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The mouse and keyboard hangs the monitor goes out. The computer does not respond to the mouse: the reason, solutions

Mouse is an integral part of any computer system And since 1981, it has become the main tool for interacting with the operating system.

Therefore, it is not surprising when the mouse in the computer or in a laptop freezes and does not respond to anything, regardless of what time: for a second it hangs, for a few seconds, periodically or constantly, then it infuriates.

Unfortunately, such a problem exists and practically does not depend on the OS, whether it is Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 10, especially if it is a wireless mouse.

Most often, the mouse cursor slows down and hangs through its fault. Why? Because consumers are usually focused on two criteria - price and wired or wireless.

It is not right. The selection of the mouse is even more important than the choice of the keyboard and choose it is not easy, since great amount different types, forms and models flooded the market.

In this record, I partially touched the choice, as it may be necessary to buy a new one after reading this manual.

The main part will relate to the topic of the article - why in a computer or laptop often, or sometimes a wireless mouse freezes.

Note: Not everyone knows, but now there is a way to use the keyboard without a mouse -

What is the difference between computer mice

There are two main types - optical and laser. Both technologies are very similar. Both use a beam of light, which bounces off the surface and informs the computer about the position of the mouse.

Laser technology allows much more accurate interaction, so it willingly choose gamers and other users who need to accurately guide the cursor.

Laser also allow you to get a higher DPI, which is especially important for game lovers.

For regular user Points per inch above 1000, more than enough, and on the market almost only such models.

The advantage of optical technology is that such just cheaper. Even in the case of gaming, the models are very similar to each other, differing only in the sensor and strongly at a price.

If you want to work with a mouse almost on any surface, you should look at with a laser sensor.

It will not work only on a sheet of glass or other transparent surfaces, although there are exceptions, for example, Logitech Performance Mouse MX is equipped with Laser Tracking technology, which allows it to be used on glass (with a thickness of 4 mm above), as the laser is so accurate, What can reflect the beam of microscopic imperfection of glass.

Alternative to optical and laser sensors provides Microsoft with Bluetrack technology using a wide beam of blue light.

It can work on any surface (except glass and mirror surfaces), while ensuring accuracy. Although it is not the best solution for hardcore gamers, but office users will feel the difference in technology.

How I fixed the problem with a constant hang of a wireless mouse

I was annoyed to rabies that my mouse was constantly started to hang up for a few seconds - in the center of the monitor, in the upper left corner, one word happened everywhere - hung and did not move.

I repeat, I began to hang, before it worked perfectly, only I used it in a laptop.

Analyzed the situation, the only thing I noticed the difference is that when it was connected to a laptop was near him, and the distance in the computer increased at least 1 meter and there were 2 obstacles in the form of the bedside table and computer table.

Then I bought a USB extension, as in the picture below, Dongle connected to it and posted near the mouse.

The miracle was accomplished, the hangs stopped, the nerves calmed down, the work was normalized, in one word mouse hung through a bad pairing.

Cause First Why the Computer Mouse hangs - a weak sensor

If you have problems hanging a computer mouse - it does not always respond to keystroke, or change the position, then the first thing you have to check is a sensor.

The optical sensor responds to objects that send a beam of light - that is why there is a movement and responsiveness of the cursor that changes the position on the screen.

Keep in mind that it should not be directly on the glass or slippery surface.

In addition, it is worth cleaning the sensor, the wheel and the keys (need to disassemble) - for this, the cartridge is perfect compressed air and toothpick.

The second reason why the computer mouse is freezing - drivers

The problems associated with the operation of a computer mouse can also call the driver installed on your computer or laptop.

To delete and reinstall the driver of the specifying device, open the "Device Manager" and locate the mouse and other specifying devices.

Then select a HID-compatible mouse, and PCM select the "Delete" option. After this procedure, restart the computer - the system will automatically install the default driver.

Third reason why computer mouse hangs - USB ports

To the problem can also lead uSB portsconnected to K. motherboard. If you have not managed to solve the problem of the enforcement of a computer mouse, check if the device is not damaged.

The easiest way would be to connect the mouse to another computer. So you can be sure that the problem is not in the device, but the reason should be signed in the computer.

In addition, you can check computer mouse in safe mode - To do this, when booting, press the F8 key and select the Menu item Safe Mode.

If it turns out that in safe mode, the mouse is properly, it is likely that the reason lies in the system settings.

If the mouse is connected to the USB port on the front panel of the computer, try connecting it to the rear. USB port.. That's all. Successes.

