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What's new in the firmware 10.2. Locking miniature notifications

Yesterday, Apple announced the long-awaited release of the final version of IOS 10.2 update. This update is already the second account for the "apple" mobile OS since the release of iOS 10 September 13.

This update for iOS was tested for almost a month and a half, and in the past time the whole 7 beta versions for developers and public beta testers were released.

IN new version iOS 10.2 has added several new features and changes. One of which is the new application "TV" (though on this moment Only users from the USA), which simplifies viewing TV shows and movies on Apple devices. latest version The firmware for Apple TV was added the function "Unified Authorization" (Single Sign-ON), with which users cable television They can only once perform authorization, to gain access to content in different applications.

About one hundred new Emodi appeared in the update, among them 14 images of plants and animals, 7 new emoticons with images of people, persons, 18 images of food, also did not bypass the side and sports theme, the emoticons of new emotions and gestures will also appear in Apple For example, an image of a Faispalma shrugged and flooding a laugh of the face (ROFL) appeared. Different objects of the type of motorcycle and boats, sports kimono, boxing gloves, medals for 1-3 place and others were added. The addition of new emoji, received redesign existing emoticons.

Of course, a new update is richly not only new emoticons, besides them have added new wallpapers for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Which were previously used Apple on the promotional page of the site, on which the capabilities of new smartphones are described, a new holiday effect appeared for iMessage, finally Apple has added the ability to save previously executed camera settings, as well as appeared additional opportunity For sorting music and much more.

I did not go around the photo and the application "Photo", in which the frame stabilization was improved and the frame rate in the live photo photographs was increased. In addition, Apple has improved accuracy when combining similar photos of one person in the Album "People", and also corrected the mistake, because of which "photo" created a memoir from screenshots, photos of cool boards and checks

In addition to cosmetic changes, the iOS 10.2 update, Apple corrected a number of errors in the safety of devices, so, for example, a vulnerability was fixed, because of which attackers could access users on the iPhone and iPad. By the word Apple corrected a mistake that did not allow Belarusian users to type "+" in the phone application.

Alas, not all innovations that were in Beta versions of iOS 10.2, they lived to the final version. The emergency call function, which was in the fifth beta version of the update, did not live to the release.

In addition, the operation of the system was optimized, which confirms comparative Test The speed of iOS 10.2 and iOS 10.1.1:

On iPhone 5.

On iPhone 5S.

On iPhone 6.

On iphone 6s.

On the iPad Air.

Update is available for installation "by air" and using the iTunes application

Yesterday, Apple was pleased with the developers with the release of the new version of the mobile operating system . Despite the fact that this is only the first test firmware 10.2, Apple managed to bring a lot of changes.

Let's look at what's new in iOS 10.2 Beta 1, and there is a lot of innovations in it.

1. New wallpapers for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

IPhone 7 flagship owners and iPhone 7 Plus in point Settings -\u003e Wallpapers We can find three new pictures at once, which can be used as a screensaver and background image for the screen. For owners of other devices, these wallpapers are not available.

2. New smiles

Apple continues to pay a lot of attention to the Emodi drawing. The new generation of smiles got a more realistic appearance and this time the designers reddow the impressive number of faces, adding them the shadows and volume. It looks new smiles an order more pleasant.

3. Memory settings in the chamber

One of the features of the staffing application Camerawhich is badly annoying - the need to re-switch the modes each time after starting. Removed the video, came out of the application, came again and again select the mode manually.

In iOS 10 10.2 Beta 1, an item appeared that allows the camera to remember your choice. You can find the item in the menu Settings -\u003e Photo and Camera

4. Widget video

Another - video appeared in the widget panel. With it, you can withdraw small previews of the rollers loaded into the iPhone.

5. Disable Siri.

In the settings menu, an item appeared that allows you to disable Siri by pressing the Home key. Thus, you do not need to completely disable the voice assistant if you want to use it at the request "Hi, Siri", but at the same time, to prohibit the call by pressing Home.

Open Settings -\u003e Main -\u003e Universal Access -\u003e Home and change the settings in the point Pressing and holding for pronouncing.

6. New Blur menu 3D Touch

In the new Beta version of iOS 10.2, developers have made a specific aesthetic change in the 3D Touch menu algorithm. Now the pop-up list has increased transparency when calling on the desktop.

7. New effect in iMessage

The iMessage app integrated the new firework effect. It looks spectacular. The developers have not yet transferred the effect of the effect - now it is named as Celebration.

8. Ratings in the music application

The function from which Apple first decided to abandon the final version of iOS 10, but seeing the discontent of users, still returned back. In the iOS 10.2 release, we will see the ratings that can be set to songs as in the good old days. Up to iOS 10.2 B1, it was possible to put a rating only using Siri Assistant.

Open Settings -\u003e Music and in the list of the list turn on the item Rating stars.

9. New icon for Bluetooth headphones

Instead of the usual Bluetooth icon when connected wireless headset The headphone icon is now displayed. Trifle, but nice.

