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Connecting car antenna triad. Outdoor car antenna

It is common to have a radio in your car. Driving without news or favorite music is a longing for a real car enthusiast. But there are drivers who spend 10-12 hours a day behind the wheel. To solve the problem, you need two things - with a built-in radio receiver and a high-quality receiver. We will not dwell on the first aspect, but an active one will help in solving the second problem.

The main types of car antennas

What are the features?

When it comes to choosing between a passive and an active antenna, it is enough to remember the features of the work and the advantages of the latter. We have already figured out that each antenna is capable of picking up an incoming signal. Another thing is to transform it and make it powerful enough for ideal. It is this task that the active antennas are equipped with.

The quality and power of the signal largely depends on a number of factors - the distance to the signal source, the terrain, and so on. For example, if the area around is flat, then the signal will arrive without any interference. In the presence of hills or mountains, the quality may deteriorate. Having an amplifier built into the antenna can correct the problem. In this case, the sound has high quality at different signal strength.

Video: Review of a parcel from China Active internal car antenna amplifier

By the way, passive antennas are not always effective even in urban conditions. A large number of concrete buildings with metal reinforcement at the base - all this obstructs the signal and can degrade the sound quality, and unnecessary noise will appear. An active car antenna copes with the task excellently here too.

Another nuance -. A simple automotive film contains a metal coating that shields the signal. If a passive indoor antenna is installed in the car, then good sound you can't wait. Of course, if the receiving device is outside, then such problems due to toning are excluded. In the case of an active antenna, you can safely tint the car and install the device in - the signal quality will always be decent.

Features of connecting an active car antenna

Unlike passive antennas, which simply plug into a jack, active devices require a more sophisticated approach. And here the task of the car enthusiast is to solve two problems:

  1. connect the antenna to the radio;
  2. power the amplifier from the on-board network.

Much depends on the antenna itself and its connector. For example, in modern devices, it is enough to insert the connector into the radio tape recorder. In this case, a signal is sent from the antenna to the radio tape recorder, and in the opposite direction (via another pair of wires) a voltage of 12 volts.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. More often you have to connect an active antenna yourself. There are two ways here:

  1. find a free space in the fuse box and power the device through your protective device (your own fuse);
  2. power the antenna from the most convenient place (you can take it from the receiver). But in this case, the voltage will be supplied to the antenna only when the ignition is turned on.

As for the installation of the device itself, there are no problems here. As a rule, active antennas are mounted on a magnet (roof mount) or on the windshield of a car. The second option is preferable for three reasons:

  1. firstly, there are no wires on the roof of the car;
  2. secondly, it just won't work;
  3. thirdly, fixing the antenna and connecting it takes much less time.

Video: Mounts for car antennas

Most active antennas have a dedicated button through which you can turn off or turn on the device. Why is this needed? If the car is in the city and the signal quality is high, then the additional amplification should be turned off. Otherwise, excessive gain can lead to interference. As soon as the signal is weakened (for example, when driving out of town), you can press the button and activate the amplifier.

By the way, an active car antenna also has a number of disadvantages:

  • firstly, excessive power can negatively affect the quality of the signal (if there is a button for switching to passive mode, this problem can be easily solved);
  • secondly, the cost of an active antenna is much higher than a passive one. But here it is already better to spend money once and no longer worry about poor sound quality.

Review of popular active car antennas

The modern market is quite rich in high-quality and very affordable devices. All that remains is to do right choice in relation to a particular model. At the same time, manufacturers are trying to keep up with the times and constantly improve the functionality of their devices. For example, modern active antennas are capable of receiving not only radio, but also TV signals.

If you choose from simple, high-quality and budget antennas, then a good option is the Triad antenna. Its advantage is full adaptation to operating conditions in Russia and the maximum range of received signals. At the same time, five different types of such antennas can be found on the market. It makes no sense to dwell on all of them - let's consider the advantages of the most popular model - "610 Standard". Many experts put the antenna on a par with such giants as Prolodzhi or Pioneer.

