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Kaspersky personal account is official. Free antivirus Kaspersky Free

In early 2016, Kaspersky Lab released a reliable and lightweight free antivirus to protect your computer from the main types of threats - Kaspersky Free... The free version provides sufficient protection against malicious software for most home users and differs from the paid version by the lack of some features:

Technical support

Internet payments protection

Parental control

Protection against identity theft

Mac and Android protection

Kaspersky Free, like the paid version, provides a computer scan and external devices and also automatically checks for an update package and updates in the background. After installation, the antivirus is completely ready to work and, in most cases, does not require user intervention.

The user interface is in many ways similar to that of the paid version and differs only in greater simplicity and some minimalism:

The main window of the program displays the status of computer protection, and buttons for navigating to the components Examination, Update etc. Components not available in free version are displayed with the status Not available... At the bottom of the screen there are buttons Customization and Support... Support for the free version of Kaspersky Free is limited and consists in the possibility of obtaining help technical information on the laboratory's website, sending information about problems with the software, and a link to go to the forum for users of the developer's antivirus products. Technical support by phone or through the application form on the website is not provided for users of the free version. Also at the bottom of the window there are buttons

Personal Area - go to your personal account. After installing the program, the user is invited to register on the Kaspersky Lab website, and after registration, a personal account is created.

License:- information about the license, the assigned key, the date of activation, and the number of days remaining until the current one is terminated software product... To go to paid version antivirus, you can use the button Extend protection.

Scan modes are standard for most antiviruses:

Besides manual selection a specific check option, the program provides the ability to assign schedules for a quick and complete check. Information about the performed checks and generated reports can be viewed by switching to Task manager

The program's default settings after installation are optimized for most standard configurations... General settings:

Settings Protection allow you to enable or disable individual protection components:

Performance and check options settings are optimized for use standard system home user. If necessary, for example, you can disable the execution of tasks by the antivirus when the laptop is powered by batteries, or disable Game Mode to keep track of the displayed alerts.

Settings in the section Additionally allow to carry out fine tuning individual antivirus components:

Most of additional settings requires some knowledge and understanding of what you are doing, therefore, you should not get too carried away with the sections that affect the processing of network traffic or changes in technologies for curing active infections. In most cases, as additional settings, it is possible to use exceptions for programs that are not viruses, but have specific behavior typical of malicious programs, such as a program for viewing passwords for mail accounts mailpv.exe from NirSoft. Exceptions can be thrown using Threats and exclusions - Configure Exceptions - Add... It is possible to add exceptions as for individual files and for directories or logical drives... In addition, adding programs to exceptions can be done the first time you request an action on it:

In this example, when starting the mail password viewer mailpv.exe, the antivirus asked the user for an option:

Delete- detected object (program mailpv.exe) will be deleted.

Skip- the program will be ignored by the antivirus until its next launch.

Add to exclusions- the program will be executed and the next time it starts, the action request will not be performed.

By the way, the quality of the antivirus product is said a lot by the fact how programs that are not malicious, but that use algorithms used in viruses, are classified. In this example, the utility mailpv.exe was correctly recognized as software to manage passwords, not a virus ( not-a-virus: PSWTool.Win32.MailPassView.vlz), which indirectly speaks of high quality given antivirus. From practical observations, antiviruses that identify Microsoft administration programs from the Sysinternals Suite or Nirsoft utilities as Trojans do not deserve high marks, because they either do not know how to correctly recognize viruses, or deliberately intimidate the user in order to raise their rating. This, of course, is the purely subjective opinion of the author, who believes that a false alarm is just as harmful as a lack of response to danger.

Overall free antivirus Kaspersky Free is making a very good impression and is likely to become the number one free antivirus product in the near future.

Kaspersky Lab is one of the largest companies developing antivirus software. The official website of the Laboratory not only allows you to download distributions, including a free test version, but also offers to use additional services, purchase branded goods and communicate on the forum. The company is actively promoting the personal Kaspersky account service built on data synchronization, inviting its users to register on the My Kaspersky portal. Having received account, you can remotely control your electronic devices protected by antivirus.

Personal account features

Despite the fact that the use of the service is optional, users who agree to create a Kaspersky personal account receive a number of privileges. An account in the system gives the right:

  • Remotely, in the “on one screen” format, monitor the protection status of devices on which the Laboratory's antivirus is used, and make changes to the protection parameters of each device.
  • Find out how much time is left before the license expires.
  • Safely save passwords used on sites through a master password.
  • Have remote access to their own devices by synchronizing data.
  • Clarify the terms of the license.
  • Purchase Laboratory products in the online store.
  • Block personal data on stolen mobile device, find out its location and get a photo of its current owner.
  • View the location of the child while using the antivirus on his phone.
  • Monitor the list of sites visited by the child.
  • Get advice from a specialist in the technical support group.