10. Selection of emergency contact

If you use smart clocks Apple Watch.Surely you know that the opportunity appeared in Watchos 3 quick call emergency service Helping to hold the back key.

In iOS 10.2 B1 in the application Health You can specify a specific contact that will be used for such a call. Open the application Health and change (create) medapate by adding contact to the item Contact in case of emergency.

11. Locking miniature notifications

On the menu Settings -\u003e Notifications A item appears that allows you to select a preview option for notifications. Now there are three options to choose from: Display always only when the device is unlocked and completely disable.

12. Spoon of Deaf

This is just the first beta version of the new IOS 10 iteration and require decent optimization from it too early. However, test geekbench Says for himself. A certain slowdown is noticeable during the transition between applications and animations.

Put the rating.

Apple released final iOS version 10.2 for iPhone devices, iPod Touch and iPad. The assembly has become available one month after the start of testing. You can download the update on mobile gadgets by installing OTA updates.

iOS 10.2 brings several changes, including a set of 100 new emoticons, a widget for standard application Video, save the settings for the camera. IPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users will find three new background images at once.

In the settings menu, an item appeared that allows you to disable Siri by pressing the Home key. That is, now you do not need to completely disable the assistant if you want to use it at the request "Hi, Siri", but at the same time prohibit the call by pressing Home. In addition, the iMessage integrated new "love" and "holiday" effects, and in the status bar when connecting a wireless headset displays new icon With the image of headphones.

In the IOS 10 Alert Settings, an item has a point that allows you to select a preview display option for notifications. There are three options to choose from: Display always only when the device is unlocked and completely disable. Also, the music application appeared ratings that can be put up with musical compositions.

List of changes in iOS 10.2 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch:

In the version of iOS 10.2, new features are presented, including the TV program (US only) - a new and unified way to access television shows and movies in several programs App Store.offering video content. As a result of the design update, the magnificent Emodi has been worked out even more detail. Added more than 100 Emodi, including new faces, food, animals, sports and profession. This update also presents improvements in the stability of work and corrected errors.

  • Use the UP Next function to display movies and TV shows you watch and continue viewing where you suspended it.
  • Receive recommendations on new films and TV shows in the "Watch Now" section.
  • Explore the new App Store programs and the latest iTunes releases in the Store section.
  • Get access through Library to purchased and rented in iTunes.


  • The updated design of magnificent emoji represents an even higher degree of detail.
  • More than 100 Emodi, including new faces, food, animals, sports and profession.


  • Improved frame stabilization function and increased frame rate in Live Photo photos.
  • Improved accuracy in a group of similar photos of the same person in the Album "People".
  • The problem is eliminated, in which "memories" could create a memory of photographs of screen shots, class boards or cash checks.
  • Fixed a bug, as a result of which the camera remained in the zoom mode after switching from the film on the iPhone 7 Plus.
  • Additional support for digital cameras with RAW.


  • The messages added new full-screen "love" and "holiday" effects.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the keyboard display in messages.


  • Swim up on the screen "executed" for more convenient access to the interface elements "Mix", "Repeat" and "Next".
  • Choose a way of sorting playlists, albums and songs in the library.
  • The articles saved by you will appear in the new section "SAVED".
    The best paid articles from the channels that you are signed will now appear in special section In "For You".
  • To read the new article was not so convenient: just wrap left or tap "Next Story" while reading.

post office

  • Fixed a bug that brings to the fact that the Move menu did not close after moving the email.
  • Eliminated a problem with a long pressing to activate the "Copy and Paste" function in the mail.
  • Fixed a bug when the wrong message was highlighted after removing the conversation in the mail.

Universal access

  • Added support for BRAILLEPEN14 in VoiceOver.
  • Fixed a bug, as a result of which, when using Voiceover, the Braille table could perform unexpected switching.
  • Fixed a bug, resulting in improved voices Siri. were not available in the VoiceOver function.
  • A problem with sorting objects in the lists has been eliminated by some VoiceOver users.
  • Fixed a bug, as a result of which in the Switch Control function, it was sometimes impossible to remove the answering machine messages.

Further improvements and error corrections

  • Added support for notifications for HOMEKIT accessories, including window shutters, presence, movement, windows and doors, smoke, carbon monoxide and water leakage.
  • Added support for notifications for HOMEKIT accessories in the presence of software updates for these accessories.
  • Improved Bluetooth performance and Bluetooth connection to third-party accessories.
  • Fixed a bug, as a result of which Facetime session participants could seem outside the focus.
  • Fixed a bug, as a result of which the FaceTime calls could be displayed with the incorrect frame format and the screen orientation.
  • Fixed a bug that hindered the completion of the playback of some visual answering machine messages.
  • The problem is eliminated in the Safari Reader function, as a result of which articles could be opened on empty pages.
  • Eliminated a problem that could lead to unexpected Safari completion after the mark of the object as read in the reading list.

