitates the perception of text and numbers. Sometimes the tabular area takes several sheets in the document, and constantly return to the first line and see what indicates one or another column, inconvenient. The office editor from Microsoft allows you to fix the top row, and today will figure it out how to fix the table cap in the Wilder.

Fixing caps

To begin with, create a table in a well-known way through the Insert tab on the control panel and fill out the necessary data.

In order for the cap to be displayed on each page, you need to do the following:

  1. Allocate the first string.
  2. Go to the Layout tab on the main panel, you are looking for a block data and click the repeat the title strings button.

As a result, we get:

When using this tool, the header will be displayed on all sheets of the document containing a long table.

Fixing other string

To secure the second or any other row of tables, you need to do the following:

  1. In the last cell, press the Ctrl + Enter keys to divide the table into two parts.

On a note! To verify the accuracy of the actions, turn on the display mode of hidden formatting characters. If you see the inscription of the page break, then everything is done correctly.

  1. Allocate the necessary row, copy it using Ctrl + C, rearrange the cursor in the first cell of the table on the second page of the document and press Ctrl + V to insert the data.

  1. Now on another sheet, the first line is a heading and to secure it, use the already known repeat button.

If you need to remove the fixation of the header, you press the row repeat button so that it is not highlighted in yellow, then the setting will be deleted.

It happens when the initial string must be fixed. Unfortunately, there is no separate function to the Word for this, unlike Microsoft Excel.However, there is a solution to this problem. Go to the View tab, choose to divide, click in a place where you need to divide the document into two parts, and leafing the bottom, while the upper remains fixed.

As you can see, fix a certain series in the table area is not difficult. In the editor there private tool for this. This option is useful not only for the convenience of displaying the table in the document, but also when printing the end version of the file. Then, when reading, you don't need to constantly flip the pages to the first to see the value of the column.

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When working with a very long table, it will work on multiple pages. You can configure the table so that the string or strings of the title tables are displayed on each page automatically.

You can choose one of two options for setting up the table so that the lines and rows of the headers repeated.

The following features are available here.

Select the strings or strings of the headers that you need to repeat on each page. The selected fragment should include the first line of the table.

In the Work with the tables on the Layout tab in the Data group, select the command to repeat the header lines.

In addition, you can use the following approach:

In the table, right-click the string you want to repeat, and select Table Properties.

In the Table Properties dialog box on the String tab, select the Repeat as a title on each page checkbox.

Click OK.

Repeating table headers are displayed only in markup mode or when printing a document.

If you change the table title on the first page, the top footer will also change on all other pages. You can change the top footer of the table only on the first page: the header lines on the following pages are blocked.

Despite the fact that Word automatically repeats the headers of the tables on new pages that are displayed from automatic page breaks, the top footer is not repeated when inserting a page break added manually to the table.

see also

Note: This page is translated automatically, so its text may contain inaccuracies and grammatical errors. It is important for us that this article be useful to you. Was the information useful? For convenience, also give a link to the original (in English).

Hello, dear reader! Today I will tell you how to create a complex table in Word 2010 and above. Complicated, I call such tables that contain the combined areas. They may contain vertical textPlaced on several sheets. Setting up a complex table has its subtleties, and, knowing them, you can quickly create any table.

Creating a table

We will analyze all the moments on the example of such a table.

It is easy to calculate that there are 10 columns and 17 lines. Insert the table. Now in our table it is necessary to combine the cells of the first column, partially in the second and in the first row. To do this, alternately allocate a group of cells and give a team Combine cells either from the context menu or from the tape Working with Tables - Layoutgroup An association.

Council. To highlight some adjacent cells, click left button mouse in the center of the first cell And, without releasing it, drive a pointer to the allocation of the required number of cells. Then release the button.

In the source table, it can be seen that the cells of the first column have a numbering. Prostably it. Highlight these cells and on the tab the main In the instrument tape choose Numbering. Similarly, in the table, it is possible for a horizontal group of cells for the table.

The table further enters the table, and the final formatting is performed. So that the data is beautifully looked, you need to align the text in the table. We highlight the entire table (click on the four directed arrow, which appears at the upper left corner of the table when you hover the mouse cursor there).

Now on the tab Working with Tables - Layout Select button Align in the center in a group Alignment(See the drawing above).

Council. If your table has a lot of columns and header data to be crushed into several lines elapsed, then select the cells with these data and specify the other Direction of text(see the drawing above). If necessary, you can reduce the font size.

