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Aomei Partition Assistant Create partitions on HDD. Aomei Partition Assistant: how to use, program capabilities, activation key

Hi Admin, the question is, I decided to create a D: Due to the C: (disc volume C: with installed windows 8.1 Is equal to 500 GB, employed 40 GB), entered the disc management, pressed the right mouse on the disk C: and chose "squeeze Tom"

and this suggestion "available for compression space" is 50 GB, respectively, and the "size of the compressible space" is also 50 GB and no longer increased.

That is, if I squeeze the C: 50 GB, then the disk D: I will also have 50 GB of course a little and I need at least for a D: - 300 GB.

We climbed on the Internet, they advise defragmentation there and disable the paging file, but it all helped me. Then I came across your articles and sneak eyes.

Is there a program like a free Easeus Partition Master Free, but only in Russian?

How to Create Disk D Free Program (and Russian) Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

Friends, there are such situations when the "Disk Management" utility is a hard disk (since you need) do not divide this problem, but does not solve this problem or deleting the paging file, nor the disconnection of the sleep mode, nor defragment.

Create a D: the desired size will help in this case a special program from the partition managers hard disk.

Recently, I started testing a relatively new, free (and Russian) program of this class called Aomei Partition Assistant. Standard Edition. For a whole month I tried it on different computers And laptops and came to the conclusion that you can introduce you to her.

So, two articles about the work of the program were already:

In today's article we will create with this program D: D:.

  • Aomei Partition Assistant Standard - Program for managing partitions on a hard disk without data loss, the program is free for home and commercial use!
  • Friends, Aomei Partition Assistant Standard refers to disk partition managers and if you are wrong somewhere, you can lose your data, so before working with the program, I recommend making a backup of all sections of your hard disk. In my opinion, all users must be able to create a backup a copy of Windows And if necessary, deploy it. Articles to help.
  • In the built-in manufacturer recovery program Media Creator.

We go to the official website Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition 5.6Link

and click Download Freeware

If you want, download the program in the archive from my Yandex.Disk

The program is installed very simple.

After successful installation, run the program

and in the main window of Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition 5.6 Click on the disk (C :) with the right mouse and choose "Change the section size".

In the "Moving and changing section of the section" window, we cling to the left mouse of the delimiter and pull it to the left, thereby freeing the space for the disk (D :)

We leave for a disk C: 150 GB, and for disk D: we highlight 315 GB and click OK.

In the main window of the program we see that we have formed an unoccupied space on the hard disk just for Tom D:. Click on an unemployed space with the right mouse and choose "Creating a section"

All 314 GB allocate d: d: and click OK.

The Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition 5.6 program works in a deferred operation mode and to implement our changes you need to click "Apply"

Window "Deferred operations", you can see everything that we have planned. Click "Go"

For further work, the program asks for a reboot. We agree and click yes.

The computer reboots. The Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition program asks us if we have changed and waiting for 10 seconds. If you changed my mind, press any key. If not changed my mind, do not press anything, just wait for 10 seconds.

then the first phase of the program starts - the creation of an unallocated space for the future disk D:.

We go to "Disk Management and see our created disk D.

Last time I talked about how to split the rigid disk to the sections using a free program for Windows - "Easeus Partition Master". Let me remind you that the sections of the hard disk are, simply speaking, areas on your hard disk allocated for the convenience of work. Break HDD to sections You can either during the installation process operating systemOr then, but already with the use of specialized programs, because in Windows it is originally no tools for more or less flexible work with sections.

Machine C. windows partitionsBeing right in it, with help special programs - This is, of course, convenient, but not yet less safe than producing these operations with boot disk! From the boot disk, it means that we will work with the sections using the program before booting the Windows itself and this option is more reliable.

Therefore, in the article today I will tell you how to work with Aomei Partition Assistant in the form of a free boot version - another program for editing the hard disk partitions!

You may be specified: "And why in Windows you showed how to work with partitions using Easeus Partition Master, and you use a completely different software as a boot version?".

And the fact is that Easeus Partition Master in its free functionality does not include the ability to create a boot disk. But Aomei Partition Assistant is able to perform almost all the same functions, but there is also a free opportunity to create a boot disk.

