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How to clean the buttons on the laptop keyboard. Clean the laptop keyboard at home without resorting to the help of masters

Most laptop owners are quite negligent to clean the keyboard. Therefore, no one has long been surprised by sticky keys, the space between which dust and crumbs are clogged.

The result of such a slope is always one - breakdown of the keyboard or even the entire device. The risk is subject to primarily laptops, because the keyboard is their component.

Laptop breakdowns due to dirty keyboard

Many mistakenly believe that it is necessary to get rid of dirt only by aesthetic reason.

But the clogging of the body can cause a number of problems, among which the most common are the following:

  • "Tsp" buttons;
  • the failure of the keyboard;
  • breakdown internal parts;
  • overheating laptop.

At the same time, careless cleaning can also end the damning of the device. However, it is easy to prevent, if you adhere to the tips described below.

How to clean keys

Most often, specially designed tools are used to clean the keys. These include cleaning fluids, special napkins and brushes. Napkins are needed for the keys themselves, brushes will help remove dust and dirt between the buttons. Thanks to the listed fixtures, it is possible to clean the keyboard on the laptop at home not only quickly, but also quite efficiently.

But with the right approach, the surface can be cleaned with remedies. The most optimal cleaning agent is the diluted isopropyl alcohol (the usual can damage the keys's paint). You can get rid of his help even from persistent pollution.

Tip! Do not overdo the cleaning fluid, it should in no case drip on the contacts between the keys.

A special brush for cleaning a computer can be replaced with a soft painting brush with a long pile. Some also use a knife wrapped in a rag. As for the napkins, it is recommended to use any rags from nonwoven material instead.

In addition, the keys should be regularly wiped with soapy water. It is impossible to remain wet. They need to wipe dry as soon as possible. Also, the surface is convenient to clean with cotton chopsticks.

Video: Clean the laptop keyboard

Cleaning from dust and dirt

First you need to figure it out, in which cleaning the mechanism needs - surface or deep. The first cleans the buttons and the space between them, and the second helps remove dust from the contacts, which can eventually settle on interior devices. The more often you will spend the surface cleansing, the less frequently will need deep.

Everyone can carry out surface cleaning. To begin with, it is worth turning the device and shake its contents. A more efficient cleansing procedure will make a car vacuum cleaner or furniture cleaning device. We need to use them carefully to accidentally do not tear the keys.

At the same time, you can use a squeezed aircraft or, as a last resort, the usual hairdryer. It should be noted that the air from the canopy comes out of severe pressure, which allows the dust well that settles on the contacts. When using the first, try not to inhale its contents. After completing the procedure, carry out the room.

Deep cleansing will require great effort. The device will have to be promoted. The keys can be disconnected from the housing using a table knife or screwdriver. At the same time, you need to act with maximum caution, otherwise you risk damageing the loop connecting the keyboard with the motherboard.

It is equally important to properly collect the keyboard. Here the main thing is to place all the keys in the correct position. It will be easier to do, if before the procedure starts to prepare a photo. Some buttons may have metal bases, so before installing them, make sure that all parts are installed in specially intended grooves.

But remember, if you decide to completely disassemble the mechanism, it is quite possible that then you will not have the opportunity to exchange it according to warranty. And in general, the computer buttons are not so easy to replace, especially ENTER and space.

How to clean the keyboard laptop from spilled liquid

Specialists of service centers assure that every 3rd breakdown of a laptop, one way or another is associated with spilled fluid.

To avoid serious problems, you need to act correctly in the first seconds after what happened:

If the liquids shed a lot, it is worth disassembling the product completely or separate the keys. After removing the button, wipe the surface of the body first isopropyl alcohol, and then with a dry sponge. In addition, you should be prepared for replacing protective membranes. If the housing suffered from drink, you will need a special detergent.

The procedure described does not require special knowledge and skills. But in order to avoid more serious breakdowns, it is worth consulted with the specialists of the service center. They will diagnose the computer and will check the serviceability of contact tracks. When the latter is oxidized, the replacement of individual parts will be required.

It is necessary to clean the laptop regularly. This simple procedureIn fact, it is a mandatory prophylactic operation that allows you to extend the service life of the computer. In addition, immediately after cleaning, you will make sure that the mechanism began to work better.

