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Why Yandex.Bauzer? New Yandex Browser - pros and cons. How to return the old Yandex interface

Recently, the Internet browser market has undergone significant expansion. To the leaders of the market of past years, which were Internet Explorer. And Opera added more modern Mozilla, Safari. Also large search engines presented their own developments: Google Chrome. From Google and from the domestic search engine Yandex.

Here you will learn the story of the creature of the Yab and:

Yandex Browser: History

The history of the novelties began at 4 years ago, when he was presented in the middle of Yet Another Conference. The debut version appeared on October 1. A new product was created on the Blink engine used in the Chromium browser. Works browser with popular axes: Linux, Windows and OS X.
On June 18 of next year, I presented a version for Android and IOS, therefore you can download the app for Android Yandex browser completely free.
Now it is proposed for desktop PCs, smartphones and tablets.
Over the next years, he rapidly gained popularity and June 2016 ranks 2nd after Google Chrome in the list of popular Internet browsers in the Russian Federation.
For 2 last years, Yandex browser managed to get ahead alternately IE, Mozilla and Opera.
The last time the version came out on 29.06 under the name 16.7.

Yandex Browser: Features

Initially B. Yandex Browser. embedded Flash Player. - Development of Adobe, useful program for reading PDF format files. From version 14.2 a new option appeared - a program for reading Office documents.
offers synchronization of passwords, settings between different devices and creating backup In Yandex cloud.
Thanks to the PROTECT technology, it provides the following types of user protection:
defence from mobile subscriptions;
from viruses;
Password protection.
In it you can go to the desired address, just entering address line Site title (for top sites only).

Here you will learn how to update Yandex browser. There are 2 update options:
To upgrade app before latest version Automatically click on the gear icon on the right at the top, to find the «About Yandex browser» and the update will occur without your further participation.

You will only need to restart YB by clicking the corresponding button in the window that appears.

After restarting, a window appears confirming that you are the owner of the final version.

For manual update You should go to the settings, select the "Advanced" item, then a familiar pointer "On the Yandex browser" and click "Update". After the operation is completed, restart the updated Yandex browser.

How to remove Yandex browser

First you need to close the Yandex browser. After enter the Start menu, select the "Control Panel".

We find the item "Installing and Deleting Programs". We choose the browser and click to remove. Now you have learned.

After installing this program, it is important to set up all the parameters for yourself so that it is convenient to use it. Similarly, it is worth the installation of any other program, in particular the web browser.

So now we will analyze in detail how to configure the Yandex browser, disable unnecessary functions and optimize the interface, change appearanceTurn on additional features etc.

Settings Yandex Browser

How to open the settings panel:

The Yandex settings panel will open, where everything is to be changed. Part of the parameters are better to change immediately after the installation of the browser. And the rest can be as needed to be customized. Now we will deal with all this.


What is synchronization in principle?

In our case, if you click on the "Configure Synchronization" button, it will be possible to transfer all your bookmarks, passwords, a history of visits and other parameters to any device.

As Yandex itself writes, you need to log in.

When you click "Configure Synchronization", a message will appear:

You want to synchronize all your settings, bookmarks, passwords and other data in the browser using the account:

If the input into the account has not yet been implemented, the panel will appear to enter the password login from Yandex mail.

In the next step, you need to click "Enable Synchronization", and after, at will, you can turn on the disk.

A message will appear:

Ready! After a moment, your disk starts. Save images and other files from the Internet directly to the disk with the right mouse button - and you will never lose them again.

Spent each separate element I will not become, since everything is elementary.

Show panel bookmarks

If you often save pages in order to use them in the future, it will be logical to select "Always" or "only on the scoreboard".


Install the search engine that will be used in the Yandex browser. Default, of course, search from Yandex. But you can choose Goggle, Mail.Ru, Wikipedia or DuckduckGo.

When you start opening

I told about it in the article ,. But it's not difficult for me to repeat.

Many users close the browser without prior close open tabs. After the next launch of the web browser, these tabs are restored, or not restored, depending on the settings selected.

I, for example, noted the checkbox "Earlier open tabs"Since I do not want to bother with their restoration into manual.

When closing the tab

When do you close any tab where you get after this action?

Can choose:

  • I fall on the last active tab;
  • I fall on the next tab.

Position of the tab

In fact, I was not going to detailed settings browsers. Now, together with you, and maybe you already know. I learned that the open tabs of sites can be located not only horizontally at the top of the web browser, but also from the bottom.

Minimum tabl size

If you choose small, when 20 pages are open, all tabs will decrease in width and all of them will be visible in the upper or bottom panel.

Selecting "big", tabs on your width will remain standard and the arrogant will appear to the right to flip.


