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Critical Process Died Windows 10 Reasons. How to fix this error if it occurs during Windows? Causes of Critical_Process_died

Sometimes Critical_Service_Failed type errors blue screen"Supported with hardware can be caused by RAM damage (RAM). If you encounter random computer reboots, sound signals When loading or other computer malfunctions (in addition to bsod 0x5a errors), it is very likely that there are damage to memory. In fact, almost 10% of applications drops in Windows are caused by memory damage.

If you recently added a new memory to the computer, we recommend temporarily remove it to make sure that it is not the cause of the Critical_Service_Failed error. If this action eliminated BSOD, it is a source of problem, and, therefore, the new memory is either incompatible with some kind of equipment, or damaged. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

If you did not add new memory, in the next step it is necessary to make a diagnostic test of the available computer memory. The memory test allows you to scan for serious memory failures and periodic errors that may be the reason for your blue death screen 0x5a.

Although the latter windows version Contain a utility for checking RAM, I extremely recommend using Memtest86 instead of it. MemTest86 is a testing software Based on the BIOS, unlike other test programs launched in windows Environment. The advantage of this approach is that the utility allows you to check all the operating memory for the Critical_Service_Failed error, while other programs cannot check the memory areas involved in the program, the operating system and other running programs.

Critical errors on personal computers There are often found. Basically, they are accompanied by BSOD output. It has written information about the error and its reason, expressed in the code. We will deal with how to fix the Critical Process Died on Windows 10.

Causes of occurrence

This error can occur both when the computer is initially turned on and during operation with it. There are quite a few reasons for a malfunction. Among them you can highlight the main:

  • conflict drivers;
  • malicious software on a computer;
  • damage file System;
  • rAM fault;
  • error updating the system.

If you conduct work on each of the directions, then you will most likely get to correct the Critical Process Died on Windows 10. If the methods described do not help, it is better to contact the specialists in service center.

Driver conflict

First, it is necessary to figure out the health of all installed drivers. First open the Device Manager. Follow the instructions provided:

  1. Go to "Computer".
  2. Go to the properties of the computer.
  3. Open the Device Manager section.
  4. Click on the "Action" button, and then "update the hardware configuration".
  5. If after the update one of the components appeared an exclamation mark, then the driver this device It is necessary to reinstall. You can do this through the "Device Manager" or download the driver installer on the manufacturer's official website.

After executing the procedure, restart the computer and wait for the error. If not, you managed to correct the Critical Process Died on Windows 10. In the event that the problem does not apply to the drivers, go to the next item.

Malicious files

Pay attention to what a critical error appears at what point or action. If this is connected with the launch of a specific application, then delete it. If the fault is manifested while opening a folder or a specific file, then scan antivirus. It is also recommended to perform a deep check of the entire file system.

Fixing the file system

Next possible reason - These are faults in the OS files. To search them, use the command line functionality:

  1. Run "Run", after which the line enter CMD.
  2. Next, you must enter the SFC / SCANNOW string and press ENTER.
  3. Now wait for the end of the scan. If the program detects a fault in the file system, it will offer them to eliminate and restart the computer. Agree to implement the procedure.

Otherwise, the error is not a consequence of the malfunction in the OS. Go to the next step.

RAM checking

If the error appears when working with a computer with some periodicity, but does not apply to a specific programthen check the RAM. You can only perform checkout without the operating system included. To do this, you need to download the MEMTEST86 program and create a bootable flash drive. After starting a computer from the media, the check will automatically begin. If the RAM does not take place at least one of the tests, then it must be replaced.

Incorrect update

When downloading and installing updates, Critical Process Died error may occur on Windows 10. In such cases, you must restore the OS from the control point. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Use the query "Restore" and open the application of the same name.
  2. Click on the "Running System Recovery" button.
  3. Select the desired checkpoint and run the process.

After that, the computer will reboot. This method will help correct the Critical Process Died on Windows 10.

Fault when turned on

Another situation when BSOD occurs when the PC is turned on. In this case, you will need boot flash drive or a disk through which you can reinstall the OS or run the diagnostic program. Critical Process Died on Windows 10 when loading indicates serious damage to the file system, since the OS is not operational. Usually in such cases it helps a complete reinstallation. Now you know what operations will help cope with the error in the most common problems.