Many PC users and laptops were regularly wondered by one very simple, but very an interesting question: "How to clean the keyboard?". Yes this peripheral device constantly collects dirt, dust, crumbs from food (lovers to eat at the computer enough) and other garbage, which significantly spoils not only appearance and the functionality of the device, but also reduces the service life. A strong desire appears to clean the keyboard, but how to do it? Let's deal with.

Methods cleaning

How to clean the computer keyboard? Actually, before proceeding to the essence, I would like to tell a little about what kind of cleaning methods exist. The most popular and not very effective method is wiping with a damp cloth or a napkin. The most important minus of this method is that when "cleaning" pollution can be removed only from the housing and the surface of the buttons. Under the same keys themselves and between them, dust, crumbs and dirt will still remain. You can, of course, wet the rag harder and make great efforts, but after one such cleaning, the keyboard can be discarded.

To the most practical ways to make the keyboard at home, can be attributed to: cleaning with alcohol napkins, special means, cleaning in parts, the use of third-party equipment, cotton wands, purging with compressed air and much more. Now let's look at some of the listed ways, but in more detail.

Alcohol napkins

The first and easiest way (how to clean the keyboard) - take advantage of special alcohol napkins. You can buy them either in the store computer equipmentOr in household chemicals store. I just want to say - this way will take some time since (except for rubbing the surface) it will be necessary to carefully clean each key from all sides. But the final result will pleasantly surprise - the keyboard will be clean again.

There is still one minus - napkins can only be cleaned out the outer part, while the garbage will still remain under the keys themselves.

Special means

The second way to make the keyboard is to use special cleaning products, such as "lysun". "Lizun" is a very interesting and funny thing that can not only buy in the store, but also to do at home.

This cleaning does not take much time, but it will help to get rid of dirt quite effectively. First you need to reveal the bag with the "lysun" and get it from there. Then we put it in any place on the keyboard and we are waiting until "Lizun" slightly "spread" (you can help him). After that, it remains to collect "Lizun" by rolling. The tool will not stick to the keys, so there should be no problems. We repeat the procedure the desired number of times and remove the "lysuine" in the bag until the next time.

Vacuum cleaner is to help

Another completely effective method how to clean the keyboard - spending it. For this purpose, the automobile vacuum cleaner is perfectly suitable for this purpose or domestic, but only with a special nozzle brush. The principle of cleaning is quite simple, so there is nothing to tell here.

As a vacuum cleaner, by the way, you can also use a hairdryer or a squeezed aircraft. Upon completion of the procedure, the keyboard must be wiped with a wet cloth or a cloth to remove the remains of dust and dirt.

Need to disassemble everything

The latter and, perhaps, the most efficient way to clean the keyboard (how to do it in detail will be described below) Computer is full disassembly And flushing under water. Immediately it is worth noting that this method It takes a sufficient amount of time, so on the next few hours with the keyboard it will be possible to say goodbye. And yes, it is necessary to make one or two photo location photos so that when the assembly does not wash anything.

Starting with the removal of the buttons. You can do this with a flat screwdriver or knife. We place the tip under the edge of the button, and then use it. A4Tech keyboard owners can use a special key to extract keys that comes with peripherals. As soon as everything is ready, the buttons should be placed in a deep bowl or saucepan, pour water, add a little powder or detergent for dishes, leave for 15-20 minutes.

While the keys are clean, you can proceed to disassembly of the case. To do this, you need to remove rear cover Keyboard. To do this, you will need a small cross screwdriver. With it, unscrew all the screws and fold them somewhere separately. It is very important that some screws can hide under stickers or rubber substrates - it is necessary to check very carefully. As soon as everything is done, you can disconnect the halves.

The next step is to unscrew the power wrap controller, as well as remove the film with tracks and contacts. After that, it is necessary to remove all silicone membranes. According to them, by the way, it would be nice to wash. As a result, an empty case from the keyboard should remain, which should also be thoroughly wash under water, and then leave to dry.

We rinse the buttons and membranes, after which lay them on a rag or a newspaper, waiting for drying. The drying process can be accelerated using a hair dryer.

When all parts are completely dried, we collect them together in the same order in which they shot. At the end I insert the buttons to your places using the photos taken in advance. That's all. Keyboard clean, you can connect and use.

