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Despite the fact that almost everyone has access to information, not every user of mobile devices knows what NFC is in a smartphone, for what it is necessary this technology and how to use it.

How nfc works

NFC - renowned computer technology, which allows you to make purchases in stores and pay for services without money (cash) and a bank card. It's new and practically safe way contactless payment. The communication interface is used in the smartphone. For payment, it is enough to bring the smartphone with the installed module to the terminal.

The principle of operation of the NFC module in a smartphone is the same as that of plastic cards with function wireless.

There are several known ways to use the NFC interface in mobile device... Most often, people use it to make contactless payments. A bank card is attached to the mobile device. It is difficult to intercept bank card data due to the small range of this module. More dangerous in this case are left unattended, lost or unlocked smartphones.

A payment transaction is carried out in several stages:

  • Purchase and activation of a card with PayPass technology.
  • Installing the application of your issuing bank.
  • Activation of NFC technology on a mobile device.
  • Applying the card to the smartphone, starting the data reading procedure.
  • Receiving a PIN code from the bank in SMS for performing transactions.
  • Payment for goods and services using a smartphone and a payment terminal.

There is another, less common way of using NFC technology. Using the module, you can exchange data. Files are transferred from one mobile device to another, and a special Android app Beam. But exchanging data in this way is inconvenient, since the transmission speed is low and the range is minimal. The method is suitable for sending text messages, but no more.

The third way to use the technology is to write and read tags. The tag is assigned certain actions, for example, sending a message, calling a contact, or going online. The function is suitable for people seeking to optimize their personal time and automate their everyday life.

How to set up nfc for contactless phone payments

NFC setup consists of the following steps:

  1. Module activation. The user enters the "wireless networks" settings section and puts a checkbox in front of the NFC name.
  2. Choosing an agent. The user has the opportunity to select and install the application of the issuing bank of his card for data transfer.
  3. Module binding. The user brings the device closer to the card with PayPass technology until the signal is triggered.
  4. Confirmation. Receiving an SMS code for transactions.
  5. Usage. Payment for goods and services in terminals with NFC technology.

Is it possible to buy a separate nfc module for the phone

There are several solutions to purchasing a separate contactless communication module for your phone. Together with a mobile device, you can use a special SIM card or antenna. The SIM card works in the same way as its counterparts. It is produced mobile operators and is installed in a smartphone in a special connector. The SIM card opens up all the possibilities of contactless transactions using mobile phone at the level Apple Pay or Samsung Pay.

NFC antenna- a radio device that performs the functions of an NFC module, but the user will have to install it on his smartphone on his own. The antenna is glued to the SIM card and installed under the phone cover. On model with non-removable lid modules are more difficult to install, but theoretically possible.

What are nfc tags

Recording and subsequent reading of tags is necessary for automation daily tasks... Tags are analogous to QR codes. When approaching the tag, the smartphone reads it using the NFC module and performs encrypted tasks. For example, opens a video on YouTube, email, SMS or call a contact from the phone's address book.

Smart ring or bracelet with NFC function is a new development from Chinese engineers, suitable for smartphones running on any operating system. The bracelet can be matched to any hand size (same with the ring). The device weighs quite a bit and fully supports NFC technology. The processor functions, for example, in the band 3 nfc model, are performed by a special chipset. Thanks to the chipset, the smart bracelet helps the smartphone to exchange data via a contactless channel, while maintaining the necessary security. Data on a device can be rewritten hundreds of thousands of times.

The bracelet stores billing information, notes, and other personal information. Viewing information is easy - just bring the bracelet to the smartphone screen. The bracelet will instantly establish a connection with the phone and unlock the screen, as well as be able to perform the function of a "hot" button. For example, when you bring the bracelet to your smartphone, the camera, the Internet or a social network application will instantly open.

How to find out if the phone has nfc

The NFC icon, if this module is in the smartphone, can be found in the settings menu. In an Android device, you need to:

  1. Open the "settings" menu.
  2. Open the section "wireless networks".
  3. Read a list of networks supported by the device. If the list does not include a network called NFC, then the smartphone cannot exchange data using this technology.

Is nfc technology safe? Money will not be stolen?

