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IPhone 6 won't charge when the phone is on. IPhone won't charge

Various difficulties when trying to charge the battery often arise among iPhone owners. The most common problems are the lack of a charge indication, the battery's immunity to charge, the inability to connect the plug to the socket, but sometimes a very specific problem appears in which the iPhone charges only when it is turned off. Why this happens and how to cope with such a nuisance if it happened to your smartphone, our article will tell you. But first, we note that there are several sources of this problem, and in some cases the user can solve them on his own without resorting to the help of a repair shop.

Oddly enough, if the iPhone charges only when it is off, then the accessories, or rather their malfunctions, may be to blame for the problem. Does your device charge exclusively when it is turned off? Maybe by itself Charger out of order - this happens quite often. To find out if this is the source of the problem, you just need to try charging the gadget with another device. If the process goes well, you need to turn on the device, and if after that everything remains the same, then it was a malfunction of the previous charging.

And if the process has not started, most likely, there are serious breakdowns inside the iPhone 4S (or any other phone model), for example, the charge controller often breaks down. In such a situation, only specialists can help. The gadget will need to be taken to the repair, where the master will open the case and replace the failed part with a new one. Doing it yourself, especially in the absence of all kinds of experience, is highly discouraged, since all parts inside the case are very fragile. In addition, you need to know the algorithm for assembling and disassembling the device so that each part always remains in its place.

One more method should be mentioned, which will allow us to make a preliminary conclusion that the source of the problem is still the iPhone itself. You need to connect the gadget to another phone from Apple, and if the first one starts charging, then it’s a matter of itself.

Deciding to buy new charge for iPhone 4S or another version of the gadget, make sure that it is an original accessory. If you will be using compatible devices. The warranty for the repair of the device will most likely be lost. In addition, it is often the use of such chargers that causes breakdowns. Of course, such accessories are much cheaper. But is it worth the risk in order to subsequently overpay for repairing a smartphone that could have been avoided?

As the practical experience of many Apple phone owners has shown, non-original accessories often cause various breakdowns of the phone. In particular, batteries and charge control circuits fail.

Checking the battery and installed software

The problem of charging the iPhone only when it is turned off can be associated with the battery itself, which loses its quality after prolonged use. And the only solution in this case is to leave the device charging overnight. Perhaps, by the morning, the battery will at least partially restore its functionality. But this, of course, will be a temporary way out of the situation, and not a solution to the problem. Sooner or later, the battery will have to be replaced.

If the iPhone charges only when it is turned off, the reason may be the presence of a large amount of software causing increased energy consumption in excess of the charge current. Because of this, the charging process cannot proceed normally when the device is turned on, and in the shutdown state, nothing prevents the battery from charging. To fix this problem, the user should delete rarely used programs from the smartphone's memory, and then test the charger operation again.

1 Reset the system settings to factory defaults. Sometimes this can help restore all the functions of the device. 2 Carry out an update of all programs, which often leads to the fact that the iPhone starts to work in normal mode. 3 Carefully inspect the charger cable - it may be damaged. 4 Test charging using a computer to determine the malfunction of the phone itself and its internal components, if any.

But if none of the advice helped, it is better to hand over the iPhone, which is under warranty, back to the store where it was bought or exchange it for a new one. And if the warranty period has already expired, you need to contact an authorized repair shop.
Now you know why the iPhone charges only when it is turned off, and what to do in such situations. And then we will analyze the rules of competent charging of devices from Apple.

Rules for charging an iPhone competently

To charge your "apple" gadget never fails, you need to know and follow certain rules for recharging the device. By the way, this is so important that a separate page is devoted to this issue on the manufacturer's resource on the Internet.

So, these rules read as follows:

1 Do not charge the battery under extreme temperature conditions, specifically when the thermometer falls below -40 or rises above +50 degrees Celsius. 2 Use only the original accessory (at least a certified USB cable). Why this is so important, let's take a look at specific example... If the charge voltage of a lithium-ion battery is increased by only 4-5%, then it will begin to lose capacity 2 times faster with each cycle. To avoid this, in network adapter from the manufacturer, a PMIC controller was built directly into the phone itself, which controls the charging factors and does not allow the values ​​to go beyond acceptable limits. These are the values ​​of temperature, voltage and current. 3 Never allow the battery of the gadget to be completely discharged (up to 0%). 4 Do not charge the device to 100%. 5 Once a month you need to discharge your gadget to 100%.

