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Creating logical disks in Acronis - instruction. Creating logical disks in Acronis - instruction How to use Acronis Disk Director 12

For many PC users work on simple setting The operating system causes a sense of concern and doubt own power. In turn, attempts to solve more complex tasks requiring additional knowledge are self-destructed.

A vivid example is the desire to smash hDD (HDD) Computer into multiple logical partitions using the Acronis program.

Many users adhere to the opinions that work in the Acronis Disk Director Suite program is insanely difficult, but you will see you to inform that it is completely wrong.

This article will tell in detail how to work with this program. Of course, we will not consider everything in a row, but will cover the most basic manipulations with HDD.

Instructions for creating logical disks in the Acronis Disk Director

Run the program.

If you see the Acronis interface for the first time and do not know how to work with the program, then select " Auto mode" It will be available in it.

Over time, when key points are clear, you can experiment in "manual mode".

As a result, we see the following:

You need to click on the menu item "Masters".

As a rule, the first two points are in the work itself.

Consider "Creating sections"

For example, we have a hard disk with a volume of 1 TB. Please note that it indicates that one HDD is installed in the computer. In our example, the HDD is initially divided into three local partitions, and we will create another one, for this: Press the item in the Master menu -\u003e "Creating sections", we see the following:

To create a new section, we will use the space from the disk "E".

During this process, Acronis blocks sections. In such a state, the files and the content of the folders cannot be changed.

As can be seen in the screenshot, it is possible to use only 354.4 MB.

note. Before separating the disk, it is necessary and only then use its space.

Important. If the created section is needed only for storing files, we select the "logical" type. If to install the system, then "active". Switching sections, you can study their purpose in detail.

This example shows how to create a logical disk to place data files.

I will not enter anything and continue.

If Windows contained the whole functionality, which is implemented with third-party software, Only for the installation of the operating system would need mega-pellery with an impressive weight. But not even this is the main problem. Imagine, whatever horror engulfed the inexperienced minds of computer neophytes, they encounter with a hyperpotion of the unknown information. Therefore, the operating system can only be a base for disclosing the potential of a computer at a given user interest vector.

And sometimes the full-time possibilities of the operating system can have both a kind of conformity - get something non-serious for free, and intelligent things, be kind, look for the side and for the fee. For example, to work with sections hard disk Computer In its arsenal of the Windows standard toolkit has a disk management utility. But its capabilities are very limited: the maximum that can be made in terms of reorganization of disk space is to create one section due to the volume of the other.

To carry out any more or less serious operations with the disk partitions, it is necessary to resort to the help of special programs - disk managers. The leading positions in the software market in this niche occupies a program - a professional product for system administratorsproviding for extensive functionality for working with a computer disk space.

About Acronis Disk Director 12

Among other functions, the latest topical version of the Acronis Disk Director 12 program provides for changing the size of the disc partitions, copy them and move, separation and combining without loss of available data. Acronis Disk Director 12 can be recorded on boot media To work with disk partitions on a computer without an installed operating system.

Acronis developer products, including manager disks disk Director - paid. From the free demolism of Acronis Disk Director 12, which in free access can be downloaded from the official site of the program, after registering with email address, it will be a little. Any operations on the organization of disk space can be carried out only under the condition that the volume size does not exceed 100 MB.

This is negligible, and, as you can see, we are suggested just playing in small scales to test the program. Therefore, to distribute disk space immediately use paid version. At the time of writing this article, Acronis offers to purchase disk program Director 12 for 1600 rubles.

Separating hard disk into two sections

Consider example separation hard disk into two sections. We have a 100 GB hard disk, where there is a single section with a C, formed automatically during Windows installation. In our case, we will leave the system only 30 GB of space, and from the remaining disk volume form a non-system section - Disk D. This example of the distribution of disk space is test, and it is not exemplary. In fact, to implement opportunities modern versions Windows is just required by a system section of about 100 GB. But, regardless of the volume of the hard disk, regardless of whether we are dealing with the classic hard drive or with an SSD drive, the program work is the same.

Acronis Disk Director 12 selected from the system partition an excess place without losing data and the operational system failure. Naturally, the space selected at the disk should be free.

In the main program of the program we will see a visual picture of existing disc partitions, and to change it, in our case, we call the system section context menu and choose the volume separation command. The same command is duplicated with a separate option on the toolbar on the right.

In a new window, we set the size of the space system selected from the disk, which will be formed in a new section. In our case, in the column "New volume of Tom" to exhibit 70 GB. Click "OK".

Returning to the Disk Director window, we will see the future picture of the disk space distribution. To apply the operation done, press the corresponding button at the top of the program window.

The computer will restart, and Disk Director will enter the preload mode, where it will redistribute disk partitions.

After starting the system in the program window, we will observe exactly the picture of the disk sections that we have planned.

Formation of several sections of the disk at once

The above is considered the process of forming a second disk section due to the space of the first. It will suit if what needs to be done is to divide the section into two parts. But if we are talking about the cardinal redistribution of disk space with the creation of several sections, in the ACRONIS Disk Director 12 Arsenal there is a more convenient functionality for these purposes. Consider how multiple disk partitions from one immediately at once using the volume size change function.

So, again we have a hard disk with an operating system installed on a single system section. We make the right mouse click on it and choose a change in volume size.

In the column "volume size", we install for the section of the system of 30 GB. Click "OK".

Returning to the main window of Acronis Disk Director, we will see that the remaining volume of the disk is now indicated by an unoccupied place. We call on the last context menu and choose the only thing that we are offered is to "create volume".

The next wizard step is to task the size for the new section. In our case, I will again highlight 30 GB and we get Disc D. Click "Complete".

After that, in the main window of the program we will see the future picture of the disk sections with two formed and the remaining 40 GB of an unoccupied place. Create a third section. Again, call the context menu at an unemployed place and repeat the procedure for creating volume.

In the size task window for the section being created, it is traditionally for our case. We indicate 30 GB and completed the process of forming the disk E.

In the main window of the program, we will see three sections and 10 GB of unbalanced space. We define them in a small disk section. Again the context menu, again creation of volume.

Let's give all the remaining disk f. Complete the process.

All available on the disk is distributed over the sections, now it remains to apply all these changes. At the top of the program window we click the application button of the planned operations.

As in the previous case, the information window follows the parameters of the operation and confirmation of the reboot.

Well, after the Acronis Disk Director 12 will perform an operation in the preload mode, and Windows will start, we will already observe the results of your work - instead of one section in our case, there will be entire four.

By the way, a lot of interesting articles on this and other topics can be found from our colleagues at

Excellent day!

Acronis Disk Director is a powerful tool for working with computer discs. The program came out almost 15 years ago. More recently, the software was updated: the 12th version was released with a set of additional functions, and this program became much better.

The program was created by Acronis, which since 2002 began to develop programs for reserve copy and data recovery. The program under consideration is proud of the company. The program allows you to divide, merge, move, copy and change the scale of the computer disks. In addition, the appendix has tools for warming remote volumes and wizard for making installation disks.

This program can be called the complex, since it contains all tools to work with partitions of discs. You can format, defragmentation, conversion and more.


The program is intended for work only on the Operations of the Windows family. The owners of Linux and Mac OS will not be able to use this application. You can install the application from the XP version, but the program is not suitable for the Ten.

The program in terms of demandingness is not shown by large queries: the processor is needed with a frequency of 800 MHz, the RAM is enough of 256 MB, and on the hard drives there should be a place in 150 MB. To receive boot disks, the computer must have a writing drive, and recovery can be performed only from the BIOS-based boot module. The program is able to work with all file systems.

The program installation file can be downloaded from the manufacturer's official resource. Its size is only 260 MB. After running it, a large menu will be displayed, with which you can install, update, read the user manual or contact technical support for help.

Installer developers adjusted specifically. The interface itself and the installation process remained standard, but several additional steps were added.
If you refuse to participate in the quality raising program and enter the available serial number, It will open a window for writing information. Here you need to enter your name and surname, e-mail and information about the place of residence, but it is at will. After that, the application will provide the ability to select the location for it and start writing files to discs.

In the installation process, you can specify users who will be able to use this program on a computer, however, no item that prohibits the placement of shortcuts on the desktop and in the "Start" menu. If something after installation does not need, then all this will have to delete manual mode.