People who have been using contactless bank cards for a long time do not need to explain what NFC technology is. This payment method is safer standard method activation of the PIN card in the terminal, since no one sees the code. Even after a smartphone is stolen, an attacker will not be able to withdraw more than 1,000 rubles from the card because of the widespread current restrictions to the limit of amounts in contactless transactions.

Some media outlets have reported that attackers have developed terminals that are used in crowds, secretly writing off money. But this is only possible if the smartphone is not locked.

Advice: if the fraudster managed to write off the money illegally, the account owner can always contact the bank and ask the employees to track the movement of funds. The attacker's account will be quickly found and the money will be returned to the owner if he (the fraudster) has not yet spent it.

Programs for creating NFC tags

There are already many separate applications for creating NFC tags, but their number is constantly growing. The following specialized programs are in great demand:

  • ABA NFC. The program creates standard labels for various purposes.
  • WiFi Tap. The program quickly connects the device to the wireless network without entering a password.

Hi lovers of new (and not entirely new) technologies. In modern society, people are increasingly using NFC, while many people still hardly imagine what kind of technology this NFC is and how to use it. Let's shed a handful of light on this question and figure it out what is NFC in your smartphone.

NFC in my phone. What is this?

I do not like to use boring terminology in my articles. Eh, how can I explain to you in simple Russian, what is NFC? It's like "hello" from people or it's like dogs, when they meet, first of all sniff each other's ass! In any case, all sentient beings somehow hook up before communicating with each other.

In the morning, when you come to work or university, you say hello to a friend. Thus, you identify your interlocutor and identify yourself in front of him. You kind of denoted “ Here I am! Pay attention to me". And after that you start to exchange information (most often of little use).

Only a small amount of information (up to about 1000 bytes) can be transmitted via NFC chips. And if you need to transfer something weighty, for example, music or video, then NFC is used only for lightning-fast communication between gadgets, and the file transfer itself is carried out either via Bluetooth or via Wi-Fi.

Take, for example,. Some of them also have NFC chips, but, nevertheless, they did not become called NFC speakers because of this, right? They only use the NFC chip to quickly connect to another device. And that's all.

How do I use NFC on my smartphone?

You can use NFC technology in a smartphone in the most different ways depending on what you need to do. But the list of possibilities for its use is quite wide. Here are just a few of them: transfer content from one device to another, pay for metro fares, pay for purchases in a store (you need to link bank card to your smartphone), use your phone as a door key, and so on. And it seems to me that this list will only grow over time.

As an example, we'll look at how to use NFC to transfer content from smartphone to smartphone. Naturally, NFC technology must be supported by both smartphones and be enabled.

Likewise, you can use NFC on your smartphone, for example to transfer a bookmark (or link) from the browser, to transfer someone's phone number from your contacts, and so on.

How do I know if my phone has NFC?

Interested in new technology and would like to know if your smartphone (phone) has NFC or not? Now it is supported by almost all models of modern dialers, even some. First of all, pay attention to the inscriptions on your smartphone. If your smartphone supports this technology, then you will most likely see a characteristic inscription somewhere on the body or on the battery. NFC(or NearFieldCommunication).

If you have not seen such an inscription anywhere on the case and under the back cover, then look in the phone menu. If you have an android smartphone, then lower the curtain and click on the settings icon. There go to the wireless settings and click on the " Yet…". And if you have an NFC enable point here, then you definitely have it.

NFC tags for the phone: where to get it and how to use it?

I don't know, maybe it would be more correct to make a separate article about NFC tags for the phone ... Well, okay, I'll describe it in general right here.

WhatNFC tags for your phone? In fact, NFC tags are very small data storage devices (144 bytes - 1 kilobyte) and are capable of transmitting this information instantly over short distances.

This is what self-adhesive NFC tags look like

How do I use tags? In short, using a special application in your smartphone ( NFC ReTag, for example), you program a set of NFC tags for different tasks so as not to perform them manually each time.

A striking example - you get into the car and each time you turn on the navigator in your smartphone. Using the tag and just programming it once, you stick the NFC tag directly to the phone holder in your car. Now every time you insert the phone into the holder, it will automatically start the navigator. Convenient, agree.