Next section "Notifications". You can immediately click "Turn off all notifications for 3 hours" and nothing will disturb you for 180 minutes.

And about what notifications are we talking at all?

To sort out this, click "Setting Notifications ...". My Yandex Mail and VKontakte account is displayed. That is, we regulate notifications in those accounts that are open in the browser.

User Profiles

I think that you used not only Yandex browser, but also by many others, Opera, Mozilla, Chrome, etc. So, to go to the Yandex browser and transfer all the bookmarks that were on another web browser to save the familiar setting, you need to click on the "Import Bookmark and Settings" button. Read more about transferring data in the article:

Opera, of course, not Yandex, but the situation is similar and carry out the parallel you will be able.

The "Add Profile" button allows you to create a new account. And clicking on "Delete Profile" you breed the synchronization parameters.

Default browser

This setting is familiar to many, it sometimes appears in the dialog box of some browsers. I used to have, for example, the default is Internet Explorer. And now, probably, too.

By default, it means that when you open some web file, I did not select which program to start, the Yandex browser will start.


In the settings, the parameter always works automatically turn on the turbo mode at a slow connection. You, if desired, can remove it, or turn on on an ongoing basis, and not only with a slow Internet connection.

Work with basic settings is completed. Now you can open the section additional settings. And as needed to change them.

Personal data

Before settings, there is a message:

The browser can use various web services that simplify work on the Internet. If you do not need these features, they can be disabled.

As I understood, configuring personal data allows you to clean the history of visits, block advertising, show tips, interact with Yandex when detecting failures.

Passwords and forms

AT basic settings The browser offers to remember the entered passwords on certain sites, thereby simplifying access to many accounts. But the level of safety drops greatly. If the computer is not only in your use, then remove the checkboxes from all parameters. Not so long ago there was a release.

Context menu

Yandex - the company gigant and its developers took care of convenient interfaceallowing you to receive information immediately.

In general, see what a cool chip has a yandex browser:

  • Highlight the word or proposal that interests you;
  • Click on the elder down near the "Find in Yandex" buttons and "Copy".
  • In falling context menu Information on the dedicated fragment will appear. That is, it will be displayed what would be displayed when recurring this request in the search engine.

To ensure that such a function remains, you must mark the items:

  1. "Show when selecting the" Find "and" Copy "button";
  2. "Show Fast Answers Yandex."

Important! The second item without the first does not work.

Web content

This settings block allows you to adjust the font size and page scale.

Other points leave unchanged, they will be useful.

Network, Languages \u200b\u200band region

Yandex.Browser uses to connect a proxy server settings installed on your device.

Proxyserver - First of all, it is remote serverwhen connecting a computer to proxyHe becomes a certain intermediary between your computer and the Internet.

The main language of your operating system is automatically used in the browser interface.

I think many somehow heard about the browser from Yandex. If only because it is offered to put it when you go to Yandex 🙂 I remember when he only appeared, I read a couple of rather non-flattering (the general leitmotif was such a chrome, but with a search from Yandex and without plugins). Of course, after that, a cross was put on the browser, and he did not interest me absolutely and quite while I suddenly (quite a long time later) did not see new Overview, Already at all in other paints. Yandex, it turns out, did not lose time with a gift, but improved its product. Therefore, the browser wrote already in the key that it is quite a "chrome compatible" project made on chromium databaseWith some additions over the interface, integration with Yandex services, as well as synchronization through an account on Yandex.

That's what it was interested. In general, the appearance of synchronization as such, I was looking forward to, since the step was obvious, and I, as the owner of several computers and devices, especially felt it. A few years ago, such an opportunity appeared in all popular browsers, which deprived me of peace. Why? No, not because of safety. Although there are some problems in this area, I wrote about this in the article "". For me, the main problem arose in the difference of preferences between desktops and mobile browsers. Yes, it will be discussed at all about some specific advantages and minuses, but about tastes, preferences and habits, but I think many will understand me.

What am I talking about? Yes, that I was a supported Firefox for a long time, however, the version of this browser for Android was not impressed with me. The interface seems to me uncomfortable, work with bookmarks is the same. I have great hopes at the exit mobile Chrome.. Even on the desktop, the ahead migrated to this browser, and a tablet on Android 4 is specifically for it ... only in order to detect - and this browser does not suit me in your mobile incarnation. And on Android, between those, I remained in favorites. Opera remained. But with her desktop version, mutual understanding was not evolving, despite several decisive attempts.