There is another nuance when installing. On its completion opens startout screenwhere you can select the "Installation" option or "update check". If you need to immediately get to work, then you should close this screen and find a shortcut on the desktop. In the installer there is no function automatic launch programs after its installation, although for all software it is a standard option.


With each update of the program, its design changes. In this version of the program, pastel tones prevail, and the color palette resembles iOS applications.
The developers conducted an appropriate application under the "seven" and "eight", so the utility looks great on these systems. In addition, the set of application functions has become much larger, but the number of keys has decreased slightly. Now it has become much easier to deal with the program.

Inside users are provided with instructions. In the reference in Russian, the principles of working with the program, terms and nuances of manipulation with volumes and discs are described in detail. To deal with all the wisdoms can even inexperienced people. It is impossible to attribute to most of the similar programs that perform formatting, fragmentation and other.

However, the interface has some problems. It has small inconveniences that developers did not bother to fix over a decade and eliminate, probably no longer be. For example, one function can be found in different places. On the left side of the window there is a list of "operations", where there is more than a dozen keys. Using these buttons, you can perform all kinds of operations with volumes. However, the same features are in the section "Tomas Management".

If you take all the housing functions, you can free up quite a lot of space, while the interface will become much cleaner. But the program does not allow you to configure the interface and it is impossible to remove the keys too. However, if you pay attention to the balance of design, this deficiency is practically not noticed.

Another disadvantage is the hotkeys, which in the program simply not, although for the main functions they would have come great. All actions occur in the first window of the program. It can choose the necessary operation for disks or partitions. By selecting the desired function, a wizard will open, which will show what needs to be executed and will give a function to choose, so you only need to press them and click "Next".

The main menu has a mode that is called "Show Magazine". You can switch to it from the "View" menu at the top of the screen. In this case, there is a change of some elements of the window, keys and functions in the menu. In the log mode, you can view the actions performed. You can save them, update and delete.

For each action displays the date, time, code and user that executed it. From the log it is impossible to restore or hold the selected action again. It displays only information.

There are several bugs in the program. If a long time is in some kind of application menu, then it will be released with a high probability. This happens almost constantly. However, during operation with disks does not occur, everything is performed smoothly, so you can not worry about the transaction.

In general, the program has pretty good and with the neat interface. Some interface elements can be configured. Among them, you can mark the fields in the tables that you can resize, the list of additional manipulations and tools can be removed from the main window, besides, you can change the size of the window itself. Not every similar software allows such actions.

Breaking and combining disks with AcronisdiskDirector

The program under consideration is a set of tools that will help ensure data protection and rationally use disk resources. However, the main purpose of the application is the manufacture and control of disk partitions. This tool can be useful if necessary to store different operating systems or file system on one drive, if you need to format partitions, mark them, as active, set them letters and so on.

It is mostly necessary to break the disk to get the desired level of security of information. In this case, the usual and system files Hold on different disks. With such a situation, it is hoped that a failure in some program or service will not be the cause of the loss of a large amount of information. If all information is stored on one disk, that is, the probability of losing everything immediately.

Earlier to break the disk was quite difficult and carried out it only when the operation was installed. Then the situation became a little easier, however, the release of the place was still required for new discs, which reduced the volume of the active disk. Having created an additional logic disk, it was necessary to transfer all folders to it in manual mode and files. To date, everything has become much easier, since Acronis Disk Director is able to perform it independently.

The program you only need to show the disk to be broken, and set the volume of the new section. After that, you need to set the "Transfer the selected files created by the created" and select directories that contain the necessary data. After the program finishes separation, new Disc All selected data will be automatically transferred, and the rest will remain on the old disk.

This can be useful if one disk is used on the computer. For example, during the installation of the OS, the separation was not fulfilled, especially or inadvertently - no matter, and now it was necessary to divide it. This program is capable of splitting the disk as conveniently possible.

Programs and system files that need to remain integer. And free space can be divided into other logic discs, moreover, in any quantity and volume. But in this case, the file system will not change, and will remain like the initial

The separation takes place on quite high speed. After performing all manipulations, you need to restart the computer. New sections will immediately seem in the explorer, so you can start working with them.

This can be useful if there is not enough space on some of the disks, and it is necessary to expand it. This program provides the ability to smash discs, and then combine new sections with other discs that the file system matches. Highly the desired functionbecause it is impossible to guess. How fast will be filling the disks.

