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Refracting D Link DIR 615.

Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-615 (router page) is very popular among buyers, and therefore instructions for updating the firmware on D-Link DIR-615 will be popular and relevant. Good router, with excellent combination price / quality. For the organization home Wi-Fi networkThis router is just perfect.

After buying a router (not only DIR-615), it can be installed outdated version software (firmware) . It's not scary, but before setting up the router, it is best to update the firmware on it to new version. Yes, and if the router you already work for a long time, it is possible that a newer firmware version has already appeared, and it is better to update it. Or, you noticed any problems in the work of the Internet through the router: frequent network breaks, problems in the work of individual functions, etc.

As I wrote above, if you just bought a router, then the software is better to install a new one. If the router works, and works well, and you are not very versed in these matters, it is better to touch anything. Works, let it work. But, in updating, there is nothing terrible and difficult.

Yes, if you do not follow the instructions, you can turn your router to brick. Even if you are already configured, then after the firmware you will need to re-specify all the parameters. If you are not sure that you can do it, it is better to leave everything as it is.

The new firmware can have many improvements in itself, and new features that will be well affected by the router. And may appear new features. Also, there may be a new design of the control panel.

Download the firmware for D-Link DIR-615

First of all, we need to know the revision (hardware version) Our router and download the firmware to the computer.

We learn the hardware version of D-Link DIR-615

Take your device and look at the sticker located below. There should be a model and hardware version. It looks like this:

We are interested in what is written after "Ver.:". In my case, the hardware version of the Usterstva K1. (There may be another k2, b, s, u, etc.).

I remember what our hardware version and we go to the D-Link server on the link We choose our version there. In my case, it is "K".

If necessary, we choose another pdpail.

Further, we see the folder usually there is a folder OLD (There are old versions of firmware in it), and the Beta folder (It may be firmware that is under development). We do not need these folders, and you need a file itself, with extension.bin and approximately the name of 20140711_1343_dir_615k1_2.5.4_215k1_2.5.4_sdk-master.bin. This file is located near the folders. If you look at the file name, you can see for which it is a router for which revision, what version and date.

We need a file with the firmware to be on our computer. You can proceed to the process of updating software.

We update the firmware on DIR-615

You need to know:

1. Make sure that the firmware you download exactly approached your model of the router. Pay attention to the revision of the device (wrote about it above).

2. Update software can only be on a network cable. When connecting via Wi-Fi is impossible.

3. Do not turn off the router during the firmware. Make sure that it would not hurt the power cable and network cable.

There is still a joke that DIR-615 has somewhere 4 different control panels. I have imagine that they are different in appearance. And write universal instruction It is very difficult compared to. There the settings on all devices are the same. I will try to show the example of the most popular control panels.

Connect the router to a computer over a network cable (LAN)

We take our router, and connected to a computer (or laptop) on a network cable. A small cable must be included with the router. If this computer previously connected via Wi-Fi, then definitely disable wireless connection. Make sure that the router to the computer is connected only over a network cable.

Open any browser and in address buildings type the address . Go through it. You will request a login and password to access the settings. If you have already changed them, then specify those that installed. If not changed, I introduce standard - admin. and admin..

So we got into the control panel by our router. Now, we just need to fill the firmware. If you have settings for dark (Such as in the screenshot below), then click on the button Advanced settingsthen on the tab System Click on the button right and select Software Update.

If the settings are light, then on the main page, select item Customize manuallyand then go to the tab System and Software Update.

Click on the button Overview... And on the computer, select the file with the firmware. Click on the button Refresh.

Or like this:

The file was selected, start the firmware update process. The status of the update will appear, do not touch anything. We wait until the router reboots. If something hangs, then nothing is terrible. Wait for minutes 4 and refresh the page in the browser. You must see a new control panel and a request to change the password to access the settings. You can come up with your username and password (Just write them down to not forget), or specify the same standard Admin and Admin.

After changing these data, you can already go to the router settings and configure it.

Automatic firmware update via the Internet on D-Link

If the Internet is already configured on your router, then you can update the firmware much easier. You do not need to search and download the firmware file to the computer, the router will do everything yourself.

Attention. If you do not find in the settings of your router, the ability to automatically update software, or your control panel will differ from the one that will be on the screenshots below, then you first update to the last version of the method that I described above.

After entering the D-Link router settings, you can immediately see the message that there is a new version of the firmware.