The main advantages of the Triad antenna include:

  • reduction of interference from the ignition system due to the presence of a double filter in the power system;
  • the presence of a powerful amplifier capable of optimizing signals of waves of various wavelengths (UHF and MV);
  • additional operating modes - "turbo" and "city". The first option must be activated when driving outside the city, where the signal is rather weak and needs to be amplified. The second mode ("city") is suitable for operation in a populated area when the signal quality is high enough.

The Triada 610 "Standard" antenna has a special radio splitter, with which you can enjoy high-quality television and radio reception.

Another popular device is the Skat antenna (installed inside the cabin). Unlike the previous device, this antenna is aimed exclusively at receiving radio signals. The product is manufactured by the AAC Engineering company. The peculiarity of the antenna is the minimum equipment and sale already assembled. This is very convenient, because all that is required of a car enthusiast is to fix the device on the windshield.

The main advantage of the Skat model is metal vibrators on the canvas, which are increasingly used on prestigious antennas. When installing the device, no special skills are required - only caution and accuracy. To process the installation site, a napkin is included.

Of the main technical parameters, it is worth highlighting:

  • high-quality assembly of the antenna, made by industrial methods;
  • high frequency Telefunken chip, which is the main active element and provides high-quality signal reception;
  • two modes of operation - for weak and strong signal;
  • the presence of protection against moisture, which guarantees the operation of the device for ten years or more;
  • performance at reduced voltage up to seven volts;
  • a high-quality filter allows you to connect and configure an antenna with any radio tape recorder.


Buying an active car antenna is the best way for the car enthusiast. These devices are reliable and easy to set up, and most importantly, they provide a high-quality signal.

Most often, the car antenna is already built into new car, and no need to worry about purchasing and installing it. But what if this device is not there or if it has expired and needs to be replaced? We will tell you what characteristics you should pay attention to when buying an antenna and how to install and connect it correctly.

Types of car antennas

Remember the main rule that will help you not to make a mistake in your choice: good antenna not the one that sellers praise, but the one that motorists speak positively about. Therefore, look for comments on the forums, and buy the antenna that, from the point of view of drivers, deserves the highest rating.

Knowing the types of antennas will help you better navigate, which, depending on the mounting location, are:

  • outdoor. Since they are located outside the car body, it does not interfere with signal reception, and at the output from the receiver you get more high quality sound... However, such antennas are susceptible to corrosion and other mechanical damage;
  • internal. Inside the car, they are protected from mechanical damage but does not always guarantee good sound reproduction.

Depending on the presence of an amplifier, a car antenna can be:

  • passive - a catching device that does not have an amplifier and is connected to a radio tape recorder through a shielded cable. Such antennas have a short range and are not capable of receiving TV and GPS signals, but these disadvantages are compensated for by the low price. This option will suit you if you plan to travel in a car exclusively around the city or in the immediate vicinity of it;
  • active - a device with a built-in amplifier. Due to the electronic filling, such antennas are higher in price, require power supply and are more laborious to install. But at the same time, they are more sensitive to wave oscillations and work where passive antennas are powerless.

By the way, active antennas are divided into ordinary (with their help you can only receive signals from radio stations), combined (picking up radio, television and navigation signals) and satellite (doing the same, but uninterruptedly almost anywhere in the world).

General installation rules

To bought antenna on auto earned, it needs to be installed and connected. It depends on how correctly you do it, whether you will have a clear sound in your cabin or crackling interspersed with breakthrough notes.

Car service specialists advise:

  • install the antenna at the highest point of the body. In the absence of such an opportunity, try that at least part of the device rose above the roof, this affects the quality of signal reception;
  • when attaching the antenna to the roof, place it in the middle;
  • antenna cable place away from electrical wiring, ignition system, engine and other electrical appliances: their electromagnetic radiation causes interference;
  • If you buy a device with a short cable, do not extend it yourself - this will negatively affect the signal transmission. Better exchange for another antenna with a longer wire;
  • If you come across a car antenna with a long cable, do not try to twist and fasten it - this will create interference and spoil the sound.