Another such example is sleep. In order not to turn off the sound on the phone at night (if you do so), glue the programmed mark on the place where you usually put the phone before bed.

Where to getNFC tags? The easiest way, of course, is to buy them. For example, this can be done in almost any electronics store (in a large city) or in an online store, it will be cheaper. And it will be even cheaper if you order them from China, but then they will have to wait a long time.

But buying isn't the only way to get hold of NFC tags. Any NFC chip from everyday use can be used as an NFC tag for the phone. For example, if you don't know, such chips are inside travel cards, inside bank cards with contactless payment technology, inside some electronic keys, and so on. If you have any of this that you no longer use for its intended purpose, then you can safely use it as an NFC tag. Again, don't forget about the NFC tag programming app.


Yes, it turned out so globally to reveal the topic of using NFC in a smartphone (phone), but there is almost no specifics. Well, I hope this article shed some light on your questions. And if you still have questions, then do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

Today in the mobile industry there are many interesting technologies including NFC. Most smartphone users have not yet figured out this function and do not know what NFC is in the phone, why this module is needed and how to understand if it is present in a particular device.

NFC stands for Near Field Communication. Translated, this means "close communication". The main nuance lies in the small radius of action, this figure is no more than 10 cm.

This function allows contactless exchanges of information. It is important that when transferring data, devices are close to each other, for example, a smart card, a payment terminal, etc.

NFC is based on RFID, which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. The technology is radio frequency identification that detects various objects automatically. In this case, a special radio signal is used that reads the required information, which is contained in the transponders, which are defined as an NFC tag.

The main features of the presented technology include the following points:

  • small sensor size;
  • allows you to exchange any information with smartphones and passive gadgets;
  • does not require a lot of energy to work;
  • low speed at the time of information exchange;
  • pairing with desired device takes no more than 0.1 seconds;
  • low technology cost.

Due to its small size and low power consumption this function popular, it is easy to mount in a variety of devices.

Is there a difference between NFC and Bluetooth?

NFC in a phone is often compared to Bluetooth. This is mainly due to the contactless transmission and small range. On this moment these functions are introduced immediately into new smartphones.

There are serious differences between the technologies presented. The main nuance is the speed of work. For example, NFC is much slower, but it takes up little power, and pairing is instant and automatic, unlike Bluetooth.

For example, to use Bluetooth, you need to turn it on, then open the list available devices, select the one you want and wait for the phone to connect to it. While Near Field Communication takes less than a second to get started on its own, you only need to attach your mobile to the desired gadget.

The next difference is in the transmission speed. For example, NFC has a speed of 424 kbps, and Bluetooth, whose version is 2.1, has 2.1 Mbps. At the moment, some smartphones are implementing Bluetooth version 3.1, which develops speeds up to 40 Mbps.

The third difference is the field of action. For Bluetooth, this figure is no more than 20 cm, and for NFC - no more than 10. This is an advantage for this communication, because such a small radius will guarantee that you do not connect to an unnecessary gadget.

The presented communication is embedded not only in phones, but also in other gadgets, for example, payment terminals. The receiver itself does not require much space, it is mainly mounted in the free space between the smartphone battery and the cover. But if the phone does not lend itself to simple parsing and you cannot look at its insides, then how to determine the presence of NFC?

Take a good look at the external pointers on your phone. Often, developers indicate a small emblem in the form of antennas directly on the cover of a mobile phone, indicating the availability of technology. The icon will also be located in the top pop-up menu of the phone.

At the moment, NFC is being implemented in all Android smartphones, the version of which is at least 4.0. Another way to find out about the availability of communication is to go to the settings, select the column “ Wireless networks”, Then click“ More ”. If the function is listed there, then check the box next to it.

Also, this option is often found in cards designed to pay for travel, or in banking plastic. In addition, they began to build it into household appliances, this includes the new refrigerators with the Smart option.

Since the release of this technology, some users have wondered what are the uses. The device can operate in two modes.

  1. Active. Implies that the two gadgets have NFC technology.
  2. Passive. The working field of only one of the devices is applied.

The presented communication is designed as a chip that operates in two modes. The first is intended for mutual data exchange between devices. The second is usually used on special work passes, metro maps, etc.