Registration and login to your personal account

You can get to the My Kaspersky user portal either through the official Kaspersky website or via a direct link from an agent installed on your computer.

The registrant agrees with the Privacy Statement. Using email addresses the account is created after checking the activity mailbox... If there is no confirmation at the time specified by the system, the registration will be canceled.

Moving from home page of the portal to Kaspersky's personal account is performed by clicking on the "Login" button followed by specifying the registration data - email and password, or by activating the "Facebook" button.

In modern times, the topic of protecting your devices from viruses and malware is more popular than ever. More than 400 million users and 270 thousand organizations know a lot about protection and trust Kaspersky Lab products. In addition to high-quality products and a high degree of protection, the company offers its customers the use of a personal account, which opens up wide opportunities for users to manage the company's products.

Personal account functionality

Users of the personal account can manage all the company's products remotely. Moreover, management does not only mean purchasing and downloading programs. The personal account also allows you to perform such actions as:

To register with Facebook account, you will need to click the "Create with Facebook" button. After that, authorization in the social network profile and confirmation of permission to access personal information posted in the user's account will be requested. To complete the registration, click "Continue as (account username)".

When registering with an address Email, you should specify the email address of the mailbox in the form and come up with a password to access your personal account. By specifying the necessary data and putting a mark on the consent to provide email address, you will need to click the "Create an account" button. To complete the registration, all you have to do is check your mail, open the letter from Kaspersky Lab and follow the specified link to confirm the registration.

Authorization in Kaspersky's personal account

The system is logged in through the My Kaspersky portal. For authorization, you need to press the login button. Next steps will depend on the initially chosen method of registration in the system.

So, if registration was made using an account Facebook posts, then to enter the system, press the login button via social network... And in the event that the registration method was initially chosen by specifying an e-mail address, then you can enter the system by specifying an e-mail address and password in the form fields. After specifying these data, you must click the "Login" button.

Customer support through the cabinet

If customers have any questions about using Kaspersky Lab products or have any technical problems, they can always seek help from technical support. You can ask your question directly in your personal account. To do this, you need to go to the "Support" section.

Before sending an appeal, the company suggests using the Knowledge Base, My Kaspersky Help and the forum. In the event that the problem cannot be resolved using the suggested sources, follow the link "Technical support". To create a request, you need to do the following:

  • Select an operating system;
  • Select a program;
  • Indicate the version of the program;
  • Indicate the version of the operating system;
  • Select the type of request;
  • Indicate the subtype of the request;
  • Describe the very reason for the request;
  • Attach files if necessary;
  • Send a request.

How to disable Kaspersky personal account?

Users are given the opportunity to delete their account on the My Kaspersky portal. In this case, together with the account, all information associated with it (information about the programs used, devices, licenses, order history, automatic subscription) is deleted from the portal. To disable your personal account, you will need to do the following:

  • Click the link with the email address;
  • In the drop-down menu, select "Account Settings";
  • Expand the proposed menu by clicking "More";
  • Go to the "Delete account" section;
  • Click the "Delete" button.
  • Confirm the execution of the operation by clicking on the link specified in email sent from the company to the mailbox address.

Security & Privacy Policy

Kaspersky Lab specializes in protecting customer personal data and guarantees complete safety using your personal account. But still worth sticking with some simple rules security when using the service. These rules include:

  • Personal information for logging into your account is not subject to distribution to third parties;
  • Login to your account can only be done through the My Kaspersky portal;
  • It is recommended to use only licensed versions of products installed from official sources.

Now almost everyone has a laptop and a smartphone, and many also have a tablet. Of course, with such an abundance of gadgets, one wants to be sure of the safety of each of the available devices.

1. Register

Enter your details and click on the button Create.

To gain access to all portal functions, activate your account by clicking on the link in your email inbox.

Enter your password on the portal and click Activate and login:

Select your country and language (be careful at this step, as you won't be able to change the language later) and click Ready:

Welcome to My Kaspersky!

2. Connect your device to My Kaspersky

For example, on your home computer you have Kaspersky installed Internet Security... In the main window, click on the link "My profile":

You should now be able to see your device in the portal.

3. Manage device protection

If you have protection installed for several devices, you can remotely launch an update or scan for all devices at the same time. To do this, on the tab Devices click on the corresponding buttons at the top of the window:

If you have protection installed on your Android device, then if it goes missing, you can remotely lock the device, determine its location, start a siren, or delete data. To do this, click on the button Blocking, deleting, etc. in the area of ​​this device and go to the bookmark If the device is lost:

Select the required task.

4. Add licenses

If you have already activated the product and connected the device to the portal, then the license will be added by itself. On a bookmark Licenses you can add activation codes yourself and bind them to a specific device.

5. Try new service Kaspersky Safe Kids.

On a bookmark Children You will be offered to use the beta version of Kaspersky Safe Kids, a program that will help you protect your children from online dangers and receive notifications about your child's actions and location on your smartphone.