Good day!
The next problem arose and I would be grateful for the help.
The keyboard - USB and mouse-PC / 2 hang over an indefinite time (this may be after 2 minutes. And after 10 minutes.) After the start of the computer. You can exit only through Peset. Mouse under work behaves, no way, i.e. You need to repeat the task several times. The computer itself when loading, it usually behaves without reporting any errors.
1. The first suspicion fell on the virus. Antivirus Dr.Web checked hDD and all additional media (USB-Stick and outdoor hard Disk), and viruses were really detected. I didn't really succeed in removing them as it happened. And that would not leave the place to viruses and doubts, formatted a hard disk, installed Windows XP SP3 and more recent drivers (Windows Licensed, Drivers with Off. Sites Nividia, Realtek) But the problem remains.color \u003d Red\u003e
2. EVEREST program checked the temperature, the temperature does not exceed 45 gr. For all organs. The processor was removed by a little less than a year ago, the video card was cleaned from dust now. Also viewed all the RAM modules, in case suddenly what is behind there. But the problem remains.color \u003d Red\u003e.
3. Just in case, it checked the operation of the power supply, removing this with a healthy computer and also another hard drive. But the problem remains.color \u003d Red\u003e.
4. Checked the capacitors on the motherboard, illuminating each flashlight. Negative indicators did not notice.
5. Wire connections do not stick.
6. HBCD 10.4 from the boot diskette checked for errors. No errors. But Color \u003d Blue\u003e rAM You can check the various methods offered in this disk and all checks do not reveal errors. But when choosing functions -Windows Membery Test on the screen comes around such a picture "" ___________________- color \u003d red\u003e. And the computer freezes. Those. Protection is not carried out.
Also noticed that the frequency of the hovering increases with each new overload. And yet, when working in the protected mode, the dependences did not occur, in addition to the last single case, when the mouse did not react, and the keyboard was alive.
Well, no matter how, I hope I did not miss anything.
Computer configuration Next:
CPU TYP Dualcore. AMD Athlon. 64 x2, 2400 MHz (12 x 200) 4600+
Motherboard Name Asus A8M2N-LA (Nodusm3) (3 PCI, 1 PCI-E X16, 4 DDR2 Dimm, Audio, Video, LAN)
Motherboard Chipsatz Nvidia GeForce 6150, AMD Hammer
Grafikkarte. NVIDIA GeForce. 7300 LE (256 MB)

Prozessor EiGenschaften:
Version AMD Athlon (TM) 64 x2 Dual Core Processor 4600+
Maximaler TAKT 3700 MHZ
Aktueler TAKT 2400 MHz
Typ Central Processor.
Spannung 1.2 V.
Status Aktiviert.
Aufrüstung Socket 940.
Sockelbezeichnung Socket AM2.
Tastatur Standardtastatur (101/102 Tasten) ODER Microsoft Natural Keyboard (PS / 2)
NetzwerkKarte NVIDIA NFORCE 10/100/1000 MBPS Ethernet
Aktivierte Größe 4 * 512 MB

Errors of the operating system affecting peripheral devices, detected after loading the main OS. Check the function of the keyboard in the BIOS (Basic I / O System). For this, after the initial survey "Iron" and sound signal Press the F10 or Delete key, depending on bIOS version, And alternately open the menu items. If the keyboard does not work, then the problem is technical.

If you have a mouse and keyboard with PS / 2 connectors (small round 6-pin), make sure that you are not confused when connecting the mouse and keyboard ports. They are marked with color or images of these devices. Make sure that the pins in the connectors are not bent and are not broken. Check the operation of the mouse and keyboard on another computer.

Connect devices to PS / 2 connectors only with power off, otherwise the short circuit can display the port.

Perhaps overheats the south bridge on the motherboard. Remove the sidebar system Block and find 2 on the motherboard 2 large microcircuits. Carefully try the bottom. If the microcircuit is too hot, it makes sense to contact computer service.

Remove the round battery from the connector on the motherboard, which feeds the microcircuit of the ROM. Put the screwdriver for a few seconds the electrodes in the connector to reset installations bios. to factory It will help if you unsuccessfully changed in Setup.

Operating system errors

Mouse and keyboard can hang out due to malicious software. Download from Drweb or AVP sites LiveCD image with installed antivirus programs And write it to the CD. In BIOS, set the order download from the CD or DVD drive and download the computer from the disk. Check the antivirus system.

If the mouse and keyboard hang when loading with LiveCD, the problem is in these devices or in the motherboard.

The cause of blocking may be incorrect installed Drivers or other programs. Turn on the computer and press F8 after the POST signal to call the options menu. windows downloads. If you have Windows 8 installed, use the SHIFT + F8 keys to call the menu. Choose the "Safe Mode" item. If the device is secure mode respond to your actions, delete the newly installed software.

Click Win and in the "Programs" section, select "Standard", then "service" and "system restoration". Following the instructions of the recovery wizard, depending on windows version, Specify the nearest date of creating a control point.