How to clean the laptop keyboard

Finally, several useful Soviets Keyboard cleaning for laptop owners. Unfortunately, the design of the keyboards for portable computers is significantly different from ordinary, so they cannot be completely disassembled, wash, and then collect. But do not get upset, there is a way out!

Here are some useful ways, how to clean the laptop keyboard at home:

  • wiping with microfiber cloth;
  • wipes with alcohol napkins;
  • special cleaning products for laptops;
  • cleaning with cotton chopsticks;
  • the use of "lysun";
  • purpoting with a hairdryer and rubbing a slightly damp cloth.

As you can see, some methods for cleaning the keyboard of a laptop coincide with the previously described methods, cleaning conventional keyboardSo you can take detailed instructions from there.

Each person in the world who has a laptop, at least once in life thinks about how to clean the laptop keyboard.

The problem is that on any keyboard, including on a laptop, various dust and dirt accumulate.

Moreover, this does not depend on how neat the user is. Only the degree of pollution depends on the degree of accuracy, but the garbage itself and dust will accurately accumulate.

Because of this, first of all, with time the buttons will work worse, and in the future the dust can get on some significant inner parts on the laptop.

In addition, the buttons may suffer from spilled fluid.

Moreover, it concerns this most different stamps of laptops - Lenovo, Samsung, ASUS, HP, Acer and others. Therefore, every user must know how to clean the keyboard from dirt at home.

Simple operations

Immediately it should be said that even before making any other operations, several actions should be made, and specifically:

  1. Turn off the laptop.
  2. Salt the plug out of the outlet.
  3. Take a picture of the keyboard.

The latter is needed in order to if the user discern its keyboard, then he could put all the buttons on their rightful places.

Otherwise, it is likely that some button will not be installed in its place and there will be various incidents.

Let's go back to operations directly related to the keyboard cleaning. Let's start with the simplest.

The first thing to be done is to take a conventional soft brush and just take it carefully along the entire surface of the keyboard.

On the Internet, such small brushes are sold on the Internet (shown in Figure No. 1), which are allegedly designed specifically for cleaning the keyboard at home.

Tip! In fact, an absolutely any brush is suitable for this purpose, even the usual child brushes. All you need to make this tool is just gently go through the buttons yourself and in the space between them.

Also on the Internet you can find such interesting things (shown in Figure 2). These are special sticky elements that are made of high density transparent rubber.

№2. Special Rubber Nozzles for Cleaning Keyboard

They are very simple - put one such thing on the keyboard and give a little to it, gradually it fills the space between the buttons, takes all the dust and, thus, removes it when a person cleans this nozzle from the keyboard.

You can buy them, for example, on Aliexpress (link). Practice shows that such pieces are very effective in the fight against dust sediments.

True, they are not particularly effective from the same traces of spilled fluid.

Although, for now, it is too early to go to such problems. Let's focus on easier.

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Help air

Most often, the usual brush or even special nozzles about which it was above, do not help from dust sediments that can be in the keyboard for years.

In this case, it is best to fully disassemble the keyboard and use the vacuum cleaner or a squeezed aircraft.

Under the concept of "disassembled" in this case, it is meant in mind the process of removing all buttons. Remove the buttons with a conventional flat tip screwdriver.

In all laptop models, this process looks almost the same - in Asus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Lenovo and all others. It looks like this process as shown in Figure No. 3.

In some models of laptops, in particular, on Lenovo, you can remove the entire keyboard entirely. To do this, it is necessary to hide it in the side and remove it.

In this case, the paved keyboard will look like shown in Figure No. 4.

The computer panel without a keyboard may look something like that, as shown in Figure No. 5.

Accordingly, here we use the usual vacuum cleaner or a sphailed aircraft.

In the first case, the decomputer of the vacuum cleaner should simply take on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe laptop panel and along the keyboard itself, if it is removed entirely, thereby collecting all the dust and any remains.

It may be necessary to take tweezers and manually remove some particularly small dust particles that are visible to the human eye.

If I had to shoot each button separately, it is better not to blow with them with a vacuum cleaner, because you can accidentally suck and the button itself.

Instead, each of them should simply wipe with an ordinary cloth or brush.

