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Tweak PDNet. Turn the iPhone or iPad to Wi-Fi Router

Apple's equipment owners do not always know what their expensive gadgets are capable of. Many buy an iPhone or iPad for surfing on endless spaces of the Internet, shooting photos and video, movies.

Modern devices have the ability not only to receive a network signal, but also to distribute it

Basically, everyone uses the Internet on iOS through home Wi-Fi or. But in some cases it may urgently need the Internet on a laptop, and it, as discharged, disconnected. Whether the technical reasons, whether any other, but the deadlines are lit, and the provider does not help anything. And here it turns out that you can distribute the Internet through Wi-Fi from your iPhone or iPad. And if the device works on the 4G network, the speed will be almost like at home connected. Therefore, we consider how to distribute the Internet through Wi-Fi from your iOS device.

Inclusion of distribution of internet

If you think that you have to dance with a tambourine around the fire and read over the iPad or IPhone spells, then it is absolutely wrong. Just a few clicks on the Apad screen - and the case is in the hat. Such an improvised router will be able to distribute the Internet on various devices With a high level of reliability. To run distribution:

  1. Go to the Апада menu, run "Settings";
  2. Find the Cellular Communication tab;
  3. It needs to include "Cell data";
  4. Return to the main menu or iPhone, go to "Modem Mode" and slide the enable function slider. When you first start, replace the password;
  5. Locate your network on the laptop on the list, enter the password and connect.

Everything! You are online! You will learn about active work on the icon in top string Apad screen near the operator's name. Do not forget to enter the password, because otherwise the network will remain open, and everything will be connected to it, eating your money and traffic. Do you need it?

Also be realistic in expectations relative. By the indicator in the iOS information line, you can define the type of network:

  • E - EDGE - the slowest speed. Maximum what can be done is to open pages with not very severe content;
  • 3G - somewhat higher, you can call on Skype or Vaiberu, open most sites;
  • 4G / LTE - the maximum possible, you can use without restrictions.

Do not forget that the tariff may not imply unlimited traffic. By this you can avoid unforeseen spending.

Problems and possible solutions

The laptop does not connect to the network - you should disable the iPad / iPhone modem mode, then turn on again. May have a PC.

There is no menu item "Modem Mode" - may have to change the operator. Some companies are not allowed to use modem mode on their SIM cards. Iron Apad is not here.

IPad is tablet computer Apple firms. Since they have nothing to do with devices under the guidance of the operating room windows systems, respectively, and "iron" must be sought compatible. For example, WiFi router for iPad - two bands wireless router Apple Airport Extreme.

Contents of delivery

A router is supplied in a white box, on the sides of which the photo of the device is depicted, its specifications And, traditionally, the logo in the form of a capacious apple.

The package, in addition to the router, includes an external power supply, a guide to setting up in Russian and a warranty card. It was surprised that the power supply is external, and not traditionally for the company integrated into the device itself.

Appearance of router

FROM external species Devices are fine. The iPad router has a square shape with rounded corners. The housing is made of white plastic - this material is necessary for the operation of four internal antennas. On the front panel of the device there is a multifunctional multicolor indicator.

From behind the router are all ports and connectors:

  1. Power supply input;
  2. USB 2.0 port;
  3. 3 gigabit port LAN;
  4. 1 Gigabit Port WAN;
  5. The reset button recessed into the housing;
  6. Kensington Castle. (Little holes for installing a lock from theft).

Setting up router

In the next chapter, we will look at how to connect the iPad to the router. Setting up AirPort Extreme is made only with special Programalready included in standard set Operating programs mAC systems OS X. Also additionally developed version and for Windows, which can be downloaded from the official Apple website - For example, we use the version for Windows.

Routher Setup can be carried out in two modes - mode step-by-step settingin which installed basic settings Devices and mode full access to all functions for more experienced users. Besides directly setting the parameters, this program Allows you to programmatically restart the router, save the changes made, restore the factory configuration, connect and display the list of wireless customers, view recorded logs of work. After making changes in the settings, you need to update the device configuration by clicking the "Update" button in the window. The update continues for almost a minute, at the end of which the router automatically reboots.

At the top of the settings window there are five icons with links to Settings - "Airport", "Internet", "Printers", "Disks" and "Advanced".


When you click on the first of them, we get on the device status page. It can be found on the firmware version, serial number Router, MAC addresses of all interfaces, Wi-Fi state of the module and others.