How to attach the antenna to the body, see the video:

How to connect an antenna?

After purchasing the device, be sure to study the instructions attached to it - it will describe in detail how to connect the device to the car audio system.

A passive car antenna requires less connection effort: all you have to do is run the cable from it to the radio. But remember:

  • it cannot be pulled tightly, otherwise you run the risk of being left without music after the next bump;
  • the wire must be shielded, otherwise you will hear nothing but crackling;
  • the connection to the audio system must be made with a plug. We do not recommend just connecting the stripped ends - they can fall out of the socket at any time or oxidize and "spoil" the sound.

Active car antenna, in addition to manipulating the cable connection, it will also require a connection to a power supply. Do not rush to throw it to the battery (we wrote about its purchase in the article "Choosing a car battery"). In this case, the antenna will work constantly and will serve as a source of additional battery charging leakage.

Better connect the antenna to the contact on the car radio connector or the ignition switch. In the first case, the device will turn on simultaneously with the radio, in the second - with the turn of the ignition key.

After the standard antenna on the Daewoo Nexia stopped moving in on its own to the end, and very annoying noises and crackling appeared during reception, and the sensitivity decreased noticeably, I no longer wanted to listen to the radio. But after some time, when the repertoire on disks and a flash drive set the teeth on edge, I wanted to listen to the latest news, and the chatter of the presenters, and even just wanted pop music, I realized that it was good car antenna is simply necessary.

In this article I will describe the problems and selection criteria antenna in car, as well as step by step and with photos I will show you how it went car antenna installation Blaupunkt A-R G 01-E.

So, in the beginning, the pangs of choice. I would like to antenna on auto and caught well, and was not very expensive, and to look decent. After spending N time thinking and searching the internet, I realized that active in-car antenna will be the best choice for me.

Pros: does not rust, does not wear out, does not violate aerodynamics, does not attract vandals and villains.

Cons: power is required, the sensitivity changes noticeably depending on the direction to the signal source and the impossibility of reuse (once glued - EVERYTHING).

Earlier, on VAZ 2108, I had it glued on my windshield car antenna bosch, which worked in tandem with the "Pioneer" car radio, I was quite pleased with the sensitivity and sound quality. But, as luck would have it, in stores " Bosch" I have not found, " Triad"As an option, I did not even consider it, and then a gray-blue package with the inscription" Blaupunkt»Cost 800 rubles. After reading the scant information on the box and in the instructions, I paid at the checkout and went to another store in the same building for the instrument, where, when examining the windows at the very bottom, I saw a painfully familiar box, of the same color with the same inscriptions, only on the label was written 585 rubles. Having remembered my rights, according to the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" I quickly returned my purchase without clarifying any relations, and in this store, for the same amount, I bought both the antenna and the socket I needed.

Installing a car antenna.

I will repeat once again: we will install an in-salon active antenna " BlaupunktFanLineA-R G 01-E. " in the car Daewoo Nexia N-100. But I want to add that the installation of this or another antenna of a similar design, for example, in a front-wheel drive VAZ or another car, will not differ very much. Since the antenna is glued, then, like the sapper, there is no room for error, as, in principle, there is nothing daunting. To begin with, we carefully study the instructions and consider the completeness.

I must admit that the leadership is very meager and, at first glance, not very clear, but together we will figure it out. To begin with, we cut out the installation triangular template from the packaging box along the cutting lines and

go to the car. The antenna can be installed on the windshield in two positions: in the middle, at the top of the glass (the mustache is symmetrical) or in the upper right corner (the mustache is at an angle of approximately 90 °). In the first version, the antenna sensitivity will be higher, the second is more suitable for the city, where selectivity is more important.

We decided on the installation site. I will put it at the top in the middle. In order for the antenna cable to be invisible after installation, it must be placed under the headliner. To do this, remove the cover, the sun visors and the right A-pillar trim.