As for sprinkled aircraft, they are sold in abundance on the Internet. To use such products is very simple.

To do this, you just need to click on the button on the tip of the spray, after which the air will come from its pipe.

Accordingly, the can be directed to the laptop panel without a keyboard. Thus, all the dust will simply be blown out.

True, after that it is better to immediately put the keyboard in place so that the same dust will not dare again in the panel.

It is more convenient to still look like the first option, which suggests that all dust is irrevocably removed into the bag of the vacuum cleaner, and not blows into the air, after which it has the ability to settle on the laptop again.

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Cleaning alcohol

This method is just applicable for those cases when something is spilled on the keyboard, most often something sweet and, accordingly, sticky.

In principle, we do not do anything special in this case.

All that is needed is the same way to remove the buttons or the entire keypad and wipe the panel and the alcohol buttons themselves.

To do this, take a conventional paper napkin, sufficiently tight, so that it simply does not spread out of moisture (although it is better, of course, take a medical tampon) and noise it in alcohol.

In this case, it is better not to take cotton, because its particles can stay on the keyboard, which cannot have a positive effect on her further work. You can take a conventional ear chopper.

The process of cleaning the buttons using it is shown in Figure No. 6.

In general, to get rid of traces of shed drinks, you should use the help of alcohol on the tampon, a wand or a napkin.

In general, the main complexity is to remove the keyboard itself from the laptop. After that, you can apply the vacuum cleaner, and the aircraft with air, and the tampon with alcohol.

An example of this process is shown in the video below.

In this video, one of the users takes off the keyboard with lenovo laptop Z580.

When you see a solid dust layer, and Apple, HP, Acer or ASUS icons for the husks from seeds are no longer visible, it is planned a serious keyboard cleaning. How to clean it? Your information entry device requires a careful relationship. The same model in stores in the event of a breakdown there is a chance not to find, or it can be expensive even in comparison with the initial purchase price. Cleaning the keyboard different ways - These are useful knowledge and invaluable experience. How to clean the keyboard and in what cases will this procedure take?

In what cases need to be cleaned the keyboard

The keyboard requires regular cleansing in order to prevent problems in the device. Preventive measures of this plan are important to preserve the original external and working form longer. But there are cases when urgent cleaning is required:

  1. The keys began to shindle, add closer. May remain in the same position of pressing due to the strange stickiness of the edge or at the base.
  2. To the key to work, you need to press several times.
  3. Buttons, keyboard, space between buttons "decorated with" divorce, dirty layers and stripes.
  4. Pressing the buttons, published strange noises (not a soft click, and creak or unpleasant squeak).
  5. The unarmed look is seen that between the keys a complete garbage, dust, crumbs, paper, and the buttons themselves are dirty, sticky.

How to disassemble the keyboard

Cleaning should be not only an external case, but still inner, so even before the question, how to rinse the keyboard of a laptop or computer, you need an additional step. How to disassemble the device? The analysis of the device on a laptop and computer is significantly different. Therefore, we will consider two keyboard parsing options to avoid additional difficulties or breakage. It is necessary to figure out how to safely clean the contacts, wash the buttons, work with fasteners.

On a laptop

  1. Any keyboard before disassembly take pictures to avoid the situation "And where was this button?".
  2. Turn off the laptop, the battery must be removed.
  3. Buttons with different functional destination are attached differently. Mechanisms with which it happens is called microlifers. After removing the plastic part, set it aside with the fastening.
  4. To clean the laptop from dust, start disassembled from the letter keys. Locking the plastic button, you will see a pair of fasteners that need a tweezers to scout where the microlift is fixed vertically.
  5. Work with side mounts carefully, do not hurry, they are very fragile. The removal of all microlifts simultaneously threatens breakdown.
  6. Next, go to the buttons that microlifts are different. The PGUP, PGDN keys, cursors, an alphabet button, under its plastic button are attached with black / white fastening. We derive ears from the hooks (on the left side, top and bottom).
  7. Space and shift are removed similarly, but differ in that the locks are not one on the button, but two.
  8. The last buttons are: Alt, Fn, Ctrl and Win. For their removal, side ears are displayed on the right (top and bottom).
  9. Then remove the black stencil. On it, each button corresponds to the desired gum of triangular shape.
  10. Under the stencil is a three-layer film based base with contact points. They suffer from closures when spilled on a fluid keyboard. The layers are very subtle, fragile, so work with marginal caution so as not to damage the film base.