And so, picking recently in Google Play.I suddenly saw Yandex browser there. Waiting for seeing something familiar, but with integrated Yandex services, I installed a browser "to see" and was surprised when I saw a completely original solution. If the program is made on the basis of anything, to know the "parent" is not possible. The first thing that rushed into the eye, in the browser version for smartphones - the address line below. At first it confused me a little, but later the solution seemed to me comfortable and successful.

On the main screen are the "Tablo" - a set of "tiles" with the most frequently visited sites. However, you can add desired sites to add and manually. It looks all this very pretty.

In the same style, both work with bookmarks, which here, in my opinion, is quite successful. No separation on mobile and desktop bookmarks, as in some other bruises. Bookmarks are simply common and that's it. In my opinion this the best way. Yes, and access to them can be obtained in one tap. And of course synchronization. It works, and something else is even here and write difficult.

Special attention deserves the "Turbo" regime. It works as well as in Opera - traffic goes through Yandex servers, where it is compressed, which provides traffic savings and acceleration with a weak connect. Attention, item, it deserves not the regime, but what he knows how to turn on itself when the connection speed drops. In the address bar, an icon with a rocket appears. The effect of the mode is included is quite tangible, in general, I liked the idea.

After installing the browser, another interesting surprise was found on the tablet - during the search, the screen is divided into two parts, the search results remain in the left, and the pages on the links from them are opened. It is fantastically convenient, but it works only if you look for in Yandex. By the way, I must say to the credit of the developers that the default search engine can be changed - you can install as such Google, Mail.Ru, Wikipedia, well, and Yandex. Of course.

In general, the browser is quite interesting. By the way, he prompted me and on the desktop to go to Yandex products 🙂 Migration passed "without a bitch without a zadyrinka" - after installation, Yandex browser gently moved "to his senses" everything that was in Chrome - starting with bookmarks and ending with extensions and cookies. Everything was correctly moved and earned.

And after setting up the synchronization, which consists only that you need to enter a login and password from your account on Yandex, it earned and it. What made me finally the lucky owner of the same browser on all devices with synchronization.

Let's go to a spoonful of the tar. Unfortunately she is. And this is some "dampness" of programs. Especially mobile. For example, it has a parameter to "save the story", but I did not find the story itself. I was upset and a little chrome algorithm for building lyrics in one column (he, however, is labeled as beta, so I will be patient), and another browser starts for quite a long time, even at quite a decent "hardware". The desktop version presented surprises in a similar style. For example, she offered to include notifications about letters in my mailbox (on Yandex). I both answered in the affirmative, but I have not yet seen notifications. There is also a couple of such small troubles, but I sincerely hope that this is a matter of time. Otherwise, the browsers at the Yasha came out very good and working with them nice.

In 2015, Yandex Browser was installed in 6.29% of Runet users, and in 2017 this share was 15.41%. (OpenStat)

At the same time, the famous Google Chrome also increased his share all this time (now 56% in Runet), but at the expense of other browsers, and not Yandex.

Why do people choose Yandex browser and sometimes think that he is better than Google Chrome? Or Yandex just "Forsith" users to switch to it?

In this article, we will take a look at feedback and opinions, specificationsWell, I will express my personal opinion about this "observer".

Yandex Browser originally used the blink engine based on which many other browsers work, including chrome and opera after the 15th version.

So, in fact, the functionally the Yandex browser is not so much different from others when you set it in many ways do not even feel that something has changed, everything will be immediately intuitive in terms of the interface.

However, some things will be in the novelty for you, so today I first installed Yandex browser (I use Google Chrome for many years, after Opera) and decided to look at it as a new user. Well, as well as I read a lot of reviews and comparison it with Google Chrome about which we will talk too.

There is another reason to install a browser from Yandex, any webmaster must sometimes check how its site looks and running on other devices, as well as it works and looks on other browsers. If the share of Yanekenks browser is there, then some people can see at all some other site in case of some errors and sometimes it is worth establishing any other systems.

Therefore, for webmasters it is worth installing Yandex browser at least to see how their website works in it.

Battle of search engines

Let's start with the evidence. Search engines (Google / Yandex) impose users their products, including browsers. It is so obvious that I think it is useless to try to avoid this moment and silent it.

Make it both search engine is extremely disgusting.

When you are in Chrome and if you went to Yandex, you will constantly say that you make Yandex the main search, and also offer to install Yandex browser. But Google enters the same way, for example, when you go to the Google translator (Translate.Google), then there are also the same spikes - install our products.

Few people from users like it, but no one has canceled the war of the search engines of Yandex and Google for the runet, browsers in this war are the most important weapons. Who has a browser - the user in the search engine.

January 2010, Share Yandex 47.6% in the search. Google - 39.74% ()

January 2017, Share Yandex 47.75% in the search. Google - 46.71%

Yandex holds positions, but Google wins confidently pressing the proportion, although more at the expense of other little-known search engines (Mail.Ru, Rambler, Bing).