The inscription will appear with a warning, and the firmware update process will begin. In the process, a window may appear asking us twice the password to enter the router settings. Come up and specify it.

After updating the firmware, the control panel may change (how I don't like it). For example, after updating my D-Link DIR-615 / A to version 2.5.20, everything looks like this:

In the new version, the firmware update on D-Link is done already:

Well, why not make one version of the control panel and just improve it. It would also be much easier for ordinary users. And so a lot of different instructions, and the control panels do not coincide anywhere.

All, the sewing of our DIR-615 has been successfully completed. It has the most new software version.

The D-Link DIR-615 router is widespread among users. Detailed information About him tells the page of the router. Based on this, it will be necessary and relevant to provide complete data on how to update the firmware of this equipment. This model is characterized by successful characteristics and is suitable for organizing a wireless connection at home. You can say about him with confidence - combinations price quality.

When the router is bought, firmware will already be installed on it. Depending on the date of release, it can be a new or outdated release. The values \u200b\u200bthat software is installed in the box does not have. If you hold the requirements for installing the latest releases, then you simply update it before setting up the router. Similarly, if the equipment is operated for a long time, and the update was not produced, the firmware may become outdated. In some cases, if the Internet failures arise, manufacturers recommend replacing the release on the last stable.

Generally experienced users advise for new equipment to replace software immediately, but for steadily working long-term devices to leave old version, especially if there is no need to update.

It should also be noted that when updating, the instructions should be clearly followed. If you make a number of errors, then the reverse path may not be, as a result, the router will turn into a brick. After downloading the new version of the firmware, all network setup data will have to be renovated. If there is no complete confidence that you can produce these operations, you should not update the software.

In the new versions of the firmware, a number of new features are often found, the operation of the network is more debugged, bugs are fixed. In addition, changes are made to the design and ergonomics of the administration panel.

In order to determine the hardware version of the router, you need to take the device itself and turn it over. On the back side The label will be located on which the necessary information is specified. An example is shown in the image.

For this case, information will be needed, which is provided after the word "ver.:". In the example above it K1.. Other options are allowed, for example, k2.

After the version is defined and remembered, go to the manufacturer's server. You can do this by reference It must be selected the desired versionIn the example - "K".

Sometimes you have to go into subfolders.

There are several folders in the directory. This is usually OLD - previous releases, Beta - versions of releases that are not yet debugged. You will need to find a file that has an extension. bin. Its name will look like this: 20140711_1343_dir_615k1_2.5.4_sdk-master.bin. The name is listed, for which version of the router it is intended when it was created, and which firmware version is used. It is most often located next to the folders.

You will need to copy it to personal Computer. The storage location is selected arbitrarily, the desktop or software directory is allowed.

When the saving process is completed, you can go to the firmware update.

How to update the firmware of the router D-Link

Before starting the procedure, you should remember several important rules.

  1. Check that the downloaded firmware version is accurate for your router. You should again reweper an audit on the box and compare it with the name of the software.
  2. The firmware update is made only on the cable. Wi-Fi operation is strictly prohibited.
  3. The device cannot be turned off during flashing. Also follow to be a permanent connection to the network and power. Their disconnection leads to irreparable results.

For the DIR-615 router, 4 different design of the settings panel are allowed. Therefore, the universal instruction will not work for everyone. The example will use the most common versions. It is much easier when it happens with the firmware update on TP-Link. It has fully identical panels and parameters.

To begin with, connect the device to the computer by means of a power cable. It is allowed to use a laptop. In the basic configuration there is a small cable. When a wireless connection was configured on the computer, it must be turned off. It is important that the connection is only by cable.

After that, open the browser and log in to the Control section. On the Authorization page, specify the acting name and input key. They can be set by you when setting parameters or stay standard admin. and admin.

When loaded main page administration panels, look at her appearanceif it looks like the drawing below, then go to the tab Advanced settings.There will be a button System.Opposite the inscription there are arrows right.You need link Software Update.

If the design of the administration panel in light colors, then it should be selected Set up manually.Next, the actions are made similarly. Need tab System,section Software Update.

In order to download new firmware, It is necessary to choose it on the computer. To do this, click Overview…. In the specified directory, mark the file and click on Refresh.The update process starts.