Unfortunately, the boot disk can only be created from the interface already installed on the computer program, so we will start using the Aomei Partition assistant utility.

All operations over sections you perform at your own risk. The program I was tested and with any problems in the work of the system after its use I did not come across. But there are always risks, whatever the program you do not use! I recommend making backup copies of data, for example, using the Acronis program True Image., about working with which I told.

Download and install Aomei Partition Assistant

Scroll through the window slightly downstairs and click the Download Freeware button under the "Download Aomei Partition Assistant Standard" heading:

In the next window, click "Download Now":

Aomei Partition Assistant will automatically begin on a computer.

Run the downloaded program (if the browser downloaded automatically, then most likely it will be in the "Download" folder):

The Aomei Partition Assistant configuration wizard will be launched before installation. There is nothing special in the installation itself, everything is easy and intuitive.

In the first window, check the Russian language and click "OK":

We accept the terms of the license agreement and again click "Next":

The following window has the ability to change the path to install the Aomei Partition Assistant program. I recommend that the programs always put in the folder that is offered by default. But if it is very necessary for some reason, then change the folder to install by clicking on the "Overview" button. Then click "Next":

Next, you can specify the folder in the Start menu, in which the label will be stored for starting the program, as well as other labels related to the program. Again, the point in changing the name of the folder is not enough, so it is easier to leave the one that is default. Click "Next":

At the next step, you can enable the creation of shortcuts to start the program in the Start menu and on the desktop that will appear after it is set:

And in the last window we see 2 options. If you note the first, then Aomei Partition Assistant will start immediately after clicking the "Complete" button. The second option, if you enable it, launch a short training in this program. Since the program in English, training, accordingly, will also be in English, which means the second option can be turned off. Moreover, how to work with Aomei Partition Assistant, we will consider in this article. Click "Complete":

Installation completed!

Creating a boot disk and work with Aomei Partition Assistant

The program interface is very similar to the one in the program "Easeus Partition Master". This program can be operated with partitions directly in Windows, but I promised to show everything on the example of the boot version, which, in principle, via the interface and differ in any way.

To create a boot disk, in the Aomei Partition Assistant program, go to the "Master" menu and select the "Make a bootable CD Master" item:

In the window, select the first item (Create A Simple Windows PE) and click "Next":

In the next window, we offer 3 options:

In general, choose a convenient option and click "Go". If you have chosen to the disk or flash drive, do not forget to immediately insert the appropriate media into the computer :)

After you recording the program to the disk or flash drive, you can start working with the program.

Now you need to prepare your computer to download from a disk or flash drive (depending on which carrier is recorded) and boot. If you do not know how to do it, then read the article:

After you run the boot version of the program, you will see that it does not differ from the one that runs in Windows.

Now consider how to work with Aomei Partition Assistant and go through the most basic and useful features of the program.

All operations that you can do with the sections are located on the left side of the program in the "Section Operations" window. Also, the same operations can be seen by opening the "Section" menu at the top of the program:

In the center of the program is the main window where your sections are displayed.

In my example (see above), 2 created sections are seen: "D" and "C". Sections can be combined into one, and for this we select one of the partitions, and then click on the "Combine sections" button:

In the window, we put the ticks near the partitions that we want to combine, then choose the same letter below, which will be assigned to the combined partition, and click "OK":

In the main window of Aomei Partition Assistant, one section is now displayed with the letter I specified. But the sections are not really united! This operation is produced as it were in virtual mode, which you need to confirm now to perform actually.

All the operations you have done, but have not yet been confirmed, will accumulate in the window on the left "pending operations".

In order to apply actions, click on the button "Apply".

In the window that opens, we warn us that it requires a reboot to perform operation. Click on the button "Go":

Confirm the reboot in the next window by clicking "Yes":

It happens that Aomei Partition Assistant for some reason does not want to reboot and perform a planned action. In this case, try closing the window, select a section in the program, and click the Apply button again. As a rule, after 2-3 attempts manage to perform operation at all without rebooting.

After the operation is completed, we will see the corresponding message:

Now you will have a really united 2 partition in one!