The iPad 2 router is equipped with internal clocks capable of detecting an Internet connection to automatically synchronize the time with the exact time server. Airport also when connecting to the Internet will check the presence of new firmware For this model of the device, and in case of detection, the LED on the front panel of the router will flash.

Wireless part of the router

The router is arranged as a two range of access point (2.4 and 5 GHz). It is noteworthy that both frequencies can be available at the same time.

On the page " additional parameters»We can limit the power of wireless transmission or hide SSID (name wireless network).

Additionally, you can create a guest wireless network with limited rights with your own network name and other security settings. Customers of this guest network will only have access to the Internet, but they will not be able to connect to apple settings AirPort Extreme.

Guestlessing wireless network

Configure Internet

When configuring the Internet, the user is given a choice between two options for connecting to the provider - direct connection (permanent or dynamic IP) or via PPPOE protocol. It is also possible to configure the operation of the router to the bridge mode or the mode of operation of the router without NAT.

The AirPort program has a built-in diagnostic system that checks the availability of the Internet, detects conflicts of interface settings and other possible network faults. If this program is detected, the program provides corrective recommendations. (For example, for the "Dual NAT" mode, the program will propose to translate the device to the "Bridge" mode). The DHCP server built into the router can assign fixed MAC-IP compliance.

For all users of the network of access rights to all volumes are the same. The identification of the user can be installed according to any of the three rules - according to the password of the device, according to the password of the disk, or by the list of users. In the case of a list of users, you will need to create a list of names and passwords in the AIRPORT program itself, be sure to indicate the type of access - read only, or reading and record. There are also customizable guest rights (reading, reading and record, there is no access).

"Printers" option

In PRINTERS, there is only one page in which the list of connected list is displayed. network printers With the ability to change their network names.

External network drives

The device can also be connected via a wireless network. external drives. Router supports reading and writing external media, recognizes file Systems FAT32 and HFS +. Discs can be divided into several sections.

More detailed instructions for setting up the router running the Mac OS X version 10.5 + Windows operating system Read on the Apple website:

This article will be useful for all tablet owners from Apple - iPad and ipad mini.. I would even say for novice users, for those who first met with the iPad tablet. After purchasing iPad, joy and other emotions, you need to configure our tablet and be sure to connect it to the Internet. If you did not connect the iPad to Wi-Fi during the first setup process, then you can connect it to the Internet later, and it is not difficult to do it. But if you have not come across Apple appliances before, then you may have questions about this.

I think it's no secret that without connecting to the Internet, the tablet is generally a useless thing. iPad no exception. And in order to use your tablet to complete, you need to connect it to a normal Internet. You can use either Wi-Fi or 3G / 4G (if you have a version with support 3G, or 4G). But, everything is smooth, you will connect your iPad to Wi-Fi. Since it is either free or not expensive in comparison with the same 3G. Now consider in detail the connection process tablet iPad. MINI to Wi-Fi network.

Connect iPad to Wi-Fi

Open the settings on your tablet.

Go to the masonry Wi-Fi And click on the Wi-Fi network to which we want to connect.

If the network is protected, a window will appear in which you want to specify a password to connect to Wi-Fi and click the button. Pink

If the password you specifies correctly, then your iPad must connect to the wireless network. Can use the Internet, install games and applications with App Store. etc.

We delete the network on the iPad and set static IP and DNS

If you need to delete the network, make it so that the tablet does not automatically connect to it, then simply click on the network to which you are already connected.

Click on the button Forget this network.

And to change the IP address, DNS, and subnet masks, go to the tab Static. In the properties of the desired Wi-Fi network. And set the options you need.

Like these ones simple settings Wi-Fi. In principle, like all operating system iOS. If yours iPad does not want to connect to wi-fiThe problem is most likely in the settings of the wireless network itself on the router. Check if other devices are connected. And if the tablet connects to the network, and the Internet does not work, then check the settings of the provider on the router, and again whether the Internet works on other devices.

Try to remove the network on the tablet, and will connect again. Make sure you specify the correct password.

Familiar situation: You brought home the new Wi-Fi Router, already anticipating how now connect to the Internet and you will watch movies, communicate with friends and share photos, but here is not enough: you don't have any computer or laptop to configure the router in the usual way : through network cable (patch cord). But there is nothing impossible! So, you are proposed for detailed step-by-step instruction On how to configure the router from the phone or tablet with Android, as well as the iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi without a cable. The process is described as in detail that the manual is suitable as confident usersand beginners. And, by the way, these steps will also be useful to configure the router from zero by Wi-Fi from a laptop, where there is no port Ethernet as such - for example, MacBook Air.. Of course, it is worth noting that you will be able to set up a router from the phone only if it is broadcast from a Wi-Fi network. But, as a rule, in all modern models (At least those that came across) Broadcast Wireless Network is included by default.