The most popular use case is contactless payment. Link your bank card to your smartphone, and when paying, put your phone to the terminal. This method guarantees protection from fraudsters. Attackers will not be able to intercept the signal due to the small field of action of NFC.

You do not need to carry your card with you, you can pay in stores by touching your phone to a terminal that supports contactless payment. How to use the function?

  1. You must have a dedicated bank card that supports the paypass option.
  2. Install the application from your bank.
  3. Sign in to Personal Area and go to the main menu.
  4. Select the NFC box.
  5. Then attach the card to back cover phone. This is required in order for the sensor to read information on it.

Information exchange

The second use case involves information exchange. To do this, you need to install the Android Beam app. This software will allow you to transfer various files to another smartphone.

Do not forget that the transfer speed will be extremely low, which is why it is recommended not to send heavy files, but to limit yourself to sending messages or links.

To use this feature, you need to enable NFC in the settings. The activation point is located in the "Wireless networks" column. Then specify which connection you require.

The last point is not recommended to use because of the low transmission speed. To send the necessary data, you must touch your phone to another. Next, the system will ask you to confirm the operation, put your finger on the screen. Upon completion of sending, you will hear a corresponding signal.

Reading labels

The third use is to read labels. Its principle of operation is similar to scanning a QR code. True, in the case of NFC, it is not used mobile camera, and the sensor is under the cover.

The presented function is especially useful for home life. Creating your own tags will require the installation of a special application that can be downloaded from Play Market... You can fix it yourself specific task behind a specific label, for example, "send a message", "call", "write a letter", etc.

Among the popular programs are:

  • ABA NFC. Allows you to create a simple symbol;
  • useful software for connecting to Wi-Fi without a password. That is, your guests do not need to search wireless Internet and enter the password, you just need to attach it to the phone connected to this network;
  • SmartTag Maker. This application is only suitable for those who have Sony smartphones.

Such labels are passive. This is because they do not need food to contain information. They have a very small volume, just enough to store the required command. These tags are usually called TecTiles. To read them, it is enough to bring the gadget, after which the command will be triggered.

Smartphones can not only read data, but also save it. The main caveat is to install special program... Download the app from the developer who released your phone or find it on third-party resources... Recording software can be paid or free. Before installing it, be sure to read the description. It is important that it supports the brand of your smartphone.

You can also purchase TecTiles as a smart card, key fob, fitness bracelet, electronic key or sticker. It should be noted that such gadgets have a larger volume. Experts recommend not to save money at the time of purchasing this technology. The quality of communication must be high, then it will serve a sufficient time.

Pluses and minuses of the module

Among the main advantages, a small indicator of energy consumption is distinguished, reasonable price, usability and safety. But before you start using NFC, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

Let's take a look at the main disadvantages of NFC.

  1. Small radius of work. This brings some discomfort to use. Although, at the same time, this indicator creates the maximum protection. You will not be able to randomly generate a command, pay for a purchase, etc.
  2. Uncontrolled creation of modifications for NFC. For example, the developers of "Sony" and "Haomi" took up the finalization of the transmission technology. They do it on their own expendable materials, which carry out their work only with the gadgets of their company. In other words, in order to use all the NFC options, you only have to purchase smartphones of specific brands. This also includes the installation of special applications from the same developer.

Some of the deficiencies are being corrected gradually. The developers do not abandon their technology and are constantly making various improvements.


Today NFC is modern solution, designed to send information. But not all smartphones support this technology. If your phone is devoid of modification, then you can purchase a special antenna yourself. Install it under the cover of the gadget or take the spare parts to the service, where a specialist will do everything for you.

Another way to get to know NFC personally is to buy a special accessory. Today, many companies offer to purchase memory cards, SIM cards, where the NFC is built-in.

The prevalence of NFC hasn't achieved impressive results, but it won't be long. Now it is mainly used to carry out monetary transactions, although there are other areas of application. The main advantage of the modification is safety. Its principle of operation excludes accidental transfers of data and money to other devices.

Initially, Near Field Communication technology ( NFC) has gained maximum distribution as a technology for making contactless payments. You can use a smart card with a built-in NFC chip as a public transport pass, as a payment card in retail establishments, as a smart business card or as a contactless key card.