For example, under the opera and system files on a disk with 30 GB, which previously had enough. The rest of the place is divided into disk D for games and disk E for video. But over time, web browsers and various applications are able to completely fill the disk C, so it has to be cleaned quite often. But today you can browse the video online, so it makes no sense to keep it on the computer, which means that the disk can be completely given the C. C. Using this program, it is possible to do this in a few minutes, and no effort is necessary.

Other AcronisdiskDirector features

The actions described above are not the only ones that this program can. She has a lot of other tools. The program is able to format discs to any file system, restore partitions and volumes after damage and liquidation. You can clone Operations with all applications to another disk.

The last option is perfect for those who cannot postpone work for a while will load and restore the OS with a flash drive or disk. With the help of cloning, you can return to normal operation at a minute.

Tom can be converted from ordinary to dynamic and vice versa. The program provides the ability to install any disk as active.

With this program, you can be subject to detailed data on the hard drives, file systems, sections, information and free space. Before performing any manipulations with discs, you can familiarize yourself with their contents. In addition, the program provides the ability to view future changes, so you can quickly cancel the actions that are not satisfied.

The new version of the program has compatibility with systems based on UEFI. In addition, there is a certification for working with the "eight". On the tenth version Windows program It can work, but officially developers did not introduce support, so the result may be unsatisfactory.


The program under consideration has a free version with good set Functions that can be tested before purchasing. You can download it from the official resource of the manufacturer. Here you need to specify the region in the title. By time use, the program is not limited, but there are no functions in it.

The program allows you to separate and combine volumes of less than 100 MB. The same can be said about the alteration of an ordinary disk into dynamic. It is worth noting that the free version is limited quite seriously, so do some real actions do not work. But in this version you can test the interface and basic functions. In addition, we can consider some manipulations with disks, only they will not be active.

The full version of the program costs 1600 rubles. Judging by all the functions that the program possesses, this cost is quite low compared to similar programs To work with logic disks.


In general, with the execution of separation and optimization of disk space, the program copes on excellent. There should be no problems when working. But it is worth remembering the existence of a bug, which was described above, however, it does not affect the basic functions.

It is worth noting that all manipulations with sections do not occur instantly, but only after the request for additional confirmation, which can be considered a positive point, since you can still think about the final decision. This reduces the likelihood of an error. In general, everyone should try to test free version programs.

Reading time: 8 minutes

The separation procedure (breakdown) of the hard disk is usually done immediately before windows installation. But in some cases this operation has to be performed on a computer with an already installed operating system.

Suppose, acquired new computerThe user detects that the hard drive has only one partition with the operating system, or if the disk is still divided into two parts, the logical section has a smaller size than he would like.

If Windows takes almost all free space on a C drive, where then install programs? On another hard drive? But it is not recommended to do so. As for the first case, split the drive at least two here is simply necessary.

Storing user data and operating system files in one section is unacceptable. And not at all because the OS will work incorrectly, but because in the case of its collapse, the user will permanently lose all its files and will have.

The need to divide the hard disk to individual volumes may have other reasons. For example, the user wants to create a separate partition to store a specific data type (video, photo, music) or install the second operating system on the computer.

Conduct controls that are in Windows in this situation it is impossible, for such operations you will need special programs To manage the hard disk partitions, of which the most well-known and functional is Acronis Disk Director 11 HOME.

This is a powerful application, it allows you to perform a lot of useful operations with sections, starting from and formatting before creating a new volume and change the type of file system.

Also, Acronis Disk Director 11 HOME includes additional utilities that allow you to manage the loading of several operating systems, restore lost due to hardware failure or error actions of the volume user, as well as find lost clusters, restore files, directory structure or boot records.

Acronis Disk Director 11 HOME works almost at all actual versions Operational windows systems (XP, Vista, 7) and supports most of the file systems, including FAT 16, FAT 32, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, as well as Reiser FS3 and Linux Swap.

Download demonstration version Programs can be site developer absolutely free. Unregistered version is fully functional, restrictions relate to the exceptional volume size with which to use can perform operations.

Installing Acronis Disk Director 11 HOME does not differ in particular complexity. After starting the installer, you will be prompted to enter a serial number or select a demo mode, as well as fill out additional fields (name, surname, email, etc.).