Google wins almost all over the world, and indeed national search engines There is far from everywhere, but only in a few countries, but also google comes there.

Maybe this is associated with the constant ease of Google and the minimalistic design, maybe Yandex went somewhere wrong, having placed the search for many of its services and other elements, but my personal opinion, for the quality of searching in Russian, Yandex is at least not inferior Google, And sometimes even surpasses.

For webmasters or copywriter, Yandex also plays an essential role.

Most people check the frequency of requests by, as a result, the test is also checked on Yandex.

If you make a good article under Yandex, you can be sure that both under Google will get up well, just in Google more important than references, and in Yandex PF.

Yandex.Browser or Google Chrome: Which one is better?

There is quite good comparison of Yandex and Google browsersYou can read the link, it is exactly what the technical moments are compared.

Here I will give only some excerpts and theses:

  • The start-up speed of browsers is practically no different;
  • The speed of downloading pages in Chrome is a little faster;
  • Using random access memory practically no different;
  • Browser settings are similar, but Yandex even has a little more;
  • Castomization - Yandex Browser is a little stronger;
  • Support for additions, Chrome is a little better, but Yandex has built-in and some more from Opera;
  • Privacy - both browser probably collect your personal data;
  • User Protection - Yandex Browser A little better;
  • Browser design - Yandex Browser is better configured.

As you can see Yandex browser is not so bad in many respects, but in general, in general, browsers are extremely similar to each other.

Personal impressions

Today I first installed Yandex browser after many years in Chrome and tell about personal impressions. In general, they are positive-neutral.

In general, almost everything in the browser is configured and it is nice.

But immediately and the jamb, I can not find my blog in the tape, although I was added there and seemed to be, well, who needs to be recommended a blog site through Zen first, how not to me? But no, for some reason it is not there, although before I noticed him in the ribbon.

This is not exactly the subject, but everything is rude and not good. Although a month from there, 160 visitors was, the quality of traffic is low, but will go.

Visually Yandex browser is quite

I don't like the main Yandex itself, as in general, I don't like that they embed news feed everywhere, but then Mail.Ru do. And Google on the phone. Now, in my phone, I generally went some permanent spam news from Google / Android.

AdBlock for Yandex Browser is built-in and already there, but Google only plans to embed it to his browser.

View of the site in Yandex Browser

Compare with Google Chrome:

View site in Google Chrome

Button "Go to Yandex Search" turns off if you want.

Well, it is clear that if you search through the address bar, different browsers Will look in your search, it will be obvious.

The same plus is still in what, Yandex browser will not call people eyes if there is no HTTPS on the site, but Chrome can drenob. Google forces everyone to change SSL.

All browsers in our time are free paid version Yandex browser does not exist, and there is only a free version.

What else? Pretty cool works for Yandex smart searchwhich complements you request. Yes, even sometimes better than Google, according to my feelings. This is if you drive into the Yandex browser via the address bar.

Personally, I have a serious problem for a long time with Chrome, namely, the consumption of RAM. The computer is not the newest and even a few browser tabs crush the memory as a hippos. Unfortunately, Yandex browser is waiting for the same way, as it is the same engine.

Now, if Yandex browser somehow solved this problem, it would be a serious competitive advantage, but with the same engine as a chrome did not do this, and if they write on your own, it will probably work slower.

Here are some such general impressions I, in general, key and root differences, I did not notice, all the various small in my opinion. Curious thing - mouse control, you can hold the right button and do some actions, it is convenient.

Here are some more arguments purely for Yandex browser, here I will copy the answer of one person who disassembled this:

  • Protection against WAP-Click. it paid serviceswhich are connected simply by clicking on the "Watch" or "Download" button
  • Built-in DNSCRYPT technology. Encrypts requests to a DNS server, and you can choose a third-party server for this, and not its provider.
  • Yandex.Browser is the only browser for Android, which supports the extensions from chromium. Not everything, of course, but many work.
  • When connected to open Wi-Fi Points Encrypt http traffic. Useful from shkolota with sniffers, bad admins and fake points.
  • Search by page takes into account the morphology of the Russian language. Useful when you know what you want to find, but do not remember the exact word form.
  • Omnibox normally understands the wrong layout and is generally very different from the analog in Chromium. Comparison:
  • There are much more settings for tabs than in Chromium:
  • Android version can carry your cache on the SD card.
  • Expansion: simultaneous support both Chrome Web Store and Opera Addons. Conveniently, if the extension is deleted from one directory.
  • Oh yeah, also I use the mouse gestures.