If none of the presented ways helped you, you will have to resort to reinstalling the operating system. This option will be able to solve the problem if it lies in the software. Otherwise, you will have to access the service center to identify the malfunction "iron" and eliminate it by replacing the components.

One of the most unpleasant situations when working with the tenth version of Windows is the appearance of a BSOD blue screen (Critical_Process_died error). The saddest thing is that this failure manifests itself exclusively at the system loading stage, and it is impossible to get rid of it upon subsequent reboot. However, it is possible to eliminate the problem, and quite non-hard methods.

What does Critical_Process_died error code indicate?

The situation, let's say straight, not pleasant. All right, the critical_process_died error appeared only in the working system, so the blue screen may occur even at the OS boot stage.

Worse, if the failure manifests itself after the initial installation. The problem is most often related to the incorrect installation of drivers for those present by the "iron" devices, which provokes the appearance of conflicts.

Critical_Process_died error: What to do first?

Thus, in any case, troubleshooting is reduced to installing the appropriate drivers. And it is not worth seduating about the fact that the user sees in the Device Manager on the general tab message that the driver is installed, and the device, they say, works fine. This is a deep delusion.

The fact is that Windows when detecting non-standard devices is determined, as it seems to her appropriate driverAnd he just did not fit the selected device at all. In this case, if you have a disk with original drivers or accompanying software, it is necessary to install it from it (this concerns problems when loading the system).

But it happens that the Critical_Process_died (Windows 10) fails in the working system (Windows 10). How to fix this situation? You need to use the Device Manager, called through the PCM menu on the computer icon in the Administration section, through the "Control Panel" or by entering the DevmGMT.msc command in the "Run" console. But to identify the device that caused the failure, you must initially download the utilities like Blue Screen Viewer or WHOCRASHED, and then in the Device Manager, looking for a failed component, you have to dig for a very long time (especially since the device can be designated as working and having problems) .

So, we have issued an error Critical_Process_died (Windows 10). How to fix failure? To begin with the Driver tab, use update or rollback options. Perhaps it will help. but optimal option Will be the check of identifiers DeV and VEN (hardware ID), for which on the Internet you can find the most corresponding driver to the device, download it and integrate into the system. Please note that some installers can be presented not in the form of an EXE file, but an object with an INF extension. Such drivers are installed through the PCM menu with the choice of the corresponding item. If the system is not loaded at all, it is necessary to take such actions with the download in safe mode.

But you can find situations when and after that the Critical_Process_died failure appears (Windows 10). How to correct the problem in this case? Alternatively, you can apply specialized utilities for automatic search and installing updated drivers, not only for separately taken device, but for all those present in the system. Applications of this area can be found quite a lot, but among the best one worth noting Driver Booster, Driverpack Solution, Slim Drivers and them like. The advantage of such packages is obvious: they download drivers for certain devices exclusively from manufacturers sites and integrate software for recognizing and manage devices automatically, without user participation.

Check system files

However, it is often the reason for the appearance of such an error. There may be violations in the work of the operating system itself due to unforeseen failures.

In this case, it is recommended to call command Console. (either in the working system, or when booting from removable media) and execute the SFC / SCANNOW command, which helps to eliminate the problems with the integrity or availability of damaged system files.

Sometimes built-in online recovery utility in the form of the DISM toolkit. True, in this case it requires uninterrupted Internet connection.

Full reset

But, suppose that all this did not work, and the user again sees the stop code of Critical_Process_died (Windows 10). How to fix the system failure? The only and last decision is to return to the factory settings of the system. On some laptop models there is a built-in menu.

But in Windows 10 there is own means of rollback. To use it, it is necessary to reboot with clamped sHIFT key and selecting this item through the start menu, after which in the Recovery Console Select a Computer Return section to initial state. In principle, similar actions can be made from the parameter section and use special options Downloads or make a start from a removable restorative disk or flash drive.

And remember that repeated installing Windows 10 Even with full formatting of sections in the absence of special drivers, the problem does not solve. And therefore engage in such things - only waste time to waste time. If the system does not load, it is better to find drivers by identifiers from another computer, and then install them from the command line when booting from a removable device. But it will work for sure.