You can also, on the contrary, divide one section on 2. For example, when installing the system, you decided to make one partition for everything, but then changed my mind, since the section was very large and decided to highlight a separate section under your data, and on one let a system and program will be installed on one .

Select the section and click in the Operations window on the "Separate section" button:

In the window you need, moving the slider to specify the dimensions of the partitions that are obtained after separation. You can also do the same manually by specifying the desired values \u200b\u200bin the corresponding fields. Then click "OK":

The program you can simply reduce the size of the selected partition, thereby displaying an unoccupied space on the disk from which you can create a new partition. Or, it is possible to increase the size of the section by free space, if some part of the disk you are not marked. To change the size of the partition, select it again and click on the "Changing Size / Move" button:

In the window that opens, you need to move the slider, thereby reducing or increasing the size of the partition. I have a section takes everything a place on the hard disk, so, accordingly, I can only reduce it. Also specify a new partition size can be manually below, in the corresponding section "section".

With the help of the same tool, you can move the partition on the rigid disk (shift). To do this, we note the checkbox "I need to move this section" and then, holding the mouse cursor on the section at the top of the window, move it to the left or right:

Click "OK" to save changes.

In the main window of Aomei Partition Assistant in preview mode, we will see that the partition size has changed, and the additional unimpressed area appeared below, which can then be turned into a section. In the "Deferred Operations" window, we see that there is one non-applied operation on changing the size of the disk. Click on the button "Apply" to perform a deferred action:

From the existing unintended area (marked with the asterisk) you can create a new section. To do this, select this area and in the window of the Operations Click "Creating a section":

In the settings window, we, in principle, you only need to specify the letter of the partition created. But you can also specify the size (using the slider or manually in the section "section size"), for example, if you do not want the partition to be created on the entire free disk area. Press the "OK" button:

Do not forget to apply the created pre-operation button "Apply"!

Above the main operations in Aomei Partition Assistant for working with sections that do not know how to do embedded in Windows tools. The program can also format (i.e., clear from all data) the desired partitions, delete partitions, change the labels. This can already be done in Windows itself. True through Windows will not be able to format the system disk (usually this is the "C" disc) if you want to do it. All because the system cannot delete those data that is part of the system. But it is possible to format the system disk using this Aomei Partition Assistant program, or similar to it.

Always apply similar programs carefully! For example, I first test them on virtual machines and check, whether everything is in order with the system itself. And only after that I can start working with real system (and then keeping at the same time backup data).

I think, reading this material, you will not have questions about how to work with Aomei Partition Assistant

That's all. Have a nice day! :)

8.1 Requires at least 16 GB of free space on the system disk. But these are the requirements for the installation of the operating system itself, the place is not taken into account softwarewhich will later be installed on the system disk. Considering this, under the system section of the disc, it is recommended to highlight at least 50 GB of space. And even more. The fact is that when the system section of the disk is full, and there is less than 1 GB of space on it, Windows begins to slowly slow down and hang.

Of course, this problem can be solved by periodic cleansing folders with temporary files, store video, photos and music on a non-system disc section, to reinstall resource-intensive programs, but all this is not a solid solution to the problem. It is thorough to solve the problem only by way increase the volume of the system partition of the disk. And this can be done by writing a part of the space in another disk section is non-system.

How to increase the volume of the C or the system disk without loss of data - this question will look below.

Working with sections of a hard disk - their creation, redistribution of volumes, deletion is in fact the process is simple, just risky. One wrong step, one, it would seem a harmless option, set at random, can destroy the system, and all the data containing on the hard disk. There is a special software for working with disc partitions, many probably heard or even come across such functional software packages To work with a hard disk like Acronis Disk Director. or Paragon Hard Disk Manager.. But we will not expand the system section of the disk, but let's go easier by way.

- this is analogue called above software products To work with. Unlike the latter, Aomei Partition Assistant is less known, but it does not diminish its advantages - the functionality is implemented in it without unnecessary troubles that can often be observed in professional Softe For systemers. Its disadvantage can be noted except that the imperfect translation into Russian - the mechanical places, the places are not complete. Nevertheless, make a job on the expansion of the system partition of a hard disk without losing these data this lack does not prevent. Moreover, the program allows you to carry out this operation relatively quickly (depends on the volume being added by the system partition), even without restarting the computer.