Carefully follow the process. While the update status is displayed, nothing can be touched. It should be waited until the router reboots. On average, you should wait 4-5 minutes. After that, you can update the browser page. If the operation has passed successfully, a new administration panel will appear and the offer to change data for access.

Can be used standard values Admin or come up with your own. The main thing is that they were recorded in some place.

Firmware update in automatic mode

If the Internet is configured on the router, then the update operation can be significantly easier. The update function is available on the router. automatic mode. In this case, the device will independently find the desired version of the firmware and load it. An error with a choice of an incorrect file will be excluded.

In some cases, in the router settings, the update function may be missing. Or the appearance of the firmware may differ from the one that is provided in the example. In this case, you must first upgrade to the latest version available on the server manual.

If the message is, you can click on the button Refresh.After that, you will need to confirm the operation with the button Yes.

Then the warning window will then appear. The update process will start. Similar to the manual method, you will need to specify new password. It is entered twice. Once points, the second is confirmed.

After the update is completed, the appearance of the administration panel may differ. When flashing the D-Link DIR-615 / A model to release 2.5.20, the appearance of the settings is as follows.

In the new version, update is available in the System tab, which is located on the left.

Users can run the process manually, or check the availability of new versions automatically.

In this case, it is not entirely clear why, with each firmware update, changes are made to the design of the administration panel. There is no significant improvement in ergonomics, but inconvenience is serious. It is much more profitable if one design option has been created and bugs are fixed or debugging features. Depending on the firmware version, the appearance and location of the elements may differ. Now you know how to update the D-Link DIR-615 router firmware.

Company DOM.RU often gives its users Wi-Fi Routers from D-Link. One of the most popular - DIR-615. And the users were issued different versions This router is DIR-615 K1, DIR-615 K2 and DIR-615 R1. And they walked all with a terribly trimmed firmware from, which almost completely closes the possibilities of the router from the user. Therefore, I decided to lay out the instructions how to remove the firmware on the DIR-615 router and install the factory there.

Before doing something - download from the site D-Link firmware Under your hardware version of Dir'a. To do this, turn it up "upside down" and read the letters on the sticker that go after the model number. For example, K1 or K2. After that, we go to the official server of the manufacturer, swing last version To my computer and put on the root directory of the disk C: \\.
Another point is to pour the firmware on the long time you need a TFTP client. Default in Windows 7 and Windows 8 it is turned off. You can enable it in the "Control Panel" \u003e\u003e\u003e "Enable and disable Windows Components":

We put a tick "client TFTP" and press the OK button. Everything, now we are ready for further actions.

Removing the firmware DIR-615 from

1. Disconnect the provider cable from the router and connect with the computer. And the computer is connected to the first LAN-port DIR-615.
2. In the settings network card On the computer we prescribe a static IP address:

IP address -
Subnet mask -
Gateway -
The addresses of the DNS servers can not be indicated.

3. Turn off the router.

4. On the computer run command line And in it - the team: ping -t.

5. Press the RESET button on the router or clips on the RESET button ("hole" on the back of the router) and keep it (sometimes keeping it clusted about a minute).

6. Turn on the power of the router. And look at pingie. As soon as there is a stable response without loss - let go of the button.

7. Interrupt pings using the Ctrl + C key combination and write a new command:

tFTP -I PUT<путь к файлу прошивки>

In my example, the firmware file is called 20140711_1343_dir_615k1_2.5.4_sdk-master.bin and lies in the root of the C: \\. The team will look like this:

tFTP -i Put C: \\ 20140711_1343_dir_615k1_2.5.4_sdk-master.bin

Press the ENTER button and look at the result. If everything is fine, the answer should be approximately as:

Successful transmission of 3345428 bytes for 12 seconds., 1334415 bytes / s

After that, the WiFi router must reboot and start with a new, factory firmware. Once again, we reset the settings by pressing the RESET button for 8-10 seconds and try to go to it through Username will be Admin and password - admin.

Often asked: how to update the firmware on a Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-615 K2. The firmware update may be needed for several reasons, one of which is an unstable work of the old firmware. On the Internet, you can often find complaints of users to an unstable firmware, which periodically resets the settings saved by the user.

According to user reviews, sin firmware to version 1.0.19, which we will install today, i.e. Switch D-Link DIR-615 router.

To begin with, we define the revision of your router. Now we will not go into the details of what the audit implies, let's just say that it happens several versions: b, c, e, k (k1, k2), m, o.