The main means of interaction with the person with the operating system in the PC are the mouse and keyboard.

Therefore, if the display does not have sensory functions, then in case of failure of these tools for feedback User with a machine, the work stops until the trouble is to eliminate the fault.

Below, the above guidelines will help independently solve the most common difficulties with this important peripheral equipment.

Where to begin?

The hardware cause is the most common, so if the mouse or keyboard stopped working, first of all it is recommended to produce their visual inspection, in order to identify damage.

In the absence of visible defects outside the devices, it is necessary to raise them and shake, if any of the elements broke out or departed from its place, then according to the characteristic sound, this will help immediately diagnose the presence of problems in the equipment itself, and not in the PC.

However, better without appropriate experience, do not open and attempt to repair a mouse or keyboard.

They are required to be configured to another computer and, making sure they are completely not working to replace with new ones.

If the equipment is associated with a PC by means of a wired connection, then it will be necessary to carefully examine the cable, there should not be cuts, scuffs, ignitions, and even more so visible breaks.

If a wireless connection is used, then change the batteries. When an optical or laser mouse begins to bite when moving the cursor, the emitter probably needs to be clogged, which needs periodic cleaning.

To do this, it is convenient to use a cotton wand. And in the case of the application of the old sample mouse, then remove the ball and wash it with warm water with soap.

Before installing the ball inside, it will be necessary to clean the three rollers rotating around it with a cotton wand.

If the device does not respond to the keystroke, the contact clogging also sometimes causes a malfunction. The problem is solved by simple cleaning and removal of accumulated contaminants.

You need to remove the wire plug or the transmitter (if it is "bluetooth" device) and paste it into another USB.

When the connection is carried out by PS / 2 or through the COM port, it is necessary to disconnect and connect the periphery only on a cold PC, that is, the computer must be turned off (only this condition will provide safe method reconnecting equipment).

It should be noted that the mouse is hanging in a PC in no dependence on the installed OS, Windows 7 or a modern "dozen".

The response of the device on the movement of a person largely depends on the state of the emitter and the reflection surface.

If it has pronounced reflective and refractive properties, it can cause reaction delays for a long time.

Making sure that there are no hardware problems, you can proceed to the analysis of software malfunctions.

Software failure

The computer is interacting with the equipment by means of a special software called by drivers. First, restart PC.

If the repetition has not eliminated the problem, then you need to perform such sequential steps:

An important digression: the steps below can be performed using only the keyboard or the mouse, depending on which of the devices can act correctly, and when using a laptop, then apply the touchpad.

Of course, the owners of modern sensory displays No difficulties in the execution of the instruction will arise.

In the case when simultaneously refuse to respond to the impact of the user "Klava" and "rodent", and at the same time they are connected to a stationary PC without a touchpad and the monitor does not have the proper information input function through touch, then all actions will be required through remote control.

In the "seven" for this you can use Radmin, which makes it easy to dispose of your computer through another computer.

Obviously, on this "friend" PC peripherals should act properly:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" window;
  2. Go to the "System" tab;
  3. Click "System Properties";
  4. Clasp "equipment";
  5. Log in to "Device Manager";
  6. Select the problematic equipment marked with the sign "!" on a yellow background;
  7. Clasp "action";
  8. Click "Delete";
  9. Click "OK";
  10. Exit the "Device Manager";
  11. In the "System Properties" menu, open the "Equipment" tab;
  12. Clasp "installation of equipment";
  13. Then in the displayed menu click "Next";
  14. Follow the instructions of the master;
  15. After completing the procedure, the device will start properly, i.e. the system will be able to see it again and interact with it.

Note: If in automatic mode The OS could not find the driver, then the user will need its own download, for this it follows, by visiting the official resource of the manufacturer, download the software and install it in the PC.

Often, when you acquire some models of mouse or keyboard, together with them, the drivers are included with the drivers.

In this case, it is just necessary to insert it into the drive and waiting for the start of the installation wizard, install the software to the computer.

The result of the impact of malicious applications

The virus can be a source of failure in software Computer, so it is recommended to scan all its discs for infection with malicious utilities.

But what to do when the protective program in the computer is not installed?

If there is no anti-virus in the PC, then on the Internet are available for installation and use free modifications of such programs that successfully cope with the detection of many viruses, for example, "AVG", "Nano" and "Avir".

But if malware has damaged the registry or other important components of the system, then after the treatment of the PC, in "Windows 7" it will mostly make a simple rollback of the OS to an efficient state when all items and connected equipment functioned normally.

How to roll back "seven"

When you roll back, the user's personal data will remain intact, however, the software for which the update was completed later, will disappear, and will have to update them again.

Perform the following steps: