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Ministry of Defense Entrance to the Personal Cabinet of the Serviceman. What is the personal account of the serviceman and how to enter it without registration

The serviceman under the contract is important to be aware of how things are concluded with its cash. After all, obtaining financial remuneration from the state is one of the conditions for its service. This information is exhaustively presented in the settlement sheet of the serviceman. In the article, we will look at how to view this document in online and offline mode.

What is this document?

The settlement sheet of the serviceman is a form of a document that indicates the amount of monetary allowances of the military, as well as all the accrual issues. Here you can also get acquainted with the deductions and the exact amount that will be issued "on the hands."

In the Russian Federation estimated sheet The serviceman today is available in two variations - paper and electronic. Of course, it's easier and faster than military to view the second option. However, for this requires registration in the Personal Account on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The paper version of the calculated sheet is obliged to provide its employees every employer in Russian Federation under Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The document must contain the following items:

  • Composite parts of the monetary remuneration for the period specified in the calculated sheet.
  • The sizes of other amounts are due to the payment of the employee: compensation, vacation deductions and other payments.
  • Hold - their size and base.
  • Total amount to pay.

Features of the calculated sheet at the military

From the usual employee of a serviceman under the contract, it is distinguished by what he receives is not salary, but a monetus allowance to couple with other necessary payments. What does this mean specifically for our topic? The estimated sheet of a serviceman, compiled by ERC (a single settlement center), will differ as follows:

  • Salary on his military rank.
  • Salary at his military position (with a contract service).
  • Percentage gain for long service.
  • Monthly surcharges for any special conditions of service (under the contract).
  • Monthly increase for secrecy preservation (with a contract service).
  • Monthly surcharge for class qualifications (with a contract service).
  • Prize for effective and conscientious performance of their official military duties.
  • Vacation accruals.
  • Hospital.
  • Material aid.
  • Other relying increases.
  • Hold with money content. In particular, this is NDFL.
  • The result: the amount that (taking into account all the premises and the holds listed in the document) will receive a military personnel.

How to get a settlement sheet of military?

So, how can you get acquainted with the settlement sheet of the serviceman under the contract? Get a document actually in several ways:

  • Paper variation. In your own military unit.
  • Electronic view On the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Enough to enter your personal account.

Note that it is possible to see the settlement sheet of a serviceman for free in both cases. In the electronic version there are two variations of the document viewing:

  1. By your personal number - if you register in the system.
  2. Without registration in the Personal Office of the site.

Let's look at these opportunities in more detail.

View a document without registration in the Personal Account

Let's wonder how to view on the website of the Ministry of Defense:

  1. Go to the main page of this online resource.
  2. Click on "Login to System without Registration".
  3. The visitor must choose from the list who he is: servicing or civil servant.
  4. Next, you need to enter a personal number of the serviceman according to the specified standard: one or two letters of the Russian alphabet, then dash and six digits. Example: AB-123456.
  5. The next point is the date of birth. It is also introduced according to the standard: DD.MM.YYYY. For example: 05.03.1992.
  6. Last action is to enter code from the picture. So you confirm that all actions perform a real man, not a robot of a malicious program.
  7. Now you only need to click on the "Login" button.

If all data is entered correctly, the visitor moves directly to its calculated sheet by personal number. If an error was made, the system will notify this: "There is no information on the data entered".

You now know how to view the settlement sheet of the serviceman at the entrance without registration. However, it is easier to get acquainted with the information about the state of your cash contentment in your own personal account. Therefore, then we will analyze how to open it, how to log in.

Registration of a serviceman in the system

The entrance to the personal account of the military personnel (the calculated sheet is more convenient to view it where) on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is made on the registration number. Accordingly, first you need to register on the resource.

This process consists of two stages: creating a personal account and subsequent activation. Let's start?

The algorithm of action is simple:

  1. Go to the main page of the site.
  2. Select "Commit Register".
  3. You will have a working window with fields, mandatory for filling.
  4. Choose your category: serviceman or public servant.
  5. Personal number of the serviceman according to the standard.
  6. Date of birth in DD.MM.YYYY.
  7. Come up with a password (and save this combination of characters in a safe place). As the system prompts, the code must consist of at least 6 characters and start with the letter.
  8. Repeat the password in the next field.
  9. Specify the address of mine email.
  10. Now you need to enter next line Symbols from the picture. So you confirm that make actions yourself. If the numbers do not disassemble, click on the "Update" icon. The system will offer a more readable picture.
  11. After you filled all the fields, it remains to click on the "Competition" button.

Account activation

The last step remains to activate the created account In the Internet system of the Ministry of Defense. To do this, go to your email account. In incoming letters there must be a message from this site.

Follow the link that is indicated in the letter. So you confirm that they specified a personal email address, thereby activating the account. In this action, the registration process is fully completed. You can now go to your personal account on the login and the password you compiled.


Actions after registering in the system simple:

  1. Open the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
  2. Click on "Log in".
  3. Put your login and password to the appropriate fields.
  4. If the information is correct, the page of the formation of a settlement sheet of a serviceman will appear before you.

If the password is forgotten ...

What to do in the case when you lost / can't remember the password? There is a system comfortable feature His rapid recovery. Email will help this that you specified when registering an account.

Click on "Restore Password". You will need to make the following information:

  • Your personal number of the serviceman.
  • Date of birth.
  • Code from the proposed picture.

Go to your electronic mailbox. There should be a letter with reference. Going through it, you automatically reset old password. After that, you can make up new code. Be sure to keep it in a safe place.

Access to the system is restored!

Capabilities of the Personal Cabinet of the Serviceman

I must say that such a comfortable electronic system It was introduced in response to the complaints of the military themselves. They noted that the amounts in their calculated sheets do not correspond to the declared, do not reflect all premium and other surcharges. Today, the military can get in electronic format all the information about its own monetary content. Previously, it was possible only by means of special secret communication channels.

In addition to familiarization with your full calculated sheet, the serviceman has the following opportunities in his own personal account:

  • The formation of the calculated sheet, in which the sums of all due to the allowances will be reflected in detail.
  • Saving an electronic document in your computer to access it in the "Offline" mode at any time.
  • Continuously control your money allowance.

More recently, to familiarize yourself with the amount of money remuneration, the soldier could only on the paper document provided in the military unit. Today the situation has changed. Control accruals are possible in online mode on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. View the estimated sheet is really both without registration and in the personal account on the Internet resource.

Personal Area The serviceman is part of the official portal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It was created to ensure interaction with the military on monetary matters. In addition to prompt informing, the consideration system has been established, which allows to solve the problems that have arisen as much as possible.

Possibilities of a personal account

Thanks to the appearance of the "Personal Cabinet of the Service Head", accessible on the official website, it became possible to obtain current information on the calculations of the payment paid and receive answers to those interested in issues related to the implementation of accruals and payments. Through the online portal, the following services are provided:

  • Regular informing about the designated monetary content with detailed description All deductions and payments in the form of a calculated leaf.
  • Ability to save and print the data obtained.
  • Providing information regarding previous payments saved in the form of a convenient table.
  • The presence of contact information that can be used when issues.

Registration and entrance to your personal account

A visit to the personal office of the Ministry of Defense is available to military personnel in two modes: with registration and without.

  • The entrance to the system without registration is carried out when choosing the necessary method on main page Cabinet. As a result, new lines appear to enter personal information of the serviceman: the type of service, the personal number (for civil servants - SNILS) and the date of birth. Next, you need to write numbers from the picture and click "Login", after which the main page of the Cabinet will appear.
  • Registration in the service person's personal account allows you to enter the office using a login and password on the link It consists of two stages: creating an account and authorization. First include data on the type of service, personal number or SNOW and the date of birth, the desired password of the email address on which the necessary data will be sent. Next, you should click "Register", and in the window that opens, an account activation instructions will appear.

Activate the account of the serviceman is necessary within two hours by clicking on the link sent to electronic letter. It also specified login to enter. If the system reported successful activationIn the future, you can only use the login and password.

To verify cash contents with servicemen and civilians of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, they have developed an Internet service "Personal Account". It is fashionable to get timely information about the accrual money, as well as order issuing the necessary documents and references.

The service is available only for registered users. The registration process is described below in this article.

The entrance to the personal account is located at the addressHttps: // Next, on the authorization page you need to enter a login and password that were obtained when creating an account. Next click on the "Login" button. After checking the data system, opens homepage Account.

Main affordable personal account services serviceman:

  1. formation of the calculated leaf for the selected period
  2. saving a computational sheet on a computer in electronic form
  3. information about the last accrual
  4. participation in polls
  5. configure receipt of notifications to e-mail
  6. The calculated sheet consists of the following information:
  7. components wageswho rely on the military over the time period;
  8. other financial accruals (selling, hospital, allowance for FP, etc.)
  9. amounts that are held from the salary;
  10. the total amount that the military should be issued.

We draw your attention to the fact that the calculated sheet is formed for 1 day, which follows the day of receipt of money on a military bank card.

The calculated sheet can be printed immediately without downloading it.

Note! Earlier in the personal account you could have logged in without registration by personal number, but now this feature Unavailable. To obtain a settlement sheet, a military registration is required regardless of the title.

Personal account is designed for more convenient cash tracking servicemen, as well as to combat corruption actions.

All translations of the content of the contracts are carried out through the EPC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (a single settlement center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

In case you need any document, for example, Help 2-NDFL, then you need to contact the UFO of the Russian Federation (Financial Management) in its military district. You can find the address of the branch of its region on the official website of the Ministry of Defense at

For full access It is required to register for their financial resources. To do this, open the authorization page and click on the "Complete Registration" button. It is located to the right of the authorization window.

  • Choose employee status (serviceman or civil servant)
  • Enter the personal number of the serviceman, or the SNILS number for a civil servant
  • Specify the date of birth
  • Come up with a password (must consist of at least 6 characters and start with the letter)
  • Specify your email address (required to confirm registration on the portal)
  • Enter the check code from the picture
  • Check all entered data
  • Press the "Complete Register" key

Next to the specified electronic address The link will be received to activate in the system. We draw your attention to the fact that the reference is active for two hours after receipt. If during this time you did not take advantage of the link, registration must be passed again. It is recommended to check the "Spam" email folder, it might have been there an error there.

Note! In some cases, the registration of a personal account cannot be registered. The most common causes of the error of the personal office of the military personnel are: the date of birth or the personal number of the soldier in the documents filed in the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are incorrectly indicated. In this case, you need to contact the commander of your military unit and ask for changes.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body, conducting military policy and implementing state administration in the field of defense of Russia.

Like other federal ministries of the country of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the official website has its own official website, where you can get topical information regarding the activities of this body.

Official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Among other things, the official website of the ministry is represented by a personal account, a link to which you can detect on the left part of the main page of the web resource.

Personal account contains a menu that allows you to access the main page, information about the calculated sheets and other information, search for answers to questions. Here is also provided information on improving financial literacy and contact details.

In order to gain access to the maximum of the personal account capabilities, you need to enter it into it. An input is available to the Cabinet of the Serviceman without having to register on the web resource, as well as with registration.

In the first case, select "Login without registration" and fill out the proposed form. First of all, specify as whom you exercise in the personal account: a military personnel or civil servant. After that, enter the personal number of the serviceman (for a civil servant - SNILS - an insurance number of an individual personal account), then specify the date of birth and the code from the image represented, then click "Login".

Login to your account without registration

In order to register on the Internet resource, use the link to "Commier Register". After that, you will also be asked to fill in the standard form in which you will need to specify, you are a serviceman or civil servant and, accordingly, enter a personal number or SNILS.

Next, you will need to specify the date of your birth, the password (consisting of at least 6 characters and starting with the letter), enter the password again and specify the email address that will be required to activate your account (it will come to the message of the appropriate content). Last action - enter code from the proposed picture. After specifying all the necessary information, click "Commit Register".

In the future, to enter the personal account of the serviceman, you will need to enter a login and password specified during registration and click "Login".

If, when you try to log in to your personal account, it turned out that you forgot your password, use the Restore Password link. After that, specify, you are a servicemen or civil servant, enter the personal number of the military personnel or SNILS (for a civil servant), specify the date of birth and the code from the picture. After that, click "Restore Password".

An important advantage of the personal account of the soldier is the possibility of obtaining information about the wage, which contains the calculated sheets. In such a leaf, the composite parts of the salary are displayed, which are laid in a certain period, other cash charges (including monetary compensation, vacation, dismissal, and so on), the total amount accrued, as well as the amount and deduction from the salary, the amount that employee must receive on hands.

To receive you need to this informationSelect the "Calculated Loafers" section, after which you can form and download the appropriate document with all information contained in it. Here you will be asked to choose a time segment for which you will need to form a calculated sheet. You can form a document for a specific month or the period. In the first case, select a specific month and year, in the second - specify the formation period: from which to which month and the year it is necessary to provide a calculated sheet.

After that you will be able to familiarize yourself with the information on the amount of monetary content made by accruals and deductions. By the way, these sheets are available both in conventional and mobile versions, to switch between which it is enough to click on "Show in the mobile version" or "Show in the usual version". If you entered the personal account of the serviceman with mobile device, the default will be displayed mobile version Document.

If necessary, you can download the generated calculated sheet in one of the available formats: PDF, DOCX and XLSX. All you need is to choose the desired one. After that you can open the document on your device. You can also print a calculated sheet, for which it is enough to click on the corresponding button.

Personal account also allows you to receive notifications to the email address that inform you about updates or add a new calculated sheet. To do this, it is enough to mark the "Receive notifications" item in the user credentials window. If you want to refuse to receive notifications, simply remove the checkbox.

To its users, the Cabinet of the serviceman also allows you to take part in polls. You can go to polls by the corresponding link shown in the credential window. Information about the appearance of a new survey in which you can take part is transmitted using the Red Indicator, the right reference "Poll".

After you switched to the link, you will open a window with a survey text that contains a header, announcement, questions and answers. Having answered the proposed question, click "Next", after which the next question will open with the answer options. After you answered all the questions, the Complete button will appear by clicking on which you complete the passage of the polling and save the specified answers.

In the "Information" section there are various kinds of information, first of all related to cash payments, as well as materials that appear in the personal account of the military personnel.

Significant interest is the "Questions and Answers" tab, where materials on topics such as obtaining various references are collected, transfer money from bank cards, the provision of tax deductions, making money in a smaller amount. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the answers to questions related to the payments of material assistance, alimony, maternity benefits and monthly child care benefits, as well as the payment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In addition, this section contains answers on issues of calculating sheets and directly personal Cabinet of the military personnel.

A separate tab of the main menu, which has a personal account, is devoted to information for military personnel and members of their families to increase financial literacy. It is here that a memo to minimize risks at the conclusion of loan agreements with credit organizations, a security recorder when using bank cards, a note on the opening of bank deposits, information on credit institutions involved in salary projects of the Unified Estimated Center for the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as well as a credit refinancing memo .

The last tab of the main menu is devoted to contact information. Here you will be able to familiarize yourself with the address of the Federal State Institution "United Remarkage Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation", as well as to find out the email address and telephone number in which you can contact specialists to address emerging issues. Also here provides information regarding the graph of receiving and issuing documents.

In addition to the main menu, another menu is represented in the Personal Account, to detect that can be found at the bottom of the web resource. It combines references to the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the user manual of the personal account of the military personnel, regulatory acts, electronic receiving and contact details.

Undoubtedly, interest is of interest to the LKV user manual (personal account of the soldier), where you can familiarize yourself with the issues of registration and authorization of the user in the Personal Account, shift and restore the password, the formation of a calculated sheet, participation in surveys, as well as settings of notifications about new calculated sheets.

Regulatory acts are a bank of documents, uniting the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the international treaties of the Russian Federation, which are the basis of international humanitarian law, the orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory projects legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, information concerning monitoring legislation and other documents.

As for the electronic reception, the reference to which is among others is presented at the bottom of the personal account of the military personnel, here you can familiarize yourself with the information about the reception of citizens, send a message to the section of frequently asked questions, familiarize yourself with the reference information, as well as the list of electronic receiving military districts and fleets.

The described personal account of the military person is a new version and works in test mode, so if you have any suggestions related to improving work this serviceYou can send them to the email address presented on the main page marked in the subject of the letter - "New Personal Account". Here is the link to the former version of the Cabinet.

Entry to your personal account former version Also without registration or by registration. In the first case, you will need to choose you to a serviceman either civil servants and specify a personal number or reduced, respectively, as well as date of birth and numbers from the picture, and then click "Log in". In the second case, registration is required (with the advent new version, registration in the former has become inaccessible).

On the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation also contains instructions for users of the "Personal Cabinet" ( old version), where the issues of entry into the personal account (without registration and with it) are presented and the registration process is described (creating an account and activation). Here you can familiarize yourself with the information about the entry of a registered user to the personal account of the serviceman, as well as restoring the user's password. In addition, the instruction contains information relating to the formation of a calculated sheet
and changing the user's own password.

Personal Account - Online Service, represented not only on official websites of various ministries and departments, but also numerous organizations and companies, one of which is mobile television systems - the Russian telecommunications company providing cellular and wired services telephone communication, broadband Internet access, mobile, cable, satellite and digital television. Contact reports directly on the company's website will allow.

In the Russian Federation for a long time there is the official website of the Ministry of Defense, where it is possible to familiarize themselves with the personal matter of the military personnel and every person, all its contact details, as well as the date of birth and year. The Russian Army under contract Fin has a special official format and center. Log without registering by the number of ERC of the Russian Federation, Defense may each.

In order to gain access to your personal Account, Section and accomplish the necessary operations in Russia you need to know your personal code. This is necessary first of all in order to secure the account from hacking and ensure protection.

Cabinet Personal Service Personal Site

If you come in the first time, you must start with Soviet registration. Perhaps the system will ask for personal data and you will have to recruit them. Military reduction contains authorization information. Here you can specify information about housing, selling, entering the registry number, clothing form, salary scheme. For your convenience, the Ministry of Defense has developed a special table in which there are data on all types of payments to a specific person. The military is enough to enter login to obtain information. How to register? Central Academic Theater provides discounts to a repertoire.

How to register?

How to enter without registration by personal number?

In case you do not want to register, log in to your personal account possible by the individual number. If you are an employee who is in public service, then you can log in at a special insurance number or evidence issued to you. There are reduced ticket prices. Rusipotek in Novosibirsk places the telephone administrator in the office.

By personal number and date of birth

How to order a certificate to the military and how does it work? The special tab is the appropriate instruction.

In order to enter the personal number or date of birth, you should fill in special fields that are designed for this. Be sure to note the special numbers confirming that you are not a robot. Next, click the Login button, and your page to boot. The system will indicate the ability to register. If the browser does not find an individual military code, a note on the executed error of this user appears on the screen.

Print state reference for May does not make sense. It is contained in a special section where you can watch the day you need. How to get to the FSB, calculator, mortgage to apartments, Sberbank address, settlement sheet, telephone and mail of the Ministry of Defense, Metro Cassa, Social Development, Poster EIRC, Info, Help, Registry, Salary, - You can find all this information in your account. How to restore money from allowing? Called uniform payments undertakes to the state. Register must.

ERC MO RF Personal Cabinet Service

The Unified Establishment Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Personal Cabinet of the Serviceman is inextricably linked with the site of the Ministry of Defense World. RU. This form Extremely comfortable in use.

Personal Cabinet of the Service Service, Log without password

If you have lost the password, or simply does not have the desire to register in the system, you are invited to activate your account using a special number that is assigned to each military. Go out without a password possible, but it is still recommended to log in for all proper rules. MILL.RU has an instruction where you can find all the information. The way of holding takes a little time.

Estimated sheet

In the office of the serviceman to enter without registration and download the estimated sheet is possible. After all payments, the ministry proposes to print a document if necessary.

The salary

Personal Cabinet of the Ministry of Defense, Login without registration

Rosvoenipotek and a single center can log in to the Cabinet of a certain employee. Watch cash payments are quite possible and without registration, the main thing to mark the area marked by the flag. How to get into contacts If you forgot Login? The page has a special button called to restore the contact details.

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Email (e-mail) for communication with EPC RF RF

Email (e-mail) for communication with the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - Consulting Department (Call Center);

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - secretary;

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - legal department;

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - Administrative and regulatory department;

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - Management (calculated) Yuvo, ZVO;

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - control (calculated) CVO, VOO;

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - control (analysis and control);

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - IT - department;

This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. - Management (bank calculations)

1. Your personal number of the serviceman (SNILS - civilian).

2. Position (military).

3. Military title - for servicemen.

4. Your surname, name, patronymic (for alimony polliefs additionally - surname, first name, patronymic of alimelastillers).

5. The essence of the appeal.

6. Telephone for communication.

Directory by types of payment of monetary allowance to military personnel

On this page, any soldier can download and familiarize yourself with the detailed reference book on the accrual and payment of monetary consolment to the servicemen.

Hotline of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Hotline EPC.

Community community / Money allowance

Single settlement center of the Ministry of Defense (often asked contact information)

Unified Settlement Center (EERC) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Address of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

On the fifth floor there is a settlement center.

At the fourth countercurrent, there is a database, on which you can check the information on the payments of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Hotline EPC. 8-800-200-22-06 (free room).

Schedule of the hotline of EERC (Moscow time)

Monday - Friday from 08.00 - until 20.00

Saturday - Sunday from 09.00 - 18.00

- Head of Loschenova Olga Vasilyevna 8 495 693 65 02

- You can also call tel.: 8-495-693-65-09, 8-495-693-65-10, 8-495-693-65-11, 8-495-693-65-12, 8- 495-693-65-13, etc. Up to 31 at the end of the room.

Others contact phone numbers ERC MO RF:

- Department of money content: 8-499-263-32-80,

- Wage Department: 8-499-263-31-72

- Deputy Head of the Office Bylevich Igor Valentinovich 8-499-263-33-70

Noted as a solution

there is no money allowance for February, it is not possible to call!

i can not get 2 NDFL for 2012. Urgently needed! In a part, no one knows who will now write 2 ndfl.

Write to the name Loschenova O.V. A request for reference for this period, specify your home address and send through the EPC system.

No cards How to get money if already commissioned?

i am also trying to get through, and the phones do not respond either throw a call

and we have a problem - how to properly write the order of the order for the payment for the payment for the help of housing, and what documents are applied there. Tell me who knows. Smolensk.

copy of passports with registration, childbirth certificates, copy / ticket with personal number, copy of the contract, copy of property that the employee is the owner

extract from a personal case that you are enrolled in the list of parts, a certificate that there is no way of living space (a construction), a certificate of family composition (from the convoy), then the report from ourselves on yourself, to specify what kind of references and something else I don't remember

bank Translation Department Phones 8-495-693-67-95, 8-495-693-67-95, 8-495-693-68-18. If someone does not save a bath and not VTB, then the biki banks are not determined from them, because the program has not been updated in the program. Call, check all details, learn whether translations were.

I am an officer. I stand at the disposal of the commander of the military unit 69647.

My former wife has not received alimony for 3 months, because From my monetary content, for some reason they stopped holding them.

Also, I still have not been transferred to the Cash Maternity for March.

And, as far as I know, this is not a single case!

It is impossible to get through to EPC! Constantly employed!

Telephone EPC Management of bank calculations - Who has any questions about alimony call 8-495-693-67-95, according to civil claims - 8-495-693-68-35, 8-495-693-68-33, fax 8-495-693-68-31

my daughter where he just did not appeal to achieve anything could not help since January, please please where to turn her address [Email Protected]

What a mess. The bank transfer department simply throws the tube, and then this tube just puts near the phone, and voila - it is impossible to reach it!

Gentlemen, I propose to submit claims to the prosecutor's office and the police. Theft of money on a huge scale, undermining the combat capability of the army, weighty articles for criminal prosecution. Yes, and do not forget about the percentage of compensation for damage.

Of course, it has long been necessary to serve on EPC to court!

They just feel their impunity and therefore spit on servicemen!

I looked through the decisions of the Krasnoyarsk garrison court on the claims of EPCs OT23.06.2012 (Judge Tokmakov) on the incompleteness paid by satisfaction. And in all decisions, the standard wording-in the lawsuit, because there is no order of MO according to the appropriate surcharge.

1. It is necessary to know if there is an order of the commander of the part according to the relevant article of the monetary content. If there is no, to the court on the commander of the part.

2. There is an order of MO for appropriate payments. If there is no, then the court of Ertz. If there is no, then the court to MO, provided that there are no intermediate instances. Increasingly, it is advisable to appeal to the prosecutor's office about law enforcement practice in courts. In any The case is not to leave on samonek, in the hope that somebody will fix it.

And manage to engage in fraud -

Hello, my name is Anna, I am the former wife of a serviceman, I live in Vladivostok. On the issue not the payment of alimony applied to the main military prosecutor's office, to Moscow. Money came, only every month the amount is different, and for March so at all came the amount a little more than the increase in DD, I wanted to find out how much it should receive, but. In ERC, it is not necessary to read it, it is not possible to add it possible, which I don't know what to do next, I will probably apply to court.

i'm in my mouth. This settlement center was raised by the salary in 2012 somewhere virtually. Previously, I received more than now the president was complained only to zero. Civilian prosecutor's office will deal with you.

horror3 day I call with an interval of 5-10 minutes. Holds.

The son does not receive a salary for three months, it is not possible to call the Bardak. EPC is created, so that there would be another opportunity to raise budget money?

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How to call the "hotline" EPC RF RF

From January 1, 2017, a free phone number is changed to the "hotline" of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


Opening hours " Hot line" (by Moscow time):

IMPORTANT! Below the answer to the most frequently asked questions:

Why can't I get through to the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation?

How to get through to the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation?

In order to reach the Unified Estimated Center for the Ministry of Defense of Russia and 100% to get the necessary advice necessary Plan a call! Due to the large number of operators trying to get through and the limited number of operators, there are queues on the link line! Especially this is noticeable on the days of transfer of money allowance! The chances of the dialing are very small! Below is given better Time Scheme for Call Regarding the numbers of the month (dates may vary depending on the fallout of the 10th day on the day off).