How to add text before the table

It often happens that they built a table, and about its name completely forgotten. Insert text before the table does not work. How to be, not to delete the same table? In such cases, before creating a complex table, you always need to do at least one empty string in front of the table insertion. Well, if it happened, we will fix it.

Select the table in the way and press the button with scissors Cut On the tab the main. The table will disappear, but do not worry, now it is stored in the memory of your computer. Now you need to click ENTER On your keyboard to make an empty string for the table name. Go back to the tab the main and now press the button Insert. Our table will return to the place and there will be an empty line for the title. Click above the table, and the cursor will be in the right place. It remains only to enter a forgotten headline.

How to fasten the table cap in the Word

With a large amount of data, the table is transferred to the next page. And it creates inconvenience when working with it, because there are no column headlines. You have to go back to the beginning to see them. In the Word there is a means to fix the table with the table when transferring it to the next sheet, and each should know about it.

How to make the first line of the table when it breaks into several pages?

  • Select a string or group of strings that will be repeated when the table is breaking.
  • In the tape tape choose Working with Tables - Layout - repeat the header lines or call context menu Table Properties - String Put a tick in the point Repeat as a header on each page

I hope this information has benefited you, now you know how to create a complex table. But if doubts remained, then see this dumb video for working with complex tables. Everything is clear without words!

The yellow circle in the video indicates the position of the mouse cursor, the red circle indicates the left mouse button press, and the blue is right.

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Microsoft developers starting with office package 2007, fundamentally changed the usual application interface.
Instead of a familiar list of the menu in Word, a whole tape appeared.


At one time, there were broken many copies in disputes about how convenient this innovation is. But the firm position of the designers of the most popular office packageIncluding the similar interface into all newly developed programs, made all the conversations meaningless.

It was necessary to just calm down and learn to work with a new tool.

The tape has many customizable parameters. And one of them is the ability to turn into a small line of the menu in the absence of mouse.

The function is in principle convenient, but for some it is a source of excess irritation when working. The tape constantly disappears from the view, the user has to make extra movement with the mouse to open it and choose required tool.

Knowing features microsoft applicationsIt is clear that to change the parameter you need to put or remove the check mark. Let's look around where she could be.

Let's try to click on the right mouse button on the folded toolbar.

We have a context menu of this type.

Now if you try to remove a checkbox from the "Collapse Tape" item, it will appear on the screen and will remain there, even after clicking the mouse on the free space of the document.

The context menu will have the following form.

As a result, the tape does not disappear anywhere, and you can focus on preparing the necessary document.

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Writers, copywriters, office employees work in a text editor Word takes a lot of time. It is much more convenient to type texts, if bookmarks and their content are adjusted under specific user. Do not everyone know how to fix the toolbar in Word. Setting up command buttons, tools is not an excess task.

Fastening a new tab

On the new tab, you can accommodate the necessary tools and buttons. quick access.

  1. To secure a new tab on the toolbar, you need to click "File", and select the "Parameters" item left below.
  2. In opened parameters text editor Selects "Tape Setup".
  3. The "Settings of the Ribbon and Keyboard Combination" window appears. It clicks the "Create tab" button at the bottom. This window can be opened faster by right-clicking on the tape and selecting the Tape Setup item in the context menu.

In Word 2010, an absolutely empty tab called "Create a tab" appears on the tape. Now it can be filled with the necessary buttons and commands using the tape settings.

Adding buttons and commands

The combination of commands in the new tab can be selected at your discretion, regardless of their location in other tabs.

  1. Open the tape settings, the left of the buttons and commands used when working with the text can be seen.
  2. Right column - already displayed on the Tape tabs of the buttons, edit and securing new tools in each. For this, each tab is created " A new group».
  3. The left column selects the necessary team, for example, "Create", in the right - placement place. In our case, this is "a new group (customizable)". Selected Word items highlight blue.
  4. Next clicks the Add button in the middle of the page.

New commands can be seen on the Tape tab, the less new tools, the more larger.

You can move the right tab in the "Ribbon Settings ..." by clicking on it with the left mouse button and pulling up or down.

Fast access panel

You can fix in the shortcut panel of the button from the toolbar used constantly. Moreover, add not only the items offered by developers, but also other text editing tools.

  1. Opening the Context Menu of the Quick Access panel, select the item "Other commands"
  2. A window opens with two columns. In the left, you can select the desired tool, the right panel buttons are displayed in the right.
  3. By selecting the right item on the right, click the Add button.

Than more tabs And the icons, themes they are less, they become inconvenient to use. Before conspicing the toolbar in Word, you must think about the functionality of new commands.