For computer

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer, taking pictures from the outside.
  2. It will be more convenient to work on the table sent by the tablecloth. The keyboard turns over, with a cross-hard screwdriver all bolts are twisted. First unscrew the center, then along the edges, fold everything separately on the tablecloth or any convenient container.
  3. We divide parts of the case. I raise the top, remove the keys, fashioning the screwdriver along the edge. The button will rise up and with fasteners jumps out.
  4. How to remove the "Space" buttons, Enter, Shift? They are fixed additionally with metal fixers, efforts to remove with fixation should be attached more.
  5. To replace the light diode or cord, remove the bottom of the keyboard, then the control board. You will see a thin film with contacts: it is not worth touching it.
  6. All the necessary feature and replacing, the keys put on their own places and fix the touch of the finger to the characteristic click. Collect all the buttons on the top of the keyboard, align with the bottom, close all the latches.
  7. In the inverted housing, install previously elongated bolts, twist half the body to shift and all the details got exactly in your nests. Your keyboard will work long, high quality, quiet.

Than you can clean the keys

The keyboard is disassembled, the keys are all neatly stretched, proceed to their cleaning. Ways to win pollution, stickiness and terrible divorces on keys a lot. Each method of cleaning is characterized by the process spent, by the process, by force, amount of time and agents. Choose how to thoroughly clean the keyboard at your discretion and capabilities.

Suitable materials for cleansing:

  1. Alcohol napkins. The time process is long, since each key will have to carefully wipe wet or alcoholic napkins. But the result will be most ideal as possible, because you approached each detail individually. Plus moisture on the surface of the buttons after such a cleaning quickly evaporates, you do not need to wait for the end of the drying for a long time.
  2. Cleaning a hairdryer. Thinking the inverted keyboard using a hair dryer is a very fast and simple process. Along the hair dryer, the liquid spilled on the keyboard is dry.
  3. Cotton swabs. We'll have to tinker, but with a cotton wand Get to clean the buttons and the international space. The main thing is to change cotton wands and, if you wish to make them dissociated isopropyl alcohol (it does not damage the paint, in contrast to the usual alcohol). You will get a taste for your tastech.
  4. Specialized vacuum cleaner. If you are looking for how to clean the laptop keyboard at home, then for the surface cleaning you will be offered a specialized cleaner for the keyboards. Another device-assistant-automotive vacuum cleaner. It is easy to buy a special aerosol sprayed aircraft to glorify everything well in the keyboard.
  5. Lizun. Effectively clean the laptop from dust or stickiness helps a well adhesive special agent. Lisuins are sold in stores or prepare independently at home. - detailed instructions. Sticky consistency has the property to extract the most arring zones and at the same time do not adhere to the device.
  6. Water procedures. All keys, folding into the container, pour warm water, fall asleep some washing powder or detergent. We leave for a couple of hours and after cleaning the dryer. The main thing is to carefully check all the buttons inside. They should not be moisture and pollution.

How to clean the keyboard

When Klava is already dismantled, you need the right algorithm further action:

  1. Wipe the wet ordinary napkin large microcircuit. Green part go around to not harm.
  2. We are cleaning the buttons from dirt.
  3. The rear and front covers are washed with warm water or wipes with napkins.
  4. Be sure to succify all the details and collect our device. If after assembling the keyboard does not work - disassemble it, check everything to the smallest details and bring again.

Video Tutorials: How to Clean the keyboard at home

Service centres I am pleased to make your device, but is it not better to make a useful case yourself? Watch cognitive training videos for cleaning the keyboard at home. Processing from dust, spilled fluid on a laptop keyboard, superficially, without key removal - all these nuances you will find out, viewing an informative master class.

Learn the new one, take the information literally "first-hand"! Professionals will share their experience with newcomers in this matter. The nuances of choosing a method, the type of liquid, "general" cleaning will open video. So you can easily avoid difficulties and save well-working favorite keyboard. Pick up the way you suggests you, and you will succeed the first time!

Cleaning a laptop from dust and spilled liquid

How to clean the computer keyboard without removing keys

PC keyboard ( personal computer) Or laptop needs to care.

At a minimum, she needs a surface cleaning - a way to remove dirt without additional intervention in the inner part of the keyboard.

To clean the keyboard, use the conventional cloth

At home, you can clean the keyboard without the help of the wizard. This will require special computer napkins. They are suitable for daily care monitor and keyboard buttons. Daily rubbing removes traces of dust particles from the surface.

To copy ISO files on a blank or flash drive, you can use windows tools or third-party utilities.

In the space between the buttons the garbage and dust accumulate. For cleaning this zone, other means are needed.

What methods to clean the computer keyboard at home:

  • Blowing garbage and dust with a hair dryer. The device establishes a strong air blowing mode. The temperature is set to minimum (cold air mode).
  • Suction of small particles using a vacuum cleaner without nozzle. This method is effective for the weekly removal of dirt. Do not forget to wrap the tube with a soft cloth so as not to damage the buttons. Cleaning the keyboard laptop is made in the same way.
  • Removal of spots by a ear wand dipped in medical alcohol. Suitable for the accurate removal of dirt and fat traces between the buttons.

Fig.1 To Clean the keyboard, use the ear row

  • Removing unnecessary particles between keys with a knife wrapped with a napkin or paper towel. Prepare a soap mixture in a container, moisten a towel on a knife and walk in space between the buttons.

Important condition: It is necessary to do it carefully not to damage internal contacts.A towel is slightly pressed with your fingers so that the liquid does not hit the circuit.

What to do when entering liquid

If the keys do not work due to the fact that the water was shedding the keyboard, it will take disassembly and solid cleaning:

  • The keyboard is disconnected, the liquid neatly shakes out of it. For further cleaning, this element needs to be fully disassembled. The screws on the back are spinning. For this, a set of compact screwdrivers with a cross-sectional cross section is suitable.

Fig.2 On the back there are screws that you have to promote

  • Sliding and opening the keyboard, you will see inside a film circuit. Contact grid connects the buttons. Gently remove the film so as not to swing the mesh with your fingers.

Fig.3 Remove the film so as not to swing the mesh fingers

  • Under it, you will detect rubber lining for each button. Where the wire is attached, a green board is placed. It is important that the liquid does not hit it. Using a dry ear stick, collect the liquid, if it got there. Set aside.

Fig. 4 If the liquid hit the green fee, remove it by the ear row

  • Remove rubber gaskets. Remember the location of color items. When assembling, they return to place. Separate the buttons, they easily come up and declined. In this case, a thin metal sawmill for nails will help.

Prepare a hot soap solution in a bowl and throw the keys. Rinse thoroughly, lay out on the newspaper and leave to sleep. Just do it with the case. Caps and schemes set aside (you can not wet)!

Use washing machine To clean the buttons. Fold in the sock and send to washing.

If you take a computer details on your own, the manufacturer's warranty does not apply to such cases. Act carefully. If you are not sure about your abilities, give the job professionals.

How to handle a laptop design

The laptop keyboard is more complicated and cleaned otherwise. It is much thinner and connected inside the housing. Casual cleansing care is carried out in the same way. Computer napkins and ear sticks with alcohol is enough to clean the laptop keyboard.

Sometimes to clean the laptop keyboard at home may require key disassembly.

How to remove the buttons with a laptop keyboard:

  • Hold the key on one side with your finger so that it does not fly away away.

Fig.5 Patty button on the other side by a thin object

  • Patty the button on the other side is a thin object (file, screwdriver).
  • Carefully stripe fixation.

Fig.6 Decorate fixation

Under the key is plastic mount. Insert the button on the laptop keypad is as easy. To do this, it returns to the landing place, pressed down. The retainer is snapped itself.

With a spilled liquid, things are different. Instructions of your actions:

  • Immediately disconnect the laptop from the network and turn it over.

Fig. 7 Disconnect the laptop from the network and turn it over it

  • Pull out the battery. Not the time to worry about incorrectly completed programs - the delay can cost the purchase of a new laptop.

Fig.8 Pull the battery

  • Using a thin screwdriver, detach the bar from the front of the case. It is located on top.

Fig. 9 With a thin screwdriver, detach the bar from the front of the housing

  • Unscrew the fastening bolts.