In order to install iOS 10.2 on the iPhone and iPad, you need to go to iOS settings Or connect the device to iTunes. Also, update in IPSW format can be downloaded from the links at the end of the article and use the Apple Player to install the OS.

Download iOS 10.2 You can download iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on the links below.

Every few days, which is the sign of the final release of the final version of the operating system. Over the last month, six beta versions of iOS 10.2 have become available to developers and participants of the testing program, and in almost all of them visible changes were implemented. So that you do not lose in information flow Important information about the new version of iOS, we collected within one article all innovations iOS 10.2.

Updated! On December 12, 2016, Apple released the final version of iOS 10.2. FROM full list update changes you can find in this article.

What's new in iOS 10.2 Beta 1

The first beta version of iOS 10.2, of course, turned out to be the most filled with innovations. It appeared in it:

  • New Emodji from Unicode in the amount of 72 pieces. In addition, Apple has updated some old emoji more fresh look.
  • Three new desktop backgrounds, which Apple has shown for the first time at the September presentation. Wallpapers are available only for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, however, the images are in the public access and for all other iPhone models.

  • The new full-screen effect "holiday" in the "Messages" app.

  • Ability to save the cameras installed earlier in the menu " Settings» → « Photo and camera» → « Save Settings».

  • Widget "Video" application, which displays the films loaded into the application. Clicking on video instantly begins to play it.

  • The ability to install contact in case of an emergency in the "Health" application.

  • New options for sorting playlists, songs and albums in the "Music" application. Also in the application returned the possibility of displaying the rating of songs by the stars. The parameter is activated in the menu " Settings» → « Music».
  • The ability to disable Siri call by pressing the Home button. At the same time, by the "Hi, Siri" command, the voice assistant will still be called.

What's new in iOS 10.2 Beta 2

The developers of Apple and above the second beta version of iOS 10.2 have greatly worked fine. It appeared in it:

  • Function of the Quick Call Salvation Service for Parafting Button Pressing off iPhone. Running forward Let's say that in the next beta version, this feature was available only for residents of India.

  • An additional help in the "Music" application, which tells users how to access the repeat buttons, rewind and section "Next".

  • Only for the USA. The application "Video" from American users was replaced by the TV application, announced at the presentation on October 27. TV allows you to access all the films and telecasts to which the subscription is issued.

What's new in iOS 10.2 Beta 3

Starting with the third beta version of Apple Sbailed the pace. Changes in the update turned out to be a bit:

  • The "Emergency Call - SOS" feature has become available only for India.
  • The "Messages" appears a new full-screen LOVE effect.

What's new in iOS 10.2 Beta 4

iOS 10.2 Beta 4, alas, no visible changes noted. In it, the developers from Apple, apparently, worked on the technical moments.

What's new in iOS 10.2 Beta 5

Did not happen serious innovations and IOS 10.2 Beta 5. However, unlike the previous beta version, new Apple. fixed not some unknown errors, and two sensational bugs.

The first is associated with a critical vulnerability, which allowed to bypass the protection of the iPhone and iPad password and the touch ID. Operated "hole" is very unusual method. We wrote in detail about him in this article.

The second bug led to the freezing of iOS devices after viewing at first glance a non-noteworthy five-second roller. iPhone and iPad hung tightly, only forced reboot allowed them to return them to the working condition.

Both of these errors in iOS 10.2 Beta 5 were successfully corrected. It is impossible not to mark the efficiency of Apple. Errors were found at the end of November, that is, the company took place to eliminate only a couple of weeks.

Already appear in the global web, although the firmware came out just a day ago. As usual on our resource, we share the impressions of users after installing the update, tell about possible errors. And you can only decide for yourself, is it worth updating to iOS 10.2. Or so far preferred to stay on old version software.

Update from 01/24/17 : Apple released. On our site you can familiarize yourself with.

IOS 10.2 reviews: Performance and speed

At the moment, users have not yet come to a common opinion as noticeable the difference in the speed of the system. But a detailed answer to this question was provided by one of the bloggers YouTube Canal IappyBytes. In order not to be unfounded, he recorded several videos, which compares the speed and performance of iOS 10.2 p.

Please note that the enthusiast checked the speed of the system is not on the same device, and immediately on several - iPad Air, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S and iPhone 5. On each device, it started the same applications on each device, estimated the start speed in Geekbench 3, etc. Updated software showed itself worthy, in some moments the system turned out to be faster previous version. Look at the video and make sure of it yourself!

Update from 12/15/2016:

Some owners iPhone. 5S noticed that their smartphones began to work somewhat worse after installation IOS. 10.2. In particular, they notice "lags" and "glitches" in animation, when launching a multitasking panel and not only. Many are confident that this is a typical situation, supposedly Apple deliberately reduces the performance and stability of the system on old IOS devices to push customers to buy new devices. And how does iPhone 5S behave if you have already installed iOS 10.2 on it? Share your opinion in the comments.