Using a small flat screwdriver, remove the diffuser glass from the grooves, and then, using the same screwdriver, bending back the latches, remove the plafond body from the ceiling sheathing. The sun visors and the handle above the passenger door are attached with self-tapping screws, we turn them off with a Phillips screwdriver. Then we remove the rubber seal from the upper part of the opening of the right front door, the decorative strip is held on by the latches (to remove, starting from the top, we pull the cover with our left hand, and with the right tip of a screwdriver we pry it near the latches). The sheathing can now be moved away from the roof and cables can be routed underneath.

We thoroughly clean the windshield at the antenna location from dirt and grease using detergents, a damp cloth and wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

We proceed to gluing (do not forget about the sapper, and cut it off seven times, measure one 🙂). In the cut-out triangular template we insert the case cover, intended for gluing to the glass, select the installation location so that the top of the triangle is on the upper edge of the glass, and the base is parallel to the roof line, remove protective film, and, pressing it tightly to the glass, glue it. In order for the antenna antenna "mustache" to be evenly placed, glue the spacer templates from the installation kit (white stripes made of adhesive paper).

We begin to glue the mustache by installing the contact terminal in place (on the pin of the housing cover), then removing the protective film in small sections, guided by the templates, glue the antenna sheet without touching the adhesive layer with your fingers. IMPORTANT. The temperature of the glass surface must be at least 15 ° C.

We put the body on the latches, fix it using the smaller self-tapping screw from the installation kit. We lay a grounding cable up to the metal of the body and fix it with a self-tapping screw to the roof amplifier, lubricating it with anti-corrosion grease from the installation kit. My car had a suitable hole from the factory (no drilling required). It is imperative to fix the grounding, without it the antenna sensitivity is an order of magnitude lower, and the amplifier may fail.

We lower it down the counter, gluing pieces of double-sided tape in the right places.

We pass the cable through the gap under the dashboard and lead it to the installation site of the receiver (radio). When laying the cable, we do not allow loops, sagging, strong tensions and touches to sharp corners and edges. We carry out the installation and fastening of the removed parts in the reverse order, but it is better to do this after checking the operation of the antenna.

Car antenna connection.

On the vast majority of car turntables, manufacturers provide the ability to supply power to the antenna. The pinout of the wires can be seen on the sticker located on the radio case.

In our case, this is a blue wire, we connect it to the red power wire of the antenna, and the plug is connected to the receiver socket.

For reliability (electrical and mechanical) I wrap the connection with electrical tape. We connect the connector to the receiver and check the operation. If everything is normal, the LED on the antenna will light up. After that, we glue the decorative overlay.

This is how the antenna looks unobtrusively and stylishly in the dark, by the way, the backlight can be turned off using the toggle switch located at the bottom of the antenna housing.

I post the video. With the old antenna in this place, one station was confidently received, now six are well received, the seventh with a bang.

P.S / I never cease to be amazed at the entrepreneurial spirit of the inhabitants of the "Celestial Empire", they created a radio signal amplifier that can be installed in any car, literally in 5 minutes without altering anything and turn any antenna (standard, self-installed) into an active one, or add sensitivity to the same active one. As you can see from the photo, the plug of the amplifier is inserted into the receiver socket intended for the antenna, the antenna plug into the counterpart of the amplifier, we supply +12 v power to the blue wire, and you can try. Judging by the number of orders and the high rating of reviews, the product is clearly worth its 212 rubles.

On your favorite radio station when traveling. For example, in big cities, music allows you to pass the time in traffic jams. Everyone knows that in order to enjoy your favorite radio station in a car, a special antenna for the car must be installed. The quality of the reproduced radio signal depends on the correctness of its choice upon purchase and the appropriate place during installation. A long antenna is not always a guarantee of good sound, since it can be rolled up into a ring and installed in a completely inappropriate place.

At the domestic car market, you will come across antennas for cars. Between themselves, they can differ in external form, in terms of cost and method of attachment to the machine, common to all is compliance with stringent requirements for electrical, mechanical and operational parameters.

General installation rules

If you decide not to use the services of a car service and install the antenna yourself, then wherever you decide to place it, you must adhere to some simple rules:

  • antenna at the highest point of the vehicle;
  • as much of it as possible should be above the roof (this will improve the signal);
  • the antenna should be installed in the geometric center of the surface on which you place it;
  • the antenna cable should be located as far as possible from sources of sound interference (ignition wire, electromagnetic devices);
  • the supply cable must be securely connected to the body;
  • do not change the length of the standard cable that comes with the kit;
  • be careful not to damage the cable.

A set of these simple rules will greatly facilitate your installation, and most importantly, save you from the problem. Knowing the sharp corners in advance, it is always easier to get around them.

Features during installation

In addition to the installation rules, you should also be aware of some of its features. So, correct installation antenna on the car guarantees a good signal range. Interference can be caused by the engine ignition system. To avoid them, try to place it away from the engine. It is best if the antenna is powered by a rechargeable battery or. The wire to the car body should not be very long and thin.

The absence of interference in the future is also indicated by the noise level of the receiver, which does not change when the engine is turned on, provided that the antenna is turned off. Wherever you place the antenna, it should make good contact with the body. Therefore, installing it in a hole in the body, clean the paint near this hole, mounting it on the bracket - see if there is a good electrical connection between it and the body of the car.

Also, when installing, it is worth considering the type of antenna, for example, a TV antenna for a car is more susceptible to various external factors. The interference caused by it will affect not only the sound quality, but also the picture quality. On the other hand, its advantage is evident.

Mounting options

Of course, you have the right to install the antenna in any place convenient for you on the car. In this case, it is worth considering that, most likely, she will be there only for beauty and will not bring any benefit.

So, experts offer six options for antenna placement:

  • on the roof;
  • on the front fender;
  • on the trunk lid;
  • on the rear bumper;
  • on the bracket;
  • magnetic antenna.

Roof mounting

This is a great option because the antenna picks up the signal from all directions with this arrangement. For the roof, it is best to purchase a shortened post with an extension coil.... In this case, it is worth accepting a hole in the ceiling of the car, since the cable and connector will be located. However, this has its own plus: the cable will not be interrupted and oxidized, which will ensure more reliable and durable operation of the communication system.

At self-assembly Roof antennas, drivers often make the same mistake - they install it “without mass”. In doing so, they use two truths: securely fasten and set high. The result of such an installation is the installation of the antenna on a structure that does not come into contact with the car body, is cut into the plastic, or is specially isolated from the body in order to securely hold it.

Antenna on the roof of a car "without mass" is great amount interference, poor signal quality and short range.

To correct the lack of mass will help the laying of the "mass" vein. But here, too, there are some peculiarities. These cores can have a significant impact on the circular pattern and matching. They should be laid only when absolutely necessary.

Front fender mounting

With this arrangement, the maximum of the radiation pattern is oriented backward. This one is very simple and lightweight. The front fender can be used to mount both the car radio antenna and the CB transceiver.

Here you should also beware of the possibility of installation "without mass", that is, getting on the plastic section of the car.

Trunk mounting

This option provides for the orientation of the maximum of the radiation pattern forward. A full-size quarter-wave antenna is perfect for this. It will have excellent range and no interference.

Rear bumper mounting

This arrangement is the least advantageous in terms of signal quality. The fact is that the maximum of the directional diagram here is oriented immediately to both sides of the car, it is unstable. The advantage is easy mounting and dismounting of the antenna, which does not require drilling a hole in the antenna.

Bracket mounting

Often used by car enthusiasts who don't want to make a hole in the body of their four-wheeled friend. At the same time, the transmission quality suffers slightly. However, the range of an antenna mounted in this manner is poor. A significant drawback of such an installation is the fragility of the cable, which is located on the street and is constantly exposed to various external influences. This type of mounting requires the purchase of a bracket, which is an additional investment in addition to the antenna. By the way, it is not always possible to find a suitable bracket for a car.

This type of mounting also requires careful selection of the location for the bracket.