The terrible "Blue Death Screen", not known as BSOD, can destroy your day. There are more than 500 BSOD error codes, but the code Critical Process Died Stop Calls the most attention. BSOD is much less common in Windows 10 than in previous versions OS, but when they occur, it annoys, especially on the day off, when you decide to play. Critical Process, which suddenly stops, is responsible for most BSOD. You will find out that seeing error code 0x000000EF. On the blue crash screen.

At the basic level, the reason is simple: background processTo which Windows relies, has become spoiled. He could either be completely removed, or his data was incorrectly changed, damaged. Rushes deeper, it becomes much more difficult to determine the exact problem. The applicant may be all from unreliable drivers to memory errors. Worse, there are almost endless scenarios in which BSOD may occur. Perhaps it happens only when you play games when you download the computer and enter the system when you open some application or when you awaken a computer from sleep. Let's try to decide and fix this error code Critical Process Died.on the blue screen in Windows 10. Before moving to more complex solutions, let's start with the simplest.

1. Run the troubleshooting tool for hardware and devices

Windows now offers a wide range of specialized. One of them is specifically designed for problems with equipment and devices. To run troubleshooting tool, follow the steps.

  • Open Parameters > Update and security > Troubleshooting \u003e Scroll down and select Equipment and devices, then click Run troubleshooting. Your system will spend a few minutes to find problems and report with results.

2. Run the system file check tool

The next step is to run the tool. This is a well-known utility that can automatically restore damaged system files In Windows 10. In truth, it does not always help. Users use it more in habit than as needed. However, in the case of an error code 0x000000EF, this is an important step to troubleshoot.

  • Open the command prompt on the administrator. Dial in searching for a CMD start, right-click and run on behalf of the admin.
  • At the command line, set the command sFC / SCANNOW.and press ENTER. The process may take a long time. When everything is ready, you will see a list of any problems and the steps that took the tool to fix them. Do not forget to reboot PC.

3. Run antivirus scanning

Stop code can be caused by malware on your system. Malicious software can change system files and processes, making them unsuitable. You can use either Windows Defenderor programs. Just make sure you run deep full-featured scanning.

4. Run the deployment display and maintenance means

If you are still encountered with errors, it's time to go to Deployment Image and Service Management (DISM). It will restore the damaged image of the system.

  • Run the command prompt on the administrator name and enter the command. DISM / ONLINE / CLEANUP-Image / RESTOREHEALTH And press ENTER. The process usually takes from 10 minutes to half an hour. Do not worry if the execution indicator stops 20 percent within a few minutes it is normal. Upon completion of the scan, restart the computer.

5. Update drivers

Are one of the most common reasons for stopping. Therefore, it is reasonable to verify that none of them requires updates. To check, right-click on button Start, Select Device Manager and browse the list to see if there are any drivers, yellow exclamation point.

  • If you find an exclamation mark, right-click on the appropriate device and select Refresh Driver In the context menu.

6. Delete the latest updates for Windows

If your problem started after windows updatesYou can delete the latest updates so that you can see if your problem has disappeared.

  • Open Parameters > Update and security > Windows Update Center > View update log > Delete updates.
  • In a new window, delete the latest Windows 10 updates. Maybe it will show a list and penultimate updates, you then focus on the magazine.

7. Perform a clean load

Clean loading is a start-up mode that uses the minimum number of drivers, processes and programs. After launching your computer, you can start loading missing processes in an attempt to isolate the problem. To launch clean windows download, follow step by step instructions Below or refer to.

  1. Open the Windows Search panel.
  2. Enter system configuration and press ENTER.
  3. Click the tab " Services. "
  4. Put a tick on the contrary Do not display Microsoft services.
  5. Click Disable everything.
  6. Click Open Task Manager.
  7. Restart the computer.

8. Restore the system

You can try to roll back your computer in the previous state using the "System Restore" tool. This method is possible if you have turned on, before the Critical Process Died error.

  • Open Parameters > Update and security > Restoration > To begin And follow the instructions on the screen.

9. Update BIOS.

You can try to update your computer's BIOS. Unfortunately, this does not have a standardized method; It depends on the manufacturer of your computer. For recommendations, refer to the manufacturer's manual motherboard or laptop brand. You can also see an example like me.

Reinstalling Windows System: If none of the above councils corrected your problem, then reinstalling the Windows 10 system, as always the finest solution.

what is Critical Process Died?