The most optimal temperature range, according to Apple, is 16-22 degrees, and a risky value is above + 35 degrees, at which it is highly discouraged to charge the gadget. Overheating of the case has a strong negative effect on the battery, quickly reducing its resource and leading to early breakdown.

But, of course, no one thought to literally understand these tips and walk with a thermometer in their hands all the time. It is enough to avoid direct sunlight on the device, do not leave the phone in the car in hot weather, and do not charge it under the pillow. Compliance with these simple rules will help you increase the life of the battery.

In Chinese adapters (so-called "nouns"), such a controller is not always present. In this regard, the output voltage can be very high and will lead to a burnout of the power controller, and then to a complete failure of the battery.

Therefore, the advice here is very simple - always use only original accessories.

If the user often does this, the battery will deplete much faster. The fact is that the operation of batteries is based on cycles (1 cycle = full consumption of 100% battery capacity), and every time the owner of the iPhone discharges it completely, he accelerates the "death" of the battery.

This action does not significantly affect the battery life, but it is highly undesirable nonetheless. Of course, the built-in controller mentioned above will prevent the device from overheating. But the period autonomous work the gadget will be significantly reduced.

Users are advised to leave the device under charging overnight. With this approach to the process, the battery will be charged for at least a day with the user's active work, without additional recharging, for 2 years.

It is difficult to describe the chemical reactions that take place in an iPhone battery, we only note that the battery ages over time, which is manifested in a decrease in its capacity. Failure to follow the rules of operation by the smartphone user also contributes to the failure of the battery. And over time, all this leads to the fact that the controller loses the ability to accurately determine the battery charge level, and, as a result, the device turns off even at a charge level of 1% or more.

To calibrate the controller and bring the battery indicator back to normal, the phone must be completely discharged. But do it, by Apple advice it is necessary no more than once every 30 days.

In conclusion, we note that each iPhone user usually approaches the process of charging his device in his own way. A single scheme cannot suit everyone, since everyone has their own rhythm of life and the like. Remember that the battery will age. Even if you don't use the gadget at all. But at least a little (not strictly) to adhere to the above rules, developed by the manufacturer itself, is still worth it in order to maximize the "life" of the battery of your smartphone.

If the iPhone charges only when it is turned off, does not respond to recharging when it is turned on, do not rush to change the smartphone battery or buy a charger. First, try to find out the cause of the breakdown and fix it yourself. When the iPhone does not charge or the charging level increases too slowly, of course, the cause may be a cable breakage, but similar malfunctions can occur under other circumstances.

The most common problems when connecting charging

Despite the fact that the iPhone is considered a very reliable device, various breakdowns can occur during use. They most often show up when you charge your iPhone.

The most common battery problems are:

  • The iPhone charges only when it is turned off
  • iPhone charges very slowly when not turned on (off) or on
  • the display shows the status "Not charging"
  • the percentage of charging does not exceed some value, n
  • the error "The cable is not certified" is issued

Problems with iPhone charging poorly can be varied. You can determine the malfunction yourself by following certain steps.

The main causes of the malfunction

When an iPhone doesn't charge well or runs out of power very quickly, many owners start looking for the cause in a faulty smartphone battery or cable. However, you may have completely serviceable original components, do not rush to change them.

Common reasons why a smartphone charges only when it is turned off are:

  • software malfunction
  • ingress of dust and other small particles into the device
  • defective USB port
  • using a non-original cable, battery
  • insufficient voltage in the mains

To restore an iPhone, you need to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown by analyzing the features of the manifestation of the malfunction. You can independently understand why the iPhone is charged only when it is turned off, and you can only determine how to fix the problem by sequential manipulations.

What to do when there is no battery power

If your device doesn't charge when you connect your iPhone to a working power supply or USB connector, there could be many reasons.

Try to fix the problem in the following ways:

  • turn off and reconnect iPhone to power source
  • if the iPhone is completely discharged, leave it in the switched off state on recharging for about half an hour
  • put your smartphone on charge from another outlet or USB port

If the listed actions do not give a positive result, the cable or the original battery may be faulty. Check the integrity of the wire, and if damage is found, purchase a new charger.

What to do if the battery is charging slowly

The new device charges quickly enough at first. However, after a certain period of time, many iPhone owners notice that the battery level increases very slowly.

If your iPhone is charging very slowly, you can use a higher power adapter to get started, or try the following methods:

  • try charging your smartphone using a different USB port
  • check the Lightning port for visible mechanical damage
  • Determine the integrity of the smartphone charging cable

If you carry your iPhone without protective cover in your pants pocket or purse, try cleaning the connector from dirt and dust. This can be done with an ordinary toothpick. However, be careful when performing mechanical actions, do not damage Lightning.

What to do if the status is "No charging"

When smartphones and other Apple equipment are charging, you can see the charging indicator in the upper right corner. If, during the process of recharging the gadget, you find that power is not being supplied, a source of greater power is required.

To avoid such problems, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • charge the gadget only with original power adapters manufactured by Apple and included with the smartphone
  • If the device does not charge when you plug the cable into the computer, use a power source with higher wattage
  • do not charge your smartphone with external USB adapters from third parties

Only using original accessories for iPhone, you can be sure that the power source is sufficient to recharge the device.

How to remove from the screen the inscription "accessory or cable is not certified"

IPhones latest models they know how to recognize genuine USB cables, because the manufacturer began to install a special chip in the plug. However, today you can take the risk of buying, so to speak, "propped" charger, made by the Chinese. But a fake will not be able to provide the proper speed of recharging the battery and can lead to serious damage.

If the display shows “accessory or cable not certified”:

  • turn the cable off and on again
  • if the problem recurs, use a charging cable that you are sure of originality
  • try to update software(it may have crashed)
  • reboot your smartphone

When using a non-original cable, do not be surprised if you see the phrase “this cable or accessory is not certified” on the screen of your device. The manufacturer quickly determines what type of cable is used and removes the warranty if a Chinese counterfeit is used.

How to restore the recharge function if components are faulty

Sometimes Apple smartphones won't charge due to faulty internal components of the device.

The lack of charging may be due to the breakdown of such gadget elements:

  • battery
  • power controller
  • connector for charging the device

If the iPhone charges only when it is turned off or does not fully respond to charging, and independent actions did not lead to the restoration of the device, seek help from experienced specialists.

Smartphones have become life companions, no matter can be solved without the help of these electronic assistants. Calls, internet, useful applications, all on them. Sometimes it happens that the battery life of the device begins to rapidly decrease. Turning from 20 hours to 9, then 3, and in the end, the iPhone charges only when it is turned off. Why this is happening and what to do to return the device to combat readiness, we will tell in this article. Let's start with the methods that you yourself can do at home, if it does not help, then the uncle master from the nearest service center will help.

How can you tell if your iPhone is charging when it is turned off? It is easy to do this, if you see such a picture, it means that energy gets to the board of the device, but it does not mean that the battery is being charged.

If you see this picture, most likely with a charger, cable or lightning connector, something is wrong.

Below we will analyze what steps to take and how to reanimate the gadget with minimal cost... Let's get started.

Checking the memory

For starters, if the iPhone charges in the off state only up to 4-20 percent, it is worth checking the charger on another device. It is quite possible that:

  • The wiring in the cable is broken - the current strength in this case is significantly reduced, not allowing the battery to be charged to the prescribed 100%.
  • The electronics in the charger unit is burnt out, again, the current will be significantly reduced. Repair is powerless here, it is better to immediately buy a new charger for iPhone 6.
  • The lightning plug is loose or the IC on the cable is damaged (yes, yes, there are chips in the iPhone laces).

It is quite simple to check whether a working charger is working, we take a working charger from friends / neighbors / lovers and connect it to our unfortunate device. The iPhone chirped happily, notifying about the arrival of energy in the battery, then we run after a new, preferably original charger.

You can also buy Chinese ones, but not the cheapest ones, there is a chance that you will find yourself on high-quality products. But there remains a large percentage that you will get counterfeit, for big money, not able to fully charge the battery of the gadget. Among other things, counterfeits can damage the power controller of the device, and this is a 100% hit on the services of service centers.

We clean the connector

You can try to clean the connector, it often becomes the reason that the iPhone boots up and only works on charging. To do this, take an ordinary cotton swab and carefully, without fanaticism, clean the place where the lightning plug is connected.

Examining the cable

Now let's take a closer look at the cable itself. There should be no kinks and kinks on it, if they are present, we try to change the wire, taking it from a neighbor for a while. in 80% of cases, the culprit is he, if so, feel free to send the lace to the trash bin, repair is not advisable, even if it is an original accessory that comes with the phone.

The screen says "Accessory is not supported or certified"

  1. Try to reconnect the lace with the other side, it sometimes works.
  2. Broken or broken wire.
  3. You have ignored the advice to clean the connector.
  4. You have a cheap Chinese fake, throw it away and go to the store again.

Close and uninstall applications

After several years of labor for the benefit of the user, the smartphone battery may no longer provide the required amount of energy. Then a situation arises, the iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus can only be charged in the off state. Before opening the case of the device, we will try to turn it on while charging, even if the iPhone is not charging while it is on. In this mode, we will close and remove the "energy eaters" - applications that consume energy in the background. Let's reboot the device and see the reaction.

If it helped, great, you have to replace the battery, it didn’t help - it doesn’t matter, read the article further. But in any case, you ended up, at least, to replace the battery, at worst, to replace the power controller and everything that will be sentenced to replace the master.

Factory reset iPhone and update iOs

This measure will allow you to restore working capacity in 20% of cases, most likely the case is different, but as a measure before replacing the battery, it is worth trying, at least make sure 100% that it is in it.

How to properly reset to factory settings, read in this article, how to update, read here.

Why can the iPhone only charge when it is turned off? This question remains to be asked to the moderating battery, this will be the final and saddest part of the article. Sad because you have to leave the house and spend money on smartphone repairmen.

Reanimate the battery

Battery problems are familiar to all owners. cell phones, iOs or Android, it doesn't matter. Over time, the substance of the battery begins to "deteriorate", the more charge-discharge cycles, the less the electric capacity becomes and the faster the smartphone sits down. Usually, the "death" of the battery occurs in 3-4 years of operation, the number of cycles exceeds 500-700 and problems begin. One of them is that the iPhone can only be charged when it is turned off. Now, in order, what is worth checking and where to put your hands.

After checking the charger and the accessories adjacent to it, perhaps even replacing them with new ones, removing all not required applications and generally turning off the smartphone, but all the same, the iphone is charged only when it is off, then we proceed to a more difficult stage.

The ideal option would be to purchase a new battery and install it instead of the damaged one (I will attach a video on how to replace it), but this is not always realistic due to circumstances and the user's lack of repair experience.

The only option is to leave the unfortunate iPhone turned on all night, this is unlikely to help restore the device and the battery in it, but it's worth a try.

It is advisable to resuscitate a non-removable iPhone battery not at home, but even better, it will be given to be torn apart by experienced people who know a lot about the safety and high-quality repair of mobile phones.


To summarize, I can say that if the first sections of this article did not help you, then you will not be able to find the answer to the question of why the iPhone charges only when it is in a disconnected state on your own. I recommend contacting service center, where for adequate money they will help to revive an electronic friend. Your intervention is likely to increase the cost of repairs. Be careful and careful, and everything will work out.

Smartphone owners often have problems with charging batteries. There is no indication of the charge, the battery does not accept a charge, there are difficulties with connecting the plug to the socket. Owners of Apple devices often have another problem - the iPhone charges only when it is turned off. Why is this happening and how to deal with it? It should be noted that you can deal with some breakdowns on your own, but with others you will have to go to a service center.

Why does the iPhone only charge when it is turned off? It is possible that the problem is related to a malfunction of the charger used - they often fail, stopping charging user gadgets. How to check the health of the charger? To do this, you need to try to find another charger and connect it to your iPhone. If charging has started, we try to turn on the smartphone - if the charger is working properly, charging should also go on.
Why iPhone won't charge - 7 reasons

If the charging process has not started, then the problem lies in the smartphone itself - there is a high probability of a breakdown in the charge controller... In this case, the iPhone should be taken to an authorized service center, where service specialists will take care of it. Another way to check the health of your smartphone is to connect your charger to another iPhone - if it starts charging, then the problem is with the iPhone.
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