After installation, run the program from both the desktop by clicking on its label, and through the Start menu.

If you decide to take advantage of the second way, pay attention to the optional "Install the Acronis OS Selector" label.

This utility is also included in software package Acronis Disk Director, but is installed separately.

Acronis OS SELECTOR is a download manager and useful only if you are going to install another operating system on the computer.

The utility imitates user windows interface and starts before downloading OS offering choose from the list presented system desiredIt allows you to copy the selected operating system, as well as manage some basic parameters of the selected OS, for example, rename, set the properties or set a load password.

However, back to the main topic. After starting the Acronis Disk Director 11 Home opens a window, divided into two main parts.

All physical and logical disks will be displayed in the right side, in the left all available operations are designed to manage disks. In order for the toolbox to be opened, select any volume in the right window.

Some actions for sure you are already familiar at least by name, and should not cause special issues. The selected section can be defraged, renamed, format, view files and folders contained in it or check for errors.

Other operations are more specific and require high attention and caution. Using Acronis Disk Director 11 Home you can move, copy, separate and combine volumes, edit existing or create new ones, and in addition to convert the type of file system.

As an example, let's consider two tasks with which the user has to face most often: division of the user partition and the formation of a new system partition intended for installation of an additional operating system.

In the user environment both partitions, that is hard drives C and D is called logical. In Acronis Disk Director 11 HOME, logical is only those sections that contain custom files; The section from which the operating system is downloaded is called the main one, the physical disk itself is basic.

On each basic disk MBR You can create 3-4 basic and theoretically unlimited number of logical partitions.

1. Separation of volume into two parts.
The separation of Tom is one of the simplest operations. To do this, highlight the section that is supposed to be broken, and select the menu item "Divide TOM".

In the window that opens, set the size of the new volume by entering the numbers or moving the slider. Used additional feature File transfer, you can move selected directories and files to a new section.

In the event that the shared volume is bootable, the transfer of any folders or files is urgently not recommended, otherwise this may lead to the fact that the operating system may not start.

After you click OK, a new section will appear in the main program window, but the operation itself will not be executed until you confirm the execution by clicking the check box on the start control panel of the task.

After confirmation and receive Acronis Disk Director, you will be prompted to restart the computer.

During the program, the operating system will not be available, wait until the end of the operation and do not turn off the computer!

2. Creating a new system partition.
To create a new system partition, we will need an unbelievable area on the hard disk. If there is no missing, it must be created.

Select the volume having enough free space and use the "Change Volume Size" menu.

By moving the slider along the scale, determine the size of the future partition (unnecessary area) and apply the scheduled actions.

Next action

After an unbalanced area is created, select it with the mouse and run the new volume wizard. After that, press the "Next" button until the next window appears.

If there is a need for this, determine the size of the partition by moving the slider. The type of file system can be left by default, or select NTFS (optimal selection), if you wish, you can also change the letter of the disk.

Since the section being created is designed to install the operating system, be sure to specify the type of volume as the main one. Mark created by how active can only be in the event that there is no other active volumes on the computer!

The active volume is called the one from which the default operating system is launched. Otherwise, using this option can lead to a failure and inability to load OS. All other parameters are left unchanged.

Click the Finish button and apply the scheduled operation. At the end of the program, the new main volume will be created and ready to install the operating system.

Acronis Disk Director 11 Home, like all software products The Acronis developer companies have a high level of reliability and safety, which however displays the user from understanding the basic principles of working with the hard disk sections and the program itself.

If you doubt a positive outcome of any operation, do not risk, better contact specialists or users who have more extensive experience with this program.

The necessary step to fill the gaps in knowledge can also be an attentive study of the manual written by Acronis Disk Director written in a very simple and understandable language.

Only in this case, Acronis Disk Director will be your reliable assistant in solving any tasks when working with hard disks.

As an announcement I want to report that I plan to ruging in a short time several articles about programs for working with discs. Therefore, if I wonder if I recommend to subscribe to updates

To manage disks and their sections need a powerful software. One of the popular, of course, is Acronis Disk Director 12. The program has a large number of functions that allow you to insist disk sections and optimize their operation. At the same time, you can ensure the safety of your data.