You need to download and install the Aomei Partition Assistant program. In our case will be used pROFESSIONAL version Edition 5.5, and recommend it.

Run the program and see the picture of your hard disk, in particular, what sections are how much space is occupied. Determine for yourself, determine how much gigabytes you want to increase the system section of the disc and at the expense of which of other sections this increase will occur if the disk partitions on your computer you have more than two. In the left part of the Aomei Partition Assistant program window, the so-called wizards for working with those or other tasks will be displayed, press the first - "expansion of the separator wizard" (Meet, one of the "masterpieces" of the mechanical translation of the program).

The wizard window will start. Here you need the option "Expanding the system section." Click "Next".

A welked wizard window will appear, which will say that the disc partition you selected will be increased without loss of data and even without reboot. Click "Next".

Then you will see the disk partition selection window, due to which the system partition is expanded if the disk partitions on your computer are more than two. Accordingly, exactly as much as you increase the system section selected by you the section will be reduced. Select this section and press "Next".

You will fall into the settings where you need to specify the new size of the system partition. Drag the slider to approximately the volume you need and specify the number (if necessary) in the table below. Click "Next".

A window will appear with full information about the operation. Click "Go" if you do not want to change anything.

The state of the operation of the system disk extension will be displayed in the next window of the program. Here you can set the option of turning off the computer if you go to bed or go somewhere. And the Aomei Partition Assistant program after completing your work turns off the computer.

When an operation to expand the disk system partition will be completed, Aomei Partition Assistant will issue a corresponding notification about it. Click "OK".

When you return to the main window of Aomei Partition Assistant, you will again see the picture of the hard disk sections. But the system section of the disk will already be increased.

All - Now you can freely have space on the system section of the disk and not be afraid that superfluous installed programrequiring installation only on the system disk will stand on the way windows performance generally.


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Hello everyone! Today we will talk to you about how to increase the size of the disk with Windows 7-8-10 with free program in Russian, which is called Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition.

The author of the article will dare to assume that many of you still continue to use for these goals hacked products from Acronis. Guys, why do you need it? After all, there is a worthy free alternative.

As you can see, all within the normal range. But in life there are such cases when free space is "clogged" completely, and then terrible brakes begin in the computer. Many programs may simply not be launched.

What can be advised in this case? First of all it is worth trying to set a small, and make an emergency maintenance Your iron friend.

After that, the overcrowded disk should unload a little. Therefore, it's time to download the free Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition program on the link from the official website:

It's worth immediately say that it is very powerful and professional appfocused on working with hard drives and their sections. It has a lot of different functions that give the user great opportunities.

But let's not praise hard in advance, so as not to smooth out. So, go to the installation process. To do this, launch the downloaded file just:

Further running of events is standard and no questions call:

Upon completion of copying files, open the program. Now in order to increase the size of the system disk C, you need to do the following non-voice manipulation.

First of all, you need to see, from which other section it will be possible to take free space. In our case, this is the second disk D:

Therefore, we bring the cursor on it, and press the right mouse button. In opening context menu Select the item "Resize section". The windows will then open, in which you can pick up the free space as a special slider:

At this step, click at the bottom of "OK", and then "Apply":

The program will calculate the necessary time for the operation and may offer to restart the computer:

Well, we agree with this requirement and just wait for the re-launch of the operating windows systems. After that, you need to start Aomei Partition Assistant:

And right-click on system disk S. In the already familiar menu, this time choose the section "Merging sections":

In the next dialog box, we put a dwarf opposite the unemployed space and click the "OK" button:

Well, as it should be, the whole thing is to apply the option "Apply":

After that, again, the application will ask to restart the PC and the case will be done. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to increase the size of the disk with Windows 7-8-10 when aMEI assistance Partition Assistant Standard Edition.

And most importantly, what you need to say: all the actions described above do not delete information on the computer. Agree that it is very important momentwhich constantly makes users nervous.

It is also worth noting that this is not all useful functions programs. Therefore, in the nearest articles we will still talk about it in more detail. So now allow you to decompress, so far. And in conclusion, look at a very interesting video.