The version of the revision can be found on the sticker behind the router, where the barcode is located. My number looks like this:

H / W Ver.: K2 F / W Ver.: 1.0.0

Here H / W ver.: - indicates the version of the revision, and F / W ver.: - Indicates the firmware version.

I have a revision version K2..

Now when we know the version of the revision, we go to the official website of the D-Link and see the necessary revision.

For example, I have a revision K2., so in the window that opens by reference, click the link Revk /, and then K2 /. The list of files will open, or rather one file and folder. Old /. File 20130418_1713_dir_615k_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin. and will be the most firmware version 1.0.19 which is this moment It is the most recent firmware for the router. In folder Old. Older versions of the firmware will be lying, to which you can go back in case you do not like the new firmware. Well, now I will proceed to the process of firmware.

1. Download the latest firmware version. For the router D-Link DIR-615 K2, the latter is this version of

2. Save the downloaded file on hDD Computer and go to your router web interface. It is advisable to connect a router to a computer through a network cable that came with a router. Although it is possible to use the same success with the wireless connection.

3. After entering the router's Web interface, the main menu will open, at the top of which the version of your firmware will be shown, as well as in the section Device Information:

4. Press the firmware version and the window will open in which you will be prompted to select a file with the firmware.

5. Click on the button Overview and specify the previously saved firmware file 20130418_1713_dir_615k_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin..

6. Click on the button Refresh And wait for the router to restart, after which your router will be updated to the latest firmware.


If you are all done correctly, your router will work with a new stable firmware. When updating the firmware, problems rarely arise, so you should not be afraid that something goes wrong.

Even today, during the ubiquitous wireless Internet, every 3G and 4G, the D-Link DIR-615 router uses in great demand. This is a really good router, because it has decent characteristics, and the price / quality ratio is ideal for the average buyer.

It often happens that after purchasing a new router, not only our, it has old software installed on it. In general, nothing terrible in it. It is just better to update the D-LINK DIR-615 router before full configuration.

And even for reasons, flashing can be attributed to the work of the device.

Download Software

In order to install a new software on the router, we need to download it. There is a moment that for each version of the router has its own software. Therefore, we need to know the version of our apparatus.

How to find out the version?

Everything is very simple. If you take our device and look at the sticker, which is in the bottom, you can see a lot of all information. There is a lot of things written there, but for us an interesting line "H / w ver.:*". SAMI important information At the site of the asterisk. We have a version of the router - K1, but this may be for the router 615 N1, for example. You can write somewhere not to forget. Go further.

To download, go to the following address - This is the official website of the company D-Link, there are a variety of firmware for all of the routers.

We need to choose your version in the list. In our case, this is "REVK". In the next window, choose "K1".

In the folder, which has opened, there is everything you need. OLD folder - old. There are more old software. In the Beta folder, it may be that at the development stage. We are also interested in the most up-to-date D-Link DIR-615 firmware. It has the extension ".bin" (this is at the end of the file). The file itself finds in the root, where the OLD and BETA folders are there.

After we have saved the new firmware for the D-Link DIR-615 router, go to the next item.

Software Update

A couple of moments that need to be considered:

  1. The software version must accurately approach the versions of your device.
  2. To update, you need to connect via the LAN network cable.
  3. In no case should not turn off the router during the update.

Login to settings

Everything is very simple here. We register in the browser address - or In the window, which has opened, you need to enter the name and password. According to the standard it is Admin / Admin.

Manual update

Everything is done here as in the screenshot. We first click on "Extended Settings", then you need to pay attention to the system "System". Arrogo B. right side and choose "Update by".

But there are other firmware versions that differ in the interface. Here is the instruction on the oldest of them. This is the firmware version 1.0.0. In the main menu, select "Set up manually". After paying attention to the "System" button in the top menu. And in the submenu, choose "Update by". After just just, select the file and update.

Now you need to wait until the firmware update will be successful. At the same time, you will be prompted to change the factory password.

Automatic update

With automatic update it is even easier if there is an Internet on the router. We do everything clearly according to the instructions. In the settings, it may be immediately proposed to update the firmware (see Screenshot). Just press "update" and follow the instructions.

In other versions, you need to go to the "system", select there an item from the "Software Update" list. The first way is manual. The second is automatic updateTo do this, click Check the update and follow the instructions.

That's all, here we reflash the D-Link DIR-615 K2 router.