Configuring a phone from the phone (Android, iPhone) via Wi-Fi without a computer

If your router's web interface is not adapted to the screens mobile devicesUse the gesture with two fingers or double tap to enlarge. It may be convenient for you to deploy a phone for 90 degrees for manipulations with the site of settings.

On some models of routers there is a hardware (i.e. physical) switch Wi-Fi ON-OFF On the housing. Make sure it is in position ON (Included) Before starting (see Screenshot below).

How to go to the router settings from the phone

  1. Connect the provider cable to the router port called WAN or Internet. Often it is highlighted with a special color and differs from the rest of the ports (LAN):
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi on your phone. To do this, on the iPhone you need to go to "Settings", select "Wi-Fi" and turn it on: Although, on modern iPhones, Wi-Fi is always enabled by default and this item is hardly needed.
    In Android, pull the curtain, press and hold your finger on the Wi-Fi icon:
    and also make sure it is enabled:
  3. Connect to the router network. W. different manufacturers Routers network will be called differently: D-Link may be dlink Or, for example, dir300nru; Modern TP-Link SSID will like the default TP-LINK_A0816A.(where the second part of the name is 6 last characters MAC. Addresses).
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi network password (so-called. Security key) and click "Connect":
    Here it all depends on the manufacturer. If you have a TP-LINK router, use PIN specified on the sticker:
    If the default network without a password, then you connect without entering the key.
  5. Important! Now turn off mobile Internet On the phone, since if the Internet is not yet configured, your phone will try to enter the network through mobile data and you will not be able to:
  6. Open the browser on your phone. For example chrome.
  7. Enter B. address line The IP address or name of the router site, which is specified on the sticker, and press Enter. for example
    Attention! If you can not open the settings on the IP address, which is printed on the sticker, read our article.
  8. Enter the username, password with the same stickers and click Login or Login. At the same time, make sure that you enter a login with a small letter: On old firmware tP-LINK routers The input window may look like this:
    When successful input in the router settings from the phone, you must take such a screen:

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router from the phone or tablet

After changing the parameters as the network name, the network security key from the phone (iPhone or Android) you have to reconnect to the network. I recommend this sequence of actions:

In this case, follow a long press named Wi-Fi network and select "Forget Network" or "Delete this Network":

In this case, the network profile with the old password will be removed from the phone, you will see the offer to enter the password and can connect normally:

Setting the Routher Protection with Android or iPhone

Internet configuration on the phone from the phone

Since you got on this page, it means that today, and maybe a couple of days ago, you purchased yourself a new iPhone or iPad, and do not know how to connect it to the Internet - guess? Then read to the end, in this article I will tell you in detail how to connect Apple iPad. to wi-fi. Go!

iPad + Wi-Fi - connection to visible network

Once you still could not get out of the ipad on the Internet, then you have a version without 3G module and SIM card support. In this case, you will definitely need Wi-Fi. To enable it, click on the "Settings" menu icon

and go to the "Wi-Fi" section

A list of available on this moment Networks for connecting our iPad to WiFi. We need either the one from which there is a password, or free to connect - it is indicated by the Wi-Fi icon without a lock.

Click on the selected network, enter the password

and Voila - the Internet appeared!

How to connect iPad to invisible Wi-Fi network?

However, there are also such networks that may not be visible in this list. This is done specifically to ensure greater safety so that different idiots have not tried to hack her passwords. In order to connect to such a network, you need to know the following data:

  • SSID - that is, name
  • Encryption type - usually this WPA2
  • Password

About how, read in detail in another article.

If Wi-Fi does not work on the iPad?

One of the reasons why WiFi on the iPad does not work, although the connection is actively, it can be used in a wireless network of such settings, in which the IP address must be specified manually. For this, we also go to the "settings - WiFi" and click on the name of our network. Here click on "Setting IP"

and choose "manually"

we enter manually provided by the data provided by the data (or we look at the router settings, which distributes wireless signal):

  • IP address - address that will be at iPad
  • Subnet mask
  • Router - router address

Returning a step back also you can still set DNS - - usually it is the same address of the router

I hope this detailed instructions You will not have any problems connect Apple iPad to Wi-Fi!