Critical Process Died., Critical Process Died stop code 0x000000EF." Availability of this problem on your computer fully indicates what your operating system Windows has some problems with the launch of one or more critical processes of your system.
Perhaps this error occurred immediately after your Windows has been updated. Sometimes it appears when you install a new Windows OS on your computer. In addition to these two conditions, this error may occur at any time on the screen of your computer even during startup. Windows.

In most cases, you simply install software or drivers or simply update something on your computer, not even knowing that this software may not be compatible with your computer. Let's consider this problem:

Compatibility problem:

About 20% of cases, this error occurs during launch windows. In other cases, it arises already during operation. For this reason, I divided this lesson for two different parts. So, now I want you to follow only those solutions that are listed under the condition that concerns your computer. For you, you will find out "Critical Process Died Windows 10 How to fix when downloading"

1) What if your Windows does not start? Critical Process Died Windows 10 when booting Windows

If your computer is loaded normally, and you get this error while working, you can skip this step and go to decision number 2 below, after that.

So first, you need to run a computer, but not in as usual mode. And so, then you will see Critical Process Died Windows 10 Solving Problem:

  • Open your computer using a secure mode.
  • Restore the computer using the recovery function when loading.

So let's start with safe mode. Safe mode - This is very fast way Run a computer without receiving an error in the middle of the download.

To open OS in safe mode, you will need to press a specific key on the keyboard during the launch of the computer.

If your computer works right now - disconnect it.

It will help open additional download options on your screen, and you can easily select the option on this screen. SAFE MODE (Safe Mode)To open your OS in this mode.

Let's look at the procedure:

  • For more old version windows users Press the key F8. When you start the computer, until the logo appears on the screen.
  • For Windows 8/10 users, click " SHIFT + F8."When starting a computer.

After the appearance " Extra options Downloads »Just select" Safe Mode "to open it.

If you managed to open SAFE MODE, then immediately go to clause number 2 , If not - Try the following:

Use the tool windows restoration, this feature Already considered by me. Below are the links that you will need:

If it did not help, most likely you have to reinstall the operating system.

2) How to fix this error if it occurs during Windows?

About 80% This error occurs when you run in Windows or when you use a specific software.

In most cases, this error occurs only due to some compatibility problem, it may be a recent Windows update or some of your windows drivers Damaged. With your computer can be anything.

So let's see a list of solutions that you need to pay attention to to correct your computer:

  • Software compatibility.

    If this error manifests itself during the use of any specific software, it is possible that the software you used is incompatible with your Windows or may be damaged. The only thing you can do is reinstall software. If it does not work, go to the next step.

  • Windows Update.

    Sometimes, the problem occurs after Windows has been updated. In this case, you can proceed to setup Windows update from the control panel and delete last update. If it does not work, just go to the next step.

You can turn around, try refresh WINDOVS. This can help in most cases. Microsoft really produces corrections and they help improve windows performance And correct similar errors. Open the Control Panel Windows Update. and update to latest version. If it does not work, just go to the next step.

  • Driver update.

It is also possible that the drivers are damaged. Basically, only their update can solve this problem. Make sure you updated all drivers on your computer.

  • Windows registry is damaged.

The registry is the main key for the work and performance of the entire computer. Due to poor service computer system You may encounter registry problems. This leads to various errors, including a mistake critical Process Died Windows 10.

To resolve the problem with the registry, you need to buy the best software in your class to restore and clean bad values \u200b\u200bfrom the registry database. All running programs are available only in paid version. But this is not the only way out. You must first try to correct the registry problem using the Windows command line. If everything works as it should, you do not have to buy anything. More information about this:

Using SFC / SCANNOW to restore Windows. - SFC Scan. - Excellent command, running CMD (command line), which can help you restore Windows. Enter this command in the command windows string. The system will automatically restore most of your windows files, including the registry database.

Of course there are free "registry cleaners", but they work not so good. You may try:

1 - Cleaner ZookWare
2 - CCleaner Professional
After downloading the registry cleaner, simply click the Scan button that will automatically start the full system scanning, and then it will show you every problem detected on your computer. After that, simply click the "Repair Problem" button.

3) What if nothing works?

If, after executing all previous items, the problem still remains, try reinstalling Windows. Also, the problem may be due to the malfunction of RAM. Check the operation of boards with rAM On another computer. If a blue screen appears on it, you will have to replace these fees.

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