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Where in Yandex expansion. Yandex Browser - Extensions and Topics Suitable from Chrome, and the functionality is even superior

Recently released by the popular Russian search engine, suspiciously similar to Google Chrome.. And this is not surprising, since both programs are based on open browser Chromium. The consequence of this is that extensions for Yandex browser are suitable for the same as used in Chrome browser.

Installing extensions in Yandex Browser

To set extensions to Yandex browser, it is enough to go through it on the page of the online store chrome and repeat all the actions that you perform when installing extensions in chrome. Everything is done absolutely similarly, as Yandex Browser and Chrome is essentially the same browser.

For those who do not have experience in this matter, we will analyze the installation of extensions in Yandex Browser in detail:

2. Go to the online store Chrome (link above)

3. Select extensions Using the left menu

4. Install the expansion
After selecting the desired extension by clicking on it, and get to the installation page.

Here we see the tabs on which you can see more information:

  • Overview
  • Details
  • Reviews
  • Similar to

Installation is performed using the "Set" button in the upper right side of the screen. Click on this button and agree with the installation. That's actually, the extension is set to Yandex browser. How to make Yandex start pageth in the browser is written.

Extensions Management in Yandex Browser

To access extension management, you need to go to the browser setting using a button with gear in the upper right corner.

When you click on this button, the drop-down menu appears in which we must select the item.

And on the next page click on the "Expansion"

After that, we get to the Yandex browser extension management page.

Here we see all the extensions installed with us, which we can disable, include, delete, etc. From this page, it is very easy to go to the Google Chrome online store, for this you need to click on the link "View in the gallery" Opposite any plugin.

Any browser can be upgraded, make it more functional and convenient, for this there are extensions for the Yandex browser.

These extensions are small programs that are embedded in the browser and perform a specific function, such as downloading video or music from sites, where it is not provided for, for free.

Install them is very simple. To do this, go to the extension store, find the desired extension on the name and click the Set button.

How to find and install extensions

  • Click on the "Settings" button (in the picture below is collapsed in green), and then go to the "add-ons" (circled in red).

  • As for how to see all available extensions, it is done by pressing the button. "Application Catalog". To see it, you need to scroll down the page.

  • In the upper right corner there will be a search string. There you need to enter the extension name, for example, "adblock", and press the "ENTER" button on the keyboard.

  • Each add-on has its own page where the Set button is located. Accordingly, we only need to go to the page and click on the button.

So, we figured out how to add any addition. Now consider what extensions are available for Yandex browser.

Extensions for VK

The most important application in this section is called "VKontakte Music". It allows you to easily download music files from this social network.

There is another similar application, only there the music is downloaded from Mail.Ru, and other similar sites.

It works this addition to download music is very simple - first on the play button you need to click on the right mouse button, after which the file download icon appears in the upper right corner of the browser.

For VKontakte there are many more applications, for example, to add new stickers that are not in standard setTo constantly know all the news even in the offline mode (VKFOX) and much more.

This site is now very popular!

Tip! As for how to open the entire list of possible applications for this social network, To this end, you need to simply write "VC" or something like that. As a result, we will see what is shown in the picture below.

Lock advertising on sites

Undoubtedly one of best applicationsthat allow you to completely remove all advertising on sites, is Adblock. It can be installed in the manner described above.

But the problem is that in the search results for the Yandex browser extensions, you can not always see correct results.

Therefore, you can simply go to the official extension site, where there will be a large button "Set".

After that, the addition will be installed. You can see it on the icon in the upper right corner. By the way, this extension can be installed for work not on all sites.

As for how to enable or how to turn off Adblock for a specific site, it is done by pressing the same program icon in the upper right corner of the browser.

By clicking on it, you should click on the inscription "Included on this site" (Applied green in the photo below).

After that, the program will turn off.

There are other additions that help answer the question as to how to remove advertising. For example, it is.

It is installed on all browsers, as the full-fledged.exe file is downloaded.

Extensions for download

There are so many extensions that allow you to download music, video and other content from various sites, for example, with YouTube.

It works very simply - after installation on all sites, where you can download anything at least, the "download" buttons appear and, if possible, "download HD", as shown in the picture below.

The same feature executes FVD Video Downloader, but only for video content.

Only after it is installed in the upper right corner, the characteristic blue color arrow appears (in the photo it is circled in green) by clicking on which you can choose which quality should download videos.

In general, using the search in Google, you can find great amount Such applications, all of which are in the extension store. Choose what you will enjoy the most.