Magnetic antenna

This antenna is installed on the car in a few seconds. Its radiation pattern can be called perfectly circular. The disadvantages include interference caught from, damage to paintwork, short communication range.

Antenna Care

Simply installing an antenna and enjoying its benefits is not enough. It needs to be looked after like any other part of your car. It is necessary to ensure that the pin does not loosen, the contacts do not oxidize, the mass is not lost due to the oxidation of the fasteners, the cable does not fray, does not leak.

Thus, antennas are a guarantee of high-quality reception and good range. If you are probably not sure where it can be installed on your car, then it is best to turn to professionals for help.

What is this service?

The quality of signal reception largely depends on the choice of the type of car antenna, the place of its installation, and compliance with the connection rules. Antennas are classified:

  • radio-, TV antennas, communication antennas;
  • passive and active;
  • external and internal.

In some car models (now it is extremely rare), retractable antennas are used. In most cases, motorists purchase a standard kit for installing the antenna: directly the antenna module, fasteners, high-frequency shielded signal cable, connector. In order to properly install the antenna, it is necessary to choose the right installation site, connect the high-frequency cable in strict accordance with the instructions, and make a reliable connection with the signal receiver.

Qualified installing the antenna on the car ensures its trouble-free operation and flawless operation of the receivers. The work is carried out in a place convenient for the client, where he calls the master by phone. This service provides for a number of operations:

  1. Preparation of the product and the vehicle for the installation of the device.
  2. Antenna installation in strict accordance with the instructions.
  3. Laying the cable and connecting the product to the receiver and, if necessary, to the on-board network.
  4. Checking the performance of the device.

The process of installing an automobile antenna depends on its type: internal or external, as well as the design features of the vehicle. Our masters have the necessary skills to install and switch both types of devices from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Installation and connection of an internal active antenna

Products of this kind are popular with motorists and are characterized by a fairly high sensitivity. When installing in-cabin active antennas, the wizard performs the following steps:

  • Inspects the product and the car and agrees with the customer on the installation location on the windshield.
  • Marks and prepares the surface for the installation of the antenna.
  • Sticks the device and carries out the cable routing to the receiver.
  • Connects the device and checks its functioning.

On modern cars, in addition to radios and televisions, navigators of various standards are widely used. Our experts know for sure where to installGPS antenna in the car, to ensure stable operation of the device. Installation is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Outdoor antenna installation

External devices that ensure the operation of radio and television receivers have better sensitivity than in-cabin devices. The service technician "My Mechanic" can give expert advice how to install a mortise antenna on a car and connect it correctly. The sequence of mounting the device is as follows:

  • Determination of the installation site and its coordination with the customer.
  • Performing preparatory operations.
  • The actual installation of the antenna.
  • Connecting it to the receiver and checking its functioning.

Cooperation with our company ensures the correct installation of antennas different systems with preservation of warranty obligations.

Keep in mind

The choice of antenna type depends on the nature of your travel. If the car is used within urban and suburban areas, it is better to choose a passive whip antenna medium length that works well in a good reception environment. For long trips, work in remote from big cities settlements, choose an active antenna. It has a built-in signal amplifier. Typically, such antennas are made in-car design to prevent moisture from entering the antenna amplifier. However, when entering a city, crossing power lines, such an antenna can be "clogged" by external interference.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation site of the antenna:

  1. If there is a regular antenna mounting place (usually in the front of the roof), it is better to install the antenna in the existing screw connector, this will simplify the work;
  2. If there is no standard connector, it is recommended to install the antenna as close to the central axis of the car as possible;
  3. Attention should be paid to the placement of the sunroof on the roof of the car, the antenna wires should not interfere with moving mechanisms;
  4. The signal will be maximum with the shortest high-frequency cable; it is not recommended to install the antenna at the rear of the car.

Most common reason Antenna replacement is the purchase of a new radio tape recorder or the installation of another receiving device. In this case, to ensure the highest quality reception, it is necessary to resort to the services of a specialist.