In this article, almost all about this program will be told. The installation process, interface and capabilities and a few words about the effectiveness of the instrument will be described.

Let's immediately say, you can download the utility on the official website about 1600 rubles for one computer and 2500 rubles for three PCs. You can download I. trial version To assess opportunities. Naturally, there will be a cunning, who know how to get around, but in this review we will not tell about such a review.

Downloading and installing Acronis Disk Director 12

By downloading the installer from the official or any other resource, it needs to be launched. The installation wizard will open, where elements are presented as "checking updates", "Installing the Program", "User Guide" and " Technical support" In this case, we need only installation:

  1. Preparing for the installation, which is accompanied by copying files.
  2. The installation wizard opens. In the starting window, click "Next".

  3. We note items of participation or not participation in the quality improvement program.

  4. Enter the Acronis Disk Director 12 serial number, and if it is not, set the trial version.

  5. Leave the default installation path and click "Next".

  6. Choose for whom the utility will be installed: for all users or only for the current. The choice is not fundamental.

  7. Press the "Continue" button.
  8. The installation process went.

After installation, start the program and consider each interface function.

Acronis Disk Director 12 Utility Interface 12

Run the program shortcut. After the logo, a window with a set of varied functions will appear. The window is divided into three parts. On the left are the actions and tools (1), on the right partitions of the disks with their parameters (2), the base discs are shown in graphical form (3).

At the top there is a control panel, which contains the following items:

  • Actions - has cancellation, repeat and interface updates, as well as output from the program;
  • Representation - there is a magazine of perfect actions and the option "Drives";
  • Funds - has a function of restoring remote volumes of Acronis Recovery Expert and the wizard of the bootable media;
  • reference - All about the program and license.

Now consider each interface function, start from the first partition.

Actions and tools

Depending on the selection of the partition, then one will be available, then other functions. For example, by selecting a system disk, the "Delete Tom" function will be removed from the Actions and Tools block and so on. What other functions are in this block?

  • Resize Toma - the ability to increase or decrease the volume by unallocated space or other volume;
  • Move TOM. - movement of volume on another volume of the physical disk;
  • Copy Tom - Creating a duplicate of the selected volume;
  • Combine - Selecting several sections, you can combine them, information will eventually be on one disk;
  • Divide - separation of any volume of the physical disk;
  • Change the mark - allows you to change the name of the disk (not the letter);
  • Change the letter - changes the letter of any volume;
  • Format - formatting of any section of the physical disk;
  • Remove volumes - Ability to remove the partition that is in the "My Computer" explorer. The system cannot be removed;
  • Change cluster size - the smallest storage unit on the hard disk;
  • View files - opens the window where the files on the disk are displayed as a tree;
  • Check - Correction of errors and restoration of damaged sectors;
  • Defragment - ordering;
  • Edit Tom - Opens, where data on the disk can be manipulated by changing hexadecimal code. (For professionals).

On the right side of the window is a block with disks and sections. The physical disk is indicated as "disk 1" or "disc 2". Also next is the markup style. These disks will indicate sections with a description of the overall capacity, free space, type of disk, file system and status.

Usually sections are called automatically. System Disk will have the name "Windows 10 (C :)" or something like that. Recovery sections will be called differently.

Below are the same wheels with volumes, only in more understandable form. Here is the total volume of disk and volumes with a disk space of disk space. Choosing any of the volumes, it will notice at the top of the window.

On any section, you can right-click on any section, after which the available features will dry, which can be applied to the selected.

How to perform any of the actions in Acronis Disk Director 12

For example, the user decided to separate part of the volume from the disk and combine the free space with another section. This practice is applicable in cases. When using this tool, we will very quickly separate the summary space without losing data.

Thus, you can perform almost any operation in the program.


The disk working tool has proven itself as a reliable tool that helps get rid of many problems. The user will be able to manipulate disk sections as you like. Do you need to divide tom? No problem. Need to collect several sections in one? Also possible. All operations that cannot be performed in the regular windows tool - "Disk Management", Available in Acronis Disk Director 12.

I advise you to use this program, or similar. At least she did not let me down. If you need to describe any action with a utility, for example, transformation, separation, formatting, you can write separate articles that I will gladly make for my readers.