Highly interesting application "Aliexpress Tools", which can greatly simplify the lives of those people who are buying something on

The fact is that there is such a society as "analist", which is engaged in checking sellers and accompanied parcels.

So, they released their extension, which allows:

  • Instantly see feedback from the base Alitrast;
  • Seller check results;
  • Have a more convenient search menu;
  • See news with

Also an interesting expansion - WOT (Web of TRUST). It allows you to see the opinions of other users about each of the sites and give him an assessment itself.

Very interesting and non-standard thing, which allows you to instantly learn the opinion of other WOT users not on the forums, but directly on the same site.

Extension removal button in Yandex browser

  • We go to the extension store in the traditional way.
  • Click on a specific extension that we want to delete.
  • At the bottom there appears the "Delete" button. Click on it.

Some more information on this topic can be found from the video below:

Those who love the famous browser from Yandex, I think it will be nice to know - because it is assembled on chromium databaseThe extensions for him are a lot, thanks to which, work on the Internet can be made even more comfortable and fast. It is also interesting that there are two stores for him. I present to your attention a list of the most popular and useful extensions for Yandex Browser.

How to set extensions for Yandex browser.

To set extensions, you need to go to the browser settings, select the "Add-on" item, after which, Frack page to the Niza itself, select the "Extensions Catalog for Yandex Browser" button.

Now, you can find the desired expansion through the search bar and install it.

The best extensions for Yandex browser.

Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotate - Allows you to make a screenshot of the page, literally in one click.

Translate. - With this application, you can go to any site. Allows you to translate pages from a variety of languages. If the page is not in Russian, he will suggest to translate the page.

Vk-download - makes it easy to download music and video from social network. To download the file, just click the cross, next to the play button. Helper. - This extension will help you download music and videos not only with VK, but also from many other sites, first of all with,,

FlashBlocker - Allows you to block the entire flash advertising on visited sites. Very easy to use.

How to install extensions for Yandex browser from a chrome store.

Since Yandex browser is made on the basis of chrome, then this allows it to install applications and from this store too. To do this, you just need to go to the store chrome.

This store has those applications that do not always have applications for Yandex Browser.

LastPass: FREE PASSWORD. Manager. - This is a password keeper, thanks to which, you can easily log in on sites, very convenient to use. It has its own password generator. It is installed on the PC and on the Android phones, which allows you to use it immediately on both devices.

Send SMS and MMS - allows you to send SMS and MMS to cellular companies through the Internet.

Extensions in the chrome store for webmasters.

Well, now, two applications required for webmasters.

RDS BAR. - A very powerful expansion that allows you to learn a lot of different information about the site. His TIC, the number of indexed pages in Yandex and Google, the availability of the site in the Yandex directory, as well as a number of other parameters. You can also see links with Nofollow and Noindex tags.

Eye Dropper. - Thanks to this extension, you can recognize the color of any site on the selected site and then, if necessary, you can use the desired color on your website. Eye Dropper shows the color in various kinds, it is the name of the color, this is its code.

Modules expand the functional boundaries of the browsers, including Yandex. By default, many of them are activated, however, there are cases when the plugin is disabled due to any failure, which affects its work. Consider how to turn on the plugin in the Yandex browser.

Briefly about plugins

A different plug-ins is also called modules. These are small programs that, as well as additions, are embedded in the browser to expand it. functionality. The difference between them is that the plugins do not have their own interface.

What exactly do they give?

  • The opportunity to watch the video and listen to music.
  • Improving web services.
  • View files B. pDF format and much more.

The user can update, delete, turn off or turn on the plugins provided by the browser. In this case, plugins in Yandex browser will be considered.

Where to find modules?

Before performing any actions with plugins, you need to know where they are. You can open them in two ways.

Method number 1.

1. In the settings through the browser menu (icon with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner). Get to the end of the page and open the section "Show additional settings", Which will be highlighted in blue.

2. In the "Personal data" block, click on the first button "Content Settings".

3. Go to the "Plugins" section, and then by reference "Management of individual plugins".

A new tab will open in which you will see installed plugins.

4. To learn more information about the module, click on the "More details" button.

Method number 2.

To quickly go to the page on which you can watch plugins, in the browser string, enter the address: browser: // plugins. So you can immediately get into the window with a list of plugins in Yandex browser.

Download and install

When you need a certain plugin to view the contents of the page or update an outdated module, the browser will notice you about it, offering it right and install it.