Recently, however, this technology has been increasingly used in devices such as smartphones and tablets: almost all major manufacturers have started equipping their mid- to high-end models with NFC adapters.

What is NFC?

If we translate the name of Near Field Communication technology from English, we get the phrase "near field communication", which can be deciphered into ordinary language as wireless communication over short distances. Thus, we can see that two NFC-compatible devices can communicate with each other when they are close. Indeed, the "range" of NFC is only a few centimeters.

In mobile devices, NFC technology can be used for a variety of purposes. You can, for example, turn your phone into a virtual bank card, use it as a pool pass or business pass. You can also quickly share files and links, and even, using special applications, read and write information to programmable NFC tags or NFC smart cards.

In the operating room Android system, NFC support appeared in Android version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich - Its built-in Beam feature allows you to exchange files between devices.

Why do you need NFC if you already have Bluetooth?

As you remember, NFC is most often used when paying for various goods or services, and in this case Bluetooth is not quite suitable. Firstly, because of its long range (there is a possibility of interception of your payment data). And secondly, the connection between two NFC devices, unlike Bluetooth, occurs almost instantly.

Does your device have NFC support?

Not all phones and tablets have NFC adapters. Does your tablet have NFC support? How can I check if it is there?

Some manufacturers, such as Samsung, place the Near Field Communication label directly on the battery of their smartphones, while others, such as Sony, place the NFC logo on the device.

However, the easiest way to check for an NFC adapter in your phone or tablet is through its settings menu:

Go to the settings menu of your Android device

In the "Wireless & networks" section, click "More ..."

Here you should see the NFC settings items:

NFC activation

If your tablet or phone has an NFC adapter, you need to enable it to exchange data between other NFC devices.

Go to Settings -> Wireless & networks -> More ...

Check the box "allow data exchange when combining the tablet with another device"

This will automatically turn on the Android Beam function.

If Android Beam doesn't turn on automatically, just tap on it and select “Yes” to turn it on.

When Android Beam is disabled, it limits the ability to exchange NFC data between smartphones or tablets.

Data exchange using NFC

Once you have activated NFC, you can use it to transfer data. To successfully exchange data between tablets and phones, please note the following:

Both transmitting and receiving devices must have NFC enabled and Android Beam enabled.

None of the devices should be in sleep mode or have a locked screen.

When you bring the two devices close enough to each other, a sound signal, indicating that the devices have detected each other.

Do not separate the devices until the data transfer is complete and you hear a beep that the process is complete.

Data transfer via NFC

Place the back panels of the devices against each other.

Wait until confirmation appears that both devices have found each other and the message "press to transfer data" appears on the sender's screen:

Click on the screen and the data transfer will start:

You will hear a confirmation sound both at the beginning and at the end of the data transfer.

Application sharing

With NFC, you cannot exchange APK files... Instead, the sending device sends the other device a link to this app in Google. Play Store, and the recipient opens a page in the Market with a proposal to install it.

Sharing web pages

As in the previous case, the web page is not transmitted from one device to another, but only an exchange of a link to it, which the tablet or recipient phone opens in its web browser, takes place.

Exchange YouTube video

Again, when sharing a YouTube video, the file itself is not transferred - the second device will simply open the same video on the YouTube website.

Using NFC tags.

In addition to exchanging information between tablets and phones, you can use your device to read (and write) data from NFC tags and smart cards equipped with an NFC chip.

NFC chips are small enough that they can be embedded anywhere - in Business Cards, bracelets, product labels, stickers, price tags and other items. They can contain data about a person, a URL, information about a product, and even commands that your phone or tablet will have to execute when you touch these tags.

To read data from NFC tags (or to write information to them), of course, you will need special application.

For example, using the Yandex.Metro program, you can find out how many trips are left on a disposable Moscow metro card, and the NFC App Launcher program will allow you to program your phone or tablet to perform certain actions by placing the relevant information in the NFC tag.


Most of the modern Android phones and tablets are already equipped with NFC adapters, but so far this function is in little demand and its use is still limited, mainly by the ability to quickly exchange content and contactless payment for services. Nevertheless, in the future, NFC can penetrate into all areas of our life, sometimes even completely unexpected ones.