One of the main plugins is considered Flash Player.. You need to download it on the official resource, like all other programs. The system itself will translate you to a secure site. You just need to click on the "Install" button.

If the system needs to update the module, you will see an alert at the top of the screen:

Click on "Update Module". It is better to do it as early as possible that the browser can continue to function former mode.

Enabling and shutdown

What if suddenly the sharp need to include certain plugins in Yandex? Is it possible, on the contrary, turn off the plug-ins, which inhibit the work of the browser? Follow all this easy.

  1. Go to the plug-in menu by any of the methods mentioned above.
  2. Click on "Enable" if the plugin does not work, or "disable" if it is necessary to suspend its work.

You can turn off the module, but it is important to remember that stopping it work, the user deprives the browser of the ability to perform certain actions with the media. It is likely that you can stop downloading video recording on sites. This applies to plugins, not extensions. The first can be called the service add-ons of the browser, and the second - custom, that is, optional or optional.

However, some extensions, for example, a translator in Yandex browser, are already built into the system, that is, they do not require additional download.

How to delete?

The question should sound differently: Is it possible to remove the module? There is no such possibility for the user. Removal of modules from the browser system is the case of developers. This happens, as a rule, due to the fact that the plugins are obsolete. Instead, they appear more modern solutions. For example, NPAPI. This plugin is no longer supported. Now instead of it uses his advanced version - PPAPI.

One more example - . This module cannot be connected to the Yandex browser as an addition or activate in options as an integrated module.

Plugins and advertising lock

Yandex Browser last year launched a new test function in versions for Android. Each user mobile browser Find in the settings to "hide interfering advertising" string.

In additions to Yandex Browser, you will also find the extension "Lock Flash Banners and Video". Setting these additions is reduced to changing the list of filters, as well as to its disconnection and inclusion on certain pages.

However, use some one plugin, otherwise the program will hang.

We go around the blocks on the sites with Frigate

Some resources may not be available to users for any other reasons. We will not deepen in them. Let's just say one thing: the lock can be easily bypass with an already built in the updated Yandex browser by the FRIGATE name. It uses a proxy server to access forbidden sites.

Open the Add-ons tab. We are looking for an extension and put on the "On" position.

Errors in the work of plugins

As we have already emphasized, the main module in the browser is Flash Player. Without it, there would be no video playback.

No matter how reliable was Yandex.Browser, the failures are also arising in his work. One of the common problems is a flash error. Sometimes when you try to run a video or game in the browser, a gray window appears with a notification that failed to download the plugin. Why is this happening?

The problem is likely to be related to the fact that the computer already has another Flash Player (an outdated version that was installed for the work of other observers). There is a conflict at the same time two working players. What to do in such a situation?

Check if you have actual version
1. Add to the menu and in the drop-down list click to the "Advanced" item.

3. If the tab will "update" button, then click on it. This means that you have an irrelevant browser version. From here, it is natural to arise problems with other modules. Update is loaded quickly and immediately installed.

4. Apply to "Restart".

Since Yandex browser is now updated automatically, it can stand the message: "You use last version Yandex.Bauser. In this case, it's not about updating. Remove the second outdated player.

Get rid of outdated plugin

Ate you use only Yandex on your PC, you have the right to remove the plugin Adobe Flash. Player installed earlier.

1. Over the control panel through the start or otherwise.

2. Initi Rada "Delete Programs".

3. Tote the Adobe Flash Player and remove it. Restart the browser.

Clean the cache and the history of the browser

Often plugins for Yandex browser do not start properly on the site due to the crowded cache. You can make cleaning through special programsFor example, CCleaner, or through the tools of the browser itself. Consider the second option.

1. Add to browser settings.

2. Go to the end of the page and click on the "Show Advanced Settings" button.

3. Clean the "Clear Upload History" button.

4. On all time parameter.

5. Out of all marked items as it is, and click on "Clean the Story".

If the problem continues to disturb from time to time, you can use the next trick: disable the built-in module and install the Adobe Flash Player plugin from the official resource.

Plugins - an integral part of browsers. It is extremely recommended to independently carry out their disconnection if the browser works stably. Make sure that your browser regularly receive updates.

Yandex Browser is a completely self-sufficient program and has many useful features. However, not everyone is satisfied with the set of opportunities and many users prefer to use embedded extensions, which are called add-ons in Yandex browser. Install them quite easily.

How to open a section with extensions in Yandex Browser

Some inexperienced users do not know how to open the menu with extensions. You can do this through the start page of the browser or menu with settings.

  • You can get into the extension section with the start page of your Yandex browser. To do this, create a new tab and click the "Add-on" button, then select "All Additions".

    Click "All Additions"

  • Also, getting into the extension section through the menu with the settings. To do this, click on the settings button in the upper right corner of your browser and select the "Additions" section.

    Select "Add-ons"

  • In the window that opens, you will see all the extension installed on your browser, as well as a few recommended Yandex browser themselves.
  • Where to find and install a new expansion

    Unfortunately, Yandex browser does not have its own extension store, but almost all additions for google browsers Chrome and Opera hide for him as relatives.

  • To open extension store, go to the add-ons section, as shown above, scroll to the bottom and click on the "Extensions Catalog for Yandex.Bauser" button. After that, you will redirect to the extension store for the Opera browser.

    Click on the "Extensions Catalog for Yandex.Bauser"

  • All extensions shown on the page that opens are fully supported by your browser and can safely choose any of interests. In the upper right corner, you can use the search page, as well as configure the linguistic filter of the shown add-ons.

    Do not forget to configure the language filter

  • After selecting the supplement you are interested in, open it and click the "Add to Yandex.Browser" button.

    Click "Add to Yandex.Bauzer"

  • During the installation process, an alert of the security system should appear in which you will need to click "Install Expansion".

    Click "Install Extension"

  • After that, the extension will be installed and you can find it in the list of additions. A small icon will also appear near the settings menu, "all active extensions will be located here.

    All active extensions will be located here.

  • Possible errors: why occur and how to solve

    In the process of installing or operating additions, unforeseen failures and errors may arise, about the elimination of which we will tell you.

    Permanent shutdown supplement

    Yandex Browser permits to establish an extension only from official directories for Chrome and Opera, and additions are loaded from third-party resources He considers it dangerous and blocks their work, which displays the appropriate message.

    Appears when connecting third-party expansion

    It is impossible to completely disable these security system measures, but you can temporarily connect an addition for a single session, that is, the extension will have to turn on again each time the Yandex browser is launched.

    If the application is locked uploaded from official directories, it must be removed and re-installed.

    Cannot check the authenticity of the supplement

    Yandex browser periodically repeats all the installed additions. On the this stage An error may also occur that was allowed by the expansion developers themselves, with the result that the new expansion update has not passed the license verification.

    The error is caused by the incompetence of the developers of the supplement

    As a result of the error, the corresponding alert and you just need to click the "Reinstall" button, after which the proven extension version will be loaded.

    Delete and shutdown

    If the extension is getting tired or you will understand what it does not fit you, you can always get rid of it.

    By turning to the add-ons section, find the extension unwanted you, select between it disconnect or complete.

    There are no special tricks on working with extensions, but some basic principles know still need.

    Extension setting

    Many extensions have more big set Functions than the default and activate them are manually installed.

  • Navigate to the extension list and click the "More details" button on the supplement you are interested in.

    Click the "More details" button

  • After that, you will open a list of basic actions where you can allow the use of expansion in incognito mode or configure the main features of the supplement, which is often necessary.

    List of hidden action

  • Installing extensions from the catalog for Chrome

    Sometimes it is impossible to find the supplements you need in the nearly browser directory from Opera. In such cases, you can download the desired extensions in the Google directory, which are also supported by Yandex browser.

    When you go to the directory through the Yandex browser, a filter is automatically used that selects all incompatible extensions.

  • To get into Google extensions directory, enter the Chrome online store in the search string and open the required link.

    Yandex Browser also supports add-ons intended for Chrome browser

  • Google's add-on directory is not very different from the previous one and the installation of extensions is performed in the same way.

    All applicable applications are compatible with Yandex Browser

  • Yandex Browser without verification license supplements

    As mentioned above, Yandex Browser checks all extensions for the license and use the supplement you downloaded from external sourcesIt is possible only including it every time again, each time the browser is launched. However, the beta version of the browser does not check the licensing of its additions and installing it, you can use any extensions with impunity.

    Beta version of the browser does not check the supplements for the presence of a license

    Disable advertising in additions

    Many paid additions have alternative free versionscontaining a lot of obsessive advertising. To disable this advertisement, you just need to activate the addition of "antishok" that is already in the recommended list.

    Installing extensions for Yandex Browser is a fairly simple task and die even inexperienced users. However, it is not necessary to get involved in the journey of a large number of additions, if you doubt their need, since excessive amounts of them can cause a large load on your computer, which will lead to the slow-moving and slowdown in your browser.